Exeter Times, 1913-4-2, Page 4, la, aaaaan • - "-'44nliter TE XITR T lee Attialtiefoattittalb IncorpOrated, 1855 R,QCOrd of Progress fo,r Five Years -1996-.191s + 1,no6 40-4.piTAL 3g,Q00Q 4.000f000 tml?0:31.-zst • „. ri:;a577.• 30,42au. _LOANS .AND IN 37;45703 ' TOTAL ASSR33,QtAIN 4.8„237,254 gra Clorre,.,enoodents, in all ' Cko, WO1.14. If 1 General 14ankiiie Gissulese D411%3444 5; S• avings Bank Departinent t The Grand Trunk Paeifio Builway + between Mrintipe;• -Saskatoon- Rd. is the ishortest and. qttickets Touto TH raonton with smooth 'roadbed eleetric Ati4113raalles. inWrest allow d at laighest Pun:Tea Butes. 4.4 DlOk*fillat carlIngr, Solicitors- N. Q. HURDQN 'Manager 4, ..e++V+++.414.•"1,440f14.I4', tr+IV++4*V"V+VV"..","44+++'..i.i.4.4"1, i•• CANADIAN BANK .14 • • ) M • siTr. ruNt4 nVFL C V.0 3T T 11 TT c",,L., rreS4deot LAIra) (Temes-.0. Zilar.„1.vpr Assistant OerperAztt".„6411 APITAL., $15,000 000 REST, $12,500,00 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at cvery byanch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce t9 he operated by maiL and will receive the same- cz.reful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank s business, Money may be deposited or lvithdrawn in this way as satisfactorily es by a personal visit to the Bank. Exeter Branch -0, .1,44 WAUGH Manager BRANG1( ALSO AT CREDITON - fenCing 1 17„expEnlalExis wi-zn z„vax, / 030P,S 10, Now . tioo. grog, to buy *mut. i(tne.,i Vit.; MCfelitirs of the OntarIa ag. •WC1,111001Mtill ApTil ist, I will vicultaral and Experimental Caine ,A1,13,t thedipuomor price/5, I are &pleased to failAtO th4t for 1013 0. 4 Bar Fence NO. ll wire at lea rd. they are .preparted to distribute, into • a ,thir Fence Ka. 0 VIVO g 2,to per ril everY Tormstaiii of Ornorio Amptar,e/ 7 Bar Fence No. 0 vim a 23e per rd 9t .111;ki littrattY tor erferlat*Otd Vit14 .. 8 leer Pericol1/4,,To, 9 wire at ,,,de. per rd , Weill% leader,•Croak Booth, "i"#.r es - r. — .....ont ass tie t011OWS 423.--0,A.C., No. 21, itfarler .14tits 2 '.c.• Steel Gates i2b,,,,t.„.. -..,-.0.alo two ro,,,d, rz„,1,,, . -4-• 22fi.at, $1.00 • 3 -two var. RuPe.5.4 ',Parley i ., . „ 13k. Long $4..,2,7, ,41---4WQ v,ar 'kprioz: wheat, owl. g 0- Ilft, LOD?' at $4.50 16—t‘vo var. Anti:wheat 2 # ---- ...,„.-„,....*-- ...-•1 a--.T'wo 'vat\ Field t 7.--twe var„ of spring Ilya ',2 ,,,,,ked Cedar Fence Posts *.....two Tar, or Japaaese beau, 2 9-11.1iree VAX*. tiff Ittidltillq cern 3 , 41 to on tpp, end at azie,. 10--throo vat', of Alan30141 i$ * • ' 5 tO 45141.t, top end at 211e. 1.1 -two varieties istiger beats l) 4 um ,, t a .,,.,, op en „... 3 e U-tt.ri thee voeWe of aweedisAA tux.- "" Largo Anchor vests on !land tUrld ti 3 13 -,,,,two vat., Vail turnips 2 I 14„. two vor, at Carrots 0 ' - li. 61 "1 15—threo ,ar,,, tillage Coro 3 . la 15 -three 'ear, of annott A viti 1 , 17 -two var or ti;orghturi tr. 7 21'46." Graki Peas onti Vetches 3 GI‘A.14TON, 10--itape xolo ,a. Field Cabb •-• 1 20-taree Var. or Clover 3 az,. a. 21 "t 0 VarietieS of ;Alfalfa 2 1 -"Four var.,. of Grasses 4 e i !fa -three ; ver, lIeld AetnaIV f -two var. 6'Weet corn 2 . il$'-Extra zorek4 and Bevis 1\1,1r:ter en llornpripp ilat..t Var Potatoes it up i muumuu" 2p-ihroe mixtures or Grain 3 ..... Replace that pea- 'lll-thre*e n'ixturc,s or vodam 3 4.1ent, draughty ...tuna etot is to be two rod,- lime be 'Zia.az.,4%,,,,o,is end 01., one rod wide excegit No28 which is e fer.sive oat -el -doors to be one rod square. 'closet wita an La- Ana* Tereen in Ontario nifty elireale : door elcast which any one or the ezeotiments for lit tli4 equires rei seinen, 1010 and aPply for the same. The t, • o we I xo plurabing, ned material will be terniehed in the or- der m which the applications are re - tem. Rave city Convenateces in yoer caved while the supply laats; It r ' -*- ' eome. Safeguard Piturdy beeith by alight be 'welt for applicant to make, ,. e a inefalling a . a second choice tor fear. ;boa karat Tetteld not he grantd, Allmaterial- , salr:BiaEr.s.pa°z14d°084111Trie,w t i curmahed exttirelY, freet oa charge to each applicant and.' 'the 4',44 a • r. 'Tweed" elnsets can inetalled, ir. perzon wito eontlucta the -experiment taxi lit 'broom, aell,arr -on any other Each Pereon opplyirtz for an experi- oanivenlett place inilwrie merely et- ment should write his name and ad- alaering to be oontected by a„ pipe for dress- very- care:Cully and should telvo •_- -ventilation watt a, ehimeey bole the name of the County Ir. wliach bo "TweedeLiquid Cheinicele used in lives. carerection wita Tweed Elos.ets is botn C. A. Zavitz Ontario Alai:cultural ;Col deodereet ,aand aisinfeetant. lege Guelph. ▪ r Many 71.undeeds of Tweed Closets, - 0. Inve been eold °tirade. Send Nr AllE YOITY ,GOINla• WEST THIS I.Inistrated price list. Wooler Apr, 13 1912. Dear Six; The , Chemical Closet I hau,gitt from 'y'ou on 'SPRING •eau 5th 1.912 le perfect,. I aid. clot If so. exceptional opportunities aro, empt,y It till Mirth: '29th There are now being offered by the ,Grand farce in 1.he family and ear. leave the Trunk Railway System in cormeotion lid -up and no Paetie1e0 or odor car; be with 'Colonist Iforneseekers and set - towed I would not tisk for grething tiers excurydons. batter. our Tray Vv-esseis The Colonist rate, are one way 'tielc- cts applying froth stations in Ontario 'Vancou v e r 53. C. Victoria. E. "Ct J1 J[OIIjjIi tilill Milttthe CO. Prince Rupert tn. C. Seatt10 Spokane Wash., Portland OrP; San. Agent;— W.J. Heaman llfrancjsco GaL, Loa. _ngeles.,- Cal. • San Dieeo Cal., and other ambits in Aa izona.Dritish Columbia. lOalifornia, Leah°. 'Montana. Neveda, Oreeen 'Utah and „Washington •and are on sale daily until April. 15th inclusive. • 7 e -,...„ .1, t.lEti i ii011. ` ./1". The Settlers exeursions apply from itetione in Ontarity,rote elepe peter. f i• '-'1-:; '.4 I 1 f 4.(?1,(41.4.1 bore a nd West to 'noints in Alberta . - an ,Saskatchewan every 'I ueeden un- 7"..(A.T.70-4=4.0.,. gw4T.,,-_-..e.r until alpril '28th inclusive. att row fletneSeekere" eolind trip' tickets, The est ractical trait:An:4 be i'ssued at very low rates froru sdhocl in Ontario. Three 'de 44. stations' in Canada to '-)oiaots in !Par tments COMME0IAL iloba Saska tchewan and Alberta aid enalealaree ea; & •TgLEclp k. (0 are in effect each Tuesday -until Oet 4, 28th inclusive via, Chica.-,-o and St, ,r;„ 'PHI'. eour.ses are thorough 1,al and ?win Liz°, he on, le et eer_ And 'practical Teachers are ex- •, Tuesdays during above 'period o'Verieneed and raduates are • via arnia (iNorthern Navi:aLioc Go, 1 113 Ty41aced -6's,tione, NV, , nonaes,e4:kers 1.tekets-are are 1,-.,,00d 4 -L in-, two morths from date ol . a al, ex, ..on .aad End- • issue. • entS may enter at .any time. 3.12_,ough coaches and. l'_ulloaas,n'To-dr- ' ,v/rite Inc our fre,e cataiozue • ; int s are °P2ratPa 'every '„ , - ! Tuesday in conr_ection with Settlers 'one '•andr'llortiesteekers excursions leaviri'Z,' TOT onto 11.00 - [p, CO,,t-td , runxiin7, Wnnipg Yid " Talat ;i1,%a-tto", 7 eans Through' 111.,e newest nloSt plot ark.s4nca and last rap- • idly devela.pin.z• seetIon, of* tern Canada. Through tiekttold and Reservations Inade 117 ark GraLd Trunk Azonts, C4W413.Q flW thall other routm Trains nOW4i. 00- ttration Winr,Jpe; to Saskatoon' and Kirese, Mirror and, Edson Alea and o Fitzhugh and Refore deciding inA '0111' trio rot, -`/av of tiAef Grar.4 Trunk Thiilwa for desoriptire literature timttaMes and kiatiettfas or write c,E. Emma; Distriet PA-V1,zec.er ent Unior, Station Worooto ontnr-o, Thinking Caps yhe Senaterial Vice Cola. nissiii Joann v -d, to Washington' PriMarilY tO IAtereSt. President Wil- son in a nation Vide crOs4de 4.7a$est tt oilvoeate4 the ',.vhippial_post tor white slavem The Massachusetts Reuse ot Iterp- resestatives, '�4 it Ea in favor or a coestiintlenal 'Otnet$1414ePt "'" "OnaPtt the fra.7,,PlaiSe but this vote lacked ten of the two thirds re-, ;Vire(' befere it VAIN Obtalitted tO CIAO Totem • • Al114.04t 14113.011141014 1441t thtg 1,V44hilttatt011 Senate have ri,vently Passed the minium 'wage hill for working women, This hill has been voted dewn twice in the Senate hat women new have a vote MA thi.$ Imo made all the difference ',between, raw ore itiefl OilleOesSt• 'PC -41404 hOS teen larant,e4 to the ,New .Dran.iniek rrovitirlal litoWso asking that Trovinelal franchise be extended to apinitne Wad widows whO nOW 141044444 the municipal Von - Wine and Spirit Joarna5 r - onto •says. A 'properly supervised variteen has Inet Ktrouwly recent - •mended by Military outherities on • the other side or tie> line us,' wen. bur the latiociare of that 1,*11-niesitto'' ing bur mistaken body the W, 143.4 teen tott strong. With Colo litwolies affiliated with that or., trAolvation ea this 4111e. it Mote u,s tt;„-.. restoration of the'canteinc Was still 'xr.voti Tf,',ay off, • liereptip in tile Ontario noose tin; amendment ve the "Factories Ach tiro. providing nri eight boar day liosit ter children lo cars or i27,41 41,11)ployed in basement and underground bake. Amps was voted down, It wou1d. be intere4tin; to finow how many of the metetiers thus voting had children of their own under 15 whe wore work.. in; more than tight hours, The, Ontario. Sense are Proposing io make grime radical changes in tlitb. Ontario Marriage Act, The Pro- •rosed amendments tone, The re- ouiroment threL* WetitS nOtiee Ot aliproavhiti; marriage before the suance or a license to x.on-residents or a locality; tbe kninisherent of clergymen who marry Parties und-,r the influence or liquor; tbe placing or responsibility on ministers 'who unite mentally detectives; tutil the foreclosure or the Irbotaatet velar - Tinge license Ipractlev,s ttoract., towns. CLINTON Alfred Millar of near Clinton; died on irorg(lay 25th snots' a week fitness due to° Paralysis. The daneased 'a native or coaorrell TownShip and bad lanett eratincally all his life in Clinton arid our:found- ing vicinity. A family of* rear sur- vive, St. Paul's church wua. the; scene of an interestizg event on Tuesday Marth '25th when Mary Zlieabeela sourgest -daughter of Mr. and :Mite R. '3. ;Cleft eves ignited, in, marriage to Ma aSzelanlas Albert. Phoenix- or Ilamilton. Mre and Mrs. Samuel Caetle Sr. a couple oa well esteemed citizens of Clinton or, Friday Mar ti1st eelebree- ed their Golden leeeddirtg when their family as many of there no etteld be &resent and a few intimate; friends gathered to offer congratulations arta help celebrate the happy event. RUSSELDADE To late for last eveek f Mrs. Thos. Ward of 'Mitchell is vis- iting her sieter Mrs, J. G. Roy of Royston Farm. isa Viola Clark s'pent aster 'un - day with her barents at Spring 'Creek Farm; Mr, Wilber Cole cla Kirkton. and neSsrs Glen Facey and, Kenneth Hod,- eert of Stratford spent- Baster at their ereepective homes. 11 -Mr. Robert 'Cole returriad. borne teet week after elpenclin,e. the Wir.ter •montes with this sort Mr. W. Pe Cole of Mitchell. . The .community extends ite deep- est laympathy to Mr., and ;Mrs. Boger of Fullerton in the loss of their tittle son Mervin. . Mrs, J. L. alueeell watt has been visiting her daugater Mrs, Ernest Dow of iCroniarty returned home on Thursay. A 4rea deal of ilema.ee a Av'F.Caronir in this vicinity -by' teriiiip wind- storm .Which prevailed here. on Fri- , Standing Field Crop Coinpetion For White Oats All those who feel intieirested in the ,standing 'field crop competition will please to forward their natne.i, to the President Ed. Ohritstfe or Alex Dyer, Sec, Exeter, orany or th- directots. Na enter . ies be re- ceived after the 1st day of May 1913 $75.00 will be awarded in prizes20.00 15.00 10,00 8,00 6.00 and- 4.00 iI31.00 entrance fee. .For further,partionlars aleply to esers Caristie a ,L,,e ecaf rt0;Ir A•gents,„'' Perilous Callings Where Life Is Always In Danger. HOW MEN LOSE THEIR NERVE Sudden Peril Often Causes Tien n to °Drop, "Their Gots" and Then Their Courage Never Reterose-A Less of Hama and a Race. For Ufa. Human nature 1eeorne4 (talons to. the datly aSsOetatden with Dern. But now And Len s•onzetiling, tears away the gallons spot and leaves the raw. naked nerm exposed, Structural steelworkers tna many ahas of losing their nerre-Pcirop- Ping the goats,'" they call It. 041! 'the ether day °Re Of thena Who had, "ref known fear Waa e.tamling 9/1 the outer. edge er a lefty steel, framework r and chanced to look down tato the street- He imsr. a trolley or ryin, over ewshoir, Instantly' his mind Was. swam' ped with thoughts ot death, Tie Stretched /lot Ott.the heam 3001 efasrled to, AO island. or 1014n4dos, •When Man once dee* that On to P or skyscraper ha has thalthed his high walk llThe„,sr never come beck," sold at tOret4410. "It's a, pity. .tito, for they elan never get a quarter Vicinity at an, other Pie that they did at this WPM 'they looked 4011114nd atelfir,deetla," •Iltell'ef the werlirk 'wed; done by m.eut vim have to keep their nerve In the tAge ot peril, Sconeftes a man Win not go to pieces until otter a let% elee of danger, Primarilr the entme 'may he fatigue or bad liver or bad nerves. but when It IA all over he de, Oleo betas bad enough rind seeks an- other vocation., In lite plateea Where high explosives Ara meaufactiuted the leen are 01,11100t" VI to a constant nervous strain They get sued te it, like ever,thieg else, int. when an occident, comes there Vire to ho one mew the our 'rivers wise drape mit er the troaff, th10 waiters. • 0. piant where Theta dynamite, nitroglycerin, ,mincotton and ether pentup destruction are .mada than asp where else in the world nearly a thou. sand lives depend more or teks on a thermometer. Iii 011e, step in the manufacture of nitroglycerin it is 4 quiveriag, sullen livid a big caldron brilliantly lighted by electricity. Glycerin is continually sprayed Ole 1110 teenof heated acids within, As it Mixes the glycerin Seizes the available r14ogen *ore e r4oes, And the mass becomes nitre, glycerin. 'Round the caldron ri MOM For Sale HE CAME TO CANADA AND FOUREL,k CURE New York Enginoer Preteens Canadare GIN PILLS. • You never can tell whenyou are gPing to have a Kidney attack. It may be during a Nis% on a journey -any time. It 33 wiee always to b,ave GIN PILLS 'with you.at hand. They arehaudy to slip into Tent travelling bag. Splendid for ICidneY and Bladder Trnu41eaa Rheumatism au d nawahego. , a9 Broadway, New York. bouglat some or yoor GIN TILLS at Victoria, B.C. last September. Your remedy fmd at ne years of age to ail'e Perfect relief from the Kidney and Bladder Troubles incident to one of ray age. I 122gantlY recamaancl.GTN PIUS friepda a beiug the ortethjegteaee date tue pod," B. O. WOODFORD, te Meath a ban actqsatlikeecntintrit toted 0.DT, Ilf,14$ sod to boomed of Pildney and Pledder Trouble, lint don't wait Lill -.att are 4tatybefOre you learn by c-pierence the great good GIN peae,$ will do you. If yea Iowa the Urst signs. swollen ioints Or ankle53 pain in ilie back, black specks Agath in front or the eyes, talzOGI.PIT# a at mem', They 'WM free aeon or these symptoms of Kidney arid iliadder Trouble, yoc.Abox---4-foritc.ye. Sample free by writing National lartee slid pelnical Eta ef Canada, 1=414, tomato. 03 Thorobred Yorkshire Sows for Sale gr. °rhosliarris heals, Another a uorimObred, Vorimbiro loons with lie iaOffer114; „ter salt, These Are Are nre IlirePered to contract' with aTtagica 44,44 hoyarit. .4ittbrAv 3,-gaoti farmers to grow peas and rem for breeders ithould see these at a/net. 00 cOvaia season. Thos, ITArris. Hay r, Rxettr egintdrig a47-24-1 4 bat :.deoiroble troPerta know o as Powell's fruit Gardens situated on the corner of Carling. and Victoria Streets, Exeter; is for sale, pood storey and a half frame house in reed repair, stable, ben house and excellent fruit garden of 11.-2 Agnes. Reed and town „ water. diear. donor?, sago, atid,Ohlireles 4P- li1y AO e„ -PoweIt-Exeter, or ito I. •'Tbilltro Ideal Estate alTenr, „ , . ^ Faro for Sale 100aere farm Lot 11, Cow 1 Town; ahip of Hay ort Lorst-dota Road. 2 14 miles- from Exeter and 2 1-2 milea (Tom Ilensail, 'Apply to R; 13. itess BYroa Ont. rammernemow.......nam For Sale A deeiaable dwelling Lease OP 1,tril- Laal Street, Jaren and roomy, gontain- ilte OrnaZO, VA.,/ electrio %Da , nerd and soft %Ater, the land voro^ prises three lots wt ii.; a large number of ..Fruit trees. For further eastie- elate apply to .1°.Id,,ItleCalleak Axer ter or to „5, PbiBiiAuctioneer _ er. wil-narAso.nwvitm 3-19r$17121 DD. Gera It011IZIEON L.D.S. DENTIST Ronoe Greduate of Toronto Van! _am,/ elle Office over Dickson & Earle lieg's Law office. Closed We , day afternoons. Phone Office Residence 5 h. D.B. A. It. KINSMAN' 11.-D7,0; D,r411.# /armor Graduate of Toronteallakaie2 ereita a'", 0, :7 • , • ae, er •; DENTIST• Teeth extrected without Pala, any bad effeets. Office over -Giotto Mao & Staahury`a Office Maiu Exeter, - W. n`notirxixo at. D.*, tif„. s P. B. Graduate Viatedia TITAN* sit- Office and residence Dommiog Labeetoree Exeter. Aesociate Carener of Reran L.) D SOKSON & CA,11W-NG ' Bereletere. Solicitors Notaries CPAS resancers Gonamtssioners, soliostoot . - ler the 71401,sona Bank ete., . 1 Money to resLoan atfst rttet. ewea 0t -3 *lel °FPI Cariteg B. a.' 4 CR -MAW STR_FT -EZ; lege properties Nat lewest rate of his etu rends to loan on rorro out! vot-4 ttre4t4liT0 TO LOAN a We have large araeant RZIP vxotoa.ie.r4144tOLIc7A:SIC:laT,F4a143,51.1t4"f,a 83' House and Lot fol4 Sale Situated PP Viaecoe -Street. VOW, TIQUar COlitairia; fear rooms, with 004 !foundation good cell'art A large fillallber of -fruit trees raraX5tiln areek Mar cherry, times rosPhetrY curranta And etc. this a very desirable, Property, 0-4 4413t of land Mid will be solid on TO0.494014 'terms to farther particulars en0 'clOire MI the Prenaisee to Ve X Bleb, ar or B„ S, Milt§ Real Estate igent ,EZeter Itt 0, BISABIT A, Ufa WIsn Roger Graduate of the Pand. serratory of Music, Te.4,00.l1Reed lege of the Western UrJv Teacher' PlaineTlicory wilorta COtintOX0CMt, Atid Musical _ P Rropare4 for inetsical exaral inatlens. Canning Factory Contracts For Sale Cottage on the ICOrPri ;Sr viocorit and 1idnEitrect conitiatiurg` at fatir liedrootanAtorlor. diningroonti, Lt- cbo washreons. Llt ry. A d. digt d Cellar under all. Ravi and sort wa- ter Aipply to Pi hfacit. # MOTO'S ,SiTiftlY, noiselessir:tilsidibli bit attention between the ,earitonts and a tberIntinteter that extenen down into the het acids. The temperature or the MUSS taint not rise above SO degrees. Glycerin has many vagaries that lirrvis been never been explained. through one ot them, the temperature rises toward the danger point tile iirsi thing the man, on watch does is to send more tool solution through the pipes that coil snakettise round the giant caldron. If the Inereut7 in the tube ecintinues to rise lie strata OIX the inflow of gIyoerin, Zt this does not have the desired °Met be turns on compressed air, so as to -Throw the mass into 'violent agitation. If this fails be has only one mere card to play. rfe opens a valve and empties the charge into the "drowning tank." Then' be makes a dash for safety. Only a few men who baVe ever been Immediately exposed to explosions have lived to tell about them after- ward. Those -who have escaped and have continued in their hazardous tem. ploy-me/It are thereafter knownonly by their first names. There are only a few of these. The other survivors beve sought other work where the risks are less. Said one of them; "You can't trust the stuff any more than you could a sleeping cobra. I was at work one day around the ,n1 - Ing -tank end things were going as usual when I suddenly noticed that the mercury in the thermometer was creep- ing up toward 80. Quick as a gash I saw that something had gone wrong, and, one after anotber, I turned on the . cold, Shut off the glycerm- and turned on the air. No one ever watched any- thing more anxiously than I did that tbermometer. But the mercury ir.elit on climbing. Then I made a grab for - the quick opening 'valve so as to drown the stuff. One of the ofacere of the company was in the room. I had yell- ed at him to run. But he stood there aa cool as a cucumber, saying that he ". didn't tlaink there was much ,detragere As soon as I opened the ve,Ive" to, let,. the stuff off I made a jump through' the window. There were plenty of ,ane ,7aPiT6,1*ge,Peltradoors, but Theb bl't l'didolsIs't'7,1tOto;•01, by a door. The fraction 'of atee'Cond that I saved by, taking the Window, probably aaded a good many years to my life. I landed 1 the ground,' an -C was running with all my tnightwhen , „ I was lifted off my feet and hurled at least 100 yards. 1 escaped With a, broken leg. 'Theboss, who had run in the opposite direction, was picked up dead. There was hardly a niark On mon). , "The explosion started in the droWn: Ing tank. The stuff settied at the bot- tom, where_ agitation was impOssi„hle., What sort of a noise-clid It Like the roar of a dozen tornadooFfitOR a score of ernsheS of.thunder biped. Pve"Iiii"ed",nii. ai farm -eign-,sftfoefr", and when tineAPOurth. of Ceonic.9, Skating Ylult., store dtselling bang' end lot. Sire or rink 100x80; new* ly !milt awl -covered with corrugated iratranizea trout built in the latest improved methods or oenverilonce: store 4040 in fair state or rePaire dwelling house one and o Nair istory frame renteliting 10 ZOOMS, hard and house .1 i ts07er, &tad ..Cteglicollar aisoafehe rundertoteii building lot 10000ft. The above Property will he sold altogether., or senarately to suit purchaser. Satia factory xeasons given for iselling„ For farther Particulars apply to either of -the undersigned. Wca. Leavitt 33, 8. Prrp. /teal Estate Agent For Sale One Vrazie barn, also a frAaer etable aaiplito 3. Elston:Exeter Ont. Every,Woman ts interesd teand should ;know about tho wonderful Marvel Whirling spray Douchii ouse & Lotslfor Sale WS torey Uri,* tense; 'eery con - v lent; (good stable; hard and soft water; Pleasantly situated; eau hi boa,Rht very Tettatm414er. AVply to 734 S. Phillips /teal Estate *Teat -Exeter Ontl, ; Sale by Tender Tandem wB beXeceived by Thin, Cameron, Auct. Frimluhar P. 0. ul.) to April 2nd 1913 for the purcbase or that south :halt Zot 23. oon. 12 Fp. of Pullazton containir.g fp acres. On this property ia an up-to-date well finished brick dwellirr, Aith furnace. frame barn. horse Itnd cat- tle stables, good orchard. 3 acres of usit9 never ,tailing wells; 1 ems or fait wheat, 18 acres of grass; bal- ance T9atly for spring crop. 'This pro pert y is well fenced and drainvl ar,44 la in a fire class state of cultivation coavenien situated to school atd 'churches, with phone and ,rural Irian andnaust be sold as proprietor has to move onto his other ,terra. Itasy terms of Payment and possession ac an tiuke. ll'or terms and nartic- Oars apply to S. IX *.RusSell Russel - dale P. 0, or to 'T.. Cameron Aucte VarqubaraPhone by way ofEreter. House &Cot For Sale e Pram° house on John St. coritait- ine 8.rooms, hard and soft water, a number of fruit trees all in teood state Of repair. This property will be sold reasonable. aPply to 13. S. Phillips.,71.7aremmtvimetawmnrowreasneremmiem• Tic Marne an Ribbon Fannon Maul ERB !num* all60 Otniipomi 0 °MCA, Farquhar, Oat tJ L. RUSSELL' #.44 st.RoLI.OABBINElli DiftliCTOR0 *1. MORAIS Stitaki race, rfrvi nahnzp war. 1311OCK Winotwitiesi, NV= 11.0Y fieffiboimi AliGliNTS ;rouxs's„urn.r Ureter. agent um borne end OLIVER 11A11111$ bluaro agent, /eel Ulhhert Fullerton and Isigau. I.V. ° Snay.TrOaa. Farquhar GlIAD3rAN & STANDURY Selioitors. Exeter, OVER SS YEARS4 EXPERIENCE ANTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRiONTS ate: Anyone sendinit a sketcb and description =int " quite -My ascertain our opinion free ,ivnathar tiwantion fe Probably patentable. COMMIDACH tking aridly confidential. eneseofle =Patents - Sent free. (Meat agency- for aeouringiketente. Patents taken it:mourn Nunn t co. masts • *reset tome, ILIttnit, enema. la tint Stitittific iinternit A handsorney innstrated weakly, unrest ets. 'mimeo or any scientific, journal. Tams for Canada, $3.75 a year, ?0d555 prepaid. sold. Or SU newsdealer& MUNN &Co 361BroadwayeNeW Yo Branch °nue. '125 F St.. IVembincton. Ykr,C4. Ask yonr.druggist far it. IC be eannotnupply the MARVEL, Accept no Fated,book—ed. It gives fall ,8 otberbut sent:31iter= for tIllus. partlegars antfdlkeetions invaluable , - *oladieLWINJntsuppyCO.,Windaor,Ont ' Gene Amon. for Canada. - 1-10.NIESEEKERS EXL. U RS IONS To NIAelrt3ate, SASKATCHEWAN ALBERIA R • '. -,each l'nesday , Oct.' 0,8th in - I • "Winnipe,g,,and I:tete:eta Edatonttin cud lieferat ..... . n43.00 Prniort.'.orkaIe low, rates to other ,voints. Settlers? Excursion Tco Alberta and Saskatchewan , , Every :Tr:TESL/AY'. taitil April 29113 1,nelusiv,c, from stations jO ,Ontario Fort ope 1 ercebor,o. and West -at verylow, rates. ' TiliroU,gli coaches and Pullman -Tour - cars are ontetrated co' 1.1.74N1CTPEG without 'obange leaving •Torontoil.00 j. m., via. 'Chicago ond Pa.11,1 on above ,dates._ Orand ffrunk- Pacilie Railway n7ieb.:;t'nte;6''°;etelli- :i,(Ith:':°Irn',,ritTlie:.:4.1t,Pt-1::4:::Srt- 781k: i-ac_t1-:°fIes7.rntti. ".SOWING '1711$ WILD„ OATS REAPING A HARVEST cw SORROW \_.......,.,7,,,,,... can look back on their How , --- _ . many young men misdeeds. "Sowing their early life and regret their fc:i.:..,.....;..,,/,. ti., le", .,,.: ..fir ::..3:---fatti:rie,ssscsEagsiLv,i.:,,,,iiliatnhideanv,Nevooftritiiniirrt- ,• t ir i 1;'i itly(:.1sCi'lfWA.b. e..._„ 1: tair:broilisiuttetdtohbelluihtcwakr.iviaetsIf yeti are 4 07 , victinfs. Wen have re- seed you have s o harvest? °lilt vo hna, thett wild oats' ' in variouswaYs. (71 , at present 'within the clutches of any secret habit , \ 1f'fljj1 ;F- e which is sapping your life 41,1441/ by degrees; if you are suf- t TV i ..., .7----..b.. plearsitiigindfrioscrmettihoen.sr;esiufltysouorf dare-iiot marry; if you:Sego:al:tied and live-in in privated'raenaydofsympdtioseteasselaarneadliyinogu Y40U-C:::":"PilAY WHEN CURED' _ Mood has been tainted from . . . Out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent ,life --DRS. R. & ic: ARE YOUR REFUGE. -Lay YPpr ._case° before them confidentiallyand e iiii I tell you honestly if you are;curable. We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY 'and BLADDER Dia, eaaea and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. -•' , . , CONSULTATION FREE. Book, Free on Diseases of Men. If unable to call, writo for et Question Blank for HOME, TREATMENT.• ' ,ft "Aim . URS.iikE , , • -D '• Cor. IVlichigan Ave and Griswold St4, Detroit Mich letterfrOin Canada must be addressed to our na6dian, POrresP°IldneeDePa'rtnientiti,"Winds°r; uvrsori ally call at our Medical lustitute in te and -treat no iiationta in our Windsor Otheen"wiliPhere p.nd:Ieiboratoryfor Canadian, busineSet4fOM*7‘ er046.follows:,. ,•;;, " • • • !I., 17", 1'