Exeter Times, 1915-6-24, Page 4• THE E.XE.T'F,l T 11 nfid.. I+t�•." a,.n 3a. a:":,•;;•••171 SIO 481 TheProptieteryor latex l MeditineAct • AVeeetable Preparalion fords, simtlatms lheFood andReeggulae lingtlieStamachsand Rowelsor Promofesni+ estiaaCheerful:, ness alud Rest.Containsneiter. Opium Morphine 11orNiueral.: NOT NARCOTIC:. .Re*raeeeilelDr..%1 Z2 117i Fna7i(ra Sad- ...dxSe,vrx a If P�"IicSit's- J�dti•,se,�rd *Stgi a uleSosik.v £lartfed 5110.. la., raarn A1crfecl Remedy forCoasflp ' lion SaurStarkesh,4iardaleat Worms.Coavuls oitsfevensl pessantl LOSS;OF Sl'€Ey FeeSimile Siehatiirei3T. 'Cue CENTAUR. Me. 1$ON1REAL&NSW YORK A For Infants an Children. Mothers Know That Gemirr C scoria A.1way Bears the Signat,>< r of it In _...:Oso For Over= Thirty Years 14 .z •:,.,•moi ‘ Exact Copy of Wrapper. 1 THC CtNTAUR COMPAISY. NEW YORK CITY. 10MINION DAY EXCURSION FARES SINGLE FARE -Good going rend re- turning July 1st only. FARE AND ONE -THIRD -Good go- ing June 30th and July 1st, Return limit July 2nd, 1915. Return tickets will be sold between all statiou in Oanada east of Port Arthur. Secure your tickets early at GrandTrunk ticket office, _ N. J..DORE, AGENT, EXETER, rmers1 Woven Wire Fence below Manufactur= ers' Prices, either Peerless or Mon= arch makes, buy at once as these prices will not last very long. ()Wire Fence 23c per Rod 7 64 '2;,c 13 ., 0. 25c ,6 Limber and Cement )0,000 Cedar Posts on hand -also Anchor Posts. Cedar and Anchor posts Let me tut. to you my low prices on your Lumber require- ments, whether large or small orders. Also Cement, A.Jaa >i i CLA ll ORTI ll UIRANTON tr 1 OVER OS YEARS' ;; PEF3t ENCS ' RAD:r fileRd:S, DESIGNS COP RIGKTS &C. An,r.;to rending a sketch and description may" Quteki9 asce+rtatn our opinion free whether an $Irannttion Io probably patentable. Communica. Wins dtrieityeonndAtruaL HURON on Patent tent free. 1.;14eat t •eyfor securing patents. I'atenta taken L. f'11 Munn & CO. reee171. rprefa natio, Without charge, in the ittricatio ai iinndeeiseiy i11UYtrated weekly. La;geat circ evil it t+a of 4mty scientific lemmal. Tering Sot endo, t1f.;•,; a year4postage prepaid. Sold by s lI mese de:liera 'll;i`e$O28St3roadw:t', li :i n c. Brenda Oitir,e, OS i 13f. Waswniiten. Ti. C. The Iran who runs a store accouti leveret months. buying it small cilium - titles, should never go away from: the store that tic•rornedtted him. in case he 'should have ti2O or $50 to ;.pend. .and then come home with his purchas ,.te$ and =ay he can do leerier at some Aother .ince than v:t home. It is alp �' .� p Ways to ba, pretaumred that Ft xntn who 'iii making l.irge ca'eh purchases can drivea closer beresain than orse who Itn'altes ioia l purchases on tithe. We 'do not. believe the=ri*, to a town any. l►v here •ifl the iroviner where goods , ee& sold on a. ,mailer merg.n than, in seurr own town. NEWS TOMS OF WEEK frriportai t Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -A Solid Roar's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Tire inquiry into the Lusitania disaster was commenced yesterday. Archbishop Langevin of St. Boni- face, Manitoba, died in the Hotel Dieu at Montreal yesterday. Premier Asquith announced in the House of Commons that the war would cost Britain $15,000,000 daily from now on. Giuseppe Parres was almost in- stantly killed by a bucket loaded with cement failing upon him at Lock No. 2, Welland Ship Canal. The surgeons who operated on King Constantine leave issued a statement that the worst phase of the King's illness is over. Maine Rosezel, a deck hand on the steamer Garden City, was drowned last night in Toronto Bay at the foot of Yonge street. Rosezel was at- tempting to board the boat and fell in. Official denial was made yesterday of the report circulated in the United States that the British battleship Agamemnon had been sent down in the Dardanelles by a German sub- marine. Victor Subosits, a well-known and prosperous Hungarian merchant at Welland, admitted sending money to Austrians and Hungarians for rela- tives, through a United States bank- ing house. Col. Royal Burrett, who went with the first contingent in command of the Winnipeg Battalion, and has since been in thb training depot at Shorncliffe, has been appointed chief of staff to Col. Skinner, commander of the Canadian forces in England. THURSDAY. The Chicago street car strike has been called off, the differences to be settled by arbitration. Huron Anglican Synod voted down a resolution commending the Gov- ernment for establishing the dry canteen. Some twenty employes of the Ross rifle factory at Quebec, including several women, have been sworn in as special constables. Frost damaged garden produce considerably yesterday in western Canada, also setting back the field crops in some places. It is reported that a conniderable British force under Rear -Admiral Sir E. C. T. Troubridge has been in Ser- bia since the end of March. A Zeppelin airship visited' the northeast coast of England Wednes- day evening and dropped bombs. Sixteen deaths are reported. Rumors are circulating in Paris about the speedy intervention of Holland, or, anyhow, permission to the British forces to cross Dutch territory, Two residents of St. Hyacinthe, Que., Hormidas Qurvillion' and Euseb Turcotte, Were instantly killed last night at the Intercolonial Railway. crossing; St. Hyacinthe, by' the east- bound Ocean Limited train. A Rotterdam despatch reports that the damage done at Karlsruhe by the air raid of the French squad- ron of aeroplanes was much greater than the papers were allowed to state. Two henrlrr•,d' were killed., 'When you find a man whose idetis are filed and iinrnu dile pees him up. IFI, 1r tS`t worth one single round of hot air, J`r to get a' boy he easiest way1 inter• sated in anything la to tell hila that i1e WI big enough to understand it. VILLAGE OF EXETER BYLAW NO. , e,,, e,, 1915 A BY-LAW to provide for the issue of Debentures to the extent of twenty thousand dollars, ($2o,000:0o) for the cost of a plant to distribute Electric Power to be supplied by the Hydro Elec- tric Power commission of Ontario from Wiagaia Falls, Ptovisionally adopted after the 2nd reading on the 25th day of June, 1915. WHEREAS it is necessary to raise be way of loan on the coedit of the village the sum of tuK4nts thousand dollars 1$20,000,a0), to provide for, the cost of 'warJ.ns, plant, machinery and appliances, 'neeussars for the distri- bution bf ,Electric '''ower in thie Vil- lage of Exeter and in' the neighbor. hood thereof to be supplied by the 11,3 dro Electric Commission k'ower .Company of Ontario, from T'iagara Falls, and ta provide fox the expense of +discount and other charges nego- tiating the said Jeans) AND WHEREAS the amount of the wheel, .xategettt :Property, of,,the .,N, II'' laael•.pf"'Lrseter according tci the.''hast revised .,Assessment itoll thereof is six hundred and forts -one thousand, s} lilunde1,� and ruts dollars, ($641,-, 600.001. AND WHEREAS the existing De- benture debt of the Village of Exeter is fifty -five thousand, one hundred and eighteen dollars pad eevent3-four cents ($55418.74) AND WHEREAS the sum of twent3 thousand dollars (420,000.00), is the debt intended to bocreated be this .133• -Law.;, AND WHEREAS it will require the, sum of one thousand four hundred, and nineteen dollars And five cent's, (4.419.05), ,to be raised annually tor' the period of tweent3-tive years, by a special rate Auffieient therefore on all the rateable propertj, in the Vil- lage of Exeter ;, THEREFORE the Council ot the Corporation bf the Village of Exeter euaets as follows ;t (P).. 1t shall be lawful for the iteev4e of the Village of Exeter and tee 'Treasurer thereof to rause. b3 way ut Loan, upon the securit5 of tie. de- bentures hereinafter n;entioned, from uu3 person or persons, body. or bodi,ex turporate who alae be willing to ad- . axce the same: upon the credit ot such debentureis, a sum of mone,3 not e ctoding the whole sum oE- '''went.. thousand !dollars (.20,000,00), and to cause the ,same to be paid into the bands of the Village Treasurer for tee purpose, and .with the objects above recited, • (2) It shall be lawful tor the said Reeve and Treasurer Lo cause anl. number of Deb.entuxes to be made for such Gums of money as may, be, requii- ed. for the purposes aforesaid: paeabie for not less than One, hundzied dollars (400.00) each, and not exceeding in the whole the sum ot twert3 thous- and dollars (20.000.00). And the said debentures shall be sealed with the taeal ot the Corpora- tion and be .signed bbl the Reeve and Treasurer, and be payable at the of- fice of the. said Treasurer, in said vil- lage. (:i) The said debentures shall ;bear date from the day of issue thereof, and shall be pa3 able yearly thereaf- ter for and during they, said pleriod of Twenty -five years and be for the re- spective amounts following,: - That is to ea3 Year Interest , •Principal . Annuity 19,16 $1000.00 $419.05 $440.00 1$462,00 1919 if 933.i/4 $4115.11 1920 $909.3) $509.36 1921 *88422 $534.83 1922 *857.48 $561.57 192.3 *829.4.0. $589.65 1924 *799.e2 3619.13 1.925 $768.97 $650.08 1926 $736.45 $682.59 1927 /1702.83 $716.72 1928 ;666.50 $752.55 1929 *628.87. 370,18 1930 4589.36 $829.60 193L $547.87. 3871:1;8 1932 t 504.32 $914.73 1933 3458.58 3960.47 1934 3410.56 r 31008.49 1935 *360.13 $1058.92 1936 4'307.19 $1111.86 1937 *251.59 31.167.46 1938 3193.22 $1225.83, 1939 *131,93, $1287.12 1910 $ 67,57 $1351.48 1917 1 3979.05 1918 $957-05 '31419.05 ;$1419::05 , $1419.95 $1419.05 ,$1419.p5 $1419.05 $1419.05 $141.9.05 $1419,05 $1419A35 $1410;05 $1419.05 $1419.05 $1419.05 '$1419.05 + $1419,0.5, $1419.05 $1410,95 $141.9.95 31419.05 $1419.05 $1419.05. $1419.05 '$141;1.05 ' $1419.05 (4) The said debentures shall have coupons attached thereto for the pat ment of the interest thereon. Which interest tshall,be a.t the -rate of five per dent .per annum from the And shall be leiteable annually from the dating therieof in each 3e'ar Ott the place where the said debentures are Made payable. (5) The said debentures shall have printed across the face thereof the words "I{3 dro Electric. Debentvres". (0) ' During the •curxene3 of a be said debentureis there shall be reaped annually _bv special ."rate ,on all the rateable propnrt3 of the Village of •Jixeter the sum of One thouea•nd four hundred and nineteen dollars and five oeuts, ($1419.05x, for the purpose of repaying the amount dere in each of said Jeans foie the principal and inter- est an resprect of said debt, ('?) This b3 -law eha11 take effect ot,.and after the passing thereof. (8) The votes of the electors for and against this be -law shall be tak- en b3 ballot ,on Friday, the 16th day Of July, 1915, from the, hour of mine o'clock 'in 'the forenoon, until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same da3 at theplaces within the said cor- poration of the Village of Exeter, and b3 the Deputy Retur'ning•_Offlcer hereinafter specified, That is to ,sae a Polling Sub..Divisipn No. 1, at Silat3 ,l:iandford's house, an the west side ••of Main Street ; Sidnee Davis, Deputy Returning Officer. rolling Sub (Division ,No. 2. at the Town 'Rail, east (side of Main street, Wellington •Johns, Depute tteturning 'Officer, Polling. ,Sub Division No. 3. at the Brick Office building at the corner of Wellington and Main streets, Ven- ce Gillies, Deputy Returning Officer. Polling Sub. Division No.' 4, at, the North Jaid Mee Hall, ,corner of Mar- ket and .Elizabeth etreetts, Alex, Alae Pherson, Deputy stetunning Otlicer.. (9) That on Tuesday eventing the 13th day of July, 1915, at the ;Council chamber in the said yillage of Exeter at the. hour of 8 o'clock mu the after- noon., the said ,ltveve s,h.ail appoint in writing, signed by himself; two per- sons to attend to the final summing up of the votes aloreisaid b3? the, .clerk of the Council and one person, to at- tend at each polling plane on •behalt. of the persons interested in, .and 'de- sirous of promoting the passing of this, b3 -law, 'and a like'number .on behalf of 'the person: interested .in and desirous of opposing the passing Of this byelaw. (10) That on the 17th day of July 1915. ;the clerk of the_ council'shall at the clerk's office in the said Village of Exeter at .12 o'clock noon, sum up thie number of votes for and against this be -law in. the presaerncc of the persona appointed to attend thereat or in the presence of such of them and any other persools4 entitled, by 'by- laws to be present, as m'a3- be present. Signed y ..Lr ' _.i •. ._.' . Reeve Seal . ...i... '_.• .• ..,. Signed ., , . r J • . Clerk. ,NOTICE ' The above is a time copy of the proposed by -,law which hats beep; tak- en into .consideration and which will bd finally pawed by ''.the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter, in thle event of the consent of the Electors being obtained thereto after one month from the( first publi- cation thereof in the Exeter Times and Advocate newspapers the first publication of :which shall be on tae Nth day of June, A.D., 1915, and at the hour, day and places therein:fixed for •taking the vote oil the electors, w. poll will be held. Evers -tenant who .desires to vote on the said• by -claw must deliver to the Clerk of 'the Municipality -not later than the 10th ,day appointed foe tak- ing the said vote, a •d.eclaratiion pro- vided by ;3ubvsection 3 of section 265, Oh. p. 192 of the Municipal Act. Dated. at Exeter this 23rd .day of Juno, A.U., 1915. - JoS. SENIOR Acting Clerk of the 'Corporation of the Village of Exeter. date thereof. Soldiers befi.ng invalided home to 'Catad'a from the.front are ,elig;ble for pensions from the day of their rel urn. and step, are being taken to plooe, them promptly on the lines ok the trecpiit order -in council. 'Thi• gov ernment has also under •consideration arrangements whereby isoldiexs incap- acitated from working at their former occupations will be,tsaieed at a'tradle :suited to the?Ir present physical cap- abilities, Full arrangements brave ,.been invade for the third annual Fresb3lcrran SOFT :teem' echool to be held' St Gedericb tt hotel Sunset from ,July '5 to 12. The! day ex,elrtises w:,ll ,be given over to studies a:stl in the •evexnirig a'ddros- Sc)s will 118 i), v.:e•a Wellknown spoil: ars w:li ba oni bend, iroludingt John Griffith, B.A., a1' I-Ionan, China., Judg- tr.,g b3 xe,glstratiari'a •a'ready the school promio:es to be the most suc- ttcs+:'+rul yet held. Last ;year's invas'on by •tbi army worth' cost eoneiderable tri Ontario. 1 -^ted at a quarter • 'a 11. �i The losses x14, < L. 13 ►1 t; of a inill:nti.dbllril:9, tthll.a In t? Not Ilratrswielk 4rntl Nervi i eot.ui'-- ark estirrl i to d ct 1'50,000. in Cistern) til worth a iplre: red in 2:I1 to'ii•ni•h',ps and 4k conbt,ca: Taping Over Munition Factories. BERLIN, June 22. -The National Zeitung's correspondent, "On the Russian Border," who repeatedly has shown himself to be well in- formed, sends a despatch, saying that the Russian War Ministry bas ordered the military expropriation of all factories capable of making am- munition. The correspondent says that despite the fact that Russian ammunition factories are working three shifts of men, the production still lacks match of covering the gi- gantic consumption. Fear IL S. Speculators. LONDON, June 22. - "Why the advance notice giving American speculators an opportunity to corner I , the speller supplies?" asks a writer in The London Globe, commenting on the report that the new muni- tions committee contemplates, in view of the shortage, to comman- deer all speller other than that used in factories making cartridges and shells, and prohibiting., theuse Of 'speller for galvanized sheets and wireunless they are for the Govern ment. TEURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 19;13,• WOMAN WOULD NOT GIVE UP Though Sick and Suffering; At Last Found Help in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- . ble Compound. Richmond,. Pa. -. " When 1 started taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was in a dreadfully 'rundown state of health, h a d internal trou- bles, and was so ex- tremely nervous and prostrated that if I had given in to my feelings I would have been in bed. As it was I had hardly strength at • times to be on .my feet and what I did do was by a glreat effort. I could not sleep at night and of course felt very bad in the morning, and had a steady headache. "After taking the second bottle I no- ticed that the headache was not so bad, I rested better, and my nerves were stronger. I continued its use until it made a new woman of me, and now I can hardly, realize that I am able to do so much as I do. Whenever I know any woman in need of a good medicine I highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound." - Mrs. FRANK CLARK, 2146N. Tulip St., Richmond,Pa. Women Have Been Telling Women for forty years how Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering with female ills. This accounts for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast. If you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don't. you try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink - barn Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Auction Sale] OF TWO DWELLING HOUSES, • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND FARM IM,PL' EMENTS IN EXETER There will be offered for sale by ,t'nblic - Auction cn the. premises of SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, 1915 at two o'clock p.m. the ioilewhi valu- able •proper..; wrui,:.riy owned uy LAC late Thomas '13. Afart.ii, Esquire;: • 1tE.•1.1, ES'''A'''1h Consisting of Lot 42 on- the South Side of Sanders street, Village of Exe- ter. on which is arr:oted a brick cot- tage and frame stable, Also Lot 41 on the South side of Sandtens street Village of Exeter, on which rs erect- ed a frame cottage and stable. These are both desirable houses for small families. . l.tiAT1'i':L8 - Coal heater, wood stove, •coal oil stove; glass .,cupboards, sideboard, .drop teat Lamle, b utuinb.• room eehsil'1. u nrtcnen enalrs, be;u, .: bedroom standq, Ain6"el' sowing Laa- CmLI', jcaZp"C, J ine:at stn, ' o,ici>in, aucn, lour :otter Minus, lounge pie- rtires, copper 11.11;1•.. out vans ".nu dishes. long lander, step ' „ladder, a neclr yokes, cross cut waw, puciesa«t, 2 loggtug .pains, grind Mone, oat pox• string bells, pile lumbar, shovels, Aot.s rakes and Aeries, .Wood, gang • plow; disc. (walking plow, caulks rake., top buggy, .cutter, and numerous other articles. TERMS OF SALE REAL ESTATE -10 per cent on da3 of sale and the balance in e0 day s. . CHATTELS - ,CASH Further terms and particular's will oe made known An day of sale or 'may. be had • on application to the under- signed. B. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer,, GLADAIAN & STAN 13URRY, Solicitors for ,tae Executor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Samuel Thomson, of the Township of Has, in 'the county of Huron, farmer, deceased. . • Notice is 'herebe given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that :all cred- itors and others having claims. • a- gainst •the estate of the 'bail Samuel Thomson, who died on or about the. 24th of;May, 1915, aro required on or before the 15th day of July, 1915, to send b3 past prepaid or •de- liver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbur3, of tae Village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of thio said, deems. ed. their christaie and surnames ad- dresses and descriptions the full par- ticulars of their ,claims the state- ment of their accounts and the na- ture of 'the securities if any. held by them, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to thte claims of w hicb' they a14)ail then have .otic' and that the Executors will not be liable' for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received b3 them at th,e tune of such distribution. GLADMAN &7'AN13UliY: Solicitors for Executors. Dated at Exeter this 15th day of .Tune 1915. C S For I.ufhutt Yr F; h0 Mei) A.hvay® icrti e the ,.. �:l�t..at sre of 1/111''ill"'111"'tliwill"'11l'Ill.Ull""111'"111'"111"'111 °911."IN"`111°"111"'111'"gill" 11W'I'iillt, "� 9' _ - - > .,'1 *ted THE 15.5 MOL SONS BAN ► A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS a TRANSACTED INCLUDING• oCIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT _ BANK MONEY ORDERS 01141.30:21r CAIPRAG, AND • RESERVE $8,800,000. "� a a Saving s Renk DeparEmielilt At all Branches " %tercet allowed et highest current rate' m.m.. • 92 Branches in Canada R tt?fIY EXETER BRANCH = W. n CLARKS, Mia = a 4,ni,,,111,.011,,,411,"111,,,11.,110,.,111,.JI{..,lI..'111,,.111,,,(11n.114n.111...116.,1)1.. 111,1 iti,.Ills, r' THE CAliTADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL. D., D.C.L., President ALIBI/ANDER LAIRD. General Manager , JOHN AIRD. Ass't General Mnousgesti CAPITAL, $15,00040 RESERVE FUND, $131500,000 BANKING' BY -MAIL, Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same:• careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. $2 Exeter Branch- H. J. WHITE, Manager 11.; ' DREDITON BRANCH - A. E. KUFIN, Manager. Zr ga. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of George.Joynt of the 'Village ofHIen- sell, of the County of Huron, gentle- man, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others baying claims ag- ainst the estate of the said. George Joe nt, who died on or 'about April 1st 1915, are required on or before the 15th dee of July` Ai send by post pre - pad or deliver to Alessrs. Gladman & tttanbury, of the Village of Exe- ter. Solicitors for the Administrators of lbe said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the secur- (eties, if any, held by thiem. And further take notice that after said laid mentioned date the said Admin- istrators will :proceed to ditstribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only tothe:claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the Ad- winistrators will not be lilable, for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose cinema notice shall not have been received by thetm( at the time of such1distribu- tion. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors of Administrators Dated at Exeter this 15th dray of June . 1915. Notice to Creditors In 'the matter of the estate of . Thomas B. ,D•lartyu, of the Village of Exeter, ICounty of .Huron, gentle - Mart, deceasletd. Notice is nereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others having claims ag- ainst the estate of the said Thomtas )3. Marten, who died on or; about May 15th. 1915, are iriequir(ad on or before 5th da3' of July to send by post pre- paid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village of Exe- ter, Solicitors for the Executor of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars or their claims, the statement of their 'ac- counts and the nature of the secur- loties, if any, . held by thiem. And further take notice that after said last mentioned date the. said Exe- cutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall ehcn have notice and that the said Executor shall not be livable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribu- tion. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executor. Dated at Exeter this 15th day of June 1915. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF 'MELVIN ORAL tDEA'RING, late of the Village of Green !Brier, Saskatchewan, [De- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Surrogate Court Rules, that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Melvin Oral Dearing, who died on; the first ,day of, June, A,D,„ 1912, are (required to file with Mlessts'Wil- loughby, Craig & (Company, oft 'Hoose Jaw, Solicitors for, the Administra- tor, on or ,before the 15th day of Sep- tember, 1915, their said. claims, Certi- fied by Statutory Declaration , and showing what securiL3, if a,ny, is, held by thein; t NOTICE is further. ,given that the IA.dlministrator will, after ithe last 'mentioned date, proceed. to distribute the assets of the estate, buying regard only to the claims of, Wilted heel all ,thLrt1,eit. have had. ulotlgcu (DATED at Moose Jaw, this 8th day al June, .A.D.. 1915, W1.L'LoUGiIEY, 011.'. & .CO. Solicitors for Abram ]),caring, Administrate • J. A. MASON ARCHITECT$ 425 Dundas Street, London,' Guars g"r teed cost of buildings; no extra,; 111 years New York experience. Phu raise 2725. Anyone intending to build will d.i• ell o write me. No charge for cert sulat on C .T. W. KARN, M. D. C. M,- 425 RICHMOND ST., LONDON, ONTARIO. SPECIALIST IN SURGERY AND EN1To-tnINARy DISEASES OF AND 1YOAIEN DR G. F. iROULSTON, MRS; DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Uaagtex+i•• site. Office over Dickson '& •Itaaiw ling's Law office. Closed WedeeIse- day afternoons. Phone Office &alh Residence 5b. . ..,.ri Lit, A. R. KINSMAN Li.,D',9; DDA Honor ,Graduate of Toronto Mks ersity 1 e 1_Ia.1lnLsat 1 DENT,'IBT1 . ((Okla Teeth extracted without psi& s any bad effects. Office over GlaihrP man & Stanbury'e Office Hain lh Exeter. 4 A I WA BROWNING J1& D., I, a, • P. 54 Graduate Victoria U eggs city Office and residence Docedulail Labratory., Exeter, -, { Associate Coroner of Huron IN:i D ICKSON & CARVING , r 11,E Barristers, Solioitora Notaries SUP veyanoers Commissioners, Soli for the Molsone Bank etc: Money to Loan at lowest rates ef mss• terest. 146.1 OFFICE -MAIN STREET BEETS& I, R. Carling B. A; 4 T9w Diisiosl - c MONEY, TO LOAN 1 ,11.1 • L...i t f We have a Iarge ambuut a grila ate funds to loan on farm as& !Re lige properties at lowest rate o1 idln terest, GL'AD,MAN & STANBUBli ' 4 4. Barristers, Solicitors, Main R& Exeterd Tile Ugorne and flibliert Farmer's Mutual Fire ln�>nr ante Gompanlu Head Office, Farquhar, Om President j t ;, , ROBT. NORRIVig Vioe-,P,resident 1 , THOS. RYA.`'! .AIItECTG'R,S, =i�idll WM. 131 O,CE , , War. ROW 3, L. RUSSELL 1 r7, T. ALLILOD3•• 4 t' AGENTS s • t tit, ,TORN ESSER!. Exeter. agent& II borne and I3iddulph. i OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent be" Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. 1 _Lad 1..I the. r W. A. TURNBULL ' Selz'y.Treas, Farquhar,' GLADMAN & STANBCiRY• ,6,141 Solicitors. Exeter. km CAST IA stir Infants Arid Children. 'f Bought ht. The Kind You Have Always Bo tears the Signaturo of r Z rs''X+. s ,