The Goderich Signal-Star, 1980-05-28, Page 28PAG4'll10A� 0P RICH kl,l NAL 'ri TAR,, WEDNESDAY t.r wq Special award Judge _P.G—Carter-of-&8derieh-was-presented -' with a scroll to mark his contribution to education at the 50th annual meeting of the Ontario Separate School Trustees Association in Toronto on April 10. He is a past president of the Association. Here he renews his acquain- tance with Gerald Emmett Cardinal Carter who was also present at the meeting. Letters about faith S G With the coming of Spring, I see now what the phrase, "The Prettietst Town in Canada" means. The be'auty around us reminds us of two things - - the goodness of the Creator and the caring response of His Creation. It was a sad sight to see recently how carelessly a young person tossed an ice-cream wrapper onto the street. A small concern, for sure, in a world full of wars, violence and racial unrest. Yet, somehow it seems the former is as much a matter of attitude as the latter. Such at- titudes are reflections of what 'responsible' people do, --as-adults- toss --waste. from car windows, and our streets and roads are littered with broken glass, cans, and bottles. Such are simply small - scaled attitudes of the kind which waste our fu ean up our whole act BY THE REV. ROBERT O. BALL, B.A., B.D. Tl OIRTITSTREE'I' _ UNITED CHURCH natural resources, pollute our land, seas, and air, create wars, riots and wasteful vandalism. But, are these religious inister'- stu or spiritual concerns? Indeed they are. The Creation Story reminds us that God has given us DOMINION OVER... but, our world-wide concerns about the environment, energy, resources and the like, reveal a miscon- cep'tion..... -.--".that--- the DOMINION entrusted to us is one of ownership, use, abuse, and carelessness. The DOMINION intended by the Biblical witness is one of Trust; we have been Even medical men question practice Dear Editor, Has the time come for medical opinion to un- dergo a change as in the past? Bits of news from the United States, Canada and Poland would seem to so in- dicate. The medical journal "Zyimy Dluzej" (Live 'Longer) of the Polish People's Republic recently commented on a growing medical' trend away from blood tran- sfusions, saying that doctors have come "from naive faith in the saving value of blood" in the past "until our day when ,sober ju gement shows that bloo4 can also be very dangerous." The writer, Professor Franciszek Smolarfk, M.D., added: "There was a time when the healing progress was measured by liters of transfused blood. Today we see the real truth, that blood is a foreign tissue ... able to cause far-reaching im- munological reactions." - August 1979, p.14. Professor Horace' Herbsman, M.D., of the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, confirms this changing medical view. He writes in "Emergency Medicine: "Indeed, perhaps our experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses might be ,interpreted to mean that we do not need to rely on blood tran- sfusions, with all their potential complications, as much as we once thought." - January 15, Dear Editor, 1980 p. 76. Ref. to Mr. Snyder's In Canada, after in- letter of May 14, last ter viewing a number of paragraph, surgeons on the subject, His logic could be reporter Marilyn' Dunlop applied to any major of the Toronto "Star" invention today, previous asks: "How great a risk to their- discoveries: to the lives ,of their television, radio, etc. children or themselves do Their inventors, if they Jehovah's Witnesses take had thought like him, by. refusing on religious would never have grounds to accept blood? procee.ded with their How did she answer her ideas. They used faith, which is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The wind, electricity and nuclear fission all work to create powers that we can use for our benefit or detriment, We can choose to ignore these powers, but we do so at our own peril. These powers, plus faith, all work with ethereal for- ces, to function. Mr. Snyder maintains own question? "'i'here is growing medical evidence that it may not be as great as the rest of society and the medical profession has long assumed." Such changes in thinking are not un- common in any field of science. And this is not to the discredit " of physicians who sincerely wish to give their patients the best form of treat- ment possible. No doubt when they become convinced that alter- native treatment is better, they will say as did one heart surgeon interviewed for the "Star"; "There is an advantage to doing it that way (without blood). Blood is not good for people. If you can get along without it that is great." February 28, 1980, p. A10. It would seem that the Creator knew what was good for people when He inspired to be written in His Word: "Abstain from blood" - Acts 15, verses 20 and 29. Sincerely, C.F. Barney Wow! Trinity support ethereal? Just one comment Dear Editor: I read with deep respect your statement in the May 14 edition of the Signal -Star as to your new policy for letters to the editor and shall abide by this policy in future. However,..I felt that I had to challenge the constantattacks by the Jehovah's Witnesses on the -unadulterated doc- trines of Holy Writ (The. Bible). The objections to the letters, without a shadow of a doubt, issued from members of the Jehovah's Witnesses who hate exposure. Let the brief period (compared to the length of time Barney wrote) of my replies, stand as •a witness on its own merits, and let ybur readers from their own Bibles judge if I spoke truth. A brief comment on Mr. Ken Snyder's letter is -i-rrurdet iter e. Mr. Snyder quotes a very long argument" (based on reason rather than fact) from Watchtower publications (these are not his own thoughts) and states among other things that I do not know how the Witnesses study and how Or what they Keach. Well, Mr. Snyder, here's how: I, Daniel D'Haene was a "bap- tized" member of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 18 years until I found salvation in Christ in 1976, I know the ins and outs of Watchtower teachings as such, and that's how I know! It's rather interesting how Mr. Snyder should mention Michael whom they claim is Jesus Christ, before he became flesh!! How's that for double talk? Would the real Jesus of the Watchtower jungle please stand up?!?! Sincerely Daniel D'Haene Plan Blossom Tea Huronview Auxiliary met on May 19 and Mrs. Leona Lockhart opened the meeting. Mrs. E. Webster read the minutes in the ab- sence of Mrs. J. Griffiths and roll call was an- swered by 12 members. For the birthday parties the Tiger Dunlop group is responsible for May and Hensall will look afterthrm in June. Plans were, made for the Blossom Tea on ,June 4 from 2.4 p.m. Mrs. Mary Gihhings attended the meeting and presented a letter from District 3 Homes for the Aged and invited delegates to attend a meeting at Cambridge on May 22. It was decided to have' Mrs. Lockhart and Mary Clairmont represent Huronview. Mrs. Powell presented an afghan to Mrs. Gib- bings as a gift from, the Goderich Township Women's Institute for the restcTents' use. The ladies of the Auxiliary would very much appreciate any donations for the hake table for the Blossom Tea at Huronview on June 4. ROBERT G. STODDART GOLDSMITH, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLERY DESIGNER REPAIRS CANADIAN AWARD WINNING DESIGNER 133 ST. GEORGES CRESCENT GODERICH, ONT. 524-8433 For Wedding Banquets Funeral Designs, Green Plants, Hanging Plants • and Pots, plus a full line of Fresh, Silk and Dried Flowers head for... SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE an d the new.. ltpV 0 PHONE 524-13761 EVENINGS 524.7243 len Rp11ONS FOR Act r 82 South St. Goderich 4 ,the only scriptural support for the Trinity is ethereal. Some support, I would say, some security. Wow! He also states, may the Trinity rest in peace. I Presumptuous Dear Editor: Referring to my letter of April 23. I think that the first pdragraph in Mr. D'Haene's letter of May 15 is entirely visionary and presumptuous. Who told him? How does he know? Why? He .ob- viously has not read the book that I mentioned. The name of the writer is John Ballow, not Ballon. The first .page ,would convince him that I definitely have a cause for making the statement that I made in my letter. I specifically invited the Witnesses and Mr. Barney to make com- ment. Mr. D'Haene, have you adopted the name of Barney, or have you joined the Witness? Sincerely, N.J. Minaker am sure that it is, because it was originated by the Prince of Peace. Since he chooses to discuss another dimension, one has to use the elements in this dimension to illustrate as I did above. Sincerely, N.J. Minaker SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Cllnton'7 . 482-9441 "We personally invite you to come to Clinton to shop - and compare - on your next furniture purchase" Compare selection. quality price and service You can buy the best for less 6f Ball 8 Mutch Come browse through our vast selection of fine home furnishings, • We feel you'll be pleasantly sur• prised we offer big -city selection at small-town prices you con afford. Don Denomme Clarence Denomme •. ttO tE F IiNGS r1OOR cov, COvfRINGS (nRvErtNG Ball & Mutch Ltd. Home Furnishings 71 Albert Street, Clinton 482 9505 OPEN Six Days a week 9 n m Open Friday nights till 9 p m put into the created order of things as caretakers and custodians, responsible for what we have and responsible for its future. It's too easy for Christians to think that these things are in God's hands arid -we- are -only be concerned about the Spirit as though that was something wholly otherworldly. If our response to God's gift of life to us and to creation,isnot reflected in a response -ability to the world He made, then our faith is misdirected and false. And surely such response begins where we are, in our work, our 'worship, our play and our leisure. It begins in the care of self, the community, the places of recreation, even the very foundations of a democratic society through things political, educational and social. It begins with teaching the new generation, if the old will not learn, at the level of 'litter' care. The Psalmist says: CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART; 0 GOD, AND PUT A NEW AND RIGH' PIRIT WITHIN ME... a d speaks for and to us all. A polluted at- titude to the world about us;"' -betrays a --polluted attitude of \mind and spirit. It is within reach of us all to clean up our ac- t...when we start with ourselves by responding to God's gift of Life and Love, through a renewal of attitude towards Life, as exemplified in Jesus. DAVE HAYLOW ELECTRICAL Serving Industrial, Commercial, Residential Needs 524-6038 BEREA-BY-THE-WATER /. LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes 10.30 Worship Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524.2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord otall" Acts 10,:36 The Anglican Church of Canada ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH . North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J, Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B. Herdman • Trinity Sunday June 1st '8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11 00 a.m. Church School and Nursery 11 00 a.m. Holy Communion 7 30 p.m. Board of Management i SERMON: "Holiness and Wholeness" • You are always welcome at St. George's - • % i % j Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of -Canada 177 t Pastor C. Fred Day - (i SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1980 % i i 1 !' BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 321 BAYFIELD ROAD (HWY. 21 SOUTH) Christian Education 10 a.m. Morning Worship Il a.m. Evening Fellowship 7 p.m. Ephes. 3.21 "Unto Him be glory in the church both now and evermore." Knox Presbyterian Church .THE REV' G LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV.Minister% THE REV RONALD C. MCCALLUM, Assistant LORNE H DOTTER ER, Director of Praise SUNDAY, JUNE 1 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Communicants' Class Sunday School Divine Worship I I9 Sermon: % "MESSIANIC LIFE STYLE" (Nursery Facilities) 2:00 p.m. Young People's Society b i Enter to'Worship Depart to serve �L.11risti�tll lit'fontivb Qhurch Services held each Sunday at Robertson Memorial School 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. listen to CKNX Radio Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for the "Back to God Hour" ARE YOU LIVING WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM? AI -Anon pan help! PHONE 5244001 OR WRITE P.O. BOX 482 MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING 8 REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 T. PRYDE & SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1920- -MAP RESIDENC E. SENIORLODGE GODERICH 45 NELSON ST. "Retirement Home" with "HOME ATMOSPHERE" — 24 HOUR,SUPERVISION — Maple Grove offers gracious yet comfortable living In both". private and semi -private ,rooms. Our warm surroundings and home cooked meals are most comfor- table, as is the convenience of being close to the down- town shopping area and most churches. These however are just a few of our many features, Call today for more details, we welcome all enquiries. PHONE: ' 524-8610 or524-7324 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 2 2 Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec 2 Montreal Street (near the Square) 6 Edward J. Anderson, Pastor f Choir Director and Organist: Mrs. Leonard Warr 2 9:45 A.M; MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME ALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT SLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC—FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M. - Family Bible School 11:00 A.M 7:30 p.m 6 p.m. % JR. CHURCH DURING MORNING WORSHIP Tues. 6:30 P.M. - Boys' and Girls' Olympian Program Wed. 7:30 P.M. - Prayer and Bible Study WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH,. "EZRA" REBUILDS THE TEMPLE Music By The Sunday School Chorale FELLOWSHIP & COMMUNION SERVICE Special Music: Men's Duet YP's WORD OF LIFE SERVICE BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages Worship Service 11:00 a.m. ,Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. . Wednesday Night 7:45 p.m. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Huron Road & Walnut St. Phone 5.24-4345 ,G. Clair Sams, Pastor -) Phone 524.2785 1 t t ?v THE SALVATION ARMY f? it 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524.9341 e 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 6:30 p.m. ening Service OfP6ers LieuEvtenant & Mrs. Neil Watt 1 All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship % North Street United Church The 'Rev. Robert O. Ball, B.A., B.D.: Minister Miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assistant Mr. Robert Blackwell, A. Mus., M. Mus. Director of Music 1, 1980 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for Grades 7 and over Church School foages 4 through Grades 6 from' worship at 11 a.m.r 7 WORSHIP - 11 A.M. f The Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 109 will be in attendance. Nursery Facilities Come and worship with us SUNDAY JUNE Victoria Street United Church 1 Minister. Rev. John D.M. Wood, B.A.B. D. Organist and Chioir Director: Mrs. J. Snider MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SeHOOL 16 .a.m. Victoria Street 11:15 a.m. Benmiller