Exeter Times, 1912-11-21, Page 51 WEEESPAX, NOVEISIMzi FREE ADVICE 10 SICK WOMEN Thousands Have Been Helped By Connnon Seine Suggestions. "Witten suffering from any tarn', of h. Snide ills are invited to communicate promtitly with thelvomanisprivate corre- - spondence department of the Lydia E. ; Pinkhate M e di ci n e Co., Lynn, Mass. t our letter will be opened, read and atisviered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of "-a- Ler private illness to a, woman; thus has been established a confidential corre- spondence which bas extended over ImanY years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a t.estireonialeor used a letter Without the nvritt.en consent of the writer, and never has fee Company dllowed these confiden- tial letter's t.o getout of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files win attest Oot of the vast volume Of Oxperienee width, they have to draw from, itis ritiore than possible that they possess the very wledge needed in your case. Noth- hi asked in return except your good Will, and,their dvice has helped thou- ' • de' Surely Any /wonan, rich or poor, should, be glad to / take advantageof, a this generous offer of assibtance. Ad- dress Lydia E. Pink - ham Medicine Co., (confidential)eLynnk Mass. ' Every woman ought to bave Lydia E. Pialdittlit'S 80 -page Text Book. It is not a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and ,only Obtainable by mane a.Virite for ittodAy. .110111E STUDY 4 Thousands of ambitious yours Ipeople are instructed in their homes by our home 'etude: dep- 1: artment You may finish at 4. College if you desire. Pay 4. whenever you wish. Thirty • .1" lrears' Experience. Largest .3" trairots in Canada. Enter anY .1. day. Positions guaranteed, If dn_ you wish to save board and • learn while you (lain, write * for particulars - 4 NO VACATION + `cir Clinton Business College + + 'lask 0E0. SPOTTON 0. F. WARD * air President Principal ee 4 -44 -1 -1e1 -1-14-1-1-e+++++4444-4-14-1-11 16) CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. ; • • It WILL YOU ••• • 340at • • Write for the large free c alogue of ,this school, and you 2 • will learn how you can succeed. • ,e) it will then rest with you 'to de o cide if yon will succeed. Ts We are placing students in • positions paying $000 and $700 Itper annum, and we have many eaa such applications for help • rcr which we cannot supply The best time to enter our classes is ; • w Write for our •free cat 0 • D. A. eL MACHLAN. • j • n°gne at once de alo 40 jee • ' • • Principal. • fer•••••••••••••••••• ***seen* BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y.M.C.A.BLDG.. ..01%,1D024, ONT. Stfidents essilted to pcisitione: College in session from Sept. 3rch Catalogue free. Enter any time. • JAIL Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr Principal Carteteeeccountaat is Vice-Pencipal Winter Tours To California, Colorado. rlexico and Pacific Deists Pointe Tee Grand Trunk Railways the"; most elix-ect, razed from aN poiete eaeet terceigh Centela via iChicaea FEA1.4011ES 'fellable track, Fast %service, 'Finest Ito.vtt elbed, Moderr.. ea'.pinent Ifnexe ell ,ted Otto.nis Car Service, Alf elemer.ta eeeefety ;teed Comfort. TO TIIE' SONN 600TH No afore desirable Vette than Via Draed Trani; to Detroit; thence Via Ctn cir.n ti o ckeon v e, Paint, Bailee, Till-SSa•.1 'etc, Po 'Ind trip tiekets ehoice of all, tte heet roeitee, together with txIinforreation 41nd xestri arvationa ply olitairted from nearest Grand itereek ngentl or write Duffel) Ts. Ifts froz erto Ont. I ,tt Ne J. noltr 'A-43,04 THE EXETER TIMES Creditoll RAIROAD MAN HAD TO LAY OFF • Miss Vera ;Taylor of. Elkton M1ch4 epent •a few daps thetet or ear, end iMrs4 .Bane'.. We are glad to sea Mrs, Jansen Clark around after a leinee Rialesels Mysti, Rogers returned to her home in Saline Mich, after Attending. the Fahoer—Triebner wedding, Rev. Matthew Morloot returned to his none in Oincinati after visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Miss Mildred Brown of Exeter spent Sundayinith her parents. Mr. Ogle. Fehner returned to Saline • after visiting friends here for a few weeks, Mr, Ezra Oestreicher returned home after spending several weeks in Tor- onto. Mr. Fraser Brown autoed to Dash- wood on Monday evening. Arrangements are being made for the Christmas entertainment' in the Evangelical church, They have com- menced to practice, Mr. Wm. Paget spent a few days in St. Catherines last week.. Rev, Schmidt of Berlin occupied the allot in the Evangelical church on Sunday morning and delivered a fine sermon, _ _ Mrs- Samuel Brown was in Loodon on Monday on business. Mr. Alf ;Boltzmann left on Moridey morning for Point Edward where he will renoain for some time. e Miss Susie Kuhn spent Monday with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilber was in Daehwood one dalollast week 44 0, a, Until .I18 Took SIN PILLS Buffalo, N.Y. "St have been a Pullirian conductor on the C. P.R. and Michigan Central for Vac laagthree years. 1400 four years ago, I was laid up With intense pain in the groin, a very Kee haele and suffered' most severely when tried to urinate. I treeeed welh. my family physician for typ ttleeths for Gravel In The Bladder but did not receive any benefit. Abdut that time, 1 met another railroad inad. Teo ead been shnilarly affected andvetio had been cured by GIN PILLS, ei,terlivingbeen given up by a pro- minent physician,s who treated him for Matfett& He is now running on the mad, and is perfectly cured. He strongly advised -me to try GIN PILLS whiehI did—with the result that the pains left me'enterely." PRANK S. IDE. eoca box, 6 for $2 50 Samplefree if Toil weite:National Drug and Chemical Go. of Canada Iemited, Toronto. 137 ZURICH Weessees Eldiore and Oacar Klopp at- tended tele feral of tlaeir brother in law Mr, Jokn II, leiteibler„, at Tavtki." boils lea week. • • ' Mrt, Seloaleta Kiptcr has parches - ed Mr„ illharlee Welper'e property and • HENSALI will take posseeslon in a fe'w weeks Mrs 11,. D. Sutherland Spent Tues- day last with fnitends in Luton. Mre, J, Ellis lis having her idivellitte on • Richmond Street Souta needy painted by Mr, J, Steacy• s Mie Ebe Chleaney was in tile village tine week combinirne business' wine visit td lii perm to. •ale, William Weigh was ',leen last week attending to nateeeers of busellees jj connecbion, with tne disposifog ot Ile. will nee it for dwelliIng and tor •barber shop t Among the industeial activities of • the town the •cider mile end jam fectitry is much in evidence Never io tete iiistoity of the cider mill has the °input been so large. This no, 'doubt is due to tee, low price of nip- ples Tee farmers seta • a 'greater profit in reducing to cider than pack- ing and selline to tee wholesale deal- eres Then, to. it gives work to the Zara - some of h* aousehold 'contents here ily during the winter menthe in cone he Lula mow taken up a dwelliete," in verting tee eider into apiple butber. Toronto and 'expects to have Mrs, • Th* product kinds a reedy market Welsh and, teereet of the family join and iS used by some Instead of using him in tee course of a week or „so dairy butte,r. The farmers hava IMr, War, Moir has reeved into tee kept the mill so beey that .129 lam dwelling on Kerte Street recently oc- e -as made for export this steallote Th:e cupied by Dr;Sellery and MrRotter- 4 w. _ mill charges a toll of one end a half field will oceupy the property bi es " cents per gallon for the aide r, the he purchased from Mr, or COMO farmer furnishing the container He months ago also 'carts away the pulp. or residue Miss el, McGregor is visiting xelo.- welch is wed for hog Teed,. lives and friends in Liondon Toroaita The 'factory is well eguiPpect with and other places. ' " modern •machinery,, and is run. by Mrs,. Coward of near Exeter visited cable Power from the big planning Ler sister Mrs, Ryckman and, ben mill free process of eider making is bart:tt.hlee !diet Bt W •Fth ulu en 'sabbalh simple, Tee apples are led into a l are grinding machine, "then carried by a The farmers in ties section belt elevator to tte preset Where its working lard to try and seeure, thein juice i•s equeezeld out. Ten bags of root crop the cOnitinuous Web weather apples makes one barrel of+ eider. •*made it a very .difficult •rceetter, but About ten Lands are employed in the tee excellent vreateer of the past few days have greatly. -relie,vedemattees FOR 'AGED PEOPLE Old Yolks Should' be careful ^in, their selectiim of regulative- Medicines ' Wre have a safeedependable end al- together an ideal remedy beat is pae- tieul•arly adapted to the requirements tit 'aged peoele and persons of Weak • constitutions, wee •suffer from con- stipation or etber bowel disorders we are• so certain teat il will relieve complaints and give entire satisfac- tion in every particular that we ot- ter it with our personal •guarantee that it seen cost the, user nothing if it fails to subs.tantiate our clainee manulacture of apple better the °n- ine is pared. core I ground and heeled. in tete_ eider Pour cents perg•allo.ra ia charged for its manufacture atl the factory the farraer supplyingthe ap- ples • The parings and eeres • teere dried boxed and stepped to Europe Lerd the teineet 'tote the ititteufac- thre of champagne. Winter Predictions— A comnierc'al traveller at, Hensel' neently offered to bet $25 teat durine ene nnrinz winter there would not be a iveek of continuous sleighing. He baeed his estimate on the condition of the fur bearing animals and tee _intercity of nuts. Dr. Varden, Gales weather pro - This remedy is ceilled ftexall Oxelerlies Oben eeedicts an openwin tiett with Rexall Orderlies have a. sootaute' healing streoeteertinie tonic and re- gulative action upon the bowels. They remove all irritation dryness soreness and weakness. They • res- tore the bowels and associate Organs to 'more healteier and vegoures actev- ity, They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time day or oigtt without inconvenience do not (seen any griping nausea, Idiarrhoea exess. Sive looseness flatulence or other also agreeable effect. Price 2•50 and 19c Sold only at our storer-The Rexall Store —Ws 6, ;Cone• • . BIDDULPH The auction sale of Mr, Car- roll which was held on Tuetseity lest Nov lett. was, a meekeel ieliecess bring- ing 'Lira the hatidedine auto Of almost $12400.00% The. weather West. till that' could be desired arid. brought buyers out in larg,f, numinfreattcl,•Mr, Stasiley did his neinil good workin, usine every effort/ to bring the. headers\ to r.citchebeing *assisted by Mr, INF, T ,c10.1.1,41 41s, efficient clerk Mrse Inarroll was ably assisted by a targe staff of willine workers of tome fifty Nvomen_ air. and ISirs. Carroll. will for the next two mouths' yasit very littla enow 1 thee! part of Qat- ari° an& he ads Oat the earmere will be a bfe,.. te plow "ett•exty' month except in Januarye and bean is another Igor, Rorke of; Teorndale showed a report- er recently through' garden w bane ripe raspberries blooming, sweet lime etc., in fact everything just as amnia and trash! ae,they.could,-be hi:U sum- iner month proinpted the question And what, would you take all this t� mean? said tte press reporter After carefully weighing his words Mr, Rorke replied I may be wrong but • look Lor very little 'winter. You can easily see that not one eihrub e the garden is prepaeol for winter and time is what makes me nelieve we will baye such another winter as that of 18754 when it was passible to plow every month in the year. ••i • What we Isaet.--Somellinea We1 La local Lews il,ems rather scarce al- etheigh the material may torsiat of leery Interesting . par:le:rapes if only we kr.ew the circamstences„. Our read•ere OMIIG , abet ielp as Out in this reenect, it • illek would or.ly .take tee ttredble ta• jot elovite a '17“, nc,t,cs of theoceurer.ce or incident of which they kr.ow the particulars and send them in • We want all the real news of the district withouit the gossip, Among Ontario isiende prior to ar.d will appreciate any aseektance oer leavieg for tl.eir future eome in friceds can give es in accomPlishilke • Britest. Calumiba that end. FREE 1'0 YOU—MY- SISTER ' • ING FROM WOMEN'S ammerits. Fins TO YOU AND EVERY metre surren. /am a woman. I know woman's sufferings. nhave found the cure. , • I will mail, free of any charge, my home trent. ment with full instructions to any sufferer from women's ailments. I want to tell alt.:women about this, cure — you, my redder, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister.' X want to tell yott how to cute yoursPives at borne without the help_of s. doctor. men cannot understand 9;N:un- fit's sufferings. What we tvottien"know from ex- perience, we know better than any doctor. I know teas my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for Leticorrhoea or Whiti s h discharges, Ulceration. Dis- piaCenient or Foiling of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine Or Ovarian Tamers or 0 rotrths, also polies in the head ; back and bowels, bearing down feelings, nervousness. creeping feel - lag . up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot Dailies, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weaknesses peculiar to muses. I want tasend you a complete 16 days' treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself at .31onte, easily, quickly and surely. nentember, that it will cost you nothing to give the treatment n complete trial ; and if yeti should wish to tontinue'it will cost you only famut I2 cents a week, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send Me your name and address,,tell me ha* you duffer, if you -wish, and I will Send you the treatment for your case, entirely free, ut plain weeper, by return mail. I wilt also send you tree of cost, my book—"WOMAN'S oWle MEDICALng m DVISER" with explanatory illustrations show - f iwhy women suffer', and hew they can easily c e thethselves at home. Every woman should have it, =neat% 0 think for herself. Then w en the doctor says--•••vou Must have an opera- tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves 'with my home remedy. It cares all, old or ruins. TO Mothers of Daughters, I Will enplain a simple home re,, _, cite d effectually curea tencorrlicea, Green Sicknss eand Painful or IrreguM lar enstruation in Young Ladies, Plumpness and healtlt alWoya Fesith from 45 'use • . e whet -deer. you hve. I can refer you,to ladies of your own lotteasveho know and *iii:Sittaiy toll any,atifierer that thia Herne Treatment really curet all woman's diseaa ses wm l akes oaten well, strong, piney and robust.. Just send me your address, and thefreq.len days' treatment is yours, also the book. Write toetay, as yoti may not see ous offer a• 1. AddresS: 1111140. M. SUMMER% Box H. 8:11 he et ., e 44, WINDSOR, Ont.. Notice On and otter :trot of January next we 'tee lendersigned mereliatite of the Vinage of 'Exeter area to doe) Oar place of 'busitess Aix- o'clock je the evereng except in. • fiaterday r.ightio Wif en we agree to close at half past lee (*lock. Jones*. May X, A, Stewart • Sr. W. Taman , • W,3, fleatnat. II, Speakman Seelor Grigl T, lleetkins & Son. 11, Mr, F. 'Beavers N, Rowe Beverley I ) • BEWARE OF BLOOD -POISON Zamertak is Sure Cure Mr, 'Jae, Da v•ey. of 1,86 Ellice 'Ave, Weinipe'g slayer— 'A few months EITIE0 1 wa‘s eered of a poisoned finge:r through the timely use of Zara-Buk I cat a deep gash (melee tee knuck'e or.' the first finger of my rieat) hand in opening a lob,ster can, I suffer- ed• ab tee time witi the aplreniess and pain bat bid no idea teat it *THE PAVASTINE EXHIBITION ',Pouf Ide•nner • This ertiTcla is ,not written for the dieinterested but fox all who love tle highest and' that Whieill denteMa itr Tile/light, is wet, but never mead, the welkine 'le eiteeel eneil a quadruple nue et electric gitards (esteem/ the way from yeur hotel up Riobamba to Deaden Street and, easit to withket Week, it in quieter and dimmer lee. yondi, :tiles a bloeig from the business district lie* the orinories;, a ceeteklated keep that is the .titting home of the eandeis and girders of our Lord as • well as the relies that come frets the land ilis elesseel, feet have trod, Tee ea - Cons strength, should ever be. hie de- fence for surely His strength is the nations defeeice. Within, the building is filled, the right firdt of all IA a, court of carious innumerable., abo,ve weld) hang portrait§ of prominent Jews of all. nations. Among them of intereet to tee Anglicans, is thet late JAishop ,HellMath, of Huron, 4 POlish Jew, and predecessor of the late Abe - hap Baldwin., At the tarther en Is a raised map a modern Jerusalfem WD t. the various iQhriatian emissions indicate 1 by name, jeeyond this is a veiled 'section, the width of' the build- ing, wiereeen illustrated leeturet was given at( our ,call, of a eevieek reeeten WOUld become a serioos Wound., tien, frbe eying' of the e'er' IV" However In about two days T. Was greatly alarmed, as my vvhole: iand and !arm t to theelbow becoming aUd- denly inflamed and the finger. was mime) discolored„ sl -towing' stem, of blood poisoning.. The .„,,,epain. was ,dreied,fuheendtekne••••ielee'reeced toeeevn • off in .viitekanid go, 'tome, The wound en, tee knuckle had been poieloned by dust and 'dirt ' tettine, into it, I • then decided to start tee Zam-Buk treatment and eating first bathed 'tie cult I applied the healing balm it eoothted the pain almost in- stantly and by =iiext day there was' a great improvement. In a weeks time, throdg'n pc me- erance %vith tais wonderful prepara- tion a complete cure was brought about Zam-Buk is teat as good toe eczenaa ulcers, scalp scores, abeesees 'piles ringtvorne, varicose ulcers, run- ning 'sores,. cold sores, chlapped annals etc. It draws all poisonous Wetness from a wound 'or core and ri,e1131Lleaki; Ilse it to, for cute, burns. bruiee.s and. un 'skin injuries. Zam-Buk Soap should be used in le,onjunctioa to ae balm for washing wounds and- MSC, pldeest Excellent too, for • baby'e, bathe 'All drugsiste and stores sell ..Zam- lat 50c box and Zam-Buk Soap at 25c tablet poet free upon receipt, of price from Zara -leek Co, Tort:nate, BRCCEFIELD Died En, Lendon Mrs. 'Ann Green- slade died at the home of her daugh- ter in London, on Monday last Mrs, Greensla•de was, ninety-six years of age. The deceased had been in feeble tealth for several months and her death was not unexpected!. The re- mains Were brought here for inter - met. THE REV.111ALN, AH.eiCH's 191 • AL3 The, Rev, Irl Reerlickh Almanac for 1913 is now ready. It is tte most splendid number at this po•pular Year Book ever printed. Its value has been. More than ever proven by remarkable fulfillments of Ite storm, Weather and earthquake forecasts this Year. Pin - lessor Hicks lastly malts tte con- fidence and s,upport of all the people Don't tail too send !35e, ,fbr els 1916 ;Almanac or only onte dollar for his .splendid magazine and talmatte.c one year, The best oriel Mahar invest- ment possible in any home or besinces Send to Word '& Wcales Publishing Co 3101 Franklin 6t, !nixie Mo., MAKE THIS TEST How to tele if your heir'. is Diseased Even if you have a iietureint end of •tair, you may want to knew waether it le in a Matter, eenditioo or men. ninety-eight per 0,14 of tee people need e 'hair tonic.. - Pull It hair out oT .your eench if the bulb lat the ed of tae root * white and ohrunkein it proves teat peer hair is diseased mot xe•quires, prompt attention in its loss would be, avoided ft the, bulb is pink and full tee, hair 15 healtay, We want_ everyone whose teair• re- quires treatment to try Resole '93' Hair Toni*, We promise that it will not cost anything if it tepee, eat give satisfactory assultse it is designed to overcome dandruffrelieve scalp imitation to stimulate the eair mobs tighte,xe•the hair already in the head grow Lair and overcome ,baldneee, ft is became ok whet "Rexall 93 Hair Tonic has elone and per sincere faith in its goodnese teat we want you to try it at Our risk. Two sizes • 50e, and e1.00 Sold oily at our store Tee Rexall Store. W., S, .Cole shown to he t'he extretne aet olE af- feetiope Jiidas turned' traiter ofter he received, it Have .we not all re- ceived rtite sop Turn to the lett ou.le side the veiliedi eaction and. you find m large leetare platform OR which stood 1a ilaeelawin .tent witt • its cem- tial 'supporting spear, tee segn oE a. chief's home. Two or three. Int na- tive these sit and eland in. and, 'be - Core it. liartl.•er you find a. man of Palestine in ranee stowing Ch reeel tee waters, of ltegeont the sea of Galilee, the •eourso 1.b.f t..be Tor - (Ian and. the. dead sem Again to the left i/ tee home In:Bethany), a replica of teat where Ma rtha andl Mary .lived You may step inside. Farther /still is a huge elief map of moderrn Jer- usalem and atotter of ancient Jer- usalem. Hung on the walls are tablets o statieties seowing the increasing inte-rst taken and the growifil4 im- gortance of that truly eternal' city., Lecturers, here and there gave short addresses Just one ,thought expressed by, a German rofeseor, a Jew, in the COltrSe of his, address •"Wort e!' ten thousand dollars said one tk ariliolti said another Yes. and far more than that to all of usr On tee ereat day oe Atonement the 'Jewish father' offers a esecritice for t•iniself. His mon also offers one for _himself. but the daughter nor the mother is eo olLef Tent tether is responsible .for their sins. Do you see tea point? 'Christ is the, 'husband) and father:the ,Church ia his bride. The church, is exempt now from offering • a tee•crifice. once for all has offered the meeea- sary attonment by which al/ Hie are feebly 'accepted by the father.- Al- leluiat for the Lord is the 'salve Lion of his people, ORANITON The Canadian Cider of 'Fc -esters Building here is well nigh complete ed it is a credit to the village and community. Teeir block woned do tonor to a trovn of 10,000 population The public spirit of the, Foresters people in buying and retirine enold unsightly hotel, stable and plitbitarin its place ouch a heaublizt etruc ere Es Lesley. cemteten•dable. The te Me if comnaunity certainly owes. theii'• debt of gr,atitud,e et is rinderstood that Mies Dinsmore, 'proposes to utilize one of the apartments as a . millinery seo.p 'and, store. ' Mr, James Wier ot the 16th •con be London Township happened with a Oenious, injury eneTueaday of last week while unloading ',Itrist tit Mr . Abner Langfords mills He tad just lifted ti bag from the truck and not node- ing e smell, trap door in thu;ssfittor be- ing epen stepped back with one toot i n in the opentnig eausing a fracture of tee thigh bone, tle was sub- Sefluently removed to his heme where the fra c titre Was retinoOd by Dr, II, attd 0. A, Lang Thlat remarkable year bet& •, Ion storing Weathe.r, gar thqlfaitcs and Astrenorny. The Rev, Irl R, Mice Alinantin cot 1913, the finest' ewer isteinel,' le, llaW ready,. Send i only eiici atilt Franklin 1A',,, •.Mo, ' at -i,St, Lo fe ' 6 rep 'a an4 eau wiil r ea acpep al also a copy of the, Rev, irl Its Melee geisazine, ,WOrd, and Works . litsii • en to IV old d, Works peblisting Co. • Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Tem Great Event. .,0 Tise county fair is now on tap, And au the 'Corkers proud .Are showing off their very best Before the gaping crowd. The cattle in the narrow stalls. The horses on the track, Are showing, each and every one. How lofty they can stack. The barker at the circus tent Is tearing in the air Great jagged holes, that each and all • May know that he is there. The peanut rend the popcorn man .Are chas1ng far and wade AO see that every hungry child Is with a lunch supplied. 'Up in the building on the hill. Where. cabbage Is displayed Beide the pumpkins and the corn .And goose eggs. freshly laid, The folks who raised it stand around ..or To beai its praises told. Anil each one sweals and feels as gay As any two-year-old. The father and the mothar,voine, And all the kids are there. Tbey listen to the big brass band And at the players stare. they take in everything tn sight That gives them thrills or mirth, And you can bet most anything • Tbey get their money's worth. Prudent Statesman. •• 9' hear that the senate is pretty busy." "That so?" " "Yes, housecleaning," "Housecleaning!" "Must be. I heard Jelin . say tent they were whiteweseing" Childr n Cry for 171 r's siChe Hind You Rave Always BoUght, and which has been in us o for over 3O yeee•S, bee borne the eignottire and has been made" under las sonal supervision since Its infancy. . Allow zip one to deceive 'Yen let Vase Ali Counterfeits, Imitations and " 3ust-Os-1i >od " ere but Experiments that trifle 'with and len danger the health of Wants and Children—Experience against Exporiraelat, hat is tiTRi Castoria, sn, harnalces srtbstbbatte for Castor 011, Pate., goriet Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opimn, Morphine, nor other Narcotics substance. Its age is its guarantee,. It destroys 'Worms' and allays Feverishness. Fol. more than thirty years it has been 1,Et constant uso for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teethi4 ig Troubles and Diarrhoea,. n regulate* the Stomach. and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Childreies Panacea—Tho Illother's Friend. :GENUINE ALWAYS d You Have iways Bought n Use For ver 30- Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEVI YORK CM'. • erineeSitenteee 444,43t. fieeer.e• Thinking Caps • sened 'considerably, • Pnior to local option it was a very rare night' that we did. not have at •least one drunk to dock up.. Now • drunks are. so rare teat we ecaraell ever have one in th.e building-. One other very creditable thing, that caa be traced. to local option is the ouieti navener in which the crowds behavei on market 'days. Last year when. the Christmas..croveds were on the etteerete tee whole police force were kept busy keeping order and making it 'possibl for the e,lioppexts to get around with. out being, jostled with • drunken) men This,, year with., as many if not: more people in town there fe no•eall Ler 'UV police to be nweing about andettere is no idisoonefort to ladies or children from that source.. Tete change by, that respect is 'remarkable, On a' Saturday night lender license it was imposeible to get Off the street' for senper before the bane were reosed Now •the farmers go home in good time. and sober and we have inie trouble with! tbe men who formerly kept us on the MOYe whenever:thief came to town. The Whole moral tolne of ehe tower has been improved undee local lope Hope. Under the license •system we' were constantly pestered with blind pigs or unlioexused dives and eepecle ally Louses of ill lame. Now there, is not en•e of the housee to be foend lee the town. or in the outskirtee The was %scarcely a tinie under livened when the stre'et' were free from tee ptorezesntze Nofowth.wee innate:EL:6' °ILO thetettled; tt.ere has been a great reduetion ofi crime. of all sorts since May lit a.ndi so far as tee police are concerned there is no tdeseee to go back to thei license s.ysteue —Prices, ,Corriesspotnel-: elate CASTCChildren. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S WHAT OBILLIA'S POTACE SAY The police department is always in a good position to know bow the Jaws are tverking-. option is a failure', in helping to clean up a Community the police are among the first to know it,. In Drillia Ont, where tonal option is now in force tee police magistrate • and the chief of police have leoth ex- pressed themselvea as highly In fever of ttle lav and the way it works Mr, George Et, _Clark police eregi•strate say's in partt 'The work in the police court has fallen off to about one-fouite, what it was under the license syseen.' We had considerable trouble here. the first few zilontes after the Heehaw. were ent off, the whiakeer pertiple ev- idently 'thinking than the law twoull not. be enforced and they would go on and sell and defy the power.% but when they learned that the people of the town. were behind the, •enforce- ment. of the Mw, and that they meet live up ;to it or ialce the 'consequences the consequences being Times of. $50 to $100, for in fractionsi, with goal as tbeir alternative they have walked very •circumspectly, and. I belie•ve. the majority of the hotel k'eepers are now livinn up to the requiremente et the law fairly' well.. ,There is no open or flagrant %selling end it is herder to •get d drink In Orilla t tan it is for an outsider to get into tte lelasenic Lodge, The Chief of police says—'In , reply to your request for the opinio.a ef the police of •the town as. to the benefit local option has been in Orilla, I beg to state both for myself:, and 'bhe men und.er me, that the passing, of the. local option bylaw was one of the Lest things that ever haPpeneden the town. With the ;coming of local op- tion the work of the •poNce has los- • Hard,to Find. "I don't see wily you don't like Mr. Burroughs. "Ple's too full of orb:Nal sip," "Huh! The nem who can commit original sin in theee days Is too. erea. tive to hive it metier." e Had .It to Learn. • "Who picks out his neckties for thnl" "His Wife does." 'Why does be let berr "• Se it appears you are not married." He Was Certain. i there money in this seheme at Blifkinst" , "There is," "Yon seem certain a Iv am. bave. j,ust. dropped $6,039 4.84INtIL" — 1,12211.4216.2==.7=44111114MIlk Mr. Edison has invented a New Record that will rekindle all of your first enthusiasm in your Edison Phonograph a record that makes your Edison Phonograph far and away the best sound -reproducing initrument that can be had. The new record is called the Blue Amberol. It not only has greater volume and decidedly the inest tone of any phonograph record on the market, but is practically unbreakable and will never wear out. Go to your Edison dealer today and ask him to play some of these wonderful Blue Amberol Records. Then take them home to kefp and play the reit of your life. Thomas A. Eehan. bee 100 Lakeslac; Ave.. Orange, N. 3., U. S. A. Ai. complete line of Edison Phonographs and Ree4de will be found at WILLIS POWELL, Main Street, Exetet