Exeter Times, 1914-12-17, Page 1Huron d sex ze 1.0o a. ye in advance. Q JONES AND MAY SHONE 3. XMAS BUYERS i11 #i,d us Headquarters for all Christmas Shopoing Only Two Weeks your s l l earl when you have lent of time t choose E1:lT .A' 1 TELT 1 u to Xn and eoll and Fan Xm oyes n oter$ Xmas lis Needle Caie Crochet Sets Travelling Sets Fancy, Combs. Fancy Brooches Fancy Pins as &„OR1 nci Gloves and Bonnets ivas Tie r e and Boys, boxed Anniversary of You .Men Ci rile Toeing 1f'tn's Cl ss of a} a cthodisf; cherctt held their anniveee re/TYvvie.es t3n:.. ep.wta$ And. 5tonda,.y.. last. The iepeeiai e peahen tUa! tkc o- casion was Rev, ,John11orr's in, q£ 'the +.ncrn"r„g ,r!3 kik for €hes enhject rev,s,Opyit fie free. raftarnoun IFx. Taforeleeeen Mt- dsesaed the members of ,the etas: end gave a ve v insp!ririg adder=us oa, "Yourng Men, keep yfr-.l.r Rgogxd Cle%4:n The class Toon] 3Ti10.. R401ei to the doors In the evening, t1 e tool. ,fol, bee .s:loie : "Mav ith.e Gam fe ?referred to the life of The Appetfe; .ant ;and drew eater al word edea of Paul Tn 004,0ertfcrn "1 `ith sp,),ree, of the l;t ?pol'tant eVottu,,ot fey There wa> 4, care ra erre e, a�AA r PRO. A: teees cho'r prov auttitotleo the day. At the slice 31ra. ore on, choke ewer 4 4) • aAoar endet$o] -4069.00 iit'ttiPa it W 4t0e' Mfr mon privilegodt it otiraudi the mho, senna* . lel t-vefy varaety fA Qr 3i+t�s aPtf' not Bee" storm and the �ygArye amu The ot. bee n. The' loo. its Satoh a P re- axnt. �uevG nal e xnl�o giVell. til tend carie T.g is In wane 1 eter Council ow- aP toy't e ideeees of toe Peeve rthe l ?4en1 nnet an? `his, 1)Ame on Tues thy *wetting the 15 b t; gall nne,n- t truing pr- r . fed' teele is ,mina, were red .ar,d e nfirmed Textdere fior ice on the need were amt. 4-.1,4d; �.i° (€3,. Creeeir text fi w4P,BAt3f X mM Gtlltesp,e tender 55040. Do le and *Avers That 1 , ?il lespie e tender being the life>>ltest. r ed. rt.or ,FixnenCt; ,'(3L--�.�17a> eee .- that 00cocii s referredl.:to t•;s atG' ee> ag 'lea paid. Hdr ora +and that tt?e tcr?untas %e peal as meet nn, chalr.�iaan. $14,00; Dr. Ooaptre 'hn's of Te{sdn4q I ,yf�f(lce* of@ 'Health �q 1$a5.0 '"Parke k M'^^'#iki Tag' ION 1e 3. 5,60; !B� -A�g q, ^. «�*� fur°y��+fyaA foli. ..x:37; yet e,Ay, KAm,'!'vnN, ."Iff ealib Oak W.AY.' k++set l. ' 4a4.t' ,i atm.1k R,, f" ell .lames 00049r ,sat.". p�A�yy. «�-, r 'rhos. Arewse.truant. e.LB.a; +i:7'+'�jrk Claldretesc Fooa'p• l v th 1€l l 1 t tau. Gould eget. &or to toot., i 0,sn 0 tem: re tT li .l�.knl 't ' Aa: eep»n bet: rtarrh, fee13.. Telephoao. ',gt at :owOr C. lag, .Tai' teed trtbuil'. de. 04.11 loalteA tl f_ ,daiet)t appro., «ns tea -a ar t,a it For your Celestmaa fax vax€t c1 ve 'y beet flour. lTs...,Ia yr your beead, and leans end ti Dune for yotir pastryr A atresia suppiy� of Oranges, Ng Candies, Grapes, Figs and dates f4s' just nrelPed, 'riees to Sa te' ever, 4outy, „ . +teebee . ea` nie0i g leoCate due :xrd; 1+ir t degree, and. se Ail ntnealbexa eequteeee rx'sito ra welcome -W. edey- Two its :t -d ma.ige your complete. We wi' tkele foto you that on more time ao: e rush is o. e ts and s Neck d eeey, also %nra and Pineiand.Pamted China Ilever more t pie e than now. Ail Good anteed and Priees night.. YWI toti Your Xin left tall .13etter cmc lection. ll our stet i leased o peep any ar- $elect and e3n give, ion than later when of at TQM, pis' s. :4 tie and COtteL FITTON Xmas ove tEN ;alflcTS as Coats TS ;er Coats pais[ Sli .ore td: id Overcoa A es S1iipu ent just arrived special fo;r'the Holiday Tracie, So dnblreiy new in Style and particularly well selected cloths JONES AND tithing HEREARE XMAS GIFTS THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED BY ALL THE FAMILY $ay's Knives from 10e up to 25c tirI's $hives from: 25c up to 50c KN I 1 Ladies and Gents Knives 50c to1.00 Purses for same - 10 and 15e Good Shears are always appreciated r,,\Jr 25c to $1,25 per pair. Vacuum Cleaners $8.50, 11.50 and $ $12 Bissell's sweepers from $2:75 up BOYS MUST HAVE SKATES Spring Skates 50c to - $1.00 'Hockey Skates $ .1,25 to - $3.0t) Auto Hockey $2.50 to $5.00 Hockey Sticks - 15c'and 75c Hockey Pucks 10 and 20c Straps - - - 15 and 20c -Ankle Supporters - - 00c Hockey Rales given free with every pair of Hockey Skates. What about a F lashlight;for the home $1.25 to." $3.50 all of the best make. We sell the batteries. Gillette Safety Razors - $5 00 Ever Ready' Safety Razors $1.00' Reg: Style Razors' 75 to $2:00' Razor Strops 35c to $1:50 Nut Crackers 20c Carvers per pair - 1 25 up, Carvers per Case $3.00:; up Berry Spoons, $1.25 Cold Meat Forks - - $1:00 Butter Knives ' - .25c ' Sugar, Shells - 50e Tea Spoons - 00e per doz Desert Spoons - 2.00 per doz Table Spoons ' - 2,40 per doz EA.MAN' AR ARE AN STOVESTORE :ta,• ,e ear l4 popping op tow k:�w,,� -r aha do ;b 0 0 le sok}._. $ wee)cr oti lloll rittil lupkles ill 'eaIdiess vrlel y sell 111 urn where you save. Regula'c fort '2 5c. foe duos dor Towels --wap big rl u e `�rlees. Haste r is one of aa1 A ea lu I CIov "-`a el Dicey Neck sea r°f some beauties at ec ti s-..` regni r�ac es, goys, youth a nd 1 suits e n `overcoats, boots, shoos rubbers, slia gifts. yon deal: with us we ell. esn 4.. SiCtool In l(Cttt�t 1ond:n� evening, 111,3 I145e1 xn Potexb( iter .spender) with ;one 14"rs. 3 Wambold. returned Past Fri.day - was e accompanied. visiting lu �honaestby her dtnug[ntcs firs„ :1, lrartr' on ilredneed:ty af- nna:fliatt= ; treason kion 7; xr,n n 2; Nd Sa n l In n its �tA1i Mr. rnxscl fz .Ito *r4 Gardner. oaf t sbornne annou;ace tin(+ (Iztg,Xgerae%t of tltoir yonnngeat clatighter, 1[argnr(at. I, to :lir. 41 iIlG.nnn't .T. Reid. only anon of fir» and ,"l.Xrs, llob.L rt held, or 1I t I'rirr, Toronto, the marriage to to plan early in the New rear. A Visil5 to WILL SOLVE THAT GIFT PRO13LE: Brass Goods Useful and Ornamental Sardines 1 50 to 5.00 Candle`St,cks 2,00 to 5.00 Fern Baskets ,. 1.00 to 2.00 Trays, 1,00 to 4.00 Vases 1.00 to 3.00 Toilet, Manicure Sets Always acceptable_ We are proud of our fine assortment. A tip to gentlemen. make an early choice. 2.00to12,50. Confectionery Boys how ablest a fine box of choc- olates, We have them in plain and fancy boxes. 10c to 3.00 a box. Our chocolates always make a hit, We handle the best, fresh from factory ,Leather Goods `,Handbags'for Mother 50c to 3.90 Bill Folds for Father 50c to 2.00 Coin Purses for Boys 15c to 50c Music Folios for Girls... 150 to 3 00 a large, assortment also of many other splendid gifts in leather. Shaving Sets 25 to 2.50 Shaving Mirrors 25c to $2 00 Xmas Pipes & Cigars Brush and Comb Sets 1.50 to 5.00 Suitable presents for smokers, a Collar and Onix Boxea,...25c tc 1.(.0 line line of case pipes. All the pop - Safety Razors 50 to x.00 talar brands of cigars inXmas boxes Case pipes 75 to 3.50 1.50 to 2.50 a box Gift Pipes. ... .. ._.20c to 1.00 Travelling Sets ' 1.50 to 5.00 Writing Sets yrs to 2.00 Military Brushes . o tit) to 5 00 Music Rolls ...:..1.01) to 8,00 Glove Boxes. Hand kerc)n f Boxes ,23c to 1.50 1+ountall, fens (ass td) 1 50 Coin Purses °:.._ ..15 to .50 Bill Folds . .75 to 200 Hand Bags... ..,...... ...50 to 3e 00 Manicure motets $2 to 7.511 Toilet Sets ,e2 50 to $10.00 Toilet Waters ... ... 25 to 75 cents liot Water Bags ,....... ,..1,31) to 3:00 Band Mirrots. 25 to 3.50 Flash Lights 1.00 to 2 00 Elan Bi ashes50e to 3:00 Collar Bags .75 to 2 00 Perfumes...-. ...:. ......::: .25 ta, 3 00 Ebony pieces 25 to 50c 95 to 1 00 Ebony Goods Make useful. presents, Bair, hat, bonnet, cloth. tooth & nail brushes Buffers, nail filesana cutlrle knives' among the manicure pieces. Prices right -quality hest Xmas Stationery Papeteries in fancy boxes. The cream of the market. Every box > a select value. Stylish: and popular presents. See Oki Rose and ;Royal Vincennes assortment, our 50c line is a leader. Xmas Booklets Boxed Cigars .75 to see) Largest stock in town, You ,get the Sewing Sets. °..°. ,.....:50, to 2,00 best if you buy them e,t Oed.4's. We Post card album ..25 to s2.(30 have the repota,tion of keeping the Boxed Candy..,,.., ,,,,,, ',., ,25 to'2 50 best, A tip to Sunday School teach Pocket toilets 25 to .50 ens. Look over our stock, 20c to Automatic Stropper 3 00 3.00 per doz. Perfumes' All ;the popular odors in bulk, your ' cl nice in fancy boxes. We have the largest assortment ever snown ' it5 Exeter, we are sure to please, Boys just what you want, prices from lec to 3.00 a box ,,Safety R izors ideal gifts 50c to 5.00; Post Card Album - boys - 2ac to 2,00;, Shaving Outfits - very popur0,r - 1,00 to 2,50; Burnt Wood Pieces useful and ornamental for your lady friends. (:)les tore 4G..$4.4 >o F. 44 TA oiese cos ottes fol anufac tee ones t ave ,you mouey, A , 4R«4400.0O4104,444....** A i'llOE 81 You are Sure to Please a Gentletnan With a... Present from h i. Story 4 Or reamemeamsrasarmesaratmemanent . 4 4 . b, 4 Ready-to-wear Suits e House Coats and Smokers Fancy. Mufflers and Ties Sleeve Holders in boxes • Collars and Cuffs • E3 Shirts and Sox Fancy 'Tests and 4 • 4 0 0 0 0 0 Our Specialty is Mens Furnishings and our stock contains the Newest and most Up=to-Dawe Styles in all lines of apparel, Look over this fist Belts Ready-to-wear Overcoats Sweater Coats,Sr Sweaters Rain Coats & Fur Coats Braces and Garters Glcves and Mitts Underwear (2 piece and corn) Hats and Caps Our Goods are Popular Prices andwe give you a full selection. Try us for Ordered Clothing. We are making sweeping holiday reductions in our Suits, Overcoats and Panting -,s 1 PHONE $,1 a •tike