Exeter Times, 1915-3-25, Page 8THE EXETER ruiths Market Report --The following is the report of the Exeter market corrected .ap tie March 24tan Wheat $1,30., Oats 50 Barley 70c Baelcwbea.t 75o Peas $1,'5Q Flour $4.04 Low Grade Flour $2.001. Bran $28.00 per ton> Shorts $30,00 per ton nagar Beet pulp $27,00 per ton, E ggs. 1.7c Dairy butter 260.' (Creamery butter 35o e trielcees alive 8 !Dressed 10 Bucks, alive 9,; dressed 12 'Turkeys ahhve 14 ; dressed 16 Old Toms, alive 11o., dressed Geese olive 8. dressed11 Potatoes 40e, Dried Apples .05o.. Hoyer $7.85 Exceptional Styles and Values in New Suits and Coats NEW SUITS Colors are Belgian Blue, Sand, Navy, Grey and Black. The Coats are silk -lined, & collars of silk. We are showing splendid values, 14, 20 & $25 ODD COATS The seasons newest showing in smart and natty styles, in the very newest cloths. Some excellent values at,.. $7.50, $8.75 & $10.00 MILLINERY Many New Models are being shown in our show rooms. Leave. your orders early so as to give our trimmers time to get it ready for Easter. HOUSE DRESSES Made from new Prints and Ginghams. Several good styles for morn- ing wear, priced at ... , ,. . $1.00, $1,25 BIAS -FILLED CORSETS We have a style for every figure. Those who have worn Bias Corsets can appreciate the luxury of real comfort. LADIES ODD SKIRTS In black and white checks, also blue and black serges. They are neat- ly trimmed with military braids, priced at .............: $4,75, $5.00 and $Fi.00 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY When buying Hosiery this season get Holeproof, made in easterner cotton, lisle and silk. They are guaranteed to wear six months withou holes or new ones are furnished Free of Charge. LACE CURTAINS Many New Nets by the yard, all have a neat lace edge. assortment of 2:1 yard Lace Uurtains'at 50e. Great value at WALL PAPERS A great assortment of new and attractive wall papers, suitable for any room in your home at per roll 5c, 10e, 15c and 25., LINOLEUMS Spring is the time to buy this sanitary floor covering. We have 2, 3 and 4 yard widths in neat tile and floral designs, Ask to see them. ROOM RUGS Wools, Tapestries, Brussels, Velvets and Wiltons, in nearly all sizes, If you want a real smallor an extra large Rug, we have them. NEW SHIRTS All collared shirts that we sell are guaranteed not to fade, The 1915 line we are showing is hard to beat. KING HATS FOR MEN Nobby Soft Hats for young men, Dressy Stiff Hats for Men. Wear a King Hat $2.25 Also a large $1.00 J. A. STE'AT PHONE 16 W. G,lleeeie, hae;s purdhased a new. dray. M. J; :Mallett wars in X./mime on, Monday-, Mrs. Ewell ,was in London ox Prie day lest. Mr. Jack' Snell, of Sft, Mammas. ,wan in ttow& tine week. ' Zhn '1>ritsSes Carling entertained on Friday' evening 1as+t. Mrs. Pollen, of et. Marys, is yisit. ing hal. tsieter, Mrs. (1; Baker•.f Mies Lily :Davis, of fI.'oron'to, is vie - jibing° her; parents .at Exeter• Nortlh., Mrs. A. Wilson, of Sea forth, is vis iting wits+ Mr. and, Map. J. A. Jatew - art. 13 Messrs. W. Snell, W. Martin and C. Heywood were in $aranton''on Tues day. Dr. Amos, of town, is seriously' ill and tilts two cJiildretr',bave been sum- moneil ho'tne. er741.••••••••ON•4••••v` r LOCAL 01414,4/00♦ a••••ti• Mr. Russell Balkwill, of Forest,'vis- ited at his lime .here over Sunday. Miss Marjorie Seinen 'entertained a. number of friends Monday evening. Mr. Harry l±uke, of Parlhhill. visited: this parents in town during the past week. Mss xworthy visited wiitib Weeds at Kirkton during the past week. A. number from 'towen went to Lon- don last Friday to attend the military' re Riew. Mrs. L S. » Clubine, of Walkerville, is `visiting her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons; Mr. W. McAlester, of Sarnia, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and ,nlrs. Jas. Jewell. t afrs. F. Witmer, of Exeter. visited her daughter, Mrs. D. Koehler, last week.—Zurich Herald Mrs. W. Smith, who has been visit- ing with relatives and friends in Exe- ter North. has returned .to the west. Private Simpson and Miss Thomson of London. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D.a$, over 5utd'Ly. Quite a number from .this coalman, its attended the Huron •county tem- perance convention in Clinton last Tkursdaj. Mr. and. Mrs. 3. A. Stewart have returned home after visiting for e few weeks with relatives in New York. A number of farmers :throughout this community have installed evap- rators forthe making of maple syr- up this season. HOUSE FOR SALE 011 RENT 1 will sell or rent either of my houses in. Exeter. For terms and par- ticulars app! to John Pedlar. ' Mrs o. B- Mustard, of (Brumfield, recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Clinton hos- pital i,s making rapid recovery. Mrs. S. Martin, Mrs., W. Martin and little daughter Margaret , and Miss Lulu Martin visited"Rev. R. and Mrs. Hicks at Bernell on. Friday last. That auction sale of Mr. Francis Blat- chford is being advertised on page four as' ;is also ;a nate o'11 cattle ley Mx. James. Ferguson. Miss" Gladys .Oampbell returned to Toronto. Monday after visiting ifor a few eliays with her brother Dr. Camp- bell. Mr. Melville Anderson, of Ottawa, and; formerly of Godenlch, now in. training with the third' contingent vianei1 with friends in town on Mon- day. tr The Exeter Encampment I. O. Oe F. w'hie'h was to take a number of can dictates to 'Loudon this T'hurtisday. 'evening -hlave postponed the trip Lin- ea Thursday, April 8tlai "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car e Pric 590 Prices of other Ford (ars are Two -passenger Runabout $540, Met Two -passenger Coa .850• p � , Five -passenger Sedan $1150. All cars fully equipped, including elec- tric headlights. Prices F. 0. B. Ford, Ont. Buyers of all Ford cars will share in ourp rofits' if we sell 30,000 cars between Augast 1, 1914, and August ,gust 19 1915. All Ford cars are on exhibition at EXETER -140o Snell Dealer 'Dir. Richard Bissett and daughter. of London and Jack and James' Bis- sett were in Exeter during the 'peat week visiting their mother Mfrs. Fan- ny' Bissett who is serioulsly A couple of inspectors from tt,he License department were intown last 'Wednesday and made a search of the !biztels and several other places. for !door. It is reported that a Tlask partly" filled' wttht whisky was found at the Central 'hotel. Mrs. McLelland, who has been vis- iting Mrs. M. Sheere for some, time, left last Saturday to visit dor a couple of wveekas 'with relatives near Toron- to. prior to returning to Fort William. Her daughter, Mrs. N. Slh;iere and lit- tle daughter Jean accompanied her as far as Toronto. • - Mr. Jaok'"Centtick, tof 'tittle Bank of Commereie staff teas been ,transferred to the :breech- at Lindsay and Mr. Berri Gillies who has been stationed at Lindsay, has been transfer id Mere, Me. Cfhi'ttick spent Tuesday at this home iiiinTaeswater before resuming hi ne= position. Dr. 1wmos, of:town, is at thepresent wrrltiag 'in: a ere critical condition, Dia Eccles, of 'Landon,. was called in consultation with Dr. 'McGillicuddy ien Pueadayevening and leo hopes are held, out • .for his recovers. • The Dr. IS i.11' witn pneumonia. Hls 'son Will arrived home' from Stratford Tuesdae tnornyng. The case of Mr. Daniel Hartleib, Who 'Was ohatged with setting fire to the••plant elf' the Cleveland -Sarnia naw mills comp3ujisome months ago, came an at the sprinaeessizes at Sarnia last week' beroie"alis 'Loi'ilship Justice Glatt. Mr. llartleib was discharged The maple syrup makers arebusy on Wednesday,-"the':judge;• declaring 'these days and syrup is fimdicg it3 there, was no evidence on w(hieh, to we y to the tables of our -townspeople.' convict h'im He arrived 'home the Tien "run" E0 far bas been very good. same day; Th(e South Huron Spring Fair will We have tent cut a member of ac - be held in Hensel! on Wednesday, Mar.rcounts to ,subs,scrabei who are in ar- 31st':, the Clinton Sprit); Fair on rears and have been pleased with' the response thus far and to thine we sex- tend our ',thanks. T,hiere• are a num- ber, however, whom we are still -wait- ing to hear from. Only in extreme eases hhve 'eve been in the habit of Charging a dollar and 'a' half Tor back subscriptions but unless we hear from' seine who are hdhdnd several ears our next laccoulit to them will be made oat. at $1.50 a year. Painters Just, a few more days to April Ecol • M it 5 Tihe skipping rope beams" © silent evidence to ispriog.. • • • • We may be wrong but we venture a guess that route of the tariff i' vi,- sions will be one big April Fool for the: government. te •. • ■ \Vhs worry about the coming. • en spring. What more delightful weath- er could one desire than that wYhi.cti has prevailed for several weeks. • • 0 • Eggs last week were quoted 15 to ,16 cents in Seaforth ; 16 to 17 cents in Cl:intoe ; 16 cents in St. Marys and 18 cents in Exeter. For market prices Exeter leads them all. • • • 1(be new tariff which was expected to come into force about the middle of March. will possibly tcome into fe ce with the beginning of the fiscal' Tear which• begins April first., • * • • Thee than on the street would; sax it was a case of the government "sold" instead of the army boot?.t, 4aN any rate .it was a case of ".not lasting" The government "heelers" we're right' on the job and the poor soldiers ,and ratepayers have to "foot" it: • « • • The month of February see;:ned to come and go in a jiffy and now March has paid tie her best respects. It seems as though the gods of war have the stage and the weather man is adding delightful weather for the setting. rf'Ibti lion may be lurking, however. ' • •• a' . if d. , If Production means Patriotism then why burden the producer with the extra taxes tt is shackling the far- mer with a handicep and coaxiag him on with the patriotism cry. (lithe farmer will !respond to the call to duty as quickly as anyone .but .he should share equally rwit.h tae pro- tection' furnished the capitalists and manufacturers. April 1St the Michell Fair on. 'Apr. 6th and Seaforth on April 8th. s_ Mr. John F. Krueger, of the 14th eon. of Stephen, has sold ha fifty- acre farm to Mr. 'Wilfrid Disjardine for $3600 After holding a sale on the 30th. Mr. Krueger will move to Exeter to .aide. The dates for the departmental ex- aminations have been announced. The High School Entranceexamination will be held June 21.. 22 and 23. rT.he Did ti oar wife listen to your excuser Lower High School examinations will for staying so late at lodge last night! Oh, yes, she., listened•.to me then— Then , w hate Then .I lrste' enc to !her. begin on. Juce 16 and the DMirddle School Entrance Examinations on June 24. More to Follow.—The Jackson Mfg., Company have almost completed their contract for five thousand pairs of trousers, for the Government and as „ Mr. e result of MT. Jackson's 'visit to Ottawa last Week the probability is that tars will be followed. • by other orders. -Clinton News -Record. The telt ell Methodist Church, has invited Rev. G N. Hazen, of Lora don, 'President of the London :Con- ference, to assume" the pastorateor the church for the coming yearto fill the place of Rev. J. W. Baird, Who has accepted a call to the First Meth- od`st church in St. Tihomas. Tim Hensel). Observer says "Rev. Mr. McAlister, of Exeter, occupied the pulpit of the aletbod'st ,cburdh here Sunday morning and evening, preach- ing (two practical sermons. His eves,- ing discourse was in a style somewhat along Billy Sunday's lines, causing the audience to en up and listen. Cole lection ,and subscriptions were talee a in aid of the Conpexiona1 funds.°' The Logie Missionary Society or the Presbyterian cl ureh will give a Bazaar and Entertainment in the Opera House on March 26th. At 3 p.m. there will .be a bazaar at which will be teetered for sale useful articles soca es aprons, 'caps, sunbonr.•ees, etc. also tome -made cooking, home-made sandy, etc. Admission inrludini;-lunc(i 10e. In the evening "a drama ere titled "Valley Farm" will be put on the young people of Hensall. Thisbs y g p P has been delivered in Zurich, Stafta and Itensall end WAS . splcredid suc- cess. Tickets, adults 25e; ebildren 15e Mr. J.. le. Murdock, of Stanley, re• o'n'ly eb'pped from 73r'icefield a ear load of oats, to a Firm in New (Ontario. The oar contaieed iaboui. 1,600 bu�li els. and is to be used for seed. This ttgt•iher with local orders, totals about 1,800' bushels of toed oats that Me. eluo'dnek has d spose-d cid . the swing • for the substantial price . of 75 cents per bushel. The grail was all grow n on the teem recently owned by hes uncle, fir, John Murdock, of Hansa, which he hes had •rented for some; time card le irdelrer.dant of the large emouat growvti On his own bozo ,farm. •- • • • Whoever 'hieard of an 'intelligent business man having adopted a. sys- tem' that bas turned a department which previously had been loosing him money into one that was returning him large profits, forsake the new system and go back again to the old. Nonsense i incredible yon. say. But that is the position of the present government in regard to its postal regulations. When the three cent postal rate %vas in force the depart- ment %vas not paying its way and the adoption of a two -cent rate brought the department a handsome" surplus and was the cause of much jubilation, from those who :had brought about the change. And to think the govern- ment are going back to the old way of doing business. • • •• • By the way have any of our Exeter merchants figured out how the troy? delivery lay -out for Usborne Clays right into the hands of St. Marys and that it is only possible to, serve ,your, legitimate territory by sending your parcels to London' theaee to St. ta4,airss thence to "Wood,bamt or Kirkto{l and finally to 'their destination. Perhaps Exeter merchants are letting it go by default A large portion of • t he township ' have registered a complaint and Exeter merchants might do worse than to try and get a rural route out from _town that will serve the 'beryl. tort' that should be served by them. Whet is the twenty mile parcel post zone for if it is not to protect' local merchants? But the commun'ty 'five or six miles to the east of Exeter' is practically barred as Tar as parcel post is concerned. COMMUNICATION To the Editor of the "Times Dear Sir—In a. local which appear- ed in the Advocate last week the Editor was apparently trying to show up the -Base Ball club of 1914.,The club finished the season twelve dol- lars short and. the Advocate on egnal shares with the others remand their account all but about three dollars. Possibly if this good sport keeps his shirt on he may receive, the balance of his account before , the season of 1915.opens Evidently aur . frietd for- gets the time when" the O. H. A. hook ey club, of which he was Secy-Treas., finished aver $150,00 in the holm and we bel:iev,. 'these accounts are still unpaii. , E. B. ,11: C.:' Wihe W. M. Se, of Sunshine church will hold an 'entertainment on 'March 26th, The "young people lof Weodiblam willpresent the play "The Min:!ster's Bride". Programme commences aro 8 o'clock. Admission 15c and 25c,• TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS ;, FALLING' Save your• Hair! Get a 2a cent .bottle, of Danderine right nowu,—Also stops itching'scaip Thing brittle, eoloriesa and scraggy Bair is Mute, evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. :There is nothing .so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, eventually producing a feverish- ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes- the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out •fast.. A little Dandeeine' tonight ---n ,--any, time—will sorely sate your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of 1 nowiton's Danderine from any drug store. roti surely can bane beautiful haft acid lots of it i$' you will just try a little 1)aw derina, .Saye 'oar ,hair! "fear Rupture Expert Here SEELEY, WHO FITTED CZAR OF RUSSIA, CALLED TO LONDON F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phila- delphia, the noted truss expert, will be at the Tecumseh Hotel and will re- main in London Friday and Satire day- only April 2n, and 3rd. 141x. Seleey says.: "Th Spermatic Sh,ei4 as now used end a y,roved by. the Eng :ked !States Gover, , tient will rot 'only. retain any case a -u . t e perfectly affording i W media + complete re- lief; but closed the opening is 10 days on the average case. Tin:s:':in- atrument received the only award' is England and in Spain, producing re- sultsawitbout surgery, • harmful in- jections,: medical treatments or pre= ecriptions..• Mr. Seeley has documents from. the Lxi.ted States Government Washington, D. C., for inspection. All cherits eases. without charge, or if any •interested: call lin will be glad. to showsame without cbfarge or fit them if desired Any one ruptured sd mmber" ape and take advantage houlreoef 'tli s otpportundateity . fY'tT:l'Ur MA1t,IG,>i. 25th,,_ 1915 -lOIAMEL WEEK The Week Start- ing March 29th, is (CHI - P AM EL week in Ontario Every Needs This Brightner, use it for Floors, woodwork, furniture, linoleums, etc; use it for everything thats needs vary nish, 20e. 35e, 60e and $1 per tin. Graining Outfit $8. Paint brush- es 5, 10. 15, 20, 25c and up to $5 t4 in. as Cut $125 Wrenches, -, - from 35c. up TOOLS AT WHOLESALE PRICES 25e. 45c, 50e, 75c, .85c, & $1.00 Tack Hammers 10c & 15c 50 cts, 75, cts 85 eta and 1.00 up - Extra pExtra. Good Value, 1 Dollar BOY WANTED — to learn tin smithing and plumbing PHONE Heaman's Hardware PHONE 27 A — and Stove Store - 27 B aleaggeingelagenliniggin. M. M. DOYLE HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE FOLLOWING LEADING AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND , OLDS MOBILE CADILLAC & HUPMOBILE INTENDING PURCHASERS` WILL DO WELL TO CALL BEFORE ORDERING M. M. DOYLE HOUSECLEANING TIME giAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner from us. It will clean your Rugs and Carpets better than beating them and with much less " labor. Then get a bottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture,, and if yon see you need any new furniture, we big o from. choose stock ktOC have a R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a F. W. HOD Carpenter a• ' : der Plans furnished; Est .sates given 'free on ail classes, of buildings. 3-15-0 EGGS-aWhite Wye dot or Barred Plymoth Rock, fro c ice stock, lay- ' ing strain. ' See Haey as. HICK'S' 'I'ORECAST3 11he thirdregular. storm period is nearly coincident withi the center of the vernal exui.nox "lt •;its central on the. 25th and extends from thle, 23rd to the 29th. 11:sttirbitige ceases and what to look for—Tbe .march equinox. being at its crisis will blend • with': and greatly intensify this regular; Vulcan storm period. The Moon will pass its first quarter at the.greateet north declioatioc on the 23rd.., It will also pass soutbwvard over toe" eel- csti.al ,equator on the 29th end reach f iits oppos:ltion with Earth e;n,tj. Sur: on the 30th. This astronomic outlook Will 'tend to prolong and scatter dis- turbances at this time, bringir.,g in all probab'lite, two marked paroxy- sms of etoriee and Weather changese- one at the beginning and one at the close of this period. 'Normally t'hc 24 '15'114, 26t'h and 27th are the central days of storm and .clanger, end it rvill be 'vise and prudent to hteep ars eye on your barometer and all other it-� d,'cat:orre of possible disturba.nces,rtote' and next to these dates. These ';lis turbanees will culminate i e cold March rains, with very probable spurts o.t /mow-tech:one to much colcler, with rising barometer wind] is certain to brag 'up the rear of stoma areas en the west. Unsettled. and thrcite.ing weather eondit;ons will probably be prolonged into the ureactiotary ,period beg;nn;s.g .on the last day of March. WANTED—Marr- d co le to work on farm in. Sask the an, .man. to drive 'team, wo" , .� take charge of house. Good wa and permanent employment to right :people. Apply. to R. E. Pickard, Exeter, PASTURE FARM FOR SALE Property of the late Robert Gar- diner, consisting of Part Tot 12, N. E. B. Usborue, contain. ea acres) more or less in ' o condiition for pasture.. Water plied from a good well with, iron pump, windmill, regulator, etc.. Two acres of orchard on farm, well pruned and in good bearing condition. land must be sold F te:than a short time to wind 'up thio esteite. For further partivulars apply Fanelas. R. Gardiner er 'Arthur► Gardiner, R. 11t, No., 1 Kirkton. DRESSMAKING, a 'To Diiss to 14tar5and mre-oom+ has ?ltuine'd from ronher slibp and will be pleased : , m.eet • her for neer patron! and all new ones who will favor . her with their patronage, Pat. terns cut to indiividuai rneasura spacial;:te. An apprentice 'wanted., Work is picking: up at the foundry of the Exeter llantirfactiir n,g 0o. and apring orders a e comini in, lu.ite briskly with p ,;pects of a. good spr:+ng reaue. he , y ley :.tri ads of lily, Alex. Tait, , f •' ondon, formerly of Exeter''.vill be pleased. to know he is returning to town and has taken a• position et the founid, • Mr. victor Vanalseene, of Parkhill, has also roa t'epted a post et :as a:oulder; THICK GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFr Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffNid beautiful -Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant withi life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imne diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robe the hair of its Iustre, its strength and its very . life and if not overcome it produces a feverishness and itching of the scalp; the • hairroots famish, loosen and die; then the hair fails out fast. a Surely get tie 25 -cent bottle of Knowiton's Danderine from any, drug store and just try "A Man's 'Ability is his Passport" Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. Teacher of Organ end all branches' of Piano Planing ; Voice Culture ar.tl4 Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 yearaa practical experience. Fon Terms apple at S. Martin Sd i Son's Muric (Store IN' EXETER EVERY FRIDAY Y 1 Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer Red Clover,, Alsike, Timothy, if illen Alfalfa and,'bear.s bought,( Imported Red Clover 'and Timothy/ Seed for sale,; t also choice helmet grown Buckwheat and Aisikeia Will be at hroime to take ip seed attery Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday he {ai4d (Saturday Highest riccs paidedress alt o s p Address • comarunicatiots to 11 Reatudels, $ay„ Ontario. R. 11, Not, lr , PERRY F. DOUPT,' Licensed. Luc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any cality. Terms moderate Orders !eft at 1 dies office_ will be promptly ate tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Ada dress Kirkton P.O. 4. ' EDWARD J. FERGUSON, License , ed Auctioneer, ,Sales ooadticted iu any' locality; live "stock a epeeiaity , Orda ere lel't .b t Tinges Offen will receivte•; prompt attention; 'terms lnoderate4 Andreas Sei.enee !.till, lit.. B. ].filo; 1,R Penne !l5-3 iai•rkto i. .-. a....