Exeter Times, 1914-11-12, Page 6A
To Get
o tho!d on Year . ystem.,
t smfeastSngttofaCold
teeted, wilt sooner or later
some .sort of tang troun ie.
ise *aaa that en the first
or nougka yeti, get ria of. it
For thi , p;arp >se we know
as b tter ' than 'Dr, 'Wood's
Syrnn. This Prep.:atien
�7Ct the fl . et for the past
twenty-five yeare, and these who have
u '4 it have slot aver, raiLt: 1.70 ,: S d)" prais
for its
'SFS. a. N. Gil:, `r` a N.,
" January, Janury, ar i^ 1 developedan
awful COW, 1f377,a zt a, r>'4 to ?Yee for so
titian 1' wilt , ,.",r...;r
wauld, turn into
p~sata ptier ,ate . tca bed nuts
?nt'mild nott aa', ,i, 7, at �;;a
t the
emoting e an i ne thle,,at and, ItInga
past sit tares } s wo:nl4 cough. ' X
would tura blank in. the, f a Me
�,'�. �, tent
came to sat e, t,.Ait 't t(t rae of year
ac*mete. Pr.. Wcxsar ':s l az Pre"rat s
It »t `bite i xf iL sad after Z taken
to s :4'` a greatiltange for better,
w, <„ � the .tt�� .
-mother. and when 1 lied taken
-tiles my Bough r i an gone, ,
°ia 1w r• -le r:A4rat'awS ek
5'nr €c1+7 t5 L SACS, h M 1'a"" .an
t"i GRkZ<i� S" 9 '4Ti P„4' 1a $ i t ; rep s Y kt
oven is too hot, Beating eggs and
"YtEMIN butter makes it tough; tleerefore.
Hints for the Home
With (he Banansa.
Few persons know the convent-
ance and delieat'. taste ot cooked
bananas. hew not to bananas born
e•adise their nutritive ya.lne ) el-
nv bananas can be employed in
many excellent gays. They are
fine . plainly Loilecl n1 their skins
and served with erearn or sweet
battier for breakfast. Tbey may be
boiled with to ,t• pork, .(Dr baked
around a leg of fresh iierk (reeled
in last instance), or fried and served
with broiled lateb kidneys and ba-
con. ITeed in this way both the
kidneys and the bananas take on
added ,flavor by being together, . Se-
;,entfrnzt 'ivhzi:h while ripe is yet
} e fectlr firm. Ten minutes are e -
i .t. red fen; boiling :led five or a. thele
.inre for frying. freit will let
>•'aa&, ' ,1t,S� %Shen:.it is done, for it
falls into a 'nap a4 easy to digest
,.s "s_ab>. Led, Baked ba'_T._nas may
take t place ofotat os to a
e. aa� a'N..eare - 1' .-
.t.'P�.,le E2 t.�r." as..t�lE"\' _:' E.'iG`c..
ren}, with all,
: , meat�Bake t fern
their ski fiin t het cut, and puitc 2
neat dtevsion ll'te.< fingers
how to y are $ i e'ressing.
and acid *ea —Veal kid-
<.y aartd e , n re x'te mired
;,t;x of t1tn; t$aN:t,Take;cofZ
l,ttde c' tle
'sem a' only
tete +.ma* d, Ar a'.`.:i:ATS.)41•-^`TM
will inttter in quite an
The kidxtev trmw t bt
hut stili he left a
Fre f n
lilt A
will leo *max
.d.t 'ette time R'I
a. ..
always add the flour last. In filling
the pans let the mixture be a little'
higher on the sides than in the
middle. When the whipped whites
are added do not stir, but turn them
in lightly, so as not to break the
air cells.
The oven 'should be, only moder-
ately hot at first. so that the Bake
call get heated through and can
rise before forming a crust. The
beat should then be increased so
that, when the cake has been in the
oven one-half the time required for
baking, a light crest will be formed.
Moving or jarring the eake before
the air cells are fixed is almost sure
to eaase it to fall. Do net open the
..`en door for the first five minutes;
.ftc 2 than it may be evened and
,hist gently. C"ake takes from fif-
teen minutes t.-). ,$n hone to bake, ac-
ordin' to the kind and thickness.
It Is lane when a brnem straw man
into it comes out e letan and smooth,
Be' sure the eake is done before re-
moving it from the oven. 1. -et at
stand a few minutes in the tin an 1.
it will then c".vie out
Useful Hints.
a remove the r.ne *?sitzo from a black
art° dark tea_ skirt, rub well with
}Ilene of flannel
{lipped in spirat. of
tun* and die ?4�in alae openopenat;°. . en asmall clock is. Area a, -e_
end z .
- it will be found vein- ns dal
:ae M ek room. Setthe hands
Y$e(Irart R' given to
the a'?dose be
h l it'
in the inside; this slight
a'aptoves. the Unite and
tender, When cooked,
tics one side and put
Rat to tengthwtse
eel)sp►xhatted wdtif
�. �bitd ttztt
n, hut all time.
beside the
wed eat at
d{tannxl -Tis
p `epar- -..
a few lad mmaat *a mmc<tice. Pel
may lint: barna na Cut MTh a
to;eees au crit the
d`Daadd `tfend itt e1moupetd
kind .ei:9mt•a ,peatnuts,
nuts. Lay en. a deaf
m^m?m+ with a. tittle
a great
Airit4 u1tl17
and Fusel
17gt ree. l
us aaaiitr
to apply • at:;
twill not mice,
S6t' e?aet +..rde
t et apt tt I rrt°
tap the
it f e-
delay and disap-
r pec►, to
eggs, at1c8€ ilii: 1,
umax ffar ane taenia aa;
aeeled mind ipaata
9 Sia i e l➢it'ees.
plunge in
r fa( lun
f tltrnc'
Aorta ban.
Pinar the .._.
-tial to tie
tri* hitt. re
9t lit"t'F C
ifted flip
Plate half
in as larg ppy
0/alfalfa of 4 was. bejnU__
f:tit 4if ;tilt, her. The new
tiara; t,f tanillta stories high an(t cos is waiaaui sztut�
r with a. evtaoden over a, million dollars. The main
Just balm' contract has been let to Stone &
tin of the three Webster, and one o the conditions n�a real bravery in Peter, feu" eta
ter and gently ' is that /alt sub -contracts will her bravery • gas silent as the deep w
ht'itw cut six! given to Canadian firms. Material'ftowing stream. Its presence need as
each in T•t�o.nscrci an tlae c,+nsta`nciti.,n he
q" a 03, a, 4SaameLthat he did no Typhoid'nod the Soldier,
need the heat o.f a Are. And tht
cock f'rew :'.Ibis was the first :yarn 11z. n illiam Oster urges the 1
inn, derewas still time to ge ar nvanther/tics to S•aeci
llteets of ti
lies, upon W
^e etarn.Diatia
y(�nt the
llaai Maait2 _A FriG
n lIow
Shell ID�t `atln��
„ Forming
t f3
rc�a. f era
taErr•The British Soldier is adifficult person to impress or depress, even by immense shells idlvd
,iplosive which detonate with terrific aiolenee and form craters large enough to act as graves for Axe Ie German howitzer shells are eight -to nine inches fli)T#T and on Yznpart eolllns of greasy black smoke, On adcrzmtot}stl
az'?as Jack Johnsons by the soldiers. 11.s. resCaaaonryrcoezzeenstfrrnda tatlseL
illl ee e., oft.Tb � osert,I,sttffT whose narrative has been tfieially published by the Press �trcaz.Our drawing vividly shows the
irlelsG craters made a'the German 1olvitzer shells and the dense mass f black snlede they make onbursting as they tTtfilt.'-?Faca by W. Lae�kloek, I?loatrated War News,
of camphor en Mac+
w l give the mouth a
feeling, and it wilt
rats and prevent any-
" ; {3m'. affections of
ash on''
++:pl•Ld g
,icts in hag along
other than aneumulate
rent pienes. Wine
dditi0Lial one is
set Til
a 4
e l
t ardlila
ng the
r until
sen pest 'it
nd. rt will tl
irag 'ccxti.
kiA its Lf�ew
. TI.QNA l; iSt.
tti It f .
,Iesais and Pet .
Text o 12.
27. Al be offended—.
e when Jesus :nigh
n all his attention
inks of the disciples.
tlffer because a him
And he wanted to re
pain, it was Inevitable
laseepahatireditaliFt betaken and
Howbeit, after am raised
will go before you into Galilee
would be unittd again and
'OW of Gethsemane altd /he pain
ry were rto bo changed into
29, But Peter said %into him, Al -
Peter not only boasted
because of his supposed
he also diseredit;11 the
ny Me thrice - Je:-us 'knew Peter.
spoke quietly to him. It wnuld
a most seem as though Jesus spoke
so (.111:::eali.l.y that the nthers di<1 nut
spake exceeding voile -
l'Illr$1.:CESS AS
nilttan Is Setting au
Other 31 unielpallti „
Hamilton. Ontiario, has actepted
he British motto "Business
'St V' and evidently has sueeeet
making business a little bi
than ordinary.
en to do thing.; in a. big way
onstrnetinn of the new Royal
work on which
week in Oeto-
le t
09, The maid turned to those that work of The Prelleh arnlY (hla
0 od Ily and Fain, pointing to pe. and of British army surgeons, par
er, This is one of them, She was Ocularly in India, has shown nen-
"'re and Positive. "One of them." etusively the remarkable reductiuu
ENcryhodv in that, tiourtyard knew the incidence of typhoid when
nho -them" referred to and who
trick ean by sticking its head '
hidden himself by denial ait the es
Peter WaS. Ile could as little have ,n, e.thirahti,34140,-Ni:psertiebn(lerecinogthitile eA4Imenfiittri-
the sand. ase is so much more preval
y is of special ['OAK', as the
70: And Alter a littl hal the United States. The number
evidently stoed by aking a,es M the home army has fain
bow a front as possible. By keel) from 3.53 per thousand men te
m company wah the enemies 0.03 in ,,,ix, years, and the death rate
JeFus he would be aneounted an
enearty, At least so he thought. But
twine, hut several Ones. was
Peter nonfrouted with the fact. lie
not only looked like a Galilaea
hut he spoke like e, What wen
night wizen the reitt,IWne4,1 prophe
at 1401,11t' and abroad
of 60,06- there
'deaths. a
has been thorn the
v the fact tha
the yea
the pi Apu-
tfIlleeN the
The Old Fashioned Purging
and Griping Action of Pills
is Now DOite Away With.
unlock the secretions, clear away all
waste and egete matter from the system,
and give tone and vitality to the whOle
intestinal tract
They do this by aeting direstly eu the
liver, and making the bile pass through
the bowels instead of allowing it to get
into the Wood, and thus causing cousti-
Pation, jaundice, catarrh of the stomach
and similar troubles.
*Mrs.:1„4.1\L Ratchford, Teterboro, Ont„
writes; "Having been troubled for
years with constipatien, and trying many
different remedies' which ditl nto to gond
whatever, I was asked to try 7,AfilbtimA$
Laxa-LiVer Pins. Inhave found them
m• end them to people wl,o suffer from
▪ milburins nana-niver Pills are 25c
or dealers, or Mailed direCt 012 reCeil7t. of
price by `The T. Milburn Co., ',hutted,
re e ti
mereittl World.
The ail nAorn in London a,re
m4,1 Teetavlec,
v ed nitien recently arrived 04
Tin- 1, alert, were mans from ti
11110,41red Birmingham
men hav joined the arraY,
hrinin, the thud etilisnment
itv up to 20,000.
National Relief Fund
n• steadily tit the 14ne
now been renehed.
Gernannis England
heir for Tbi-
was on trial if he avere not of the -1,11":e. d 1
xa ee nen raptured an n.,
eompany of the prophet?
71. But he began to rause and 14 1,..,9,1:21,f11:3tiliTietti.rtlh"inustmn
speak—The abysi w.118 yawning; 14608; and in man
loadlearn He ditl nut convince his
;winners that he bad not been 0me
of Jinats's followers. His denial:,
with eur,ing• and swearing, Might
h,tve w-sured them that he hod left
Jeso,, and now was not a disciple.
7:2. And Straightway the second
'e Mently—A great many people take t,
vehemence for much ntrength. is
frequently the dissipation o,f what
little strength remains. There was
me the cock crew. And Peter
nape to nand the word ---He was so
busy denying when the eock crew
nger that be did not. notive the
Found. Now he had gone
far as he eonld in denying Je-
is to them in the , le in Canada as far as posbible
fat and and the work is to be dnne by
Canadian workmen. Every one of
the 250 rooms has a bath in con-
nection, and in equipment the ho-
tel will ha the equal of anything on
the American continent,. "Oho Harn-
'Iton Bridge Company has the oon-
minutes. inning with •
once in a while. Lift u
; drain on a towel and
i r'n all round. Serve with
one iatilespoonful of t for the steel work, which is
sugar. Mix well with now ready for delivery, so there
e. minutes. I3oil in a. will be no delays, and several Min-
* postage, .If other_ pan if -half cup of milk and dred thousand dollars will be paid i
se a
far▪ mers in
4,ae.halt cup of cream, adding in wages during the next twelve
iceur. seven drops of vanilla. As soon as months.
r potatoes,. from lit enms to a boil. pour gradually The following distinetaighed
other province
should bee ad d p ne pro -
paid) to the Superintendent of the
nearest BranCh Experimental Farm
t province.
Dir Dominion Experimental
Wife (after callers had gone) —
How dare you scold me before nom -
dear, I don t dare to do it when we `
over the eggs and sugar continually names appear on the Board of
stirring meanwhile. transfer into Directors :—Sir Sohn Gibson, ex -
a saueepan, set pan on the fire, Governor of Ontario; L. H. Frost
feeasinA stirring, but do not allow puny. Southam, of the
m nutee without president Frost Wire Penne Com -
to hell. Remove the pan from the Hamilton Spectator; Col. D. R.
fire. Strain through a cheesecloth Moodie, Cyrus A. Birge, of the
into a bowl and serve. Canada Screw Co., and other
Banana Souffle—A delicious hot
dessert to be s.:erved in rainekins
made of one eupful of ban.an as -chop-
ped very fine, two cupfuls of cream
whipped stiff and five eges. Stir
he fruit and cream together care-
ully without destroying the light -
Hands Would Trernhle So She Colild ot
Hold Paper to Read.
Whet the nerves become shaky the
whole system seems to become unstruno-
and a general feeling of collapse occurs,
as the heart works in sympathy with the
nerves. i
n1rs. -%rin, Weaver, Shallow Lake, Ont, f„
writes: "1 doctored for a year, for my i-ec
heart and nerves with th- • ,ent
doctors, but they did not seem to know I
what wai the matter with inc. My
7,-,1e-rves got So bad at last that I tonic' I
not hold it paper in my hands td, read, (-
the- • they trembled. I gave ill)
thilakinE- if could not get' better.,
A B.tcly living a Few doors from me ad-
.2.na Ncr.ce ao to please her did,
beaten, but not separated, and half
fill the buttered ramekins with the
mixture. Bake in a guide o-ven until
they are light ard delicately brown-
ed. Serve with sugar and crea,m
soon as they come from the Oven.
souffle will Ball if it is allowed to
stand until it e.00ls.
To Make Good Cake.
Ono of the most thorough recipe
)ooks gives a list of rules far mak-
ng cake, whida, if they are -care-
ully followed, will result in good
ake nine times out of ten. Good
ake is a matter of c.arefillness and
)reeision, not ot luck. Have the
veights and measures exact. Do
let mix the cake until the oven is
-rifirely ready for it to go in. Sift
he lieu): before measuring it. II
iaking powder or eream of tartar_
s used, sift it with the flour -
Mix the cake in an earthen bowl
with a wooden spoon. Beat the
,yolks and whites of the eggs separ-
ately. Grease the tins with lard,
as butter blackens. , Add a quarter
of a teaspoonful ef salt to all cakes.
If the. rake cracks open as it rises
Goo much flour has been used. 'If
it rises in a cone, in the centge the
anci l\Terve Pills are
50 coats per bo hp'xes fOr 51.25; at
druggists,oin„ 'al'ers, or /nailed direct
'S11, eeeeipt ,The T. Milburn
prominent Hamiltonians.
Another instartee of Hamilton's
progressiveness is the acquiring of
the Canadian Branch of Proctor
Gamble, manufacturers of Ivry
S,nap and Crisco. This firm is build-
ing a million dollar plant, work on
which was started snme weeks ago.
Public works are being prose-
cuted with something more than the
ordinary vigor, and Hamilton is
setting an example that other
cities might well emulate. To
whine about "war conditions'' and
cry "hard times" ,is the sure.st way
to create a feeling of uneasiness
that will result in accentuating the
to be admired„and its result is what
mighb be expected.
Ethel (finding the sermon tedious
and thinking it high time for the
collection)—"Oh, mother, do pay
the man and let's go home !"
"Sued for breach of promise,
"Temporary insanity, and I expect
to prove it by the love -letters • I
Bobbien''. said his aun t, re-
proachfully, `'Why is It you never
remember to say' "Thank you ``T
expeot it's 'cause I don't get things
given to M e often erniugh to prac-
tice !" answer -ed the ,young diplo-
net he announeed. If inut the
with I) en—His t te ranee gams in
emphasis as it loses in pilidence.
And in like manner also said they
all—Peter was so loud and dent:nye
in his declarations that the other
disciples felt they had to make some
protestation of fidelity and bravery.
Then, too, they were safe in the
security of seclusion—and Jesus was
with them.
Verses 52, 54. See Lesson Text
Studies for ,November 1.
66. Beneath in the court—The
trial was taking place in an upper
room One of the maids of the high
priest—There was no restl evident -
lye in the house of the high priest
during those hours of darkness
6'1'. Warming himself—The nights
are cold in Palestine even at Easter
time. The climate is similar to that
of some parts of California, How-
ever hot the days may be the
nights are cool and 'a fire is wel-
nome. Peter had not So far for-
gotten his own perSonal needs as
to be indiffe,rent to the oold. She
looked upon him—Doubtless she
was concerned about 'other duties
and would not have been attraeted
by a man warming himself at the
fire had there not been something
unusual about this man, The air of
the high priest's courtya,rd was elec-
tric with the, fact of the capture of
the prophet. So the eyes even „of
the servants would be k:een and the
ears a.lert to anything' out , of the
ordinary. Thou aleo waist,. with ,the
Nazarene, even Je srus—Ther e are in
the words both certainty and a
taunt. She is in no doubt,
68. But he denied, saying—He
was caught and he know it. He
now dees what tlie coward always
does; tries to evade the, issue. 1
neithei.• know, nor understand What
thou sayest—This maid spoke a dia-
lect different from that which Peter
used. It would seem that Peter,
understanding plainly what she
'said, 'tried! In` make out' he did not
understand her. Eithel^ is the
interpretation, of Peter's words or
he wanted in shoW ignc-iranee of
what really was going on that
night. Either view 'indicates the
ool ishness Peter. And 1)e went
hurry, or she atta.ched conse-
nuence to the Presence of Peter:
He had an opportunity to get away.
e may well believe that he was
Ants, and, doubtless, hp also felt
assured he WAS in no danger of
bndily harm, He was meditating
the awfulness of his act when the
cock crew the secOnd time. Now
ivhen he thought thereon, his better
nature, his true self, came to the
front,. He could look upon his true
other s..11, his evil side. 'which I
caused to deny his Master.
d what a, mean, small, shrunken
self he saw!
Hight Lieut. C. II. Coliet
TuE WA YFA BBB S" LIBRA It Y. who droppcd three. he mbs. On tiz
Zeppelin Elie.c1 at Dusseldorf. 11
The publishers of Everyman's Li-lf4,rmerly lived Winnipeg.
brary have been considering a
means to broaden its scope. In at-
tempting this it has been deemed
advisable not to deviate from the
lines on which the library was ori-
gmally planned, but to supplement
it with a detached 'arm which they
have christened , the '`Wayfarers'
Library„" Whil e the object of
Everyman's Library was and is to
make easily available the greatest
classics of all tune, the ann of the
Wayfarers' Library is. to present'. to
al process sinee the
ginnin war.
ert1f0, of the 0th Battalion Einn'.4
ni I Rifles, was eat to pienes
xdaera „speczal votive found a.
arge +am tied 13. the line.
Liver ww, visited hy
torrential thneanip-
tont win, fit .1) bac-
ang to be se n
t11.1 fan' r
lade an einest appeal
loci-mt., and gave a ..,,plendid vitae.
King Edward and King Glenrain
;tined in ,tone, have bean plated
One of the leadinn banks in Voir
ili‘a Mnjeetv'e Service, by the
mploymmit of 'lady el erks.
iitrilibanipthn S:1,14
and magistrate. died suddenly
the Banister Paris bowling ganni
while playing the winning ehnt.
The Firet Battalion of Tirailleinn,
under the command of Colonel
Wemblen where the men are. en-
camPed, t lin Belgian Consul -Orn -
Talbot, has sent home to his liar-
CIAS at Stevenage, Herts., the offi-
cial flag of the German vessel which
the Talbot eaptured and brought
into Falmouth.
The two amateur football clubs at
Maidenhead have contributed „ no
fewer than fifty membetes to Lord
Kitchener's army. Both clubs have
abandoned all matches, includia g
cup contests.
61111 Sileneers in War.
Sir Hiram P. Maxim, the inventor
of the Maxim gun silence'', ex-pects
that the present war will demon-
strate the military advantages of
his invention, just as the British
'battle with the dervishes at Khar-
tum demonstrated the value of his
the .reader the multifa,rious phases father' s machine gun. Ac co inii ng
o t e which have their interpre,ta- to the World's Work, the Maxim
tion in the jlohter field of modern gun silencer so muffles the noise of
firing thae the commands of the
litAeiratitiutttriegth ,Fic:ii.tu mu.st neo.oss.arily officers can he heard more distinct -
figure largely in the list, this is no ly and thus enables them better to
haphazard ra_issue. of no.veis, but a control the firing. The soldier, t-oo,
forrnula;te a collection of books suffers less from nervous strain and
sincere and purposeful attempt to
*well shall a,de,quately rapresent consequent fatigue. The silencer
the romanticism and ima gin ative- irnneolittlel°c:eltilsYntilllenuilsi:elheca8°tiptihtbeolnoawogi.seeni'cbleuhtepuasslohslo--,
ness of'Our own time.
Tlie Library will be' far reaching
in its scene, exten.cling from the dier,'' says.the World's Work, `rno
quaint }rumour of maTk Twain i3O longer flinches instinctively as he
of pulls the trigger. That is conducive
taeanleh 3,i,stowleicyliTilla,,an,d,v,:n1110,tioitrioliiyisTiroetsisaided -t0 better marksmanship, and by
ief sle'ta°s7,, Acbiline5sruot Pi eneunD6ses°,1Eil,er iGi,e. Gaidll. i 1.1-1:1..le'csRisltaeis _-- Tr eh:01(11,i mi ntl'u. etaids 'Ile s IhetileeltileolailsYe' sof 'cli ihf-
ficultY' in loca tin gethe firing lin e.
"Just look at the trouble money
can get you into. ,Yes, bn, loot
at the trouble it Can get you out
`Elie man who is ,no tion ten with
merely fulfilling orderi; butt who
pitts'Itis Mind int() his own work, is
absoltttely annulled in the dark.",:
that .was the; e:Gt e").<1
nothing ; he said the ,saltn. e,thiing
, but as One growscqittlet';:oni-
Never say die. Expir soonds
more classy.
is The Cause of Boils and Pimples.
When boils or pimples start to li,reak
out on your face or body you niayrrest
them it will be necessary for you to
purify it by using a good medicine that
• ve All the impurities out of the
• Burdock Bload Bitters is a blood puri-
fying remedy. One that has been on the
market for the past forty years. One
that is known from one end of the country
to the-. other as the best blood purifier
in exislente. It cures boils, pimples and
all other diseases arising, ft -6m bad blO•od.
. Andrew t oilier River Glade,
1ST.B., was 'troubled with 1;oils Tor years,
in fact, did not iknow what it was to he .
' rid of tin'exiii,until 110 Used Burdock- Blood'
mr. -Otto Boyce, Yarker, On t„ haci
his.fa.f..,eitantlnecinbreak out with pimples.
He.tried several kinds of meclichie with
out success. Two bottles et' Burdock
Blood Bitters banished them.
B.B.B., is manal'actured only by i lie
', T. Milburn, Co.; Limited, Toronto. Ont.