Exeter Times, 1913-4-24, Page 4tio24+ 44444+ de'
cord Progre
A A >
op.qzated I.S$51
for FiVe Years—L9Q&=im
*906 'olut
• $ 2,000.080, $ 4,000peo
• 27,457.0.3kl. 8,9eitee$,P1
400A444 it4A'
a n $. 417 ea/n P41 een es: and Cm:respondent:sin all
nrinelpal CI eau the Worniei
,aaneldng Bi4oriess Trans ed
s bank Department
. ,
Interest,ailow a at Begtiest Cart Rotee.
tors. rlt. P. li-lIelEIDON Manager 4,
44,4_74 4
General News -
Four 'dog teams loot% Snorted on
41 m& race .frons Nome to Pantile
rn Alaeko /ever 'rho onow trai/ the,
About 3 Velock lest ThurodaY
morning fire broke lout the enoo
idenoe or Abe Smith I.Cinonton seereet
Gcalerieh, The fire started lo the
Oitchen heninel a sideboardlikely
elude offered /tetalltriO ke,000, from rake IttOd motche, ae no fire
One hundned executions are teem'. had be in there tlIeee 0004 . Ra-
ted to heve eollowen an erneocesson for the fire had oained heedway
attertect to ,aesassinate General 14.- tire Ifiremert 'hoe/ it out at 4,30; on
Nttenetre.nen Vee 1 resoOent of tbe
per Root Tlighnesn the -Dueness
of Contain -Oat ur.or., her ereivol
Englantt underwent at operation for
ionestinal obstrnetions end is . now
reported to be „doion on wet!, as cart
be expected., at Woe- round '4eeenen
orY to .reeetene the AelaeodiX.
d on all deposits a $1nd
ry ttOcciant Small accounts
opene id oprated by mail.
the anes of two or more perOPTISI,
af them or by the sorrivor„
t61121exictAlePt.4 to tbe: 'Ontario Lk-
nse eeets introduced by the Provir.,
iai Government reroride for the
opening of th. bar atS It:Orlon-le in
the moroing ie.:stead ot 6 o'clock.
orohibit the oak, of* nottlea in bars
mad raise, the 4S1:100 license fee to the,
nome as for the hotels.,
Peesident Wilson has ookified the
eactere of the .11oose of Ilepreserseate
and tbe *gate, .thoe erre Zarin Ziff
ritOet be rassd iz AecerOonee with
" Pledges bi: elan oarty to the nen-
. le material Alterations Are
made in ebe hitt declarehe weli
veto it and .brione on an e,lezt.i.otle
A. 5,tateMant tL.a .theVOA",
tign Tcf,gramtao, of .tine.
dian Vaelite „RailwAy in Western;
oda thee leer wilt ogOstant te,$50,*
Otineti. Tins: itielodee the Tone.
Ildeers Pose, 'much double track
termiaals. At variotia „melees lorne
beidoes aod irrigotioro
OYER 40000 CAnthi,
Ottaolfith—Durirte tho
ial y r ended MAX' 31 404132
iu4U artFred iis. Canada.. Tbia
total is Madeop: or uns.4.1 Aritish
139,09Ve frelo tlie 'United, State s and
eroot Ail othee countries com
ilatetti t
*.iaJl r
A 1
Congress )
rik„ when t e
I was in trothseed in the House
striking part of thebill is the
f the free Pet. The hill pro.
4 ,,e no duties lev-
a roeats, f1oiie, hoots awl shoes
ss, milk and cream,
es Me, corn, agrieUltilral im.
wing machines, steel rails,
''irt, 12b, :nada number of other
s. This would at once throw
1 a of the United States
) I to WM' c annetitiou iu these
special artielt.s and it should mean n
mconsiderable reduction in tbe cost of
lying. kt the same time certain art-
}iries ()flu:wry, sad% as uociat, diamoods
and for. , ore tohen off the free list and
tatr-ed 10 per cent. In addition to this
large addition to the free list, there is
t wholesale reduction or duties upou
latist:) t 1 1 case a sugar the duty is reduced at
G , practially every class of goods. In the
1 I once tOabotlt one cent a pound, and
the bill privides that in. 1910 sugar will
ei es
a up
r Post
n Eland
GRA• NTON. I be placed upon tbe free list. It is
4.1$tImateti that if the bill becomes law
it will mean 0, JOSS to the revenue of
about SSO.000,000. To meet this loss it
is 1-.1.r000sed. to levy an income tax upon
all ini ernes Twee SI,000 per annum. A
tao at one per teen will belevied upon
in.comes from 8 4,000 to $10;0i„X), 9.1e tax,
iticreaoing gradually until lt Is fixed at
4 per cent. on all incomes above $100-
000. The general purpose of tbebillis
Plainly manifest, to reduce Use cost of
living as it affects the poor; to insure
. competition by loweriug the tariff wall
and to raise the needed revenue by a
,tax upon the well-to-do. Considering
the composition of the „Goose of Con-
gress, and the cboracter of thtPresi-
iclent, it would seem probable that the
bill will pass in both Houses without
1 radical amendment, blot there will pro-
bably he very vigorous opposition be-
fore it is ollowed to become law. But
if the bill becomes law and the cost of
is lowered in tbe Redublic, how long
will it be before Can ono will follove the
lead of her great neighbor? We vent-
ure to say that it will not be long. —
Cristaan Guardian.
Replaee t '
tiient, draughty:I
doegerous and of-
fensive out-of-doors'
cioset wjti. at fn -
door closet which'
requires to -sewer,
to plumbing, aedi
zio finishing ons-
coavenietees ink your
Lame. Family ,health by
Sanitary and OtIorleno
"Tweed" olosets can be installed',
One bathroom, or any other'
carkenieet place indoors 'd merely Ve—
' to be connected by a pit'a for:
ventiln.tion -wire a ehimtey hole •
°Tweed"Liquid CheinicOlo used. itt
ootereetion with Tweed ,Closets is bola
o deodorant • and disinfectant.,
Many lundfleds of Tweed Clooets
have been sold in Cateda. Send tor
illustrated price lest.
Wooler 'Apr, '3 1912. Dear Six; The
Chemical Closet 1 bought from yoo on
t3an. 5tb. 1412 is perfect,. l' did. not
empty it till March- 2911t There are
''ereree in the family and care leave the
up and no 'particle of odor cat, be
Eound I would not tisk for en.ythine;
better. •Yours Tvuly M. Wessels.
eitel T10110 IMO MOgtlitig gOdiffilid
Agent;— W.3. llearnan
, t4ozdt
oa- _ Toe leeot practical .training :
Iochool in. Ootario. Three de 4s
Partments COMIYIEF C.I. ;AL
All `,>. Tenlennline :
A bulletin issu...:_a by the Census of
• Statistics Office stanes that accord -
ins to reeorte made by correspond.
:ente at the end of Mareli 92 c.
of lon't ,Searn; whnat roi in Cana&
183,611.0001 bustbeis out of the
totat'estimated Produetion of 199,-
230,000. Ineehels, peeved to be of
merohantable qtrality. fn the, Mar -
time ,orovinenS. in Quebec arecl. in
Ontario the eroportiono 'wore sma 0-
er than tibia. being OS per r,(er.t in
Privoe Edward Island 110 ecr cern
in Nova Scotia 2ter cent ie New
Brunswick '75 le re in Quebec 83 per
cent., In Ontario. but in the three
Norf./sweet Provinceo 'of" Matitoba
la Cana Etri
tinit t a
rnrv1rk by
eleado Tokr
year.a the-
oreeh. 3lats Ttl/1:
3 ; from• the Not
and f rom all otner eounto
iF:2-.41)11; totol 354,257,
of increase ore ,T3rit
ericant por•cent
Oor cent; total 50
clock.. It make out saoaixt toad ;the'
firemen Were Wzaill. called to exa
anguish it; No insuranee was held
on &be, house and little on the fur..
',enure thouoh the moot Jot it was
-3vedo (core ;130ecoo who drives
AW140x1 left his tram otandiaglo
Aeeist Chief Ihompsonerho was edam,.
For oomo unkuown (reason, the team.
bolted back to tho fire holt iao con-
titycvd to thca GO L fl. Statical 'to
MeEwens coal yard ono around the(
hank to the dock where they otopped
Beacon dojn the ooaratbonetuntlion
lowino tbem Tati yards The
hoestes were uninjured but the hose
wagon bad nu axle broken and other.
wise. broken
About 5 toClock Monday after-
noon lire *glee out ir. lhog, Belts
stelate out ou ,the South Polandary.
Tbe alarm. woo. Quickly responded to
by 'the firenteu bat the, etablo '.had
ouch a otid 'start that it he -as Ira-
ocealiale tosave anything. atd it was
'burned to he groond. No insur-
ance eves carried, A smilal boy:stook-
ing in Um loft 'said to
cau,.e. of the fire .
District News
ItOliert 3. fsmitit, of Indroonnlon
Ito i leaving for tbe .)Vt•Ot wes preo
ented by the eitieene with a baud-
- ma -Club baz.,
Mr. iid Wieert ofGreen.-
way ItIA illovgd to rarkbill
ee Winon bottobt their re$1e,
deuce at Olreenwae..
On Agril 130 Thomoe Rearms or
Clinton, pa sod away after tnaOY
monthof ill bean!). Deceased had
rived in Ulixitor. a'''reot many Yeetto
and waswell ,Pd ravorahlY koown
giox Re Bayfield. 'widow Of
lie late Wm, ICirto ImialisPosed of
r entire farm ;,toek oral ovill g000
her friends io the west,.
' "Itisrintry. of Proectield lett
tea,fltIv tor ifte:home Of her elaitalt-
ter 'Ir.s„ 11(.1r4erxon or Witrameg,
Site intends noinoo Brarelou to re -
S. Crieli of 7ello1on reordvod
word on Tuesday or the death ot her
home in Sonth;ro. Celifarr.ia' of her
greaddanAter, ;Rose glottt
tialeghter of Mr. and 3frO, 'David al-
,..tt which occered on Saturday bet
Miss Jelcorit visited tor granamoth'y
er in cony Nvith toarar-ta
about tftree Years ri,roand winbe re.
r.son1tred by many Clintott Citiaerio
A very ;pretty ;old dainty weddinz
Look place la S. Vtoll,',5 011itreh on
Wedneeday Ari lath. wItan Mis,s
'my Alberta dauzbter of NirsJohn
i,Voonevos, married. to .31r. Cherie!'
Wm Stewart of Ilollette non of Mr,
arid Mrs, William Stewart or town.
Tho i:eremony Was erforrned by Bev.
C. 13.3eniti000td 'IN as Nvitneosed only
by the. immediate relatives ond
frientle'l or the Iwo Latailies. Tbe
voila; ,couple were Unatteeeled. ales
bra3' l3ent1ynlaeed the, weddirto
that'241, •
Saskatchewese arid Alberta: -where bhe,
bulk of twlada,t crop is produced
the percentage Of merchantable qual-
ity was in each case about 93. In
British Columbia the quality provio;
merchantable was only 76, ecr cent;
but in „this Trovince the total pro-
duction reintionLy small. It is
es-timatild that about 22 per oent of
the total ivheat mop in Canada viz,
44,063.000 bushels, remained. in' far-
mers hands on Marcia 31st es compar-
ed wiht 37, ne r cent representir.IT 58.-
129., 000 busheLe or the orop of 1911
winch remained in farmeris oar.d
roo e
. couratt_.„ are thoree„.1,..t„ 1Yr• whaerae:4
cht 31,tsin
tiinetie2a ,41s'her.erlinuaaliantntiige
it arid practical Teeehers are e:r.' farmer: hands March 31st 1913 was
iperieneed aled eraduates ore 0 in the ,Woritime Provincete, O-35'.000
ir.,!000d Piticiu51" We r`i'''ive 4:$ 2ii3te.Q01100etirlino t5117(111.)110'relIel- NOro'rtathFlo 31/V13e3eq
indin idual attenti°11 xijadorevinces 40,704,000 nd[Br, tisto
at euligratiOn
s •great -
os f NOW
seen: ths estion
1a sed itto1 and 00-ealled, ° tnce" people epp ear 4.0 to inCene
o_. C1TOgitated about ite It Ls se
I41,13 oL tho tiraeS 014011 Vele*
ICON tan askad,,, SVe've,, had the
cott Act and found it titt0h lid.'
eou• failure that it woo rote -ale(' en
e first opportunity Jay thousands
But that iteants to make no imo'res-
olon an mod itratnation. end 'have
beard the vainion expressed flat it
would be n thingl to have 4flact
Scott ;Act; and for tbe Illatlex
that, amy kind ar.d bind be
foolinh leenelatinoo 'that e4n. be in-
troduced. Tht more We lave,. it, 'the
(Wicker the fa.liacY will be brou-gbt
to lioht,, and the etooner there
be hopes or restoration to sanity et,
law making.- "
AlTo ore living: at a time when ;the
majority of item .o.cople apparently ar.o
unable, to soie any other worof (Jeanne,
social and moral questions, than by,
paeeing laws and, - people
thea peremptorily, What: they eihaTi
drink at, wear, sow grow and )tfo,
it is ei form of itnania: Ihtit teem-
inoly must have' it'e run. &me or
them are oleluded into tbe balief that
to "abolish:the bar' it lebeginn-
ing and t end—Fatuous idea ! To
be eopeistently logical. 'they rousetzt
only abolisla the bar but olso thashtto
not only the bar ar.d Intie shoot but
the importation, manufacture, sale.
in tory way. of aloobolie shit/rise Not
only that; but what they „have ale
reedy decided upone etop the ''o•rowe
in g, neanufac hire. imimr tion.
of tobacco; Not only that, but they
must prohibit theatre 'goixvg, card
playing, elancieg, •and prononnte u D-
on Women, deenses etc. et c. if to
'Prohibit by law is good in cue dir,
ection in oniO1 ond euenetuary naa,tr-
tern it Le eood in another. SO give
them all 'Elie ro'oe they ask for. Let
them run the whole length and th.e
Quicker thio folly be istitfed.
We. have had in This little tow,n
ample proof of ,;,01)1O- of 'the evi1s. that
accompany these foolish attenaptS
to lek'kelate morality, 'The Local Op-
tion uontest Wee' lecrondered in pol-
itical trickeryend brought fot.th in
iniquitous ballot tan:merino. Moth
oldes. ;or '3-aelem ehould 1 say peat,
Ple on both' sides, severely denour.e.-
ed by judge on tee bencle
So Jobs have the Scott Act. The,
sooner. tb). better, and the 'spoiler
will our 'trouble's be over. 'Ube fact
is. we are orie,st-ridden and we had
better .realize the 'truth. When the
re -action ;does set in history ;Will 'proc-
bably +repeat Obeete land we will have
the immoral lice:else or Charles 11
which naturally 'followed' the aus-
terity of Oliver Crornwelln reeime
What With 'the ruice Omen by
the T.,orel,':s Day Alliance, the beirt;
told that we shalt drink hiad what
not drink. the „attempted cetsorshlp
of amusement. by dergymen seer. on
all hands, it all reminds one of, St.
Paul's warning to Timothy concern.
in e• -the lent days when he wrote.
that 'one of the, 'sions would. be, coat -
ea a nding to abet'aixo from meats
which Ood bath ct eat ed to be re-
eeivied with thanklerevene,
Your Etc.
,T. Raree'ord.
Stapleton (April '2Ist
cote rea5r exit zit 'axis° Columlaia 4..6,000 bustiel,s
Write ,f 0 Ire catalogue
‘t once.
SIM Taking 6111 PILLS
Lyons Brook, N.S. Feb. o6th.
"Yea are perfectly free to use ray
tame in any way to benefit GIN PILLS,
for they deserve the highest praise.
Xy back Los never troubled roe since
taking GIN FILLS, and my wife feels
much better after taking GIN FILLS
for her back. She thinks GIN PILLS
will make a complete core."
GIN FILLS 'will Always relieve Lame
ilaRiteckl;motSiesttt,iCalhtirtittini3ga'eat danSclg
Urine, Painful Initiation, Weak or
Strained Kidneys, and always prevent
taking cold in the kidneys and bladder.
Boer)* box is sold with a positive
guarantee to give prompt relief or
money refunded. soe, a box, 6 for
$1..5.0., Sample free if .yon write
Nattonal Drug and Chemical Co. of
anode, Limited, Tomuto. 144
For Infanta an,1 bildrett,
ihR Kind yni) ;lavtitiways Bougii1
-StdS.X1 I'
CMPBBBAY, 0111.11. 24i -g 191
Farm for Sale DR. G,F ROULBION L D,D
100aere farm" :it 11 'Corr 11 Towle ,•
'ship of Ray oni. Londou Road 2 1-2
miles from. Exetee and Z 142 milen
from 'Hensel', "Apply to B.% Rosa
twi tiTe rA4711(48:Stl.peipaNi:lch"inWg 1-QQf r ane!tliTe-
cent newspaper. 'rhenewspaperiu
Bridgeport, Conn,, recently increased
frrm one to two cents, and the ICaheas
City Star, one of the leadtno dailtes in
the west. has adlowed suit. Seferring
to the price advances made, the Brant,
it-omenheaaihis wt
osatygec forriript
eight,eour das than thes used to ro-
we for ten, While paper costs more,
and the same is true for types and
presses, Increased. Advertising patron-
age has enobled most newspapers thus
far to carry the additional 1910, but
they ore not wanting indications that
this cannot be done much longer.'
sThe furtera/ iNtra, Onmes Logau
licId from We family residence Tile -
tit an Ptirlay lf/th to the Ure•
ion !Cemetery wos one 'or the largeo,t
ever held in this diotriect Arra', !1,0;r•
:Tan -died aa a -result of horrible burris
she eniceived at• ber borne on Tees: -
(be: ev,erdwg be le result of it coat oil
bine exploding az she ev/as tarrying'
it. 'Although drenebed with 'burn-
ing oil she managed to Ismolther the
flames filially, 'and then grdpud her
way in the dark to The Telephone
where she 'surnmOneel h eIi. Sho is
rSurvired by one dauighter and Sive
On Monday '.APrir 14th a pretty
wedding Look lace at: the ..horne
Mre ond Mrs, John IL Lindsay Huron
Sts elet Clinton, when their youneeo
est. "daughter Clara, was united in
marriarre to Mr, Wilfent Sorvis El-
liott. /son or Orr and Mrs ?Alex Elle
iott Mitho1l. Rex, K, Grant
Pastor of 'Willis Presbyterian church
'fierformd the eerenaony in the pre-
senee of immediate retatives. The
bride was given away by bet Tether
and Wai.4 morried in her travellireg:
suit of enray whipeorde with French
hat oe teole straw;; and bouquee of
white ;omen..Mr. and Mr'. Elliott
will spend tbnir honeymoon en Phil-
adelphia Aleantic 'City. and New York,
be -Tore returrilnegettr "theireeleienre ent
St Clair averfile 'Ternoefo,.,
bin to vest all the riglits and
r:iteJ.eges- of the franchise of the
Or t a x in' and 'West Shore, lte il Way ,
rurning from Goderich to Kincardine
In the three muoiolpalities that have
.ittolatitecd the bonds was given a
il-et readinj in the • leigislature tost
Thuinday eveninee under suspension
or the rule's. At the present time
al, application o hofmee tee Ontario
eullway land munheptil boasd for an
irouiry'into the finances., oT the road
Tec bonds are ouaronteed for $000-
000. and 400,001) have been issued The
road has been adandoned and en en-
gineer 'totes that. he can see about
f.$125.13400 of value in t be work that
tole been donee Lion, rumors are a..f-
knit re:ear ding the finances of this
tiiltvtty and while the bill iseeks to
protect the munieiDoini es invo ved.
which are paying the intereet on the
`secutit nee', the Ilailway. beard is go.
irer to probe into the whole matter.
RI* Sale
A <lest:rattle !dwelling Loctee, 'Wile
am Street, iange and roomy, contaifl.
iag furnace rend electric lialete. Good
lord and 6 -oft water., ;the land eomo
prises tbneo lots with: a large number
of Fruit trees. For farther Partie-
ulavs o.eply to r, If, MoCallum 1e -
ter or to g, S. Fhillies Auctioneer
How the Great Showman Secured tlu
nSwedish raistainslaleZ'
The site of 'moisten; with its Moor
ish towers and minarets, 'Was engraved
upon the letterheads of P. T. Barnum
anti wan: the oue -thing which attracted
jenny rani when he wrote seeking to
engage bar for an,.A.mericrox tour. DI
fact, she confessed that it was this pic-
ture that determined ber coning 10
jenny Lind contracted to come to
AmerIca Ixi 1819, the "Swedish Night•
ingalo" agreeing to sing at 11:0 concerts
for S.r.,,aoo, all traveling expenses paid.
.A,fter she arrived in America aenny
Ural asked Mr. Barnum when, and
Where be bad beard ber sing, and upoa
receiving the answer that he had never
bad the pleasure of seeing ]ser before
hid life, she asked, "How did you
risk so mach money on a person whom
you never beard sing?"
"I risked it," gallantly aeswered Mr.
Barnum, "on your angelic cbaracter
and reputation, #eeling that you -would
please tbe Americen public."
nen began a campaign of advertis-
ing to prepare the people .for the ap-
pearance of Ienny Lind. Two bundred
dollars -was offered ns a prize for an
ode entitled "A Greeting to America,"
to be sung by ;teeny Lind, and the
award was won by Bayard Taylor. No
singer -who bas ever appeared in the
country bas secured more enthusiastic
welcome tbnn ,lenuy Lind, all because
of the genius of P. T. Barnurn.--,Joe
Mitchell Chapple In National 'Mega -
Honor 'Graduate of Toronto Uoivelo,
pity Office over Dickson & iparkt
liug's Law office. Closed Wedn004
day afteenoono. Phone Offiee
Residence 5 to t • -
lible.A.7, "KINSMA
"loner 'Graduate of Toronto Vno
ersity , • „
: 4.).B.turls'4
%net/I exteacted without pain. 04
any bad effects, Oftioe oyer G
'MAU 8e, StanhuU's Pffiee Main
1r114. 1313OWNING 1);,, A ,cto
P. S. GraduAte Viotoria Untfee.4,
Site' Office Aod resideoce Dominio
Lotira.tory, .. ,
[louse and. Lot for SaleaExe Ceo' - r0
tieltetexner of
Situated on Simeoe Street. Frame'
house containing four rooms, with
good lfoundation good eellar, a large
haroher of „trait trees consisting of
anPles. pear- 'cherry, plums.
rasenerry ieurrants and etc, this is
a very desirable nropertY, ;lore of
land owl 'will be Bede on Teasoreable
terms tfor further tlartieulars
quito On tile fireatisea to V.,
r or 04, 5, Phillips Real Estate 1iT4tu
by New .Absorption Method.
Canning F
C ontra
We are Prepared to eontoao
rmar s grow .peaa and eorn o
e crania; 5eaSon-
Exeter Calming leo,
If yo,a, suiier from] weeding
itching, .:blind or protruding
Piles, send ene your address, and
Will tell you how to cure your-
self. at home by the absorption
treatment arid, will also send
some of 'flus 'borne 'treatment
'free , with "relerences
Yfro-tr own lcicalny if re-'
tittested., Immediate relief and
pernaanetic"ttfre assurexl. `86111
110; Money, belt 'tell others, of,
this 'offer. , Write to -clay to
Totter (looking out in the front yard)
—That dog of yours seems to be very
frisky, Miss Clara. -
Miss FinIterly—Yes, he is simply de-
lighted. Just lifter yon come pa took
off his touzzie.— philadelphia Tele-
Zeos Goes A-ridirig.
Ho, Hermes: Caleb iny winged steed
And bring him to the green.
Vulcailadjust hi% steering gear!,
Pluto, get gasoline!
Please see his wings, Minerva. dear,
Are In 'alignment straight.
Foi• 1 would use my monoplane --
Pegasus Up to date:
e ..`eonstructior.,lIlt
'a„411horn draieteliairs aceertling to
31TR0I15 IPlans and :specifieOtialls
v,tlt bereeeeinlid by the uodereeigned
il the ard day o Mgs A 'derosif,
R25.00 'Millet occomPany Oeb ten-
waaieb will 'he returned when; sob"
etory contract u7reements ore ex -
ed. Plans and SPeeitications may
ceea t the Vierlr's, office,/ Tea-
dWIU. le 0.Parl,e4 rind caztraat le
at o4ship ..tlay
pti at 3 o'c1oc1.1 Lowest or a 0Y toVt-
der not necasarily acoepkid.
n `Apr 19th 1913
Tenders Wanted
Barri.stere, Solicitors Notaries
ve„yaneetaGODOI214...SSIM:Mr$, sonot
Lor' tire Masons Bonk eto1
broneY to Doan at loWent rates of
R. Carling R, Fik
Tendias wanted for the lvoterir.g
the folloivino Streeese Mani Iron)
the South illoundry. 'north to Tintnal
Rea& Huron from the Corn -dr or
czaiinz Enn$t to Inc Corner of Albert
Wellington from Main. to G. at. It.
track; The tenderer 'Le tender for
tbe Pompin3 and ivithout the pump -
The Pomo to lie in the Clerk's
hands 'not later that Friday vavesr
inn May 2nd
Electric Restorer Tor Men
restores every nerve in the body
PhQsphonol, to its proper tensipn; reateteS
,[101 and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once, rhospbonol ssilt
make you a new man. Pri...c 133* box. or two for
$5. Mailed to nny address. Tkto Scoboll Drug
Bt. Cothorinee. One,
We have it large antoaut
te fuodo to lout oo farm and,
lage poperto a loweet rate; p nos
BArr.istoo, Rolieltor4„ Si
each Toes:le,ty Main, Ooke 23,th in-
Winnipeg nod Retern t3311 00
Edrnoeton and Return ti43,05
Proportiona le low: rates to other
Return lina two months:
Settlers' - Excursion
To Alberta and Saskatchewan
Every 17111-41SDAY until April 29th
incitisive from Stations in Ontario
Port linpe Peterboro, anri West at
very low ratee. ,
Through coaches and Pullmart-Toor:
ist eleelpiag eats -are tiporated
WITeNTPEG without dionee leaving
Tororito 11.00 nt., via Chicae,o and
St, Paul on above -dates. ,
"The Grand (Trunk Pacific Paiiway
's the shortest and quickest route
be LW een Winnigiloa SaskelOnn Ed-,
I/erth reservation.; and _o'er s
trona :Grand 'I'runic IO,rents.
't, 3'. DORE Ake
Ttttin'a 4gla
Is interested and should knOW
about the wonderful
Marvel whhgna "3'
Askyoor druggist for
It. if he Cannot supply
tho eliaRvEle accept ne
other, but send stamp for Illus-
trated book—sealed. It gives fall
particulars and directions invaluable
General Arento tor Canada.
pnor Graduate of the T,teri co
servator,y of Music, Teciehiiig„.
lege ot, the Western, Dr.iver44,
'-i'eaeter Viano-Theory •HarraorAy
rouotermut and MOSMal
tliBt$ _PrePUVO. Xor etIOSinal Orasoa
inc tMns.
JOHN ESSERY Ex,.ter- aent [Jat
borne and Biddulph,
or.avErt umuus Munro utae) 111:
Elibbert Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.TrOas, FarquhaV
Solicitors, Exeter.
Anyone sending asketch and description_ ro ay
Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether arP
illrent,I011 is probably patentable. Corturtunsce,
UV& Oldest agency fouts.
HArtiaLIeuBUOrmgpit onntPootenUP
(ions strletlyeenildential.
Patents taken through Munn A; Cy. retell:1;i -
special notice. without cbarge, Lithe
SCItfilifiC ilitterkaitA
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr,.
eulatIon et any scientific Journal: Term, far.
aelatinlada'erradeaSold b
le'rg.a Year' P°Btag° Vr°P"
MUNN & Co.36tBroa15waY,New TOM -
Branch Oface, 626 P 9t, Waehingtori. D. V.'
I: • -.•• - -
the victims of early indiscretions and later Ma.
cesses, who are failures in life—you are the
ones we can restore to manhood and revive
the spark of energy and vitality. Don't giro
up in despair because you have treated with
other doctors, 'used electric belts andtried
various drug store nostrums.
Our New Method Treabstent has snatched
hundreds from the brink of despair, has re-
stored happiness to hundreds of homes and
3ms made successful men'of those who wero
"down and out." We prescribe specific rem-
edies for each individual case according to the
symptoms and complications --we have no,
patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of
our wonderful success as our treatment can-
not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to
each individual case. Only curable cases ac-
cepted. We have done business throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
READER Are you A victim? Have you lost
hope? Are.you intending to marry.
Has your blood been diseased? Have.you
- weakness? Our New Method Treatment Nnlit
cure You. :What it has done for others it will ,
do for you. Consehation Free, No platter
who -has treated you, write for an 111011115opinion Free a Charge. Booka
"Boyhood Manhood, Fatherboed." (3.11u5tr11t-
ed) on Diseases of Men. -
NAMEt USED wrrtiouT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or envet.
ones. EsTerytIting Confidential. Question List and Cost a Treatment FREE FOR BolVLE
er,MichlgTaillAteE. and -Griswold St., Detroit,. Mich.
- le-tter3 frotn Cauaela must be adCiressea.
mialtHems Illusalaws tonreonutrinCaWnainddiasil°
'see us personelle, call at 011r Medical Iostitute iii"Detroit as we see and treat,
no patients in our 'Windsor ofdecs which are for Correspondence aud
Laboratory- for Canadiatx business only. Address all letterS as" follows;DRSI
. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont.
Write for onr private address.