Exeter Times, 1915-3-18, Page 3FROM MERRY 010 ENGLAND
Occnrreneee In 'rho Land That
Reigns Supreme tin the Coni-
inertial Worla..
At the present moment, membors of the (louse of Commons ar
with the oolors.
Lloyds, of London) is issuin
policies that the 'war will not en'
before jut* 30th at a .premium of
25 per cent..
� scheme is in preparation a
Bl'ac`kpool for the reception o
about 1,500 Belgian refugees in 'th
popular seaside town,
Navy estimates for 1915-16 now
issued show that the total ntimbe
of officers, seamen, boys, coast
guards and Royal Marines is 250,
The old: watch boxes whioih were
such an interesting feature in" Lon
don years ago, are coming into
fashion again for special const
Wes. i"
The extensive mines at Caeeooh,
North Wales,, whicih have been
closed for 30 years are now to be
re -opened, fresh deposits. of lead
and sulphur having been found.
No fewer than 1,495 old Etonians
are now on active service. Of them
179 shave,, ;beam k/lied, 227. ,weunded,
82 wounded and prisoners, 18 pri-
soners and 32 missing.
With military honors the funeral
took place at Kingston -on -Thames
of Mr. Wm. Jay, a Crimean vet -
,who hase
been in receipt of a
mf government pension for 'over 58
Between 4,000 and 5,000 of the
London County Council's employ-
es have joined the colors, and in
council they are laboring under a
great r disadvantage in every de-
The traffic at the Manchester
docks during the past five or six
weeks has been very heavy, both
outward and inward, but up to the
present there has been no.conges-
At Gravesend. and Northfleet
where the majority of the eligible
men :have joined the colors, it has
been found necessary to engage
boys as conductors on the street
Owing to the earlier closing of
licensed houses, the Gravesend
Town Council have decided to allow
picture palaces to be open on Sun-
days so that soldiers stationed in
the ;district may attend.
Vice -Admiral Sir George S.
Nares, R.N., retired, has died at
the age of 83 years. He became
famous in 1875 for his Arctic expe-
dition in which the British naval
vessels Alert and Discovery took
During the past fortnight nearly
fifty bands have been organizedby
well-known bandmasters to take
services for recruiting purposes.
.'The King has given a donation
of $500 to Queen Alexandra's Field
Force Fund for providing comforts
for the troops on active service.
magistrates, in acoordanee
with a request from the military
authorities, have cldsed all public
holies and clubs in Leeds at nine
Owing to the 1•arge number of
farm hands who have joined the
forces, Norfolk farmers are experi-
encing great difficulty in finding
. The Dean and Chapter of West-
minster have approved a design kr
stained glass window to be placed
in the Abbey in memory of Lord
King George has placed York
House, London, at the disposal of
Lord Kitchener, secretary of state
for 'war, as a residence during the
duration of war.
A' British firm of motor lorry
builders offer $125 to the first dri-
ver who takes one of the firxn'S
lorries over the Rhine, and $250 to
the one in charge of the first lorry
to enter Berlin.
The London. Mansion House Com
mittee of the Captain Scott Memor=
ial Fund have selected a site facing
the -Thames in the grounds of
Greenwich Hospital assigned by
the Admiralty.
Ei►ccuntered Rough Weather.
A lady and husband were cross-
ing the Atlantic for the first time.
Their steamer eneoantered terribly
rough weather, and they were lbo'th
very unwell. Ass they lay in their
berths watching the luggage rolling
,aibout ori the floor of the cabin and
listening to the bangs and thumps
and .the shouted orders on deck,
they thought their last hour had
Come. Suddenly, from his, wiifes
corner, came a feeble voice just au-
dil to above the noise, "John,"
elhe said, "John, eke you -think the
people at home know where our
liffc insurance policies ar•e 2"
C,u:litava,'te patience, You twill need.
ie hen� e f s i -
a made man fbe+gins to
;tell you the story of his life.
"Why, look here," :said the veer-
chant who was in need of a boy,
e "aren't you the same boy who was
�,.� in here a week ago V'"Yes, sir,
_said the. applicant. '"'T thought so..
And didn't X tell you then that . T,
wanted al, older boy 1" "Yes, sir.
That's why I'm back. I'm older:
,o.•. ''•• a
The Disease is Aiway.s,Raated
in the Blood, Which ifiust Be
Made Rich and Pure
There are still many people who•
imagine that i:iheurnatisin, can be
eured by liniments land rubbing,
overlooking the medical feet that
the trouble is rooted i,n' the blood,
Rheumatism ,can. only be cured by
cleansing and enriching the blood,
thus drying out of the system the
poisonous acid's .which cause the
rheumatic pains. . Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills oure.tike most obstinate
cases: of rheumatism because they
go •straight to the root of the trou-
ble in the blood Every dose helps
to make rich, reel blood, and this
new blood expeils,. the poisonous
acid, bringing health and comfort
to the tortured victim. Do not
waste time and money in 'liniments
and outward,, applications. Give
Dr. Williams' ,Pink Pills a fair
trial/and thus drive the disease out
of .your system. Here is proof of
what Dr. Williams' Pink Hills can
do in oases of this kind. ° Mr. Rieh-
ard Painter, Wroxeter, Ont,, Says:
"For nvonths any life was made mis-
erable theau'gih •.a;, oo1'nbined attack
of rheumatism and isoiatioa. The
rheumatism seemed to settle in all
my, joints sand the . sciatica pains
were so great that I could scarcely
hobble about. I am a farmer, and
so you can understand that in my
condition I was unable to db my
ordinary work. Neither doctors
not various remedies I took did me
any good. Finally I was induced
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and for this I ihave . much to be
thankful for, as after taking a few
boxes the pains, began to disappear,
and by the time I had taken nine
boxes every twinge of both the
rheumatism and the . sciatica had
disappeared and I was able to go
to work again as usual, and have
not lost a day through illness since.
I" ami thoroughly grateful for what
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done
for me and hope my experience
will benefit some other sufferer."
It is the curing of just such
cases las these that has given Dr.
Williams' „Pink Pills their world-
wide popularity. You can get the
Fills from any medicine dealer or
by mail - at 50 oents a box or six
boxers for $2.50 from The 'D•r. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. d
City of Victoria Healthy.
Fortunate indeed is the Can-
adian city with such a record of
good health as that of .Victoria,
B.C., as is shown • by the report of
Mr. G. A. B. Hall in the medical
officer's. report for 1914.
The mortality rate is only ; 7.23
aper thousand., while the infant
mortality rate reached the almost
incredible figure of .6 per thousand.
Of 18 oases of typhoid, only five
were local, the remainder coming
from logging camps,
One of the reasons for this situa-
tion is undoubtedly the•care taken
to ensure a pure milk supply. The
examinations taken during the year
showed the butter fat percentage to
average 3.9 per cent., the Water
supply is also above reproach.
The population of Victoria is now
55,000, and of the 367 death record-
ed last year 90 were over 70 years
of age.
Victoria, B.C., is evidently a
place where there issome competi-
tion for the position of "oldest in-
Baby's" teething time is a period
of anxiety for mothers unless
baby's stoanach is kept Sweet and
his; bowels regular. No other
medicine has been found so valu-
able during teething time as has
Baby's Own Tablets. They make
teething painless and by their use
baby gets his teeth so easily that
the another scarcely knows they are
coming. Concerning the Tablets,
Mrs. F. Goldsmith, Nelson, B.0,,
writes : "Baby's Own Tablets are
n, nmother'sgreatest help duriaig the
teething period." The Tablets are
sold by anedicine dealers or by mail
at 25• cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
London Teachers in Arany.
A list compiled by the London
Teachers' 'Association contains the
names of 962 London teachers who
have enlisted, Camberwell and
Islington share between thein the
honor of .having sent the greatest
number to the colors, eactii, district
contributing .66 men.
Grit nulated EydidS,
SEyes inflamed by expo -
x ao-
orre 1
sure to San, Dusland Wind
Eyesquickly relieved by Merino
Eye Remedy.NoSinarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Nurinc Eye
>;alveinTube s25ct Forgo ok of I he Eye Free ask
Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co, m ,Chicago
Bight Diagnosiis?
t''IIa .is desperately
in love and
wants .to marry the girl."
"Desperate disewsee require des-
perate remedies."
MinArd's teliOnont titiree nuns,eta.
,The . Depa,ptment at Agr ieulture
Bacon said that reading neeketh
a full maau. If he bad added . that
experience practically and wisely
applied maketh a fuller man, he
would have magnified the signifi-
canoe of the epigram.. •r'am..• The present
may be tanned "Live Stook Week,"
so far as the Patriotism and Pro-
duction campaign is . concerned,
seeing that efforts are beingg main-
ai -
l alisissued
y lap d to the' Bulletins. d
in connection . therewith by the
Publications Branch of She De-
partment of Agriculture at Ottawa,
to the encot.X'agement, improve-
ment and development of live
stock breeding and reagin , All
of these 'Bulle tins can be had free
on app''cation, but it is desirable
that the applicants should say
whether they would like those
treating of dairying, of cattle, of
sheep, of .swine, or of horses.
It seems vain in this connection
greater or lees degree, or nearly
to urge the truth that inferior
a�nd ma s cost as much` to keep and
raise as superior ; indeed, they are
apt to cost nore as well as to be
worth less, for, in addition to the
housing and feeding they are sub-
ject to more ailnieets, thus neces-
sitating greater attention and in-
creasing mixiety. It requires no
experience to become convinced of
a self-evident truth, but it does
need experience to know how to
avoid.•the.evils of weak and unpro-
fitable production, and the best
method to adopt to •secure the most
desirable results. The Bulletins
issued by the Department are all
founded on the e
erremce of-
tical men, . of men who have had
the opportunity for experiments
and research, and have made the
best use of it.
So much stress has been laid on
the necessity of sharing in the bur-
den of Imperial troubles that that
phase of the situation can be passed
over in favor of emphasis upon the
fact that in no better way can far-
mers serve themselves and their
country than by industrious atten-
tion to their live stock. High
class animals mean good prices in
the best nmarkets. Further, they
mean retention of those markets.
Better illustration of these facts
cannot be had than in the example
of the mother :country herself. But
the attainment of such results is
the reward not only of painstaking,
but also of eternal and intelligent
vigilance. The trend of prices,
consegj ent on temporarily- glutted
markets due to a rush to realize,
may be downward on the instant
compared with what tih,ey were a
few weeks ago, but that is a. state
of things that cannot last. At the
worst, values are much above the
average of many yearrs. In any
circumstance, to obtain top prices
we must have -topanimals, .and
they are only possible by wisdom in
selection, by study and by care.
No . Kure
MNever known to,
o r e fail; acts without
pain in 24 hours. Is
�Co rn s soothing, healing;'
takes the sting rightout. No remedy so,
(quick, safe and sure as Putnam's Pain-,
Tess Corn Extractor. Sold every-'
Where -25c. per bottle.
Uow an Estate in Poland: Was Con-
verted Into a Fortress.
The Russkoye Slovo, just r'eeeived
in London, is responsible for this
interesting sidelight of the war,
which, it publishes under the cap-
tion of "The Kaiser's Garden." -
It indicates, according to the
newspaper, the thoroughness with
which' Sh'e, Ger ta,us prepared for
war. ri -' ;
A Polish mlaigi?ate living in the
Government of • Suwalki, Poland,
about two and ' a • half miles from
the East Prussian frontier, ; lost his
fortune; -.which compelled him to
sell his 16,000 -acre estate some four
years ago..
It was thought some other local
dignitary would purchase the pro-
perty, which was adorned with an
ancient mansion, but at the sale, a
stranger, 'who gave his name as
Kleisenber.ger, surprised all bid-
ders by running the price up $350,-
OOQ, whiah.he paid in cash.
The new owner soon transformed
his estate by a lavish expenditure
of money. He appeared particu-
larly addicted to landscape gar-
dening. He constructed new build-
ings, improvised mounds and little
chains of hills, he installed an
elaborate .system of irrigation
ditches, put in many wine cellars
and capped ib all by erecting a
massive tower.
The• article eontinues •that when
the 'war began it suddenly devel-
oped that his wonderfdl garden was
nothing more or less than a Ger-
man fortress. : The mounds were
for heavy guns, the wine cellar's for
the' 'storing of'armament and am-
munition, and the irrigation ditch-
es •wero. •perfectly arranged trench-
es for the Gorman soldiers. Tt took
twp,;we.e, s for the,,Russiaan troops
to redu.ae and captllr e this floral
foriitification, and.it'dott many lives,
There was :an elaborate system of
wireless, and wire communication
front the tower, which was admin
•bly constructed for observing
everything' within a' range of many
F!naing relief
She Tells Others
• ' ]?O1 Bk%;'KKACR +.
She had 'Tried 'Numerous Other
Medicines, But Found No Relief
'.!till She Used the•Grent Canadian
Kidney :Remedy, Datld's .Kidney
Baeaohois West, Gaspe Co., Que.,
March 15th' (Special).—Mrs. 'W- J.
Maloney, a 'well-known resident of
this plane, is recommending Dodd's
Kidney Pills to those who suffer
from Kidney troubles, In an inter-
view Mrs. Maloney says':
"After suffering for many years
with backache, and trying many
remedies witholt, obtaining relief,
1 read about Dadd's Kidney Pills
and' decided to try them.
"After using two boxes I was
greatly benefitted, and recommend
them to other. sufferers. I also
used them .for Amy little girl for
Kidney troubles.
Mrs• Maloney got relief from her
backache becantee Dodd's Kidney
Pills cured her ':.Kidney trouble,
and that was the •cause of her back-
ache. Dodd's Kidney Pills euro
diseased Kidneys. Cured Kidneys
do their work and strain all the
impurities out of the blood. That's
why Dadd's Kidney Pills cure so
xn,any diseases that are caused by
impure blood.
A Feeling of Optinrisni Is Abroad,
But Many Lack Employment.
There is clearly a, spirit of opti-
mism abroad. Workshops are
starting. Factories are getting
into operation. . Navigation is on
the verge of opening. The pall of
winter is disappearing. Still, in
the cities and towns there will be a
leek of employment. It is in the
order of things that there should
be a good deal less of construction
work proceeding than there has
been in other years. It is possi-
ble that recently this class of work
has gone on too rapidly, and that
as a consequence an overplus of
labor has been attracted to these
shores, or that too many of our
own people have taken to this or-
der of employment. Whatever the
cause, the fact remains that despite
all the improving prospects .and
bright sunshine, there are, and will
be many men, aye, and many wo-
men, who, willing to toil, can yet
get nothing to . do. These form 'a
large, deserving class, who must be
cared for. How is the problem to
be met 1 Committees, in every town,
city and district, or commissioners,
should be appointed to take active
and practical measures. A square
peg •may not fit nicely into a round
hole, but it is ,astonishing what
can be done by organization and
by exercising judgment, persever-
ance and patience. Many a brick-
layer, many a carpenter, many a
clerk, knows something about gar-
dening. Many :a one also, and
many an immigrant, possesses
some knowledge of animals. In
short, the main quality desired on
the side of both emiployerand em-
ployed is largely willingness. •
Effect of Their Warm Drink in the
"A year ago I was a vereek from
coffee drinking and was on the
point of giving up my position in
the school • room because of net-
(Tea is just as injurious as coffee
because it, too, contains the -health -
destroying drug, caffeine).
"I was telling a friend about it
and she said, 'We drink nothing at
mesal time but Postum, and it is
such a comfort to have something
we can enjoy drinking with the
"•I was astonished that she would
allow the children to drink any
kind of coffee, but she said Postum
was not coffee, but a most health-
ful drink for children, as well as for
older ones, and that the condition
of both the children and adults
showed that to be a fact.
"I was in despair and determined
to give Postum a trial; fciio'wing
the directions carefully. It' :was e,
decided ,s:ucces:e and 1 was :;ecmr-
pletcly - won by its rich, delicious
"In a short time 1 noticed a de-
cided improvement in any condition
and kept growing .better ' month,
after month, until now 1 IBM
healthy, and do my work in the
school room with ease and 'plea-
suro, I would not return to nerve-
destroying coffee for any money,"
Name given by Canadian Post -
tum Oo., Windsor, . Ont. Read
"The Road to Wellvilie" in pkgs.
Postum tomos in n two forms:
Tte Nina` POs Uul —mot t be well
beilee., 155 and 25c packages. '
Ins ant Post`►rrl is a soluble
powder. .A. teaspoonful dissolves
quickly in +a, cup of hot water and,,,
with cream and •sugar, snakes a
'delicious beverage inetkntly. '30t
and 500+ tins,
Both kinder are equally delicious
And cost per•cup about the same,
"There's a Beason" ter ostu
sold by racers
Lame Back iStreilgthened, DOGS rLt.'.V BETRAY TROOPS,
Stiffness Taken Bight O
Was elieved In an Hour, and Cur.
Over Night,
A lame back? Quite unnecessar
All you :have to do is to rub on New
line. It's simply a wonder for bae
ache -relieves after one rubbing, "N
thing possibly could cure an aching
back faster than Nerviline," writes
Mars, Arthur Lobar, of Lower Che
sea, N,S. "1 caught ,.cold and was s
prostrated with pain I could not ben
over, We always have Nerviline a
home, and I had the painful region
rubbed thoroughly with this grand
liniment. At once the pain departed.
The lameness was rapidly reduced and
in an hour I was able to be about MY
housework, 1 was rubbed 'againjust
before retiring, and awoke as usual in
the morning without a sign of my
back trouble."
There is no sort of muscular pain
that Nerviline won't cure quickly.
Thousands swear by it for rheuma-
tism, neuralgia, sciatica and lumbago
It sinks to the Core of the pain—right
through muscle, tissue and nerve—it
penetrates where no oily, greasy lini-
ment can go and invariably cures
quickly, If you have an ache or a
pain anywhere --use Nerviline—it will
cure you. Family size bottle, very
large 50c.; trial size 25c. at all dealers.
'View From Burgess Pass.
Speaking of panoramic views,
the Canadian Pacific itself has just
p oduced something out of the
ordinary in this. respect. The offi-
cial photographer of the 'railway,
Mr. J. C. S. Bennett, has reacle'a
print. 22 feet long en one piece of
paper, representing a, panoramic
view from rom Bure
ss Pass, in the
Canadian Rockies. Thi
graph, . the ,largest ever made in
Canada, which will be hung in the
ro\inda of the Windsor Hotel, at
Montreal, •shows Mount Field
(8,645 feet), Mount Dennis (8,326
feet), Mount Goodsir, the Van
Horne range, Mount Burgess (8,463
feet), Mount Emerald (8,332
feet), Mount Wapta (9,990 feet),
and Mount Vice -President (10,049
feet), and embraces a hundred
miles of snow -clad peaks and gla-
ciers, with the hotel at Field shown
in the valley at the left, and to
the right a glimpse of the Yoho
Family Affair.
pit tt•owliiig.»ireeted German Shells to
P0s14o118 of .dies,
Dogs as spies to betray' the po�si'
tion of French troops to the enemy
y, is the newest German stratagem in
I. Flanders, according to the Faris
o; Liberte; which received the story
from a woundeci ,soldier. After
hard fighting, the Franco -Belgians
recently .occupied the village of Re-
nighe, g
g : where scrawled In chalk on
the walls of -a ruined house they.
saw the words, "Please feed the,,
Thinking of the many dogs left
by villagers -Flanders uses dogs
enormously as beasts of burden—
the soldiers obeyed the instruc-
tions. About midnight the dogs
suddenly began to howl, making a
tremendous noise in the night
silence. Immediately German
shells rained on the village, whose
exact indication was: thus disclosed,
until the allies were forced to re-
tire !hastily after heavy losses,. The
soldier's account concluded
"There has since, been great mor-
tality among Flanders canines."
Papa and the three children were
to give mother a birthday gift. The
youngest boy was chosen to make
the presentation address. He pre-
pared it very carefully and thus de-
livered it in due season.
"Dear mamma, this gift is pre-
sented to you byyour three chil-
dren and your one husband,"
Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis,
patent solicitors Montreal., report
that 181 Canadaa.n. patents were is-
sued for the week ending February
16th, 1915, 137 of which wereeglrant-
ed to Americans, 28 to Canadians
and 16 to residents of foreign o?un-
Of the Canadians who received
patents, 12 were residents' of On-
tario, 5 of Quebec, 4 of British Col-
umbia, 3 of Alberta, 3 of Manitoba,
and 1 of New Brunswick.
The Harvest Is Sure.
"It's a true saying that `-what a
.man sows that shall he also reap.' "
"Alas, yes. No chickens scratch
up the seeds we sow. in our spirit-
ual gardens." •
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Damaged Goods.
Kate—.So Alice broke her engage-
ment 'with Jack because the docttor
said he had a totbaoco heart.
' Marie—Yes, and I don't )blame
her. What girl wants a husband
that's damaged by smnoke ?
Via Chicago &. North Western Ry.
Four splendid daily trains, from the New
Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San
Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
Wide choice of scenic and direct routes.
Double tr-tok. 1'utomatic electric safety
signals all the way.
Let ue plan your trip and furnish fold.
ora and full particulars.
B. H. Bennett, Geu, Agt., 46 Yonge St„
Toronto, Ont.
"I never vet saw a,girl who could
hit anything she threw. at." "Then
you never saw my wife throw out a
hint." -..
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
%Elocution may be a good thing,
but it doesn't go :far enough. It
inerelyteaches us hew to. spealee lot
lainard's Liniment 06.. Limited
Have used Itali.A:RD'S S,INSM'SA1'8 •for
croup; found nothing egtital to it; sure
oure. CIIAR, 1J. iS811tRP,.
Ilanvloslt, ,w, 1.13,, Sept, tat, 1506.
There aro men who. are n'itoSt
scrupulous in debts of honor, but
who owe. for everything else.
•M1na'rd'f► _Liniment Relieves, Neuralgia,
ED, ?.'
A Nova Scotia
Case Of
Interestto All:1:
Halifax Sends
n Out Message of Help
• to Many People.
Halifax, N.S., Dee. 15 -When inter-
viewed at her -home at 194 Argyle St.,
Mrs. Baverstock was quite willing to
talkof her peculiarly' unfortunate caws.
"1 was always `blue' and depressed,
felt weak, languid and utterly unfit
for any work. My stomach was so
disordered that I had no appetite.
What I did eat disagreed. I suffered.
greatly from ,dizziness and sick head-
ache and feared a nervous breakdown.
Upon my druggist's recommendation I
used Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
"I felt better at once. Every day I
improved. In six weeks I was a well
woman, cured completely after differ-
ent 'physicians had failed to help me.
It is for this reason that I strongly
urge sufferers with stomach or diges-
tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's
Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the
stomach, improve digestion, strength-
en the nerves and restore debilitated.
systems to health. By cleansing the
blood of long-standing impurities, by
bringing the system to a high point
of vigor, they effectually chase away
weariness, depression and disease.
Good for young or old, for men, for
women, for children. All dealers sell
Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
'K•t Coquitlam will cut its pool-
'lense fees in half this year.
out pain by our .hnd ome treatment, Wred rite
us before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. •
Offering all outdoor Sports, social
activities and a climate and scenery
unequaled in the Tropics.
S.S. "BEitR,
t(ILYA " fastest, most
luxurious and only Steamship land-
ingpassengers without transfer.
Sa31s from New York every Wednes-
day, 11 a.m.
Pare $25.00 for Bound Trip,
including berth and meals.
Delightful 2S -day Cruises to the
Antilles; callings from NY, bear, 2nd,
12th, 26th, 2.00 p.m. Apply for tickets
and ills. booklet.
Canada Steamship Lines, Limited,
96 Yonge St., Toronto, or any Ticket
Bull flavored and
perfectly caeked.
.Make .delicious
FAnngs s'oD sans;.
E. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
Fruit, Stools, Grain or D.siry Farm,
write ii. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90
Colborne St., Toronto,
H. W. D AWSON', Colborne St., Toronto.
TATOES, Catalogue free, McConnell
& Son, Port Burwell, Ont.
New Wheelock 18 x 42
Aufomafic VEIlve
Complete operating condition,
flywheel, frame, belt, cylinders
and all parts. Can be slmown
running at present time. •
Will sell at Tess than half
cost price.
73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
-'kOR c:olcis in the chest' or sore
V throats; for rheumatism or
stiffness; for sprains and cramps.'
Capsicum "Vaseline" brings
quick relief.
Tradetna k
Made in Canada
It does dl that a mustard plaster
will do. is cleaner, easier to apply-,
and will not blister the skin. •
There *..re many other "Vaseline"
preparations—simple home reme-
dies that should be in every family
—Carbolated "Vaseline," an
antiseptic dressing for .cuts, insect
bites, etc.;"Vaseline" Analgic,
for neuralgia and headaches; pure
"Vaseline," for piles, chilblains,
etc., and others.
AVOID SUBSTITUTES. resist on "Vase-
line" in original packages brarins the name,
Consolidated. For sale at all Chemists and
General Stores.4 Free booklet on request.
.SS`'I,'E 12-• 'l5r :'�
The illustration shows our 18 ft. and 20 ft. power. launches, We build
both sizes of this iine, +o'N X'ed fp 8 h,p. up. Stauncl . smooth %running
and dependable' croft, Carrying oa aeity up to ten persons. Fitted for im-
mediate use. The
finest o
a n h o• a
lu for h money offered, and with the guarantee
of the builders behind it,
• Details of constellation, Sitting, power, etc„ promptly supplied. Write
for booklets of Launches and Canoes,
Peterborough, Ontario.
I"Over Sens"5ver Q
Bottom d� 0
` r•ei2'ht, . P.repaid to'any Ra3'lway Station in
Onta) relit , , tali, is rt, nem. 8 I1't. tl rtv.,
. e
t1 �I'•�l� -B In,t '
Dept4 a�� �talcau. PITS.
gpebI1t ti,an .No,• 2E4g, a gine prices on request. Get our quotations
on','" ..ne ... ,,a
: +l
o xh,APe tan 7.,inci,. � ntorcdal and Pleasure
., 0 ,, : , .. �. : : ,,; , .c k?E1 a L6,U1htt.JieFh, �w
b ats..anA. Oandes, , ...
THE IDDL _ "! - 0 to ,i., :..... .
G E I3 A�!, iC(�., x4xMlD, IsU11TtTA,NC}, CAN.
;I arc r