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Exeter Times, 1914-12-17, Page 5
rl"-infSDAY, ,DECEMBER 17th, 1914,. THE EXETER TIMES eke This Store your E.AJQUARTER heist 'andies and 1 uts Our Motto "We Aim To Please" SANTA SAY, L'Buy your ChristInas Candies and Nuts` at WAMBOLDS, and you are sure to.get the hest Our 'Beautiful .ife Size Doll is to be given away an December 22nd. Do not forget to buy your Chrisrnas Goods before the 22nd if you, want to vote on the Doll. Every I e purchase means a 'vote rONFOTTOliEBY AND CANDY, High -Grade Mixed Candy Nor and Creams and a good asssortneut of fader candies for Christ- mas Tree Deoorations, ROCERIES, e also have a full -Ji of O. oceries both fancy and staple. e buy from one Gl;'oeei:y House and guarantee , freshuess T uld. be more act;eptable than a gift of our delici©ns on -Bons. We have them from 24c to $ .00 D GOODS, Breakfastl GoodsBottled Goods, Sugars, and Coffees, etc. VATS A. full fresh stock of fancy and plain 'iso 1 A. WAIVIBOLDS GROCEkY Pl)�ITB THE CBlVTRAI. HOTEL ext in a c is making to\Mak+ ill provision.. to ensure its being properly Carr ed out. The interest of this Company in any estate which it is em- powered to administer is strictly impersonal. All things are done with ibhe sole aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree of efficiency and faithfulness --in closest conformity with the expressed desires of the testator. 'Consult with us regarding the administration of your estate. All information •cheerfully furnished free. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS. CO. LIMITED 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT.. SLI* GEO. GIBBONS, MC., President: ` JOHic S. MOOSE, Mn ger 2 FILES CURED at ROME • by New Absorption Method. ° If you suffer, from bleeding, itching, blind. or , protruding Files, .send nae your address,. and will tell you how to cure your; self at home by the absorption iseatment ; and -will also ' send Some of this home treatment lee for trial•;'' with references from your own locality if re-. quested., Immediate relief 'and permanent cnr-e assured Send his money., but`. tell others of. ibis offer. Write to -day to Mr's. ..Summers; Box 13,'841Windsor; na't• 6r0 �Itr,. TJzE. r?'ARICSYA'A7 SAGg , II-yourhair is -getting thin, losing ;Its•na'ttarnl.'eolor, or has that matted 3ifeless' axed scraggy appearance, the reason is evident -dandruff a'ad Lail-, lire to keep the hair roots properly tourished. iParasian Sage applied daily for a 1elr and then occasionally is all that as nestled:,. It removes dandruff' with 4one-"nppiieationn almost immediately stops •falling hair and itching head, invigorates:the scalp and makes dull ,istriirg'y :hair soft, abundant a tndl rad IaMnt.with; life. ;Equally good for rnen -women- or children -every one taceda At. - A large bottle ' of this ,delightful ;hair tonic can be had from, W. 'wl. Cole. -or any drugcounter for '50 cents ane. sv'II'surel; .Iike 'i waxiest : Sega. . Pi here, is ino Dther. just as good. T y a'te av;. .d 5i . FLETC.HE'R'S `' Crediton llrs. Hodson, of Dewberry, Alta., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cilarke. Messrs John and Jake Fink1 eitoler have `re'tu'rned to *their'Immo Sri Saskatoon. Senator Valentine Ratz, of New Hamburg, visited his daughter, Mrs, Chas. ZWieker for a, "Few 'days. t . Miss I.tilu" Gainer, of London; ,spent Sunday at•::ie aMpaieilhe5ne, ti .kir. Fred -Jones, .df., London; spent a le* adapts;"5n townie i' i..:. Mrs, Wiles, of .Khi:va vinited:i •Mia, T,. Englisf%; this :week. Rev. Berger, oti'. Cleveland, preaoh'ed. in ;the Evangelical church, on Sun- day morning last, %conductiing ., rho gra,dalating: texerdises of the Teachler's 'Draining class in the evening. • Mrs. $y, :Beaver has returned: from o ;'visit toPittsburg, Dr Tamlyr},who was, one of Wittig - ham's ,.,'fist doctors, ,is . >eriously .. 11,1 and 'it'is s'etated his death may" occur at aniralmes :Re is 81 years oP agei. i WOODBAM Mr. Whitfield Sweitzer and Mr, Geo. 'Mien are attending the sittings of the jury at Stratford. Mrs. Runt, mother or Dins; St. Johns is poorly these days. Mr. Fred Doupe is attending Strat- ford Business college. ]alias Mervena. Colgan is visiting at Glranton. ' Mr. and 11Irs. John Swallow, from Calgary, are visi't'ing relatives a and renewing aacquaiintacces here. Mrs. Colgan visited her daughter, Mrs. James Howe, at Elirnville :Past week. Rev. John Little tsalled at the pru sonago this week. Christmas entertainments aro in. order: SWanted—Two score readers to 3oin the tBraneh Library at ti'i'oodh,am. During these long winter evenir,gs you ',cannot spend your time to bet- ter advantage than by reading the best of literature such as is offered at "the Library .here. Of course we steed to ire d the ,loam' papers isuch as the St. tgarys Journal and Exe- ter Times and then a good deity- be- nides, but this does not statics to make a "full ,man". We need to read widely along many lines; • science, philosophy, adventure, ltra,vel and fio.tian: and tespeciallg .t 'this time., of England' and Germ rn:9 ays1 :,'pule ;oauses elada,ng up,ta,`khe present great war., Latest"600ks• etre to be; had; by joining the Library. 75o will pay for, a year's reading. `'Join now, •i. ; .r E0112.1 A•IcDONALD—In Exeter North to Mr. and Mrs, J. McDonald a daugh- ter F Recently we stepped into one " of CREECH—'[n ,Exeter on 71:13ut sday the store's and observed a row d>!f December 10th, to aMr. and Mrg• tubae we considered fine 'looking 'tux- December Creech ;a son, .,, ' keys. A friend .from the city called our attention to the crops end they WtILLIS=In Stephen on Wednesday. sene.redl' sttiftea •to .tho last ;grain. December. 16th,^' toil• and Mrs.The suggestion vas' made f.hat the Mitchell Willis, a Gson� crop of an average turkey be arasvn TIUIVZ'Ei3—t)n the„ 'gra' conces$ton or and weighed wh°ch lues "done and was Locals tChristroas (holly for sale at ' olliok'o Bakery: C1r. Victor Sanders is visiting witia relatives in town. Mr, Ern, .Rivers, of the west, is expected flame in a fern days. Miss Annie Bissett, has Sret'r,ned home ttfter visiting in Norwich. Miss Flossie Foss, of Bewail, visit- ed Miss Beatrice Howey this wee e, Mrs. A. Snell i spearing days with relatives at Rnsseldale. "X"1.45.. ».' Ztatoatt ria 1linet„ beta We. .home and is visit rag hear sis ter }id v: Jaz; Ilobnes, ,Of , RitigeFtatiy?a.x was the gueist of Mew J; G, Jones dui` trig -the ttorepart of 'the week. Oranges, Fruits, Nuts and Candiesi at all prices to usit everybody at L ollick's trestaurant. Miss Jean Murray addressed the Main street klpworth League Tuesday I evening, on Temperance.: Mr and Mrs. B E. Pickardand fancily have arrived home after spend- ing the summer at Frobishire, SSask. 'FOUND --A sun of dnouey" iei Eze-� ter. "owner can have sante 'by cat,, ling at Jones '&' may and paylct,') for this advt. Our fresh supply of Bon Bon''uoxes -and EChocolates is here, Prices rang- ing dram 25c to $1,00 a box, Statham. Mr, and Mrs. 0. Becker returned to New Hamburg on Wednesday at, ter visiting the latter's parents Dr and 'Mrs. Jr W. Brownbag. A Christmas Song service will be held in Main street chnrclz, next Salt bath evening, and the pastor ' will speak on the ,"Power of Music." "Liusint ss as "Usual" has been the slogan 'but the business-ra a ut 1 art. ter have been reporting uudsuai busi- ness, It is one of the evidenc>s sl'• prosperity throughout this section. Hass iticFfitls visited her uncle, Air, J. Crigg Goderieb over Sunday.. d r. Gxagg's recovery from hls xe00:0 a evident so far ,has 'been slow but his many .friends trust it may be mare rapid in the 'future. The remains or the late Silas 'Iiuu #t r, of A1oose Jaw, sots of Mr. and rs. Q'mon hunter, of I:sborne Were 1}rout ht to town last • riday and were conveyed from the statinh to the Exeter oemetiery for internment. 17r, Barry J, Browning of Emerson, .. Ian., was married, on Nov. 2It1t+ al l outlook, .Montana, to Miss Mary l liralx*tla Clarke. They will tresidaa 1°:anerson, The Dr's many fraenad� will join in extending . congratula- Boris. pars. 1.i,,, a. White and elxildreai.I arrived in town Tuesday evening to join Mr. 1lrhite, manager of the 'Can- adian Dank of Commerce. They havd:' token up their residence on Andlinw' street in the .house occupied by tl. s' former manager, Mr. Waugh. Mrs. 'Rinness who is residing with her daughter, Mrs. Eli Snell, Baron street, n.nd. who ;has been suffering drum a severe attack of gangeriue is t present making satisfactory ,pro- 1,gross under the are etl Dr. rown- Ileraldecl `fly'°.i :snoai st.`orru Tasting most or tSundap and Monday -the mer- cury 'began to ,tumble and about five o'clock Tuesday afternoon ii. register- ered. 9 degrees 'tc!taveral inches of snow 'fe11 and sleighing, is fairly good around ,town, On Tuesday evening ,Edith Walters daughter or Mr, and Mrs. XIubert Walters had the misfortune to 'break her letarm tbetween the wrist and elbow. Edith and her. 'Lather .were playing at the 'tine when she !tell of( a chair with toe above x'esult, Bishop 'Williams, of London admin- istered. the rite of confirmation at St. Tames church. Olandeboye on Sunday and preached a most practical aad forceful sermon. The church twas filled to its utmost capacity-. The rec- tor. Bev. Wm. Lowe, presented 17 candidates. "Mr. Jos. Bawden naet with an acci- dent �vhioh might have resulted more seriously. Ile was pulping roots and in some way his hand got caught with the result that some of his fingers avere cut. The machine was not going 'fast at' the time or the results would have been worse. There is a strong ag.te tion through- out 'the province to :return the dif- ferent municipal' councils by acclama- tion this year and thus save the, cost necessary to run an election: fibs plan generally, seemc to' 'be • .mfeetiini1 with favor and in 'Many amuricipaI:ties there will be no •contest. FireChiefWeekes bas received' the usualrintianation calling attention to 'the .d{angers to life and property Froin, O1 ri,stma,s decorations, displays, etc. The Use, of 'draperies, scenery= cotton. and other. inflammable, material _'in. conn etion with electrical ,and ..other lighting systems is decidedly an .,un- crease Of hazard. Every precaution should be exercised in this line. a SOUR ACID STOMACHS, ' I lJIsen S t d D 1'2th' to f i d t' w i h three- uarters of a GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grainsfood, ending all stomach misery, in five minutes. Time Iti In five minutes all store- ach• distress will go No indigestion, heartburn, oourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, . no dizziness, bloating, ; foul breath or headache Pape's- Diapepsin 'is noted for its speed in regulating, upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomacivr-em,. edy in the whole world and.besides -it is harmless:, •Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a ,large fifty -cent' case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug „store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf- fer fromindigestion,; dyspepsia or any. stomach disorder.;- Its the't quekestn surest„ and twist ' haria14,Fr.,a, pini ae the s o ltd Mr. and. 'Nits. Wm. Renter ci daunt- pound. There were twelve turkeys tear. Lucan; Thursday, Dec. nine pounds for which there was no 3rd to Dir. and'111r,' II. E. Lankin, market value, but whioh, if tla,e mer which would mean at the same, rate idai hter, Jean �Tsi elle. chant ;had to pap for, (wef do not; g know whether he did or not)•''would' HIED cost him $1.17 that day and which possibly was worth to the .farmer'. -SEAL —In Clande'boye, on Dee. 8th between ten and 'fifteen cents. Or_e. Doris AI., youngest daughter of Mr. of 1 h.S clerks infornicd ue theta ;li and Mrs."John Seale, aged 2 years avis not an atbempt to fraud%but •mer and 2 months, cly that the decision had been made at Ithe last minute to kill; thei bras. I4Yr: Jas, Nesbitt;. of Bly , tb one of it may or may not'have been t 1ie cacase the pioneers of Morris township ip •but if' so t& party bringiifig in -the . was laid to west on Dee. 12th The deceas 'fowl would not 'hesitate to disallow ed bad reached the, age 'of 83 yrears the 'claim, for ithe weight, but itv rs is and ::'7- months. . IIo is survived by a wct1-known Tact that a matter' el Ivife two sons and two daughlers. that kind is a 'touchy piopusition be •• tween the merchant and the pa•rt:y, who )brought in the fowl. A stuffed. Sense. patronaae Iazsme.', industries' crop rosynot be intentional somc- notartd a.t`te because they are a pari. of time but we have heard of itataen L Gi ;?v7but becai.ise „you`' can ,-buy .' ho;=reco emend„ it, befo,c....;killing i , i thing' ?better.. T7se Model Flo t weir poe1try. Take a few x�u��s, pe d 4..11:i.sH. add -over. tt. are. rid ire quite sir you w11 ever need ao...y :of....tie vat: ties here adver id why for� vire, your LelaignOtiagak2 • Gerhard Heintzman Nordbeimer Wright & Co. am Morris r� e will give you a Special Discounton above pianos if purchased before January 1st, 1915. Remember money talks and no reasonable offer €ill be refused. 1 Sherlock Mannino, mahogany case, Louis XV style complete with stool and free delivery $145,00. 1 Blundell, u ahogarry case has been used less than ane year regular price $275 special price $165. " 1 Kohler & Campbell mahogany finish, cannot be told from new special price $1 P ANO Krydner 021, Nor )o ■ RAYMOND SEWING MA�HrnEs dtiice.a' f* fa'- , fjF Igo. fe ♦ry! 1atr VrAi 70 inlnd.in „ai Cabinets IIA 4 Drawer 11.Alito- + 'natio Lift and 5 m:' Drawer Hand Lift We have no room ';$ to store them and ;'a ►ad you can bny them ;;- at your own price tl*. a: while they last, act at once, delays ;;�� are serious. ;;� Y sr'a ,.*:•:.,..c.,e$4,214 �}T��y Tr 7q.a 4V171- ►'«sr aw►4,i1, f . f feefiefefe f�a aao s �L.,2 ,e Childs Sleighs 4: 25C, 30C, 50C, 1,00 1,25. Waggons $2 and 2.25 SHOO FLY Rocking �n - Horses i oo and x.25 Crokinole Boards t 0 DOLLS .5 OL.LS CABS $1,'2 and 3 Moores Non-Leakable Fountain Pens $2.5o and up "Patrol of Sundance Trail" ' by Ralph Connor, "Innocent" by Marie Corelli. "The Wall of Partition by F. Barclay, "The Watch" by Mary Jp ohnston and several others, special five I,io sao free, one bottle of erlbri e Polish. This Polish will clean and polish pianos t n sorgans and fine furniture of every descripiion tore Open Evenings, Xmas Stationery Large assortment 15c' to $I.25 a• box Hymn Books AND BIBLES I0 cents up to $3,00 BOOK We also carry a large assortment of Reprints at the popular price of 5oc BOOKS FOR --BOYS AND GIRLS by G A Henty at 5oc., by Alger at 25c Boys Own Annual 1.75= Girls O A 175 2. � xpurchase or absolutelyover give away fr ® . , 9e Main Street Exeter 41 4 41 a a 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 s