Exeter Times, 1915-1-14, Page 1if"
1 O Y E Sri � E
10 vrY-S1coND YgAR--No 2130
Ilurou iU
Qfl14 .P
` busystock ck takin and find `too manyWintgr Goods.,Everything must go
'�`e are now o g
Now isour big og ortunity to buy cheap Prices will be higher
y pl✓ .
next year It will pay you to stock up now:
Fur Collar Coats Ladies Furs
25 per cent off all Muffs, Stoles, Caps
and Small Furs
Only a few ` left to clear at Stock
Taking prices.
Childrens Coats
$11.00 Coats for $7 00. $8 00 Coats
for $5 00 6 00 Coats for 3 0
Ladies Coats
$22 00 Coats for 12 00 18 00 Coats
for 10 00 12 00 Coats for 7 00.:
Millinery HATS
All our trimmed hats to go for a bargain. $5.00 hats for $ f.98. $3.50' hatsf or
$1.00. Dont miss this.
Suits & Overcoats
. ...
A bi . • ssortment of M'elee and'Boys
Suits dnd Overcoats at Stock Taking
Prices. You will get the real nifty stuff
away down Prices. A. lot of odd
suits and overcoatsvere cheap.:
, .. t taking,makes a `lot of Rem--
Our sw.'4tk t g.
o1 all. kinds of material. ` A. big
table full to pick from: 11.eimnant
with the exception of a few lines at this
roe. s owing to our heavy stock
are theylast year.
e as this time
Home Necessaries
lonnor B. B. Washers
Campion High Speed
PK;fection Washers
Wtitgers -e'l
1-.00k i:.these prices
:ops rfic and 1,00
dish 35 and 50c
Hockey skates for girls
!1 11 i.1 Boys.
" Ladies
$1.1 to $3.00
10 to 2;50
21,to 8.00
1.5';tb 5,00
1.75 Reg. 150
• 8.75, 4.50 and 5.00
Straps 4.5e
Pucks 10 -and 25c
Sticks 15 25 40 50 $1.00
ng and Ilea Ling
Phone 27A
Tinstnithing Pin
'Tungsten Lareps 85c
Children 0r
hi.ken ON
'OR _ 1, TCHER'S
0ri 44,
to Robert Exeter Council
t rdiner 'h'd newt' elected °council met in
tihe irawn ',1T.a11, onDIOndaY at 115 a;tn.
T,4`o uaar►'m�niiy lit ^avert tic*•hes r a.nd *dolJato�.UioUiL0U xin' xbetoiinn'g, I,teld,'r eirt ;' > L3(Reavec!eAers
oatiztln'r3tn 9 ►may biz°curt k `3thr ,
Ri>,'be'r+ PatsSC'd. away "Baylor *,as'-utlrsen't having to rennaina
!at hits • " ,031. illneF -oat about ID his hank Lir a few!' d;aYsi longrw
' wv ktl rAiCx,.; irdanoetr sinal trakcm i°The con oilloa took amid 7ubsct'ked
downt. tha fs 4 t' o last w,;ek irbeii" iaail5e;s ±o this neoessa!ry ;a+it!a
with a gold
'An afsl'oxlia,
condttio Wil
gassed trhe e
{pine larnoni "iCl'aiS `
hIfir't . I>a tied Matt; e* pa (sed away, on
: Flcla1 ,el'anin4' Wilt the rage' of 67'
earn% •I>,noiath,'s'-' laid 83 clays. The
dmeeaseil .waS • lfoirur• 'in Sterinnigahixe,
'S>uatland. 410, 27th, 1852, being t'he
yo angest of "a..,,£,a•„rly of six boys, theii<L
Parents being . P fir'' pied .AnrJ' Gard'-" the heft cannel]-meetin.g.-:C{atrrie'd.
nelr,• oaf Che tv1 o-A:leaand•c T30a:veiits and Hind that as t'h,e
'now living ilei :" . >au; amd :Peter, in •electhon expenses wore salved thiii`s
'A:punt Plealsant, R{ e}ataan lsnrvive year the tsuinr de $50 be contributed.
others Wrllhami of14Ldl rllop, James of to Ole i atriotio Fund ,and the Clerk
rJ'sbarini and Br. Tohn H.. oft Loodo'a pay the sayaie to the local 1 rantoh:-
pre..deceased• their brother Ca;rsied.
• 1.17114'n to bu 0):0 yrcfkar.old Rdbert .was. Beavers and Bind'rtliat the old and
c'h. de 'eloped into of Offige after ter v}i U' ;trhy, tne'eting.
,.'several days his crag OPetred by Rei".. fl. Bbarp with
anis: He, howeivcr,.'s r
ray . The oIenk,oni behalf of the
1 polrnt fats yfu.r acoup .n, thanked Rev. Sharp ';for. this
noea ed' !blue his k(ntlness i11 being Iirrersent~,
11•Lnsd and Beavers what ilii. H'artoa
kik& the oluai.r'. .
'Rind and Rou1sltrdni that 113eavdrs,,
Harhon and iTayllor . be a . comimittele,
to apiloint t1i- various conamittee.k for
the' present year: aand to report at
Ibrot ebt by .Tris parents to !Canada.
tend t'h?e' .reifuatuder• oe as, life vials,
spent on the ::farrm on! the .Thamepa
:,ROad w'her'e, ,ended his career hart
• below �;
Ia 1 Y 1 hzi leti; ;i arg; .,daughter writ: ;Sir Adam Teck and 1 ay he,:
dors, Messrs. Senior and Johns, ba
:realp'porinted lar WhIcii they shall re
Delve the sum! Of. ':$25.00 ` ealeh an4I
$5.00 ,fora stenographer. -Parried:
43'eaverd and Hind that the Klerk'
Of David and ,' hsabeT'Ie 'T urn'butl, and fore him the ,matt'er ot: hxdro'elec <•
un, 100 £hey c 1•elrated their •"iSiiver trio for this mun;�aipalitly, leaplaiui•og
Wedding". They were 'blessed teeth
thlree sons and: three daughters, 'all
of wlhom
survive their fathrer. Ar-
thur whothas the homestead, Edwin'
living in Lockwood, lod, Sask. !Isabelle.
(Mrs. 13. /George), Eattleiford, Sa.sk',,
William a studoatt 1 a ,linos College,;,
Anna, a n`uotse A1', Tcronto, and Lind'!
ay, (Mrs.40. Re!id). Toronto
His many de tittles • of head and
heat't endea•red.:J.itm to those who
knew him, iia t `uii de .h m a' most.
valuable' mean" ap 'the community'
In which 'he hired. . 'Hue neigh,bo'rs• al-
ways tfoun:dhim ;willing to rende.- help ,D.ZI:G.' star. W .1i, Dougall, f.I.D ,(-,
when' tie need: axase, and ton co-op War. Alf .Clark; D.D. Ree.-S.ec'y
erste witht t'1itiii.1in the furaherancel Glenn ; D.D. Fin,-Sec'y E. D? o
of every ,good add"worthb cause.
He was one• of Cs aorne's most pros- i •miueen ; D.D.G. , Treas. C. Jaques in=
I stalled the officers of Exeter Lodge
?mous farmerw and ;lw.ays took'a dee2 l No. 67. I.O.O.F. on Tuesday evening
•and inrtel1We'nt' interest in :511 tha" "w+riawsina o£f;cer,s wwere;'iry
rpeii+tained to 'snore efficient and sun -1 stalled for the w:n-uin; term P. a.
ce:sls1fulifarm•w.g,;hhaving''ibaen secretars Bro.hen. W. s Martitol?on : N. G • 8ro. W, Brard.
shad afterwards • president of the S , �• G. pro. J, DI, Sout1 Cott; Ree
H. Farmers' Institute: u•c'y Bra, W. Johns; Treas.Bra, Ea
In politics t e was a Liberal and `M Dignan • War. Bra: L. • Wilson:
to him that we ,are not enti,reir
tsataslfied with the wvay the hydro-
oommiss:on 's wo(iking on thio 'matter
and 'that we, ,would like to hays inn-
media}tre attention.-lOn.sr:ed.
- The meeting adjourned to the call
of ,the Reeve.
T. 13. CAREE NG,
Officers Installed
a D.G,III., Wm. McKay, of Hensall
and inataliatroc team consisting of
art zine tirine leeintY bounaiilolr, H'e Con. Bro. F. Boyle ;-Cha:P, Bre. C, NW -
brought ss:on of rail Lead';, .R, S, .iJ G. Bro, )W,. T,' Murk
bro h1t twt •the: dasau
quesitions a thoratIemess gid: cora ray; ' L.S.N7G, Bra, E. Howa ld ; TE,
ecientiomsness :'that rlfiorracttirised S. N. G. Bra Ta Job nsP:L,S,Ir'G
him in fake consideration of .all things Bro. F. S2icere , L �.:5 4 Stewart, L
A man of deep convict"ons and of clear &., E
Bp), •" Rowoli,rfe , .f. 'G Bro; F
out arpuand. iions nd ecit fusionw,T
s hich •�.ze'ly'TT, Ora Bros C eouthcott, At
Mall not iheett 0,aa 1 Jed'.liiatsttly r, he waw the close of the installs tion the
Isiot easily (move . iherrefrom t the. work of the second degree : wvas e$ -
i i .,w o..;hr,a,4 1P* avaats H er3tw' at ; lyl;fred tea wl1 tb the ,niouabers
C tli Tri r ,,.,hl lilzi t. Duet t ...`".ting -.•room 46t. -„» W
liars �g
F. , . the tE'ientral 1£ote! W lien a very asuWP-<
REMEMBER, if you live to be 100. years of age, that MO
eyes you are now using are the only eyes you will eve
have, therefore it is up to you to'give them the bei ear*
Our years
of practiee
with the
Syetom of
Lookir g
into the
Eye with
the instru-
ment called the etiniseope has given us `v"aluale expel
ience in detecting and measuring eye defects 11 we ate
in a position now to give you the very best service is the
fittingof suitable lenses and spectacles.
Gl uairantee
Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses
e �"ed; to '-time iii
T �' hw' n. er �
lace .net Ta ee . 4,w.
vices .."1 T43 high17 eppreoia'ted.. • was served, tatter .they. •
' f '£iham'est tubcheon net
He`,i�as a mem'b'er; a the luncheon several toast were.. given
Presbyterian Church and ' . ou R•: N. 'Creech acting as toastmaster..
Sabbath 'last' the Sabbaths school met A toast to the King was! responded
in lsa'i'row, 1mournimg over !their ;loss to by singing the national anthem,
ear tile' rtea,t4 of thteir ,Suferiht4tllelut'i D. D. G, DT_ McKay responded, to a
whom iti:ey will 'see on eartL,:no' more. toast to the Grand lodge end the
Many ;mourn the loss 'they have. sus -
rained : W. J. Ifinsray, W4 W.
tamed but Will cherish his m'emory..Taman 4and W. J. neaman respuned
profit lay the example of tiwet man-
to .Exeter Lodi t the members of
liness he set !and for man:.,* .days. to the installat;on team and Mx. B. S.
come still :hear hint thorugh dead Set° •p„hill'rpsresponded io the sister lodges
vera,ki n
Blessed ane, the dead, who die ill the
'They rest from their labors
and their works do :Colloty them
The, hks'akey cTulbi was olrgan iced, last
week vitt the following, officers, ;-
Presi'den't,.Dr. . Rrui,ston; Fide Prosi Locals
den t, W. S.10o0e ; :Mamag;plt' • W. ii.
'Sou•thcott; Sec,'y Treas. A. Pickard Altus, Heideman 'was In Clinton over
committee Manager, 'Sec'yand Bert Sunday. where she wais called owingn
'Rivers. •• IS
the 'ill'neSs of the, little dang11xttbr
Mr; Fred A. May,wwdso' for =a.' nhimr' o;P M1r. and Mrs: ason, who is sniffer=.
ber of years 'han'been vice-przsi'denti from blood po:sbnMizi .
de the Couch ec Stchheldier Co.; of 'Dries Jean 'trardY • who is ratr"ending,
Mitchell, !bas res'gnc'd' hips position the Deaconess 'Training School in
!in (that • store and its,comilig' to Exetter, Toronto was sucoesaful in pass:ng her
to take a paa'tr nerslhip in the recent to caminatious with 88 per cent,.
Jonest' & May general Ibuisiiness here. !which WeSre 'the highest marks ob-
Mr. May has rented Dlr. 0. Snell's <Ua•nred.
residence on John1 street. I Mr. 'Trueman Elliott was 'kin Sarnia'
Mr. IChas. 2forElicot;t narrowly est. , on 'Tuesday attending the weddinp^ of
caped a• nerioun acedent, ,on, Friday 'his brother, Herman to M.•ss Ethel,
last He' with Rd; Davit, `was 'hauling; :daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holt.,
tflaur to- ;uaan of 1 arQey Bros. and JVir. Elliott has a good position as bar, -
they had :doublet asp Ito draw 'their -her 1n ,Lucan anti will reside_; in that
loads over, acme h5i