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Exeter Times, 1915-10-28, Page 8
THE EXETER TIMES IT,S R%J N1VIN $1. OW -114g, DAYS GROW 051 -WATER. AND SHORTER THAT TIMES CHANE-' AND MEN �Cr' H i.'[A Wt 4 E' WITH 6 6s'4 -ST i L ES EAN4jc 'oo, AND WE- KEEP Up wrri-I THE TIME a -- BUT SQUARE DEAL�'N ,a NEVER CH 1Nd°E:So' WE 44� ,t s ! ARE HERE W TH THE: ,AME. '+ `LSQUARE. DEAL EVERY WOMAN LIKES To HAVE HER CLOTHES RIGHT UP To THE MINUTE IN STYLE, WE INVITE EVERY WQMAN IN THIS CoMMUNTTY To COME INTo oUR SToRE AND SEE THE LATEST rA.SHIoN,S. „ IT IS NoT NECESSARY THAT YoU BUY. WE KNoW THAT oUR, •HIGH QUALITY G.00DS AND L©W PRICES WILL BRING YoU BACK AGAIN WHEN Y0U ARE READY To BUY. REMEMBER., THAT HONEST DEALING HAS MADE oUR BUSINESS SUCCESSFUL. WE SHALL NEVER CHANGE THAT METHOD. <To 'e .Te ..'v V .rir �tti r� al*.,. eke eye Get Ready Now Cold Weather Stylish Fall C oats For girls and women, a fine range of very stylish models in the very newest cloths. ' Come in and try them on. FURS Our showing of email furs this season is larger than ever before - a large assortment of THRO WS . and RUFFS with 11rJFFS to match at reasonable prices. New- AUttarn '' tit 1' For odd We fine range of t. Stripes and Pia White Rabutai, 36 zn per yd,, 31,00. A d .. also w at Crepe and White Silk Blouses Two very pretty styles in Wash able Materials a erzais with Convertible Collars A. remarkably good value at 34 25. Bulbs ! Bulbs l PIant them tow. EASTER LIL- LIES, NARCISSUS and HYA- CINTHS. Get, your supply while they last,. Winter Overcoats fox Men To start our Winter Heavy Over- coats with a rush we are golo.g to turn them over on the narrowest kind of margin and give our cum- tamers a chance to secure a weem Winter Coat at a very low price. Shall Boys' Overcoats We have a fixe cosy eof g coats for the little fellows in dou- ble-breasted srvies. with or with- out collar, at $4.00, 35.00 and 30,00. Men's Underwear For Winter warmth and real comfort you want Underwear that is Lght. soft and pure, We have the two-piece or combination in CEETEE, PENMAN'S or STAN - FIELD'S. Honeycomb Sweaters for Boys Y Ino C oftorsRed, Bine, and Gre y, an all wool Sweats' tof d wear- ing quality, suitable or School wear, all sizes, 85c, 3100, 31.10 and 31 25, N E W CAPS First choice is best choice, our New Caps have just been opened up. You will be proud to wear ane, 50e. 75e. $1.00 and 3150. Car of Choice White Delaware Potatoes fust arrived this week. Order your sup= p13' IoW. Live Poultry V� anted__ W e want your Poultry this sea - .Y V1 son, Will pay highest market price for live or dressed birds. 3 0 A 0 • STEyqA r3 PHONE 16 re - Notice - x v !. the UrEt 2ra nn,d terrby egret: n v clone our )sices business each OVOIli7Itt during Inc 4i eek at _sir r c ark hart', with the exception of .,rri re evening, beginning No;<eip- r::,r 1st. t'.'. W. Tanana G. in Bedford "r1. Davis 3 ,. Stewart • l t' t.r lrra.ynt' S ttartin w Son W. 3. i3 er Jones & _/Lay Grigg et ationery Co. Wm. Rivers . I' W. re Inn T, Unwlrins L Son W. J. He.aran f/. N. Rowe Jas. Lcvcrley. +++44+++++++++++44++.44+4 LADIES' c G E:lainnStt 4 A full line of Ladies' >. Suitings, in Gaverdin es, Broadcloths, Vicunas, Pop- lins, African Brown, Russian and LauraI Green, etc. PRICES 323.00 to $$5,00. Chats Coat season is here and with it some of the most be- coming and attractive models v of the day. Every gal merit the newest in its class- tweeds, plushes, beavers, retsia-tex chinchillas, etc. PRIORS $17,00 to $30.00, A fine assortment of Marne Suitings and Oeereoat= inns at r•eaasonable prices. Give usacall. + 41. - 4}, .;. . 1. • 44 4. 4. 4 d4 a The regular storm period, central, on 4 Ootober 30th will be in progress es ,l,, we enter November, falling bars- +meter, growing cloudiness and,storms ,of wind and 'rain will he passing the 4. central valleys about the lst to 3rd, 4' The high temperature with general rain, and possibly ,electrical storms, will reach a culmination on and next to the 3rd, the 'date; of the moon's pas - r 1sage over the celestial equator. Mean - 4 time,'change to rising barometer, cold 4' westerly gales, and autumnal snow * Keane will be sweeping eastward' 'i from the northwest, Whatever, turn r the Mars influence ray give to storm arid woatber conditions,- will 'be, ua- r mistakably manifest by this time, ,as the center Of the Mars period' fa•lis• elAN'a TU.`ING If ,•o', want Tour piano tuned 'in n rite rt." r , �� nit -r ,5 ras .. 1. your or - d r at 5. 's' ;rt.n & Son's Music store and it wi', rir attended to., have not t hoe to rn lie a house to house cam vas, -1t. II, Stewart, tuner. HOUSE FOR SALE -1 story frame house. and 'a frame barn and two- acres of land on ",North St. Apply 'to Jos. Bawden. Exeter. PERRY. F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Saks conducted in any lo- ealit.y. 7?erms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly_ at - I tended to. ''hone 116, Rirkton,• Ad• { dress Kir kton P.O. HICKS' FORECASTS Sheere reFf Y c* 01.,A815. TAILOR `C)'p Satire, ' Opposite .Oeatral i-lotel + on 'the 12th. 'Nate bolieva' that a ;tench of nearly winter will be felt the 'first week in November, ,'nid that ,it-.' will psave the n•ise thing t,o',hi pure foe' I:wavq frosts rind hurtful.;freezing "s n mediated).r behind the, storm centers ss rb 1 they pees Peogressivoiy off to tiro fr •sad' 4'4" ' +4.4eietrit .*.i iii rk vastyyar;'d., Market Report -The folloatng Is the - reraort of the Exeter market corrected 'up to October 20th. l 'Wheat 70 to 02e Barley 40 rto 450 Oats 85o r r Buckwheat 500e ' . ^ ` Peas 51.00 Family flour $2.80.,, c '' t Low'Grade Flour $1.75, Bran 325 : per tour . r ' Shorts 326 per ton Sugar Beet pulp $25 per ton, Butter 24 to 20c1. 6ca, Creamery re imexy •'butter 30 to 32e. Eggs 25c 20e Mns $9.00 Chicken, alive 10, dressed 12o, Old /tens, alive 8, dressed:lac Old Boosters alive 7e; dressed .9e 'Duets, dressed 12e •ese, dressed 11c `I 00 to .`1,40y• av cb 4•000.4 0.**4r1i*4 L C4!. 4NNIVERSAItt' rt. The anniversary se,1•vices of 1Caven Presbyterial.). church, ',Exeter, will be Leld' nrxt Sabbath, October 31st When Rev. Dr. 'John ,Sottrruera*ille, of Tor- onto, Treasurer of the I'resbyteriaa Church, in Canada, will preach.speolal eerntons, Services at 11 hen. and 7 pine. Special music by the choir ,as- etsted by Miss Nir.ta Kinsman, soloist, ltlrs. Laramie, of Detroit, is visiting S 11'x. ,and leers, 'Christie. a: E. rrst ie Mr. Earl Mitchell of the 71st 137at- to for London, l an o was n home over Sun- day. un dz y. Mr. T. 11. McCallum and Mr. Geo Willis, of London, spent Sunday . in town-,' d.r.QVIc2Vluxray of the Liolsonst'Bann spent Sunday at his home near St. 1alarys, ;Miss 'Oren Sa E11 of EltinvCl le, spent ♦o the week et -d at the home of Are J. Kerslake. Windsor's campaign to raise 3100,- 000'by +subscription for Patriotic pur- poses has 'b'ecn'set for' Nov. 3. 4, end 5. NEW BUTCHER -Mr. 'Iiegic'desires. to ,announce that he will call tor aid deliver orders to any part or the:. town, Your patronage solicited., i,1ary. h little daughter of Mr',. arn Mrs. Jour, Snell, of Usborne, while pleyir:g around a fencing mill bad, the misfortune to /lave the top of one of angers severely crashed !auto load troin town motored -.forth last Friday evening and. ted the reception to Bro. • cf 13ellaville, greed master of nee, by 'Fidelity lodge (tier.) McAlister "returned. 'y evening . from Ottawa .where she attended the Provincial conven- tion of the W. C. T. U, The conven- tion was 'addressed by Hon. Col, Sari. Hughes. 4, t 4406** 4'•0,'80 How is the label be your papas. 'lead the aviation sales on page four, Mrs. Powell wes in. London • oc, Friday last • lar, Thos. 'Reail,an has„ installed a e.ew'boiler in his factory. It's 'tot too late to 'di),, your bit if ;lou have not already done so. Mrs. W. E. May, of Nuchal/, vlsi' her 'saris in town during,, the 1) week. • •Yttr. McDoetild. ot Stratford, visit with .his sore .4 .T; 1MeDonald, ov Sunday Miss Emma :Fisher left last wee to' visit with Ler brother Wallace rat Peterborough. • Mrs. Gus. Handford and son, of Rer:frow. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Silas llardford. atessrs Hy. Ellworthy and. Wm Sweet were in St.. Thomas last week buyli g cattle. It's a long, long way to. 1'ipper,'ary but it's !not for to go to get the best floure-eMODEL. The beechnut crop is a failure and the !squirrels will 'have to. -hirnt up a substitute 'for the, .winter; Miss Francis Davis has returned to tyir gham after visiting her parents and other relatives in town. Messrs. Reg. Elliott,, of Norwich. nsd Frc-d Elliott, of Ilaileyburr. vis- ited ie. town 'during the past week. MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye -Sight Spec- ialist will be at the Central Hotel, Saturday, October 30th, Hours, 9 a.m, to 8 peen. Miss J'ridham, of Coderich., atiten,i ed. the kiig& 'School ":4:t 'Home" last Friday evening end /spent the week- end with her Sister.` ` The sutoists are making good use of the .file weather and excellent roads land the mileage is piling up or.. the speedometers. • • The reserved seats for the'Patriotic concert i i .� on Friday evenin are bein b 6 rapidly mark ed off a'nd the prospects a for bighouse. re, m n'a'n'c1500 i na.- A etit%on co i i i s ZS t;h a h resented to .Fort. '�rUil- tures has been p liam'City Council asking for ,the (sub- mission 'of a loeal option by-law. Mr. Douglas Stewart, song of Mr. And Mrs. T. A. Stewart„ was taken to London in their auto Iast Friday where'' he joir.ed the 33rd Battalion Roxall Orderlies are a specific for the bowel troubles of ageing people. Sold only by W. S. Cole,' The l texall Store. 10c., 25c., and 50c .bores. Canada's wheat crop 'now stated to be 330.258,000 bushels, more than twice that of last year, and 45 per cent greater than the previous g-reat- est yield. The anniversary services of the James street Methodist ch •ren n•i'1 be held the first Sunder Nee -enter. Rev. Dr. R`it'.e ra-r., `fir. ,-ren . ',tars L t)•.. iter :or env r'- rieb .lied Gross ' ;eel napes .of Granter :r, lee e anvil $200 making rata' from the township 31,200. Tire crop of apples and potatoes tris not as plentiful in this section its in. other ;years and consequently both rare 'being shipped into town. ' Ir spite of this - it looks as though we will get our "murphies" and "apple sass" ;at a very reasonable price. Beginning :wrath next lionday and until the closeif the war, all bars in the 'province, wiI1 close at .8 p.m. in- stead of 11 ht 'at preseata The clos- kghours on Saturdays are unchang- ed. Social clubs and ' shops are .not affected. Fourteen bundred hotels in the ;province will "thus Write their sell- ing ;time ell-ing'time curtailed by three 'sours. '4 - There is no 'complaint to make with the particular brand the weatherman has been, supplying for the past week. Canadian weather has nothing 'better than 'the fine warns sunshiuny days to October when the ground is car- peted with fallen 'leaves arid 'the Col- lage presents a picture that baffles the hand of the ,artist to reproduce. llfost of the autos and livery rigs In town were brought into ,use last Thursday evening to convey Exeter citizens to the fowl . supper at the Crediton Methodist church. The ex- pectations of all weremere than;met by the sumptuous' repast iservcd, It was a beautiful moonlight night which added much •to the pleasure trip, Pte. Lear., l reb1c' Jof the 33rd Bat- talion, was home •'from :London, for over .Sunday and while here reeeived ei messagea to report it Londan before ,six o'elock i%lor:day morning,. lie was 'taker, to London Sunday' after- r.00n 'by Mr. and Mrs. Lawson am., ,comperied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed..Treble, who remained there until Tuesday1 Grand oo.ncert will; beive.n -JTit atnes rwtreet church.or. Nov. I.Sth by y Chorus of 40 'voices ,•ind a good var. (duty: of eek ctiors pe'rf'orated' on two pianosby pupils of'11Ir, :ft: Phillips, L'A.13 ALGM., Katal .,tri An vasal num- bers by the tenor soloist of Iltetropol- Kat . Church, Toronto. 'cry - good program of music wil(.,r be gore. through artriinjg to satl fy all tap*,tepr Messrs. E. Shepton and A, E. drews ore in •Toronto this week at- tending the Provincial convention of the Ontario 'Sunday School Associa- tion as delegates from the James St;' Sunday school. The barbers'of Exeter have agreed/ to charge the following prices:* all hair cut 25c; shave 10c; neck shave 5o and to.'close their place of - business at '8 o'clock every evening except r5aturday, to take effect November,lst. F. M. Boyle, E. 'Willis. Mr. W. A. Turnbull, of Farquhar, teldein /auction sale of his farm stock and implements' on Friday of last week. The houses kind implements' were not as brisk selling las the cattle and the hogs which brought good. C„- sale on the whole was ,tiens,l Little has . disposed of •rest of Brucefield to Woolley,. of Clinton for 's a splendid farm with '•- and good buildings, rand 44- ;as made a goodIbarigain. Mr. Little intends renioving with :his familento•-Goderich, where his son has purchased'a barbel -leg, business. Ilea.;Ilea.;On Friday evening ') last a 're motor truck loaded with pout re i iced or London ilv m forSilverwood's. s. L e just a spot in the Toad v ist , so uth of • town and several crates of. 'live chicken were jolted from the load. Some of the 'crates \vers 'broken and the birds got out. There waste lively. time gathering in the stray /birds some of which not etw'a'. ;; • The first taxes 'paid in Mitchell this ;year ;vas paid by, W. R. Davis. of the Mitchell Advocate land arroont- ed to $244.86. Few •copntr, runt"h- ers •could spare that se -Matt f om th' income of the net -; r apr r beef -leas Pe - sides. 'being -r r ',' r <( s -.,_: nificert tet '"' 1) .' ^-•'rlizes theimport: to - o - c s^ . 'tin nt::We wand if .,., tend ren , R' ---•l ef, 'ae res het; week r .ever' -r.^r',from bls bro"'h'r ..f - '' n'•rt•- -T r✓,: ..r'"" n:, i 'fit -+ l zr'u n rrie.7n d.•-tr^o i ^:eel: re. "bee, e -s arid gx•inK a ince-dea they'cen- sor,'s"tree •Tai fir' etart'd 'kph^nt ,,r,e o'cicc'k daring the ni'rht. The buildir:g and horses were fu1Iy cover- ed by insurance. Quite m number from Exeter went to London Monday expecting to see the 33rd I3attalion depart for over- seas but they were ,-disappointed. It is stated that the 34th is stili in Mon - (real ltan'trarisports are not :available: British transports bre at present con rted v i men to Servi,a an d it is bra e tg y that lit twill be e worth or more Joe - fore there will be arty movement from C'a ea'dat • Honor Roll Enlisted in Units of the Expeditionary Forces. /hiss Edta Dow, nurse. Canadian 33rd. Battalion Harness, Elmore, 'clerk ,Mallett, Frederick, clerk Anderson, Edgar, farmer Mitchell, 'Earl, clerk., Stewart, Douglas, 'clerk 33rd Signal Corps Treble., T.con, printer Army Medical Corps florney Edgar, grocer clerk 70th .lsattaliozi ' Russell, William,, farmer 71st Battalion Davis, Archibald, printer 'Mitchell Wilbert, clerk Crir,ad"iirn alotinted Ii,iTl.s Harvey Chester, grocer clerk Knight, Reginald, grocer clerk Erlisted other /maces than Exeter Taylor Gordon, Izaaehinist • llern.•Loftus, 'book-keeper, ]'arsons, Earl farmer Tapp, 'Phomas, .'c'lerk De. Will E r ight, Home Guard. '/rivers, Lloyd, 'baht, clerk, Waterloo Missal,FlynnMissal,.printer, Waterloo Parents or others next of lin, Who have sees or relatives who `have epi- listed in units of the Ca/tertian Expe- ditionary 'forces 'et pldden . ither that at Exeter kitalyne•e_thet their name:,. ere ,f urnished• to the ,curl+•."k' so'th.zt the Rene of rai'r iou;I' Nsiall ,lj're ari•'itdearate as ataprble., , ' i ' TI3UIlt AAY. 'OCTQI35Ii 2811*, '1915r Don't forget 'Alf Paul's ' "rale at girlrton, an Saturday, October 30tH. Good ---Buy goods rnanufaotured ix► nada, 13ETTEl1-X3.uy goods mann featured in Onterio: BEST - J3uy goods .manufactured in Exeter., lluy MODEL FLOUR, it's seeond to none! PUTOFF VIE TRAIN ' 4' On Friday night last, Mr. Powell, temperance or8anicrr" for Huron. conn- ty'Iwas coming up from Stratford 'on the late train. r e 11 hen beespied t p bred; alleged drunks get .on tat the Mitchell station` !lie 'Ke ent to the 'conductor and ordered the men' to be 'put off: The conductor said the eren,l)'ad tick- ets to Seaforth, had he would have. to carry them there. `All right" said, Mr. Powell, "if . you do I will have you'iand !the three men iarragned be - fere the ,Police ataa•istrate next 'mart:• Inge ;the •men for being idruulc in a ,dry district, an'd yon for wringing them in," The conductor hard no /de- sire 'to pass through :sea an ordeal ar,'d ordered the iuten froth the train. -- 1 Mitchell' Advocate. Ir O'BI,IER EXETER RESIDENT- DOING i•;Ll SIDENT DOING A. GREAT • 4VO171l. :. •In can" ltecouttt:of the Thanksgtying anctdedicatory services of a new Sun dey'school' building by the Methodist church' In Ingersoll Mr..T. E. 'II'and,, cord, formerly of Exeter, comes in for no' small credit. The following in part :,:vas taken, from the 'Chronicle a "At the ,dedicatory 'service Sunday af- ternoon, it was suggested' pry >'a mem, ben of the '.Board from the floor, that doubtless• the 'audience• .woaild like to • hear b word or two from Mr. Thos. Handford, ti'hose enterprising spirit has contributed, no small part towards. the 'construetiozi :of the new Sanday School'building.- In respoedicag to thi'secail` 11n. L uidford - expressed ,his greatiple'asure at the provision .which the 'Official Board had made for the Sunday School. work. and also,remark- ed,'`.`Is snot' this an opportune (time to, wipe . put the entire debt of 311,000 on the whole church property?" - To give effect to this idea, 'i meeting.'of the 'Board was held at the close of.. the Sunday school service, when it was 'decided to raise - the ,sum of e11.000,end as an evidence of the sta- eerity of the Board to carry out the irtent'of 'the resolution, the sum of. 33,595 was subscribed on the ispot„llt- is believed it lean'be"s'afely stated that the'auditorium which the Methodists now -. have and the substantial addi- tions to the Sunday School room make their church property one. of .the - fieest lin the Dominion of Canada. for a town tit five thousand people. SHADOW TEST jc�'� Intl I i a 00VV Y I: �Y� Mr' v,� 1:4 4+ if ¢¢¢t� •' I' " rare � �,.. �i '1 iliiii Ntla, ��yy • '4. i�. , ,t ' w i" I4J NM •. +• III' i.t. r e i HE L0O1zS INTO THE EYE ifZ'See our Window Sat- urday. We wish the people of. Exeter and vicinityto know that we have adopted the new and wonderful "Shadow Test' system .of eyesight testing. By this method. it is al*nost 'impossible to make any error, as all work is done by looking: into the eye. t=,.e'o .o Ching ..0 d. :e: ie.n: a . .J 'Weak muscat. rr' zclz'n?a n ed- ach per s in ruin rar2: ., - 'i -11,n .i i.7,.", 1,r2 i.t;ed t•c rs._ n '. =t "hit: lr, _dee wi 4tout as.ii as wF, Alun. '13 C r? 1 ' t i." \v: 1N1 d 111rlir T() I''ft)Rn'w, nun 1vn ARE t- F,la,s i r`t:L',7 may Alt]) (1 AI1,aNTEE .0.17•1i w(JFtli, W. S HOWF,)! Chemist and Eyesiget Specialist. Re Ne 00 Full6ral DirGtor: �ll Farniturc Dea16r GOMPLETE STOGK ilLWRYS ON. flfiND PRONE 20a -C1-12ICE DELEWARE POTATOES G,S311oa UPION WEEK IIAVE ON EX FI IBI''ION-variou3 Models of 11'_ rEdisonsExna'u Phonographs. WE famens This week is .the beginning of, we 'believe, the greatest Edison 1~oas- •on in the history of our business. Will you conte in and let us show you THE URS ATEST SOUND R P ?%OI) t?CING I 'S1'EJ 1i ,4,NTS in the world. Bring your friends. Corrie thi> 'w • ,. , a copy of Mr. Edison's life and works' hd See the, old tube talk'1tig machine the new Edison in the south window. °well's I saz J. WILLIS POWELL, Prop. k' ar, ammo irma.rogr• 04400060 000.0,E 000.4m04;ae044.a 00000.0000001.00000444.04404;- A 0 0,. 4 ' ® 4 4 49 ©•' ®,^_� ,k Win. 2 a � .A.DIES who have not suf- i. ...: :� , • • •�4�`i''.�f•�'"'= 3:., ;a� h�"J,��'..4x s'S�-.�:�__�-�.�� fi,»,t?nt; hair to do justice to their �;'F 5• © rr7" ^`� r - appearance and GENTLEMEN oar"�''A.n WHO ARE BALD. come to �!, •�Y':�..:'�!?'4;r e �i':7ta:ifSi:'ft�+ � r-.. •• . EXETER i 1ThHotel a►' am i awn Display of !Y• Should be seen by every alai. and woman . who would keep '.t:tl•dctive:and youthful. ARTISTIC RIR HODS • A rfon Thursday Oct 28fiti • When You can have a Free Demonstration 0 stra ' n. , f the stle: ��„ ® that will answer your demands. • L_DIIS- -Switches Braids, Transformations Pom a - Nouns,' %aves Anil many other hair nods creations of ® the fiuet giality hair- �. • • GENTLEMEN I Hvgenic toupees and wigs which are inden t- abierfeatherweight and - are worn by over a quarter million o men. Stye what a benefit it is. to, Your Health; Corn. fort and Appearance.. A • • f 4r' • • • e • • DOREN •7 END'S •• Head Office and Showrooms; to YON' s7 ST. 5 TORONTO ,r L++++++.44 -44444+444.+44+4-4e1.444.441004, 004. 044, 4 4. 4•9 "-d' '•4 G- *1:4P • WE - .ALA YOU +OR. YOUR PAST PATRONAGE And in order to demonstrate in a mare prat! 'cal manner than . in mere words, also t,o induce you to continue your esteemed favors, we -. haveerr'anged to give to sat*ie one of our eustomets a preheat consist= mg of have now no exhibition.. The value of this aristrunient is 4350.00' • and is GU&ItANTFII3 D. BY TaR MAKER, for a period of 10 YEARS This 13eatitiful Grand Piano We eordia,lly invite you to call at our ante., INSPEQr and TII.Y this taf-autiluian"tl•pniant, .YO1,9'•haivp as good a chance of ohtai* ng this VA L'IJABLE G1fT as 'ANYONE. Ccnie to out' store and let tie erpiaiaa out method of GivingAway This Piano We;the lead e to cull voter attention to the many splendid values ttdsich Iter nae now offering in every department. -. a -.y,; JA OPERA y.. HOUSE' BLOCK, E'XFTE