Exeter Times, 1915-6-24, Page 115'01/TY-SECOND YEAR ---44.0 2215 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 24th, 1915 PHONE, 32 I JONES AND MAY PHONE 3Z f1EN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHINO Our Buyer has just returned froma-big purchasing trip of Men's acrd Boy's Suits and Odd Pants, Most people are aware that the prices of Woolens are going up more than any- thing else, and in order to protect our customers and ourselves we have made ONE GIGANTIC BUY For the reason that we do not know when we will be able to make another on accouut the conditions of the Old County markets. Our assortment includes of 800 Men's Suits blacks, greys, browns, nifty checks, pin -stripes, &c. Every Garment all wool, and in all the best colors, navys, These Suits are all Sovereign Brand and Bench -made. We can fit tall men, short men, stout men or thin men, and give then Suits at the Old Prices, 300 _ _ - Boys Suits - fin all the latest shades, and at a very low cost to you. Gets your Suits now, while prices are rinht. 200 Pairs MENS ODD PANTS,$pair Good z.00 to 0oper M ENS SCOTCH RAIN- COATS We still have on hand, a full assortment of the famous Ar- thur's Brand in all sizes, a coat. we guarantee to keep out• the rain. English 300 Boys Summer or Fall Worsteds, Selling at M EN'S FELTS AND STRAWS ASK to see our new ship— ment of Men's Soft Felt Hats, just opened up this week. Also big assortment of Straw Sailors and Panarnas. JONES AND MAY Goods of QUALITY and Reputation .New Perfection Oil Stove For Safety and. Economy 2, 3 and 4 Burners $8.00 *UP Ovens $21$75np 'Wicks 20c Toaster's 30c ~I LURING, BEATING and TROUGHING Estimates cheerfully furnished. IRON PIPE and' FILLING •— ANGLE and GLOBE VALVES. All Size TAN 1S made to order. Coal Oil, 15c a gal. Gasolene, 18c a gal. 12c per Gal. in Drums 17c per Cal, in Drums Good Nail Hammer 350 Pipe Wrench $1.25 1l_ ffloNE Heaman's Hardware PHONE 2' A and Stove Store - '7 B BORN AUDINER—In TSsborne, on Sunday, June 20th, to jffr, and lV1~rsa Arthur .,Gardiner, .a son. 'MA'RRIED CALTSTER—JEWELL -- Tn Beeler on Wednesday, June 23rd, Mies Min- rife Le., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .',7a,mes Jewell, to Mr. Wel Lam, J. :McAlister, be the Res. W. G. 1L Me/Ulster. DIED ' 0010- At 1Iensall On June' 9th, to ,i Mr. 'and Mrs, George Aro*, a Isom+ ALI3REC H'1'—'At Zurich, on June 15th Adalm Albrecht, age 77 pears, 1 month and 4 dates. ss. , CLAUKE-1n Stephen Township on ;lune LOth, Celia. -Clarke, aged 34 5 ears and 8 months., aisle Agnes Cummings, an esteemed resident of Tuckerismi1b, passed away on June 13th, at the home bf her sin- ter, 'Mrs. Duncan 11lcGregot•, of Hip - pen. She was 62 yiearis. of age. The funeral tools place to the Egmond- fiile ,cp,0 etere ° "A••••••'16•41." MCALISTER — JEWELL An earls morning .wedding was lsol- ,emnized at the residence of ,Mi: and Mrs. Jas: Jewell, Gicaety' Street, on Wednesday, June 23rd, when, their younger daughter, Minnie E., eves un- ited in marriage .to Mr. William J. McAlister, Iron of Miry. Mare 113cA1- ister, of Dutton. The Rev, W. • G„ ell. McAlistfer, of James !street Methodist church, offi- ciated. The 'bride, who was given. away, by her father, wore her travelling suit of navy 'blue serge' :with black andswhite hat, and corsage bouquet ;of pale pink roses and lila-of-the-valley, After the %wedding riareakfast the bride 'a'nd groom left on the first train.,- Then will visit .Toronto, Montreal and other points tweet 'before proceeding to their home in Sarnia. (Among the uests mere Mrs. Mary IlleAllster, mother of the groom, and Mise " r s 73 sic- ITartnoll of Toronto, nto e:ou- es sin ofthe bride. The 'bride was given !many Nand some and valuable presents. 'Their ;mans friends will join. with the Times in extending congratula- tions. 1 ( t . i Mr. and 'Mrs. ,7arnee 'Logan,. of Ot- tawa, announce the engagement of their daughter Marg'axtet Pearl, to Mr. William J. Hocking, B.A., son of Mrs. Jamen Hocking, .of Cromarty. The marriage will take place the 30th of June. SPEND YOUR DOMINION DAY AT SEAFORTH AND ATTEND THE r6th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Seafo rI]Turf t Club iI b One of the Best Race Meets In Ont., all the Best Horses $2100 in Purses COME TO C4.th On July 1 and z Band in Attendance 31,13rededok, Sec. W,Qovenlock, Pru. Letter From the Front! The fo'l'lowing interesting tette was received from the; firing 1i;a b5 Mrs, Jaffa, Gould, of tolyl, fromMr Elmore Zang; son of 1%f4r, R. S. Lang formerls of Exeter. Locals r Mr. W, R. Sozithcott spent the week- end in London, Otis: W hirnster, o1 Ottawa. is visit- in g with Mrs. ll. Johnls of town. May 27th 1915 Dear Mrs. Gould,— Your letter of April 22nd received. last night which was forwarded from Shornoliffe,. Well Pm out to the sdene of host- ilities air lea, we are in the third line, of trenches at pxe5ent acting as res. erves. we are supports for the firing line. Most of our calsualties since we came out hers have been caused by eniperis, four being wounded and one killed while they were out digcihag trenches at ,night, we do rill our work. at night going out. in pirt'lea to dig trenches, burying the dead and, going for rations, water etc. While going for water a few nights ago one of the boss had an earthen lister jug shot out of his hand'k•y a sniper. You aro tnnr:h safer in the trenches than out with those partieb. Last night we took a lot of Sandbags up to the firing line. On oe'r way We were caught be shrapnielis, four of the boys being wounded; two of them were right close to me, one being wounded. ,in the arm and the other in the jaw. I must have keen lucky as the:sharpnel balls whizzed very' close indeed. Of the other two. one was caught in both legs,the other in the head. There are some open gaps in our trench which have been blown out b5. heavy shells, the snipers take advantage of .these gaps as re pass to and fro. 'hea' can talk es they like about the horrible sights of the Battlefield but it hasn't got anything on the ',amen I'm thinking. They are taking a trench or two from the Germans ,e,vere night now at this part of the front. This won't help the spirits of the German arms .ver; naudh. It is to be hoped we will be able to drive then back into their own coutrs before. long. We can hear the Britia3 slept whistling overhead all dee and night as ter'' go on their eexrandof death into the German lines B•etwe•en,Gexman shells bursting near here anal tau' guns replying you oan hardly hear yourself think. 1 rectxivred altogether 5 letters lest might, three from Englaz.d and one from Annie, X'm doing very well don't Sou think, although there was one fellow got as mans as eleven. I'll 'close here hoping to hear from 'sou again soon, I 'i , Yours vers ,sincerely ' . L. . i , . , •Elmore e' BY-LAW TO .d s SUBMITTED( For 'several weeks the estimatestof' the Ifsdro Electric Commission for hydro power for Exeter have bean announced an,d these being •eatisfac- (tors to those in touch with the ,.situa- tion the council has decided to sub- mit a be -law to the ratepayers for the 'purpose of raising enough ,none; bf debenture to erect a distributing station and install a new lighting s3 s - tens for the town. No time has ,been lost in drafting a be -law and making the 'necessary' arrangements to get the voice of the people and the date set Lor the voting its Friday, July 16, Twenty thousand dollars is required for the 4e:stem and station _and this spread over a period of 25 Scare makes the yearly :coiet to the town $1419.05 or about leen :wills on the dollar. The system . becomes the pro- perty of the town• inimediately upon completion the 'town taking 25 years to pas for it Hydro Electric • ;has e been one of th'ehie.f municipal topics for some tints and the time 1,s now opportune for the ratepayers to "de- cide whether they 'want to .connect up with h3 dro, a 24 houlr service, 'or grant another franchise to the pre- sent !Electric 'Light 'Company. ( as usual Exeter has moved slowly and 'cautiously. Other towns slave jumped into the hydro belt and nava not regretted it. This hall, brought hydro power all around, us —+ north, east Land south—and; /twill: is ;as near to Exeter as At ever will ; he until Exeter 'decides to join the circui;L With the increasing of the power - using municipalitiels. the cost has been coming down and at the present time we are iin a position to get a better bargain than some, of the surrounding places when the contracted for pow- er. We want hydro. We const have it sooner or later and it ie up to the people 'to say whether this is the op- 'ortune time or not. Bu3 ir.g out a franchise has plroven a mighty costly -experiment for soma of our neighboring municipalities and should•the ratepayers of Exeter turn down the hydro proposition the :.x- 1 tension of the present franchise Is the only alterbative and in that case the people's hands are tied during the term. 'of 'the agreement. ' On another page will be found a copy of the by-law. Study it careful- ly areful- ly and when convinced that 'now Is the time for hydro, get out and boost it. . ' '.BASEBALL Centralia land Exeter 'pts;5 e.,: the second 'ga,me of a home rind Konen series here lastst Thursday night. ht The nome team got the snort end of a 4 to 3 score, but winning out according to baseball. rules. 'Centralia, when one run ,ahead its, the sixth iuni;l:gie did not appear to like the way the toca.ls (started in to hit Duplex). and refused to play, on aceoutit of �b.p- preachir g darkness (."J. The ui'npire who was seeing things all .tight wan 'alder -Us at a loses to Meow what to do and refueed to call the game. Cen- t trate thereby defaulting to Exeter. ,Crediton East is expected to plus, iters rota Fx1dos evening. Miss Edna Folliek returned home Wednesday after spending several dates in Loudon. Caven .Presbyterian Sunday' School will "hold their annual pier4c at Ctiv- verview C'atIt on Tuesday afternoon June 29th, `14*r. and Airs. Ecl. Wei tco't re'urned last week from their tvedding trip end have taken up their residence' on the ra•roorns'' fine farm on the 3rd. con. of T.rsborne, Misses Mahal end I?,' se% Rall, of Parkhill, were the neat of 11fr. end Mrs. Geo. 13'ockne during thle past week. The former reeentls motored from Winnineg fn nnitiJAill sur !comp. ane with 'Mr, and Mrs, Dunham, for-, merle of Sarnia. They made the trip in elevlrn dans, Mr. and Mese Wm. Rivers'tvere oin London 'Thursady where their eon Lloyd, underwent an operation. Lloyd is with the Molsons Bank at Forest. He is at 'pre'sent at his home and, is antting along meets and expects to be able to return to his dutieis in a few day s. Presented Field Kitchen—A number of ladies from town accompanied the deputation from Huron Cloun`T' to London on Wednesday where the 33rd IBattalion will be presented with a field Ditcher., Dr. Shaw, of London, will present the ladies at Oarling's Weights. Mrs. Fitton, of toren, will read an 'address. Next Sunday will be observed an Patriotic Sunday in James •streli1s Methodist Sunday school. The school, room will be decorated for the occa- sion. On account of Decoration Dai being observed at the cemete us by the I,O,O„i'. the same afternoon the Sunday school service will commence at two o'clock. A despatch from Ottawa raga that William 'M, Martin, Liberal M P., for Regina, is li;].eie to join the Scott Goverr:ment and become Provincial tz easurer, Mr, Martin, the report states will sit for Retsina, in thee, seat of J. F. I3oy le. Mr. Martin is e son of Rev. 'W. M. Martin, of London, for- merly' of Exel, r. He has sat in; the Commons 'since 1908. Mrs .J. McDonald and daughter, of Flay, met with an accident on Satur- day which 'might have `resulted ser- iously. They were returning home from Exeter when their horse took fright at a passing motore5 ale. The horse jumped into the ditch and the buggy upset throwing the occupants out. The ladies ,escaped injure but the buggy .was (smashed somettbatt '.Horse Badly Cut— On Wednesday morning a team of horses attached to a mower (belonging to Mgr, Robt. 011 - ties ran away near the station. The team ran close .to a team belonging to Hustle, IHowc & 'Wood which was standing near their coal isheds. The mower struck one of the horses in the off front foot lacerating the cords and cutting a deep gash in the bone. The wound bled very' profusely. , Blatchford—Gra5 —The marriage of Miss Miram Winnifred Gray, only daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Gras, of Sandwich, to 11r. C. Victor Blatchford, editor of the Listowel Banner, former city editor of the Evening Record, Windsor, and a eon of Rev. T. 'W. Blatchford, 13,.0., of Centralia, took place quietly in the border city on. Saturday, June 19th the, Rev. Rural Dean Snaigrove, rector of the Church of the Ascan ibn, Wind- sor, officiating. Mr: and Mrs. 33 atch- ford are spending a few day e in Tor- onto or onto and Niagara before taking .up their residence in L:istotveL The nomination meeting at Bruce - field to fill the vacancy in the council of the Township of Tuckersmith, caused b5 the death of the late R. D. 13e11 w as not largely attended. Only two names were put in nomination, those of Messrs, J. A. Bell and M. Clark. Mr. Clark declined to stand and 'afr. Boll will he the new !coun- cillor for then balenec of th. 3var.. A. D. Strong and Roy Metcalf: charged with having set fire to the Bzyne's livery barn at Seaforth, on the morning of 'slay 15th, were up before 3fagistrate llolancsted, of that town on. June 16th on preliminary trial, and after a numbr of witnesses were examined, the defendants were committed to 'stand trial and were) taken to Goderich the same night. :Roth, however, were granted, hail.l Counte (Crown Attorney Seager con- j ducted the prosecution and J. 3I. Best appeared for Me defendants. ELIMVILLE r ---mon asz • A RARE TREAT Y. THE FAMOUS NOVEL AND SUCCESSFUL PLAY r stor s :;Mons At Dome Theatre, Exeter, ern and Timm, June 30th and July 1st — ildEnissieu lac gE 150 These are the Best of Feature Films, away ahead of the average shown. THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE A. Shipment of Traveler's Samples Including Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Collars, Braces, ,etc., to be sold at .a special discount, Plain Lawn. _ ermstitched Handkerchiefs, at 10 for 20 Cents 18 Princess Slips at One -'Third off regular price en's Four- in = Hand Ties Regular 25c to 500 each, clearing at 2 for 250 Soule Excellent Values in Iteady-Made Clothing, Made -to -Measure Smits, Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Shoes Otar eteek in is large giving you excellent choice and the price is the lowest. B. W. R AVERS • er. • O • • 4. • 4. • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • r • SUMMER Ar, r Fri'th an Exceptionally Fine Line of Setcrnicr Goods for Men. • Ares w u? fn Need of Any New Clothing or Frrrnishin,,,,s, For Correct Styles for Dressy Men, We Can Meet Your Requirements. .ts. The anniversary 'and 'strawberry • festival of the Elimville Methodist. &sundae School will beiheld on Sunday June 27th and Thursday, July 1st. On !Sunday, Jane 27th, Rev. S. W. illuxworth,t, of Exeter, will'preach at 10 a,m. end. 7 pan. The morning ser- vice will b, especiially for • 8. • S. scholars exid workers; ;all the echol- ais raced anemb„its to be present as there will 'be no afternoon .service. Collection at each service in c4 of b. 8. fund. On Thursday, July let the i .D r. rilxnuU ai aci.ic will be laid l in 1 . Silas John:' oreh azd. Junior baseball game fat 2 pan. ; Senior baseball garnet at 3 to 4.30; Ladies l ease ball game at 6,30; Football, Thames Itoad v... Man- ville 7.30; Tennis, Winchelsea vs. 1lti+nville; also races and rpctrt.s for children; Special attraction — Babe Show; Ice Cream, Lemonade and other !refreshments, sold on the grounds, ..wings nand other emerge, ments ; Admi,sion ;35,1., children not of the school 20e. Come and enjoy the A holiday. 1, I • 4. • • • .. • p • This Se 4.4 4. 4. a� 4. .4. w • • • r, We e T A M A A V I. • 44,4a ***O. t**aro***Qa a ** 0.0.44"...6.00440.440.4. UNDEEA AR EEP OCL N OUR. 110T WEATHER UNDERWEAR. "Aa°r0•w SHIRTS AND COLLARS” Always Make a Man Feel Dressed, Let us Show Yoe Ordered Suits, See Our Nifty Knit Ties sons " STRAW HATS" are Very Natty arid Becoming, We Carty the Leaders, Clothing, Ready - tea- Wear Clothing, Summa Flannel Trousers, Odd Pants, Overo'alls,' etc, 4-1.44.4,(4.41144 444 • • • 0,, PHONE St a