Exeter Times, 1915-4-22, Page 3STUDY TLIE MARKETS.
Often a rumor Las raised a sue-
ceseful crop or produced a nice
buneh of hogs or eattle, Le loses a
How to Get New Health and The present eoniliet in Europe
part of the reel profit whets he
has demenstrated beyond the possl-
comes to sell his peoduce. No small
part of the net profits from term New Strength at This Season bility of doubt that the *mainten-
Produce muroughthe preetice
ance of Britain's ,superiority at sea,
es th
of ecientifie methods of selling. "The Spring ailments are not imagi- and the expansion d the wheat
progressive fermer must keep 173 nary. Even the most robust fled areas in British Donainions, have
close ieliela with market operations the wirtter months most trying to been, linked together as basic lac -
The keen competition in the sale .
their health.. Confinement indoors, tors in .1;he consideration of plans
all classes
often in overheated aed nearly al- for Imperial offense and defence,
of farm procluee demands
that the man who would be success- ways badly ventilated roost:Ise-In The lawmakers in London, es a
the home, the dace, the shop and
ful must study market problems
the school--taxee the vitality of matter of policy, have •allowed no -
regularly. even the strongest, The blood be- thing to interfere with the building
Most men pay ,some attention, tip of an ell-powerfna ,atevY,. and
comes 'thin and watery and isclog-
but by uo means enough, to picking ged with impurities. Solna people they have steadfastly ignored the
the right market. This plies have apheadaches and Zii feelino
g- f protests a Englishmen who have
equally to both the products that languor. Others ,wre low-spirited contended that Great Britain would
be in an
are comnaonly 'sold near home, as and nervous. Still others are trou- impossible position if a
eggs, rerearo, butter, vegettsbles, bled with disfiguring pimples and war should develop with a powers
ful maritime
doe, and to those that are sent to skin eruptions; while some get up power. There were
tete* or less distant markets., Of in eee reeening feeding jest as, tired numerous men in England who be_
course where the home market ith
s as when ey went to bed. These lieved thet in the event of an itn-
good it is best to sell there. When are all spring symptoms that the portant European struggle involv-
the produc,e is shipped the freight blood is out of order and that a, ing Great Britain, `the hunger of
charges and the time required in medacene Is needed. Many people London would dictate terms of
transit must be taken into consid- take purgative medicines in. the peace." But the Admiralty were
elation. But it is sometimes the spring. This is a serious mistake. convinced that the sea, power of
case that e distant market more You eann,ot cure yourself with a Britain would keep all the smiths
than makes up by extra prices the medicine that gallops through your open kr foodstuffs. The lands in
difference in freight rete.s and he system and leaves you weaker still. the British Isles which might have
extra. work involved in getting pro -
This is all that a purgative does. been devoted to the growth of more
duce to that market. What you need to give you health
wheat were left as before, and the
Let as take the first class'Otf pre- and strength .in the spring is a invest -ens of Britain by placing
ducts, for example. A farmer may to.nic medicine, that will enrich the their funds in .the !bonds of railways
ive five miles from one town and atri
blood d soothe the jangled in Canada, in South Africa„ in Aus-
twice ihat dtstenee from another. nerves. Ind the one always re- tralla and in New Zealand, where
Once or twice a week he must make li
able tonic and blood builder is vast Aretches .ef fertile coentry re -
es .trip to one of those markets with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These mained to be opened up eneourag-
Pills not only banish spring weak- ed the production of a steady sup -
butter, eggs, etc„ The ,o.ne five nese but guard you against the ply of foodstuffs which might be
miles away is his logical market if more ,setious ailments that follow, celled upon in case of emergeney.
prices there are as good, or even ,such as anemias nervous debility, The under -water craft of Germany
from one to two cents less if just ea indigestion, rheumatism and other
have failed to throttle the shipping
ordinary amount of produce is mar- diseases due to bad blood. In
of Great Britain. Her ships
keted, as prices at the more distant proof of this Mrs. D. E. Hughes, , come
and go almost as they please. And
market whiCh requires at leaet two Bazenmore, Sask., says: "About a
the resources of wheet lands, in
hours :additional time to reach. But year ago I was badly rundown, my
themselve,s many times the area
es_ if prices .at the distant market are nerves were all unstrung, and I
of the British Isles
so much better that the quantity of could not go.up ,stairs without stop- ,ere aveilable for
the need
produee to be marketed will return ping to rest. As I was a long ways Of the people of Britein.
In facilitating- the expansion of
a profit suffiCient to pay the pro . from e doeter I cleeideci to take
ducer from fifty cents to one dol.- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in various companies in the Do -
lar an hour for his time in making the eouese of a few weeks I felt minion duringthe last thirty years,
the extra drive, ordinarily the far- like a new person. As an all round the ,suceessive governments, federal
thest market is the proper outlet restorative I ,can heartily recom- and provincial, have enabled Can -
foe that producer. The same rule mend this reediCine." ada to take up the burden of . a
applies to shipments of cattle, hogs If you are ailing this spring yen greater production in this year ,tif
- or grain crops made to the large c,asenot afford, in your own interest, the Empire's peril. Canada is meas -
central markets. The closest mar-
to overlook so valuable a anedieine using up to her advertised destiny
ket is not always the best.
as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold as the "Granary of the Empire,"
The modern farmer must keep in by all medicine dealers or by mail or, more emphatic still, "Bread
close touch with the eentral mar-
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Basket of the World." The prophe-
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
cies of leaders of thought for three
kets. No longer should it be pos-
eine Co., Beockvilles Ont. decades are on the verge of fuffill-
sible or local dealers to hurry out 4.. meat. The large exportable sur -
'from town and buy up stock or pro-
duce at prices prevailing the day GOOD ROADS CLUBS: plus of the wheat fields in Canada
will weft' feed a. fair proportion of
Jadeite, if there has since been an
advance in values: That was poe- One of the greatest drawbacks to the dependent millions of England,
sible before the rural mail delivery the profitable marketing of farm and probably the war -harassed Bel -
system was esta'blished, but • now products in our land to -day is ba,d glans as well. The railway lines
that mail is delivered right at the roads. It has been found that good which have been .construoted east
farmhouse door there are too many roads, are an essential. factor in get- and west and north and south
throughout the country have made
daily newspapers published whieli ting produee to market at the least .
her present position possible. With -
carry upetoethe-aninate market expense and trouble. Fortunately,
pricee in "all oh
f the large central a good many. of our farmers ave out these essential traffic arteries
awakened to this fact, with,the re- the Dominion would . have. been
markets for the farmers or stock- merely a helpless spectator while
man to sie caught napping in any sult that some farming Isections of the greatest war in history rumb-
such manner as we have mentioned, Canada have fine highways, while
There is harday a. part of the min- the condition of the roa.ds of many led through to a conclusion. Can-
ada's most important contribution
try where a seliaible daily paper other sections ha.vc been material- to the cause of Empire is in wheat
asennot reach every farmer by noon 1y bettered. But the work is only and flour and bread.
or 2, little after, and if a dealer half begun, if we tafkeinto consid- The bulk of supplies of Canadian
shows up before the paper is receiv- eration the vast amount of mileage wheat for export are drawn each
ed it is a simple matter to step to in our public highways. year from- the wheat fields of the
Farmers should investigate and
the 'telephone and call up a friend prairie provinces. The total sup -
who can give him the latest mazket see if this condition exists in their ply may be coraputed by a study of
quotations. own distriet, and, if so, Jet them the carryings of the railways. Dur -
Daily market quotations, while try to get the appropriation raised. ing the crop year 1913-4, the Can -
of inestimable value, if used imme- H they. fail in this, then circulate adian Northern alone handled from
diately, are of little help in inform- Petitio,n.s for subscriptions to .the the territory served by its western
ingthe farmer what to do to -day 'n road fund among the farmers. Even lines, 47,295,000 bushels. Estimat-
order to hit the market right many the business men of the towns into
,eng the inerease this year .at 20 per
months in the future. What should which the highways lead will often -cent., this road should -haul out
be studied for the purpose of fore- subscrifbe ,toward such a fund, as a,pproximately 56,750,000 bushels of
castingethe markets axe the tables they, too, are interested in good wheat from the provinces lying be -
and charts, prepared by experts, roads, for they have found them tween the Great Lakes and the
which present in a direot esa,y the good business "boosters." • Rocky Mountains. That quantity of
results 'of careful studies of supply If some of the farmers feel they wheat, converted .successi-vely into
and demand, of ceases and their ef- eaenot give any money toward the flour, and into standard loaves of
feet. and of seasonal fluctuations Toad fund, let them give work- bread, would feed Greater London,
In supply and pres. The agricul, which is just the same in the long with its estimated population of 7, -
tuna periodicals publish many such run. They will certainly find plen- 252,963, for more than four and a
tables and reports whieh explain in tv of work to do in, grading, haul- .half years. .
simple language why prices rise and ing gravel, eto. So long as Britain holds command
fall at certain times. 11 anything is to be accomplished, of the seas, the .available su,pply .of
When ,aill .of this material has everybody must act in unison, foodstuffs from Canada alone
been well digested the farmer will Form a Good Roads ,Olub and let should suffice to overcome the
possess fairly accurate knowledge its motto be :'"We will have good handicap her critics maintain she
as the the trend of affairs on the roads all over our disteict.". Fur- imposed upon herself by producing
farras with which he is competing thermore, never let up on the spirit but a quarter of the wheat she em-
end in the various markets flat de- of that motto, but let it be the nuelly consumes.
wand his products. He may thp Watchword of every member. — -*
draw more perfect conclusions' re- Heretefore farmers have given PROVERBS. .
peeling what to do now in order to their iwhple attention to crops and Don't let , your life become a
adjust himself to future commercial things in general about the farm, mere money-gettieg humdrum. Get
conditions, to the end that he may never hardly giving a thought to gut into the open end live.
reap greater profits for himself. It roads -their outlet to the markets The ebjeet of life is not money,
may seem best to specialize on the --and it is high time for them to but more and alWays,heOer living.
type of his product that is going to give ibis vital 'subject their serious Selling is not tetiehilrgeeeteesohing
be tieavopular demand, or it may be consideration. is the art of making a Map, learn,
that hie proper course is to delay or • ,s. Work exists for. life; pet life for
Lo a,dvance certain operations. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY work. .
,i. When you are attending to busi-
Extreme Cruelty. FOR LITTLE ONES. ness be ,a,11 there: But for heaven's
"Whet was the cause of their sake do not become a machine your -
Mrs. Sidney Dolby, Audley, Ont., self.
quarrel 7"
writes : "I have used Baby's Owaa Know something besides business
"It's in the bill of .divorre as ex- Tablets for the pest twelve Months and the everla,sting business point
treme cruelty."
and have found them an excellent , of view. Most men are branded
"But he's the gentlest mannered medicine for my little girl," Thou- with the trade -mark of their busi-
man in the world," sands of other mothers Islay the same
"I know, but that's the only way thing -.ono e a mother ha's used the
the lawyer e‘ could explain the owe ,Tablets .she would use nothing else.
You see ethe trouble all started They are pleasant to take; the re -
when he diebitreturn her lead in seat is sure, tend.ab.ove all theyesre
a bridge game." guaranteed by a government ana-
lyst to be absolutely free from in-
juirio.uo drugs. The Tablets ate
sold by medicine dealers or by miail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr,
WilliamsMedicine Ct., Drocks
villa, Ont.
Theie-are ' desirable kinds of
monopoliets. Among them is the
men who attends to his own busi.
The British Navy and Canadian
Railway Expansion.
A school teacher was instructing
her class on the relative value of
words and phrases, The phrase
"horse sense" was discu'sssed and
she told one of the ibeys to vsiifte a
senterice containing that phrase.
l'he boy labored for ten minutes
and produced this: "My father
didn't.. lock the ibeen door, and he
ain't seen the horse sense I"
If you are not a, big man the job
in 'time will get you, hypnotize you,
swallo-w you up.
We need Mere men who are big
enough to tower above their eco-
nomic . interests end give us a
vision of, somethine batter,
An executive is a, nese .who de-
cides quickl5r and is •sonsefinies
Diplonialically Speaking. „
"I Want to answer Gwerielodyn's
Letter and say eornething that
means nothing."
"Tell her you.love her.".
It All Came From Nitture,8 Guide for Garden pmnt.,
Lug. Best Linimekt of All
Nature furnishes guides for gar-
den planting whIch are even more
reliable, than the calendar, esseerd- DestroByust Etiveevreyr pilauirrins t:, s,,,,,,,„(0,ted .4 oovorauxon4
$noly, two exeellent now ootatoes. Pries.,
inspeoted for seed, Only limited quantity.
Prum, One Dellar per bushel f.o,lb, 13rroup-
Also Connoisseur's Pride and Now
BUT a, Kt N.A.CHONALD rOUND ing to the Agricultural Depart- Teo Dollars per Insehei. seessee wags
RELIEF IN DOD 1) 'S KID* ment'e garden specialist, The old11ow __ ak
th a_ful we aro to get Isola for large quantity. Cash must a,000m-
residents et the sod, essoh as the of such. a wonde;frtiltiebsou mSiesii.ollrredy. PanY all orders. B. W. Palma. Bratee-
maple, dogwood and White oak, are as Nervillne.'"
montagne from her home near We- 1". NURSERY STOCK,
the beet ieterpreteire ef nature's
taskawin, Alberta. "In this fareiway ,
After Fifteen moaecotc.1,sthienm,sp,sromgt,haat.ndthequ,i:alyenz,e'er-
NOYa Scotia Man
meat. '
Years' Suffering .Lound a Cure
Through Reading an A.dvertise- who follows their silent suggestions supply of liniment Nerviline is the
may arrange the plantieg of his best of all. It destroys every pain,
adeructgshiet far earywoKnarilioyron:94dsceiategrog 741,s411:7111:1:::::teR):78::',.:1:004::StD.P::::32;.:0 :Or.
ee , mesroes. catalogue treo. VloCkmooll
vegetables accordingly. but never burns. ' We use Nerviline thousand, 412.00 for SOO, SUS for 250, to.ib.
When tneesesirer 0112,,PlieS begin to ia a score of ways. jf it's rheum.," larytinirlds.309,teateviecesonrharde. gcmard
Harrigan Cove, Halifax Co., N. , ,,
S., April leth (Special). -After suf-
fering for fifteen 374ars from lame pouptifaorr:h nthaiteuir e re :swill:7ml tahteg `teacitt- sticsin4lt,icaaelonragetiffbacmt,ekP,Linyouin eatte lasuidgi-
ns" appear on the willows and NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE.
beck and kidney trouble Mr. nha,at.hd!yens if you Lave lots of Nerviline
For earache, toothache or TIROEIT4LAIMTO DriBW
George K. Alsoponald, a weals the season is rigiht kr the planting noes for sale in ITitler6:$4iDrailir°1.4
known; resident of this place, is of such vegetables as lettuce s...... -.13e 1 don't think anything could ii -
telling his neighbors of the west tardl onion seeds and onion sets,
, nine- act more quickly. For a general ala Thee,„eimot,n"thil Illid
round Pain remedy I can think of ate eel to vensoirtuli 1 AtitrsilelQue% amika'
Deckl's Kidney Pills. ParsleY, the round seeded Peas, thing more valuable an.d speedy to West Adelaide St., Toronto. ° 11"Y' 73
benefit he has received from using earay ,Irish potatoes, radishe.a, spi- cure than Nerviline”
nach and turnips, This, of course, The abo 1 t .
arain and a onad,,, mr. MacDonald provided that the soil is in good tells how rreelia:leteawrneeir6v.tiriCIU°Snetyylfilotchriinefgi-orltdelyt 1 fil jAIsirg13:1;t1; iTomons, LUMPS, ETC...
"My trouble started from a
states,. "1 Was trenbled with stiff-
ness of the' joints and cramps in orde.r, which can be deteimined by time remedy is.
i ucoutt., pain byaout
bV,I'mreitter =in
nIttmeVetrzneaaliniceunrtod ;rill -
taking a handful at a ,depth of three Years has been a tousehnold
or four inches from the surface
you can
Cenada. Scarcely a home in wcolanadan g,a•?„%olel&initti Medfcal
end unrefreshing, my limbs were the anasclee. My Sleep was .broken compact it in the hand by closing' commuhifityndhawsitihtesuitiZ7ilinaem.pElevseryof ' ' *
the lingers, aed if upon opening
heavy and I had a dragging sense,- the wonderful curative properties of INO MORE DANDRUFF,
tion across the loins, them, the ball of earth gradually Nerviline -which will cute pains and DAN DR UOURE
"My back ached and I suffered falls apart, it is ready to be spaded. niches anywhere in the jointS, or mus -
Maniere should then be buried a, . Will stop your falling hair, sure
c es. . Its penetrating, soothing, 'the itching, and make your. hair
from thellm'atisln, 'whe'n reading an full spade depth below the surf warming and safe for young and old glossy and smooth. At your Drug,
ad,vertipernent led me to try Dodn's and the soil 'should be made fine to 'use. Get the large 50e. family size •
604 Traders sank Bldg., Toronto, Ont.
gist, or sent pcaltpaid. 2 oz. size, 60e.
Ki(d4Ine5raan'Ploilaii'scy too plea," to say and comPacti -with an. even surtaiee. bottle; it's the most economical. mum=
Not until about ten days after na- Small trial size 25o. at any dealer's
that the- treatment "Wia'S SileeeSSIUL titre has set the date for the above anywhere.
Dodd's Kidney Pills have done roe mentioned vegetables should sueh + —
a great deal '91 good' garden truck as beets, carrots, and The Canning Industry at a Glance
Mr. MseDOTIE,Idie sYmPtoms 'show kohlrabi be planted. A second sow -
that he was troubled with Kidney ing of peas can also be made at thisAnnual production in Canada -
disease. That's why Dodd's Kid- time. ,' about 125;000,000 . tins -more than
nes* Pills cured him. The dogwood ancrthe white oak 200 e"rY minute d the year.
pr'Corimitajatleiyinvesteel-$10,000,000 ap-
WISE RULES OF CONDUCT. begin to show sigma& awakening at
a time wh,en other vegetables may .
be Planted. These include bush Land required for growing fruits
and pole beans, sweet corn, ose, and vegebab1es--40,000 acres.
eumbers, musk melons, water mel- Number of persons engaged in
ons and various kinds of squash. growing raw materials -12,000.
The gardener will rarely pla.nt too Value to grOWers-$1,250,000.
early if he but wait for nature to Cost of roanufacturing-$1,000,-
tell him what to do. 000. .
e Number of Canadian people ibene-
I Nova Scotia Case Of filed annually by the canning in-
dustry -75,000.
Interest to 111 Women Classes of persons benefited -
manufacturers of tin cans and. their
• employees; the growers of fruits
Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help and vegetables; the fishermen; the
to Many People. • ' farmers who raise cows. .for milk
and -cattle for canning; lumber -
Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15. -When inter- men; emo,plovees of lumber mills and
viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St of box factories; the makers of /-7X.
An up-to-date High Grade
Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to nails; artists who design, and litho- ' 1,---'-j, BidyclenttedwithRollerChairz.
talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. graphers who ma,nufs;oture the la- li'',
Jug Mudguards
felt weak, languid and utterly unfit Wholesalers and retailers.--Can.a-
for any work. My stomach was so
"I was always 'blue' and depressed, bels; the Canadian railways; 1
i li 4
Pump, and. Tool. '
2 $22 501
Nevi DejOarture Coaster Brateet
ha7gdla gliruad6se' eqputilpamtheantle,inTernt
disordered that I had no appetite. dian Grocer.
aIA, SF(1,1rd FREE 1915 Catalogue,'
Remarkable. jo ri
A 1
What I did eat disagreed. I suffered
, IN70 pages of Bicycl.es, Sundries,
nd R put. ittaternot. Volt ma -
ache and feared a nervous breakdown. "She's a remarkable woman in
greatly froni dizziness and sick head -
Upon my druggists recommendation more ways than one." tql
'VI' '' T. W. BOYD & SON,
buy your supplies front us at
I used- Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 'il
Wholesale Prices.
"I felt better at once. Every day 1 "Is that sol Name one." -
improved. In ex weeks I was a well "She has a checking account at
Woman, cured completely after differ- the bank, and hasn't once over-
Deadly Sex.
ent physicians .had failed to help me, drawn it. es .*
tive troubles to . use Dr. Hamilton's
Pills." '
urge sufferers with stomach or Dr. Ha.milton's Pills strengthen the •,,a.g.,01,71 He Wanted to Know.
dollars you loaned me a few weeks
* .. o you remember that three Ile -"A Lady Who Strikes Her
IT He -I've finished my .speech.
She -What is the subject ?
It is for this reason. that I strongly
stomach, improve digestion, strength- Husband Is No Man."
"Yes,• perfectly. Have you come
systems to health. By cleansing the Mfnard's 'Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
en the nerves and restore debilitated
to repay it7"
blood of long-standing impurities, by "No. I just dropped in to see if
After Marrying.
bringing the system to a high point you had forgotten ie."
Good for young or old, for men, for
weariness, depression and disease.
Corns Instant lisic.applay/ls
"Tell me, Vanessa, does your inti -
of vigor, they effectually chase away • to make your home
women, for children. All dealers sell
Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Paint on Putnam's
Butternut. Drop Corn Extractor to-
_pl. night, and corns feel
Mighty Hard. better in
0 LI t i.Ma:iacale Mt h e -
Keep good coanpa,ny or none.
Never be idle.
If your hands canna be usefully
employed, attend to the cultiva-
tion of your mind.
Always speak the truth.
Make few promises.
Live up to your engagements.
Keep your own secrets, if you
have any.
When you...speak to a person look
him in the face.
Good company and good conver-
sation are the sinews ef virtue.
Good character is above all thins
Your character cannot be essen-
tially injured except by your own
If any one speaks* evil of you, let
your life be so that none will be-
lieve him.
Drink no kind of intoxicating
Ever live (misfortunes excepted)
within your income.
When you retire to bed, think
over what you have been doing dur-
ing the day
Make no haste to he rich,,if you
would prosper.
Small and steady gains give com-
petency with trenquility of mind.
Never play at any kind of game
of chince.
Avoid temptation, through fear
you may not 'withstand it.
Earn money before you spend it.
Never run into .debt unless you
see a way to get out again.
Never.borrow if you ean possibly
avoid it.
Never .speak evil of .any one.
Be just before you are generous.
Keep yourself innocent a yen
would be happy.
Read these rules at least once a
Success assured In rear-
ing Baby Ohicke &f yoi
feed them
Purina Chick feed
Seall, dealer's name and
ask for particulars.
The Chisholm Milling
Co., Ltd.,
Dept. 6. Toronto, Ontario.
8smcc.4 4 Oyelc Merino Mato,"
Cycle 4 Cyllnder 2,220,9. Highest quit.
economical on met. Used to standard 1910.1
me to gteo depending On equipment.
IIRMAfti M. CD. Dot.' !Walt. PI&
"Not much. A sonata is of little
interest to a men when he wants a
boiled dinner."
That Broken Look.
First Shopper -"It's so hard to AW "Putnam's"
eases the pain, destroys the roots, "How did you guess I was having
41 find just what you want." kills a corn for all time. No pain.
ly when you don't know what it is." ,*Putnam's" Extractor to -day. financial troubles V'
"I noted the change in your
A FOOD DRINK Second Shopper -"Yes, especial-
, Cure guaranteed. Get a 25e. bottle at
Which Brings Daily Enjoyment.
A lady doctor writes:
"Though busy heerly with my
own affairs., I will not deny myself
the pleasure of taking a few min-
utes to tell of the enjoyment ob-
tained daily from my morning cup
of Postura. It is a food beverage,
not a stimulant like coffee.
"I began to use Posture 8 years
ago; not ,because. I wanted- to, but
because coffee, which I dearly.
loved, made my nights long, weary
periods to be dreaded and unfitting
the. for business during the day."
(Tea is just as injurious as coffee,
because it, too, contains the health -
destroying drug, caffeine.)
"On advice, of a friend, I first
tried Posture, making it carefully
as suggested on the package. As.I
had always used °ream, and no
sugar,' I mixed my Posturn so. It
rooked geed, was deer and frag-
rant, and it w,as a pleasure to see
the cream color it a light golden -
brown, •
"Then I tasted it critically and
was pleased, yes, satisfied with my
Poetuna in taste and effect, .and am
yet, being a oonstent user of it all
these years.
"I continually assure my friends
and aequaintan,c,ee that they will
like Postum and receive benefit
from its use. I have gained weight,
can sleep and ,a,m not nervous.''
Name given by Canadian Pesti=
0o., ,Windsor, Ont.. Read "The
Road to in pkgs.
Postum wines in two forms:
Regular Postum - roust be well
bolTdd 15e and 25e packages.
Instant Postnm - is a soluble
powder. A teaspoonful dissolves
qtsickly fx a Cup of hot water, and
with .cream and sugar, makes a
delicious beverage Instantly. 300
and 500 tins.
Both kinds are equally delitious
end. east per etip about the eame.
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Let vs plan your trip and furnish folders
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the pain was very severe and a large
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pected it would be serious --I rubbed it
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ling very quickly. / cannot sneak too
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The bigamist turned back .to 'Say,
Before they put the handicuffs on,
"One cannot lead it doable life
As eliestp as one.
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ISSUE 17-'16..
"So Tom soaked his 'watch. What
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Try Nudge Eye Remeda, tor Red. Weak, Watery
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the boat may live to. ride ;n an
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Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in
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