Exeter Times, 1915-6-10, Page 41 hePerprit!aryorflitehllieditineAct AVceletableFittperalion iAs sifertatifig !hotbed eral RegWee` IheStomatillsamil.3imelsof , Proftwsiligestion,CheetruV!' i rtesszat Rest.ContaiastteitItTI. Opluat,Morphitte norNitteral.1, NOT NAIR o °Tie.. ill ,..............*•141 V Fo i: etelat'al=1711141" Pappktit Sseck.‘ •..eltaatita 44e/fad s Xerd efiemeht Cvaarat,,L1,44 &wri- t/I:0d Surer ifoleven ..aftiVa $ Mothers Know That Genuine Casteria Always Bears the Signatux of Apafeet Remedy to rCOntilipa, lion, SeurStoratletadiarrimear Worms,eonvulsions,Fteerise.' " rie.es,andLOSSOPSLMIt. ,FacSatale Sighaltired. '52174).ititi THE. CENTAUR CatavAa-V. MONTREMANEWYORR" Thi Exact Copy of Wrapper. =C. TThATVE TRIPS TO Lieskok a Lakes Lake of Bays teorgian Bay .A }got Park French R1NBr reawartha Lakes •naganete reale River Tineagamie eto Round trip tourist tiekets now o le from certain stations in Ontario it tow fares, with liberal stopovers, Muskoka Express Leaves Toronto 10.15 a.m, daily, ex- repi„ Sundays for Muskoka Warf, 'Huntsville, Algonquin Park and North Bay. Connections are made at Musko- ka Warf -for Muskoka Lakes and at 'Huntsville for Lake of •Bays. Parlor- l'elbeary-Buffet ear to Algonqain Park. Parlor. Lil,rar y Buffet; rar 114 class coaches to North Bay_ Full par- ticulars end tickets CM application to agents. N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter. r4-4 AL. v, Wire. • Fence pufactitr=• .4.7 • t4t). .either . . ;,•eL, •ar.. • Mon,- ich es6 0111C S as tbetse prices will nett, tent very !orig. '`Y-l"c• Ro 'AS " as •ftz ogaNtIT aa 1e,g5I0 Cedar Pests ou band else Anchor Poets. • : 011 itaceet,e,,,5,• lacher u• -le 0U 111 1,1tT). bou1:1.7 ga o an:a1 enerit, r'a7 t00 G RAN T ) !1aflhjua 1t. La% gg ghera„ truce iroarthigie It, r - sec. 0511 (4 pc 7I11 triXitL r- ter1y,p-- •Childr0 FOR PLIET OAST A •1, -et aOtrl. EW YORK CITY,. NAV fINEMENE OF WEEK important Evonts Which' Have Occurred During the Week, The Busy Wodeis TIteppenings Care- fully Convoieted end Pat Into !Tandy and Alt" • 'Ave Shape for the Readers of Our Pape'— Slid Hour's Ezteoyment. Captain Arthur Paget, a son of General Sir Attleat Henry- Paget, commanding the ftyrecs in Ireland. has been -wounded. Last night's Londou Gazette an- nounces that the Lord Chamberlain has revoked the etryal warrants granted three German firms trading in London. Aecording to •a de-spatch to the Daily Mail from Athens the Turks are believed to have ao many as ten submarines operating about the Dar- danelles. Despatthes froze Athens say that a British sebriarene, earre near Con- etantinopie tee Mt:hues:An eteamer No. 62, caerying Tueleish troops to the r ar4!a:IAlu. Douations of $",i 00,000 eace from Huntley Drementind and Same"; Car - run, c: elentreal, have bren made to the 0c,reerenent for tbe per - chase of maebieb gems. The money wi equiee sererel bareeries. An attempt to put Get of commis- sion the big Te. defenc..? guns at Fort rden ra Bort Flagler, oarding too ct ranee to Puget Sound, was mad, c17tvceal days ago it be carre eta own yc"--..-,,rine. Ti- i. n rosa was ,onday night mites from Ilt'T crew ytectmeley by a blee"a • 1 ...fit; 1, • ..12, the Sruirn.• • 71.,, WV' "- lafldO1 Id 11c. . ...L..- - 777r i.it ii.ttii7. 3-n, Lethbridge, / - 'Alta.,•• citatttifece,:e7---1...-• liJoReezier, F.. .:••• Dart 'end'jay te'..177":".te-e-art tinder „a r- • • rest....mietchartets. • ef . • teeasone . and. alx. Au:atria-as :thee ,e -ere.. alleged to i• .. letteci at ttim.p.ted ..to .assest •across the flao are eizio.iiinder tarrest. • • ".1.,,,.1.'.14.,:;:....:1.1%.-. . -1,dr, 3.'. W. Eillee..'ed Toronto, has teen areacti.nted elial.f-tetan • bt . the' Qaece. Yi.e.to.rire "Jelittgaret Falls Park *o.raiele.slion. • • „ • MX. .(71,,re,":fiee ....el% Vilite•ner,.. of Na- taotee...W.45; .C.,,,..,!,2::et,,,a...trre1:1.1ent.. of • the Oneariot....ililistoriattle• etilaciatyat • ' " ,,-: citing in,...Toatiote. Yee.terday, • The lateet "castally-ilst made...pub- • in London eitteetteen .among the. vonncied. 'tile ' 'neinae. .- •cf. Brigadier- Gereeral 'Fir . Phillin Cleteredee •. "... .. - :,,The 13..,:ledne. lett.....1,..-r 'Dolta• 13.• 'has eit.n. submarine. • ...The mtrai e 'readied St. Oen ..arotit .be off, .„ the b.ereeecif otee MIl 'Are,harige`.4. Lice large .seaport n.•41.itit .tt.torth ..t the ..Itessien, erzter,4 Opiento t tionteacete"et. to. a despatoh o „pY•tlee,.., • •'It ie.." 1•1);.`?.“...•: • 'Fire et ce cr`i ,o..; t nee a• i..... cette-dt. string: Cetteree,"'-e, a tiaraeeeit{ ki.ati Ls ilte"...• A brierib free ,own • • • oplane rfit, yesterday eteeiee-ploturo zee(' the i 01 six p,:r- C0S, atestly an g.lifentean hIll 1111011011 10 )ttierreeniceot, by .a 1111 ehatete .of c.; tee. leettsb"(30v- Cterrean 'plane to X ETE It '1 1 E TITURSD 31-INv 101$g f MSN ertnari Line Crushed in LI Des, porate Encounter. thousand of the 141-temy Have •;Seen Left Dead on the Mehl to the Nest of Trac 10- Mout in 'Effort to Recapture Tretteltes Lost ott Suntictr---French Capture Four Bewared Prisoners. LoNpo',.,,T, June 8.—Two thousand German dead were left on the field In a terrific battle fought to tin east of Tracy -le -Mont yesterday, on the north side of the Aisne, north, - west of Soissmis, after the Germans, rushiu g reinforcements by automo- bile from a point fifty notice distant, had directed a furious attack agairist the French lines in an effort to re- capture two lines of trenches lost in the fighting of Sunday. Fighting rivaling that north of Arras in inten- sity is developIrg at this point, where the Germans, apparently fear- ing an attempt to penetrate their lines and threaten the think of the army facing the French above Arras, are making desperate efforts to stem the title of thcr new offensive before serious damage is done. On the sector between this front and Arras another sanguinary en- gagement was fought to the south- eaof Hebuterne, where several hundred German dead wore found on the field after two German lines of trenches were taken, together With 400 prisoners. A large number of guns and muni- tions were included in the booty left In the hands oZ the French. In the fighting before Tra,CY--le- Mont, the French, being unalIde to take within their lines three large guns hidden behind the second line of German trenches, blew them up with melinite shells. German forces began on Satur- day nig-lit a violent attack along the Ablain-Souchez-Neuvillo front, bent upon regaining some of the ground they have lost there. Not only was this entire front assailed by artillery fire of an extremely hot character; but infantry attacks were made with o eat energy at numerous places. The bombardment and the fre- quent infantry charges continued without interruption throughout the night. Day came, but it brought no cessation in the violence of the Ger- ;an onslaught. Last night the War Oflice announced that the general at- tack continues without the French forces having been dislodged from n single one of the many new posi: t:ons which they have recently eap, tered in this region. Not only in fact has the German assault been repulsed, but new posi- tions have been wrested from the Germans during the day. The slow and hard fought investment of the v age of Neuville-St. Vaast has been advanced by the capture of new positions in the interior of the town and in the northern part. Fur- thermore, at the centre and to the South of the Labyrinth, where the fighting has been bitter, more trenches have been won by the 'French, and a total .gain of 100 metres has been made. French troop..; novr hold two-thirds of this important defence work, a fact which portends the quick expulsion of all German soldiers from the lo- cality. The French delivered an attack north of the Aisne on the forces of Gen.. von Kink and captured two lines of trenches and several defence works. Capture of 200 yErds of German trenches by the British northwest of GiTenchy Thursday night, the evacu- ation of these trenches Friday morn- ing because they were exposed to the artillery fire of the enemy, and the final occupation of a group of buildings in the grounds el the ruin- ed chateau at 1-3ooge, north of Ypres, after a protra.clod struggle; these were the featuree of a report from Sir John French, Dritish command- er-in-chief in France and Belgium on Friday night. The fight for Ilooge bega,rt a week ago Sunday, when the British infan- try seized some outbuildings on the grounds of the ruined castle. The Germans later subjected the position to a heavy 1 omic tuella:mt. Thort fighting on a small scale continued, and the British ,solcilere were forced to evacuate the buildings, but they later, 'Thursday night, recaptured them. Forty-eight priconers were taken by the British troop4, rho stormed the trenches not -alias'. 01 Givenchy Thursday night. The French, on their part, cap- tured another trench from the Ger- mans north of the Souchez sugar works, and stopped with their hand grenades an attempted German counter-attack on Neuville St. Vaast. A further gain of 100 yards was made in the attack on the Laby- rinth, south of N'eueille. Openhog fire with a long range gun, the Germans attempted to drop shells in Verdun, but theee, did not reach their' mark. 'The French, in return, bombard n't tho southern front of the German entrencherl cativo at A few Gemmel projectilea were (ireful -el in Se Die, but calmed no etteueltlee or matt.tal damage. Tereig. rintete In filed PA11[I, June intone -la- te -fa reeellime, hero frota Clonstanti- nople,'' seyer the fie vas 21.-gency'0 cer- t. -aspen dent at A 1 lieee, "aertros 111 representing tho tli'Lltit.f :on in, the city 1111 almoic1 (10010 1110. 'The Young Turks ere in der,: 111111. Time are only being uplielet ty the, lercisetence and ceaceless e Ft' or,e, ef (he 2r rfl•an Am -bee -jar -ler and 1,1nver I'aehte the War Ai I nis ter." , Vire at Lembto71 TO1LON'I'0, Stine 8. --- One hotel With outbuildings, the postoffice and a number of cottages at Latnbt.on. Milis we -re completely wiped out by fire whieli etated in the kitehen af fihe historic Lambtob. J1dI11s Inn at taidnight. 00111.0 NOT STAND ON FEET Mrs, Baker So Weak—Could Not Do Her Work—Found • Relief In Novel Way. Adrian. Mich. — "I suffered terribly !flithfelnale weakness and baekache and got so weak that could hardly do my work, When 1 was'hed my dishes had. to sit down and when I would sweep the flooP I would get so weak that I would have to get a drink every few minutes, and before I did my dustingIwouldhave to lie down. I got so poorly that my folks thought I was going into consumption, One day I found a piece of paper blowing around the yard and I picked it up and read it. It said 'Saved from the Grave,' and told witat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound has done for women. I showed it to my husband and he said, 'Why don't you try it?' So I did, and after I had taken two bottles I felt better and I said to my husband, 'I don't need any more,' and he said 'You had better take it a little longer anyway.' So I took it for three months and got well and strong." --gra. ALONze E. BAKER, 9 Tecumseh St., Adrian, Mich, Not Well Enough to Work. In these words is hiddezt the tragedy of many a woman, housekeeper or wage earner who supportsherself and is often helping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether in house, office, fac. tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman should remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the ills to which all women are prone, and that is Lydia E. Pinkharres 'Vegetable Compound. It promotes that vigor which makes work easy. The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. ITALIANS PROGRESSING. Two Columns Advancing to Besiege Town of !leveret°. CHIASSO, June 2.—From the St. Elvio Pass 9,0 0 0 feet high, with its perpetual snow, right down to the sea the Italian troops are making steady progress along a front of 335 miles, 300 of which are mountain- ous. The slopes of ,Monte Nero, in sight of Telmino, are still the scenes of the fiercest fighting, and are de- fending the town on which the Ital- ian airmen yesterday dropped leaf- lets telling unredeemed Italians that freedom is at hand. Two columns aro advancing to be- siege Rovereto, the important strate- gic position of the • Austrians in Southern Tyrol. This town, 15 miles by railroad from Trent, is defended by powerful batteries on surround- ing heights and two limes of forts on the southern side of the town. Ital- ian Alpinists and Bersaglieri are moving to the' attack from the south, along the Adige valley, and from the southwest, on the read from Storo, which -the Italians captured several days ago. From the eastern front comes word that a battle is now raging on the 'Western bank of the 'Isonzo Riv- er, in front of Tolmino, which is the key to the railway and the main highway to Trieste. "Naval detachments Saturday cut the cables unitine. the Continent to the islands of the Dalmatia Archi- nelago. All the lighthouses and lookout stations of these islands were destroyed. . Charged With Sedition. cALaAn-sr, Alb., June 8. — Al- though Major Duncan Stuart, for the defence, urged that there was not a - tittle of evidence against the de- fendant, :Magistrate Saunders Friday morning coramitt:f2 I123-nold Hordan, a German homesteader, for trial on a charge of havieg "spoken certain Seditious words, thereby inciting discontent, disaffection and sedition among Ilis Majesty's subjects." Bail was refused. Hungarian Gypsies. Some 200,(8.10 gypsies wander about IItmgary and are regarded a dangerous community. So notorious are their thieving propensities that they are not allowed inside the towns, while the vil- lageS tolerate them for Only two days. Very Feminine Indeed'. DO Crop -(3%ve1]0013'n is an intensely feminine girl. 141 ss Ilycler—Alore so than (be rest or us? She nsIted 11 blacksmith the other day if her 110111,0 eorrilliet wear slates a Size sofa/4:r, Kansas City Star. fleopsct the Weather. There's 8to:J.1'1111115 good in ail wee tie cis, , If it tloo,n't happsil (1) ne good, for my work inday Ir.: gond fur ‘,t/tne other til8:1 t) tt 1011)t and 31{1 come t-onncl to me Lianorrow (11111110'11 113(i113- 01111. "Ora' fee Weak In re think 7' begin nea Deoter The Critfes errighlr. trey n 414." I. .) \•711:1- •ettnee • •••,•erleC• ' I)y ay' ••iarld'.,t, .' i • •ker • . ,. "It t tty 4 01 I awl mar THE M MONTREAL, Joue 1/—The ex501.1 1130-1 in wheat continues OLIO, but 111343 0 =some clemanci (rem foreigo t, oats, and sttles Of 3 l's':1V 3.0'0).6 Wore 01(1 TOore Was some demand on •Ofouttoha wheat late Satordoy, omi a 031 of 19,000 busbelet of No, 3 nerthero 130 made at $1,36;e5 0.1.13. Coen is ceory, Friel steady. Millfeed rival, Butler is firm Cheese unsettled arid irregular, for eggs fair.. TOR D.V.E 1‘14111.1iiiiT. ;an, attatee. .ai 0:0 to $1 10 Goose wheat., bushel__ 3,,) „„,„ fluel wheat, bushel _ so , „ 1-1Z13111sc,'YL'iL110,11114,11,1e1, . .. 3.0 2751) 1 31 oars, bushel 0 03 0 94.. Aye bushel ' . ... , 1 23 MAU:1MT. fretter, ereatecry, h), 03: . 2..S. 11 ao flutter, oreninory, ,.431.111*.. 2.9 0 28 lltuter, dairy ...... ....... 0 25 27 lOggis, per dozen 9 (IOW,i‘v1114 . .. 4) 220 •1 Choose, old • ..... 0 22 , GlitttIN AND P1101,11:Cile- TORONTO, June 7.—The Board el '1'rade official market quotatione: Manitoba Wheat. No, t northero, 51,116, trov9L", lake- porti No. 2 northern, 51,.3.11,2,,, track,. lake pits. No, 3 nortl,titio, 81.001/2, track, lake Manitoba Oats. No. 2 C.V." , 50e, ',rook, lotto ports. Nu. 3 UW., 5.8.e, track, lake ports. Extra No, 1AinilecirlicaZiline,c Leirotne.lt, lake Ports. No. 2 yellow, 751,4,,,e, trook, lake ports. Canadian Corn. No, 2 yellow, eae, tatea, Threat°. • ontatio Oats. No. 2 white, 563 La Iso, according to freight, outside, fr,N3igoi.11.3, owuittstittai3O,530 to 57e, according to Ontario Wheat. No, 2 winter, per ear lot., 81.30, accord- ingi to freight, outlde 'No. 2, nominal, per car lot, 81.50 to 81.90, according to freight, outside. Good malting lotriielerol-e,Y7.0e to 73e, accord- ing lo freight, outsido. 3eeed. barley, 63e, according, to freight. outside. Buckwheat. Nominal, car lot*, 77o to 7Sc, according to freight, outside. Rye. No. 2, nominal, 81.10, according to freight, outside, Manitoba Flour. Fir.s.t patents, in ;Aar: bags, $7,60, To- ronto; second patents, in jute bags, $7.10, Toronto; strong bailers', 56.34, Toronto; in cotton bags. 10e more. Ontario Flour. Winter, 90 poi' cont. patouts, 85,25, sea- board, or Toronto freights, in bags, Milifeeci, Car Lots. Eran, per ton, $25, delivered, mentroat„ freSingohrttss., per ton, $28, delivered, Montreal frel.Tidildthlings, per ton, $21, delivered, Mont- real freights. livered, Montreal freights, Good teed flour, per bag, $1,51), de- roN11100.. Ds?1. ton, 516 ta $15, track, To- roNnt°8. 2' per ton, 811 to $16, track, To.. Straw. rolCriaio: lots. per ton, 37 to $8. track, To - WINNIPEG GRAIN 3.1ARKET. 'WINNIPEG, 1.1110 7--Whent Llic first ten minutes of business this morning dropped 10 cents under Saturday's close, October broke 4%0 also in the earn opened 2.1'.00 dawn and flax 3c to hoouarsts. 3%c lower; both, however, rallied later. Wheat futtu4s closed: july Oeto- ber 2%c lower, oats 13,4c down, and flax 11,4,c to 15/se lower. CANTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, June 7.---Receipis ,of live stock at the Union Yards were 3204 cattle, 2756 liogs, 164 sheep and lambs and 183 calves. Butchera' Cattic. Cliolcc heavy butchorof cattle sold at 55.25 to $5.50; choice LoitellEaLs' stuers and heifers, 38.20 to 58.35; good, 58 to 58.15; naeclitina, 57,75 to 57.90; eommon, 5720 to 57.60; choice cows, 57.25 to 57.4u; good cows, 56.05 to 87.1.o1 inediwn (1.:"vcs. 39.23 to 56:50; common cows, 53.20 to $5.75; good bulls, 57.25 to 87.50; medium boils, 56.63 to 56.00. Stockers and Feeders. Good to choice, 800 to 1100-11). steers sold at 57.40 to 57.61; niedium, 700 to SOO- lb. steers at 56.73 to .87.23; stookers, 500 to 630 lbs,, sold at 5a,115 to 39.25. Milkers and Sprinners. Cboiee milkers antl springers arc still in demand. 'I'lim range in prices was from 550 to $95, accoralrig to quality. Veal Calves. Choice calves sold ot $1) to .510; good at 57.30 to $13.75; medium at 8i to $1.5.;; common calves at 55 to 56. Not loony choice calv,as aro liehr- offered. Sheop and L'arnbs. Sheep, 83 50 to 57.50; spring lornbs at 84 to 58 .each, or 12e per lb.; ycarlino lambs at 89 to 80 per crwt. HoChs- Iliogs weighed off ears solil at $0,75. TrIONTREAL LIVE STOOK. IIONTILI9OLL, .Tune 7.—_'1i the Montreal Stock; Yards, west end market, Owing to the dfop in prices for cattle a week ago, tbe, reN;tipts have sinee dimreased corr. sidorabOi.i, and in consequeoce .the supply- refri.00d for saic today was very ilmited, which tended to create a strong feeling, and droverz generally were demanding" an advance of 25c per cwt., which wos Tea.. Used in some instances for small lots, and especially so for good to choice, steel's. l'he market on the whole \vas rather quiet. Sales of small lots of choice steers were made at as high as 58 83 to 53, and one or ttivo full leads changed hands at 55.00 to 88.65 per cwt. Thitchers' cattle, choiee, 85.50 to 89; Cio., medium, 37 50 to 58.10; deo commim, 55.50 to $7; canners, $4.50 to if3; hat- chets' cattle, choice cows, 57,50 to 87 75; do„ medium, 56.50 to 57.25; do., 1)01141, 55.50 to 55; milkers, cleat:3, eoco, 875 to 580; do., common and medium, each, 593 .o 870; springers, 855 to 860. Sheep, MVO:4 *t:, to 80.50; bucks and cons. 35,50 to 35,73; 1.11)ths; 87 to 87.30. Hogs, $0.8a to tile 21.e. • cctecs, 33.50 to *W. 1.11,1,ST ST`()CIT. 17.-,o,se• .10:33`,OMALe), atom 7.—Ca.11.16—Lle- celots, 3500; fahly active; Iodine ste(rs, 58 23 to 58.80; shipping, 85 „ to $8,63) hoteliers, 57,25 to 88.05; heifers, 56,50 to 35,20; cows; 53.75 to 57.23; bulls, 55 to 97.25. Vcols--Iteccipts, 2200; active; 54.50 to 310.50. itogs--litooeipts,, 20,000; active; heavy, 57.ti0 10, 88; mixed, yariters and pigs, 58; roughs, 56.55 to 57,00; stags, $5 to 8575. S; hoc p d IsaIntl--Ets:Call)t,, 260 ; steady; shoep :dote; lambs aotive; lambs; .57 to 512; yeorlings, 55 to 810,50; weth- er, 30 50 to 59.75; CiWe.3. 53 to 51.70; 4011410, mixed. 80 to 56.25. 0 Iola 4..Iii()ACiii> LIVE. STOOL cm tt2:,\ 00, ,Tune 7.--CattIce-neuelpte, ' 17,000; market tveak. Native steers, ' V; 75 to 50.30; western steers, 86.50 'CO , 55 03; ' cows i and heifers, 83.20 to $8;15; ust i 13413, 37,50 to 3,18.25. fiogs—Iteceints„ 34,000; market slow: io lit, 87.45 to $7,75; . iniXetl, 57.35 to '87,72t; heavy. 57.10 to 57.85: rough, 87.10 'to 57,25; pigs, $5.75 to,57.40; intik sol(s. $7,55 to 57.65. 131e.3) 01)11 Lambs—Receipts, 18,080; toe steady: sheep, $8.48 to 37,20; , »ativ,e, 57.75 to 510.75. .ter.11-1.411dLle.inar,itxtivowrtter:xrterpeortikeiritter ot•r flvt; ry deepite. the heavy break In prices, -'11,1"110"111"'llimillmIll".110r111."111°111".111'"Itl"*triirulirin—nr-isr.it(911-l. - A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED INcLuniNG 'CIRCULAR LETTERS OF OFIEOI DANK MONEY ORDERS Savings Bank Departthent At all Branches Interest allowed at highest current rate "ExETER113RA1140it W. ID. CLARKE, Mat -sager PP. m„,m,„(9,„,iii,„iii„du„,iptl11,,,111.116,416.111..iallhallin. I ..Illm thlIl,IftItff.: ,1111••••••1111. THE CANA' IA OF CO ME ANK CE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President 'ALEXANDELLAIRD. General Manager 301IN AIRD, Asstt General Marmite* CAPITAL $151 000I 000 RESERVE FU, N $13 500 000 I 3 1 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers everi facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. S2F Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager I ' DREDITON I3RANCEE — A. E. KUHN, Manager. , LIM-7W PILES CURED at HOME by New Absorption Method. If you suffer. from bleeding,. itching, blind or protruding Piles, send Inc your address, and I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send. some of this Louie treatment" free for trial, with references from your own locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permanent' cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer.. Write to -clay to Mrs4 Summers, Box P 841Windsori Oat ; WESTERN UNIVERSITY GOING AHEAJ) At the annual Convocation of West- ern Uneversity on Eieday evening,, at wh:ch there was graduated the. lo' g:141 Arts does thnt has -ever gone \nit from the institution, some limper:tent announcements of progress wore in •cie Dr. :H. W. Hill of , Minneapolis, who is regarded a,s one of. the greatest authorties in matterof public, health on the continent, has been secured as head of tbe Institute of Pnblic Health, to tea, tip his duties immed- iately. Steps have also been taken 'to- wards a new medical- build:no; which it is anticipated will be' erected during the coming, year. Thirty-two ,degrces wore confer:red'. bs P/resident Braithwaite. ixt Arts and Medicine many ;scholar 41:pa and prizes wers awarded and. the address to the graduating :class was made by Rev. C. ,BItteGregor. Scott Act in Huron The following -appeared in one ,oi the c:ty papeee, an aun,a 4th. Conditiorie in the municipalitiee in Moon County that went "dry" when tha Canada 'Te nip., ran aa act came into force are not satisfactory. accord- iat 2; to a temper:mon deputation from that county velech intet venvect 1115 provincial trittor libo nse tcommission t °day. The deputat!on consieted of Tar. J. Irwin. of Wingham, j. A. Irwin, of ,Cleiton. and Dr, W. C. Thomson oC Clietwa They pointed out that the tempereilee eat was dtfficult to en- force because of (ha absenae. of. var-ous poweee v, tan in licentie and 3)0l401 aifa'rs 'under loCal -option. They made ,reentst thot the provincial comnalls- seem aestet 1 lirough the eppo:ntment 0 I e ee al ora. Me. 171133: said that; the people in a town "(11')" i>y local opleon were sat', ' ;ter h th..i• lee" et Zit/Tem:int, hat t.11 Caz(> tornihiron-o let 4- tortereeet e'd ,not work oat, There weec, dreele n mon ort tha etteeta of Extitar and the town was ruanng op,ea Otoarerei Plavello de cla re d ho had ; faith in the IC,nada reinpeeanea I act, lint pinto isod the bond ,would , do el 11)3 11,13, ite power to • have . late err ore,' ti" Rev, 1 octtet referred. to th'e and I elm 'cher erect, -1 aloe:az; og, to 011)410 pap41o.-13, Cc: ,mtbis hist, and, ,Sn,:rd 1 hat ,i,tc.tent lie /lotto* 0-Imultil I,tvo 010111 112 , 113 0,0 11 pree 'there won: .ons Joe Thel psoy,n11oI I n tir:c tor b d better [los tion and fits place had not bo 2 ri 11 1 1).4. The actin, condiftori pre- vailed 70e1115 end he.,...;,dr,/ 11 (the 1)a Ice r hod :pont several weeks- in [hi (4') 1, an131 if these con- ditions teen, talecn advatt.agt, of by the hotetaitei it 'eels not to he eoz,d,te red ore 110w -ovate [11,1rn 5 ho (Vi - 41181:) that flet Jew ie not botree 1,voct up to in. lannter, 0,, believe tbi con- ditions eye teriell' I la,: n 111(3 t anti J. A. MASON ARCHITECT 425 Dundas Street, London,' Guars Ott teed cost of buildings; no extras; years New York experience. Pho utvr, 2725. Anyone intending to build will d- ell o write me, No charge for soul sulat on C J. VV. KARN, M. D C. M.. 425 RICHMOND ST., LONDON, ONTARIO. SPECIALIST • IN SURGERY AND EN1T0-18:0RmA13,17 DISEASES 01? AND WOMEN , DR G. F. ROULSTON, L.P.S., DENTIST • Honor Graduate of sp(y. Offiee Over Eng's Law office. day afternoons, Residence 5b. Toronto Thatveri Dickson & Vara, Closed Wednes-a Phone Office paff tivt IA/ trit, A. R. KINSMAN L.DI$, D.DJIL Ronor Graduate of Toronto erai ty 1 ÷teejels-:-.) DENTIS Teeth extracted without pain. 111 any bad effects. Office over Glad* Man & Stanburra ,Office Main Ah Exeter,. W. BROWNING NE. D., fitc, P,• SGraduate Victoria Univari sity Offie'e and residence. Dominic* Labratory., Exeter, lelaj Assooiate Coroner of Huron U.1 D ICESON & CARDING •;41 Barristers Solicitors Notaries C0,0 Veyancers Commissioners, SoliaitaA14 for the MoLsons Bank eto, t Money to Loan at lowest rates of ia.a tereet. ; OFFICE—MAIN STREET EXETSBA 1. R. Carling B. A.• Diolay4 MONEY TO LOAN . 13 1, We have a large amount of Oita ate fur13h3 to loan on farm. and 313514lage properties at lowest rate pi 101P te reit. GI,AnINIAN & STANBURIE Barristers, Solicitors, Main Exetera • Tflc UsDorlle ant fillabert Farmer's Mutual Fire 11161Irtr nee Companu 1 -lead Office Farquhar, Ops' President' 3I 1101312. NORRItaa Vice -President t TIIOS. RYAN- • CO.FORS, Lk] W21, BROcK WAY. EWE, L, RUSSELL J, T. ALLLS,3 0 ;ronN ESSER Exeter, ogen Jo borne and )31dclulph. •I OLIVER RARR1S Alunro agent ..fb. tlibbert ifulla.rton and 4 Logan. ,ea W. A. TURNBULII, ' Seov.TireaS, Farauha GLAD'illAN & STA.NBCRY Solicitors, Exeter . 54'0)',).) 110(115 the licensing 1 34110113 imable111, to handle it until attah 110:,r:rthIliefant3 and. Ciiiyldrea.' 1011311 1. 11(24311(243,Licen,$) 1Coinutasion • licerisem in the whole provinca, Sign -'4111' The Kind You Have Always Bought get thinj'ea under was fir 11(0:11:01110 11 lettele he haralted, tvelt• it is •. 1115 111,eminIM tatten to wipe out,