Exeter Times, 1915-6-17, Page 8a a TA E (TER T111/11SDAY, JIYNE 1.7th, ,a9la.. 0 e 0 o 0 0% ,; ..z..----- .--, ./ -,e,... WE ARE- Fi5/-111\4 FOR USiNc4S "WITH ,----17.7---- 0 600D actrWiqiii$ WE 1-1 AVE WHATYou WAIN1T. - --------------"-------____ _..._ ___.. 12.I WE 'VC Or THE' 00DS IF YOU ARE FISHING 'RoUND FOR eJUST WHAT YoU WANT, JUST COME To US AND SEE IF WE CAN'T SHOW YoU OUST THE VERY THING. 01-1, WE ARE CONFIDENT WE KNoW WHAT °UR CUSToMERS DESIRE; AND WHEN IT CoMES To GETTING YoUR IvIoNEY'S WORTH WE CAN GIVE YoU THAT, BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT WILL MAKE A FRIEND AND CUSToMER oF YoU. WE CAN'T AFFORD To GIVE YoU LESS THAN YOUR MoNEY'S WoRTH. LADIES RAIN AND DUST COATS If it is an up-to-date rain or dust coat you want. We have just marked and placed in stock a winner. This coat we can safely recommend. Special value at $7.50. FOR SILK DRESSEse AND SUITS Faille Silk in all the leading shades. This is a very popular materia this season and is much worn in dresses and suits, at per yard $1.25. MENS AND WOMEN'S SILK HOSIERY When you buy Holeproof and wear holes in them within three months you get new hose, Free of Charge, Wear them and prove this. MIDDY BLOUSES In plain white, others are neatly trimmed with blue and red. These are particularly good for the hot weather at $L25 and $L50. CUT GLASS, BRASS AND CHINA FOR THE BRIDAL GIFT China Dinner Sets $18. China Tea Sets $8.23. Toilet Sets $2.25 to $5.50 Cat glass bowls, pitchers, bon bons, salt and peppers, ete„ brass trays, brass crumb trays, tea pots and stands, and many other lines we will be glad to show you. NEW WALL PAPERS If you want wall papers for your dining room, parlor, bedroom, or kitchen, you will appreciate the lines we are showing this season. STRAW HATS With the hot weather at hand their will be a big demand forstraw hats. We have a style tor every fancy and a srice for every pocket. NEW ROOM RUGS At prices away below what you would have to pay if we had to buy them to -day, also Crex Rage for yerandahs and porches. KHAKI BLOOMERS FOR BOYS In a good wearing material for the hot weather, All sizes from 24 to 33 The boys are sure to like them, 75c. and $1.00, LINOLEUMS In 2, 3 and 4 yard widths, in very neat tile and floral designs. Ialaid linoleums in 7 yd. widths. 2 good patterns to chsose from at $1 per sq. yd FOR THE OUTING FOOTWEAR SEASON We have the best quality of rubber soled shoes for ladies, girls, boys and mens. Buy your tennis, bowling or outing shoes al this store. SAVE MONEY ON COAL OIL Farmers wanting Coal Oil in 25 to 4o gallon lots can have their tanks filled on Saturdays at 12c a gallon. Try our good oil J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 enta••••••mme••••••••••••••0* "MADE IN CANADA"' Ford Touring Car Pice $590 ' Your neighbor drives a Ford—why don't you? We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity—not a luxury Runabout $540; Town Car price on applicatiota All Ford cars are fully equipped, including elect- ric headlights. No Cat's sold uneensipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915. Milo Snell, Dealer, EXETER, . 1 • Market Report—The followiag is the 'report of the Extster market oorreetera no to Jure 16th Wheat $L1Se I Oats 50c- ; • a''''''..saa"( Barley 65e Buckwbeat 65e,. ' Peas $1,25 Flour $3.55. Low Grade Flour $1.90, Bran $28.00 per ton Shorts .$30.00 per ton Sugar Beet ;peep $27.00 per ton. Better 20 to .22. Creamery butter, 29as Eggs 10 to :20, (Potatoes 36 to 50c. Hogs $9.00. • , ; $ • • • i ..0.060.60•••••••••••••••• 6 • at LOC AL ....... ....... Treble is Visiting in' Lon - Mrs. Ed. den. Mr. Frank al. 13eyle spent Monday in, Sarnia, Mr. and. Mrs. E. J. Christie visited ln Hensel' on Sunday. alias S. Gregory, of Chatham, is visiting her 'mother in town. Mr. A. S.. Deavitt who has been quite ill ;is able to 'be( 'out again. Mrs. :Fred 'Bloomfield, of Exeter North, is under the doctor's cares Mrs. Murphy and daughter Mildred: visited in Londesboro over Sunday, airs. Wes. Lamporte returned homo Saturda3 evening from Graveinhurst. Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Luker visited with relatives in ;Hensel' on Sendai last. Dr. Browning is having the front of his store painted and a nrw awning put up. Mr, 3. Senior is having the front of his block repainted which arida to the appearance Mr. \V. J. Carling, of Brighton, who has been 'visiting in town returned to his home on Mondas. It Headache is your trouble consult "EEO WEY, THE 0 a'TICTAN" and have the cause removed. Miss Birdie Boyle returned alonday after spending a week with Miss M. Hawkshaw at Grand. Bend Miss Alice Martin, B.A., of London. was the •guest of her uncle, Mr. +S. Martin, during the past week. Mr. Chas. Kydd and. Miss 'Mary lisald, of Wapella, Man., are visiting with relatives in .this vicinity. "Made in Canada" Mains, .the word, made in Exeter ;monde one better: Use MODEL Flour. airs. E. A., Vollick has been spend- ing several days at Grand. Bend open- ing up her cottage for the summer. Miss Edna e Dow who went' as a 11111"St". with the Toronto University division has arrived safely in England. Mr. F. W. Glarlman has ipurchaleed Mr. J. iA.. Stewart'a auto and the letter had "purchased a ,new Mc- Laughlin. Has Elcanorir "Judsre and alrist chester. OP Toronto. spent 'the week- end with the formier'a daughter, Mr. a. J. 'White. Mr. Silas Handford. has purchased from Mr. Wm. Dimsford the brick residence adjoining his own and oc- cupied by Mr. Thornton Baker, Miss Edna rollick- is in London, to - dee where shr will take part in n recital given by Mr. Percy of the London Conservatory of Music. 'Mrs .Thos. Carling. Jr. and infant son. of Brighton, who have been( "vis- iting at Centralia. Visited with rela- tives in town during the past -meek. The'. ;carpenters ,have been at work during the past sveek remodellinu the inter:or of Powell's Bazaar. When completed Me. Powell will have a fine sto(re. The Ladies 'Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church 'will hold a aarden party on the Rectory lawn on. Friday, June 25th. Mr. Steer, entertainer, of London. has been engaged; The Dutch :Sett crop of thils sear as not as promising as they were last season. There are several good looking eatches around. town but. the majority are not up to aver- age. Mr. W. Connor accompanied by Mrs Connor and children, 'motored. to Lon- don on Monday where Mr. Connor army. Ir. looking up information in regard to the manufacture ,of shells foci the e Mr. (Harry Carling and. Miss Winne Carling have returned to Brantford ' after visiting 'their parents, San and Mrs, T. B. Carling. Mr. Gaging who is ;confined to his bed as still holding his own. Messrs. Guise ITandford, el Ren- frew; Thos., of Dousraan, Wis., and Mrs Thornton, of Sarnia, :have re- turned to their respective homes at - ter visiting their ;parents, Mr. and aLrs. Silas Handford. Private Fred Mallett with the 113rd Battalion in training in London and son, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett, Exeter, was married in London rec- ently to Miss Enna Davis, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jon Davis, of Exe- ter North. „ Testing Time—The results of the la- bors of ithe boys and girls; in the schools are being tested by the annual midsummer exams and those who are trying examinations are right into it,. The high school and Entrance exams started this meek. Mr. Johnston, of Kippen, is the presiding examiner. Garden Pert—The Ladies Aid of • Main St. church will hold a Garden Parts on the Cburch grounds on • Wednesday, June 23rd. Tea will ba served front 6 to 8 o'clock. Band in attertaance. Ad tri'Assion 25 and 15 cents. ace cream and candy sold, on the grounds,—j115, J31atcbord, See. The Exeter Band: provided an,usie, at the Lucan races on Tbarsiasy of last week. They gave a contort on the artreete Inaday ievenieg, The band"has made several engageMents and the demand for their services; bap been so numerous that several of them lavo /0,4 to ihedeslincd., / ^.it* 4.• liouEm AND LOT POR SALE Peoperts Wm. Ealkwill, a mu St.. one storey frame boasee good cellar ; hard anl soft water; one Quarter core of land; good stable and drive shed, Apply to 'Wm. Balkwill carpenter, John street, 5-13,tf ODDFELLO WS DECORATION DAY) Exeter Lodge No, 07, 1.0.0.F, wi/1 hold their aanual deeoration, of .the graves of their depterted brethren on Sunday, June 27th. The members are all expected to be et the lodge room et two o'clock in the afternoon. A tall attendance is requested. R. N. 0reecle Secy., Mr. Will Snell was in London on Wednesda3. Mrs. Robe Gillies and, son, Bert are visiting in et. Huron, Mrs. Chas. Harvey has been visiting for several days in St. Marys. „alr. Gladinan was in Gocle- rich on. Friday on legal bueiness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred May and Mr. W. alas. visited. in Mitchell over Sunday. Mrs. (Judge) Johnston, of Linclsas, is visiting for a few days with Mrs. Amos. Mr. Thos. McMillan, Liberal candi- date for South Huron was in ,town this week. Pen tralia and Exetea will play ball here this (Thunedas ) nyening. Game is called for 6.15. Mx and Mrs. William Bowman, of London, visited with relauv,eis in town &sang the past week. Mr. Tilley left Saturday for Fleah- erton, a summer report, :where he will spend the summer. Mr. Smith, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham, left Tuesday for St. .Catharittess. Mr. Thos. Acheson, proprietor of the (Central hotel, left ,Monday for Victoria hospital, London, for treat- ment. • . At the 'convocation of .1Iuron, •Col- lege London last ;sleek Mr. 0. Duplan was ordained asea deacon of the Eng- lish ebarcb. The James street Sunday School Orchestra provided the music at the Thames Road garden party on Tues- day evening. ateele 11, Motor (Cycle and Hors ParlehIll rlebratesa July 1st. Par - des. Baracing. Concert in evening. Soma - thing doing every ,minute. ,&1r. Thomas E. Laat has sold his farm on the North East boundary of Usbornes to Mee. Annie Glenn for a good. figure. Gladman. & Stanbura not through the sale. 'Clear thinking is impassible without healthy bowel act:on. Rexall Orderlies are a speciaie against constipation. Sold only by W. b. Cole. The fiexali Store, 10e., 25c. & 50c. boxes. ' Mr. Elmo Bowes had the misfor- tune to have, the top of the themben his right band, cut off iii a jointer at the RosseTaylor Planing mill on Mon, day. He lost about half of the first /oint. Councillor T. ,Ilarion had the mis- fortune to. .step 00 something that gave was while. ;working on his house last Thursday and in falling bruised, his shoulder which was quite sore for several das,s. Rev. S. (F. Sharp, Mrs, Sharp, and Miss Margaret leave on Friday for Simcoe, Ont., where the will enjoy a three; months' vacation. Rev. Mr, arcNicol will take the services at (alas= church. 'Rev. Thomas Jacksou, for ,65 sears e. Methodist minister, died ,on Friday, llth, at ;his rasa:knee lin St. Thomas. Besides a widow he leaves one son, Rev. Georgie Jackson, of \Windsor, and three daughters. Rev. D. C., McGregor, 13...a.,, of St. Andrew's .Preislasterian church, ;Lon- don, preached in Cavan Presbs terian church on .Sundas last, the pastor, S. F. Sharp, taking Mr., McGregor's work in London. Rev. T. IV.; Blatchford, of Centralia, will occupy the ,pulpit of James street Methodist ichurch next Sabbath b,oth morning and eveinng. The pastor, Rev. W. G, H. McAlister, will conduct Anniversary services at Whaltas. Garden Part3 —The Ladies Aid. of 'Main St. church will hold a Garden Parts on the Church grounds oe Wednesdas. June 23rd. Tea w:11 be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Band 'in attendance. Admission 25 and 15 ce.nts. Ice cream and candy sold on the grounds.—Mrs. Blatchford, .Secy. Mrs. Cbas. Locke, of Boston, Masse is visiting her eisters Masa T. Acheson, at the ;Central Hotel, On Friday she will be joined by Mr. Locke; and to- gether they will leave for Seattle, Montana and other places where they will visit with aelatives. The3 will also attend. the Panama Exposition before returning. Tbe following is a liist-of the min- isters stationed on the Exeter district Exeter, 'Main St., S. W. Muxworthy ; Exeter, Jamea St. W. G. H. McAlister Parkhill, Herbert .1. Urea ; George A. 'Barnard; ;Centralia, Wel- lington A. 'Finlay; Ilensall, John F. Knight ; ,Crediton Selby Jefferson; Grand. 'Bend, Joseph E. !Cook; Sylvan, 8, sr, R, neetiand ; Ailsa Craig, Allan IL Brown; Lucan, Robert (II. !Hamby Granton, Leslie .W. Reid ;Woodham Christopher 'W. Baker ; Kirktou, Rob: art C. Burton. ,Chairman, G. H, McAlister,; Financial Seeretara, A., 11. Browne fa, S. 61'0c -cetera, 0. W. Rehear Knight.Tmp.and Morel Relform Spey., J. F; Mr. Clifford Borrie, itp"teStritative of the ;Columba's Oil iConapana appear- ed in the police court, London, charg- ed under the ,Transient Traders' La, cense Act with mitosis oil from e tank ear in the G,T.11., yards to residents of London 'direct without ale admitted. the fact but staled that he was the delivering agent of the ;Columbus 011 ,Co, 'He Gleamed, that, although he was ,deliveiriing the oil el:Meetly Irons the ear end accepts ing payment ;for at, this did not con- stitate "sale' He 'stated alsat an ad- vance lagent had been there previous- ly and he had taken the orders. Thia, he claimed. constituted the leale. The case wag 'adjourned until July 2nd. The ease Will bh :watched with inters est ars the Colembus Oil Co. d.stribute oil through eh:a dietriet under; the Isame pri Oak, . . • KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD . , Increasing Your Prosperity itIIE surest way to get rich is to increase the multiplier ; which means for the naerchants of Exeter,and surrounding district—increase your custom - ers rather than add to the lines you are selling, or the stock you carry. .....J st Adding to the number of the lines grow that doesn't add many custom- f you sell or to the volume of the stock ers each year. you carry is not the way surest to Customers must be added by power - p fill effort—by seeking them. Waiting rosperity. Indeed, this has ruined . for them to find you is folly. Seek thousands of men. them by the newspaper advertising. The surer way is to multiply cus- This is the only sure way to build up touters. No business can prosper or numbers. To the Merchants of Exeter and Vicinity, ! I I i , , You can multiply your customers through. a series of good advertise-, ments in the WEEKLY TIMES. Ask us about the cost of advertising. The Nimble Penny Beats The Slow Dollar mismstimmoimisma Genuine D. L & W. Scranton Coal • KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 4o Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. :1! HOUSECLEANING TIME MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner from us. It will clean your Rugs and Carpets better than beating them and with much less labor. Then get 3ottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yon see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from. R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a 11111=1111•11•1111111.11111111111131 FARM FOR SALE Situated in the Town.sh:p or Ban in the Counts of Huron, ,Province, of Ontario, known and designate& as part lot No. 10. LakeeRoad, West, Con- cession near Dansereau Avenue in the Village Of St. Joseph. :Contains about 26 acres., prtce, *3500.00 "Bass Terms" Apply to Lamontagne Lim- ited, 338 Notre parae West, Montreal. 40044* 0 ••••040: : We Can Give You a 2 i *SCIENTIFIC : • * • • • EXAMINATION • • • • • With the Latest Improved • • Methods of Eyesight testing : • • • • • • • : We exatnide by the best : knOwn method "10.9king, into : the eye," And t an guarantee 1 • satisfaction We are not • • here to -day and away to- • • • morrow but can look after : 2 your optic needs, such as re- : : placing broken lense, straigh- tening frames and many in- • cidentals that belong to an • •• * Optician's trade. Our prices • •• • are tight and goods the best. • * See our new rimless mounts : • and chains. Ask to see our : : new Autographic Kodaks, • • •1040•••••••••••••••••••••• • • W HOWEY, Phm.EL • • • Chemist and Optician 4, 41 .40.••••••••••••••••••••••• Field Seeds for Sale! We have a carefully selected stock of Field Seeds for Sale, and offer them at Very Close Prices. Our stock of ---.1•1101.- CORN is of the Best Known Varieties and Germination guar- anteed. We have th) following: Improved Early Butler; Improved Dailey; White Cap; Early Leeming; Mammoth; Early Cuban; Wisconsin No. 7; Longfellow Flint; King Phillip Root Seeds In Root Seeds we have the large selection;P—Mangol; Turnip; Sugar Beet; Carrot; Etc. Also Seed Beans, Millet, Sorghum, Timothy and Clam Call and inspect our stock—it will pay you! C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Creditort, Oi-itario AUTO For Hire Government Chauffeur No. 2724 Family or Pleasure Driving a Specialty. PHONE 80, EXETER IIIIIIIIIE!MllifllSgSllca21ZggP2gg2211111112aga Farm for Sale The undersigned have been instruct - e4 to sell that eplenclid "60 acre terra near 'Hensel' known as the South half of 'Lot 18, con. 1, Rea Tp. On it is a good brick 2 storey house with brick kitchen and frame woodshed, a barn 84 x 36, stone foundation, cem- ent pig pen 24 x 18, drive shed 36 x 20 a good windmill and excellent well and, apple orchard of; over one acre. The land is rich and productive, well fenced and drained with tile. All un- der cultivation except about 7 acres in hardwood bush. This farfn is on the London Road, only halt mile south of Hensall, the leading farmers' mar- ket of Eturon County. Apply not lat- er than July 1st to GLADMAN & STANBURY Elensall and Exeter Notice of Closing We the nntlerslgned merehantia of the Village of Exeter agree to close our Places of bu,silliess at the hour of halt past twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons during the months of July and August. J. A. Stewart T. ,IsTawkass & Son S, Martin & Son S. Fitton M, Boyle \ Exeter Times, Pig Co, Advocate Printing Co. W. J. /Iceman W. J. 13eer A,W. li Beavers Lawson & Trick p. E. W REP H. flpa ekmart 1). Frayne J. G,rigg J. ,Senior E. A. Poliiek ',W W. Tamen" A. E. Moore sloeea & May S. Statham 3,tr,s,. Yeo A. Varabold J. W., Powell Western University, London, Another Great Advance Income Doubled A. —Now 4175,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollmentfs View. Write for particulars to E. E. 13raithwalte, P.resident. "A Alan's lAbilits is his Passport." Frank Weaver Professor oP Music, London, Ont. Teacher of Organ and all bra/aches. of Piano Plea keg; Voice Culture west Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 yearas practical experience. For Terms apply at 3. blafErn go Son's Music Store F. W. HODGSON t ; 'Carpenter and. Builder , Plans furnished; Estimates given free' on all mases of buildings. 3-18-tg PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Auer' tioneer. Sales conducted in any lea cants,. Terms moderate 'Orders left at Times office will bepromptly',, ait-. tended to. Phone 110, 'Itaston.. Ad-:' dress Kirkton P.0, s Verandah for Sale Good Verandah with porch for Saki Apply to J. T. Wood, BRICK HOUSE AND THREE LOTS: ,F0(14 SALE The residence of the late , Simon: Campbell on William street. consist-- tng of a seven room 1 1-2 storey brick house ; furnace. bard 'rad soft svatme stable and drive house; Some choice( fruit trees; To inspect the. property Dail at Ja Scott's Sr., For' terms anct oartieulars apply to Thomas Cameron, any, nIt. tl'IsTno,se 0.1at Cerkton, or phone o i5,2Cat4