Exeter Times, 1915-7-22, Page 1WO TY -SECOND YI Al ---No 2219. EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY CORNING, JULY 22nd, 1915 PHONE 32 JONES AND MAY PHONE 32 A LIST OF L3CIAL SUMMER GAINS EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF PRINTS AT 10 CTS. PER YARD place On Sale This Week ice vast 1500 yards of print, in good tl'ast colors, a large range of patterns and colors to select WI &nein, Thoy are well worth rz z, cents a yard, our Special Sale Price, only roc per yard ILDS' DRESSES ON SALE DIG SALE OF TOWELLING �4 only childs' ages from 2 to 6' sterns of prints proved up to 35c, wash dresses for 300 Yards 0 u r e L4 d yrs, in neat pat- Linen crash t Towelling and ginghams, worth to day 14.c a to clear out at 49c each. yard. Special Sale Price, only roc .a yard LADIES PARASOLS ON SALE Ladies' Black Empire style of' ql.iality cover- Sale Price for this week at cTs Parasols. Long handles. Good ings, Special 98 cents each LADIES' DRESSES ON SALE Special sale this cis week, a n i c e range of ladies' --- wash' dresses, good quality of materials and colors, special clear•ng price at only 98 cts, Sumer Trimmed Millinery at Dalt Price We offer any trimmed hat in our show -room at 4 regular prices, All colored shapes at 5oc, Men's Ready To = Wear Clothing and Furnishings Oar men's readY -to,wear clothing department offers exceptional' values in up-to-date suits.. Call and inspect otir stock.' New summer furnishings in great variety for 'nen and boys. Meal's fine straw hats at greatly reduce prices • 1 e Depa'r'tment Cone in and see Our Big Assortment of Ladie's••5lippers and Pumps. A fine fine to choose from in patent leather, white and plain black, also a full range of men's, women's and chilidren's outing shoes. tifiLITY 600D USE: T 1 lbs PI 1il0iltl� :Bindcr �' l� . Plymouth .Special; 500 ft. -Jac ib. Salmon Tag, 550 feet -9 3-4c a lb Silver Sheaf, 600 feet— 114c a lb.. Gold Medal, 650 feet - 14 cts lb. - These Twinesare made in the l argest Twine Factory in Canada, is Your HowHayFork Rope ? _ •, We can supply you with PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL ROPE - 18 CENTS A POUND Tinsnaithing. and Plumbing. Rei, usEstimate on Your Eavetroughing. Furnace work and Plumbing 1P.FT ON ih Heaman.'s Hardware PHONE ;� 27B d ; ' and S)tove Store - 'BORN x VTR -At Sauble Line., Sta^nley, to (AZr, and Mrs. Johu Bute, on ,lune 22nd, 1a son. •.VOISIN--At Goshen Linc, South, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Voisin, on 3u1y 3rd' a son. .SAZI'PII-At 'Goshen .Linc south, ou July 8th, to Til'. and Mrs(,;A. Snaith t1 soar. 3O1:IN STON-;fit 1.ondoxi Tload, en July 11114, t;> Arts and Mrs.' fatties a 'Johns fou, sea. ' „ 4A.N.- MI E --At; 14th cpnit on Juts 12th, rto Air.' and M;xs. rrank Deal ,nolntme-, la 0 rl,?PLLL -.At 'Woodham on 3une 23rd, ,to Mr.' and Mrs. Sidney Chap Pell, a ,daughter. WHIO!E- Tel Flaxcombe, Sask, on July 16th, to Mr. land Mrs. Law- rence F: White, a: son (Lawrenct.'. Harvey) MOUSE OF ALEX. BUCIFIANAN • IS DESTROYED BY. FIRE t'Saturda - mornin sv On 3 g bile all the rnenl,bers of the family of Alexander Buchanan, who resides about a mile east or l:Tensall, were engaged in; Milking and other duties at the barn some of them noticed: smoke and flames arising from the summer kit- chen. They at once Tushed /to file house, but the fire had gained{ such headway, 'thatnothing could be done; A. i.eltphonc, message .for h,e.ip wan sent to .I-Icnsall and in a short tir0e several auto loads were on the scene. The rurnituresand bedding seas car Girls 10 and under, Sraee McMahon �ii ,, rind out ata". very minutes, but .Grace Creech. Pearl. Sanders. not a second too soon, las the flames .Dons 13 and under, Alvin 'Andrew. made rapid progress and some de- stroyed the house. The residence was or brick With Metallic roof, and was built Allam• years ago by Mr. Stoneman; who George Hind. Norman Norrs eor'.Imerly owned the term,. The in- Gilrs 15 and under, alias Ford.. An»' suranee on the house was small -only C is her, Thelma Ford. 1%1,000 -which will go but a short 100 yards open, II. Windsor, • M. way towards replacing the building. Scythcott, C. Wood. As Mr. and. ,Mrs. Buchanan hada son: Single tladie*' race_, Gladys Ford, E. killed byaccident a short time, ago 13edrord, Lena Coates. touch ssrpathy is felt for theta i;u this second -misfortune. llydro Cay -Law Carried ith I no he uncertain ncert ile 'laven soundshaventhc> keand 15dee The following' high. school entrance ! 'phree sinks or >vrrautoix 33o1vietr n •sslri rand as w ;Miss Beetle, of Tt3urford, i:r vias;,tin.g Entrance Resr�lt� 11 wit 'hiss :Laura Jere ter, ecewne. claxed ,th'at Exeter should be linked, ' candidates have been passed ;by. the, motored +avea 'btr'ed r, y a up 'sy'iih The users of power from the , Boar,(l of Examiners and approv( cI by 7 %o t0 prOSs are .>nlOyilyg 1'ratndly Ontario iTydro• I:leetrio Commission. ! the ilepartnaen. or 1;aueation. 1 g;aules on the green. Roughly estimating about seventy peri A card ;riving the Marks in each + With advaneing gears copses cons- rent of the qualified voters went ,too satbjeot will ba sent to each sensucceese i tipatiou. Bezel' Orderlies are a spec the polls' aid with only seven dissent"' ' rut •candidate, '`• , i,tily',good laxative for ageing people. Mg votes, cast Lheir ballots in favor � The certificates of the successful.' Sold only 'by W. S Cole, The Etexal.k of the by-law, One remarkable thing t candidates will be( sent to the; teacher Store, 100„ 25e, 6,. ,a0o,„ 'boxes. t is that the poll at the North' where , or secretary or the school leerly in: Granton Pa.txiotic League will hold the :'majority of vot3;r3 G,re not users' August:.,a ,monster 5'af:riotio 1%°•le�brateon on, ot the electric Tight not one ;vote was The. standing required for ass is Wednesday next, July 28th. A bila vest ,against the By -lay. At the eolith' 40 per cent in each subject and a, to program or Games, .`sports and Tootend there were two who were opposed, tell of 390 marks and for honors a toe Races. 1)0 not miss it. See bills: to hydro-, nt the •Town Hall three. tat of 487 marks. . fencl at pelt No. 3, two, (uite a nuns The highestt marks obtained in .each ber were''indifferent: and took no in: i subject (tire as follows;, teres{, x71 the ` morning the. Deputy( I Reading-Bennonde 'MeNell 49, returning officers had an ease time ' Writing,-1Iclen Kidd, 45. bit after dinner the votes came , Spelling -Kate Hands, Hazel Young in a little better. Some or the coun- Hilda Williams. 48. cillors got on the job and did a little.' Literature, -Nellie O'Callaghan 93, canvassing It tivas a vers' quiet Arithmetic: -Carl Miller 100. election lion -ever' n little quieter,:t Grammr-1llars Day, 90 than we ,arc in the habit, or having int Geographe-Jack Marshall, Wilson the Village, Engineer 'Castor will be back :again. on I•rida,e and meet the council and formulate plans to get to worse in the very neer future as we have the promise .of the 'commission that alae system will `be installed by the time the franchise expires in December,. The next f.tep is all import tat ole. That is the installation of a liaht,in ;C txua • Blanche se stent for star town that, ss i:1 l e a D.,vxs. Willie satisfaction end a joy forever . But Hastings, Lula we believe tails matter is in cep.2bli} hends and that''effi.eience, beauty and conome R ill re eels: +clue ccn`'icr'ra e tion. The vote "tom the different polls was as 'follows 7'ol inti sub -division 10. 1, 73 for, 2 against polling „lib -div s:oi1 t ;:mm, 1larySn no.2. 78 for,.3 against; pulling scab- divisioll No. 33 73 Cor, .2 Aga ,i,st ; pole - Do312 Eugene li sub div'is:on no. 4, 20 far. 0 D'lS as 'ry, honors against. ilcar,.1c1', Verde I1:rd3 liildred. lxorles Cl Fence - i .. SUCC SCs'e°Jl 5, S Picnic .)Iailett, \':islet Woods 88, Compote ion -Ethel Murdock, Laura Watson 81, Total -Michael Bowler, Jack •IlT:e,r" shall, 529, , Exeter Publio School iheele Herold, honors 499 •al Louise 419 441 39:1 392 429 157 461 393 407 420, 469. 446 u0.�. 463 457 401 423 428 Trill, Verde Jones ,Vera atoll tt, .Clifford Rivers, Bruce 'Suet le, Irene,. Bedard Gordon. i1 illi:u s, Hilda The annual- encore .of th ,iat�i�, St. _ Crediton School Sunday School was held at Grand, 33c:nd on Thursday of last week and Brown, Maurice I • i9< 438 a35 4_>2 46'2 450 g69 . 433 463 4'28 431 was one of t;ae piostsaicce,sful,in, the Fin6Leiu:.r, :Edward history of ihi ; se boot. The weather llaise 'Clara during ,the day eras somewhat threat- Sambrook, Lorene ' mann rain ,1'.c1 a slight shower bee ' 'Jefferson, Aileen Core staining no aiibt n� num-e til;°ci :z. r. Tsarl ber at hove. •But those who ss-eent . T3roscri, 1io5ai were welt r pxid fnr' wLilo the sun Li riser, Nola did not shine 45•fixr brightly for the Geisees, Mara occasion it wasin reality better :for iG:isysou, M3 rtic the sports and amusements •s a!1 Sambrook, Nathan totered data the, pixie of the 1s enj oo 1 to their own ti'5 Well as.srtherrs enjoy D.tshwood School ;• ive aieeitt, ` The k.4r <�, s arrived , •ed a t: Gran'st. ,r:; 'Bend sloth r.x.r.,dZ ,lid. „ ' i41 i1unahaefound their 21113 to r• faueiltTlcr, 111aluer ' t:hr.. dock where the water sports were EYuc n h.r, Melvin tell ruian. Greco held,, .Che lake was.vers calm, ''''The , . water sports ore haddition to .Gimme;, Ida. #the prc;ram at. other years. A. Koch, Milired d kept grime of water polo was' played by teamsand , captained by herb Ford an Jack Snell the former winning out. After the is -,ter sports dinner vas served in the park. the ladies having nrovidec ,an abundant supple of good things to eat. Immediately after din-' her an adjournment was made to the. , ball 'p'ark where the sports were .eon- tined, A ball genie was plaited be- tweeze the married and single nen, the married .team winning out 13 to 8. 4'i tug or sear was held ,between the ,hien of Stephen ;ard 'Usborne six on a side • the latter: winning out. The married and single ladies also tested their prowess on the rope .but the married ladies were too much 'for the maidens.' Following was the result oaf. .the Aces Long distance dive, 11. ,Darman, M, Southcott, Austin Ford. Fitts wards swim on'bac1;:i, C. Wood L. Treble M. Sauthcptt, Novelty mace D. ,Harness L. Schroeder, John Hogarth, rifts yards swim. L. Treble, L. Sehroe•der, 3.. Hogarth. Primary class race -Herold Pen - hale, Ooorotlas Bedford, d, Harold Fisher. Dots rare 10 and under. ',Harold FrLnale, Eltitore •Christie; Fred Ford, George :thud, Newnan Hardy. Girls 13 ond' under. .;?Tay:Ford, Amy. Fisher, Stella Sanders. toes 15 and under, MIV.1n .Andrew a A. Meeting ot the Patriotic League is •called for Monday evening ,text ,at 7,30 in •the publio library. A. hull at- tendance of ;he members is requested to make further arrangements tor the "Festival: of Nations" which its to be held. in the 'ink son theievering of Aug. Oth. , t The :Ladies odist ,church ,Cream • social room of the August 4111, served from Aid of Elitnv.ille Meth - intend bolding an Ice in the -Sunday pchool chureh on Wednesday, Refreshments will be 7 to .8 o'clock after Married Ladies race. Mrs. Batten. Mrs, Gianni and Mrs, 1?intones tie for second, Mrs. Miller. • Ladies throwinc, 'baseball, Dorsina Parsons, Edith Parsons. Mrs. Lawson. Novelty event. chorine string, W. TTarenss and E. Davis.l:,Corsiva Par- sons land Mrs. 1'enhale.2 ; Verde 33Till and Stella Sanders 3. . Elting soda biscuit. John: ll:ogarth, Oliver Davis, W. Riarness.a Wheel barrow race, John Willis and Gordon ,Heywood 1; 'Welter Ilarness and Oliver .Davis 2 : 'Will Warren .and 0. Prouty 3: Three legged race, Walter Harness and Oliver Davis 1: Will Warren: and 0, Prouty 2 ; Gordon Heywood said John Willis 3 Thread;. and Needle race. Wi11 Arm - which a social• entertainnien.t con- stroma (Gordon Heywood, Walter tasting of songs, reeitat.;onte, instrtt«. Harness. mental' ,tousle will he held in , the Married men's race, I?. Delbridgee W. Smith, Asa Pcuhale, 'Couple Race, Frank Delbridlxe and ;Iles, Batten, 1; ilordon Heywood and Miss Bedford, 2; L. 1-Iiohardo and Miss Parsons 3. The line up for the ball game was (Married oxen -'.l'. 'Creech 1, W, .5, 3oo2mcx:ciitg nt 6,15. Everybody coarse Cole, lc, '2; 3. Snell 2; E. Shaptonl; .Ch �� P. u o '10 2; er. titarve etd. d 0 as a good game is expe a Jt Ilia3 ,� Exeter team has been' considerably 1 ; 13', Delbridge 3; IL Ford 1 - church, chair to be taken ;by Rev. f4 , A. Barnard, BASEBALL -Crediton and Exeter will play agatne of ball ort the Eae7' ter diamond on 'Thursday tvcningw. , strengthened in the past ,f'eeav eneeks Single Men -3. M. Southcolt 2 ; x:;.;, with neve 'Material and presents 10 'Treble 1; 1I, Rivers 3; Windsor 1 The cratirel� ;changlerlylin:-yup .Phe Exeter ,B, Piper 0; 'C. 'Wood 0; F: 11IcPher;• g' g team intends:going to 'Centralia On 'son b Northcott 0; W° llarness 1., priday evening c.,.,e.-,, ,. a., -'.'Ll U aspire, L)x,; touistoa. ., , Granton P'atrigtic League will hold a monster Patriotic Celebration on Wednesday r eat, July 28th, A big progratn or Gaines, sports aud 'Foot h„ jtacesy Po ;pot; ,i3S it, pee ►il?j Neeb''Della Snell, Hazel rOZ Eitei1hag an, Lulu Central School, Godexioh Bradwin. Alice 4.101 Begin„ Myrtle 0 433 Dauees Dorothy 393 51unniners, Eileen Sturdy, Willie, honors, 08 436 420 459 414 437 499 4(39 4'1 418 401 487 460 403 391 Watson. 1.aara '.Beck, Eliza B:ebb, Woodham McNevin, Isabelle Mackliu. Lionel Panzer, Fannie, honors. Tape, 'Corel3 n Victoria School, Goderieh 479 432 402 392 464 435 •199 453 457 , 401 334 485: 461 4110 393 441 171 411 430 484 452 411 .. r X35 423. 448 428 520 405 429 477 427 435 434 Adams, L eon Burkholder:, Stewart Down, Gorslon Bates, Susie Foster. Isabelle Ilunialvee H.•nry Iletnd3, hate. honors ;Iiumber, Fern. Bing;. Lillian Murray Andrew (Mitchell, Irene Newell, Lillie Pridh.em, Edward. Pander Mary Thornton Doupines Weston, Benson; Witrb.cr Benjamin I3eevers, Frederick Barker, Albert Donaldson, John. Donaldson, Elizabeth GIedhill Winnie 'Howard, 'Helen 1 itabkirk, Jean Inkster, Barre,on,g2rtlre, Beatrice Marshall, Jack, honors,. ]Mountain, Sadie Paltridge, :Margaret Smith, Helen Tabb, Olive Warner, Alfred . �• ork, 'No:rinan: ;Goderich Separate School Bowler. Michael, honors, 529 422 403 '449 464 395 441 Farr, 'Gerald Kidd, x-lelen, 'honors, Page, Vera Bullard, Theodore Griffin, Etni13 Martin, Elsie Ilcnsall School 13e11, Elliott Glenn, Mabel \litckae , Russell 1FcDonald, ]Edna Wlailesidc, Albert 427 425 467. 895 414 C'caldwell, Nellie 418 Johnston, Mervin, honors 519 1,) {Donnell, Allan 425 . S,rnal1acooarabc Freda honors 508 • .Bay field, School ' ' • EUi tt Florence 410 ; 'JTeard. Rug sill 308 ; ,ilxetmer, Ixetta 442; Hitt i w ,� Woo d 417; I. Muriel, 428; King. Frank foo Incehonors, 487. Zurich School; C,;e1f,ass, Lennis 447; Mettler M= continued on page e 5 Mr. 7 d, Anderson, .of Y:etalce st ooct, a belting' his parents in (OW eat. Mrs, N. kV, Creceha hiedtwo Eh'ilelreu and 5frs. ,'Uxtabee, of Brantford, gr visiting Mr•, and li4rs. Wim, Cre.00h tawri, Arcording to the Last ' asse;pseient roll of Goderich 'the population o2 Goderich is now 4,6'76 '1'be totaf: v8leatl0n is 52,299,2o2, as compered with $2,258,499 last .years. The 1yu?insas, ;assessment iiia :4'261,900, .Last Sear ata Seas :"-250;858• The income a'' si;a •1,43 is "'51,317, as compared with ke17,013.1 last year. r G $'_I a, i�aR►tlO41tb�tl:!k#a 'p a ,'9 • • 4 2tarra err, a ease rya atesv e Tues FAMOUS PLANERS EERS 13IC,M SERVICE, Lia1i t'x n dr t - TU a MR. in ,. i:N Wed .••,°y e Se Le lrtie Popsde ROBERT' T'l3 tk Thrilling, FIV✓.e_ Pli1.1 ; 't es ° �t c.'•3nG ;L ADMISSION oril ',X44'h: w""`4F.,1S,„,„.. Lipsky TS % a�:,'t - ..'.... Presetat. r- Rorriestatio. Actor E 5 " ft'eloarth Wood tory of theNorti ! _' - 017 SCENES - Codriai lg - 1141. - 3 a" „y .g. and i AND h '. AND t - lo and 25 CENTS a.._.�.'.• ....x' il•'{ 7•.....R.[te' l'k"7X'.'e.x,raR ..__•� -n,_•xx w..nTu,.a.-.�.:. :�-cc,a,r. _ ,_•n._c_-.�."..-4�._3:.,,.eacx.....'�.m:.a E .'XET R BARGAIN STORE e, tri. Ti n e gni, s . � n @. ,�la'ca 'i6 pairs cOI yfs<'~', " Lala sizes 19 to 22 g lar $1,00, to clear at 5On a pair .-• OS ' pedal @'clues. — 2 :Pairs for, 25 cents • inch worth 76c for 50 cents 2. , .2 a '- 0. .�0 inch, worth x�� for �L. cents 15 LADIES S &liPLE WAISTS ---- 2.3 its' each Mens Shirts, special. :10o each. Ties at 2 for 25 cents SHOES-- Extra VaIaes in clea,ring lines of straps, pumps and oxfords 18 pairs 2.iens 55 Shoes in Tan going at 53.75 a pair. Shoe Polish - White, Tan and Black - for 10 etiti Colne Early Thrtrs.1:..y .t'l.:.rnii)g and get some of These Special Bargains 111' W. F. yti-anally Goods New Styles EA.„, ,6,,, v p, ,„,,,, • eieas0. 4,p"✓. •• • . . • • e • e • • • • • • eUNDRWEAR •P • • e p • e e ► a • .,a • • 4 *0440,/, Ana eeW efeel d ,?ith an EN.cel in Need of Any For Correct Can Meet SUMMER "Ait=SW7 Always Make a Man ' See This Seasons "STRAW oats �3ecoaxl�tlg: Ord{ red 'Clothing, Suits, flatanelTrousers; 04°•4 ,'ey e+:enee$•eS^sSeeeteeel Preparcd Fine 1.;a.. for Men. e Yon• , ......• Clothing for Dressy Your Requirer:lents. tefs*n neten S of Summer or Fux:lishirtgs. lien, ,''e W WEATHER EATHER la. COLLARS" Let us Sw You Ties are Very Natty asrl Leaders, Clothing, . Summer Overalls, eta. i � FFP 001-D SIIIIeTS AND Feel Dressed. Our Nifty Knit FIATS" We Carry the Ready •-tp . Wear Odd Pants, G $'_I a, i�aR►tlO41tb�tl:!k#a 'p a ,'9 • • 4