Exeter Times, 1914-12-10, Page 3ye eugb11 to tali. You have never Id. al; band It ^'Ilo; he 1,i _tiow. hard iiit.thg I ;hint. klar• for il liPa, She w fattier wa,q razt,eat I,o, tbki licerage li .Itita,..in the, iiiip.itsive, (Neil, Itut *be little day lie ifted alit, aright almost way tl sittela slit* alwayet.olialie a d with u'lliela el..- bad a hour he difsl. That maims it Ike mar advances woo now abse ortunate: du on gaud. Ty beautiful troinatt.:' , nerc7,ive' that ate was glad "Unfortunate?. I et "hut she alwatra idra gether tinlinitell. ard clidlaterestt 'Irk's,' bat a ItentiPem tee ; and 1 c;"ilut'i. ke041:14trhp, of e l'' "fnir joy in the good tiews is to av Ito is 4 'neer?" ritarkatily cold mit dear All'a Ida, tiaid Lord Hauge b 4..T.itir a nr,ore ttlittLepo i": IllaY illAYC anis, hoe; mt m tieratile muter Tht ieitt, Lord Iligltelatfe. Si *That %Ton .11all should be shut, up ri itouttmn lltal4 his+ ill+1 er died ab$, epb-en'a 641 44 Imen. Away onus. 44tue 41tia'Ked.. while 'there in so eltarnittig a ini iutely ruined; irdeed, in vent: tIleoeg, I now, I atom se lie will mine baok cr,roa. treot le represent, the (it'd family, was lit, 1 outtiste 'by Ir,s son's aet of noble :Ad and they will; be married.' They will make tie ellort o! A general mistortinie, You eiterMee a g•rcat 8) 111' of the debts we a very handsome' collide., You would Itke tet inlet tell how anxious and eenrorsted l'atI4,,, . - - hint. tlillwin, I to* a "'Nat fancy to him wl- have lieen about yOn--but we will say "I'M Ine"' nO1 101°Wo li:iiii /413q , on tbo lira fiv.-1401),, / /not lain; And x ne more about that. I trust a brighter `idilr as elle could, ___ ; felt dee,ply corr.'. to Itio misfortunes. But.. et.te Ittet risen above the eta house, and ir Sterilieit settled ;t verr large 'Tutu,' there will be Ilft. titeli of money when he that it is enteriag, ttpott twig:bier fortunes, toney triton ihe young. man; lint lie re- and, mai vf,aeoner azv married. far, her. A! any rAte. let that he ati it nmy, we l'''ed tf/ ta41'' 13r: it. 4114 !II"file! father in iminense rich. I believe- ft witit you to bolito.•e how delighted we nre over, tlie ,w,liole sum., trazy, ustrip: 0I II ,4,,,,,,ourd b,, v41,3, nk,r for ,Il or utl„ if Lord 1 lIt;ectift?puielelol.1:*k a'Ia'jn" and 1411th‘r t'll'ell 1('')'414;lealflfiloviltlIlteflg ; it4en:4(4; 4 ie°4-•'''''• '11:t•itlgtnt'll''4 t 41:1 ', il.ittilabitll!tilit.li;;Itt1)41. 411;;111114..inL.NtL31b1441u1;11:tavil 41, Wtt vaatt. to Say, too, dear," 1•4 in Lally Ilitzinerdale while Lady V;tyne not _ged th a Iiis.i. Valconei:, who e fathor is, .4 lee b tied a 7,eittlugly, "that we hope you have believe. a millionaire.' iietti re411.1: 494144.' 14 to I46'4 that you will be one of us anti let tet see 4 _great ileal o you, Of course, under the eircuratitanees,- abe ftlatieed at Ida.'s blaek drecia, "we ;ire cleharred 41 4444 4'X1)1' ,11144 fear pleasure 441 To diVity: but We 1101m you -wig come to 11, with. oult,tiy,+ana very often, and OM you will lel lifi treat yott ;Au one of stir c vi 41 0.4 • i .1,, " Ida 11111111141red. 'a Gititablo resp once i but Klble.'''.'14114^t`. and a trastic ena, 111P gr, -,1* SAN': Illz"IttliS c lit' Was the . fitaimii ;die wit, by no means demonstra• ;str :teniteres: but men of biu trade al. t,.1 ihi,(1,,,,i• mail in the iirittsia live they ivero..--attsfird; and as they left wa.ve it Mi" 10 44144 11* ris,hs. By the waY, ,, . ,, . , , • they expres,ed that, SIttiefaction lo Niel* 1 slam:Net Itle iltat i'. 14 nave to be RF' ia ,- 'ile. 142111 'l titilig• anotit tun) i oilier. "sola?" e'?140041 Ida "X '.40 L'8 14 Ito 40 %hat its;.tdo 111 14 so treniendintsly tt 011, yrs, '44 4' lime glad to see ;la," La,ly buy it 11 *114 Vaid; "and I lila, her all the She snolie on the Impulse of the ince ))U'4 14 ‚.5 11 Tile Press ',It al* 1,11e better for 1)4)1 meet log us hel [-way tool intuit t but :s1r. W4)rdleY did not See111 at all was that he refu,,,...11 to talk baek. tor refraining from wily guellinte. Poor surnriecd, and only mulled. as lit, respond. +1,1 • i • ,./-• iziril e a,„ afraid siv, 1m,, bre, ,,,,ry ill, a Z. , ,. 4 `OW \ l'aS ttt tqlf, tune 11 It 1,.. t nr- . , „ , . , and lass felt her trouble verY keettlY. Site -I anew no reasen why you should net, 4-011 WEIS itistaile,(1 in ON vace at is nitwit thinner, and 'when she eame into Ito' ;dear •Slis,' 1,114,1- I am llot,s_urt,`„t11444 4 Craigavon altd tt'llell 1)01teletAiips the room there WZO an ernrcscion hi lier womil be a goo0 InVeStMelit; out, 1J you'vs , , „,, , face which touched me 'and, Mad(' eny eyce .4 faneY for A, 3 will Ineuire into the! mate ertlIS:Itt Olt A r ran ; alien Larne was Ohm" ter. Yes; :certainly you van buy it, tf t'ou .t rei,..irded being Inticli in(tr", inter "),\-4) must loolc a f ter her," rernarlced %Vint to 410 60." Lady Veyne, "There: le Something weird Long after lie had gone Ida, sat. leaning esting than Calais, and a siege of in the itlea or her living there all alone: forward in lior chair and tr.aking at tho Belfast inf nitelv in re pr habit, though, of eour.sc, lier inaid, Jeode, will fire. SmiTord was now Lora Ilighcuirei- a el . e't :, , ie. take care of I.er. ' Peer, but poor and a wanderer. She st:irt- than a siege. ni tAllorerP; Ltister Lady Ilannerdale ismiled. ed: was it reallY lie whom E...he had *wen ,,-oliiiiteers In their tens of thou - 'Ida Heron le <me of those girls -who are on the cattle steainer? 'Then theY nuite ('0 (('(2)44' of talcing care of them- been Mar. each other. had looked Pnat't. sands were drilling, Ina. r -c_( anti and self-usEsessed she was .11ost girls never see lam agaite--but, ali, yes! it watt a fight!, This ail seenIs sro rong, o Yourig 'Wane Or, the 13 Ile of the $Aason, ellApTER xxxCIII.-(Coutiutted) She was out on Rupert as early as pee. sible the neet morning, and. it was- dif- ficult to SaY which was the more ,Pleaee'd at the reunion. he or his rnietreee, -Ana eh, what a delight i7t, 'w:FS to ride across the moor and elong the valley and by the :stream; 40 64(11 the cattle grazing and IA? iiip to him of Ida, lie wee quite prePared --\ te he imPreisest, and that he was: se, Kan evident before the meal Ilea eery:fueled. Tile mother paid Particular attention to Tydoati,ngattla)?.111,roardorBroavilonyidy.ale regarded the 6e1,4t0;rdit!AwLiattrop.ditlegansifisc7terna,!gri,11tuaso Idea° l.hr43;-)e.r.. (not 'citi.\\,,Sialenre.cNeiiir,zileof'eret,n_,), v; cl,..1:t, eitilil,?1,1_ r",atlimeinb.t.:00tHtiefilinn,,oftlitehebreujieehe',6:fi'a,---teanneda 1. .r41 ,),,tt: t lie,' ,ii. at, t.:, ,,..,„„i4,g, rftp.,:q.Z7?ri ; her ;saddle,. Theqe wile. Saw the- act.4,-theY. entle:j tacit go ajnike by rai/sva' with - ,were net many, for the Pace had been fueE ., , ,asatnicIduradht ii :ilk ai ,,, e ,- - Y:cd:::::1:01.14-.,kr,:uzci:i:i:41:iii 1.07;i(ttii.1:::h PI 401:,;";:, °z_ le: tee:Jr:et: et1111' e(j: "t' (r44"4'' '1{.:...!."-:1:_rr:[44`.. (-4-.7:1 , . Lord Fldwiii was over et thellall'neet Care' ilie itletetetriS. -.1.311t 43 hat rani the pbtue which he had humbly begg'ed was, that, altItelegit 14p:ow-lee; te: Ida te 'ishow him. Ile was a molest young t .4, .t-; It ,. t-: - 1181411' fell074, with ,reorte intelIieeriee and 44-0; A-q('^,Y '''''''''-- '`-•-1- .,*e 1V.t..... ?.,, Stla- OreS6e4 1101 only by the Hal! but tte bee t. smite than eeeerally mei.; ;v: It Ire - • 40114ed Ite P'''''1 Itt4 file el7 1"ii-eei "4- liful youtte; mistress. left before Mr. Word- and Ida liked :him. It was itteeileble ,telltion it.0 it au, I ley, ,b,c, wa,nted to talk over business wi li that they -.1 (.111(4 meet almeet eveey , .. Ida, But he found her TAther ;Oise: t- it wee alczast as itievittibl45. that he elitexId 1 .:%0: Seereey Ai/0111 flint. , _.. :minded end preet-enpied and preeently, in fall it; :OVe Willa ber; for eite War; LIOt, OD7,J7 a 111.1.(,' 5he 6aid, 't.'t lib fOlVt'il, Cie.,911k,,,c1; the ' a,, ,,,I. 1,,:0,11,1p,a Kir:, ili taw ,/,Q4ty • ',fat 11,. her Ve LYZIF, .1,..1 .5'^',41te,e,I.,- a/0. -0,t ' -Is Sir Stephen Orme' r3Cin at the Villa : :there -wets an e.ement of 10(4 .41 .11 ..,. 1 1411 '44 ife -went o1. his at iii.a(, 14 t. Itr. word.lex?„ lonelieess and lier tortemce whieb. net,urel. _ , ,t „ bus .i hear lbe ebeep calling to Oee ataother In I Ile had been making eome, memoranda tie „,(,nt, so hi. ",,,zther one 44'y,grti ,o,n., .e % a''''''''' 1 '''''' .%ers 1'.k the oia paietive way!, It evae: earnest :ail- 1 in hie pocket -book aed he looked up welt deult tO believe that shelled ever left Re- . fitted in hine; bet, rhongli Lord and Lade „,,,,,,,. e vi; -2,?%-• -isi?-1' ,e-..„1:et,3 a 44,(!(...,1,{3, ae.t)-(e,01-;;;.,-'-, thing but a nightmere ladflhe =Herons' 4 you know --haven't yeti heard?" 1(4(14I4that Leburnum Villa 'ems any- a esel:retieasndte.riltiaeTtle'at31-31'rd'ear (11 .1 don't ?.3an"('rdal° I'vr'('' ire' t/714n Ple" tb'''5. -1-t-''. ez-n.:i.,„ iiinci as'-'7,',';,..iii,y oc---4; bin* not to be too SarloMilie . •dismal unreality. "Heard what?" elle asked. her face b '';.ez.21';:".auhlvigte 'Z.'? ne"exocrIlt,rtode.x.c.74,'.94.2to.k.1,,,di44(14 11 Now. for EOIDO time she avoided that ginning' to grow Faler, her lips et. tigh P1444. of the road where the opeeing of the ly. Ttt.:..1,-,,-..,, i,.,..ii,.eze,r. 3.,,e,t,Inel_lie‘r lsiihtl2out,,te,et_img, for though I love her more every time A !le 0 114)ft; en 1 to idnitt‘a,t1,svvie--. Plautatten gave a view of the Villa; but "Blass MY Squl, I'm surprised!" he ex, ,,,,, ti.Ont which , she was drawn towards it at last, and eit0' <AMMO. "1 thouRbt eVerybedY hod heard ''.--' -'''' '''''' '" `''''''''''''''' ''''''''rP '''' '"°Q;'*--- got iron: hum v, a . consider leant forward on her horee" and leeked,1 the' news :ill' Stelillea js'i o°1 1t.ii-og at the' rPeeinititi'ltb-ubkt:t.t rfae-°eIlla's °i[ I('Qcoareula Inc, tiii"lellr'st‘ that 1`..p.0.•t, si<lei ,,k owing across Ott, lake at the great- white plaee I Villt for 1. very yrave a d • n - if' -' t ,)upetna::,0..,,e43.ret,e,...alsarblz;.13,1alt 1 ,...oited,_,eoziod „ esiXt,„4,ebrt: i;ilatiittbatloadlig.t4ureeltl, 6aunrgItgil'rtie I,st:alael,ran; . ids, leant b'ack44:14 ber4cluti; and raii..a. ',Acid yet she is et:: ggntte and frIebldlY, ell 11:1014411btieftlY 41'„ 4,4'. ('1 t he U4Fter- to the colp- sign of life 24010 the place; the lake 't- a screen whiek sbe beld in ber Ila'ad "'' eaed I,udy ,Bannerdale, to eneollragg' khal- steamer': ea which were only a few pee. -id 3d not knOw,, She Said, in a verY 1 0'.7 .t]ork. 6 -hook 4,-,.$ bqnd. - 41 h t 'what, ‚p44. 041 sett -.VAS de4erted (6aVe by orm of the that it&hiehled i?r-face from Ids gaze. elee, eeeeez ten,ele.,. .,,,.._,,,„ Eft wr5 rs,ewa,„, tt i4m th4t, he 'Weetl ley.tlh,fevirr sk-nger,i vell wrapped up against the now voice, '''''I had, Ilat -heard, I have not -een --eieefee juin it...mother:. ,,,,,, „ii -o, ,,4,.. ' 11 -7,0 v 1;-,etql air, The appearence of the white, alt)- PaPeri, ot•, if I.IlltTe. mill.' the ''ld" le, -She tTleet(e Ille 46 if I were a br,), 4•YIng. '''''°'' g('''''/In5 etr.3::"e'-'.4,41 ile P:fld lt43e. a :his stag , i Wejell treiiibleS at Tony-panely grid also during the railway, st;rike, they ;played Al.acready in trister aS thoir, veiy InA card. ge -was sha- al•OARANTEE Pere! Boiler Metal. Treat:6e To leasen eeale alreadY ttt tha, /tellers ley its =Deb aet foia. '1"0 Prevent new' seale 111001 To laotect; 14 1141 the boiler "metal 4': -4 t,Orrc-s,EQ:1, o,nd galvaille action, ",',.1 '1,1± of 1.41:p1:z;,cii,„).eiere:edieepei;iiti4iii:igtli;:t Oil and areaee gettitg ale er'S 4114.111 that a ipnea:Z:aw$ an4i i44 dt.ht4ee:t1t!,:vtlild; - as wea uita ,RATABRitilte 6:011;ewoe172.1 .;14 Plieg s'ed- '10''1 144 641114 vir,a ow* toA*44F,- and 4 61W U41e,63', '1f660404 Oxl 4h4,4 il to yoter del-MX:este Ve ttl e eco NOT .110/47t1,4104144:1°r. .1),Makt. Preeerlegitefee Liquid fee geed :nee cerielteetor, 844 414 tbe efficlenta "af,'the koile1)51:. opolierothi Vroivotive Prim in NUIS' e formatMu and e'er:reel:Ott, Aline .14'eeMxtg the he:leers up eo inel rated capa,•;ttY. PEROI-IN COATPANY oF CANADA., itt,ti-r.Eo, 16 Adelaide Weet West, Tor. loneestretehittg Piece etrucle bee with a l'er..ti„tw'"ellc; 9.1(1, 4r , ther, paths * yowatt 'brother; emit I lotew $erisei of dkiesertion awl titsolakion. and ,."4C,$: f$;1-4 34r. ,ortii,eFt ".,',00,01‘ olio, "P that 41 I were Act sneak; to her, to let bor with ct eigh she tartte.d aria rode away. wed stuldenly, (114%t• 'illelltn-±lkAY. ia 'Cite IrltiF-t know how lona x love, ber. it ,w0-01,4 mean 4i, a;te,e kee ee she ;see eoming in tile of a grand ball; theft of the Shinli , the. co fo. ove,...4 mg., 14,11041114 nove4. oe the stable Jcsele :came ruunine to- "'Slioelc?" elle eelteed. _ 1 Ade t; ii„e lvt",f,',4""eaTtt___Ind x vaubt mti .,:,. her, lie looked at. lair ae if he found it nard 8t,3/0,the,„24 far 1 014 onlY"latapy when. I ' "(11*, tak".; ida, there'e Lerd and Ludy o realize her ignorance am , %Mb her„..and, then I ton tow„,,,,hk, 1134tHerrI4e and 1,.%A-IY Va,Y14V .,41K1 10 Pi "Yc'” Ile' fr'flf`ei'' 04 114±L 3044, Ll'ir'v. Ite,„ar.,34131l wait tbo though; of haViag 40 leaTe her.% ' kbe young ladies :11 the drawl:le-room.' 600:411 C'() 6tranitt. 14;14 YQ44, a, aotgoalr,' •••you must Int patimit, nay deur fellow,' ' ""Very well." said Ida, ouletly; :awl re- 0 40 teleak, 61106141 1107, llave nelvi I:nor said Lord lianneraale. "Ida Iferen i$ 3 0Ving il.Pr illt'hi'llaoll gauntlet, '.')"-' \s'"nt ti)" Qf "14104 ,all be,,,ntiult 1I'4. 1)1141444. 1,1' ;4 girl ill a inillien, and She is worth w,ait. ight tato ;the drawing,roem, tacsit, tiilY Ili 4.40g1.13114 --was ta-mfog• Slit ing for." '' ii accordanee 'with her inthor7o will. $1,0abou wafi 4 great timpei07:. 4pa. 1):q.ill ,.0), ril , 4, €, 0 Divan; d her own. 1Prhallf.3, MPLaken, Plitt -4 illatt 'brought ont a groat 'enraPallY to Ivo-ce•;,i,,,onnnijnes. 1 141 ib the waleeitte had ayolded RH these people bitherto; I an important concession iit Africa. ttei. ow Isorld won't wig et " he added, Vitro %vac; no moil to void (beat any I was sungescd to hare etude an 0,,b9,„,„,, , 41,,oimh. ger; alio, Watt their equal in birth. itild I 6,IttO of allOne.)* Ilk ,„it ; In4Reil. must ,lAaTO 0-10 day, It ma* week nowly4feott red . wealth effeetueety: 1 uone se; Mit at %nu very MOlalent Of 11,0 100,i..b. jou „ had v upon to rived any ,eattst+ for pride. Laity Ban- sucfcss tht•re eurno a fttxfito of bad 1i1e4t spend witlt lit% u ted, itaa, i '''. a motherly and good-natured WO*1 444 1216 110.1,6: of it WaS 'brought to him on li nerciale cautt= in no wtIll l tie forward to meet her, aud too4 the lligla et _tbe bull he Wat" gh'illg ;41 ll's'' <Mule, *lea's, be • • I' 4'13 e 344 . _ sv.4 0142 • e 01414041 r,-yet'ut.,' "I. hear tint Villa is to ly' dear, we have come sonce meant apoolute rtlitt, and he fell dead, cheiettew he nt114, ,Ite. you bow glad we, arer 8 said., with the cableartro /41 hie band, Sitoeis, 114,i daughter are ,c.outing down hoard the good news front 411._ tord-1 ing• ll:f44 It act?' ., e„ "Ire l'Aere tel be -* botaie+par • and neither T nor any husband could i Tdate lips moved, i ' ''" ady Ilannerdale, triiitt,4 '.64)44' 4"» uoi .lii another tlay before -we eitrae*to OA' SPI'th' T/4(‘ 1114144' '444'11s' re could uot be under the IN 4,01146 - AI : t ,you.' fore iler; hilt. naturall, CM. V4 -30r girl! Nix' Ste;ilten's death ady 44 4344 keo,, held Itta's i d thotights were concentrated. tOVer ‹-an rf weather Chat be wait. gourd •,,I, at her with alfectioWtte, lAre Ur+ 14-1 11,,tt oi Stafford, _, helitfel-tuttiit haw been, a t.,3%xitz gt'34 il we felt the rune, my ii '"Phen-kiten Mr. Stafford titan fatoch .40 Iter.. She And ,Iter lather ti a you inu-t net tlattle .. baronet. KA' StaffOril?" elle a. turallY Ns'ISit tit he itutet; but I treely audible voice 'tuned uttered very inneh; JIP eti. ter the color SOK) 111t01 rAt`t‘, )131111 ielt held. the sereeit , d they -they or., gOinir to be marr:ed 3 1 ;tidied site, ilon't know. I suppote not," replied A r. Wordloy, att lie bent over Wu memos'. 4.iell Hera. 1421 11 agttin; "Lord II vrellife hnS cliOltaltear. ed, left Etiglaini. NO' One ,eettlOi tO QUITO, know w1101'1' 31t, 110,ti gone. It was a ter, 44) TO 111.:1,(l1U31. ;tereatly Preserved t Ulster. eelves.' elle said -How -wonderfully <taint each other's eyes! Perhaps she would eounter-tniirehing and spoilino• for would have been rather uPeet, or, at any quite probable she 'would. for W36 he not _ Tato, a little flurried, meeting us all so engaged ;to' the wealthy Miss Faleoner, :90 Very long, ago, that there is 110 unexpectedly; but she 11,41)10 into the roota . . With the perfeeL un,self-eonsciousuess which inarlts---- "The high -bred lady," finished Lord 5114844411et-141e. "I wonder whether we rea1. ize liesi old a family the Herons ere; we are all mushrooms compared -with tbat slim. little girl, -who is now the mistrees . of Herondale and an enormous fortune." "We Shall have to find a huaband for her," remerked Lady Vane, 'who was the inatchena,ker of the locality. ' -The trouble would be to ge Miss Ida to aceent him when you have found him," said Lord Bannerdale, shrewdly. 'I have an idea she would be difficult to Plea,sel there is a little eurl to those pretty lips of hers lebiell is tolerably significant." "Poor girl! '3.'hexe is time enough yet to th'ilik of 61.1Ch a thing," said Lady Ban- nerclale, reprovingly; but while she ea:id it, mother -like, .she thought ttbat her eon, Edwin., would he _home from a long tour -in the Bast in :a, week or twe; that he was 'Particularly good-looking, and in the 004)1011 of more persons than hie mother, a partieularly amiable and good fellow. , The next day there were more visitors; they all seemed as genuinely glad at her return., and they all made ELS gentile° overtures of frienaehip. It wee evident that Ida need not be alone in the world any longer, unlese she -wished to be. .00 :the Morning of the third. :day, as :she wae riding to Brynaermere, with eome 141104)' '4)41141 as an excuse, elm /net Mr. Wordley; s, gentleman was sitting beside him who, Ida guessed., was the architect. Ile prov- ed to be ;to :less a personage than the fam- ous Mee Mixt:ley. They had pulled up for Ida had iesolved that though ehe coved and would 41e not eome baek to xnarrY her? " The following evening she received a short note 'front Itir. lffordley: it, informed her that- the Villa, -wee not for eale, It had been purely:wed by lir. Falconer for his daughtei. harm ill recalling It4 more espe,cial- ly as We now better realize what a, hideous, unspeakable thing warfare is, and it, has become certain that never again will anyone dream of conniving at. that most criminal form of warfare, -namely, Civil war. Only a few months ago we seemed on the brink of it. Gun -running went Merrily on, and the flower and pride of Ulster's manhood were preparing themselves with burning zeal for battle. In the- midst* ot it all IVIacready very quietly and im- ostenta,tionsly arrived in 33e11 No one knew exabtlY why he had come or what position he held ex- CITAPTBR XXXIX. :1 few daye she (41.,,. '4.,t4 invite- -Lions from the Bannerdales and 44 171141± amel. other county fame:fee, who were evi- dently pessessod by the kind. deterxnina.- tion that she should. beeoute one of them, The dinner at littnnerclitIe Grange -was quite en famine; ehe was made a great deal el; and if the had given them the least encouragement they would aettially have netted her; but 'though lcla had lea something of her old pride add hauteit eaueed -by her ieolation, leaS 611 11 eomewhat reserved,, and grateful as she was for their overturee of aileet4O,. she A leer isited dub. st nee veritti, the rop. k.' 'It 3464443 4,1 at , 1.,Thady ;duly itece.r d a) ptissibly11 44 uniy kind .if, sit.ioting tlia 141141e Were: 1111:01', I flee Wolati 113.1te Itt have 11 1-11(1 tit: erlv:looking 44 with (‚10441 rather cold eye;.... liked. but it nut, bemuse during the uhtito i that he 46 4'. hi 1tor no one a he slittlitisi idea as to what. he ..as thinking or what be proposed doing. Ire tibsolutely refused to be 4. conspirator of a, theatrical type, and this is rather to he wondered at beeou:e he was the son of William Charles Mae ready (by his second wire' Sr"'"".)' 1°1() Wit0 ,011° receiN,-ed the brevet oi rv Fe.* T-' and 1tOz 1.1 atty ego are j:'14.e...! getwoit ze,:z;r:t from the body. ,Caret-, acid Cholera • itt XoUrg, eurcG 'Oet,"'"ns 4titons baman retowy: Cgt, th'ee vet. Neep wf). get it for yen. Free r'P 4ecit yotot,g cneras,t and tioshirtc:'osistst Pftl.3.QQ1STS: Cesheat ' - P :oid C,c)r ECLAE.E; aid Mr& •Cigt"4,,, '1, *bought no v Qu14uge .4 4 „L.4 * ilarv !P TiON. NEATER in ney without ore .t 24atdv,*' 44414fitruittli stot 7 for tho Trittogte tradettiat1t. Mr.& Comala ROYALITE 011..4 bed for all tile THE IMPERIAL OIL CO. Limited .r.ronto Quebec Halifax Montreal St. John Winnipta Vancouver he was 4) 141 1411 11 WIdte at t ie and after the re4ief join RedVi'teS Buller's 11 1.ces a lough 441 aing's 11071 EN - n1 rg, as sv4.1 1 .tui in many ail- ction during regrettable IN az, mentioned in pittc bolli by Sir Ovorge '¼\ 14114' and Sir Itrdvers Buller, Anti for" his C1111'' 414-4441- - -04414.44444 f the most, famollS actorS the Elig- iientenzult_cololie4,, en.!,.. b stagii' has e -ver known and wi,33;,tat• (ha with and 11 1.144. s representations of Macbeth, hing medal with two elancts, and a lae Lear, King John, and lag.), are ,till remembered for their extrern- b rill 14111(1(2. Maeready, tbe actor, though a man devoted to his family and children, as his wonderful diary bliows, was a, stern discipli- narian, so very likely in his early childhood General Macready had the seeds of -obedience and disci- pline strongly implanted in him. Still a Young 3Ian. very odd, as their characters ana temperamentS are so essentially dif- Ile was born in May, 1862, so it ferent; but whether one likes Wins - will be seen tha,t for his present ton or dislikes him, there is very position he is a young man, lie was little doubt but, that he has an elle- educated at Marlborough and Chel- cellent eye for selectinga, good man, tenharn, afterwards going tO the and it was Mr. Churchill, when he Royal Military College. In 1,8,81, he va,s at. the Home Office, who first became a, lieutenant in the Gordon recognized what an extremely yalu- 'Highlanders. Before he had been able man Macready was and what a year with the regiment- he made tact- he had displayed. during the the famoits night march across the Tony-pandy and railway strike could not respond as fully as she wouid eept 4 -rat he was a resident magas- Egyptian rebels' lines at Tel -el -die- troubles. /Nil his Efe Sir 'os has have liked. It wee :the .1vallIO With the! " ' I I War his services were retame the staff in South Africa In 9 • . be became one1 of the tnur directors of personal services under the .A.41in- tant-Getieral of the Forces, which appointment he held until he .n to Belfast, , Winston Churchill is a very gre admirer of Sir Nevil, artd this VaYnes Avorys;etbey were all more trate4 mile said that e was t nr. been an extremely keen ' soldier, has a very strong personality,, and than nd het, add ehe longed :to...re- ceive their attention -with open arms; but she could not: the fact Was, her "wounded heart was so teader that it shrank even from the gentleist touch. "The, girl is all right," asemarleid Lo 41 Ilannerdale. "She has been in. great trouble and it, hits- hurt, her very badly; and though she Seernd rather.cold and.re. served, she le really more eeneitive that. most women: yon must give her tame,' the introduction cloae .by the opening on not altogethee forget the great sorrow of the lake; and while the exe.,biteot vas ex- her life; 6he :would not; brood over it ehangitig greetings with Ida, his keen 'She 'me* that for her. complaint there eyes 'wandered. now :and agttin to the Villa; was noth.ing worse than idleness; Lola ehe 81144 :141 Ida turned to ride bstelt withethem isoughel empidyment for her mind and . vee le:x.e.et`'. body 41-1111 :4.41 eagernees that sometimes be- lie said: "That le:rather a. fine place over there, eZtale almost feverieh. When she :was imt Mess Reran; eather bizarre and conspicu- • • „lt f • . t eue, but striking anti ra:ther artoetic. 'Istew, 'might be called heir nee; friends, :she Wai teo: iv:Mee is it?" ' busy about tixe Leatin, and the eetate, and "Stephen Ornmes place," replied • Mr, took long rides on Rupert,aceompanicel tie Worclley, in rather a low voice.: . of old dogs. 'Very soon, too, Mr, "Oh," .said Mr Hartley, with a lied -Hartley began a:t the re:storation; and -which etrutec Id:a, as being imeuliatese mi. Ida was cleeplY 171111141 (114 iu the progrese preseive :and significant, :though :she :did, of the work, Then, again, the hutting not know :what, ntspited seaeon conameacea, _and te the delight ef The three -went all over :the odd Hall Sir Robe.et V:ayne, 0:ie.:master, ishe appear. and alter lunch the great architect ex. .ed :at the firs.t naect: Etnel,, le it neeeseary plainetl, with the aid of a sheet of paper Lo '.11, was in at the death. She OnlOyed and. a pencil his idea of what should be tha:t :first ruu-More'thail ':she 111,4 eajoYed .anything eince the fatal niorning heel "There. need not be, there ehould net be. dost both Sweetheart atria father; and she the :least :a,ddition," lhe eaid. "What you was very nearly happy as slio rode home 'want to •clo, Idese lier.oh, de, as Mr. Word- weth :a crueliecT hat alit a, habit splaelled ;ley says, restore: restore with all:revel, with mud, :once. It i6 a superb piece of arelliteeture, A eveek Or two, afterwards, Lord Banner- ol its kind and it muet be thuchecl with a dale ,gave a hunt breakfast, ancl made tt gentld hancl. If you are prepared to leave Point of her being present; and she yield, it all to me, I trust I ma:y be able to Make ed though she would antve :preferred -to the present building Worthy of: ite, past. have ',lei:led the meet ,at title ,coverts. 1464 It will be a delightful task for me; but I she rode up, Lord Bannerchtle tame down .enuet tell you frankly :that it will cest :a the etepe to meet her; :and by hiseicle :yeas very large 64411l of meney e how : much 1 a tall, geocigooking y,oung fellow, whexti , ehall be able to '11 form you when I have Icia rightly gueseeteeby his likenese to his got met my Plans and gone into the teal- father; to be Lord Bannerdalo's ,S011, 1111 mate; but, tit any Date, I can say ten. had returned „from liie" travels on the pr'. Phat featly that the 41.. ‚(''4' is worth the ex- ceding night, wee in perfect health and , penditure. Am I :to have -carte blanche?" spirits. mech.:tanned by the sun and rain, I ` "Yes." 'eadd ; 'a Ivial leave it entire. eeented :to nOL99OS2 hie full -share of the I) in your . „ amiability of hi6 anliahlO • fanailY. 116 Thi6 alt least Cite eonid do :with rtho stood, barehe.aeled, at Ruperte head and , Ineneyewhich her, father had so mysters- •t,otiit idais hand to Itelp her to (1 1-111(1(111, ieuelylematle: 1.11 '411 it, the licuse. he tiov, and not only walltedlevith her to the house; el 60; l'vell4 to its eld 'dignity and grand- but ,'111r2 '1! to sit beside liel; the 1, .ligreat arehitect, 40'? 11111' lereaklast-table. In6 people :had 'been talk. Military governor of Belfast; some that he had come to' bring peace, others a sword. Probably the Gov- ernment knew least of til why he tied. been sent. He had been so il,toi4erfally Obeyer 'and tactfai;1' , 111 managing- the troops during the "<T44 ete4 "el v %Wee: useseetlett<4.4S v eke te,111044' After this he did not again see service until the South African War broke out. He was then early in the field, being- present at the first battle of the wtyr, namely, Elands' Laagte, 'wher,e, we 411411411(4 04.4.1 initial success over the Boers. After this is very alert. He speaks with well- weighea 'Word; atId very few of them. Re is extreineI4 suave ,and has quite a pleasing smile, but whe- tiler he is ,smiling or not one 141 ne- ver quite contain what he wishes eep your rn rr ney in the E teteadM ' pire. .."-tet0e0,--4-4ettseessee. Children Need Sugar Pnresugar is necess a.ry to the health of young or oltL Good home-atiade candy, sugar on porriag-a, fruit or bread -not only pleases but stimulates, BuySt, Lawrence Extra Gra nul ated in bags anti lea Sure of the fittest pure canesugar,untoncliedbyhand from factory to your kitchen. rags lot:lbs., 1441 14111., attIbe., Cartoust lbs., albs. FULL 1,11EIGIIT GBARANTEED. Sa.'d besi ecalers'... 1 St, Lawrence Sugar Bell:writs, Lieeted, • Montreal. Ts,4114 Paint over th„. A heave prou:ng d hv a heavy grovt Winter pruning rof tie phint. The Small 1hi11p,1:4u i Here are some of the farm, le , ckety gates and ,.,..'ip-bhod bar., iimbleclown fences; i.,., shed fo • t cows on a rainy ,day ; ..(nd no she'ke... in the field on a hot one ; asli::„ thrown ina vile to leach ; eabb . ,caves left t,o rot in the pat -Ch 5'.11)'l. ows are near ; hog manure lef. ! wash away for .,yealti,; old boards and big apple Itre...e.0 lit,:s.1 hau{1l:e'0 d 4.1411244 as svaste 111411('1111:ofpatting them on he wood ile )1' t ; water and 1,1., a;"ii nsteadof ontbe D odfarmpapeisfor‘ate 4 tf exchanging or saving i o over ; wagons and plows left, ' sheltere; and turkeys alitywe d roost on fences or in trpes. to , imply or what Macready's thoughts really are. Crik*Vret*,,P.3,,VC;,, eat. ,WW.343.4%..4.0444,. r --it's *riti Get a vastly better article. ' 46.'":0,-31- ?ARM 4N,A4V-1' Every Canadian worthy of the name wants to help Canada and the Empire in these strenuous times. One way You farmers can help, and help tremendously, is to buy Canadian and British -made goods. The Metallic Roofing Co., Limited, strongly invites your orders for Corrugated Iron on behalf of their famous "Empire" brand -British -made through and through. Mined, smelted, rolled, gal- vanized 'and, corrugated' within the Empire and without an equal in the world for rust -resisting evalities.and durability. We are selling it to day direct to farmers at the following special cut prices: ORDER 28 Ca,uge---$3.80 per 100 square feet 0 ER NOW _ 20 Gauge --7.3.80,. per. 10 square' feet NOW Use ' "Empire" rugatect , iron and is-..o..A,,,atAsiwa- METALLIC 000FING Limited, MANUFACTURER'S Cot King and D'ufferin Sts., Toronto '. e Freight prepaid to any station in Old Ontario. Terms cash with order.Shingles and build "Eastiasoi" stee cl an also supply Corrugated Ridge Cap, etc., to fiu t or sheets. splendid barn. ' a Some farmers have complained in the paet that, they could not tell -which goode were British -made and :which :were foreign -made. , Irt so far 8', Corrugated Iron is concerned, there hs absolutely nooubt-- "pire" a6 Btisb.ri-made act the old, Union Jack itself. it le abscslutely dependableu for niform 41, 1.011. dEm ng, ease of laying, water tightness. and rueteresiettng durability, You'll never regret buying it. We could :sell you Reystotie and other foNiign-made :sheets, but _We_ prefer to handle 13ritish:matle (4(20:15 and eo ishould you. Prices now reduced. Send 116 your order to -day. Our 30 Year old renutateou is your guarantee of absolute :square dealing. We gladly help You 'with economical suggestions for any. building y,eu are going tO PM LIP. Tell us 'your problems 7-agfM1'2314.7a41EI3lF4YersSit'' 14, a Notes 141 1116' Poultry Yt Growing chicks need ple range. Soiled and contaminated is a frequent ‘source of 1123011114 the young chicks. Feed abundance with vztriet, The chick's eons -tit -titian before the egg that is -hat' laid, Exercise produces 'warm vides pleasure and promote' UStel. "Noss, I'll sell you these stock for 850." "Naw. Surely -Neon 11 44fe.1'23,i 4i "Yes ; hut 7 prepose„,tO buy myself a nice beefst - She (po,Jtmg)-----" 1111111-1 p311 0 ftela 1/1 your fee e47 loaf dityou i Visitor -is yo O'Brien 7 1Vr, Visitot-r '