Exeter Times, 1913-12-11, Page 5.F. "At,a recent upio _g n meeCia ot thel managers �and trustees, of 'Be.t4any* ded to suppress and put a stop to ail rowdyism which, has beep orri� -a tim both inside and out, 61FTS 2 1 lit deci a I LJ DR"16 TO F! M A 0�0,* and the Ppresbyterian church, it Nv*f, d on Irox e U Of tho churches For the future any r boy caught not doing revere -nee, — ------ -orthy 'the, wo la S to the religious edifices wfill be sgv- exc,3 dealt with, MAIN STREET, EXETER Headquarters for, Holiday Goo&-) PHONE 65 bc�st 'Music FARQU11AR -A sp`p` 'match "'as 0 S t t ha ce T 4, most of us the c ce to hear humn, pla 11,�eather, Pood$�, -BUY USEFUL V1'RE,11�PNr,$,,!f `c ying fast weeklietween the boys op t4e Mirrors, li'wst and West side- of Farquhjr th Ef veryl;Uipg in leather. 14dies— WEER K you get the largest, as-gorti4p Tn All the newest shapes Of good music comes equentiv. 0n1v in the latter winning out by nearly 15W band, bags puri,os, and rausic folios, WHERB you get qu -and convenience and 4esign-_ Very acceptable gifts. P great pties re,thi heads. The count showed the. West cases and cell 111� We are proud of our fi�4e f-_! AP, . tt:t WHFRR- auget& beat for �J4D?ir ialonk�7� a 14 the r -�h m A V%*I� tp buir aoroiE; netes"ary to mic - mpy, siae to have captured 7217 and' ibe poc-4.t, toil&ti� 9-1 pp satisfied. Even then e can hear but a smaU East side5866, The sides consisted, of �N=derfut-�Yhig on hand, bag's WR)QRj.�, you get wha t youwaat and a reciateour offexin -gs. why not 22 men each and were c4ptained,joy, 25. per Cent off all lines, WHERE ishopping is a pleasure give bint 4shavin mirror. 'Part of all the worth hile concerts. Rp'bt Duncan 2nd 'Charlie Borland. The match, last d a week, The, oys- Fortunately for diose who I r skipper pr e., cd 'b ow the masteis of the past and who ovio I y the l9osip- te $baylog OR-4SS GOODS have the judgment to recogn ze in present day compows t6 9114e, was held in the Far4uhar ll�all JardWeres, Trays, Va,ses, Fern Ppts, on Wednesday evening. the caterin Brush and, Comb pet4 masters of the future, there is he Edison 00 Kettlesand 0 IleStieLs. Atpric alat being done by M,r, E. k Follick �f Cuff and, Collar boxe4 ..... .... 2�e $3,00 4nc es Phonograph," It is worthy of aper, of Exeter, Following ar Can't be beatea in town, Wee, 81100 U, Q the nanies of Barb, of PuccinL ne clear, �weet, toue, tho,,,u,- oileither side. Glove boxes ....... _ ..... 14:�Q Uk 00 H4udkgrc b ............ E;kst side Robert Duuc3n, (Captain) XMAS STATIONERY remarkable in its, purityi is zim�,, r, a tranda- Sano, Duncan� Gilbert 'Duncan., John Toilet Soaps. (perfumed) bQxe tiort of human music into your wa home. atyne- Neil McGill. Millar 11c- $eMpg, fest, The biggest sersation yet. Balln, �Pipe, Cases ......... ....... Curdy,, Oliver McCurdy. ')Tilion '51c- XllitAry Brushes, ......... $ 1�xclujiiye L4e and designs wake�3 our M64 you have heard the neElEd' $5�qQ dispuy t4pwest porulair. Let us set A� curdy, llowqrd acCt4rdy, Earl Ro447 Music Folios .......... slqo y _Iqv"Phol�v tipm. YOU have ngi cont J!c ;Cptibrt of th wmderrfu �Im,r !$ke%vart, -Poler Gard, e I - - ....... ... .... McDow qualii�r. You never ed �ha ioer, Earl Gardiner Nelson Rpaclio - Uww, -Or4 lt'm - (1�3 094 CIQU$ CONFEmONERN, Ray Vran�j& G._,arpet 0 'Warreu 141, � oil, nci� bottle ...... such beauty coula oe appliect tci saun& XcXellar� Neil AlcICellir. Louis F�et- F Insh In _Nwaa pavkages freiilt ftlow the b est Ask your Edisen, dealer, to play one of N Cher, 13eyk �L the Blue Am�rrol Records --then you will Coursey -.Brown, Xmixg ca!407 West $ide—Qbarlio Porlaud. (cap- Toilet Watem know that the whole world of good music train) Normqn-11.,issmore, , John Bra� - I rag --past and present ---4 opco to you. Percy Dupmn.. Garnet Pgmmmro. 17er- rAntandre. ou'r 0=10i've Now Zpg. 'We Save Yoll None Hts Dismas&P4i't ry Wassmore. Robert r igmoro. Tho4 Imid line at 50 ceut�q eacb, y wom prar 46�* �d Atna� $Allory, 94410 X31110rYN Norris, aillory Aoy Coward- Qharllox �Coimvd. fft4aliw Coward, N ;Olarke. Chlirlie, Alit, Fvgr�tbfn for the CT .0 A empleat Ike of MoaF hompaplis, and, Records willl I= E=d, aa *oa Alfred llun4a Wellington Stone This 6 oue, of our leadling de, -5pecial, -Gift Boxes Percy �Stonq, Ldgar Monteith, Wil- X406441931 toys, of, tho Utest, deoigiis� Gain partments, Our dlspJ4*y wasoever es of evopy Jeffrey. Violet-DoloK, J. Willis Powell, Main 5 better. Popular oOor wo, w4tvbes, soldiers cbin� 4 s, fa i tP.I.S. tQ191F, tin to is ys,W 514 Xeki, teddy h0ars, 1 t A44,Att 4 tree ca.,.0opils are r!gh&;knd so are the P r Can. J'A P "Ire 2S CLAIN01,; POTF- pr;ges, 25P to $$,W, Ir ­OQ LAte'FO The Xissiom "U'And of Dolls -The best Ch?,z wonty vl,11 Xmas cards and beoRlets Paw&v & V.D. Toilet toapq,, Prlcva charch hPld a Wzaar 'in lhv� tK4$*. buy, The loyr,,pricea w'll v�ny fkam to $,0 24, T =TA at the chur _ I , C'urpria � boy, . ch 0,11 the vvuilia Of you. -Buy whem Your Tr"04�,T gOv's We nevkm bad a b�tter aswrtrgotit. 7bqusAnd.�s toptoaga Attradtosr 4"Ptclol Attmtjou. $014 "OvemWx '27th tor wblgla thty Lots of Red Cedar', HOW TO CONQUER RHEUMATISM tb a fi%rlheat-� rric" 10C to Idol from, See Our booklets, Sptelalpideal la au)7 At out 4torg. boM Ipm],mirlifta for :so-= UUM, 0M AT YOUR OWN HOME COMM of tli�. basement was cornore4l Sl--clr om . L lip a IfyonoTrau rhen. for Abooth. A rvd curtair. ovia =aUsw,:kidn disordcr:s or ewcess of urlc;�cOl C3U*iAJ;L bin _ bavkacbe, wu*cpur pains- an wbich the articles 00IT'g ha V Our Store Is Crowded 1vitli Chrlstm, as Gifts MUNI.,, ttta,linxbp� IrKL= rop juOvil gniob,A* ap S. Come and See for 'Yourself a44 crt; di c,%4 lighf, itcW—Sr skin, Q17 ark and !oil. oorts of; I ­ ArQfi5vl coll I I 111MU Ilici to.%=U tancy thing's. A bpleudiil tea wao. iier rresb BI e Lake MEO.'"IURI blronlcurii WAtItsd0rcum . and ved after i�hlph the a0irngo adjour- fult pAil;9pla by Iii4il. t7his J* no r�,, 0 V r.ed. 'up stikirs for the PrOgrum., Ir le c pvc, t6 you'-froc of cost, Xisalar.nry �,progratn Which cronsisted Cem ilit I t U. con%cred.. CbranIcure of recitatipus. songs, 01410g Iles trnil 14 innell enjoy by, _ a Nvue 11 else atils. 01ratucur* �ry ed '411 0 t alli , zin4 reinavom the.esusa, &is* drills,was vi ea. ruii-dowg VQU44ion 9-0,26 was realUed. from theevenings avtcw. you -116 It., entertainment TOD MUCh PrIlSe CU. % s. U I t t life. ry en given to, their % rill casc t It our: cc a of Tkesbin Coal h uot'be -b Ubt I sidelit Air$ 'T 'BroOk WhO wag tir0r, tL a SO tods or A A good sun v of )arge- blocky. Inc. t xto I T" hov"Affor to, JnaL-e , It a 3ue_ Ulm LA 11 13 abing coal t. cess, .�speAding a great deal., of U100, and energy tialnirp the girls Alto- ge'the'r it was -.% 1=14110 140W 1, rme k your D.,L, Crediton a -rd would predict -a full llousO -iat you an't tbey evkr give 'us anotlier. Eke NO Wa W. tbraClte COA), Sel'"M-d I Mr. Dyer and Mrs,, Wal d IS right ito your IYkIgOU, Without returned hom ker have MiS3 14dith Lewis of 14=41941, -4 1111 L after visiting in St, Miss Greta, Bi®r of St. Thomas, v.Qr.4 handli g, Ararys. bom(t attending the )rtznar ou Mon- Mr.and -Mrs. Harry Kuhn are vis. day evening *November 24th. your hair to be— iting the latters sister in Detroit this Mrs Arthur Taeksor. is F�tlll Confl"_ week. od to b4r bed and slight hopes, are A number of our young man attend held Wor 'her recovery. lut the U ed the concert it Exater. on riziday 111r, Wesle.N -Neil who has slit. GIAW rthil, night. ,vast two months in 'the W,��sk. has re - Lustrous', briorht and GRANTOW. 11r, and Mrs, Albert 'Morlook- '.brrs iurred home. Hill and Rose Reozlex motorc%J to London on Saturday. STr-'VERN COUNCIL soft silky Miss i0lara 11N%hner spent q foly days, in London last -week. The 4councit of the Townsbip of y Lorne �)ro%vn has returned to, Lon - *+v don where he still continues italUng Stephen conveced in the Wown Vall. College at Home ,Crediton, on Monday the first dayL of + treatment forbisleg, and Nva,�T,, 'December 1013 at n). All menn- 3 lbousands bI ambitiou's young Mr r,,rnest 'Guettinger '%Yho has bers nvere -present. ,The minutes Of !4* Jpeople are in . )st 1wepariRg in been in Pt. Huron for the past­fe�v he Vrevious meeting lvcrc read and + J.mouths has returned home., 11 ibeir own homes to occupy luc- .L Bir and blrs, A. E. Kuhn spent adopted. 4 ratIve positioni as stena;raph- I 11KeJl(ArmWu_Flnkbejner—Tbat by- * I Saturday in London. TL%c%V have beautiful I1* arm bookkeep;bris tele;sraph- *u Miss May Wilsoli of Oreenway gave laNvi 2�to. Oo3 of 1913 to, provide lor are, eivil iservaiits in fact every + the drainage Work of the Township j+ a�pbere of busbiess activitlea an interesting report of the S. Sr hool You may� finisl at Colle;a if lconvcntion lield recently of- Stephen known as the Dashwood in O'v"' " Irair, having %cen Tead three times �-r you so wish Positions guaran. 4 Gound to a union meeting of the �e passed and isigned by the Reeve te I Enter cofl�ga any clay. V .1iletbodist and Evangelical gunday A clerk and the seal of the corpor- hair I ke this, use + an leavidual initruotion. Zx- + sbccols held on Sunday in the Evan- lyears & gelic, atiov attached thereto: Carried hirty' al, eburib. pert teachers. The followin- orders were passed; experienoe. Lar,'�est trainers Mrs, 93eilstein of Ramburg las left W. D. Sand�,rs, Selecting jurors in Canadd. Wen coHe�gje�s + forlier home after visitin g Mrs. Rev. 0, Toseph uitwn. 'do 1.00, Special courae teachers. . + !Beckor for the last three months. tiilber 'do 4.00, -Reg Office Count5 Win. �Vcnzel is in iGoderich this of Lambton. Copies of deeds 0-65. F. Affiliated With mercial Ed- + ecationalAssocia n of Canada + iveek. acting as one of the jurors. Treibner igravel. 8.65, F. Treibner. lil- -*I- Summer School Famous Spot -+ ling i,a approaches 1.00; El. 'Reynolds. --f ton 133usine�� Col, ge LondA)r- "t mmissioner N. B. r700; J. Querio. it, A 4 gravol, 40.20.; D. Webb -gravelling NO VAC "�t Hair Doesn't Die. it H A ANION 3 road 8.50, G. Kienzle grailim, 5.50; ssOollege culvert 4.00; J.. -Neil Clinton Busi 4 Win. Ferrol xe has to be Killed ShoVC]irg Vnow 1.00 , A. Dis:jaidine GE,0. SPOTTON,1- B.. F. WARD + rep bridga 6.00; Ed. Gill sheep killed mum ffail*� often continues to live ard by dogs 4.00 ;51. Ilarlton tilling ' in pincpai HAIR BEAUTIFf'R arow loL9 after the death of t�hc washout �9.50, fQ. Otanlake plank- 50; ............ 1',++4' body. But it i often killed through" _V, W. Farr.comb inspectiag cDncrAC, i I Win not Mr-lect and in se. Al�:iost always the b lidges 25.70; ;Can. Express Co. E:�- ItPs just -what its name iv�plies—just to change or darken the color of the woman or ma whose hair is press on drainage papers 50, W. Nich- make the hair glossy, and lustrous, and more hair. Contains no oil; therefore, cannot leave out, or is str il�Y. lifele�ss a faJli4g, p bridge 5.00: InG. -,Bowden) rep beautiful —just to inake it easier to dress�, and the hair sticky or stringy. Mss� Vera Saulter of Granton an looking, is ent elY to blam nd, dull 01sr re Very pleasant -to use, very easy to apply — <employee in the exaporator suffered of bot giving . e because bridge 3.50; X. Finkliolner shovelling more natural to fall easily and gracefully into inful accident when �her i lie proper,. care. 'It snow 4.00; R. Adair Conareta. tile, imply sprinkle a little on your hair each time dite a pa. is iLasy.to ta 1W ca rL o 00 ; Jerry Barry x�p ditch 4.00; C �o the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure, just to S Zand became'eaught in the machin- f the haii—easy D. 5 before brushing it n whiah she was working. Her to Imake it re. beautiful. Tist, Zilber culv,�rts 6. 0;"J. Klump rep. give that delightftil fresh and coot effect, and To tboroughly clean your hair and scalp t Ty 0 1-farmoi y Ll -I' I 1 10,11 drair. 4.00; Wiison. -Pike. '& linger -was nearly severed. It m- ' eMutifl , to mak'6 award leave a lingering, delicate, elusive perfume. use it gjoss�, f, d silks.,vod Harmony Stewart -et ol re)GrWad 1136ndeat 178.- iguired several"stitches to close the Shampoo to k 'hair and scall) thor- 26; E'lizabeth S(mith Rabate of �dog V oughly clean. tax 1.00; Joseph LRwzon bat of bridge inony ir 13e-ftutifier,. ',delight. vor.tracts 561.33. Hm armony bhamp '00 Har S!1116 Ur-iondale cheese Vactory near fully perfam roseis very meet g;t. Marys was receTntly &�,stroyed by The CouT.cil adjourned to -rinki easy o &pp.-iyl. sib 'Ply 'sl) e, a littip again in the Town liall Crediton on tire. The . loss is 23timated on your hair ac 'tllm bfore brush�- Monday the 15 th of Dec6inber A llqilid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, smooth and beautiful. It gives ;ams 6000 -thd 7000:.dollars partly no,oil and, will a t. I *Weex- an instantaneous rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part of the hair irg,�At. Ut- 41 -11 '1' riot ` CoJOT of- thoi hair, nor, �p. in. '41enry - Eilb r Clerk and scalp.. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only ere4� ly'.1rsura9ace. ...cha age t darken gray a ir. a few moments., To -.6e-) y r hair and so It leaves no lumps, or stickiness. d C'f cl,k'�fn US Harmony, 10 CENT "CASCARETS" ACM. STONACHS '9 Inlre I if, d —Just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness. SES, 09 IN IGEATION 11 Ul shaml)06 is,most conve1iont, to Ilse, giving an, IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE —just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance. I #Papellls D,japep'siny�.,dig6sts insLaneous rji) f0ainin- lathex that Both, in odd -shaped omamental bottles, wiih sPrinkler IoPs- Harmony H food, ending all stomach immediatOY, p�n(itxatcs� to every PUrj air Beautifier, $x.00; Harmony Shampoo* Soc. Pat"* of 1:11c 'haii 1�.)d scalp Insuriog a For Sick Head che, Sour Stom.,ch, Sowels=They Both guaranteed t6 please you, or your money back. o inisery ifi�.flv& minutes. quick all 'It' i8r Sluggish Live and 'T wltShed of I: jlj,,k :,s work w Ile you sleep. sold �iily, by fh6 more fLan 70QO Remall Storea— The WoTld's dre�test D�ruz Stor —a"A it, In. i`h�e minutes all stom- �JuiclIY,AhL entire Labomf e'where all th. d�liggl�th Istress,will, go. N few minutes., rade in our own Mir Toronto on s, -1 HAR-MONY,,71OLF-T o Jndigestion� th, DULCE and BOUQUET JEANICE".rfumez and Toilet Prcp=&Hozk*&m smadc. 01, � belching ot can hz�rm the bair,aDd 1�o :harshnass:or stick Furred Tonga Dad Taste, Inillges- d_or, eructoEtlons of 1=11gestea ink�ss—lu!,t, �WuO �Ieaal` 'tion, Sallow and Mioerable Head- old in this co,mmunity,only a S no diiiin s,�, bloating, tic �8. aches come fror a torpid liver and Both. I)rI.,Mf come in Od'd P"A 01�,� _­,adhei shaped 'WrY oj,�i�iin�,ntal bottlos with clogged 'bowels, which cause your Is noted for 1 its ndi- h r '1'reg'U1UL1n_'uPset stoinacbs. fitier, $1400, Shawpoo'_50(.. 9 -e s and ferments stomach to,. nee e filled with u LO e tXelfer, Qn, sl?riLlcle tf)J��, 14armGnY Ilair Bealj- est d food, whic �ow That's R�,Tn iiret3L', k1ldellest like, garbage in a wilt b sltomach-r6m� jBo�h g,j� z arrel. d, Satisty you in a world: and bes e the s ',it first step, to ntold' misery—in 1- n mo;iey b, ck Sold tion,'foul gase bad,breath, yellow Put an C121 to st )mach a tbis'cowin!,ioit�' cn�y at, our store ges b r @vqr. . y gp the' mo skin, niental fear -everything that, is Hug N re, kso 'of Pap than 1�000 4­,,�wg di -lig stores of th;e liorklble'and',nau ating. A'Casearet es Dlape sin You realize In* IT 0,'�nzvda 'and 'Greaf t6whiglit N��ll giv : your , constipated ug stoie. n i t e. d nt b" els' a tboro gh cleansing and eedl6ss it Is tO, Slifl� "BiRain thj,� IA_l 11armony, Ow 0"' Ion, where th'L straighten yo b They- sia or, i Tabd. 1-1 qpes and Toi� work. while you leep�a 10-c eD L OX ts,� thpl��-,.Qxdc 101". 766 NM '7'' . v, - b a . ",77, -! , yo _V,�V froin, d , , piggi t,Nvillaeeg yqu fe