Exeter Times, 1914-11-12, Page 4�If it a`ZY i�l�ecOReirciaeAci
s a �rip,ttaat� tka agcad a.�al t3k'�sl�
al► ihieSlCal aaddessaiathe ae at
less antiRest,CoMseeitteri
Illimi Marplan, liSls % l
BRE? $eed-
ors a That
w u R
Gerrraaris Are
effort to, Take Ycres,
iritish Are Stili Holding' PQsititrn and
1-14Te. Actually :zfado Sever it Ad-
All Efforts to Iixslocige
'.kher11-Success of Russia, Draws
More Troojrs Front West.
LONDON, Juno ap, l oldavizzg tsar
comparative lull of the past few stays
i �l�i �
n 1�c 5 fins and aloatg the line all
,lort',hwestern France., the -Germans
thrown six hundred thousand
as into the fight for Ypres, held b3'
and '^reit az forces. When at
seemed that the final word had 1,;eml.
reached io the parrs�4ious conflicts on
his front he lighting of yesterdt,,y is
ic-elaved to be t R r them -t,:, 1 ?'
fore. w M +, ppositig armies s €ran 1 5
elto a ;regiments come back
reds. Dor aha fol e e et jr ming the
cs F1„' -ill itoh n ail l avt ac01-
Ll it.
u-a,t se), er° l loo:<z'.s
assaults areunder
risk -ac
afii t WM be the 13
ahtllit. Either force
T h-aUi awat
4013aRtiglle `-
1ta'agre details
li be eras; ra
et` way.
e tri.
Mrs.DoucetteTells, of herDis-
tressing Symptoms Dat<ring
6..8Ta3tkge of. Life How
She Found Relief.
Rellevtile, Nova Scotia, Can. --"Three
ears ago f was suffering badly with
what the doctors
ailed Change of
ife, 1 Was so bad
hat I had to stay in
bed. Sortie friends
old ante to takeLydia
•PhIlthafti's Vege-
able Compound and
helped me from
he first.; It is the
pally medicine 1
took that did help
tie and I recommend
You dol3't l new how thankful and
grateful!, am. I give you permission
to publish 'what your good medicine has
done for me," -Mrs. SOWN , D4a¶.i1G T E
Belleville, Yarmouth Co, Nova Scotia, '
Such warhd'og syaapterns as sense of
;ial#i=cacaticn,hot il;ashes,headaclies,back.-
clfes,ctread of impending evil, timidity*
eRlpda. ill isle earn pal in Miopi. iaf viae
A.nrrp li
!ether tirktt it is harp 5i
ry mens intta ltinl Play teas' tat
i:111,113R ill pa,rracua (l sal£% e
foe. Bayonet
tlae 4tia r and Sang
marl; eatery Iwttr of the tv. 14
. ps-ig which roll
erveat to cu901illlcnte
,.. a.ti11 her yesterday. A.viatcar3
ire lzllalaraa3 Ill the face of tsars
ll cavalry patrols
V halt «tni esr of atumbh.iug hoar. ,l
enc files,
lad simile 3 of
solutio are
uta iaarlaly t67 tIBLIr yawzn and all'
nI sal IT t3agadvance have
1. rlptlwr assault waiv
heart; sparks before the eyes, 1rre,R,.
lorities, constipation, variable appetite,
weal:ness and inquietude, and dizziness,
are promptly heeded by intelligent wo-
men who are Approaching the period ill
life when woman's. great ebapge may
be expected,
Lydia E. ginitham's Vegetable Coal
land iapvigoraltes and strengthens the
iaie organism and builds alp the weak
ervous system. It has carried
eaa safely through this crisis.
It tea 1r tit Spee€3l advice write to
Lydia E, iptltItatlt esiieineCo. (confit,.
IMO) Lynn, +.[ase. Trott- letter will
opened, read .bai{i answered by a
isle, and, held b strict confidence.
Gi1:ICAGO, Nov., 3.-Sped}latt;ve #ailIxagl:
due to the absence of arty` radical bui1M
ash news, operated as a drag today on.
the wheat market. Pricer at the -close
were unsettled, %e to %e lower thars
Saturday night. Other cereals, too, suf-
fered a net decline -corn %e to %,c, and
oats ire to%C• in provisions, the out,
conte was unchanged to 100, +IOWA,
Wheat, fall. bushel .,..$1 16 to 5....
Goose. wheat, bushel.., 3, 15
Barley. bushel . 0 Cr 0 68
Peas, bushel 1 60
Oats, bushel , 0 6A 0^55
Rye, bushel .r.,,. , 0 91?
Butter, creamery. lb, sq,, 0 29 0 se
Butter. ereamery, soUds.. 0 28 0 29
Butter, separator. chary„ 0 27 0 23
Cheese, new, large 0,16
C`leeeee iiew, tea iae 0 aeSS •
.Eggs. thew -laid , ,. ,0 35
Eggs, cold -storage , 0 28 0 29
Honey, new, Ib ,,., ,,, 012
Honey, combs, doyen,,,2 50 300
TORONTO, Nov, 9,-Quotatirns
on the Board of Trade are as follows;
blaaritoba wheat -.Lake ports, new prop,
No., 1 northern, 5146, No, 2 northern,
3%; bNa� 3 zartIl rA
> '
cats -Pay ports. cid ` crop"
Ne 9 C,W.rr sa =c.[ No. 3 6',b �,. Cii%�c;
new crop, NT O.W,, 61 3tef Ny,a,wM
Q, O.�1lr
Ontario wheat -Car lots. suo, ix* ;1.12.
outside, aceerdrag to freights,
outariu oats -New. outside, 49e to Ne-
-411/04104r4 corn -Fresh S1pelled. NyO-
1'43ti4azy s3ta. Toronto; +G'aaradh;an carni 82e„,
�y�� {Q
ia�ea1,''P''�'""dnl Q. ,P 'll*223 '41.,;,4, car lots,
outside. nominal.
parr, `", tr, 4 to ti44, outside, nominaat.
Burley,-Goott malting barley, outside,
3133 to 70e; k34arplt0ba barley, Otic w 73e,
lake nods,
Reno eats -pee beg of 99 ors„ .'3;1,05
An asia;rlier lots, tO 31.35; 5; per 'barrel,
X6,20, 'Mak. ate, Windsor to Montreal.
glielaw1iezt '68o to Silo.
flllteoditir loin, ger ton, bran, 533 to
320 shorts, 325 to 32$1; wdddiangs,. 92f to
6.6: 'anok geed
Neel ft hf-First Pateasts4.
. 90.00 lir.
bas: second patents, 90.10 la bags,
aero neat,-•Xellow, ss*puvatt gelid; 32.60
to 32.75.
Ontario flour -Winter, 90 per cont, Pa-
tente, 94,60 to 34.70 Alontreal or Tgronte
freights, in bulk, nominal_
tVINNlBEG ORMs✓, 111Aii.'
WINNIPEG. Nor'. 9,»T710 Whe
t inti steady Ode morning. There
Live'rOciuil pestes gUott.a . brat it, diad
rs30o1,1 vakuea there were rrtlehaeiaa'td.
was light ,generallea ;Who, m-
w-e oder reeelRats. q iRte ik Wt K23'
g was beim; brought ant. tIao cape -
the time being; an easier tear.. -sad
etlonaltl' Roarer, 1+ater Orate
orad lowing of May fa➢trarea
caaasing a strengthening, c.t
h demand for cul eat was
.,-nisei* were also warritil
Gdl 4att03waa ,mak at "ro a asrE4 Bold.
ooal a"ilts for port stare been merit
d and export ftrzns were cleave barer*
Of both futures and vatah gr:atns. :Wine
nipett wheat futures clpsed ?tie to ale
higher, oats closed lac W tower, while
flax closed unchanged
Winnipeg cash: Wheat -No. 1 nerdit'rn,
12111; No.: tlo . $1.37:$; No. 3 do.. 31,RT
4 la. 51,073x: No, 5 do9`a4ic: NO.
0 do., 2411.e.
Oats -No. 2 C.ti ,.; 57e; :1o. a C,W., 14o;
atm. No. 1 feed, Site.
Batson 'o 3 710,Se; Nee a, 611ae;
.. ..n. ere e:.., �.....r- ee..'a
'A„� . s,
, ,ion
Super or
to 4.ztdp. nit t ipity,
la.tat. tztad Chicago
rcaatto S 6l.tu ;odes Detroit"
aaiel'Chicog*$+, 44i p.m, daily
Lvov eaa 11. wT ti m, anises Detroit l aid
tx,m. and t ilitogo S illi p w. dotty,
spring, anipraa't.rnt c:enneetiona with'
,ens for Western Strates
Leave Torontai 9 a.m. w..•1) D.M. and
p na, daily. Berths reservations etc,
4:, T. R. 1 ur'Qct offices.
SAE .,�E
At Grai ion, west. prices
Hemlock Lumber
'Rough Pine "a t
Dressed and Match Pine
13. 4J. Red Cedar Shingles
T.N-. 13, If% hite Cedar Shingles
_Red Cedar Fence Posts 9 feet 1
'Bed Cedar Fence Posts 10feet
Ali' Styles of Woven
Wire Fence and Gates
B 411-e Cement
113 a
ris! Try it? Hair gets soft, fluffy and 1
Facatrliful-Get a 25 cent bottle
11 you care for heavy hair that giie-
•'zens with 'beauty and Is radiant with
ahfe; sass an incomparable softness and
„an fltay and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
!lbeantr of your hair, besides it inn:flea
"eliately dissolves every particle of
'dandruff. You can not have nice
heavy, ealthy hair if you. have
-dandruff, 'This destructive scurf robs
elle -anat. of its 'lustre, it8 strength and
fits -very life, and if not overcome it
roduce-J a feverishness and itching of
scalpf the hair roots famish,
n and tde; then the hair falls out
. Surely get' a 25 -cent bottle of
lip 1ra
ser. Ont.
rad t zalazgc rats; sense tai
ssplaceuierrtsif intcrttalE3 gaxtsa
desire 3o crg, palpitatacsrsi
.s, dark rings nu iliac ayes,
rt 4 tesest in life, irlvito tool
nth aaalc for my simple met od. taf
atmeat, with, ten days' trues
:els mtdl postpaid, also reference
azr ledits who gladly tell. how'
ate 1ned stealth, strength, an
tlria zxletbod, W 'ite to -day.
rs, hll.atuiuier, Box. "sill
but without
4ttat14#`,1 bear
lfarlltry Smart*
Si4R11 titfkt ZQUt.
r aizvxa ttatl➢ty.
114'1?4:'.ti. I'br
a7sa lli.a c avoid'«
uct wtitlnaetl azar
This maa1t3kan 're
over ragaial, varied las,
in, 'which Tommy 1
florae than held his
JR mon is very sertou
Ants bazea hist nearly al
tars, lead as number of sulfa
'tnles having been .rabsurh-
etborn only less distressed. i
1' avtltlaided f„ constantly !nor -
nosh card in this War' Omer
talt;'.f14 ut the French lame met witli
seeiieiat sutaco: on their centre anal
ixart"tttt' right. The situation Milner
steadily around Verdun.
hrrivate advices from Berlin, by
away of t' opeulaaigen,, eon.drm the re-
port that the Germans are traaXsfer-
r➢.lig n considerable number of troops
rum the west to the east.
The Gorman newspapers bare not
published the news of the great Rus-
oiiart advance to the Silesian frontier.
The news has boon confirmed that
isle Crown Prince, in person, is com-
manding the central army on the
eastern front of battle.
Another Berlin report declares that
the Germans most decidedly have not
abandoned their project of reaching
Calais. The report adds that the main
object of the western operations Is
still to open a road to the French
A despatch from Berlin received
last night by the Marconi Wireless
Telegraph Co., says:
"Main headquarters reports that
several of the enemy's ships again at-
tacked our right wing yesterday af-
ternoon, but were rapidly driven off
by our artillery."
The correspondent of The Amster-
dam T1)d at Antwerp says: 7;, .
"The movenkent of ,German. troops
from :the western theatre of ,the war, -
on a big scale '1s now progressing. A
large ,numbers" appear: to haye, been
withdrawn Boni the*Yser.
"long military trains'fill;d with
amen, and am` munitions- are' moving
into Germany by way of Brussels and
Louvain." •
A `despatch from Berlin says that a
panic exists over the advance of the
Russians into Eastern Prussia, and
troops are being:rushed to Poland
from Belgium.
C PC,nir
ri .+::'.:, ti i a Metal si II.i+ C:.,.
,a1 Ela i:aaiir«:t4' Sidings
Prussia Vi here Germans
Sfsut'iuthls -- Ruesinns
caf German Trenches
:la to Iia;isx.
Ttft)Olt.11). Dov« 11).-•-'e'iats fol -
Towing eomanun➢aetrtitr a Froin the Rue -
:den General :$tuff 'tvas issued last
"On the East Prussian frontier
lighting continues, The Itussia,a
troops bave occupied Solap, (Gol-
dap?) In the direction of Mateo. (Po-
land) we have advanced and stopped
the movement of railway trains of the
enemy near the stations of Soldaa
(East Prussia),
"Beyond the Vistula, the Germans
have withdrawn. from VSloelawek to
Niesznma and from Korvin to Shepey
"On the roads:- to Cracow we are
continuing to push back the rear
guards of the Austrians.
All the zones of contact are now
inside German territory. The Rus-
sians took 1,500' wagons laden with
coal standing in.lthe :railway sidings
in East Prussia in positions which the
Germans had evacuated. The Russian
Huge Army le Now In Perfect Con-
dition For War.
LONDON, elovfl 10. - The corre-
spondent of 'f he Times in Warsaw,
telegraphing under date of Nov. 6,
says that atter spending a fortnight
in the poissu field of operation, he
has arrived at the conclusion that the
Russian organizations is at last under
watin every nrection, and that with-
in/thirty tta3i., Cernaany either will
haVe su.b.Luit to an invasion by vast
Russian hose, or withdraw substan-
tial bodies el her best troops from
the western 1.4,,aller.
ing every
ige army is now mov-
ision which is remark-
napidit3r and smother -
action with its
-tusports is keeping
mo,ftng forward
Trade of Austria Suffers,
VENICE, Nov. 10.--Lilow severely
tbe trade of Austria has been affected
by the war is revealed in an official
report of the Austrian Ministry of
Commerce, a copy of which has just
reaehed here from Vienna.
According to this docuraent Aus-
tria's imports of September amounted
to 111,000,000 crowns (322,200,-
000), as compared to 260,000,000
crowns 0352,000,000) in September
of 1913. The decrease in exports was
tnucb greater. They amounted in
September of this year to only 61,-
000,000 crowns (312,000,000), bare-
ly one-quarter of the total reached in
September, 1913.
tian -De Wet, the rebel leader, ;says
reenter's Pretoria cerrespondent, "has,
been in conta.te,w,ith and dispersed -a -
small •Government coromandee under
Gen_ Cronje, a member of the Legis-
lature, near 'Doornberg. In the
course uf the fighting Gen, De .Wet's
sonGDaniel, was "killed.
seirding strong'
t3aarflll'G avltl! 1
tools ants, t`,a4i
Haat the fu -a
cir sant
hell, of ti
s arroundln
t?, t 1"iia F,on doll, a
tau d:
Yaws" LIavtstiat
Belgian ton
�;r6Ure ttia1t, t
The Sup•,
1 4'ntrusta'tt
believed pos•
ala fault that alae
the cavalry
. The Cavalry
and t atrenclrlog
Matv'itz tells tae
proud to charge
of the t:av airy.
that the cavalry,
opportunity to use
we succeed,. with the.
r God who already has
iQ many sueee6Ses,
U. S. Goverunient SIC:Teets Existence
of Secret StUtIORS.
WASHINGTON, NOV. 10, --Persist-
ant reports that hidden wireless Ma -
tions aloag the coast of Um United
States are serving as information
bureaus for belligerent cruisers at sea
has caused the navy te enjoin the
Navy Department to locate and de-
stroy such stations it they actually
According to the reports, both Ger-
man and JapaneSe have the concealed
wireless outfits. One is said te be lo-
cated in the woods of the Maine coaSt,
another in the northwest, and still
another on the Florida, peninsula.
Japanese Army For Europe?
TOKIO, Japan, Nov. 10. -Since the
fall of the German position at Tsing-
tau, the question of Japan sending
an army to Europe has begun to at-
tract increasing attention. The idea
finds considerable support in military
circles, where it is believed that such
a move would be welcomed by
Executions In COnstautinteple.
LONDON, Nov. 10.-A large mine:
ber of public executions have taken
plade in Constantinople in the past
few days, the victims being preidipal-
ly those of opposite opinion to' the
Government. The police maintainthe
striotest watch and tbe expression of
any idea favorable to peace or the
allies is worth a man's life.
Serria Defeats Austrians.
LONDON, Nov. 10.-Reuter's Nish,
Serviae ,correspondeet reports that
there was severe fighting Nov. 6 on
all the Servian fronle, the Austrians
losing 1,000 killed and being com-
pelled to retire to their former posi-
tions before Shrbats.
13eck ,the mar, who latriployed the
:lures. detective. agents to • unearth
pubilised in Montreal In a
Whlle devoted primarily to the
tier_ ,public affairs it is by e ,no
made ap every weak of cleGer -car-
soinewhat caustic come
cc r.nr:b !,c tiss are several of the best
v-reR cr.d collections of information'
-1-'-•on,,s on and entcrtajannent to be
pc,: 3. oar and_ the intbliisherg
be pleased to sc Ed a sa'Inple 'Copy upon
335 Stret West 'INToLtreal,„
MONTREAIs Nov. 9. -There condone
to be a good demand from foreign buyines
for Manitoba spring wheat, and sates et
several loads were made at an advance
in prke or Gd per quarter. but the coun-
ter offers were Uil to le per quarter be -
tow what exporters were asking. Tito
ocal trade in creme grains continues
quiet, but the tone of the market is very
rm. Demand for flour Is quiet, but the
undertone to the market is Mroog and.
higher pricea tire being talked cf. Mill -
feed le fairly active with a better do-
rnaztd from both local and countrn buy -
The butter market is quiet and steads.
finest creamery at the auction eale today
selling at .27z:ife. Cheese is firm, but
business over the cable was quiet today,
Exports for the week were 34,649 boxes.
as compared with 34,397 for the tore&
sponding week last year.
Demand for eggs le good. and the mar-
ket Is active tied strong.
DULUTH, Minn., Nov. 0.--Wheat-No.
TR%:R,5I} Y \*OT`il3113E1Z
Incorporated 1855
Capital Reserve .$8,800,00Q
BANK MONEY ORDERS. - - - • - -. -
�`�;�` r At ,all Eraracires, Interest allowed a'� highest current rafie,
Exeter D. ..
lAgonts at Exeterior the ,Dominion Government
•LIi+,i'4-.:.yMc'r�lRD,. Geuezal Maanager`
1.aA.a ii.C,i , President
QHN .IRD, Asst Genera.
,00 RESER€4a FII?i Sig5
' .. ;.
The Canadian Bank, of C'o tierce extends to Fat erg even .
facility for the transaction of their ba m ing business, lilciltt in .
the discountand. collection of sates notes. .lank sags notes,
are suppliedfree of charge and application, S2iN
Exeter Th'aneh -- H, J. N' z:
N, ilI4I`6
OIIE»ETON BRANO1 --« t'<,. E, KU
login IOU,
Commenting at
COW.1 nearly
ears old Ail
above slack is tne
lot of plIVICIUM H010445 ani.
lah'es and will he sold without
cows should Lot tail to atteald
itz approved joint notes, per eenC,
per annara oft for calsh„
buitdin8q no ex
mon t 11
TORONTO, Nov. 9.-Recelpts of
live stock at the 'Union Yards were
3071 cattle, 968 hogs. 1986 sheep
Rea Iambs and 170 calves.
Butchers' Cattle.
Choice heavy steers sold at $7.75 to 38;
choice heifers a.t $7.50; good steers and
heifers, $7 to $7.251 medium butchens,
$6.50 to $6.75; common butcher steers
And heifers, $6 to$6.25; ilght heifers, $5,50
Stockers and. Feeders.
Choice feeders, 800 to 900 lbs., $6.50 to
$6.25tinedium feeders, $5.75 to $6„ cona-
Milkers and Springers. '
A linuted supply of milkers and spring-
ers sold st $50 to $95 each.
Veal Calves.
Choice calves sold at $10 to $10.50; good
common, $G to $7; inferior eastern calveS,
Sheep and Lambs.
Sheep, ewes, 35 to $6; culls and rams,
• Hogs.
Selects fed and -Watered sold at $7.50;
cars at, country point..
MONTRDAL, Nov, 9. --At the Montreal
Stock Yards west end market an easy
feeling continues to prevail for cattle,
owing to the liberal supplies coming for-
ward, but prices were practically un-
changed' from last week. Trade in fairly
good •steers was • fairly, active, 'of which,
the supply was fair, and sales were made
at $7 to 37.25, while fair stock brought
from Tt5 to 36.75 per 100 pounds., The
tone of the market tor 'canning stuck was
weak, c$Wing, to the liberal offering:a and
prices ,secired a further decline of 25.c per:
There was no further change in ,•the
condition of the market. for sheep or
larnbn, but the feeling was„strong, and
the prospects are that prices wilt go Wei-
'er' in the'near' Tuturei'towing to' the fact
!that ,•supplies are falling off. , Ontario
lambs brought $7.50,to•,$7.75; and Quebec,:
Tha demand ;or grass-fed calves was
,goose at nieces ranging -.from so to, 310
each. :Aliik-red. -calves were scarc&. an
VC79 nted. The market, for hogs was Elm,
'with a good', demand' 'from, paciters; _ and
Prop . Asset
Never Fails
1%.), reSlote gray tair to its na tura
color and beauty. No mutter ol
and laded your hair looks, or ,lim
long you /Ave been grey, it worl
wonders dor you, keep you lookic
healthy hair, stop its lolling. out ata
positively remove dandfruff. Will no
soil skin or lir.es. 'Will nut injur
your hair its. not a ,dye.
Refuse all substitutes; 50c, a bottl
at druggists.
*We will send a large trial boat
free by return of mail, to anyone wh
sends this coupoc to the America
Ifareprietary Co., Boston Mass, wit
their _imam and address nth 10c i
coen or stamps to psy postage.
reputation for high geade
work and for the success of its
graduates, a school with super-
ior courses and instructors. We
give individual aatention ;
Commercial Shorthand and Teti
tend elswhere whoa there is
room here? You may enter al
any time. Write for our large •
tree catalogue. •
Anyone sending a sketch and description Ina7
pncaly aseertain cam opinion /roe sycetlier an
Jona strictly ponflilontrul. liell013001( on Patents
,ant roe. °Kea agenc7dor securing
tt,y,ear,poetatio rqopaid." Bold by
il4ren Cry
o dilate of Toronto 17
sity Office over Dickson ft
ling's Law office, Closed Wean/0Q
day afternoons. 3.'lleno Office St
Ilener Graduate of Zarin/
Teeth extracted without pain.
t ;toy bad effects. Offioe over Glads
8 P. iii, Graduate Victoria 10.11,1voia
A.ssooiate Corontr of Huron
Barristers, Solioitors Noteriea OCAS
for the Molsens Bank etc. ,
Money to Loan at lowest rates ts.1 1111
We have a large amount of XIV
ate funds to loan on farm and vile
,lage properties at lowest sate 7o1 ina
Barristers, Solicitors, Main ate
Exeter, ,
The 1J8burno and fliblicrt
Farmer's Mutual fire lEsur-
Vice President ROBT. NOARItio
ruos. RYAN Dublin
borne and Biddulph. G
OLIVER BARRIS'INfunro a`aint fax
Hibbert Fullerton and Logan.
,Solicitors. Exeter.
For Infants and Children.
-:Ibe, Kind You, Han Ahitays blight
13ears the,