Exeter Times, 1915-4-22, Page 11: *OItTY,S. ECOND YEAR-- NO 222, 0•°a EXETER, ONT., TI-IURSDAY MORNING, A.PRULa, 22nd. 1915 JONES AND PHONE 3E, MAY w Silks for Spring Silks are very strong for this coming season in all the New Popular Shades,. Faille Silks---•rte.-- One of otir leaders, Colors Belgian Blue,. Battleship Grey; Rus- sian <(,lreen, Sand, Pretty Primrose and Navy. Duchess Si_I�~"" A very swell silk with a beanti fnl finish, Colors: Belgian Blue, Rus- sian Green, Sand, Navy, Brown, Blue, Rose and Cream. LadiesSuits and A number of !real nifty Suits nodi Coats, well nnade and Bilk lined. nice range of colors to choose from. A11 to clear at $5 each ti I*i ai�'ii i i -0i i r ► iii Raincoats For Ladies n ell colors of Tans, Blacks, Blue!, Greens and Tweeds. From $5 to $15 each For Men 200 Rain Coats right from Scotland, heavy or light weight, all colors in Plata or Tweeds. $7 to $15 . . Coats for $5.00•• WASH GOODS " view flats and Shapes a, arriving every day. Always some- thing new in our Millinery Depart- ment. --FOR— SPRING ORSPRING PLAIN OREPF STRIPED CREPE FANCY CREPE: PLAIN VOILE STRIPED VOILE FANCY VOILE GALATEA DUCE VESTING iOUS c_LgANIN . . '-:tom•. .. �. .m.F�tou,will want some RUGS, CARPETS, N E W L1 NOLEUMS, CURTAINS or BLINDS We have a big choice to show you JONES AND MAy• For Hot Weather Use a NeW Perfection Stove 58.50 up Oven $2.50 up wicks and Toasters Screen wire Poultry netting Screen doors All ;sizes _• 12 to 72 inches and windows HOUSE CLEANING HELPS Connor B. B. washers - $10.00 Wringers $3.75 to 55.00 Curtain stretchers - $1.00 Step Ladders, ett;ra strong e - 050 O' Cedar mope - - - - 75c U Cedar polish - - 25 and 50c Renewal Polish - - 25 and 50c Lowe Bros Paints - 35 and 65e Elephant Paints - 15 25 and 50c Dustbane - • - - - 350 Brushes of every description Boy Wanted -, to learn Tinswithing and Plu PHONE 27 A tubing • Heaman's Hardware *HO E and Stove Store . iCHICI%GN •FARAiING; The chickenfarming indus- try is receiving a great impetus in town among a number of ,breeders. Messrs. Snell & Jonen last week ad- ded a fine ,flock of White Weandot- tes to their already large • flock. These were purchased from Rev. R. Hicks, of Sensall. This firm now has near ly five hundred hens on the old: Davis property on John street recently' emir - chased by Mr. Snell. On the corner of the lot is the (main"( building used as office and storeroom and where two incubators are being usedat present. At the back of this ,is a large hen house built after the pattern of the houses at the Model Farm, capable/ of housing one hundred and `fifes ,hens, Three such houses extend in a row and a larger house brings up Elie rear; At present the property is beingfen- end off into several runs running north and south and will separate the hens in the different buildings. A. )number of PIf%lo coops are .also being used. Quite a number of chickens were kept during the, winter but ow - 'inn ' to some slight defects in the ven- tilation. the 'results have not been as satisfactory as they might have been, but these defects will be .easily' over- come. The flock will be increased un 1til it is several times elargeri than 1i.t isat present. 1 Mr. James. Grieve as also making satisfactory progress with his hennery He has fenced off a coupleof acres and his buildings are in good shape, Mr. Grieve is speoiaiizx'ag andis going in .for well bred stock. lie has/ pur- chased in the neighborhood of five hundred baby chicks and some or. his eggs have cost him from five to ten dollars a setting. 31e bas had spleno did luck in raising his baby °biome losing only a very ;few. 3!tre. 'W Wm. Aikenhead, of 3rucefield, •'jpassed away on April 9th, aged 49 • ears and seven months. She had (been ill for long time ,and death -/vas% not unexpected. 'She .leaves a •.%sorrowing" husband abed' eight child- ren. Mr. Robert Slater, a ;highly teteaen- fed resident of Blyth; passed away,. n Sunday, April 11th,. Mr,' Slater had 'Oteen ill for a couple of ears witli -)inaciniti from which ;he succumbed • iBe• 'fives- enactive. member. tot the, M'ch ethodist urch `•foe =about ' !fort` „•Fears and was Einencial Secretary of the Canadian Order of Foresters. IIie tvndow survives blob. TO CORRESPONDENTS PONVDENTS The correspondents of,, `the Exeter Times, in mailing regu lar printed ,addressad leu:velo= pcs or 'other mail niatittex marked "Printers' Dopy!'; ' need not place weir sta npe on " the envelopes, • Settled •envele . epee and instal cards require the extra stamp. Exeter School Board. A. tneeting of the School Board was held in the .Council •chamber .on April 19th. A11 present. Previous .minutes were approved. Glarbrian and 'Fake that Messrs, Wood, Armstrong and ;Aartin be a. committee to secutt; room for 15ri n- ary class. •Wood end Creech,.,that Inspectur's report be received and Inspector be invited lo look over plans. • Gladin,an •and 'Wood. that A. 1a, Mike's Y I"alee. s x. ens�5 to Lention be e p 1 paid, Adjournment. In ' . N, Creech,sea tem y pro New Library Open 1Exeter',s ew >Cnrazeagia Library was opened to the .public on . Saturday lass and a !are nontber of oitizens 'avariled. themselves of the opportunity to inGspeet tbe new , building, The library is a handsome struc- ,cure, built ou the corner lot, south of the town ball. 1 t a built of red brit 'with white, cement trimming's% The main entrance is to .thee, centre or the .Front. A porch supported by mind cement celumns and seven stepe lead into the vestibule. Seven more steps bring 3-.okt, into the Library ream facing the desk ell the librarian. Along the enti(oc ,length of; the back } wall the books are shelved while two stands are placed out on, the floor Terming as it were a room for the i 1ibraxif..n. On either side of the yes -i tibule are tables for reading. 'The floor of tbe building is a beau- tiful polished hard maple, while the wallas are of plaster and frescoed with tints. Ralf way up the walls are finished 'with a heavy brown bur- lap with a naoaleling above it. The lighting fixtures consist of several handsome deice white ,eha idieliers siUs- pendcd. by `brans chains A stairway leads to the basement, In the basement is a fair &zed midi. 'formica which will be used also as a (reading room and where all the newspapers will be kept. This will also serve as the council chamber. A French grey marble slab has hen hung . up bearing the word; "This On. Tuesday evening of this -,week building was erected in the,'Sears. the congregations or the Thames Road 19,14-15 through the . libelity of Ana3,rew Carnegie, es .. lE At present the public havenot ae- cess to the books but :then will have as soon••es the new card nsstem is ing- stalled. The Library will be open on Men - den, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at the usnaI hours. The Library Board have adopted rules and regulations. similar to'those adopted in other places. One of these is that all ,gentlemen shall remove their hats when. entering the. building. Another rule is that .no talking shall be al- lowed upstairs. If persons desire to engage in conversatioa they must use the reading room in the basement. This allows the privilege of reading without disturbance a privilege the citizens, will enjoy very much. lYfa:ga- zi,oes will remain on the ,tables for several weeks before being allowed out. The .clex'h ,,also has .his .office .in the basement. The building is heaved by steam,• and opposite the clerk's office is the furnace room. A aide ;entrance also leads to the basement. The mason work eyes done by Mr. P. Bawden while, C. Heywood! ood! had the contract for the: sarpen.terwork and decorating. VT. J., Reanean installed face heating system: The' ` work throughout is a credit to the builders and an ornament to the town. at great deal of credit is 'also 'due the Library Board. These gentlemen isave been very painstaking and. self saerificing of time and %effort. A number of plans had to be prepared before one was ,adopted and :ane ever; detail a building. has been erected. that the citizens of 'Eaete,r might .well; be proud of. They deserve' the hearty thanks of the citizens. The Board consists, of Messrs. W. D, :weeks, Chairman; ki, E. Ruston, Secretary, J A. Stewart, IVT. D. Burden, L R. Carl- ing and Dr. McGillicuddy There is a fine ,piece of property around the building which wilt , be fitted 'up and made one .of the beauty spots of oar town. • Presented With Cane and Parse REV. DR. PLETCtrERI,, Who on Tuesday evening was honored by his, Congregations THE LATE GEORGE PEDLAR This, week we chronicle the death of ?Lr. Geo. .Pedlar, who departed this life on Wednesday, April 14th, at the residence of his brother John ' in Exeter and was laid to rest in the Exeter :Cemetery on Saturday • last, the 17th, after a long illness caused bs an accident which he, received five ears ago. 1r. Pedlar was born in the county of Cornwall, England and came to Canada in the year 1852, be- ing 75 Sears of age when, death reliev- ed him of his sufferings. He were a life long Methodist having joined that bode in the early pioneer days. Re came up through match tribulation, and we mai :Cay, with the tluestLo.n, of the poet "Who ere these arra: ed in white; Brighter . than the noon, nae sun?' Be leaves to mourn his • three brothers, Jonah,' of Br:igden. James of Pigeon, Mich., and Johtr, of Exeter. ANOTHER EXETER 'BOY ENLISTED Woodstock, Ont. Apr. %13, 16 Ed:tor of the Tinies, Exeter bear Sin -1n looking over an old number of an Exeter paper recently mention was made o1'' boys from your town who were in. the ,fighting* lino defending the liberties of British civ- ilization from the aggression of Ger- man "Culture" may 1 be permitted to give your readers the name of another who was born in Exeter about thirt,e years ago and who is, a member of the Second Contingent now 1 believe ordered to France. Ilio name is ;Na - smith and most of the older people of your town will xemember his fath- er. also an Exeter boy. Arahie spent the first six or seven seers of his life in Crediton, where: his father at that time was the village doctor. Af- ter graduating Froin Toronto tintver- city he went to J3ritish Columbia, rind was for some time ,ship 'surgeon. on the "Empress of Indict and when the war broke out Archie, who bruit pre- viousle been a .Lieutenant of the 28th Perth 'Volunteers joined a 'Cavalry aegifeent in Vaneouv'er where be hits been tinieing for %seyexal months. We bel;ave he'll do his diets at the from: Oahe comes or :fighting ,stock laud we enrneatle , hope he., with alae other .et D r x eon ans tow return y tat rn unhurt Sincerely ,yours Patriot. and Kirkton Presbyterian churches met in the Thames Road ,church to congratulate their pastor, _Rev. Dr. Fletcher, who was so recently honored by having conferred upon himi the dee gree of Doctor of :Divinity ,by Knox college, Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Met - cher were in. town during ,the day and took tea with Rev. and Mrs. Patriotic League Notes Previously' acknowledged. $1038.72 /11•�'.. W..Gladware : 1.00. M, Lindenfield n00 Nelson Stanlake • 1.00 Km. C. Johns, Eliruvill,c X50 John Rind • ,1•,04 IVliss Vosper , i 1.001 Mies Ar mstxong • 1,q0 , 'W. IL Levett 5.014 Jas. Stewart • e 2,09 Rd, Qninton,•Centraila, 10,00. Total , $1712,.24 The plisses Kinsman presented the league with twetve• eineumania jack- ets and. ktiss :Carling with a quantity of flannelette. A, box of infant's clothing was sent to 'Mrs, Steveley, of London, .for B,:1 glenrelief'. , . SEE -SMITE( The, funeral of the late. John Thomas O73xien, who died in London. on. Friday last wan held from tbe home of his mother, Mrs, P. O'Brien on. Monday and was largely attended., Lnterment was made in the Rie:nsall Un'on, cemetery, We are clad ta note' that Mr. John Northcott, who had the bones of one of his ankles broken, in. a runaway accident a short time ago is progres- sing favorabIS, BORN VENUS --Tri Hensel on h'riilae April' 2nd to Mr: rand Mfrs. Moe, Venus, a' son. SMALL' OOMBE—tn Iie.nsall on Fri. day, April 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. ;W. Smallaaombe, .a daughter, 11LARTEN:I'l--In Stephen, *n Tnes<1<a; , April 20th, to ¥z .and brise F'ete'd :Azartene, a daughter; iELLeeln Exeter, on edne,s'dare April 21$ts to 31r. and ,.Alia, Ed,, Snell, a daughter, CULI3EB,T.--In. Centralia, on Moucla'e April 199th, to ,Mr. and Mrs, Riche' and Culbert, a daughter.. .JOfINSTON—In London Tp,, On Erne day, April 16.ih, .to Mr- and Mx:s ;, Arthur .d'obnston, a sofa, TARRIED It ' JORNSTON—BOTIIER—In Buffalee T I`, on April 14th, ` 101.5,, ' in St. Marcs on the Rill Episcopal church,. Mies Norma Dobler, slaughter of Mx,. and are, A. Q Robley, formerin of Exeter, to Mr. Lavernt:itJobnstoir, of that city; 13IE :QUINTON--At Centralia, eon ,2410n40 41 April 19th, Nrlliam iQuiu.ion, PYLAE --.Iia Exeter, on, Wednesday April 14th, ',George Pedlar, aged.,7' rears and 1n months. MOORE—la Cliaton, on April :Sth, Rebecca J, tDennisoa, .widow of''the Late Edward Moore, .aged S0 .years. AIXENBEAI)—In Breeefield, on. April. 9th, Matilda Langley, wife Of Will - bunt Aikenhead, nand 40 years, HODGINS--In 1:isbarne Township, lot S 3.13., April Sth, Richard aC; god_• gi.n.a, in his 75th sear. O'I3RIEN—In London, on: 1i'ridar, ;Air' ril 16th, John Thomas O'Brien, of Ray. COOPER ---et her late resavi'eiiee, v4 Adelaide street London, Ont., ort 'Thursday, April 15th, Margaret, be- loved wife of Rev. W,r H. Cooper, in; her 4.3rd year. THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Sharp land when, they' arrived an that=' church the were completely taken, bye surprise. Mr. Hugh Kirk, of Kirkton presid- ed at the meeting. The eldersfpf the both churches were on the platform when Dr, and Mrs. Fletcher were call- ed to the front. Mr. W. 4. Turnbull read a congratulatory address and% Mr. Fletcher .was presented with . a gold -headed, cane and a large purse' of .gold, and Mtn. Fletcher with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. SD Ir. James Monteith presented the cane, Ur. John Urquhart the purse ,. and Mass Ethleen Eay, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wien E, Ear, the flowers, on behalf of the' congregations. Dr, Fletcher xnppiid very ,feelingly. .After the presentation n splendid program was carried ;oft: Rev. 'S. Sharp, of Exeter mad • Rev. foavi,d Ritchie, oL ,Cro arti, were present: and gave two splendid addresses. Recitations, virgin solos, duetts and selections by. the Throes, Road Quer tette were wandered and much ,enjoy ed. . • . The congregations passed resolutions to be 'forwarded to Rev. Rears- Gra- cey, of Gananoque, a tformer pastor, who with Mr. Fletcher, was honored lay Knox college, these two gentlemen being the only two on whom the de- gree of Doctor of Divinity; was confer- red this Sear. After the program a very sociable time was spent, the Iadies 1. having brought their baskets and an. abun- dant supply of reireshments were served. Dr.' Fletcher was requested to ,ap- pear with his hood which he did. The evening was n most sueceeeful affair and will long be ,remembered by both congregations. Following was the address 2 To the Rev. Colin Fletcher, 1'.I.A., D.D Dear Pastor,— We, astor- We, the ,members and adherents of Thames Road and Iiirkton Presbyter- ian churches, having learned that ,the Senate of Knox College, `Toronto, has honored you with its degree, highest in, its power to give, that, of Doctor of Divinity, desire to congratulate you upon this high and .well deserved honor received. Your faithful service. rendered these thirty-seven years, toe gather with your ant.e scholarship, are worthy of suck recognition. We ap- preciate this taction of our Church also. because of ourselves, /for we be- lieve this tribute born to ,you is al- so in behalf of the;.Open Country, lift- ing a faithful pastorate of the ,coun- try to en equal plane with the 'pas- torate of the ;.city. Thus it is the Church in taking cognizance that the country- is fundamental to a true national life, and in presenting hon- ors where honors are due, is idealiz- ing rural life ,and taking .a long step toward the solution of what is term- ed "The Rural Problem" But above all, we appreciate; you for yourself, the sebolarly, scriptural in- struction, sou have given. us; the faithful shepherding of sour flock. during all these ideeades past ; nun our pray er to Almighty God is that this. welt -merited recognition Inas be but one more mile stone, marking our idbors together in the Lord, Ind link- ing as the more closely for seats 'of future service. In our congratulating you upon this honored tecognitioin we are .not itnminelful of airs. Fletcher, whose' life of quiet ;yet ,eguallsdistinguished uit:ar- serene has helped make your pastor- ate ideal amongst ns. Therefore as s. church sand congregation, we melt of you' to accept or .this cane an purse. and you, bars. Fletcher, of th.se flowers, not because of their ,intrin- s e value, but es s -y inbei e expressive of our deep tappree ration of. ,a, noble pastorate. S:ie;ned on behalf I of the respective ->m aft a f liana c e ' r:� c. l Boerne � b,,l„sons are of 'Thames Roan: and Kirkton Presby- terian churches, •elf's Heavy Shoes We have the best value money can buy and all ordered before the big raise in price, so that we can give you the very ftottom •prsees, Children's Shoes Children's Shoes mood prices and plenty 9f style. 'sae erne S Shoes eg$ea tigit% the assortinebt b iE17 the .Alyce The Astoria Shoe for Men Always Pleases CLOTHINGder Our Spring stock is com- pIe ;e„ showiug excellent values. Our Mad a=to= 1,Ieasure Suits are guaranteed to 3t AV 5 •O•0.4O0090e00.000.04?0000 045000000404000¢#004A0000Q0447i • • •• • O e • • • •A • • • r' • • • • •, • A • • •• • •• ••• • w • • • • • • w: •, • • • •. w • • IF IT'S WORTH WHILE TO BE WELL DRESSED IT'S WORTH WHILE TO AKE TtIE EFFORT. The Correct Spring Style: The Kitchener Overcoat yA 6' 0 4 • HINK how much it means to you to have good 'fit-; ting, stylish, good wear- ing Clothes. You TAKE No CHANCES WREN VotI LEAVE YOI3R, ORDER W r Tit VSen Overcoats,---: Stv, rz, rs, r8 and tip Suits,--- $ro, ro rz r and � �-0 llp PHONESi a .•00.0400406045.04*..000 0460+'!*4A64)0++b04a0'..:404... *;