The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-01, Page 29St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge graduates St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge, held its graduation ceremony on June 22. Grade 8 graduates and award winners include: back row, left to right, Mike Bowler, Roger Niiltenburg (Ashfield science award, Father Mike Dalton sportsmanship award), Chris, Eedy (Altar Bay medallion), Bryan Olson (Altar Boy medallion) and Chris Martin; Grads, It's Your Day To Shine Good Luck In Building For Your Future SET YOUR GOALS AND WORK HARD. BLUEWATER BODY & FENDER 232 Ratan St East Goderich Dial 534-7161 knowledge understanding gained<hy actual experience clear perception of truth something, learned and kept in mind DOMTAR INC. Mine & Evaporator* Plant 245 Regent St. Goderich N 524-8338 front row, left to right, Patricia Stapleton (proficiency, honors, West Wawanosh science, citizenship, music and French awards) and Colleen Stright (Father Mike Dalton sport- smanship award). (photo by Yvette Zandbergen) - TOWN OFGODERICH WE EXTEND OUR SINCEREST CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF '87 0 "CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES"! THERE IS NO BETTER SUCCESS, THAN SUCCEEDING TAKE ON A TASK! WILLEMS REAL ESTATE INC. 3 NORTH ST. AT THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2667