Exeter Times, 1914-10-8, Page 5!Ai.ocx31I 3, 19
Enhanced By Perfect Physi.
cal Health,
The experience of Motherhood is a try.
dagone to most women and marks tits-
Ilactly an epoch in their lives. Not on
esvoman in a Inmdred is prepared on un-
• `Ver„stattdashow to properly care for her -
oat Of coigne. nearly every women
varmadayebna /lilac/11 treatment at such
,Vanes, but many approach the experi,
erene with an organism unGtted for the
tea of strength, and when it is over
ter system has received a shock from
ntriltich it is hard to recover. Following
sight upon this tomes the nervous strain
ett earing for the and, and a distinct
.trlango in the ntiother restelts.
'there is nothing more charming than
sloppy and healthy mother of children,
Arad indeed child -birth under the right
leonditions need be no hazard to health or
leneetnn 'The unexplainable thing is
that. With an the evidence of shattemd
2nersreat and broken health resultingfrom
szt unprepared condition, and with am -
time in which to prenere,_ women
pereist in going blindly to the trial.
sw=tin at Odetheelleuldrefir
Lydi E. riulthara's Vegetal*
moat valuable tonic and
rat the Xeniale Orgaiehren.
YJ Rinit-
Vegeta la le
4 makes
4 strong,
if Teo want special, advice vitit0
,xpiiaB,„rinIthain Medicine
likantis1) IGynn, Masa."Your lettertral„
lie corned, read and answered by
'woman ao4 held Si strict goulittimi*
Mrs, Watherly 'and dougliter of
London are visiting Mr, and Mrs, J.
IL Motz.
Miss Idella Swartz 'has returned to
Irs, P. Farmer of Reid City Allan
ia 'visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs,
Matthew Morlock.
IsIrs 11Oxasor aod ;laughter of De.
troit are vis'XIng relatives.
Its% loixton of ]xoter was the
einat of 4-51r.s. Fred Kerr on SundO.Y
.31r, joha ROOys held "the sale of
his farm Oa Tne,scloy last. Mr, and
Mrs, lays will take up the 'future re-
sidence i 1?4xefter.
Mr, II. Ifoltzutan nnent Sall4.0Y in
991l91`. visiting ifrientl$. „
Meiiis G. Sweit.zer and A. 'Weurth
spent Sonday in Clinton,
'Mrs, S'amuel Siveitzer of 'Windsor
visited relative% in tow, . this week.,
MiSs Pearl Luther of Thedford, has
returnreil 'to her ,home after visiting
ber uncle AMr, R, a3Fowc,
Th4, annuol fowl slipper given under
the auspices of the Evangelical church
rl'hursday last proved a grood stic-
ceso. Supper was served in the ,spac-
ious shed !from 5,30 until 9.00 o'clock
ieup1e were here from 'Zorieli. Daslo.
wOod. Porkifill, -Lumen, .1gooresville
Exeter and other places. After the
supper an excellent program was ren-
dered in the church. �e proceeds
or th- eveoing Amounted to over
and Alrs, Easteott, of inTichige
visiting the latter's; sister, MrS.
At a meeting of tbe tetrelia. Pat-
eiotie League ea Tucatily 15t it evae
'mind that the collectors pOolOted
to canvas tbe village iz surroundkng
'ceiiittry had secured the megallieent
eine of $,225.00 aid that in arlditiett
the fees of the league( Members
which )vill amottet to Abont $10,00
more. A portiogt of the ,fitrela 1.1,'Zta
voted to 'the Y.ALCI,A. work among
the soldiers, and tam „Belgian,Re
Both :4"/eijce and Austin Dupla
iB ette4anee at ollege in LOA
TOM Centrit
depertment of
ood. ebowinte
A Clean Cool Scali)
It is needless for You to have ha;
that isoilYth"
in° short of pelf -.el
it is fallirg cot, lOSMO, CC40,
log or tim sap bums and itehco,
immediately get 'from W. S. Cole or
any drug, cowarer i50-c,-ot bottle oi
Parasion Sage -use it frequently -the
first application removes dartOruff. in
vigorates ttte soillp, and beautiTies th
hair uptil it is gloriously rodiant,
Parisian Sage supplies liair needs
Is perfectly 'harmless. It contains the
exact elements-roquired to mate the
hair. soft. Nve,V,Y glossy ad to, Maim
it grOW "thick and beautifal.
You will surely like Parasien Sage
it is One of the most delig,htfal hair
tonics knowo,
foal, Jas. Smillie J. BIeGoviir, B. Bell; -
Q.Wright" sC4 ‘'°4s 3 'Yr Q14 r'IP' HMOS ARE rirriLSED
. • ,
michaei amds...s,3iy, old gelding A.1
Reit, Owo yr, old filly or gelding 'Wm.
Rion. A. Bell, J. MeGavin; one yr old
fill)" or gelding, 11. D, 'ROI IL
ton 1P,, Michael.; team ir, harness A.
Sinclair 3. 1101<en4e; slveepstokes J.
Specials---Ileavy *draught 4ta31iort
a.,x1 three -Of his get, T. hest
mare or gelding it_ or* class 3. S'uZig-
; heavy dracatt filly or '' oelding W
Rn; hest mare itoported by T. J.
Berry; Jomes Smillie, D, RelO,
Rosters -Brod mare with, foal, Y
Montgomery, Bozo II , J. Decker jr
foal, J. Decker jr; 0, Rozelleo
Montgomery; 3 yr old M. MCMillar..,
J. Carlin, F., $ketter-I 2nr old D.
icl.)oi,nentli, 'en Montgomery, rhos.
'Reilly; 1 yr old T. Ferguson 11, Mc -
an, roadster ream Geo C.
Dale; single roadster M. Elliot, G.
Kastner. G. 1Ceohler.
Carriage --Brood mare with foal,
HENSALL also foal, j. Decker jr. 3 e'r old Gt
, Dale: t yr old ene, G. Broadfoot; sine
ale carriage horse G. Enstner -Ed.
Warm 0. IlemingwaY.
lfrs Yoingblut of Waterloo is v s -
;rig her dau,gfiter, 1-rs, Jas. Bon.-
Air. G. J. Sutherland ad Mrs.
therland are visit itg in Stratford
nod Oxford Cour-tY,
"While walking along the Street
some few days ago Mrs, Jas., Moore
bad the misfortune to slip ar,d, hurt
her knee ice bcy hat she as sincee
beeo rot', fined no tier home,
Mrs. T, Neelantla who is in 1.ernifm
litiepi tat undergoing !treattneat 'Phor
her eyei is reirei to be dag
totti leopen he be able 'to contention('
niiss Plosie W4111,11;ron of Barrie
visirnig Iter ?nether Airs, Bontbrou
Me. anti Arrs, llobsoa ef Leedon
visiting 'tbeir dame/net' Mre, liarrr
Iltra.*Vreig son ad dhogittet
wPitt -1M A 'trip to Teeter/4f ne tired
eR0 hove le...tinned to llenanD, l•Cland4
dan evernen liget .end intend making,
their !home bete settling in tilin °Id
home which any have rented !for
some time as they lived. lti ;wrest
for a ;lumber of year,e.
Airsnliaight fat trOlet, 'Who has been
I)'1 5oMe time with her deugh,
)1rs, flicks at the r41'4013a1N,
ed home last week,
Goeege caae who los ea Is»
her sister Ors. IfearY
who has been quite ill
e last weoh.
• Nerdy of OW
a dental office
of 0ctobez' le the
And Prea LT.D
ds Of snon1t
er faits to pr
s. It enflver.s and
the ham glands
nip, resulting i
on increasing growth of
praise or continually c
ell parts or the coon
that AtildennUna, Hair Item
renewed the growth o
Cltsea that Were OOriSidered
, hopeless. A lady from Chie
rites. "After o ehert trial my
*Plied falling out end 1 eow
lovely head or hair, very „heavy
'ver one and a hair yttrti* long.
'dine 'Hair Remedy stirounites
IP, Makes it Itealthy and keeps
ao,dt is the greatest scalp invig-
orator kaown. Lt Is in wholesome
„medicine Tor hot b the haiir and the'
inenlin Even .4.,stuall ;bottleof
will put more genuine life into your
Voir than a dozen betties of any °tin-
ter tonic ever triode. lt shows results
Irom the very start. Vow ou salet at
revery drug store and toilet -store; ia
the land Colo and $1.00
lifildredina liar Remedy is the only
emit ,in destrover of the' dandruff mi-
apne"he which is the cause or 98 per
,certi -of hair troebles. These pylon
persisteet and destructive little
evEs thrive on the ordinary Hair
Boil 77; W. Rotate). 64
tell 67; M. Wteelzbur,n Gl;
dge 58; V. Heywood D7; Jr.
L1t X. taus $8. Barn
ord'40; L, Corailsh 44; G, Johns. 37
tr. 3rd P. lievwood 05/ R. Smith
AT. Cornish 33; Jr 3rd, T Oreery 65;
0. Bell WI xecbt 51; Bo(*tle).
4e; W., Ileywood 36; ir.Skinner„ 33;
" Intro.-1rd 30; AT, Ifeenveod 29; Sr
d lt, Johns 58; B., johns 05; AT. Cor
nisi* 54; 1% Heywood 29; R. Delbridn
22; 3, Wilson 20; jr, tind F. llorne
1ieywood.39; jr, 1st R, Brock
, M. Johns L, Horne 12; W.
11 07; D. Deibridge 19, ,Primer 113.1
J. Ridley 80; E. Cornish 60,; /J. Ey-
'*o 20; "A'° floatley 80; L ilarn
70: L, Heywood 65; l, Tohns 60
.50n A. johns, 56; T. Johr-e
46 40. °lin (xo0y, ss;
;sow's. 6,1; I. Ilarcens 50 11. JOIrits 40
Wilson 10.
Sr, 4th W. Inight; .7, Hedger ,
%Tr, 4th 1J. Snell, An •Jeffrey, Jor-
frey, R. Williams; Sr, lird, In 'Knight
R. Pollen. C. Stowe*, 'NV, Turnbull
i. Rey; .7r. aril 3t, Doupe, A, Rundle.
williams: Sr, 2nd ArniStrong, A.
jeffreY; G. Stewart L. Elnight; jr
end C. Deena A. 31nakin, 13, Iiikey;
ltieDonald; At „Cottle. lst tinss W,
Allison, S. Franeis. S. Pollen. Stew-
art. Sr. Prirner--Gertrwle Knight,
Godgent, W. Alien, V. Russel; jr.
Printer: E. Rundle; R. Turnbull, 0
Verripbell; Noon roil 34 aveittlf 20
ar. L. Omnard teacher.
olthreak ol the Ivor in :Sar-
no.?d the, corseittent dernaed winch
nantratly to lel enpected for in.-
ettcreased exports of tnenis, fieds Can-
ada in a very m tch denied tondttioix
. regarde hve snock.
„As a result of the removal' of the
American tariff tin cattit , a heavy ex -
ort 'trade develoeed tte south.
isome "-distrietet of ea .terc, Canada:
'eatearly everythir g has beenshipp'etri
out of 'the country exceot dtiry cows,
'ghis export .tra de, tog ether, 'with'
many farmers soiling IA eir calves for
weal. can „Dave bat one result in Con-
„Aatia, viz, -a greater scarcity of meat
lhan, et preset, exists orven in a nor-
..znal _Market.
The meat industry in Cannda Ithould
toot he allowed 'to dwiolle- rattier the
;)roductiOn of bogs, s"b2e1) arid cattle
Car..a.dian farms should be gre'atls•
--increased. To rintain 'Leis it crease
,itioes not mean that 'farmers should!
,rievete 'their whole ,a/tention Lo fiv,i
,...s;ocic. The majority of _farmers cvill
:admit tiott very little extra -effort
and 'expense they could increase by
,..seve.rai head tl'e Jive aiocb. oa their
,farms withou' in any Nvay interfering
willi 'their prole'nt stryotem of farurDrig
Froul freports to the conarn ission of
nionserve tioc, eresent conditions in-
-Citrate a Nvortp- wic14, scareito of five
.4.sincic. -with Et frle Tike/iI3ooti et an over
.4crowderl market Tor many years to
„come_ Thi • otriorttvnity for Canadian
farmers is therefore ap;mrodt. To
-lake adva-tft-niea of this Cavillers .shculd
000c, ca Ore's loprodueld
1110 morees )i vThi to tip, others'f otay bs
tnruecl oil po as veal hul as beef
13CTCaE03 1,10d !ICES/a 10 hogs con he
broerent t 1.)0/t n?ore quieltly than io
'Y other e& e Ive a,r.d con -
weenie n recnne itarn d' 't
timal p 'cat:et:on en 'Lhe farm is
-neslrable be e o 1 i e it jT3 0r a,sies t he 'ifer
and t rL11lyg bility of the
-soil, Goad !Driee.s are acre to
e urpt s farnier,s
on boot) o 011 ota olecourit uf the
evila hie itorLege of opoly resu 1
'f;nf,„- tram coon) liens in Europe
eThese two roodition's iShoeld be an
Ve rti, CaraJjajj farmers to in-
roreaoe their live stool; production. A
fore, iolit now: with modern me -
hods -will roake incretrac.d prodorlion,
Osily oossiblc-F. fiN,
Mr, W. Drown; is or. the sick nit
under the doctor's care We hope for a
speeder.. recovery.
Zisses Divine and Addle Anson via.
ited !friends ft. Avditon and Brinsinn
lost week mad attended 'West
!rim rural phone has extended its
line from' the Creditor' rood to Mrs.
Bidierseand put in a' line eveat of
the. ;animal and &Ott: tbe Arovard flnt
to the Bend.
Mrs. Edwards visaed Mrs, Diens
anJZrra, dlutchicson last week.
The weather has been unesually
floe dnd warm for this 'time of the
Mr. and Mrs. A. Galin and sops
visited with Mrs. Itarte on SundaY.
Few people like to take physic. es-
pecially salts because they are so
tarceabin to Lake and becau.sel of the
gripi'nf.; acid pans theyreuse. lie.xall
Orderlies enable you to take joss
physic and al/ without griOREg purg-
ino- er 'excessive looesness Salts and,
harsh .physic usually, only give tem-
norary Tenni and often leave thie bow-
els worse all that() before.
lexaTI Orderlies move the bowtela
'promptly , and soottlie, ,tone land
strengthen.' the intestinal ;muscles
leaving therri healthier a'nel regular
1,11t tacttort. 'They taste late candy ontO
the roovemen't they cause is as easo.-
and no ,s 'though your bowels
wery iO perfect health and you n'ever
had 'to 131ke obv;se at en. inre here
se 'mita ifaitth. fl ]3x alt OrlderEtes
1bat we urge yon io try th,erni with.
the undoluSta trdng tba t Of they do
oot sa'hiOby you ,every ty.tiy alt
.vou have to do is. Ito 4get your, money
lack• is 'to talloq. Vkre lion s tly b
lieve Hirai best bowel rem-
edy -madko ilin vest poolcA, tln, boxes
10c 25e
You cast Ibur Ifext4I1 Orderlies! only
al the iteycti ..toreo, and in this too n
onlv of 1M -
W, S Co
her father
ed to New 147
Disrict News
Mr, and Mrs, Jobe Ward of Lonae
Township celebrated or. .1loodity the
enniversary or their Marriage
T11-* imme lva4 Prgaitr decerated nod
frieada and relatives were present
from Detroit, Draotford, Weedrtook,
Embro and other pleces. Beth
end Mrs, Ward en.loy excellent health
61yeetmant.--*-Illokltir4 --A Marriage
VaS ntlictlY nolemoleed a Ansa Ctnig
st week, at tiae home of Mr, Utley
odgins when his daughter -.1teconte
te bride or illeXOlan B, Sweetionre
ot'Essex, The bride wao attended
lt" 411lins Olive white the
bridegroom 111411 stinnorOd LITz'
_ ,
Golden Wedding- ad Mrs,
Otes. Itolbein Of Seaforth celebrated
the fiftieth anniversaw of 06.17
marriag0 ou Feday last. They wero
inarried 7,e the Townsinp of Hay by
Rev. Father Sadder and ontil mov,.
ing to Scarertb, res:ded on the Satible
it, that Township,"Mrs. itelbein's
X,111110 was Zirtrgaret .Thorn
3.1ro.Re1bein celebrated this
it rvent by inng ,n11111.,
of old and Int141%ave friends to
reetable home in SeaSOth
,lboth still bale and libertr
sure it le the, wish/ 44
'friends that CO* 4114
VOnelt5art'dto tr10111 to
diamond innlvenntryot
11 or ratbro
nden were
information r
ltos and sr
wv5t Shore
hese to; are Own.
rallway buildiag plant
lhous or hveping it busy
d consider ary 3,n'0-
3 the completion of the
Shore Line, Tloy would esP,Nt
e contract for the .work
;he snuuioValities up to tho
point of tzihsitog the rued ready for
olgtrallag, They consulted, with the
solicitors and municipal authorities
and 1011 probably sal:molt apropoa-
ition later Or. which, could he consider
ed by lite :our interested notalcietaie
anitarn has beer. thrown into on
s;tforabie 'excitement the last few
evenings, the etre,* helog more or
less crowded in places shant izgoolo
with 'telescopes and others with other
contrivetces looking at eieveral large
Inelats oh:ch opnearect :in the nortiv
tied south helmet:It 7 and 11 o'elock in
tho ennotitig. !These lights tvnre
\vitae and nerc-eu at times. They re-
main more er less in A certain vicin-
ity for a ahort time end them rap-
Wly ditnuipear towards the west. The
impress:on or mane is thatthey are
aeroplanes others that tbey- are com-
ets. Several of the sharpshooters i
lowor Iffinghain solemnly affirm that
a they come witinin range ,they are
going to know what they are. Not/n
ug tuts stirred Wingham like this
for year.s.
anniversary sersiees held It
tunlity were t1i beet
,at attendance that nas been nee
re tor 1SOIne (late taAt: church cOnlil
;not accoluedate all those who canto
many or our coagregetion having to
give place to visitors. The two ser-
mons preciehed by 'tee, Saw,yer wenn
highly appreciated and 'tbe sirging
by Rirkt,on choir Waii indeed a coat-
plintent 4L,41 both ',the choir and Itiatlbr.
Many 'visitors were here on Sunday
„And liblinws. Mr. atd Mrs. A.
Can Ling, Mr; Afrk
Misses Lena and Lizzie Donn*. W,
I/Nth:tut atd daug'Itter, drew." All of
inirIctone Charles Goilleolt acti dough
ter Lula, A. Scott ono sister Pearl
and nir, (and 3rr.s, j. Skinnierall of
Snushir.e; Atr, and Mrs, D. ll'odason
Mr, and Mrs, S. Brown, and all,. and
A. nlitchell of Centralia.
Miss Beatrice !Brooks ot
Muskoka is spending a month here
the tritest of Hilda GtracitT.
Miss Mary IlazIewood or ritricte
who has been spending the stunater
at illoronto is visititg here at liter
brohter tfelms.
The Rev, Me, Richie voill conduct
.the !Thanksgivieg servite a the C.
0. C. F, in their !hall nt, Itusseldale
int Sundny .October 181h.
iMr, and Miss, Eilloff, of Ilamiltorl,
,wiere guests at the -tome of nrr, J.
Roy for a couple of days last week.
Air. Wilber 'Cole. of the Molsons
Bank „BroCkvitle has returned home
after ispotditg a couple of weeks wttb
friends in this.
The Women's 11;ssionary Society of
Boys Presbyterian church was very
'pleasantly ennertained b MrS,
Proudfoot of Fullarton on. Wednesday.
Indian Troops Do leieroio We
Th British Est Afro.
War (Mee Announces No rile1V114
gagenients 4gainst German
Forces Which $ought to Enter
Protectorate and Cut tlgtanda
Railway—Enemy Abandon Towns
Before British ntdvance-
British forces °t'6.esinAfrSe
k7a oe'elate,Geeesrzmartosf
are told in an official announcement
tbr 1 s b
EQ3"1"QD7r;ing September a reuniter 0
engagements took place on the An-
glo -German boundary of tbe East Af-
rkao Protectorate, Tbe acty has
been due to the Aorta 9f the Ger-
anto raid the British territorY and
to eWIth
th t Uganda aljgoatnodnae Rimatviworatea%m
station by a small party of the
enemy, the entry of whieh it was
expedient to oppose, all the attempt§
at invasion by the tilertnans have peen
been strongtheriod by pewerfol borilea
of Indian troops mid loy roottaitti, nn
num malted YolUllteere, rained locally.
-Otte of tho earliest moves el ttlet
e 'not' was art atteMPt to blow Up the
nda Reinvoy 14aungo. The
'acting party WAS tireell Up before
did any atonage, Their tlynaraite
•-ns captured, after a hot engagement.
"-An engagement occurred on ept.
4, at Tsav.e, in which the euenV wg
nelTrely handled nad elfenttlallY •ro.
puige4. litdinn troop aboweil
conspici:us bravery.
"A second, German force 0 400. fro,
eluding 50 Europeans, accorded Tilsit
on Sept. n, A Britlab goitrous engag-
ed the Germane the neat day, hat wee
conmelled to retro.
'Germane abandoned. Mai
13, and retired to Harung
they later eVaenated.
f4ACtinitlea were xecommenc
be Tsavo region ou Sept. 20.
OrMAna Attacted at dawn. but We
aten after two our exchange o
de fire. The conduct 0 the Ring"
an Rides WAS splendid.
001Imax1$ attaelmil the Brigs
at Wait/real on Sept.' 23 An
bed. Further Agliting 9
eurred On Stip1. 25.
"D a eagagemerta rear
Imola on Sept. 20 tb
lsed with heavy
The Log
Administrator to
estateointlelt G iesif olal drdoiravedlidnlitisantle rgaiavP1
1111-101. time and attentio.n
to his trust. The anxiety
is ceaseless, the danger
of mistakes through inexperience is great,
Why burden your friend with onerous, duties that can be better
,performed by this Cdaopany? The tees are zle greater and the
management much gnore 'capable than can be expected of any "k12`.f.-
rate. executor, however willing,
is tho local administrator, to appoint, Its Soie business is the
careful, efficient tlIninient of every trust conunitted to its care,
Cail in and consult us.
SJRGEO roe, Pre.74i0cut 4Xe'0R2',
atest War Summary
Tb e Russian victory- over 'the Ger-
mane; in iSawelki aeenrs lo have "been
n of the first, mragnitedo,
is est:mated that the, Getman. Cos'
Oti.s ,numlo>rerl 7(090, The retrz•at e
came a ront in which theInn,..ser's
trooPs ebandpred great onenti,ties o
stores. The rictor,y- icavP5 open flu'
ad ler lavaalou in naSt P.1115Slia And
Russians Are now steadily enivnoe
tn. In ashen two send. the Rai.5ser
O -here .elose beafnd tbe Ger.
rhen The tattle -began
Ind la move Ala abse.5.-
iag e,fisllivard o Verduai, la
rds JOffre, ins
Gerniao aracs,i. Fr'Linc,a
f then pt xow Slave. ilie4
L b'Iorce travori4e,
and et ceen,tnent seasons,
is .form of prssor w4s ex:ercisc4
poiAts yesterdly e earSois'q
where the
tack the Gernaus, co4eert,
nther .ot 114,10.14,,,(34iC,O PO4 thei,
e fort:iv:1' tOt the .eqs;, whete, the
4 akelne.
The .
ellnettr a
Is lIlulury oled ot
ZIL ie t n-defk,
Tis rutJs*ruu
c -nurdii-
n all Inon
IP 45. silt,
rts of . French.
rnae aayor tbe
re nittonte 111O pronere
a nee. Tbi 137Akore
y is already se frig her
force% Qllt t fon.,igt
I that the 080,000 YOWL -
in Germany 1114354 C011
t ilat",n over 4
t It ia the for -
I ion a large
lween 29
4 1 ii r 4i31140f*
✓ e Pine
11e gr'aJy wued wbar,tkill
Seafortli Fair
The annual fall fair of the Sea -
forth Agricultural Society was one
of the 'most successful in the thistolV
of the society the exhibits being -num-
erlons and idle competitien. keen. Tao'
101..cloor show was the best for many
years. there beinga splen.did show-
ing of Coats aced frnIt while idie ex-
hibits of Ladies' work ttoxed tlhe cap-
acity of 'the ,ball. The alinow, of stock
Ont the second dtly was well up 'to the
average and while Ile show of cattle I
was perhabs ale t as large as some TOr-
ylears it was more 'than 'made up
for by, the exceltent.exiobit of •liorsiets
po try etc. In the hea.vy • class some
•Lhe • fincs't aoimals in the county
'were in Ithe ring andithe competition
was unusually keer.. There was also
a' fine Showing of right boraes espee-
ially irn -the single anadSter and car-
riage .classes. The gate. ireccipts on
Friday 'amounted to $525.(10 rrhb
lo-wit,,g, is the Est of the ,successfol.
tilints in torsos.
General Purpose -Brood mare with
foal, 44 -trees Flannery, F. G.
)al; foaLF. litow ler, and 2u3 G. Dale
3 yr old D. Crawford. L• Fortune;
2,yr old A. ElcoaL, L. Fortune; team
.0 harness 3_ Decker sr.
Aoricultural---B000d mare with fon)
Sons G. 4llar8 and 3rd',7
loat 0. '10\11'ght: Or. Sous; R. Wright.
Earn; 3 yr .old,,.F. O'Reilly, GI
,'Poolhale; .2 yr old .161n rloino 10
o,VO-Og-hi, R. ii3Oright ; I yr old, 3. Mc-
Nallobion,-A, 'Bell: 0, `WrOolOt &
4„ :1: harness, also sweepstakes' D.
in II (s ring -Lam.
lic.avy Draught --43000d mare tvithl”
3. Sin:Alio McDavj
Thetilil1,i;121V) Is 7I
'11)0 1:11101./
It woo the heoi that ho otood get
Ile tells 111e Inno shoo ivith m
Of how he blew 11.1.4 doimh
tItty it 1f4 hi RitYnny brikc
SO" orally ye.iv,,go
Tttp rfre gearing ristiler
3o). yell-4ov are tto
:Some -times- it govoloo
elnitri vrlivel4e.
liee still it eveins n gm:vie; none
when girls from rie-z dens
Sit down and nuilie the wenn)
ring ..
With "Monastery
-Louisville Courier -Journal
"Pages Diapepsin" triakeg Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
;73. MOlith and stomach -headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty -cent case of
Papelo Dianeosin from any drug store.
You realize in five minutes how need -
as it is to suffer from indigestion,
apepsaa or any stomach disorder.
tha quickest, surest stomach (toe
the world, It's wonderful,
ME. Oct. Rusal
bassy ilere last nigbt utade »ubfle at
minuntcatio v from
tbo Itussian beadquarters' ata ea, -
"The defeat of the German
complete. Their retreat is ebaniilx
Into a rout that is so disorderly and
Preolidtate, that thee' aro forced to
abandon everything.
l'Two Russian armies are proceed, -
one from the west and another
froni he south toward AlIeustoin (in
East Prussia. 60 miles southeast of
-The ...g.prinari )(Mica halt° not yet
been oflielali'r-aga,litalned. but it Is
estimated that they had -794100 men
News from tbe Russian headquar-
ters says that the invasion of Hun-
gary through the Carpathians has
two object. The first Is to Insure
the left ,flank of tbe Russian arraY
operating against Przemysl and along
the San river, and second, to open a
new Deld of action in the vast nun-
garian plains where it can frighten
the population, disturb Me drilling of
Hungarian reservists and recruits and
cut the railway 'communications, be-
sides freely feeding an important por-
tion of the army from, the resources
of the eountrY-
It Is reealled that during the Res-
slan-Turkish war of 1877, an expedi-
tion, commanded by Gen, Gotirka,
and mostly composed of cavalry did
the same thing cro8sing the Balkan
mountains and entering Eastern Rou-
A despatch received here, speak-
ing of the Russian invasion of Hun-
gary says:—
"Having captured all the Carpath-
ian passes, the Russians base com-
menced the invasion of Hungary. Ad-
vancing to the south they have occu-
pied Hosezumezo. Then the Cos-
sacks effected a daring coup. They
crossed the river and cut the railway
at Cziget, thus isolating the remain-
der of Hungary."
British Troops SbarenIn Defence of
LONDON, Oct. 6.—Britisb troops
are assisting in the defence of Ant-
werP. Yesterday they fought should-
er to shoulder with the Belgians in
the trenches along the north bank of
the River Nethe.
The Daily Mail received from its
correspondent confirmation of reports
that a British force has reached the
city and is actively co-operating in its
defence, The correspondent of The
Morning Post in Antwerp sends the
The Belgian field artillery is co-
operating effectually with our heavy
artilelry. Our infantry is entrenched
on the near bank a the Nethe, op-
posite the main German forces. Two
German attempts to cross the river
have been smothered by our artil-
Man Who Burned 'Louvain Taken.
LONDON, Oct. 6.—Among prison-
ers recently taken by the French is
Major Von Manteuffel, who is said to
have caused the destruction of Lou-
vain, He was recognized by a Rus-
sian officer now with the French staff,
who forinerly knew him at Petrograd
'whhen e was stationed
4 :arb ib
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trOIaH seer; igis b� abe 10
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A le who 3 U840ltItOOd to
t mond in Age, seem to
• Ft1.11011 deterie'4 wvfl n430114
Ible to s,pare som
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10u- hei Ind sons A
.3:11N11 add COL, 10
know • her no tie1/wawa:1y u
lf you, iny sister, are ittalopp)
caltlo and feet iota for household duti, 0ulal
jo,t bow pot anion; anti ask far any fres ten
trial of a home treatment suited to your it
with references to C.Madran Indies lia4 gladly t
how they have regained health, foreogtio met
balminess by its use, 11 Ntatt to tell you on ;about
this successful nictitent of haute treatment far
yourself, me reader, foryourdaughter. your si,ter,
or your tudther. I want to tell you how to cure
sufferings: witat we women know from expel-.
fence, we 'now hdter than any doctor; nod
thousarals 'hove, proved there is, hope even or the
boneless inlay mensotiof bottle tre,oment. 11 you
suffer front pain in the head, back, or bowels,
feeling Of weight aud dragging down sensations,
falling or displacement of internal organs. bladder
irritation with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly
or tercet:lady, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreme
nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to
happen, creeping feeling op the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion,
with dark circles under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feelingthat life is not
worth living, 1 invite you to Send to -day for niy complete un days' treatment entirely free and
Postpaid., to prove to yourself that these ailments clothe easily and surely conquered aryoltr own
home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the dangers of an operation. Women
everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing ef my simple method ef home
treatment, and when you are cured, niy sister, Ishati only ask, you to pass the good -word along
to some Otter sufferer. 7Aly honte treatment is foritil.-3:ounoor nld. ro Mothers of Daughters,
will explain a simple home treatment which sneedily and effectually cures green -sickness
(chlorosis), irregularities. 'headaches, and lassitude in yount, women, and restores them to
plumpness and health. t11 nie if you are worried about your 'daughter. Remember it costs you
nothing to give rny method of home treatment a coniplete ten day's trial, and if you wish to
CCM &blue, it costs Only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not i nterfei e with one's daily work.
Is health worth asking for ? Then accept my generous offer, write for the fre e treatmen1 suited
toyour needs, and I will send it in plain wrapper by return mail. To save time you am cut out
this offer, mark the places that tell your feethigs, nne return to me. Write and ask for the tree
treatment to.day, as you may not see this ofi'er again. Address:
• • • • pm mo. I • e•
o A. a a eas • ow e e a n t a a
ft 'Ci
Here is a powerful wire
stretcher, which also comes
in handy every day lifting
heavy loads. Two practical
tools M one.
Safely Hoist
and ifitire Stretcher
Enables one man to change
wagon boxes, stretch wire and
bandloheavyloads easily.
It elevaths, lowers, locks
and 11111,00L'S with one rope
only -holds the load at any
point. Heavier the load,
tighter the grip. Jumbo-Ca-
pacity,1500 lb q. Other hoists.
400 lbs. to 4 tons, at prices
Own 51.00 to 57.004
sizes of rope. Positively
holds load, even if rope as Come in ecu! see
The only hoist with adjust-
able safety lock for various
Forgx greasy, one in action,
Y. J. HE
g A