Exeter Times, 1915-6-24, Page 8WE ARESOLVED RE THE Bu$Y BO 5TORc ALL RAI lar BUTYotrCANT 4ET STUNG HERE; Fob WE DIP NY MAKE OUR Strc<Ess T1-iAT WAY. We ARE. Heite To SPIAY ANA MAKE QiQOL?. PRICE OUIZ CLOTHING 0111, uFJ ,j 11.11 YoU WILL NEVER GET ",STUNG" IF YOU BUY THAT NEW SUIT of CLOTHES FROM US. WE WILL NoT SEND YoU AWAY WITH A PooR FIT. WE CANNOT SEND YoU AWAY WITH AN oLD STYLE SUIT oR A PooR PIECE of CLoTH, BE– CAUSE WE HAVE 'NOT GoT THAT KIND IN OUR STORE. WE WILL .SELL YoU A GooD SUIT FoR LESS THAN YoU THINK. oUR BEST CLoTHING IS THE BEST YoU CAN GET FRoM ANYONE AT ANY PRICE. COME IN AND SEE. IF YoU HAVE NEVER DEALT WITH US, COME, GET OUR PRICES. WHEN YoU Do, YoU WILL BUY EVERYTHING YoU NEED, AND FoR ALL TIME.. SPECIAL OFEFRI THE DESIGNER FUR 1 YEAR FOR 35 CENTS This Special Offer you should not miss. We will take orders for the Designer for one year at the low price 35c. For the convenience of our customers we are now stocking Standard Patterns. READY - TO - WEAR CLOTHES. If you don't want to wait, but simp- ly want to put on a Suit that fits. We have it for you. They are well -tailored, the materials are the best that money can buy. MADE - TO - MEASURE SUITS. For Men and Young Men. If it is an up-to-date made -to -measure suit you want we can satisfy you. See the new models and the excellent cloths we are showing. SUMMER MILLINERY, Every hat in our show rooms now will be sold now at greatly deduced prices. Don't miss this opportunity of get- ting up-to-date hats ata fraction of the value. NEW STRAW HATS. We have the newest shapes for young men in the coaser straws that are so popular this season at $1.25, 1.75, $2.25 LADIE'S LINEN COATS. For driving and motoring which makes a Splendid dust coat, extra good linen with close fitting collar and belted back at $5 and $6, TENNIS, BOWLING & OUTING SHOES. This is the season for out- door sports. See that you have a pair of our Outing Shoes before starting on your vacation. MIDDY BLOUSES. In several neat designs in 12, 14, 16 and 18 yr sizes. Every girl wants on for the hot days of July, all sizes $L25. BLEACHED TWILLED SHEETING. This is a bargain, and a splendid quality of bleached twilled sheeting, 72 inches wide worth more wholesale than we are asking for it, while it lasts at 25c a yard. EMBROIDERED VOILES. If it is a dainty little waist or a pretty sum- mer dress you want, see the new embroidered voiles at 85c a yd, BORDERED LINEN TO WLING. 18 inches wide with neat pattern in :the centre and pretty border. A good linen for bedroom towels, ab- solutely pure linen at per yard 30c. RAW SILK, For waists, dresses, blouses for boys, pajamas, etc., a splendid quality of silk, very special at per yard 50c. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY. Vacation time is when you should buy Hole - proof Hosiery, every pair is guaranteed to wear three months with- out holes. If you once wear them you will want no other. OREX RUGS. Just the thing for your verandah or porch. Made in dif- ferent sizes to fit any verandah, ask to see them. OUTING SHIRTS. With reversible collars, made from fine quality crepe cloth. sizes 14 to 16, a good shirt for hot weather $1,25. NOTICE This Store closes every THURSDAY AFTERNOON at 12 30 d uring the months of July and August. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 "MADE IN CANADA" Your neighbor drives a Ford—why don't you? We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity—not a luxury Runabout $540; Town Car price on application. All Ford cars are fully equipped, including elect- ric headlights. No cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in bur profits if we sell 80.000 cars between August 1, 19.14 and August 1, 1015, - Market Beport--The following is the ?ceport of the Exeter market: corrected up to June 23rd. Wheat $1,00 Oats '50e Barley 65o i3uckwheat 65c, Peas 81,25 Flour '13.85. Low Grade Flour $1,90., Bran $28`,00 per ton ' Shorts $30.00 per ton Sugar Beet 'pulp $27.0.0 per ton. Butter 20 to 22. Creamery butter 29e, Bane 19 to g0, ,Potatoes 36 to 50c, Hogs $8,50: •♦♦••••••••••••••••••••••• • LOCAL • • •N• 1r♦♦ ••••••M Mr. Parry Windsor, of Ingersoll, is visiting at Lie home here, Miss 'Vosper is presidilag at the examinations at Dathwood, Mr, T. Acheson returned Saturd.as after spending a few day's is London. The Entrance examinations were held blondes, Tuesday and Wednes- day. let. 'number from London on motor- cycles passed through town on Sun- day;, Mise earl Rollins, of Mimic°, is 'visiting with relatives in and around town-. Miss Clara 13erry, of Ingersoll, is visiting w th Mr. and ales. It, G. Seidon. Mr, N. McDonald, of New, York. is visiting with Mr. and Ales, Nelson Stanlake. 11r.'B, 1V, Grigg, of Montreal, vis- ited his ;sister, 1T,as Grigg, in town tLis :week. Mr. Thos. Handford, of Ingersoll, spent a fete days in town during the past week. ri 'Mr. and Mrs. E. DIIeFau1, of Sea - forth, were the guests of Miss McFaul over Sunday. bliss Edna Bissett, Exeter, spent a few des s with her Isister, Miss Bissett, --Seaforth News. dr. Harry Puke, of Petrkhill, is ho- lidaying o- lidaying with his parents. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. E, Puke, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown motored over from St. Marys and, visited with relatives on Sunday. air. Lee Blatchford returned Satur- day from London where he underwent an operation. He is greatly improved in health. Try Rexall Orderlies, the modern laxative. They are sold on a money back guarantee by 'W. S. Cole, The Rexail Store, 10c., 25c., and 50c boxes. The Ladies Aid ,society of Main St. Methodist !church are holding e. gar- den !parts on the lawn; thise(We.dneu day) evening. Mrs. Vincent Wood. and Mitis Ida Dinsdale, of Sanfrancisco, Calif:, are visiting their parentis,'Mr. and Mrs J. Dinsdale, of Kippen. •iIr. 'and Mrs. E, C. Thornton and family, of Woodstock, motored up and spent Sunday with Mrs. Fowell. Mrs. Fowell returned with them. Mrs .Lyons, of London, is the guest of Mrs, Colwill in town. Mre. Col - will intends leaving next ween for the west where lshe will visit relatives and friends Mr. Will Snell, son of M. and Mrs, Eli Snell, was- in London last week and pastsed his medical examination and has enlisted with thio, arms. med- ical corpse. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. E. VanDuzer, and ''Mrs. H. A•nderlson, of Grimsby, htotor•ed up and spent a few Jaya last week with Mr. and Mr(s. A. 'Stop - ler of the Lake Road. The Ladies "Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church will hold. a garden party on the'' Rectory lawn on Friday, June 25th. Mr. Steer, entertainer, .of London, has been engaged, Property holders have a right to vote on the 'he aro electric by-law and leaseholders whose lease extends over the term of the debentures. The lat- ter 'must file with tb.e clerk a certifi- cate to this effect. iMisises Hamilton and Pridham, of Goderich, Who have been teaching In the Exeter High School completed their term last week. 'plias Hamill - ton left hut, for Toronto and Mists Pridham to London before returning to Goderich. Mr, Chas. Locke, of Boston, visit- ed at the (Central Hotel on Frid'a'y last and in •company with Mrs. Locke left for the 'Pacific coast. They will, vilsit the Panam'a Exposition ;he£ore return- ing to Boston, where Mr. Locke is professor of IDlinerology in ono oe the colleges A. public meeting of the Woman's Institute will be hield in the Carnegie Library en Monday, June 28th, at 3 o'clock, when Mrs. L. R,., !Stephanie of Huntington, P. Q., will addrese the meeting on "What w.e• owe the World and "House building and Flome mak- ing" Every woman from vaunt* 'and town is invited td attend. Mr. P. Herm, of town, oc Saturday last received a telegram from Ottawa stating that hive son Loftus' hadi been injured. The message stated he was injured between May, 22nd end June 1st; No information ale to the mature of the injuries have as yet been (re- ceived but are` :being anxiously await- ed. rev. T. W, Blatchford.. of Centralia, occupied the pulpit' of 'James St. Methodist ,church last Sabbath and preached two very able sermons. Mr, .Bletehford is leaving the Centralia circuit at the end of this: month and is going to 'Brownsvifle, 'near St. Thomas, Rev, W, G. B(, McAllister conducted anniversary enrolees at Whalen. A ;quiet tvedding took placie' at the manse on June 9th 'Warn Rev • S. F. Sharp united in marriage Mina Jessie A. ,McArthur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McArthur, of Glia Mavis farhn, (Township of .flay, and Mr. W, R. Lamont, of the township. of Stan- ley„ Mr. and Mrs. Lamont left for a wedding trip and Alive since taken up their residence on the groorieW fine tae' a in Stanley, , E L DETER ril4t ;aou$E AND LOT FOR 'SALE " Proports of Wm, ;13aikwill, Sr,, Huron $t„ one ,storey frame hour good cellar; hard and soft' water; one; ctuarter acre of land; good stable and drive. shed, Apply to Win. l3alkwill carpenter, John street. 5-13,tf ODDF.ELLO', rs f1; CORATION DAY Exeter Lodge No. 57, I,O,A,rt ;will hold their annual decoration of the graves of their departed brethren on Sunday, June 27th, The members aro all expected to be et the lodge room et two o'clock in the afternoon. A full attendance is requested. 11. N. Creech, Secy., STRAYED Strayed. onto the property of Mr. 'John ,Campbell, Lot 10, Can. 'a Tp. of Hay, is young heifer, palet Jersey. Owner 'can have same by proving property and paying expblosels. ONTARIO STATUTES, 1915 Justices; of the Peace and others ens titled to copies of the above statutes are requested to call at ma office or to send there for them ; or if more convenient, to write to me for the fame with the addzic(sses to which; it is desired they should be sent. Goderich, 19th June 1915. C. SEAGER ,Clerk of the Teace Miss Bessie Rartnoll, of Toronto, is visiting w;,th relative,,, in town. Mr. 1tobt. RowcIiffe returned Tues. dos rafter visiting with Irelativ(e1e at ,Granton. Mrs. As Q. Bobier, of Buffalo, vise ,ted with friends in town, during the past week. Mr. H. ,Ei Hgston and fahaily leave this 'week for their (summer home, at Grand Bend, Miss W. ,Huston, of ''Hamilton, is. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11, R. Huston. "Made in Canada" ;that's the word, made in Exeter sounds one better. Use. DIODEL Flour, Mrs. Dod'sworth and Mrs. Swan are. spending a week with Exeter friends. Clinton News Record. !Mr. Harold .Bissett left Last \t eek for Toronto, where he has a good position in view. Miss Jessie McCulloch and Miss Hil- da Williams (spent a few ' alas last. week in Bruclefield. Mr. P. 13awden and daughter, of Ridgetown, are visiting Mr. and Mels. Jos. Bawden in town. If Headache is your trouble consult ''SIO WEY, THE OPTICIAN" and have the Gauss. removed. Mr. Arthur Glanville, Of. Exeter Worth, is !confined to els ;bed and is. under the doctor's canal Several from town took part in the entertainment at Frazer Presbyterian church, Biddulph, oiz Tuesday evening. ' Ninety-nine families in Perth 'coun- ty 'are now !receiving assistance from the patriotic fund. Inthese there are 208 children. fA '.number ' ro'm town took in the anniversary at�`Whalen on Sunday and also the !strawberry festival on Tues day afternoon: Miss Rose' Patterson. Miss Jessie. Mee Culloch and Master 'Donald White spent .'the neek end .at '.Miss Patter-' son's 'home in ,Bl3 th., Mrs. 'Amos Doupe, of Usborne; who recently underwent an operation at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, return- ed home on Tuesday: Mise Hilda Willikams who has been ill at •the home of MinsCameron( .dur- ing the past five treeless is able, to .be out around again. ,. Rev. P. Nicol occupied tele( pulpit in Ottawa Presbytte,rian church' 1ast; Sab- bath in the ,absence of RevaDlr. Sharp who Is awes on hits holidays. Messrs. J. !A. Stewart and R. G. Seldom, and W. W. Tanana and W., D. Clarke ,vete in: London' on Wednesday takinig in the Scotch doubles' en the: bowling tournament. Airs. Fitton: has a half dozen silver spoons, some glassware and granite - ware which was cased in connection tvith the tea room, and she would like the owners to call ,and claim it.: Mr. and Dirs. Will Sweet and, Mr, harry Sweet motored to London on Monday where the latter interviewed a specialist in'refie,'rence to his. foot. F1'e is getting along fine at present. I • Mr. R. Howes, Mrs. A. McAlpine and Miss Rhoda McAlpine, of London accompanied by Mr,. a•nd Mrs. Early. of New London 'Wis, motored op and spent Sunday at Mr; 0.. W. Chriiatie's. Mrs. J. A. Stanley and children. of (Winnipeg, are "the guests of tbe for- ner's pa.rentls. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Mc Laughlin. They came down on tho lie monis from Port William to Sar- nia ilnd bad •a most delightful trip. Kitchen Shower. — i humbler of friends of 'Muss Minnie Jewell 'sun' - prised heir at the home of 'Mills Maud Johns on Monday evening ;and pre-. seated her with a kitchen 4shower. 'A very 'pleasant and ''sociable evening was spent. • tucks, FongQA•STiS The Third Regular Storm. Period is central on ten ec 94th,.ening rhe 23rd to the 28tb, incluive. Disturbing Causes And What to Look Fore -The Moon is in perigeeh on the 25th, the cenaral day of this Vulcan period, and in opposition to the earth nett sun at greatest declam- ation south, on tho 26th. On the same day Mercury is at inferior conjunction with Earth ` and Sun while Saturn 15 in •conjunction with Earth and Sun on the 28th. .D cntiine; the Earth is nearing its aphelipe, kir greatest dvstalnce•, from the Sun, which point it !reaches on July. the 5th. 'The eulminating crisis of this periods will fall on the 25th, 26th and, 27th about which day's barometric depnclssions will be at their lowest, end. storing of rain, wind and, thunder Will be s Weep. ng 'eastward through the central re- gions of the country; ' `li'lu unix, Jl YNE 2401s A Lesson From The .Clock CLOCK that strikes is better than a non -striking clock. It tells us the time through our ears as well as through our eyes. It saves our steps. It signals, spurs us on, rouses us, spaaks to us in the dark and from fat' away. It is useful far beyond the usefulness of the silent clock. • So with a business that advertises: A shop or store that sends out its mes- sage to' us in the form of advertise. - intents in our newspaper serves us far beyond the shop or Store that is silent —that must be visited before the serv- ice or.naerchandise can be known. The shop or store that advertises saves 'our time and money, etc - Speaks to as at the right .time, rouses us to attention, and stirs us to action. We buy more as the result of adver, tieing, and we buy from advertisers. To the Merchants of Exeter and Vicinity Put a striker—an attention -getter, an arouser, a stimulator—on your huskiess., In other words—advertise. Strike often and regularly by weekly advertisements in the WEELLY TIMES. Answer the Call of Advertising Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. HOUSECLEANING TIME'. MAKE Housecleaning Easylay In buying a Domestic Vaoaum Cleaner from,. us. It will mean your Rugs and Carpets better than beating them and • with much less• labor. Men get iottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yon see you need any new furniture, wve have a big stock to choose from, R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PRONE 20a 1 FARM FOR SALE Situated in the " Township of Has, in the Counts of Huron, Province of Ontario, known and designated as part lot 1 o. 10. Laket~Road, West, Con- cession near Dansereau Avenue in the Village of St. Joseph.Contains about 26 acnes., price, a2500.00 "Eass Terms" Apply ' to Lamontagne Lim,- ited. 338 Notre Dante 'West. MonfreaL o•••Holiday ♦a; °s SEASON IS HERE O 6 s0 ARE •WE.. : WITH HOLIDAY GOODS s • See our New Autographic O • Kodaks 87.50 to 22.50. It is a • pleasure for us to show you how • to use them, also full instruc- • tions with each camera free. • We have a huge supply of • • Fresh Chocolates. See our win- • s dow Saturday -600 bars of 5 et.• • goods, also assorted chocolates • • creams and fruits from 25c to 82. • 25. To see them is to want them. • • Don't miss our Saturday Special � • Box, regular 50e ' on Saturdays .} ♦ going at 39c, •• ♦ Here is the place to buy • Chewing Gum, We have all the • • Popular.jmakes,,,,flzafi renetred 700 • bare,.1us uhtuk7'6i55' Worth, We" a • have the thirst quencher too, Welsh's Grape Juice on Ice, Hoc ♦ • 25c and 50c bottles, , • We have the celebrated Era- •• • •• nco Flashlights and Batteries. j • These are the best as well as the • cheapest on the market; See 'em • = on display evenings, ,Sac to $2.35 • • The above are a'few Specials at • Howey's Stores • J • • EXETER AND QticANT3 Betas • ♦ Grand Bend Store opens for the summer Tuesday June 29th • • ♦ We Oboe Evert Thuriiday Afternoon During +, • July andAurrret Field Seeds for Sale! We have a carefully selected stock of Field Seeds for Sade, and offer them at Very Close Prices. Our stook of `` r CORN is of the Best Known Varieties and Germination guar= anteed. We have the following: Improved Early Butler; Improved Dailey; White Cap; Early Leeming; Mammoth; Early Cuban; Wisconsin No. 7; Longfellow Flint; King Phillip Flint. Root Seeds In Root Seeds we have the large selection:—Mangol; Turnip; Sag_ `,'arrot; Etc. Also Seed Beans, Millet, Sorghum, Timothy and- Clover Call and inspect our stock—it will pay you! C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Crediton, Ontario AUTO For Hire Government Chauffeur No. 2724 Family or Pleasure Driving a Specialty PHONE 80, EXETER Farm for Sale The undersigned have been inistruct- ted to sell that splejndid 50 acre farm near Hensall'known as the South half of 'Lot 18, con. 1, Flay- Tp. On it is a good brick 2 storey houlc with brick kitchen' and frame woodsh d.% a barn 84'x 36, stone foundation, _cem- ent pig pen 24 x 18, drive shed. 36 x 20 a good windmill and excellent well and apple orchard of over one acre. The land is rich end productive, well fenced and drained with tile. All un- der cultivation except about 7 acres in hardwood bush. This farm is on the London Road, only half mile south of Hensall, the leading farmers' mar- ket of Huron County. Apply not lat- er than July lst to GLADMAN & STANBURY flee ell and Exeter Notice of Closing i We the undersigned nraerchan is",of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of ;busifncss at the hour of hall past twelve o'clock on Thunsday afternoons during the ,months of Jul; and August. J. A. Stewart le .Hawki(ns & Son S. Martin as Son s , Fitton 9', M. Boyle Exeter Times, Pig Co. Advocate. Printing Co. W. 3. Beaman W. J. Beer Oji, W. 1 Blcavers Lawson. & Trick F. 131 W riles II. Spaekma n: 1?.. Frayn e ,Grigg .T. ,Senior 1, A, Folliek W W. Tamlai A. E. 1Xoore donee & Mas' W. J. Statham Mrs., Yen 1, A. 'Wambold J, W.. Powell We S ,linwej ,. t• ' .�.»-,,..: ,„, w.t..,.....1 Western University, London. Another Great Advance Income Doubled —Nove$75,000 Another large addition to Faculty' and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in View. Write for particulars to E. E. Braithwaite, M,u ., ,Fhalk I.K''er.:_s , r t. President. "A Man's ;Abilits is h,is Passport” Frank. 'Weaver Professor 'a" _Mudie,' . `. London, "dint. Teacher. of Organ and all brans es of Piano Plasing ; Voice Culture el Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 yearm practical experience. For Terms apple at S. Martin '& Son's Masie Store - F. W. HODGSON Carpenter and Builder. y ;, Plans furnished; Estimates given free, on aft classes of buildings. 3-18-t1 PERRY le. DOUPE, Licensed limit, tioneer, Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate _• Orders left at Times al' ee. wiii ue 'proanpu.7 e%% tended 'to. 'Phone ,116," lair ton,- Ade dress Kirkton P.O. s ,l BRICK HOUSE AND THREE LOTS Folt SALE The residence of the late , Siniont Campbell on William street. consist-, Mg of a seven room 1 1-2 storey bride house; 4urnaee. hard and soft water stable . and drive house ; Some choices fruit trees; To inspect the property pall at J. Scott's Sr,, Fon terms and oarticulars apply to Thomas Cameron: R. B. 'No., 1, I{iirkton, or phone on. ftaa adrean's inc.:5,20,tfe y4