Exeter Times, 1914-10-29, Page 6Or:,
pt the Season..
the tin z ral.. itoz
luTot a inn lett
744 great ucrt;»i" loss h a t nz r
n ,Saa3ner lying o ;lea z°, tee
Id'a 474
ifomair eratere4 :;rail.
far srAenctr Ifo'4vard
zl#d loll liar Illi.
llaxae !mist read.
to tell
queztriaz4 ,.4'•V"
roti ftte4t,:. t ..,
limaIeau, tm R
i➢i6W neat, What
a,tzrtrm they brought dt a
which 'ea ;tied ;tR lee? fFoam
ou have .not read. auF of
'And, I. c , r=o F z a a,. sand. St
£0 d ,manly, a u p0, 3,iteas. I
Both , zi Wy t ic> s, Chaffinch ra:
a,eir beadsz, r x of rn arise,
"l?en ni ect, . ,eta M Chaffin
Cepta l'ait tort, Eev l. ltr huze4'
knboartP s
`rr "d regarded him gravely; .ice
cd 3r 3ie IRI lief lWer c: z bed
ler ' ° 3 $4114 ^ i lzot t I „rho:.
d t st & za 0$ Azle loan 1,
you, were. a'swa a c t
tea; tit i -s J fait`
clSPie' is not het su z! cR,c_ quea:
Then what's; he, here for?" retorted an-
other man" whose loss amounted to a
few hundreds, but: who was more excited
and venomous than those who had many
ihourande at stake. `He's all, Fight- file's
a lord, -a pretty lord i- and I'm
rural mind, -i Tarin ' llICil4 r . Govern
i1ient insttruet<ar• and the girls in a:
model farm home ; but the nights
are spent at their own homes, Here
they learn to do by doing and #1i,e3'
told ttna cull gy ebysical exercises that they
.a future
gentleman hes next to is his
fathrr in fa,5,, lard is rolling in money-•' may filar e sl Tong bodes.• `.I'bey also
"Order. order " ealled or fvnbesi_
But the mala declined, to be silenced. have 2 most
o o.hs high ole at-
nt'a all very -wen to call Order!. which nza t. of t e 3'o:ung people zt
But Ise a question to ask. z avant to tent!, .AAs a rule the young,./nen go
i naav whether al's true that S Stephen ;
g Gr e" AF Stephen's
winter Gild the women in sum
good enough for mei-made
ai ed eniaa sitting' d to his seat the myths,. 11;story and suture
us o r this .dtcre, Louie ai it lA Q
p we ehou d he sheared, a 11
blew Lord ill h i . i ` ' a an
aired thousand zoubds over un- mer. ..ere they 'et lectures On
t CT
at ,v Ala are sr; ing to listen With interest
t Lord HigheliffE gets off with a cool boas. to long speeches and e 4ter 1' -
etd teed thousand. I ask the oace5taptz. and I a as
ruined by t t.e coznlaanv" and we
their own atal. <,tlaer lands. They
tlfD$?. t h8e why 1
• 0
kald'orci awe.face;
a . s 'them later. for thea. re tA`ain-
his pale. Iia idso:ni. za
vazl t fookia',g aAlraost 'shite above h°c tt z 'e t Asn alar r nein to be
3iAA7C f4F au answer.
C r • ' -
p , e ciao
Te 4 e ta.slt from •sv'adcd
S t4'ordk saboole 14kt bead,
act X have, not been able to.
Z 4o arigthi n;, eear'e
t)Zi ± a 1b1ow carne so ea ddetg
that S i, .meg F a a . titan in :A dream—
,I leave been able, to'
love for ape. tfte
eves; Vi'4P such to
e and Ess, madeF,,Iven tame I do
, that X Omit 1'
scp fend of r '
you hest-
1 sP How. riff
upiti c '►1f
Kttad lila kt
4o tdee e, b 1 ,o.
4 x} w4» i' meaning-
ner^. I tnQw hn,Ag
ea. 41
th did ai
esdof at
o d
fr'pet-oosc Alla black tie, a h.ns ezz.,;t'cl n to ,as,
.,R n: 4dtAaval,r A roll :.n c'; , ` ,;?i1 Ilde3>
f tisntierg. 4o b ar .hizn, s.;rd 1?ase loci rural fi b ,:ols o ngricu1-
} Ie oulte tree." be 5afL line zz oaa,o;F 4iAt where r #,l c t r a man lnaa'Aas
a hundred thonAttaicd wounds -saran as m lzrtzeit agdl p < t t .? agrieu1tares
,?Et 15.""."5 giTietk tto aa3Q Tien while Cite Q m
"a xa yoke hs'pl;e ter moment -
the Ax3Ag woman 'a.a as learning
lte 5 "Me'
a position to gtaal it. w spk. ncazt s in ?ta$ t Aei', 3iZe
1 nT tilr dtt „b theseb, 1
tt . aF est, said {xrn enkaerg, cilattttrr ,list! fps soil and loin hand
a ' }.ntk to. informed
a"ac? sir*t"L I?"" 3reddegP tdtP reaala M RSr elle*lAda
u t tx xtaa x st3orz, to`lk arcs a &.lied with a. love for itbb1
that the g t't ,vas and bulk! z7
of', legal. that it cannot be tooc3 ed 2 l new 1Z A1t32
of f epAfir, li can Tr„„„, ti ntepben Hifi second address was on 1)fIm. t
to holt after hfe own!"w-oae h " h rieffitiaaa a t
Bzat *,otd tt gt>e at , ti, i a as ala
4t i.. the
at slat- 4ttr
f this owtt
Ila, and
ght fail to ti
Fate e
C411 welt believe It
:alit l oto sats the peerage cehoultt be made,
have st 'sattttr.ent ra
-tee sitar, ,It ins not a t.,.
rite slaty you, wottfd
orthis ntafo>ctnnote
S1a.Ct6, kind the vol
t beam! moil,
tt3_ . "1rGiC` loving
i 74Atn
filet +rattpL;i;",
atter nit rh.
44 tom maY
of font'
.d'4'lA°S thrall
the law,
'toward h
:t vitth
new you
atzani, t"Ar. .E r i ., 1 it.
edi ^ toFd in ttte Tam tee vtr,ce. ix a - , Ilea' to is .
l .I -aA .at n € e. s rc ? he ae e -
stile from. ,lite so t and :aId mote of Danish s r';?
eats ala On Sta 'd'ai arntn, 4 ltaz razes L_ w laid;
e d n e• gxoae
quite b:eio1
A«"Id Ado, Vita
Uonrt ate Noir' die tsb:sRe
1d tit£: t rafee.
f' t Hut Stafford did no& !seed 315
cot give ft up, Ming t, b f.,
the said low clear' ton
thee -his voice tag,tin r 11ian
s meet 'matte the deed, kia
- self r eta :'11,211. 7f he eve.
-there Wa c a frame, and the to
gel lh:,s wo ds- "he 'wanrd emir
• zs .da 111•t Rub doing, I give fin
t I a"+ebaragztfrlh @¢ 2v B bw -err
pdi1+ lf,Va+ m boa n1 uat..11a T ,
year chaairman, It is tall
taed aasn , ? Tiotk td glse it ego s tbin " a
fat et-. aza darn .atada rem
staff a
a !sere ttQw ..
a pits k it31 t3eedd before 0r:1'0r:berg,' da
tic ess. They, i2ave coepi ati-re
factories, creameries -anr
"'e1es eS Wet' ate t system of
credal under a Mera
he borrowed at 314 cal^ 4
est. 'dpt Danes raise
the desired weight i,
1301 pounds, Before
'.Set"tt1Abt'd ,'taa
factory, volter tt
aped beforepure niee
tt -y bo is
it <:t:. Hari 5'i t'.pi'ld's
s stth a a26 8ta keit ' There tvi 'i"r o t zags
zzcst tart, tt; ffenberg ePrataC oto 'b43 tit t> 3 +?t, 1ta
d radars, lou are faat;eiled tenth. won'' pnif.fixs"
be raid, with ne mach est tion 0e ;
man may ferr•st Mbar if 'Lord ,5 ['aft' at
sin^ch he Illi: surrendered is a rot- ext fitly people wee d
Ane anate. and doulci not have bee aa e Z.t;tl 111TIt1tI)1
t , ?. altar to !ii f M
tb is ` a cheer
lf4 r the verb man ' b )nail. nut cinet
a g, .7a a ,. it i dt`t7l! 4`ttRA4aA."
n tble:nail I an tditare So:t ' tat1T
'alto ft; a Seal; one. Tim deed pAi"JIte4"a anti It attdt,
rendez f r ¢ o
Anotherdv ara5V--lama at is a Sint
ed '. 11.1 vier Mary lobo bait Attack
nvr Stafford. and before it .had eras
tact rtti; through the crowded Comp Stall,
fs3r4 ttl4 made lila way , oat. :'fir. Fa°direr goal
4t„t 3;t t h Ito arm its lie, Vasa ;tobatf; butt
doter/ the stair?,
Ilii Font Iam.e what r . an64"£* at ltt5,F, " ',Jae
dorattaadr ac11 ti's* dr
;Arise matte Fcr;11a ,3 a
41iQd stopped clad ltl••ed4e-,'
k d.AC90 vi's'ina ante,
2t la«a err t'ofte outfit Falcon ' 4tti
S"."' said Stafford -'*i a1
esti' f d ** eats e
t 1xd, iso pea t
rtv pity!! 'at they
a, Tear -as ), The
Rea' do you xztaan
4t1#;dict idfc•k"
k^ia3ta ittat11 a'u , P,
dts s genaeraasiy, ,i *41
t 111.1 4 as lad; school > v_ _T .
ler n were, taught by unlet ea
t " acl:iak makea
haat come a time w}te
u% a until the best
seems to he-
,itt tA7a'e
1,eep then
41.1 s qua"
r1tu"sTd, then 1)
dead and
alae ca'n
elaatreli Tlar wa paper txiia,-9e It
have a rut pu ises tits a !oily -bag
witht pf zaaaad, Says illi I andon St•
The fir4 was i4
at Abide Delmar
how ,after los
of her o,,,r„auntry
lrk saw that
iitness of
hat Shall
04,8,1S .01P,P.EACE
• ... . .
of us has tO read,
Why waste that little time on useless fast dying books?
Therelare a few really great books in the world—laiograph-
ies, Ristories, Essays, Dramas, Works of Travel, Fiction,
Science, Religion, Philosophy, and Poetry—that truly pie- ,
tare' t\he progress of civilization,
What are these f ew worth -while books?
We want to send ye0 tbe answer to that otteetion in a free "CIniOe
Booklet to 130tdcs." It is of wonderful value, It tefis the story ot
418 Masterpieces for the Price of 40
Ae matter of efficiency ask for this boOklet. rind out for yourself
elf just the liany mental Stip:ming that they need.
WhY ene hundred thousand men. many or whom never went to
College. non, have a Wide appreciation of literature, scienee, art---WhY
they 'can think clearlY. tali> Wel/ --in short, why they are among the
Auecessful Men Of to -day,
Your free co 3 eady
hildren, ell
"It was worth $100.00 to Nvrit ()Jae besy
For your own snke an4 or the e of your
Al en NOW.
ObligatiOn 011 nay yonr free nide
Booklet, to Beek's" 4!PlItilillii.t1g the story of the Pixe-Poot
a,,ending the daft
"'What think ye
ntry Polk organ -
sly and eettito.
olation the
to know
at the pa
iratat'ated by
win, go to h
lenvo bet. room?"
knot* at the doon, and
hi; ranitruing livery. cam
r would bite
A Crow
I will ornate
with me. lloward.
nusr went to the lihrar
Itt04 WhO were spitting flier
of Dapert rtvie to receive
with face if ft were o
lawyer with a grave and solemn e
once. and skarn. alert eres, Stafford •;,
(Ad them to thear seats and look a
at the table. and Falconer, with a straig
t,h,ek spolte for the others,
"Very' sorry we cannot 1
peace for a little longer, afford.
said. "But unit quite sure you 'woo
have blamed us had we done so. We ha
been going into your fa.ther's affairs, a
7 very math regret that we cannot gi
yen favorable Te4Prt, or them. As Y
know, the win, whit+ Mr. OhalrinCh."
nodded at the lawyer, "read thit mornin
lea.yes you everything, and names
Chaffinch and Mr. Murray here exec
tore. That's all very proper and eat
factory Ile it goes, but, unfortunately, a
fInd that there is no estate."
_Murray, the secretary, passed his ha
over his 'wrinkled forehead and sighe
i ie imself had made away -with t
vrast sum of money, and the laws
frowned and shuffled the papers befo
him. Stafford oat with his hands clasp
on. the table, his eyes fixed ou Falconer
impELS6NO face.
"Your father's immense fortune w
wholly embarked in this last business
continued Mr. Faleoner; "be believed
„it and staked everything on it, A ver
large nutniber of the shares were held b
him. They are down to nothing to -da
it ix very unlikely that they will r
e over • it is possible that they never ma
and they should it would be. too, lat
for the shares your father held
ilourse, go th -meet the claims -and the
are hea,vy-on the estate. 1 don't kno
whether 1 make myself -understood: 1 a
aware that you are not a 1)u:shiest man.
,tf.,.fford inclined his head,
"My father's debie-will they -not b
paid 'will there not be sufficient?" li.
asked, in a dry voice.
lir. Falconer pureed his lips and shoo
his head.
afraid not; in fact. 1' can say de
finitely that they will not," he replied,
a hard, uncompromising way.
Stafford, looked round ithe large, 6t1
et ebony and wedgewood, ,its coati
Picture,: and bronzes, and recalled th
!,-1!11 Ite3 111X ry and splendor a tic
spent during the last few inonthe. .1
,ieetneci difficult to realize that the wealth
-What: is to he dope he asked, in a
low voice.
Mr, Falconer 17 4t-3 63 lent for a 111.001.1t,
sit he regarded the handsome fare,
seemed to have. loot irts, aspect of youth
and ,taiketi 00 the- lines and hollows of
Tinto will be a meeting of the directors
,Jfe-morrow, and some dceision
„d left the whole thing in his hands; he
no ought to have foreseen, ought to have
er taken proper precautions. They had been
re --well, if not <tuned and deceived, the 'vie -
ed tims of his criminal sanguineness and
'S carelessness.
Griffenberg, lacing ono -of the heaviest
tt, losers, was elected to the chair, but be-
yond making a, statenient which told
in them nothing, he 'could do little. When
Its informx1 them that Lord Righeliffe
9 had died practically insolvent, a mut*.
mur arose, a deep gutturol murmur -which
e- -was tomethhigtbetweeti a hits and a groan
9; and it -was while this unpleasant sound
e, was filling the ?tom that Stafford enter -
3r• 'The groan, if groan it can, be.calledi
w died away, and they all turned arid look.
ra. ed at hit pale and careworn face. The
tall figure in its deep mourning drese
silenced +them for -the moment,
e Griffenberg signed Stafford to a seat be-
e side him.
am sure we can tell Lord. Ifigliciiffe
k -that we are glad to see him, that we are
.uanoh obliged for hit attendance,"
• Soine few said "Rear! hear!" but the
II rest were silent , and watchful. As Orif
fenberg spoke the door opened again and
Ralph Falconer entered. Re gla,nced at
Y heavily into a chair. arid sat with stony
face and half -lowered lids.' Ile had scarce -
I , ly taken his seat when Howard entered
d in his <Inlet fashion, and he went and
t, stood just behind' Stafford, '
1 was Just telling the meeting, Lord
• that was afraid we were in
a bad ytity," said Griffenberg. "We all
relied to completely on Stephon-1 beg
, pardon, Lord. Ilighcliffe, your father -
that we feel ourselves helpless now-er--
left in the lurch. The - company is in
great peril; thare has already be,en heavY
lost, and we fear that our property will
"AG c wria,, Sir 0teplien did with
all his money!" cried an excited ellare-
1 holder.
I's not 1
his it,
Amu! oohed in .11
,litughed '• then
rant to thiP Howard."
eault into when Howard had
one; and tried ink of lin future;
tit it wan only t st that rwie to life
nal; and it was n ogeher of Ins
but of -Ida. in
lie bad 'el:let-111e
heti him for hs
•tvith Xs lie
am, wilco
atter that he thou
his sacrifice of hims
sr. And Fate had
owed treachery.
hi9 hands. for h
ovedit. hours beside
ad looker' into her eye.
her sweet lips. ,Now. At
woe: Ire father hi etheart,
th-all had been taken front Wm.
Cif not think or Maude.
At Ile wing day ther 1. -
large atte t Gloucester House. Ther
gathere the Bottom, Baron Wiree
Grtirenberg. and the titled and untitle
folk who Intl been concerned in Sir Ste-
phen Orme's big seheme. And they -were
all gloomy and in a bad temper: for all
et them had lost money and some of thena
-were well-nigh ruined by the collapse of
the company -which was to have made
their fortunes. They came before noon,
the appointed hour, and talked, sometimes
in nntlertones, but not seldom in loud and
complaining voices, By one and all the
dead Mall was blamed for the ruin in
aim LI,
Inttt lb he re -
4 -f ago. These bav
x. Nearly :`t5 per eent. of the
• t Owls are men who remain f
m years in flit, Fame s,:h...01 and live in
ad :the tem.lber's re!.-itionce near the
e. ang tWe:Ne months in the year. All
subjects ate well taught and cor-
related mith agriculture. Each
slum. Nearby are the churC:11, the
graveyard and the lnanse. FrOM,
u . • boys work during the day on a
rual wood
vil and of govd,
sages can,
r n, Queen „Natalie is' in a c
Paribiti011er (I1) tit rting
r)--1Ve're all very sorry to los,.
Mr, Yeodle. Vootile (mo -
man next time. Pa.ri Shiorfer—Ah,
Mr. Poodle. That"s just what
lact minister said when he left.
An Irishman and a Frenchman
'e disputing over the nationality
a friend of theirs. say," said
Frenchman, -that he was born
7rance ; therefore he is a, French-
man.- -Not at all," t,aisl Pat.
qtegorra. if a cat f-hould have kit-
tens in the oven. would you call
them biseuits.'
ling de
ieh the
1r ask t raved
Wa, to -
y read, put a
1,00 postal orders fo.
‘v fell out. The name d
tirel,s were still legible ;ni the,
and, by this )11CilDS the post 1
ers were returned to the owner,
who proved to be an aged woman.
The money had been sent her by a
working in the nOrtli of -Eng-
d, had refrained hum
ot noticed orders 1111011
ut the letter,
A bundle of love letters, delicate-
ly scented aDd tied with blue ribbon,
was discovered among a, quantity of
olored paper used for fancy de-
coratiOns. They Were hltillan.litfle
epistles, starting' in a bright, opti-
mistic vein, gradually dwindling in-
to a ',had diminuendo, a4d telling the
lifs square,
things among paper t •
do7ers among old elothes
rags! People put a pime
arment, forget all about i
Y budding author
pinned high hopes, While r ,
vning it be was disturbed by a visi-
t., and plateed the valuable <loot -
at in an inside piatket of his
housekeeper staid this shabby
'lit still in the poeket. For-
lu,aisekeeper knew the
an she had sold the voat,
end, the 'writer was able -to recover
Ids manusrript.
The. finding of wills among rub-
bish is more easily understood.
MOAT probate Suits are caused by
he action of eccentric old people
treting their wills, and -several
ments being pieke out, front among
waste materials. Marriage certifi-
cates, teta, have a habit of turning
up in unexpectad places,
Ifolds llost Unique Position
Among the 13elligerent
Switzerland, is. utrique among na-
tions, It has /13 proper Alaysica.1
unity, and its political imity is the
unforeseen out -nate of events which
"is prosperous beyinwl ,o-ther con -
cin ent.. )un tries, a 1, it s principal
eities are undefend,ed, Yet to -day
peace in the mit! if, of a burning,
sIntvaal4 .Eize and its
lack -of SF:P?offst,, Cie Swiss republic
never, • tho ,eountry is one 43,f,
taen nerldc':i.t, in existence, and has
come sefely through more than six
rent -tries ,of Europea'q eoull7,ets
time when the neap or Eily0-00
adjusted, as it, was before 'tile
1,,) their tcr.rrit try, hut none of
ba% lived to try it, Many
1 this war win put
Three Languages Spoken.
ttivt, neutrality anti
s in 21 of the 22 cantous
n and are spoken by
at equal number-% while in one
..:uthern cantoa„ Italian is the
beliturter ill;
The Swedish lament has re
eeted the woman -suffrage, bill.
Lady -- Your refereece says,
among other things, that you are
accustomed to cooking tourse dins
ners. Miss. Casey (indignantly)
Coarse dinners, is it! Sure, mum, -
then It do be a mistake, 1 cooks
Try foine dinners.
Morning Dip
66 rlooDINEss
says the Comfort
Baby's' Grand-
mother, "what
we'd do without
this. Perfection
Smokeless Oil
"If 1'd only had one
when you were a
baby, you'd have been saved many a cold and
croupy spell."
For warming cold corners and isolated upstairs rooms, and
for countless special occasions when extra heat is wanted,
you need the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater.
'The Perfection is light, portable, inexpensive
to .bay and to use, easy to claan,,and to re,
. wick., No kindling; no ashes: Smokeless
and, odOrless. ..11/2:t all hardware and general
stores. Look for'the Triangle trademark.
Mack, in Canada
12.0YALITE OIL is best for all uses
Tea -cute Qucbee
, St. John Winnipeg- Vanceuver
$witzerland appear
ger will be aTter 1." , nur
if Germany 1.0.sited win.
it was the 11.^oe of Traps))
whose, troublgs started fIle t.91111.1
conflict no* raging* which was di -
s it
The Dap 41) urgs
were a, family ulios.t. pm", iv, ra-
the thirteenth century they were
* TO of Austrian lair:tics%
/ were large landowners in the
gion the lit'art of
Switzerland, and they el:tints:1 feu
dal rights over the inhfibil3
mit to Hapsburg rrif.!,.
and Unterwaiden suet and fin med.
the Everlasting League fur the par-
po:ts of resisting the Ilapslitirgs,',
on 'the members of the allinnce. but
was completely routed i0 one bat.t-le
after tht, tempatt had been math,.
The three tantons were a:AZ:I by
four adjoining districts in their firm:,
flight. From that time co 4..:`,her
cantong and divisions joined with
the original ones undez the terms
of the Everlasting League. The
141:31 occupation of this organiza-
tion for the next two centuries, ,w,as
gettin7, rid of the Hapsburg and
Austrian intim...nee,. Rights as land-
owners 'were recognized, but. ,ani,y
and were, at no, time enforced suc-
cessfully. In 1474 the Hapsburgs
formally gave up the,ir
At, that time there was a daticied
lack of unity in the federation, duo
to the wide, ;difference between ks,
nienabers. It was Tegartled by them
As a Union of Defense Only.
The retilrement of,the Hapsburgs.
was in'imediekely followed. by the
Bur,gaindian war, during the eourse
of which Switzerland was Attacked
a national spirit and a feeling of
011,Z,IleF.:•S of purpose. Pressure was
reneWod on 'Anzitrila., the only king- -
dom which bad any claim to ,sloyer-
eignty over the Swiss, ,and 1499,
that country 'recognized the inde-
pentbecace of the. Swiss, nation,
ternal troil▪ ,bles .causcid by religious"
differences, prevented any important
progross„ parity which cone
feuded for renouncing .the .authority
the. Pops and :the s[eparaitiiion
and on Ilfarch 29, 1798, a, new leagtte.
was formed, which was ireferredi• tor
T.he Repuhilic, .0.31e and
adiv6zale. Since, then 'the, 'material.
progreais of the. country has been ,
rapid. Now cnonstituti on s we re
adopted in 1848 and. 1874.
any teefiih a human being has'?
Bright Pupil ----A mouthful, miss.