Exeter Times, 1916-2-3, Page 3116
Perished to Last Man in Charge on.
German. Fourth Line of
It Generally Leaves the Patient
Debilitated and an Easy Vie.
tint to Other Diseases.
One of tile foremost medical writers
says: "It is astonishing the number of
people who have been crippled in
Defence; health fom years after an attack o£
la grippe or influenza, , The real dame
It has already been stated that,
ger from this disease, which sweeps
owing to the losses which it suffered over Canada every winter, is during
during the fighting in Champagne at convalescence, when the characteristic
the latter end of September, the symptoms, the fever the catarrh the
Tench Foreign Legion, a unique corps
With a wonderful record, has, for the
time being at' any rate, ceased to exist.
headachesand the depression of�spi-
rits pass away: Grip leaves behind it
weakened vital powers, thin blood, im
Mr. Paul Rockwell, a former mem- paired digestion and over -sensitive
bei of the Legion, has contributed to nerves --a condition that makes the
the New York Times a brilliant ac-
count of the manner in which the
"Legion died for France," after a
year of service at the front, in the
course of which, in Artois and in the
Vosges, it had earned for itself fresh
honors, The following are extracts;.
On Sept, 25 the Legionnaires broke
camp and moved into the second line
of trenches. The first-line trenches
were filled with colonial regiments,
who were leading the attack. The le -
gime was instructed -Co act as a re-
serve until further orders. On the
morning • of the . 25th the colonials
climbed out of their shelters and
charged the German lines. The dis-
tance was short, and the enemy's de-
fences almost demolished by the bom-
bardment, so the first line was taken
without serious loss.,
As the colonials left the German
system an easy prey to, pneumonia,
bronchitis, rheumatism, nervous pros-
tration and even consumption. It is a
condition that calls most emphatically
for a tonic for the blood. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills are a tonic espeeially
adapted to meet this need as they
purify and enrich the blood. They
tone up the nerves and give vigor,
strength and health to the debilitated
system. Mrs. Iloward D. Chaffey,
Indian Island, N.B., says: "For . sev-
eral winters in succession I was at-
tacked by .la grippe, which left me
weak and badly run down. In each
case I used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
with the most beneficial results. Last
winter when the trouble was again
prevalent I took the precaution of for-
tifying my system with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and escaped the trouble,
while many of my neighbors were
first line to pursue the fleeing foe, the down with it In fact I enjoyed the
Legion advanced under a heavy shell
fire and occupied the newly -captured
The Advance.
Towards evening the Legionnaires
were ordered to advance. The Ger-
mans had been driven from their se-
cond and third lines of defence, and
the fighting was now in open country.
Most of the advancing had to be done
crawling on all fours. The same
crawling advance, always under shell
fire, was continued throughout the
day of the 2Gth. Fresh troops had re-
lieved the colonials during the night,
and the Germans steadily fell back.
Twilight- ,#nerd. _the -Legion in ti
best of health all spring and feel sure
this medicine will so fortify the sys-
tem as to prevent the trouble."
These Pills are sold by all medicine
dealers or may be -had by mail at 50
cents a boxor six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
A Cheap and Wholesome Substitute
for Meat.
Eat more cheese. This, in brief, is
the advice of the United States De-
partment of Agriculture, expressed
•acently in a bulletin. It recommends
Without L Duets
15fi v/esr.
.TING N/CJ-io.'AS..
of Montenegro, the third nionarrcbj
driven from his capital by the
Ibun invaders.
This Very Sad Story Comes From
Vorwaerts, the Berlin Socialist
daily, vouches for the following story
and publishes it without comment:
"The other day a woman travelling
from Bremen to Oldenburg had a
terrible experience. In the compart-
ment into which she mounted, two
young girls and a man accompanying
a woman were already ,seated. The
woman began almost at once to count.
on her fingers, `one, two, three,' re-
peating these words at short inter-
vals. The two girls tittered and made
stretch of woods, where the men spent chee.as a cheap and wholesome sub- remarks to one another about the ex-
aquiet but wet night. On the 27th stitute fol "*meat . ex-
traordinary behavior of the woman.,
g eek v`i tert5'-e-the'Ocounted'
an enemy aeroplane discovered the A Swiss fn�t 6Gsswt.�,, s -&-ire L Y m womaner
hiding -glade of the Legionnaires, and government findings by the state- three fingers the girls, without thiel:
a heavy shelling of the woods follow- ment that cheese is valuable not only
ed. Many men were killed, but it was :.for its content of proteids and car-
- t,
to leave the woods. bonhydr'ates, but for the beneficent
0found init.
ushered red in thebacteria
The dawn of Sept.Se 28 s e
fatal day
in the historyof the Legion. Naturwis
enschaften of -BerlinsaY
The colonel in command of the corps These kinds of bacteria, especially
had requested the general of the army
corps to permit the Legion, as a spe-
cial favor, to lead the grand assault
against the fourth and strongest line
of German fortifications.
The Charge.
those in ;Emmenthal .and similar
cheeses, resemble in effect those lac
tie acid bacteria which play an-- fire;
portant part in all sorts of sour milk
preparations such as miss, kephir
and, according amiss,
to recent reports by
The Legion was instructed to charge Dr. Burri, especially in yogboort.
the earthwork, or fortin, in the Bois Above all, certain undesirable pro-
Sabot, on the right of the famous cesses of decomposition are to a
Ferme Navarin. This fortis was re- great extent suppressed, or at least
garded by the German engineers as diminished, by the bacteria referred
one of the strongest in their entire to."
Another interesting and important.
assertion tis to the effect that persons
make cheeseP
a considerable part
of their regular diet are very resist-
ant to many intestinal -diseases, such
as dysentery and the dreaded typhus
fever, which has desolated Serbia. Ac-
cording to Dr. Burri, the daily meat
ration in the Swiss army has already
been partly replaced by cheese with
excellent results.
line of defence. There was such a net-
work of wire entanglements and deep
h that shell-
•round trenches ha the ll -
had not been very effective.
The Legionnaires were to make a
blind assault on the front of the for -
tin, and while the defenders were
occupied with then( another division
was to attack from the flanks. About
3.30 in the afternoon the Legionnaires
left the shelter of the woods. Twenty
per cent. of the original effective had
fallen under the shell fire without a
shot having been .fired by the Legion,
and they were eager to charge.
In columns of two, under a heavy
rain of shrapnel, they started for the
position they were ordered to take.
Whole sections fell as if mowed down
by one sweep of a giant scythe, but.
others leaped forward in their places.
Men pitched forward into graves
newly dug by bursting shells, to be
immediately covered deep with earth
by a fresh explosion. A veritable
death-trap seemed to have been . set
for the Legion, but each man who
$rent down fell facing forward.
Nothing could check the onslaught
Somehow of the Legionnaires. w men S o
lived through the hail of • fire, and
reached the barbed-wire entangle-
tnents. The wire -cutters were lost or
thrown away, but with butts of rifles
a way was pounded through. Of the
battalion leading the assault only one
man got through the entanglements,
and he fell headlong into the trench'
with a bullet through his knee.
In a Bit of a Burry.
A very small boy was taken to a
dental establishment to have some of
his first teeth pulled. For a second or
two, during which time four teeth
disappeared, everything was fairly
serene, and then came howls of ob-
"1 didn't want them teeth to come
out," cried the young patient, sudden-
ly recollecting ecollectin 'something. "I want
them to stay in."
"That's all right,"
consolingly re-
sponded the dentist. They will soon
grow in again,
"Willthey?" the ?" quickly rejoined the
bay, with a brightening face, " o 'yotl
think they will grow 1n time fol' din-
Willie—"Pa, whyis • an after-din-
speech callea toast le Pa_
per sae h y
"Because it is usual y sa dry, My
People Slowly Learn the Facts.
"All my life I have been a slave to
coffee. I kept gradually losing my
health, but I used to say `nonsense, it
don't hurt me.'
"Slowly I was forced to admit the
truth and the final result was that my
nervous force was shattered. (Tea
produces about the same effect as cof-
fee, because they both contain the
drugs, caffeine and tannin),
"My heart became weak and uncer-
tain in its action and that frightened
me. Then my physician told me that I
must stop drinking coffee or I could.
never expect to
be well again.ain.
"I thought of Postum but could
hardly bring myself to give up the
"Finally I concludes! that I owed it
to myself to give Postum a trial, I.
got a package and carefully followed
the directions, 'and what a delicious,
nourishing, rich drl)ak it was! Do you
know, I found it very easy to shift
from coffee to Postum.
"Almost immediately .after I made
the change T found myself, better, and
as the days went by I kept on improv-
ing. My nerves grew steady, I slept
well and felt strong and well-balanced.
Now the old nervousness is gone And I
am well once lucre."
It pays to give up the (Milk that
acts on solve like a poison, for health
is the greatest fortune one can have.
:Nine given by Canadian Postuin Co.,
Windsor, Qnt,
Postuni comes in two forms;
?ostunt Cereal—the original form--
must tae well 'bolted, 150 !lilt, 25e
bl d
i o n ----s; solub e powder
xs ltI' til >,
dissolves' c nicht in t4 up Of hotyv
i �` , #
u al Ina TS s es
''k1. ele�iln � t1
ter, ally, w i, $
del eid�.ts bevexa he �irtstaxctl. , 86o and
50o tins, y
otll kinds are equally delicious and
cost about the same per cup.
"There's a Reason" for restart,
r -sold by Grocers,
ing that probably there was some-
thing behind her strange concluet, re-
newed their giggling.
"The man who accompanied the wo-
man,irritated at their silly laughter,
turned to them with the remark, `You
will perhaps cease your stupid gig-
gling when I tell you that this is niy
wife, and than she has lost three
sons in battle. I am taking her to an
"It was terribly quiet in the car-
Mrs. E. Cutler, -'St. Lazare, Man.,.
writes: -"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets for the past ten years for my
fivechildrenand can truthfully llY say
there is no medicine to equal them."
The Tablets regulate the bowels and
stomach, cure constipation and indi-
gestion, expel worms and make teeth-
ing easy. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The War Is Decimating Europe's
The great war, which has called to
arms at least 25,000,000 men, nine
million of 'whoa have been killed or
disabled, permanently or temporarily,
is having an enorreouse influence , in"I laughed goyou may
big towns and cities. Paris, with
a population of leas than half that of.
the County of 411(1on, is experiencing
a.. big' decrease :in the number of births,
some thing like four hundred a week,
or about half the number in peace
Prisoner Whom Kitchener Prod Now
Working Against Allies.
The Pz itish press is stirred over the
report from Germen sources that Karl
Neufeld, the German trader and tra"
yeller, well known in the Near East,
has been trying to. influence' the Mo-
hammedan tribes in Persia and Arabia
against the Allies, Neufeld was res --
cued from prison' by Lord Kitchener.
and the British troops at Omdurman
in September, 1898. Ti'ar ten years he
had lain in a Mandist jail, subjected
to horrible tortures, according to his
own account. In his book describing
his adventures, Neufeld tells how, on
being thrown into prison, three sets
of iron shackles were attached to his
feet and rings and :chains fastened
about his neck. He was often flogged,
and on one occasion he - received 500
ladies,. From. these horrors he was
saved by the British, and returned to
Hoard of Them
From HerBrother
She Found Quick Relief and Now Re-
commends All Women Who Suffered
as She Did to Use Dodd's Kidney
St. Martin's, St. John Co., N,B.,
Jan. 31st (Special). •-- Mrs. Violet
Marchbank, wife of a well-known far-
tner living near here, is telling her
neighbors of the splendid results she want of zeal in its inhabitants for the
has got through using Dodd's Kidney good' of their country.—Addison.
Pils. Write it on your heart that every
"My trouble started from a cold,"day is the best day in the year. No
Mrs. IVlarchbank states. "1 had back- man has learned anything rightly un
ache, my joints were stiff and my til he knows that every day is Dooms -
muscles cramped. t was irritable and day, Emerson.
always thirsty. My' appetite was fit-' Let none stand back as if bis sins
ful and `I felt heavy and sleepy after were too great to be forgiven, or his
meals. Rheumatism was added to my case too bad to be cured. Jesus is an
troubles as well as headaches, and advocate who never lost a cause, a
heart flutterings made me very anx-
ious_ physician who never lost a patient.—
amt .tlm?R ., . Dr. Guthrie.
"I suffered•for about two' w.. -The t
years'a�1tx• ._ ,, light of theunderstanding is
was far from being a well woman not r ul• light, but receives a
oadyorp e
when my brother told me what great t tincture from the will; anti d"zieti tions,
things Dadd s Kidney Pills had done • and it forms the sciences accordingly,
for him, and I made up my mind to for leen are most willing to believe
what they most desire.—Bacon.
You know well enough -what Y w g w a I mean.
Here' Palate joy for Coy
o stomach comfort be -
yo 'belief, i'eat a Shredded
Wheat Biscuit ,in the oven to
restore crispness, then cover
with sliced bananas and pour
over it milk or cream.
Sweeten it to suit the taste,
A °' complete, perfect meal
supplying more strength -
giving nutriment than meat
or eggs and at a cost o%
three or four cents. .A warm,
nourishing breakfast ---a dew
licious lunch.
Made in Canada,
When women do things well they do
them better than men.—Arnold. White,
Our grand business is, not to see
what lies dimly at a distance, but
to do what lies clearly at hand,—Car-
I don't believe in anybody who has
not had a tiff. It means a complete
absence of character. ---Mr. Justice
There are no. chagrins so venomous
as the chagrin of the idle; no pangs
so ;sickening as the satieties, of plea-
Manners are an art. Some are per-
fect, some commendable, some faulty;
but there are none that are of no mo-
There is no greater sign of' a gen-
eral. decay of virtue in a nation than a
try them.
I sent and
got threeboxes azu
theyhelpedme right from the start. ps az by youth and age; something.., in the
I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills soul, which has no more to do with
to all women who suffer as I did." the color of the hair than the vein of
Every one of iters: ?�archbank's gold in a rock has to do with the
symptoms was a symptom of kidney grass a thousand feet above it. -
trouble. That is why she found such Holmes.
quick relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
General Joffre is a Catalan of the
General Joffre belongs to that very makes most delicious baiting, prevents
distinct type, the French Catalan._ He indigestion, is very nutritinus. relieves
is a Catalan of the Roussi1101i, d constipation or "money back." T.'hat's
says is god -
the homely"tang" why a. leading physician t a g d
n in la.
send to humanity Esperialiy try 'Ilex] speech that the southerner loves. In porridge, pancakes, and gems, but car,s-
the old days, when he was engaged nakingolporridirections
ge ctFos an earlyabreak
on fortifications, he once spent a holi- fast, cooly the night before i]t a doubly
day in mufti in the Pyrenees, and was: boiler without stirring and warm in the
so deeply interested in a fort Ord- morning by setting in boiling water
while dressing. At grocers', 7.0c and 25
ing one of the passes that he was sus- cents.
Made by the Montan Meal Co., Toronto.
Not Doing His Share.
The big sister decided the children
could, not sit up , until mother came
home. Tommy did not care; Willie
cried lustily. When the sister retired
Use Any Household
with Dr. :Jackson's Roman :ileal, and
bake anything from it. If you like. eat
hot from the oven. it won't ferment. It
petted of being a German spy! just
as he drew near to examine the fort
in detail he was suddenly arrested by
a detective and carried before the
conimissaire de police:
"Are you a German?" asked the
latter. "A German of the Roussil-
lon," returned the young officer, in he cried still more loudly. She wait -
the broadest Catalan. The magis- ed for a few moments at the foot of
trate, who knew enough of the tongue the stairs to hear if he became quiet.,
to recognize the purity of the ac- At last he' stopped, and this is what'
cent, aug ed and let the prisoner the sister heard—"Tommy,
checking the normal growth of popu- with apologies for the mistake. With cry a bit now; I'm tired!"
lation. Apart, too, from the deaths of his speech, too, .Joffre has retained,
soldiers, the war is increasing the
death roll of civilians all over Europe.
In the ninety-six great towns of
Great Britain the decrease in the num-
ber of births is at the rate of 40,000
a year, while the increase in the num-
ber is50 000 a year, deaths
pared with 1913, the year before the
war began.
In the County of London the de-
crease in the number of babies born
during the Iast thirteen weeks com-
pared with the number in the comes-
ponding weeks of 1913 is more than
3,000, while the increase of deaths is
1,270. Taken over the whole year,
London's natural increase of popula-
tion. is reduced by 12,000, while the
natural decrease by death is increased
by more than 5,000. Thus the net na-
tural increase is reduced by 17,000 a
In Greater London, which includes
the suburbs contiguous to London,
there is a decrease in births of 25,000
a year and an increase in deaths of
15,000 a year. If you add what the
Registrar -General calls the Outer
3,Ring, with its o population f nearly
000,000, showing a decrease of 8,000
babies borer and an increase of 5,000
deaths on the year, you have a total
decease to the number of babies born
and n and its environs of 38,000
• r increase i ilthe e number, of
deaths 'by' 20,000, This givea a total
net decrease
he normal figures res of 'on tg
thepeace year o 1013 of 58;000.
'c are
e f
number a
Dir fish towns where the
deaths is exceeding the births, but in
Germany this is the case in most of
what is also inherent in the Catalan,
fidelity in friendship.
Throw Away Your
Eyye=c asses 7.
You Can slave rifled and Use at *Ionic.
Do you wear gl'ssos? Are you a vic-
tim of eye -strain or other eye -weak-
nesses? If so, you will be glad to know
that them is real hope for you. Many
whose eyes are falling-, say they have
had their eyes restored through the
principle of this wonderful free - pre-
scription. One masa says, after trying
it: " I was almost blind; could not see
to recd at all. Now I can -read every-
thing without any glasses and my eyee
do not water any more. At night they
would pain dreadfully; now they feel floe
all the time. It was • like a miracle to
me." A lady who used It says: "Tho at-
mosphere seemed hazy with or without
glasses but after using this ptetic:ription
for fifteen days everything seems clear.
I can even read fine print without glass-
es." It is believed that thousands who
wearglassescan now dlgeard them in a
reasonable time and multitudes more
will be able to -strengthen their eyes so
as to be spared tho trouble and expense
of ever getting glaeses. nye troubles of
many descriptions may be wonderfully
beilefltecl by following the simple rules.
Here is the prescription: Go to any no-
tiVe -}rug store and Det n bottle et bort-
Opto. Fill a two ounce bottle with warm
water, drop in ono Don-llpto tablet and
allow to dissolve.. With this 111i1]id,
bathe the eyes two to four limos daily.
You should notice your eyes clear up
ae ti 1n right from the start and in-
lnmat ill quickly disappear. If
YOur oYe.M aro bothering you, even a
ittle, take steps to sate them.naw be-
it 19 too late,. :Arany blind
might have been saved if they btu} eared
for their eyes in lime 1 your own drug-
gist cannot fill this , th it. Fen,( lig
to the Valetas Drug 'Co., Try: t n to for a
complete Than-Opto Horne'L',..,ln nt
outfit tablets and all.
19. RI E p C./ enttiated Eyelids, T�; Byesinflamed by exposure
to Cold Wilds and Dust
16" quickly relieved by Ainrine
O Pe It 1(a..,3 Eye Remedy. No Smart-
ing, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggists'
60e perBottle. MurineEye Salve ihTubes 25e.
For Book of the Eye Free write
6, intrae Eye Remedy Company, Chicago
are buried in
Wealthy Russians
glass coffins.
Kap The Toes
hi Your arril,'cI iS
Keep it strong and good
looking with
Makes harness I
ast longer
and look better,
DeaIe] a Bvei•yto7lrra
Tire rueful Oil Company
Btaaches ii alt Cities,
'Without, the stars ablate cold and high,
The moon floods earth with light,
The trees,nloan wild and weirdly sigh,
And toss throughout the night,
Within, the household rest and drea.
The world and noise shut out;
Yet mother's eyes are open wide
Por One is still without,
Among hiscomrades in his bunk
She sees him tired lie;
The soldiers' barracks now his borne,
She heaveshis troubled sigh,
She wonders if his Heart e'er turns
From what he bravely chose;
Or if determined still he spurns
The life no conflict knows.
She hopes, she fears, the night drags
"What will the outcome be?
Will stormy nights bring peaceful
My boy, or death, to me?"
E. T. S,,
Ottawa, January 20, 1916. (.
After 2 Years' Useless 'T reatn ent-
Tho healing .powee of Zam-Buk is so
much greater than that of other oint-
ments, that it has cured in many eases
when all other ointments have failed.
One such instance is that of Mr. Earle
E. Gardiner, of Marmite, Bask., who
writes: "For two years I suffered
with a bad attack of salt -rheum on my
feet. During those two years I tried
every known remedy, but could find
nothing that would cure the disease.
Then I - heard of Zam-Buk, and com-
menced using it. After the first few
applications I noticed an improve -
meat, and this encouraged me to con-
tinue. .Although I irad suffered for
two years, after only two months'
treatment with Zam Buri, 1 am com-
ornpletely cured."
Zain-Buk is equally •good for eczema,
ulcers, abscesses, blood -poisoning, piles,
cold sores, chapped hands, chilblains,
eruptions, etc. At all drug stores, 50e.
box, or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto.
A Watch Runs Backward.
A jeweller has devised a watch
which runs backward, the figures on
the dial being arranged in opposite
direction to the usual kind, says
Popular Mechanics. The watch was
invented at the suggestion of a left-
handed person, who complained that
it was always hard for her to tell
time on the average clock, because
she thought "Ieft-handed." With'
the new type of dial the process or
,came''' the hands was easier. Other
-� g,
s seeihg new w
left -ha de
„ ,
react it
watch -� •e
w agreed ed that the r
g y cin .,.
with more facility than the o"tn�r ,
Poul: 1'ellotK-
Siek Man—It doesn't make much I
difference whether I die now or not.
Doctor—Why, my good man; why
Sick Man—Well, I must owe you
several hundred dollars by now, and
I'll be in the hole anyway,
Minard's Liniment Cures Crarget in Cows
Sad Tears.
"What's the matter, little boy?"
"M -ma's a
gone and drowned wn d all the
"Dear, dean Now that's too bad."
°`Yes, an' she p-promised—boo-hoot[
—that I could do it!"
The publisher of the best Farmer's
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
writing to us states:,
"I would say that I do not know
of a medicine that has 'stood the test
of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT.
It has been an unfailing remedy in
our household ever since I can re-
member, and has outlived dozens of
would-be Competitors and imitator's."
Germans Knew Where He Was.
The German commander in Brus-
sels sometimes issues passports to
Belgians who Wish to cross the Dutch
frontier, bail of several' thousands
fraoncs being
taken for their return
a certain day. A Belgian recently ob-
tained such a ticket -of -leave, and went
to Holland, and then thought he would
take the opportunity to see his family
in London. Ho came over to England,
but returned to the Belgian frontier in
good time. There the German officials
asked; "Where have you been?" "In
Holland," was the reply. "Anywhere
else?" "No." On this the German
officer produced two snapshots. One
showed the Belgian stepping on board
ship for England. The other had been
taken in his London hotel
iicinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Promised to Call.
Aurelia : (anxiously)—"have you
seen George this evening, papa? lie
promised to call,"
papa --"Yes, he did call, and I en-
tertained hire for an hour before you
came downstairs."
Aurelia--"You entertained hint,.
Papa—"Yes. I gave him a list of
all the new dresses you had last year:,
and the cost of each.. I never saw a.
man more interested, yet he left very
Minttrd's t,lniaaieat Othee;itliifbe mete,
Never judge a hen by the cold
storage eggs you have for breakfast,
Carrots and Roses.
Sir Andrew Clarke, the well-known
physician, advised an old lady who
took her daughter to him suffering
from antemia to "give her • claret."
Six weeks later the old lady returned:
with the girl, now rosy-eheeked and
healthy, "I'm glad she has taken her
medicine," said Sir Andrew. "Oh,
yes," replied the old lady. "I gave
her plenty of them. We boiled them,
and stewed them, and gave them to
her at every ,meal," She thought
the doctor had ordered—carrots!
Minerd's T,inivtent Cures. Colas, Bto.
Elderly Lady (to workman who has
given her his seat in the train)—"Oh,
thank you very much." Workman—
"Oh, that's nothing at all, miss. Many
men get up when the lady is pretty,
but it never ekes any difference to
Grain. Dairy or Fruit, When you
want to, buy, write H. W. Dawson,
Brampton, Ont
'li cession, . Franklin, $8,000- Id,
J. Wilder, llirkendaie, Muskoka.
Y and light sewing at home, whole.
or spare time; good pay; work sent
any distance: charges paid; send stamp
for particulars. National Manufacturing
Co., Montreal,
tws7.4371;Rs POE. t.az,.
Offices for sale in gnod Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
ny, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
nlSC u.f4NEOUB.
nterna and external, redwith-
't Write
r a Gent. to
t cin
T home t o
;... 5 1
B an Medical -
I:i i d Co2ln
m to g..•..
And !: ow to Feed
r tiled tree to any address by
A unfit a's the Author
Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER, V.8.
Deg Remedies ; 118 West 3IstStreet,NewYor!r
FR0Ia'r CON-
STRtiIC^s I(D?•T
The salesman that works every day
and night during the year. Send for
rs. N. ST. CL AIR co,_, Ltd,
27 Toronto A—Toronto
MMarRe ' rr v'z
Temperatero Right, Day
and Wight Saves r uei,
Starts Tire Before Yon
Awake. Ts Automatic, '-
SenO for Catalog "TT"
71. .7'. ST. °M,AIBl Co.,
27 Toronto Arcade
Tonoi TC, v - ONT.
., I.t'�. LS litE� tis HIS 1f
The spirit of America at play:
Magnitude and Cheerit•trresa.
z~vr oPEAN a:.Aarr
S. White, fres. W. Mott, Mgr.
The Ideal Winter Resort
:tleauttfui Drives, Saddle Riding.
Golf, Tennis, Yachting', Fishing
and Sea 'Bathing. Present Gar-
rison of 1110 Ottawa (38111) Regi-
Princass Patel
lo open from 33ECEMYL16E,li5 to M1&If
'lltuated on the I:Tai•bor of
Hamilton, Accottltnodates 100,
11 fes : 328 per week and upward.
13erni 6a is reached by the steam
era or the Quebec q. 9. Co.,
32 i3rcadzvay, New 'Stork.