Exeter Times, 1914-12-17, Page 8At Bo. 1 Dr ,, look sated, grad be 'T?zen eel e eta 'a a.sp, ystipn: sou. '. do be a1re a - nxtr dr `Callforr alns fte n of •• THE EXE"1'EFr TrM1S THURSDAY, p a`GE dui1 r h; :1914'. NT CLAUS Much is said about this old chap. For weeks we have been preparing for his visits The last word we got from him was to get all our CHRISTMAS gifts out so the I,, oys and 'Girls and Fathers and .others couldmake ` selections, 'WE their efet�oos, then he ��oald lookafter the rest. ARE READY! A�' A�'. The last call for Xmas shopping. This great stock has melted away considerable, but there is lots . to fill in. Come now with. all your friends, You are welcome. See what you buy and luxe it ex lalm�ed to on. Presents fox ever body at all rices. Specials in fanc Chin pieces, New nuts d Goan � y verybody, � � � 1 n, �� e � the best peanuts [either salted ur roasted] town ask for sample. le. COATE . COME, s, lots of fresh sand and At the Candy Counter We expect our stock of oranges and new nuts next week, fresh, Cut. Roasted and Salted Peanuts aro always good,. Japanese China A job line to sell. et 10-15-25e. some lovely pieces and all hand colored, Beautiful Glassware 10-15e, Nipon China is a variety of decorations from 25e tap, Our Candy is s,iways WILLARDS CHOCOLATES Asserted cherries., Nut chips, Mint wafers, M'a,ple walnut, Roney nouge% Bette les i0o each, chatting dish, 'Tiklaray. offer Lough FandiIy boy, and reran others' a,t popular prices of Zoe to $L25. Ip Thune we have Cream Centres and Hard, Centres aabotrt $(I tlaayors, , Try ire for, (tautly,Special prises tin 5 lb, boxes. Christmas Decorations and Tree Ornaments Cxatlawis 5e,I0c alp, Balls 20aa doz. rep, Xmas Greetings 15. up, Leaf Deeoraaelons s'pe parr an rag. Shelf paper in folds, Fancy Drape paper its folds. lowest per ce ..a , s, Xnaats Candles all Rices, small and large, Tipsa1 a yd for rc, '4'4°1° holders, TOYS akjug sets g c, Washboard and, tubs in sets 25c, Dr; roe and * , Uor;ls and. trumpets 5c foe up, DrunnS all pric tlgs 5, to a e, Horses sc up, Rocking horses, dappled et seat axed, reins complete, reg $2.25 coaly r 75, RIGIIT NOW you can buy any ai ticle, pay 25 per cent on it we w og slater $4 Xmas stock rt y with bask C . 1 n a Rich White and Gold China, Dinnerware Open, Stook. g Ile others are raisin the price, we ,are still selling it at the sane prices, All our goods are marked hi Plain English. We use no Greek. Start saving to -day, tell your friends to buy you apiece of White and Gold China at Powell's for Christmas 50 e,regCu.p$s a1.01nd, Saucers. hand-paiuted, high. -grade, too high for our trades to clear arls Odd Pieces of China in great profusion, suitable for gifts at from 15c --25e up Cups and 2; ers 300 Beautiful Cups and Sauce going at 1525-35e each, nice presents for ia•1s West ow the finest assortnsent of hand -painted chinana re ire h alter, la irritag none our display before you buy. 25 Wtatersets, regular 1.50 to 1, 75 to clear at $L25 set, .choose early, , � � y 1 Powel PF..ttP,1t11FFS TUE s Bazaar CE, Pie "etc veitie`rY sung lay it aside t'or 3 anal as. (an e.eep nal o 6. E STEWART REASONABLE PRICES PREV. Seven More Days Then. Then as Every Department of this store is filled with -useful and unexpensive articles that make useful Xmas gibs. Gone in and see the many pretty things FURS The Queen of Xrnat gifts. Faucy Stoles, Ruffs rand Threws Marmot, Persian Lamb, Opposio um and S. bI '. Marmot. Muff and Stole for $1Q 00. rS'WEATER COMM You will .find all the ttoxvest weaves and styles in he range that we are showing. Big range of colors to choose front. !Special Value at $1.50 HOLEPROOF HOSIERS." Where isn't a reran , woman or child but who would>appreciate Tiolepreof hosiery in a beautl- !fu1 gift package for Christmas, to silk, roiton or wool, 250. to .` 1.00 a pair,. LADIES COATS We 'have a few Ladies Cloth Coats left and are offering big reductions on ever coat so as to clear them before we begin to take stool: ' DINNER. ALT About thirty-five Engliaab. and; Austrian China, Binder Sets nese goods are sure to ad- vance 5n price. Any one sav- ing "Bridal Rose" pattern cat get away piece belongling to a Dinner Set. TEA SETS English and Austrian China 40 piece Tea Sts in very neat patterns. $5,50 and $6.00 For Men. l/lEW XMAS TIES NEATLY 'Boxed 50 and 75 cents. a "PERRINS Gloves in Cha- mois, 'Cha mois,"Mocha and Cape, $1.00, '$1.50 $2.004. SILK 31I1.7FFLERS with Ties to matoh, all colors, neatly box- ed 51.50. sLIPPgRS $1.25 to $2,00 For Women KID GLOVES, All -Colors, "Perrins" make $1.25„ 'FANCY COLLARS, Many. Sty- les. 25c to $1.00 FANCY LINEN TOWELS, 25c 50c, 75c, $1.00E !GCE T. TOWELS, 50c -a pair. Highest prices paid ` for live dressed poultry. or st earis. Farm for Sale LOT 7 CON. 1. STEPHEN' Tproperty of the late Thom. ry P.ri, k Louse, hank barn and frame ter ri.. 3 good 'wells, windmill, goa:I ;of; ,,: r bout, '8 acres of good k d - wood busk; containing about 500 su- par maple trees. Soil slay loam, well drainedand fenced. Farm is good stag ,of cultivation, one half r ele from Centralia Station'. Possession cam be given to suit rairchaser. For terms and particulars apply ito Geo, G. Ussery Gladman'eeStanbury Centralia Bartz tees Ezeteer FOR SALE—A very comfortable one and a half storey frame house situa- ted or: the corner of William and Vic- toria Streets posesssioo, 1st of- Acral 19.15. Apply to Wm. Miters or Gladmar and Stanbury Exeter. TOWN Plea El3TY FOR SALE The ucideraigr.ed is offering for sale part Of Lots 35, ;36, and 37, Carl- ting' Street oh which is a storey and a half , frame house nor taireng ` 7 "rooms' good cellar and kitchen there are also a'ru'mber elf choice fruit trees` on the premises and a good stable,hard acd soft water. Everything is in good state, Of repair. Will be sold reasoIdabler; "`Cali Satulyd!ay for par.71 troular, HENRY CrOULD I;xe,ce.r, NOTICE During the holiday season everyone appreciates a good suggestion in regard to an appropriate CIl1'istmas Gift.--- THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLEANER is an ideal meas gift for every woman having a home Call an see th m at our store. We have other suitable Xmas gifts as well worthy of }ourinspection. R. N. ROWS Embalmer and Futieral Iircor Phone 20 A Market Report-Tbe following is the report of the Exeter market rented up to December 16th. Wheat 1.08 to (410 Barley 60 to 63 Oats tib Buckwheat 65 to 70. Peas 1.00 to 1.25, Flour :3.10; Low Grade Flour $1.70 +' ' Bran $26 a ton, Shorts 327. Eggs newly laid 35c. Eggs over ter, days( .26a. 4 ' Dairy batter '24 to 26. Creamery butter te6. Ctrickecs alive 8 Dressed 10 Ducks alive 9 Dressed i.1. Turkeys alive 11; dressed 13 OId Toms alive 9 • dressed 11 Geese alive 8 dresses 10 Dried tipples 4c. Potatoes 60 to 75 ' .Hogs $6.80, 44-eOe0v00•oo0600ao00•a0000 O O O • LOCAL O 0000000 Oa00®00 Holly and Christmas tree decora- tions tat SS,tafham's. . imSp. ortMaanrttieanno' Sunoneea.ieentili gthisSomise- use. See their advertisement on page five. 74 Ir. Thomas Seldon, of Ingersoll; will ibe a candidate' for the mayoral- ity of that place. Mr., Seldon has twice previously :filled that position and: has Iliad other municipal ex- perience. His many .friends in towr. will .hope to hear that he has polled a large majority when the ;vote' is counted on January '4th. I ',TLIE BEST f tdways like t;he Christmas 'tree, ft :tike the gifts 1 get from pat rind tU ere is always sure to be egtne nice 'thing handed out by ma; But 'better than the toys and. pato M) cousins, aunts and uncles' bring, I like 'i,he candy sister gets, From all -the £ llows on her string. -a, Plan to meet ,:four friends ae Fet- licl�'s .restaurant. Lunches served at all hours. , Mr. end Mrs, A. Hooper were in hra:rselt on Wednesday attending the m rria,-e of their son Fred. J, 3Ir. Berman Bernick returnid home last friday after spending the sum- mer in the west. He was accompan- ted 'home by his sisal., ` i%lre. 'Wesley Stone. . t '. , Mr. John 13ei1 has nurchased the farm of lIr. Dan Woods jest south of town, consisting of 35 acres. 11I4 Wood has taken Mr. J. 'I3e11's resi- dence esidence on Huron street ha Park pay- mnnt. Mr, Bell gets : possession •thet first of March. Judging from the number of early shoppers who have -already ma.dc tbair Christmas purchases there, will be 'few it the vicinity of Exeter' who will come short : during `"the holiday season. The early selection by the merchants of their 'Christmas goads bought 'before -.the war wasthought ofg found them at the beginntJ g, of the'-seasan _with, a 'large stock on their counters and grave fears hs to Wh'et'her they Would he able' •to'_diel- pose of it ar not but business in com- parison withother years shows that their fears were groundless as 'thq purchasing 'power of this community `is if anything, "aa:little better arid Christmas trade is moving briskly: eduction FuffiitJte a: Erom now to the First of the New Year in 1111 lines of Furniture' Embalmer and Funeral. Director Xmas Stationery Post Cards Linen Paper and Envelopes in pretty boxes at 20-25-35c, swell goods. Make nice presents, Our Card Collection is great. Don`t buy cards until you see ours. Reg. 2 for 5e, 2000 at 5 for 5e, others 2 for Sr— 3 ,for 10e 6 for 25e etc, Ghristm s Seals. 3 packets for lac, Sleeping DOLLSand awake Bag Dolls 5o and loo, Celluloid 25 and Soo, Fancy Drossed 25 and 50e up, Character babies 5e 100 15o to $say, Crying and Musical babies 25o up, Unbreakable dolls all prices, Rabies in l(ng. clothes $l;T= S up, Doll Cradles 25c up, Doll go-carts 35c, Daisy carts s cCd wheel ( (� Lawn �1�w �me,� Doll ... ods. 25 DOLL tlEADS Sleeping and a with hair a.red without ihout roe crp, Strung bisque roc: and r 5 c up, efiuloid (large) 255, Metal all sizes. E CIIAN!CAL TOYS Gas engine (sprilag wind) 7$; Stearn boat (engine run by Qill r, o, Train On taack. $pC l; .00 and 1= .5, Walking dolls 40c, Cl i, n rehest a ar ey drummer and beat sox, Billiard table gscFop and cola gurus -Cs Autos, horses and carts and dozens of others at roc; up, e give Special Discounts to cilurcbes and schools on all. Xmas pure as. tM k lit Add cAREFUL Everybody Saysthe Same' Useful s Gifts This - Year We have just received a big shipment of Manicure and Toil. et Sets. Parisian Ivory and Ebony Brush, Comb in box $3 Brush, Comb 8e Mirror $5 to 8.50 Toilet sets Manicure sets 4 piece ebony 1.: 5 to $4; 5, 7 piece ebony 4'50 to ; .50 tit ♦rs r f ar: <,r w�0gr *To rti♦a►1'4* wi► "It is your wilt to get the hest, purest and most delicious chocolat- es, It is our wilt to supply' withthese choc- nlates. Statrtyournnras shcpping with a box of Willaerds Pored yet Cho- colates. "made in Cana- da" Tneir rich brown chocolate coating and stowy white cream cert. tree make them literaly melt in your mouth. When they make better checolates than these we'll have 'them In plain and fanay box- es. -Prlces 10c to $3.50, ,Y. iii' :, „ST) ...kb 1p'X ear ranq�!i�♦ti♦�e oda S For Christmas morning a Kodak. Wbat more appropriate for Christmas',than a gift that keeps the happy times of that day and the days to come? Let us show you our. Kodak Christmas suggestions, for your boy or girl. liodaks 7.00 to 22.50, Brownies 1.25 to 12.00. Kodak Albums at 15c to 1,00 i� ► 1 i a r` die ads SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES HAND' IIA(1S In newest styles anwshapes Gurranteed allisather. Prices 1.00 to 3,50 MILITARY HAIR BRUSH SETS Price 2.00 to 2.50 Also. USEFUL GIFTS. FOR ;GENTLEMEN Razors, Dill Folds and Change Purses Would you like a pair of glasses for,, our friend? We can fit the most difficult "cages' and have the latest up-to-date goods. How8 F®I3, PROMPT RESULTS XM,AS,PERFUMES In bulk and fancy packages. Big variety._ of French, ..American and Canadian makes,. Pr ices — 25e to 5.00. Order your Priyate Greeting Cards early we have themforChristmas or New Years 1,00 to 400 per dozen; PLIONE a0