Exeter Times, 1915-10-14, Page 4THE, *XZTE»t 11' SA• T niommillarniasmimmonnnannomsimmill Children Cry for F'tetcher°'s n tow, , Jthi `44)U ,l'WaySji1)Itgh4c,Andne,hke kdite4s bee, i lllut uSe tor paid,-"' o .,_ and has been made under his per- oli,'41..StaP avisi .- sine' lilts infancy', Allelkne eiiei i)y'eeltfcyota in. tYlisd Counte r°feitS,Iuiatations.ancg "Just -as -good " are but ,lExpel mends, that trifle with and endanger the health of atialau and Children—Experience against Experiment., What is _: 'T Casitearia. is as harmless substitute for Castor CH, Peavey gorie,, )Drops and Soothing Syrups.. It is pleasant. It contains aieither 4Bpiaxaag, 3Iorpbine nor ether Narcotic substance. Its cage is its guarantee. It destroys Worms end allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been. in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, Qali: Teething. Troubles and Iritaalritcca.. in re>;•eeyaoe * the Sioniaach. rand .Bowels, assimilates the Food,giving healthy and natural spa Thai Claildren's Panacea—The Mother's Friend,. SENUME CAS ORS ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Ktnd You Have Always Bought 11•14� C,E7/T10.J A• GQAa"PANT•, NESN YORK pronto = Chicago Humor and Philosophy. Toronto = Montreal YOR "BPCAGO . riOre To Mato 8.00a.m., 6.00 pare arid, 11.110• y.ins daily t ;a t'l,OR •11LL1•TIAL mfr° lane* Toronto 0 ,aa ant a tfeWli efte- ane. :t 11.00p.me daily L uipmeiat the finest on all traits tt.ca i d EXPOSIT:Pieta !Reduced fares to San: Frandsen, .Los lA.uge1es, land S'eee','Diego it Farmers! Woven Wire Fence below Manu actor= ers' Prices, either Peerless or Mon- arch makes. buy at ones as these prices w , •t last ee very lone 6 Wire Fenees 23i per Rod 7 .L tt 2.). 16 8 14 1t 215, "'' Cedar and Amor posts 10,000 Cedar P . •,n hand —also Anchor Pose Lumber and ,,eniteDit Let me quote t fay low prices on your Luta- a require- ments, whether 1a as. email orders. Also Cern, A J, CLATWti` GRANT` iy SEARS, VICE rime sanding a ske ct;r eeeettein our b nst'+gna; ne ifs probably tr: ca,nefltrictlq come:tette Pantitab. Oldest snotty ' ralentli taken throuz systitsfeonta,vrithentCali* 1d ' A cul abc''axii ell ittarl attc t1.rtlrestfGrrr a1,t /my 6cursraLl 4)/111441/A4045 #4, yeeasete, sal i4'etd$ Mil C 6361/ ease. 420 V Fr MAR3 earns HTS &e. 4Rion May" suPat 1 "She says her hietbaod wore t listen oaS'at9ntp to re3:3�Dri." patents. uo. rCCo10 ""Well, he 'motet." xis "Ile must be fierce." 'Sleet. a ' Aloses. ,. ,e `'.ns U9P. err' r IP ""h ivh tv won't i,1 -Thee U ze aced Y +, ac9d tart '.,!'here isn't any wisdom at home to 1 PERT EVinAvlFAPHS- ER: Asan lags Aenty "of friend. who can tell hire just wbere be mode bis tn'ist Ilse bet the'frtend ;rbc can and -will give hinl,•a straight tip Is more rare thee fresb water pearls. I'adaleatefir owro canoe, ; ,but done let a large p;