Exeter Times, 1912-11-28, Page 4HMG Olin +++ Innininn*f+++++. noanotonion***44+44.14+++++++++ 1 1 * 0 sons an • Irtoorporated 1$551 I ReCOrd of Progress for Five Years—i906=191 ÷ 9 a. $ 4,000,000 + 4,000,000 * 1906 .. „n 8,000,000 HESSRVE . . 3 000f 000 DEP() ITS ,,..,.....,.... . n ..• 2S677,78Q 35,Q23fl + LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ..., '27,457,090 38,854,801 TOTAL ASSETS .... 83,090,192 48,287,284 T. Has 88 Branches in Canada, and Agentand Correspondents in all the principal Cities in the World. A Qattara' Banking Business Transacted .T. Savings Bank Department 44 At 0113ranc1es. Interest allow d at Highest Current Rates, Dlektoalia& Carling„ Solicitors. N. In. HURDON Manager * 444+44+++++44+++++++++++++ +++4 ++++++++++++++++++H THE C NADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE :CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 MONEY ORDERS Issued by The Canadian, Bank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient and inexpensive method of remitting small. sums of money. These Orders, payable without charge at any bank 'in Canada (except in the Yukon Terrifory) and in the principal cities of the United States, are issued at the following rates: $5 and under ........... Over and not exceeding f61 .. " 10 " 30 ;4 t REMITT should be made by means of our ORDERS. Issued withata leap Exeter Branch—G. L. WAUGH Manager BRANCH ALSO AT CBEDITON 4.-.exttS s.a RAFTS and MONS* THR S COAL — Selected -- HIGH-GRADE STEAM COAL—well screened, Hard right and locky. — Celebrated— Blue Lake Cement ALWAYS ON H.A ND Large stock of all kinds of Lumber, Lath, Shin= gles and Cedar Posts J. Giatwortliil, GRANTON. Have City °MOWS Replace the pesti- lent, draughty clan gerous and 'offen sive out -of doors clo set with an indoor closet which requir- es no sewer no plumbing, and no finishing system. Ilave city conveniences in your home, Safeguard family health by installing a "Tweed" Closet Sanitary and Odorless "Tweed" Closets can be installed in the bathroom, cellar, or any other convenient place i u doors, merely re-" quiring to be connected by a pipe for ventilation with a chimney hole. "Tweed" Liquid Chemican, used in connection with Tweed Closets is both a deodorant and a disinfectant. Many hundreds of Tweed closets have been IgOld in Canada. Send for illustrated price list. Wooler Apr. 3, 1912, Dear Sir; The Chemical Closet I bought from you on Jan. 5th, 1912 japer -feet. I did not empty it until Mar. 20tb. There is three na the family and can leave the lid up and no particle of odor can be found 1 would trot ask for anything better, tours truly., E. M. Wessels. ilie SIM Trough & Manioc Go NOW Agent: -W. J, lieaman. SPECiAL TRAIN FROM TORONTO FOR, ,S.A.MILIG S. "SGA.NDINAVtAN" 1r,1107'./1, POItTLA1a1) wriAams necrEKEED ; Xn conceetion will. Christmas es -ail- ing of Alfieri. Line stela -malt) Scandin.- avian from Portland to Glee - 'COW. On Thuraday Jjecerriber tt apeolal Grand Trunk train ceneisting of Vestibuled Ceaehae arid Pullman Tourist Sleepiria: Cave wilt leate Tor- orrto at 130 p. In, Weanesdoy I/cava- lier ad will run diaeot to lilt. vibek St Portland, arriving there at '9.15 m.Decetaher 12th erth retiervne, atioticket's and full rtioulara 0161 obln et'ed frere rleareat (halal Trunk Agent or weita Inn E, Duff P A (Innen Statnon Tor - *iota, U N, D01,5 St4tioll lAgent, Exeter na le a ROYAL PURPLE Stock& Poultry Specifics FREEWe will send absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our lar -e 64 -page books (with in- sert), on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds a heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer. It contains 360 recommends from all over Canada, from people • who have used our goods. No farmer should be without it. • You can fatten cattle and hogs in a raonth's less time by u.sing our Royal Purple Stock. Specific than you could .possibly do without it, thereby saving a ntonth's feed and labor and the cost to you will not be more than $1.50 for six pies or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserable -look- ing animal on your place try it tm this one lint and see the marvellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per day, while being fed in the stable. -A. 50e package will last a cow or horse 70 days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY ,SPECIFIC will make your hens lay just as well in the winter as In the summer, and will kcep them free from disease. These goods are pure and -unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler to make z large package, entirely different from any on the market at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50e pekgs.; four 50c palms., in an air -tight tin, for 31.50. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and 50e pckgs.. and $L50 air -tight tins that hold four 50c pekgs. 1o3 -al Purple Lice 'Killer, 25c and 50c tins; 30e by Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25c and 50e tins; 30c by mail - Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50c bottle; 60e by mail_ Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin; 60e by ntaiL Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25c and 50c tins. RoYal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins; 30c by maiL Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25e tins; 30' by mail. Manufactured only by ThelAT.A.Jenithis Mfg. Co. London, Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Book lets may be obtained fiCm W. J. Heaman, Exetcr, Hanlon & O'Brien, Cen- tralia, Ont. TO .11,00ST OLD HURON A decrease of .nearly tea, thousandin the population of. Huron iCoanty, in the Jest ten years, is the revelation an•ade joy last years, census tThere are many who- will. remember when the farms In Una, sestion aunporteat ,a great many more personattan they do ac Lie present time. Large fam- ilies were found on nearly every farm and the hired, men avas a mei:ober of nearly every Lousehold. The ,rural achoola were filled with children, and clurches every few /miles boasted of large congreesations. ;But to -day it it ebanged, For different reaeone ere leaving the farm. alany Lave been enticed with, the prorep,ecta of greater fortunes ixi tie wet; child ren lave d grown up .an th d 0j parerita Lave retired and left their son to weak the :farm: faired • aelp is scarce and a combination of tiventa Lane ,b'ad ale tendency to drain tLe ptepulatioa of Old ' Huraa • 1 itok WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Worett X 'will c -lend 0 free, with full Instructions, my ntomo treat - tient which positively cures Leucorr,.icnatrjleeratioa, Displacements, ting_of the Woinb.,,Pairiful or Irregular' Ferrods, 'Uterine and Ovation Tumors or growths, aleo Hot Plashes, Nerv- oueness, Melanthoiy, Pains in the anead, Back, Dowels, InidneY and Bladder troubles where ceineed by 'Wealasesa peculiar to our sex. 'Yon con tootiouo treatmetit t hero° at a. cost of only abOtit 12; cdtit a. 'Viek My •book, " Wornatt e Own Meditacil Adviser,", alsO sent free oit requeat. Write to -day. Address Mrs. •11L, OUrnar Won 201411 41Wind6Ors Ont4 44 THE EX TSB, TIM a • Tilltaii'SDAY. NO,VME, but not Huron aloon. star other', Porn ties have: antlered ,Slintlatly, Plat the peolple aria awakening: to tke.•'irenlizatiota ^EVA niatterana aloaate. edocationen social tuidrelLgioas -priv- ilegea, good reacla, bindings aAd productiveness of the soil are. taken into coosideratioa some al the beat and ,cl.leapestland on Itne North Am- erielan coutionnt, 'is, to be n ad: 'nett in 'Huron, oonlaty, • ' illesidenta of. Huron iCouioty 'Orel re- alizing kale and thee,' ishoula let oil- ers, kaow it, Easex, laarebton, dad other. eountie.s jalave undeirtakaa , Make their xesoureeta known and,have apeat several ttousand, deallalria with the insult that hunaretla, bare come to these eountiee land the, prices a farm's bave gone up eaorrooisaya Truck laarneinge poultra had dairy- ing 'are! yielding fgoodretartnh. lAad in a number of lastaeces anore mon- ey is being made •off of a few acres than in. some -cases is being made off 01 100 acres, thea' county Council meeting in December $2„00ei will be asked for to boost the banner county of Ontario. Such a campaign should ?prone; ben- efioilal both' to the urban and rural population arid, shoal& be, heartily eine dorsed by .a1111 the Members af, the County council NORTH eR.AY MERCHANTS EAGER FOR LOCALOP.IION North. 'Ray, Nov. 7-A. French fore - Meal, wao' is grading some etreets, on, a contract, found himself petitioaed by the Wives ot bbs workman not to pay their husbands until after seven gaielock on Saturday might, "If you pay my man before the bare casse I shan't get, much of it, but if there's Sunday b-efore le can get a drink it gives, tie; a alpaca," ssaid one of the wives. North My has six hotel licensee and two shop licenses for a Pepulet- tion of least than, ten thousand It us firet and foremost a railroad town with a large floating population About a month ago the leaders, of the temperance party commenced' to talk local option They were more than suparieed at the support they got preetically every buisiness man in, town signiree the petition for a vote oa 'the .question, an January list and the leaders, ot the meveretent are now confident that they can get ati percent of the '1,800 municipal voters to make their mark for local option. The merchants to not prebend • to be -disinterested in their, fight for prohibitioe. A, dollar .spent in whis- key is a edollar leis for no, is the wiay one naercharit epitomized the eat - nation. 'If the goad man or the house Ma a night with the "boye" he can- not buy' the parlor -carpet that his wife has -desired so aseg and wbat iS true of the bouse, furnishers is appla cable to every trade; "The Day' is- the caraVanaary- of the kinghts, of the road, eaet send west north and south. They have to ttop in the.. town for it is flourishing an -d -plenty of business but they do s& with se groaning of the spirit fora they -do not like tte eccomecia Hart North Day is but leading the way in tale fight for local option; 1Callan- der will certainly carry it' aria aesltroy two licensee -three, it ought to be but one a outside the -cosifinieS of the town, Sudbury Las been threatening to er ter the loreale optionaeolumin all summer but finally lacked courage to make the attempt, - The opponents of heal optioa de- clare that "Idled pigs," are irievitable if license are reapare.ssed, and. coatend that it is more -demoralizing to drink wood alcohol by stealth, than goel whiskey over the open bar, .7he ans- wer ie tattt fiaty parcent of the mer. do not mind standing up to the bar will not eadure being smagalea, in by a back door and conniving at the Arlene:. That is toe lessen at Cobalt The contrast between Sudbury witb a bar at every corner and Cobatt witt its eada fountain arid soft drink steatite ie remarkable,. A western mining man now resident in 1Colralt recently paid Lis first visit to Sudbury. Ho came back converted ",13efor 1 went to Sul bury 1 tared to taark that a licenae in tbese eaetern mining camps wais all right but after 1 and seen audbury 1. don't. Thercs are dozens of rail- roader:a miners, and proapectora in andbury who are 'never sober Until choy brave spent .their laet .dollar en] must go back to 1.1,0 caboora'the mine or the bash-, Contrast that. With Co- balt., wLere, thengh the streets are habitually _crowded with the aurae claaa of' miners as, at Su•dburn, a wo- man can walk unmolested 'at any time of the, day or night. I bake to feel that t so Ontario Government .dcea not trust us. to' know our own mind.; but 1 really believe that if a eote were taken rigla in, Cobalt the town would go local optam -BEN' HUGH- ES -Staff Coraespondent, The Globe ;ANCIENT ADVICE Coma, let us do, our shopping early before the Christmas rush beigan,s, turd buy la doll witi. tresses aurly-or buy Iwo dolls if there, twins.. This theme is all that I can think of. eh,e only subject for a'lay; taa bubbling ispriaa, (Let poets ,drink or for me la dry as Met sear a bay I've scratched my toad for hours togetber to find a aub- ieet for a song and thereat:, not:Una tart L weather -and that late sting about too long lava racked roy braini till at ie poippirig3 alielturbed the toiregioldie restful calm; tliere's "to- tanng tell bat ,Chriatentes, ahoppine taat one in verses may embalm, colt slaters do year shoppater early We're tte reesaing.tIrronge begin.. for when you reach the aortals pearly St. Peter wiil not let you in, There'a nothing doing in .this valley the country's rpriet ses tLe town gorse ore tbe cauctra and the rally; the, euffregieltsbave elinmored, down. The poe.Cs bainy tears are AlrnOping 41clown. US, VirhiSit ers to tte floor there's nothing Loft but Ctriat mos abappi,ng that. cal la L or matt:eras suy Morn ••%/to 1014e sprung nate...a is neer oat' $11r,fy ate harp is, made of ruray era Oh,' aro- liareas eo your Whopping eorly benito The id.ltristinaS crowd0 W',411 toor. rt • EVERYTHING For Years,RestoredT0 Health by Lydia E.Pirdr.ham's Veg- etable Compound. Canadian women are continually writ. Ing Us such letters as the two following, Which are heartfelt expressions of grati- tude for restored health: Glanforcl Station, Ont -"1 have ta- ken Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- pound arid never • found any medicine to compare with it. I had ulcers and fall- ing of womb and doctors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully for years until 1 began taking your medicine. 1 al- so recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion." - Mrs. HENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. Chesterville, Ont - "1 heard your medicines highly praised, and a year ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. "My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To it down caused me pain and suffer- ing and I would be so nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated. "I cannot say too much for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I have taken them and reeonunend them to all women. You may publish this testimonial." =Mrs. STE- PHEN J. MARTIN, Chesterville, Ontario, Canada.. TIR1P TO NEW (YORK Through, the enterprise and. gener- osity of the Frost 'Wire Fenoe Co, Andrew liodg,ert, lead a most enjoy- able free trip last week to New York Philadelphia and Washington AS one one oa'ata winners. • in the dies con- test the companyput an this, past s -ea Mar • • T.he party, of 56' left Niagara Falls N. la by special carse over the Gorge Route and a visit was 'made e to the fine plant of Lae. Shredded Wheat Co After enjoying. the: attain:rig kit Shea'a 'Theatre in aluffalo...the . party le.ft for New York: A' slap -over was made at Albany where the state cap- ital baildiags were' aeon, wfaah, cost. thirty-five thousand .dona.rea At 4,30 th.e party' arrived in tbe great city of New York a a.. • e A trip -was made to tLe top of the Metropolitan alailding avere41 stories high and 700. ft ararneetheaground from wLich a laeautiaul view, was had including the'. Wooliaerth- buildina which is. over 55 ,.9tories higheand ths highest buildinea in the world One ofi the Most ir.terestliagetrips in New York was to thegreat °enterer Park MUSCLIU1 ytercs many ar.cient relics were ecen irc1udin aturruniea .who lived over •4000years ago and also pillars eta' taken froth the palaces of the eacient Plarachet in- cluding tree far famed Cleopatra'a Needle,. the, great Obelieh. of Ancamt Egypt. Another rnost interesting. visit was to 'Bronx Park natich con- tain's 'ore of the greatest collections of livingt animals, plants and flowers of tte world The evening parfok- mance in the world's tamoila Hippo- drome whieli has a stage larger than four ordinary Theatres. was a gor- geous spectacle'. Interesting,- points' visited - were Ib e 11. S, Mint, The iCuattia-Publishing !louse waere, the ladies, Home Jour- nal and Saturday evening Post are published and JOhn. Wannamaker's large departmental stere whicheon- tains the largest pipe organ, in the Washington, the beautiful capital of the United States and .one, of the cleanest cities in America was our last :store s' 11.113) Mr, Andrew lIodgert bees to, thank all his customers who made. it pos- sible for him to Win the. trip, THE GENERAL WILLIAM noon' 'MEMORIAL SCHEME . . . Tiro is coneedetable aclarlty a- mong Salvatioaista and friends of the Salvation Army throughout the Dora - alien in connection with the. proposed erection of a Memorial to the life- work of 'General William Rooth. tae F,ounder of that world-wide .move .nient.. IC loving devotion, to tte grand old man and aetive anxiety to- wards theaccomplishment of, this scLeme coent for anything, the Train- ing Institution, watch has teen de- cided irpon to take the form of tans Memorials will become an establisted • fact. • • Ttere la, a Widespread 'feeling; a- mong all .-claseres that such a life as that of the. late. General aticerld Ire kept green in the peoples mathory by the eatabliellatnent of some, inatita- tiori that evould have for its aita trf work Larmonizing With the.. ideals. St vividly set forth,throughout, the et - tire career, • , • . This will, be the begitaista Of the realization Of ent Of the late Genera unfinielLad sehetneaa inarriely the bringing into existence lea, a aumber of 1lniVersities or Humanity in. lac, .larger eitita of thc,. wond Such' an. institatien Will be ereeted irs Tortinto •. It must be terneinbered fiat the achievements 01 the SalvaiVota arm) &Pend in a very large, Mae:erre upon its Of fliers, Ttey a re mon arrilnwo, men through whose. warm th. og• de- votion Self-eacriticia owl ,nobility of mitps$4,, ttre„ over -new to the world ekariaing and , Loaling .ettream.s o Ira flu...vice/ • A great deal Of aeepansibllity upon theta ,They are caled upon ter gatot'..qtralitice of seoreinaa calla:age and Aril:nat. of . will. 1h,-4, ere dietnarl- the' peoale Wbo 'repreSent, the 811, lint et:6, ArAnY,,, 'Ho*, import:hut* it tit 'anti:note 'that naern rkaaOrtanita „ Auction Sale 4).1 1 ,..„! /CHOIQE ICAT',1-'1,,E 1 ; • Mr, Tkos, Cameron boa receiveld Ln- 3trOEotLop from the undersigned to sell by publie eAletiOri on SATUBDAX NOV, 20 1212 at one, &folio& la root * THE METROPOLITAN ^ • XICTEL1, EXETER } A Carload of' Choloe Cattleincluding' a number of ;Year 0144 a bomber of 2 aver olds, a number! of, COOVS aod 3 yoong, eoWs due la halve at time of sale. And a few toned- .ealven The above are all, in goocinconclitioir. TERMS OF -SALE-0 'It:ninths credit Will be given' on furnisLing apntoved joint notes, A dismount of tilper cent pct annum off for +man G,3 Dow , 1 Thosa Camerolo Proprietor • Au.etioneer 'MEETING OF HURON ICOUNTY COUNCIL: Tne council of the county of Huron; will meet in, tte ,council, ohambeln in the Town of Goderica 041 'Tnpsduy Dee the 3rd, at 3 ,oIclocia All accolun Is against tne count, requiring settler m'eni, must be placed with. Ore clerk before tLis idate. , W. LANE Clerk Dated Nov, 13th1 1912 Sale by Tender The 200 acre. farm Lots, 4 and 5 Third .Co,ne,esaion ,Stephen known; as the Huston preperty la mitered for ante ba, tender,. Tendere teceivn d up to Feb 1st, 1913,1. The. highest nor a.ay te.nderinot nec- easterly accepted. Aaply ace . 11;E, 01USTION. Ex,ener Ont. NOTICE! James Street CLurch Shed Exeter There are a large number of Inpopilie -wait) use this 'abed who drool:tot coin- aribute rat any. way to the rapport of the -church,. The Trusteea of tittle church think that all such slirould contribute in eonae way to 'the bindle of ale church ,for the firat elaeis ac- comodatioin which they avail them salves of and woull intimate ttat any wishing to do ao stould. remit Or hand -same to their secretary., ear,eatsurer Mr, 8, Martin . . Exeter Nov. '26th, aale should be -given • for pre- parations and suitable study before they toinmence their life's work. At the moment, The Army is hand- icapped in this resect inasrauchi as, the accomodation of the present Col- lege is coneaderably overtexed, and, therefore, the iden. at' this calIeMOlial is not only on of matinee/It but of necessity.. The provision Tor adequate accorn- °dation lfort tine Ltendied and twenty five persens, and an, nip -to date. equip ment, would involve. ari expenditure of two kundred' and fifty thousand dollars M250;000000. Ttia may ap- pear a large amount, but we believe the money would be well spent, as it would be an bavestraent securing great an•d beraficial results ,for the future of our nation,. , Whatever can be Zone to make this institution a fact et.ould have the hearty support- ,of every man and woman NVI.Di wisbela thebest for this day and generation We can conceive of' nothing that is likely to bear. a better fruitage, in improved condit- ions by inproving mein than an insti- tution given up to the solutipa of moaal and econoniie problems, 'mad showing its, students bow to' apply its findings to ti, e conditions, Of every day life In the neelist quarters of the citithee General ,Booth wasi a, master in this realmand the, purpose to per- petuate las• memory by a.rovilding for such an institution as the one refered to seems to be particularly fitting Donntions towarda this very worthy Object can be addresead to ate Of- fice or forwarded direct to commis- sioner Davin MI Rees Toronto', On- tario., NO RHEUMATISM THIS WINTER Thanks to GIN PILLS ON'T you want to have ()NB WINTRR free of Rheumatism? Don't you want to enjoy life as other Dien enjoy it? Don't you want to eat andsleep and work as healthy, rtormal men do instead ot being all crippled up with Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble? Then take GIN rafts and conqoet Tour cdd enemy/or good. Mr.Beaudra did, with the.help of the GIN }las 597 Panet St., Montreal, P.Q, March 2901, 1952 "It affordsmegrent pleasureto inform. you that I have used GIN PILLS for about six months, and that they have done me a great deal of good. I have had Rheumatism for aconple of years, and this winter I saved myself from it by using IN 1^11,1,,S. I highly re- cotnmepd GIN,PILLS to the public." .•A. BEAtTORY., Thousanda of boxes of GIN rItts are sold every year through the irdlueoce of those vrho have been cared, and who recommend GIN PIX,LS to their friends and neighbors. if you are stibjett to Rheumatism Tidetey or Wad der Trouble, start in riglit tow on MN PILLS. soea box6 tor f1.5o. ft you want to try the= first, Write fora free eample °, to IstattottatDro end Chanderan CO. Canada, Lithit torout0. •14$ 1 CanFnE011VSTON ta. P,D.00 • farm Sale 'bENVIS11 ; , Iatiaere, lopes Lot 11, Con 11 Town; st1iP "Of 41ay ,Landona ',Bead '2 I Innt: miles from Exeter and .4 1-2 minas! from Howell. Apply to B. 8, Raise Byron Ont Farm for Sale'' That valaable property ,blenagl 27 oot 1 Ueborate, eontaining 100 ac- res On the pronerin, is a brick Jacinse . brick bank barn, horse stable; drive -- stied and cow stable all brick. IA.boalt two acres of orchard of good fruit' foar good wellel,; well kenced and un - Wertheimer). with 'tile, large pieoe of; bash; iseil well adapted for graire hay roots or pae,tare'e •Situated one awl a half Miles earth of E xenara miles from Henaall Far 1 tether in- formation apply to J. W, WOOS, ',Lot 24 eon, 1 Usbornet Houses for Sale Messrs' Soell and Marchand are of- fering for pale two fine new brick resideneea on the old Mansion Etallas property: They are equipped with furnace, electric light', toilet, bath and eloset TLey are papered and grained and will be ready to Genera in two or three' weeks', Apply to Wes, Snell'. Exeter. 1 . I House for Sale or Rent A comfortable brick cottage, with good sized parlor, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, woodshed and cellar. - Stable and some fruit trees. Corner Albert and Huron streets, a choice location. Terms to suit. S. M. SANDERq For Sale by Tender IN 'desirable dwelling, Louse on Will- iani street, large and roomy. contain ing „ft ranee and electric liatts. Good hard and soft water, tha land own- prisea tLaee lots with a large number lof fruit trees,: Tte tannery will be offered for sale by tender. Tenders will be received Up to November 30th for the building the machinery etc, anid the Jana in bulk or separate. , Th.e mweet or any tetdarl nO nec- sstsary accepted For farther 'par - tic apply to T, H, McCallum. For Sale • Ten tAcres on :the, inorth !aide of, the Lake Itoad in Exeter., Good land small Irente, house and r stable'. Ap- ply an once to , . GLADMAN & STANAURY- . Exeter Farm for Sale • Barg composed of Lot 1.8 concession 6 Tp.of Ilaborra coatainbig 100 acres the premiaes is a good brick bowie heated byl furtace. Hard and soft rwatea, "L' shaped beak 'tiara 0,8x8+2 sad 20x50; :finished -for horse, cattle / hogs and hens; inooe, drive house, one eat isilo 12x33 feet t Large anliPlY cement water tank aupplied from never Tailing well With windmill a t- tached,. Gement water tank kir ; threshing.. 125 tree o of choice ap-1 pies; also good garden of plums and I small fruits; 2 am te of hardwood' bush; 115 acres paraahea afor winter and the balance in grass a This pro- perty is well ureclerdrain,ed, well fen- ced ard in good state of caltivationi Convenient to churches, school; • and market, A beautiful homeir. good neighborhood and must be sold t* wiad np an estata Easy teams of payment. For Tents and particluare apply to Mrs., F. Wilson on tte pre- mises or to Thos. Cameron Auctioneer Dr. de Van's Female Pills pills are exceedingly ppwerful in regulating the A reliable4rench regulator; never fails. These generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations Dr. de Vales are sold at NS a box,„or three for DO. Mailed to any address "Imo Seolion Drug Co.. St. Catharines. Ont. • Honor 'Graduate 94 TOrMatO ITUIVer4 oottn Office,naver, Blokes:roan ling 's Law office, Upset). Wads:wee day afterntroa. Phone Offioe atesidence 5 0 ( 11' ' DB. A. II, KINSMAN 14,D.4 Bomar Graduate of Toronto XlainI4 ersity i; . , DENTIST Teetit extracted without. pain. 011). any bad effects. Office over G1ad.1 'man & Stanburans Office Main Exeter. . - W. BROWNING 1. Da M. Cs • P, S. Graduate Victoria Univera Silty Office and residence Donaininalia--- Labrafory., Exeter. 4/ laessociate Coroner of 1.1uron i D ICKSON& CARDING 13arristers, Solicitors Notaries Coral veyancers Commiseioners, for the Molsona Bank eto. . Money to Loan at lowest ratee of bran' terest. 1• I OFFICE -MAIN STREET En• FLEW! I. II. Carling 13. A ti. HI, °Wiwi MONEY TO LOAN, , a a We have a large amount of pr ate funds to loan on farm and v lage properties at lowest rate of in terest. GL'ADMAN STANBURt 13arristers, Solicitors, Main Sig Exeter, MISS G. E. M. BiSleETT A Mus W. In Honor Graduate of the London Vona aervatory of Music, Teaching, Coln lege of the Wastera University! Teacher Piano -Theory -Harmony, counterpoint mad Musical Hisaoryi P epas prepared for musical exama ina tiara. Ilic Usborne and filbpert Fariner's Mutual Fire litSilr- ance Goilipanu Head Office, Farquhar4 On. President J. L RUSSELL; , oTiti Nrioe-Bres. RollT. GARDINgit 14 DIRECTORS RORT MORRIS THOS. RYAN Dublirs WM. BROCH 1 1; Wittobelselk WMR0Y Elornbcil.n AGENTS JOHN ESSER Y Exeter. ageot Vaa• borne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS Illanro agent for Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNHULLI ' Secy.Treas. Farquhar GLADMAN qYej, STANEURY Solicitors. Exe ter. Ste red Electric Restorer for Men. Phosphenel resores everynerve in to its proper tension; restOdy nan tthe bo vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sex weakness averted -at' once. Phosphouoll, make you a new man. Prisx $3 a box, or twa, $5. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Druz' Co., st. catbaranes. Ont 1 very,Womaai Dainterested and should knOli" about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Douche • Ask ram' grill%st for It. a en ply the MARVEL, acft no other, bat send stamp fbr illus- trated book-seaied. it gives fall particulars and directions invaluable - to ladies.WINDsoit SUPPLYCO.,Whxdsor, one.- General Areata for Canada. • 'aa. Wonderful Nervous System EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- - MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control all actions of the body so that any, thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses have ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a proper condition of manhood, They remain weak- iings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful,' debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change- able moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, ete. This is the corielitioneur New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated Diseases of hren for almost a Ufa- • time and do not have to experiment. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and we win tell you, whethet you are curable Ilona. We guarantee curable) oases of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. etLFET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on DIseasei of Men. if unal) le to call • write for QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT DRa.KENNEE)Y&KEP1NEDY Car. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mick rtIOTICE AR lettere frotn. cAnada tnttst 'be, addressed •wo to our Canadian Correapethdence Depart- • Niammtlfeastaese went in VViotisor, Oet. If you desire to see us personally call ot our Medical Institute inpetroit as 'toe set fltld treat Der patient* ita our Windsor offices which are far Corteeporadeace and aiabtaatoty for Canadian busitzete only, 'Address all Iettera as follewa: Das. KENNEDY *KENNEDY; Windi101`6 Q1114 Viitotot onellOtatOttddrog•