The Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-04-24, Page 11:fl GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1985—PAGE 11 Potter named OHA president Alexandra Marine and Ceneral Hospital trustee Bruce Potter has been named president of the Ontario Hgspital-Associa- tion Region 2 executive for 1985-86. Potter is the local hospital's representative to the association. Dan Steyn of Clinton is also on the ex- ecutive as a director. TROY -1311.1 • Roto Tiller Power Composter, • Garden with just one hand • Rear mounted tines • Power driven wheels • Instant, accurate, depth control • Model sizes 31/2 to 8 H.P. • All models now on display Starting at only $849• EXETER - 235.1115 The music was as hot as the air in Knox Presbyterian t •hure h Mon- day evening as local choirs and musicians entertained a capacity crowd at the eighth annual Sound of Goderich. Patrons were treated to the sweet sounds of the Goderich Laketown Panel under the direction of Blake Smith; the Craigellen Singers with director and accompanist IlaWarsell; and the H.arbouraires and MacKay Choristers with director Irla Stewart. The bands and choirs enter- tained with renditions of classics, traditional hymns and contem- porary selections. (,photos by Dave Sykes) Bowl-a-thon strikes gold raising $4,000 for GDCI band uniforms BY AL MULLEN t . GDCI music students were striking bowl- ing pins instead of musical notes .on Sunday afternoon at Little Bowl and the paygff was handsome. The first bowl -a -than organized b3/' the Goderich Music Boosters raised almost $4,000, exceeding their goal by $1,000.00. Humming on their new kazoos, the 96 bowlers soon realized that their pledges and donations were going to more than pay for the 44 uniforms purchased recently. Now, all the bands and choirs at GDCI are outfit- ted in matching black tuxedos. Community response has been very gratifyingand a heartfelt -`thank-you" is made to all those who helped us reach our goal. However; the pledges still have to become cash deposits;. the students' work is not yet done! Township councils were well represented by Reeves Grant Stirling and Russell Ker- nighan. Goderich Town Councillors, Glen Carey and Pete McCauley; Town Clerk, Larry McCabe; and Deputy -Reeve, Harry Worsell all gathered pledges and seemed to have a great time. Mayor Palmer, generously gave her per- sonal donation and. Goderich Town Council sent a cheque for $50. The efforts of Board Trustee Joan VandenBroeck and Superintendent Bob McCall are ap- preciated. Bob even came early ..: to prac-, tise"? tlurz,1 r;r, :;nes to Bill Murdie, GDCI Vice Prinri a' for bringing in $100.00, the highest arty en,l u pledges by a non -student. Rill even roe !;li ;1 198 score. And he claims not to 50ztr,tlicr' In the st:t eat f ategory, the highest male 'l scorer w..r 1)a,:r rebish at 238. Christine. Stapleton revordc'd'04 to be highest female. They will rc•r•el':.• prizes, as will Ray Currie and Mary -Su \lac•1 errnan who were at the opposite. c n.! •,f t of • score sheet. The pf,ir,t cfi ±ltr exercise was to raise money for. unif,.rr ns. If Jackie Mahon col– lects het ",:35'{ 211. she.. will win the walkabout tape rtiv.r, in the running for prizes are Buena 11;f1•tin. Sandi Craig, Tracy Gar- rick and h,..:'; . 1;,•nt. Urtl� throt ir!! ,.r1e eiSo'ts of many people did the af0 rnuorl run 50 smoothly. Barb Alinas! clr se vc, ;nano thanks for her untir- ing effort. ;;:;ri :nperb organization. Lisa Argyle and Id0!,n1 I.;nglestad handled much .of the palm: ;tor li with pledge sheets. Scores:, rif•a lt(.rt their time: Shirley Ken- nedy. I.1 Ic ", izl ,u i. ISiul Bogie, Ann Feagan, Ed V o,rl, ,Isr„r rk. and Tim Gerrits. Registratr;n, :aid calculations Were ably handled hi ; ile . n McGregor and Qo'othy. Hoch:. Of c•our •.+ ithout the expert help and co- operation and Harry Little of Little I3ot,I t!,, .0•ntnze lsould_have been a • gottc , i 1„utk you, gentlemen, from the ti„r; r, : h ,tudents. LEASING New Tractors Spreaders. Our Prices ' A Drive a John De } rs, y nuee. *1 j •r c n r Less MANURE SPREADERS 300-400 bu. , Priced to Clear * Model 660 - Lease Price .1004614_. Model 680 - Lease Price ,s1 16441 Semi annual • 4 years SIZE MODEL 55 HP 2350 + 1 a6- 1 OAD- H. 85 HP 2950 + CAB. 2 WHE 85 HP 2950 + CAB MFW[) 120 HP 4250 + CAB. 2 WHE_ 120 HP 4250 + CAB MFW1) 140 HP 4450 + CAB. 2 VVt1E 1 140 HP 4450 + CAB MFV'Jf 160 HP 4650 + CAB :1 V.ti l 1 160 HP . 4650 + CAB. MF WO • r -JE PRICE OTHER MACHINES 'PER tri 1 PasP pr it e ,Pm” annual bosed on 5 y.o r t,.<r•., r • Good until /tui • Ask a 14uron Tractor Sales Rep-. abr, t ,••••• EXETER STOKE 235-1115 51mon von Dam, Res: 2350351 John Snell, Rea: 262.3/28 Wayne Mover, Res: 235.1410 65 i1 67 • .t, 20 < 1 59 I 88 27 f,1 ''t 65. ,1,..'•'. 4• t Leasing 7.:.4.A.Mkgelaill 523`4244 • ROA 3928158 Ins Rrs 489 9588 Ni HURON wriamsiceNscrincE Ekoter (519) 235-1115 6;.01 I519) 523-4244 4 Guaranteed Investment Certificates iO % 1 year term Interest ps;id annually Minimum deposit '500. STANDARD TRUST 138 The Square, P.O. Box 295 Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Z2 Telephone;, i24- 385 Member- Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Rates subject to change without not ice. HOSTESS 200 g. POTATO CHIPS $1 09 GAVISCON TABS 100's $r49 J. VALUES BANDAIDS SHEER STRIPS 100's $1" METAMUCIL ORANGE FLAVOUR 300 g. GIFT WRAPS X99 4 SPECIAL SELECTION CHOCOLATE BARS 3/99 IS In Store Photofinishing HOTO El In before 3 p.m Same day service SUNCOAST.MALL, 'GODERICH, 524-2 OR 0 DA Y TO FRIDAY - 10 A.lVt. TO RDAYS 10 TO 6 Sundays and Hai/days Clo Thinking of a New STATION WAGON this spring? DON'T DO ANYTHING until you have come into McGee Pontiac Buick! We have just completed a factory purchase of TE 1985 Pontiac and Buick Station Wagons from General Motors These are all factory executive vehicles with approximately 5000 Km. (3,000 miles) on them. These vehicles are all fully equipped and will be priced to sell! Full Size Pontiact Parisienne •Wagons These vehicles will all be arriving by transport in the next few days -but cell us now. Buick Century Limited V6 front wheel drive wagons Pontiac 6000 LE front wheel drive Wagons SEE CRAIG, MARTYN, Aior KEN cGEE PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS '37 HAMILTON STREET GODERICH 534-8341