Exeter Times, 1915-4-22, Page 8THE' EXETER £IMES Market Report --,The following is the xeport 'of, the Exeter market corrected up to Apra 21st. Wheat $1.35 Oats 550. Barley- 700 .Buckwheat 75e Peas $1.50 Flour ]x3.00 Low Grade Flour $2.00 Haan $28'.00 per ton Shorts $30.00 per ton Sugar Beet 'pulp $27.00 per ton. Batter 20 to 28e Eggs 18 1-2 to 20o (Creamery butter 35a Crliokees alive 8 LD,reseed 10 Ducks, alive J; ; dhressed 12 s ., r Turkeys alive 14 ; dressed 16 Old Toms, alive 110., dressed 13 Geese .alive 8. dressed 11 s - ! Potataes 40 to 50 cents. Dried Apples .05c. 1 Hogs 8,25 , T 'ED THAT YOU &VA 0U , CME AND ",. 'VALUES NArE KEEP THE PRICE -4S DOWN• Y 70 DON'T Yoti THINK WE KNOW OUR BUSINESS' WELL, WE Do. WE KNOW BETTER THAN To SELL PooR GooDS AT ANY PRICE. IF YoU WANT To GET THE BEST COME To US, WE. WANT To GET THE BEST GooDS, AND WE WANT To GET THE BEST CUSTOMERS, BUT WE DON'T WANT To GET THE BEST 'of' OUR CUS— TOMERS, BECAUSE THAT ISN'T THE WAY To KEEP CUSTOMERS. W'ELL GIVE YOU THE FULLEST VALUE FoR YOUR 6 o o D HARD EARNED MONEY. MADE - TO - MEASURE CLOTHES Men ! Buy a Suit of our Made -to -Measure Clothes, The good appear- ance and extra long service will prove them to be real economy clothes $16,00 to $28.00. MEN'S BALBRIGGAN & MERINO UNDERWEAR in sizes from 32 to 4.4. You will some now the warm weather has set in. Come in and see the values we have at 50c a garment. BOY'S CLOTHING Choosing the Boys Spring Suit is an easy matter here. We have a big range, at almost any price you desire to pay. Bring the boys in. NEW HATS FOR MEN We have something new in Hats for Young Men and Men. If it is a nifty soft hat for Young Men we have it, as well as well as up-to-date stiff Hats for older men $2.25. MEN'S RAINCOATS If it is a New Raincoat you want we have an extra good quality in one of the best shades at $9. HOLEPROOF HOSE You will be needing lighter weight hose. Try a boy of Holeproof, Six pairs are guaranteed to wear six months without holes or new ones are furnished, Free of Charge. CUSHIONED SOLED SHOES A special shoe for tender feet made from Dongola Kid in wide width is what we have for both Women and Men. Come in and try on a pair. . GIRLS AND BOYS RAINCOATS This is the time of the year to buy the Girls and Boys a Raincoat. We have some excellent values fey Girls. at $5, Boys at $8.50' WALL PAPERS • You will be tempted to papermore rooms than you have counted on when you see the swell papers we are showing for parlors, halls, dining rooms, bed rooms, etc. TAPESTRY AND LACE OTJRTAINS A big range of Tapestry Curtains for doorways at from $2.50 to $7,00 also many new lines of fine Lace Curtains at per pair 50c to $5,00. SCOTCH LINOLEUMS 2, 3 & 4 yard widths. Bring in the size of your room and see at what small cost we can cover your room. Several small ends at big reductions, ROOM RUGS Never havo we had ouch an assortment of beautiful rugs to show you The prices are within the reach of all. NEW LAID EGGS - 19e CASH 2c1 TRADE J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 ?'MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Jrice $590 Your neighbor drives a Ford—why don't you? We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity—not a luxury Runabout $540; Town Car price on application. All Ford cars are fully equipped, including elect- ric headlights. No cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30.000 ears between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1015, Milo Snell, Dealer, EXETER,. J , 1'1'1$ 1J;KIVFr25Ali:'Ci�R a••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • •LOCAL •• • ••••••♦ ••••••• Lucky- is the man whose :wife is through housecleaning. Mr. W. R., Southcott was in Lon- don for the week end. .. Miss Irene Hardy, of London, is visiting for a few day's with ,her par- ents. arents. The rake, the shovel and the hoe will soon contribute to bringing down the high cost of living. Mr. Robt. Wilcox, of ;Saskatoon, Sask„ arrived home last, week .!and; is visiting his parents at Elimville.. 'Baker ;Bros. have taken out ,part of the 'front of thein livery stable and are fitting up a repair shop arica will handle automobile accessories, The mans friends of Mrs. Margaret Casaday, of Charles City, Iowa, who has not been well for some. time, will be pleased to learn she is much better. I understand that the shortage ,of clothes -horses in Nova Scotia is en- tirely •due to the number of these animals which have been, sold to' the Militia Department -Beck's Weekly. Mrs. C. Fletcher and Mrs.; S. F, Sharp were in Clinton ori Monday at- tending an executive meeting of the W. M. S. of the Huron. Presbytery. Rexall Orderlies work gently on the bowels, bringing to the cheek a tinge of good health. Sold only by W. S. Cole, The Rexall Store, i10e., 25o. and 50c. boxes. Owing to the illness of .Rev. '13iir- nard, of Elimville J. M. Southcott con- ducted the services on the ' circuit. last Sunday. Earle Southcott accoru- pan:ed him and Sang at ttvo of the ap; poihitments. Mr. Owen S. Atkinson has takeo full charge of the Tinshop department of T. Hawkins. & Son, We are noir, prepared to do all kinds of new and repiir work in the above lines. • air. Milo Snell on .Friday last de- livered a Ford car to Mr. Fred. Smai- laooinbe, of Hensall and another to 31r, F. Steick, of Zurich. The latter is equipped .with electric light, ;self starter, ete. Mr . James Wcstcotta ;of • ouglas, Oran:, ,is ill at her ;home' wi h•, pneu- monia and has a nurse from randou in. attendance upon her. Her 'many' friends in this section will hope for a speedy recovery. The Exeter Oddfellows will cele,- brate the anniversary of thb, Order by attending Divine worship in Main St. Methodist church on Sunday' evening. :April 255th when the Pastor, Rev, S. W. Itluxworthy will :.'deliver a spec ial sermon. . Rev, E. G. Powell left ,or Tuesday for Edmonton and will return to 'Wainwright which will be bis head- quarters during the big Temperance campaign in Alberta. Mr.' Powetl'has been an active worker during . 'the' Scott Act campaign in, Huron Cann - to and received a warm invitation to go West for the big fight. -,'Clinton New Era. There was a goodly bunch of letters at the postoffice on Thursday morning last without the necessary extra war stamp. The letters were 'evidently mailed late 'Wednesday evening to avoid the war stamp, but as these letters were not, cancelled until the 15th the war tax stamp should have been affixed. ,Consequently they were sent to the dead letterf office.. The annual examinations 'of the probationers and candidates for the Methodist..51inistry in the London. conference are. being held this .week in James "street church. On Thurs- day evening 'a public meeting will ,be held in the auditorium of the, church et !which the .certificates will ,be pre- sented arid addresses given by' Revs. J. W. (Belied and C. P. Wells, The citizens, are cordially ,invited to be present on the occasion. The Board of Health have ,issued their annual notice to the citizensi to nut their premises in good sanitary condition. cleaning up the rubbish and the aceunanlation of the .winter. The citizens of Exeter have .an en- viable reputation for the pride ,the,; take in keeping up the appearance of thein homes and streets and in con- sequence Exeter is one of the .cliea.nest and prettiest places to be. ;found, ars- where in Ontario. Let this year ,be' no exception and bs everyone doing his part to clean up and, beautify his surroundings we may not only, equal other years but surpasn anything seen, in .Exeter. At the annual meeting of the Mis- sion' Dand of James street church on Monday evening last the following of- ficers Were elected for the corning year: Hon. Pres., Mrs. W. G. Bissett ; Thresidcnt, Miss Laura Harvey; . Vice Pres., Miss Kiva Ford ; Secy, ,. Mies Beta Rowe ; Cor-aec5. Miss. Amy Johns Tway., Miss Elva Harvey ; 'Pianirs.t, ?1ss Emma ri:sher; Assistant, Miss Gladys Harvey : Literary committee, Ulysses S. Southcott, M. Pickard and G. Carling ; Supt. of Mite 'Boxes, Lulu I estle. busses Laura Harvey and 5, Santheott were appointed delegates to attend the. convention in London ie. May. Mrs. W. G. ,Bissett present- ed the -'Circle with five dollars end M'as Stella 'Southcott, the !retiring president, was honored with alife rnexn'bership, ; ",A \ Notice to Oddfellows Membaa-s .or Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows are ire. quested to 'neat et the Lodge room lit 6.15 p.cn..ota Sundae, April 25th to attend Divine worship in Main street Methodist ch'orch. Visitors cordially welcome. 'Mr, N. J. Dore has, purchased a new Ford car. Miss Aliie Eaorett is visiting friends to 'Toronto... airs. W'ni, Ouclmore, who has been quite ill, la improving. -- Miss Buchanan spent the week -end at her home in Hensall. Mr. T. E. Riandford, of Ingersoll, is spending a few days in town.. MTh. L. Day ;and daughter Annie spent Saturday last in London. Mr. Russell Balkwill, of Seaforth, spe .t Sunday at his home here. 11i'ss Ethea'Bissett of Seaforth, yis- ited at her home here- over Sunday. Mr. John Cornish is around again after being confined to the house. Mrs. John Taylor, of Exeter North, held a sic^assful ea1e on Tuesday. Mr. Fred McAlister is visiting his parents at the James street pailson- age. Mrs. Thos. Sweet had the misfor- tune to fall lest week spriaiining her ankle. • Miss B. ''Teetzel, of Fingal, .was! the guest at the James street p'ansonagc over S unday. Mr. and Mrs. 3, G. iStanburyreturn- ed home last Saturday after a short wedding trip. Mr. L. Day has been on the sick list for several days but is able to be around again,. Mr. and Bores. T. G. Hemphill, of Wroxeter motored down and called on friends on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Northcott, of Exeter North, is at. present confined to her room, through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Elliott and son, Trueman visited Mr. and Mrs. H. El- liott in Lucan on Surnday. 11ir. Chas: Tebbutt, a former teach- er in the Exeter school ,tailed on friends in town this week. The many friends of, Miss Maud Johns are. pleased to see ,her out again. after her long illness. Mr. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, at- tended the 'funeral of the ,late John O'Brien, of 'Hay, on Monday. • ' Mr. J. Knorr, who has spent the winter in Crediton has returned to town and •has been engaged, be Mr, P. Bearden. • Mr. Thos. ` Laing, of the London Rd. North, has been very seriously ill during the : past week, but we. are pleased • to learn • his condition ,is. im- proviing. The tinshop Of! T.' Hawkins is again, in • full 'swing after years' idleness. This will do with the delay M. executing as in the past;', •' The 'Masonic,,Order are moving into their new ,quarters this week and the hall Will be ,opened: next ,week when the District Reputr. Grand ,' Master will. par, his orificial visit, ' ,i - Mr. Keys, Nsi{i;o has been visiting his sister, Mrs. 'Win; $rickwood, Since Christmas and • who h'as been under the doctor's :care, is improving and, is able to be around a little. Rev. Peter Nicol and Mrs. ,Nicol, of S,imcoe. who have been visiting tvith Rev. S. Fc and.. Mrs. Sharp at the :Presbyterian manse for n couple of months, leave Thursday; for their home. Mr. and Airs David 'Ross, 021 Win- nipeg, arrived in town on Saturday evening and are visiting the, ,letter's parents, Mr.' and' furs. Win. Rivers. Mr. Ross is a carpenter by ,trade; and will engage in .this work during, the summer. "Mr. P. Bawden, who has been ser- iously i11, continues the itprovnxent noted last Week."-Ridgetoa-n Plain Dealer. Mr. Bawden has ba'en ill with pneumonia.6.nd his mans friends in town, will hope, for -speedy recov- ery'. • . Mr. Wm. Balkwill, Sr,, who ha.s been seriously ' ill in London ,has iso far recovered as to be able to be re- moved to town and was brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh last week. He is still confined to his bed. • The dust he's been tieing pretty freely on Main street the past'lfew days. It may be 'a little early ,ta put the sprinkling cart on a regular Tun, but we think' the Road, ;Com. would be justified in laying the dust when it is a nuisance. . The death occurred in London on Thursday evening, April 15th of the wife df Rev, W. H., ,Cooper at their residence 74 Adelaide street. The de- ceased, was •in her 43rd year The funeral service was held Saturday morn'ng and the remains • ,were taken to Blyth for interment. Rev. Cooper was a former pastor on .the Elimville & Son some sway orders The British American Oil Co., of London are putting in the foundation for two large oil.,:taniksf, at the Exeter station just +north ,of the coal sheds of. Hestie, Rowe and Wood. The tanks will hold six thousand gallons each and one will be',usled for coal oil and the other ,for gasoline. Kestle, Rowe and Wood • are agents fey the company bete, ' The 'marriage took place in Buf:telo on Wedne,sdas, April 14th of Mies' Norma Bobicr,'of Buffalo, d,aaghtcr of Mr. and Mrs:' A `5Cl'.: Dobler formerly or Exeter, to 11 Ir. Laverne• Johnston of the; same city, 'They were rnarrted in St. Mares on the H:11 Episcopal church The many. friends in town; otathe bride will join with the Tiniest in, 'extending congratulations , Rev. J. W. 'Baird, of Mitchell, gave an addrese on the Warf in'Maio street itfethodist church Tuesday evening ander attic nu,.spices- 'af the Epworth League. The addt+ess wee llla5strated with stereoptican views , and wee both interesting and instructive. Several illeetrated songs were Bating by Misses Marion' l3'latchtord, Ednss Folrck and Eva 'l Blyton. There was a splendid turnout EGGS WANTED --- Wall pay 19c cash or 2 xc trade for N w Laid eggs.— j. A. Stewart, HOUSE do (,OTS FOR SALE -.That brick one and a half story dwelling an the corner of Tull ands Andrew streets in, the !village or Exeter directly east of the Presbyterian church. Three tots and frame stable and orchard with dwelling will ,be sold an one parcel. Owned and occupied. by Mrs. Jane Jones. The household „ effects will be offered for sale as well. ale sale on 'Saturday, May 8th at 2 yam. Terms 'made known, on dey' of sale, For further particulars ,apply to B. S. ,Phillips, Auct., or I"I. EaHuston, Exec ter. China's. Millions. Any flgures for the population of China must necessarily be more or less unreliable, inasmuch as the census man is not much in evidence in the land of the Celestials. The estimate, which is probably somewhere near correct, in 402,700,000. As to whether the mil-, lions of China will ever become thor- oughly modernized in the sense that the Japanese areremains to be seen. The Chinaman possesses plenty oC good sense and there seems to be ne valid reason why he •shoold not some time "catch on" to things and fang° ahead with the restof the folks. -Neve York Journal. When comfort speaks to them most men can understand her no matter what language she uses. 1 Women are often foolish, but at that they don't hold any edge over the men. Moral courage is a good thing, but don't mistake a tough pachyderm for at. , 1 A Happy Loss. Lose your grouch; you'll never mise it. Though at first it may seem queer • To be Just a trifle decent To the people who are near. But with very little practice, ' Sawing wood from' day to day. .You can make yourself attractive • With a grin nailed on to stay. - There is little 'settsfaction, �.„,„i Nor is life the more complete, If you bite the heads from people Whom in daily rounds you meet,. And the•mussup isn't pleasant When that little trick you try. They can never sue for damage If you smile and -pass them by. rou may think it lends distinction. If you, jog along the way With a grouch on exhibition Every moment of the day, But when friends who pee yeu combid Make excuse to turn away :t. 1" You will find the load le hardly, Worth the 'freight' you have to pay: ' Be the little ray of theistine - To the people that you meet. Let them feel when you are coining ' That it bri 1ttens 'up'thies street. . Ina the only way to trabet; 'every smile.v(ill be,.a_boost. • And you'll find' it worth the trouble ' when the chicks come -home to•roost ti 1 1 It,. 1 . r Not Saucy. ' "lie, seems to care more for his dog than he does for his children.' "is that so?" "Yes." • r "I wonder why?" "Maybe it is' because the dog never asses back." • Naturally. "He seems a breezy sort." "Yes, he can't, help it." ., i, "Can't?" • ` `di i awhy?r. 'Because he is always putting on stirs.' = ' BITS OF PHILOSOPHY. He hears but -halt who hears .one party onlq Aeschylus. Prejudice renders a •man's vir- tue his habit ' and not" a series of unconnected acts. Through just prejudice his duty becomes a part of his nature.-Surice. He who is sorry for having sinned Is almost innocent. -Sen- eca.. All persons as they become less prosperous are the more suspicious. They take every- thing for an effort `and from.. their conscious weakness pre- sume that they are neglected. - Terence. All men are held and called tyrants who possess perpetual power In a state which once en- joyed freedom.-Nepos. Beautiful Home Grounds. No matter how poor he may be, every fanner can afford to have beautiful home grounds. Very many of the Iplants and shrubs "nest suited for lawn •decoratiou:can be found growing 'Wild in practically every neighborhood, if not upon every farm, The only ex-, pense required is that for the labor of digging and replanting them. ' Replying to inquiries made by farm- ers, James G. Moore of the coltegil' R.t agriculture of the University of Witt= cousin offered these suggestions for the improvement of home grounds: in m:'ticinga lawn .1.0 not crowd 04 space. You will need a targe court within your border of shrubs and flaw•- ets, and, above all. do not surround the hoose with trees which shut otit the 'sunlight bo not plant trees or l hrubS. in • straight rows, except along the boundaries .or.hortters of die y,aM ; lOb riot overplant your lsssfl 110 not ttodnce ittdv shrubs .or ,cttx'a ,a>1 g 1' Washy orbilineuta. THURSDAY. 'Alt4R.IL 224 '191Ie seseassesseese Seed:: for Sale We have for sale a choice stock of Government inspected Seeds especially selected for PURITY and GE EL IINATION, which we offer at very close prices for CASH. Our stock comprises: Fancy No. 1 Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy Seed, Kentucky and Canadian Blue Grass, Orchard Gras, and Seed Corn. •; We have a large `stock of Alsike and Timothy Mixed —an extra nice grade, and good value at $4,80 per bushel; Fancy No. 1 Red Clover, $12.00 per bus'lil; !Timothy Seed from $4.00 to.$4.50 per bushel. Call and inspect our stock --it will pay you! • We areAin the Market to Purghase All kinds of Clover, Grass Seeds, Etc,, for which we pay full market value. A call solicited. C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Cre'ditor', Ontario M. M. DOYLE HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE FOLLOWING LEADING AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND , OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC & HUPMOBILE INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL D0 WELL TO CALL BEFORE ORDERING - M. M. DOYLE 1 F., HOUSECLEANING TIME MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner from us. It will clean .your Rugs and 'Carpets .better than beating them and with nisch less labor. Then get rattle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yen see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from. R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a F. W. HODGSON Karpenter and Builder Plans furnished; Estimates given free on alt classes . of buildings. 3-18-0 EGGS -White Wyandotte or 'Barred Plymoth, Rock, from choice stock, lay- ing strain. See Harvey Bros, PASTURE FARM FOR SALE MI Rent, is Hay Township, Con. 8. Ap- pis to Wni. Blatchford, 345 Morley Ave. Toronto. 4-15a 5tp ' HOUSE FOR SALE . I (House and three-quarters . of an, acre of Land on,-Sancoe street, Good Well. Apply to David Gillis. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED I have undertakento sharpen lawn mowers. Parties • leaving their mow- ers at the power house will have them attended to at once. Work guaranteed, LCD j3lateiford.I. With advancing years comes consti- pation. Rexell Orderlies are a specially good laxative for Pageing people Sold only by W. 5. Coln, the'Rexal.l Store, 10c,. 25c., and 500. boxes., Western University London. Forward Movement Greatly" Enlarged Faculties in Arts and Medicine. Vastly Improved Euiprnent,-Library Laboratorie.e, etc. 5'sen, New . Scholarsbips ..Record • Enroilnnept.. ;x�. ti�� soiiciin d. z E. A. Braithwaite, M IA.., _'residen± WE CAN SAVE YOU $ By buying your coal from us; We bought before the ,heavy freight rate and war tax: $7,50 for this month, delivered. Sole Agents for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal? KESTLE ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario "A Man's 'iA bilit3 is his Passport" Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. Teacher of Organ and all branches of Piano Plasiing; Voice Culture and. Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 year practical experience. , , t . For Terms apply at S. Martin F Son's Music Store IN EXETER EVERY FRIDAY 7;, Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer Red Clover,, Alsike, Timothy, MILleft Alfalfa and, beans bought Imported ,Red Clover and Timothy - Seed for sale ; e also o±oiee homet grown Buckwheat and Alsikii\ Will be at home to take in seedy every Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursday"- and hursday*land Saturday Highest prices paid. Address aril communications to H. Reynolds, ;fIaite Ontario: 11. 11. Noi. 1. e MAD rr. FERIIY F- ,DOUPE, Licensed Arm - - Cancer. Sales conducted in any 4a-' orality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- tended to. 'Phone 1111, Ki.rkton Ado-` dress Iiirkton P.O. ► ,o EDWARD J. ;FE11G'UTS037, T,ieend ed Auctioneer, Sales conducted in any locality; live shock a Specialty , Ord - era .left kit Times Office will; reteiaa protgpt O,tteaitien ;•, Ctierme, .tnadierata,, .0 ; Address Science 1i114 B.. tF, Ta, f. Phone 45-3 ,l i,akatten.