Exeter Times, 1912-11-21, Page 4tlai'&'1•taial"1 1'.g„1,i"a .3.,gr.1"i•.,;t.*i 491,4„a49/'i4alalefet" e3' *1'el`*i`tlatel a elea 2 2 :.1 .Ir • • ,4i he Iltiolsons -Bank incorporated. 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years--zoo6'zgzr 1906 gall CAPITAL 3,0OO,000 $ 4,000,000 RESERVE 3,000,000 4,600,000 DEPOSITS .,...,....,,.......':.•.... 23,677,730 35,042,3111 LOANS ATI.', INVESTMENTS 27,457,0OO 3.4,554,80'1 TOTAL .A,.SSETS 83,090,192 48,237,239, nos 83 Tranclaes in Clanada, and .Agents and. Correspondents in alI the principal Cities in. the World. A General Banking Business Transacted Savings Bank Department At all Branches, Interest allow d at Highest Current Rates. DiokaeOlit & Carling, Solicitors. N. Ll, HURDQN Manager 4.141'+444.1°+'•b+4+`4+++++++4++&++'i"I'd1•+d•31'+++++++++.1.-sea++++ 2 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMME CE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C. V, O., LL.D., D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD JOHN AIRD General Manager Assistant General Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,,000 REST, $12,500,000 FARMERS' BUSINE8S • The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facility for the 'transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes etre supplied free of charge on application. Exeter Branch—G. L. WAUGH Manager BRANCH ALSO AT CREDITON 0.5 THRESHI G COAD -- Selected — HEGH-GR&DE STEAM COAL—well screened, Hard right and rooky. — Celebrated— Blue Lake Cement ALWAYS ON HAND • Large stock of all kinds of Lumber, Lath, Shin= gles and Cedar Posts �. J. Glat*ortliu, GRANTON._ Have City OlVelieCtS Replace thepesti- lent, draughty dan gerous and offen sive out -of doors clo set with an indoor closet which requir- es no sewer no plumbing, and no finishing system. Tlave city conveniences in your home, Safeguard family health by installing a "Tweed" Closet Sanitary and Odorless "Tweed" Closets can be installed in dire bathroom, cellar, or any other convenient place indoors, merely re- quiring connected g t o be con acted by a pipe for ventilation with a chimney bole. "Tweed" Liquid Chemical, used in connection with Tweed Closets is both a deodorant and a disinfectant. Many hundreds of Tweed closets have been amid in Canada. Send for illustrated price list. Wooler Apr. 3, 1912. Dear Sir; The Chemical Closet I bought from you on Jan. 5tb, 1912 is perfect. I did not empty it until Mar. 20th. There is three in the family and can leave the lid up and no particle rLf odor can be found I would not ask for anything • better, Yours truly, E. M. Wessels. ale 8IBeI Troagl & Co NOM Agent: -W. 3. 1" seam art. '111E OHARIVIING WINTER RE- SORTS OF CALIFORNIA MEXICO FJJORIDA .ETC,, Now Ls the time to take advatta.;:c of a trip to tt milder el'imate ar.d escape the cold eri.rter months Rloled trip tourist tickets are issu.d Flay the Grar.d i:rsnk Railway to Cal. r rr ia, Mee!ico,•; Colorado. Pacific • eloast ,o:x.ts and the S.irn Sc,oati I i at Y spiv :rata seivirag choices of alt the best coat j. Feeturesrwr, connectio•ir- owi.th this rositc only Double Track "Track Lie to Dal alio and Chicago; Stest serv.ce: Moderr. Equipment; T2n- sccelled dining bar service; Palatial' :Electric lighted Pulln;at Sleeping Cn:r'se, till dlemer,ts of 'safety :.rid coma Tort'. Ask r•earent Grand Trunk Accra for fail particulars or write A. Fin D-xff 1), 1';Ae:ea:ot Sta- tiors Toronto,• " + .' DORE AAger.t DOiv'r V(ALT Don't wait for oppgrt.unity A (chance may never come Stir up the whole, ;community, Hustle and make then .hum 'Stick to ' the principles of rig at but !hammer truth right in ;With alit your pluck and daring fight Till yos the victory win:. Don't wait for wtat ars never surd, i i ' Lite Is far too brief,. Activity your ills will cure, ' ' Alertness brings relict.; But if you lie supremely down The world will o'er you trod, - And ,en your lack of efforts frown You might as well be dead, DISTRI;T3_f7•TION OF SEED, 111.:RATN LAND POTATOES • . By instructions of the Horny Minister of Agriculture the superior soots of grain and potatoes will be made dur- ing the. •comin,3' winter and spring lio (iana•dian farmers!. The samples far general rclistribution will consist of spring wheat 5 ibn, t44hsite oate .4 Ober barley 5 lbs and 'field peas; d; l bis These will be sient lm t from Ottawa 'A !distribution of potatoes, in ti lb samplers will be carried on from s'e.v- er.al of the expt:;rimentai ,farms, the Central farm at Ottawa sppplying only the provinces orf Ontario ' and Quebec. Ali samples will be iaent free by mail, Applications must give pasltieulars in regard, to the :soil em their farms andsome account of their expielPisrnee with such kinds o;f grain- (or potatoes) as they have grown, so that a prom- isieg sort of their conditions may be selected, Each application must be separate and must be. signed by •the applicant Only one sample of grain and one of potatoes can be ,sent to caul; tarn: Applications on any kind sof printed Corr; 'cannot/ ,be accepted, If two or more samples are asked for in the letter only one will be sent. As -the supply of seed is'li,mited far- mers are advised to apply early; but the applications will not necessariy lr: fil:ied in the exact order in which they are received.. Pee/bre/Iota wilf always be given to the most tho(u.3ht- ful and explicit request. A!pplirations received after the first of January will probably bn tcoe late All applications for grain, and ari, plications from the sprovince& of Ont- ario and, Quebec for potatoes: ei:oald be ',addressed to the Dominion C•erea- list, !Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa Such applications r'cquir•e .nn pestabe If otherwise add're'ssod de- lay and disap'peintme,nt may occur. Applications: for potatoes from far- mers in any other province should, be addressed. (postage (prepaid) to. the Superintendent of the 'nearest ;Breech Experimental Farm in that province J, II, Grisdale Director, Dominion Experimental Farms Manila Dfiffevence Between stationery and sta- tionary ? A difference of oneletter. dint if..y our stationery b well printed, up to date and businesslike, k. such as we can supply you, your trade will not be stationary. Good Stationery, Letter Heads, Billheads, I Statements Circu- lars, Etc„ Keep Business ON THE MOVE. That's the kind we print, TO DETECT tC .DERG, Prof. Barnes of McGill Has Invented a i)eviee. In :the realms of experimental pity - Gies. Canada has produced some great mea, On it, tooaaiustre has beep shed by other brilliant mon who have come and gone like birds of passage --,leen who, coming to Canada practically un. known, have found here the inspira- tion and the means which have laid firm and solid the foundations of great careers: 3ust now the attention of the world efexperimental physics is looused upon' one who. is essentially Canadian in upbringing, in tradition, in eduoa- :tion, .and also in the particular diree- ion in which his genius is manifest- ing itself. This man ie Prof, Howard T. Barnes., D.Sc., .P.R.S.C., the Director of the PhysicalLa'bera%ories a7rd the Macdonald Professor of tPh'y,sics at McGill University. 01:Made knows something about ice and it seems peculiarly fitting that it should have produced a man who is now the greatest authority. on icb that the world possesses. That, I think T can say, is the title that 14 gerierally conceded by the greatest eoienti:ie authorities to Prof. Barnes. During the past few years Prof. Barnes has been devoting the best energies of his mind to experiments the express object of which has beers to make impossible such a diseagter :al sea as that which occurred vo the Titanic. He now has in his laboia- tory, as the concrete result of those ekperiments, an instrument, which he declares, and which his brother-scien. tists believe, should fon ail time pre, vent a'x'epetition of such an accident. This instrument he calls a nricro- thermometer. It is, in fact, a. thin'. mometer of superlative sensitiveness, which, he declares, will infallibly de- tect an iceberg at a distance of noi less than two miles on the windward. side of it and seven miles bn, the lee- ward side. Prof. Barnes' device is an adapta. tion of the electrical resistance . ther. mometer-so sensitive that it will re. cord a variation of one -thousandth of a• degree. This thermometer is del signed to be permanently attached to lie ship. under the water, and by means o1 wires leading from it .to the chart room to make a continuous re. cord in the chart room of the water temperature. So striking is this re. cord that, whereas on an ordinary thermometer a single degree is usually represented by only one-eighth of an iieoh, the new thermometer represents a single degree by an interval of two feet. He. is still a young man, under 40 years of age, and thus not so very far removed from his student days. A glance at his face is sufficient to .re- veal frim to the observant as a thinker. His dark eyes -have in them that `inwardness," that steady, con- fident look whieh comes, not of arro- gant self-assertion, but pf the quiet strength of the intellectual power. The instrument has already, been tried with absolute- snceess on the Government steamers in 'the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Prof: Baines is now going to try it on a transatlantic. trip. The,steaulship Royal George, outward bound from Montreal on May 1, wa4 equipped with two of these tliermom, eters, and Prof. Barnes directed its use, as he sailed on the ship to . Eng. land to lecture, by invitation, on this very subject before that. famous body of scientists, the Royal Institution. -- Toronto Globe. 'Expect Record Year. The Canadian Pacific Railway are prophesying that this will be Canada's biggest year Thr immigration; 22,000 .immigrants will arrive in Canada from Europe during one week. Of, these 16,000 will be handled by the C.P.R. "I should not be surprised this year to see immigration into Canada exoeed 400,000," said a C.P.R. passenger agent who has just returned from the west. "The C.P.E. returns, as well as those of other lines, show that the arrivals of newcomers from the Unit- ed States for the past four months is between 75 and 80 per cent. in Iszccess of the- corresponding period of. last year. There is also. a big movement from the British Isles. "To this may be added the fact that the western provinces were never be- fore inch o su good d condition for lasrt• P ing, and as a result an enormous in. crease in the acreage under cultivation is expected.,, • Summed Up. - •The New Brunswick Legislative Assembly, during its sessions at the time of the Boer War,'pee and sang "God Save the Queen" on every oc- casion that a British victory was announced. Towards the close of the war the members were at all times prepared to sing. About this time the Hon. H. R. Emmerson, Premier of the pro- vince, was called to a Cabinet position at Ottawa. Mr. Tweedie fell heir to the Premiership,, and Dr. Pugsley was to contest Mr. Emmerson's seat. A French-Canadian member of a Nationalist tendency -now out of poli- tics -a sharp-tongued wit, summed up the shift in speaking k to the court IK' a stenographer: "I hear dat Hemmerson goes on de Cabinet hat Hottawa, and dat Tweedie hoes de new Premier, and dat Pugsley° gets Hemmerson's seat -God save de Queen." -Canadian Courier. A Money Trap. ]ion. Robert Rogers, who is a well- known member of. the Manitoba Club in Winnipeg,. after dinner a few months since at the club,went the cloakroom with a fried of his (who was his guest) to don their over. Boats. The guest, somewhat to his surprise, heard a slight jingle, and on examination found in his pocket five er six fifty -cent pieces. "What arn 9 to do?" said he. "They are notmine; some one has put them there by infs. take. Perhaps I'd better leave them itt the office." "No, replied 1dr. Rogers, with e twinkle, "don't do that, put the moire, Iona pclid And set .lie agora " HE E E T E R TIMES sonic Timoly Versa. ; 1 Come out to the shore of tho frozen iakk. In the skiarp and bracing air. Clamp, on your skates on the lmoo Uk Diver fro � ' And glide o'er the gllstening.glare. W1tita laugh and a shout anti gay hallos Arid a shareto tri skater's mirth, For the frost klnE reigns, and his ler sway Prevails e'er the frozen earth.• Or bundle yourself in your wraps and tura And come tg. the waiting sleigh. How the jirlIng bells fill the frosty air, As the horses,dash awayl The snow lies deep, and Re white expanse Contrasts with the sky's clear b1up And it:may be that tills hasn't copied yon But we've done what we could for you , '--Somorxille JoxTuaL , Let's Have 1t. An early campaigu orator was ad- dressing a small crowd over on -the south side the other evening. "This high cost of living is a seaioue question," he bawled. Nobody disputed that. "It's a great question," vociferated the orator, "a very serious question In- deed." "We know`it's a questionl" yelled til mail at this point. "What's the an+ ewer?" -Pittsburgh Post. My Financial Wash. [The government has installed machines for laundering the paper money. -News Item.] I haven't got much filthy cash, A lone two dollar bill, But 1 shall send it to the wash And put it through the mill. I'll take 'my washing every week And 'give it to the clerk, For T haye a scheme unique And hope to see it work. ; t The fellow who removes the grime. ,F who renovates and cleans, 3 }, He may mislay my wash MUM time '" And give me Hetty Greer s. -Pittsburgli Bost i An Ounce of Prevention. Hubby -Welt, I did one cbaritable act today. Wifey-I'mvso glad, dear. Tell me all about it. Hubby -Ob, there isn't much to tell. One of Imp clerks asked for an in- crease In salary so that he could get matted, and I recused to ga't'e it to him.: -Exchange.. ,areal Househvid Gods. The baby takes to her bed'at night :A one eyed rabbit that once was white,'. A watch that came froth a cracker, rI think, .And a,lidless inkpot that never held ink. .And the secret is lockednn her -tiny breast Of wily she loves these and leaves the rest. And I give a loving glance'as I go f To thrree4brass pots on a shelf in a row; To my grandfather's' grandfather's loving cup • Ant a- bandy legged chair I once picked up. And I can't for the lite of mo make yore see Why just these things area part of me: , - - -London Spectator. ,. Apprehensive. Little Robert did ;full justice to his dinner, but showed signs of uneasiness when his aunt passed him 'some gela- tin for dessert. • I "I4's fine, -Robert. Won't you have some?"' said the aunt, "Maybe it is good," replied Robert, eying the quivering mass, "but, gee, it looks nervous!"-Jobitstown Telegram. The Fortune Teller. The fortune teller of today Does not pursue the old time way. He has no strange and, mystic air. , He thumbs no pack of cards with care. e He gazes in no crystal globe , Tl>:e secrets of the earth to probe Nor takes the somewhat thrilling chance Of going off into a trance. Ire simply gets a pencil stub And as your wondering eyes you rub Puts figures down with skill so swift You haven't time to catch their drift. • Whatever candidate you choose, He'll show you that our man can't,lose. Washington' Star. ' In Boston. "No doubt she is 'very charming in her way, . but I can't remember w,lten I've seen a person of pretensions so lacking in culture.". "Dear me, what has she d,ne?" "Wily, she persistently and invariably negleots to sound the `d' In `iced tea.'= -Cleveland Plain Dealer. Summer's Bright 9 rLhLexicon. t L This Is the summer time's happiest phrase„ "Cooler tonight and tomorrow." After• a brace''of unbearable days "Cooler tonight and tomorrow." Then,:thoughh.mybed is beginning to bake,' Calm ha the hope of, the morrow, I take' Me tomy couch, -and I find. when I wales . "Warmer, with southerly winds." -New York Mail Ah, Yes, Too Trued "I can't understand wily you wish to lavish your affection on a dog. Why don't you adopt a cblld?" "Oh, I should be afraid to become fond of a child. If it should die one couldn't havo it stuffed andput in a corner of the library, you knows"-* 31r.dge. A Good Memory. 1 remember, 1remember The flat where I wasborn, n Where bill collectors came around. From the first peep of morn. The landlord was a funny man. r; He used to want bis pay, And so when I was three months old We had to move away. -Pittsburgh Post., Only. Hubby. She -1 never saw Mrs. i3avertime with that man before. I must find out who be is. Lie -You needn't worry; it's only her husband. Illustrated Bits. '.The Per Capita. -•"' The per' capita wealth of this great lanai Is just thirty-four bucks, '7 understand.' rve been stung, for as surd as Y'm alive. e'en intone just thirty-three ninety -flue. -Cincinnati Enquirer. Gratified. Woman' With 7)og-•Whatever 'fnlade cit; glyg that tramp kalif a &oven? Manly Looking Female --a g11 ql :0IIi11i01iii �1 'x,eu Auction Sale ♦ , ,.i , i, 1 1 -SOP..-. I * t pHIQICE !CATTLE ' Mr, Theo, tCarnoron has received in- structions from the i ndersi ,ned to Still by public, auotion .on • . SATURDAY, NOV, 30 1912 at one O'elockLpl, fn,.at t . -. I THE METROPOLITAN f' : f[OTEd1, EXETER i t A carload of' OLoioe flattle,ineludiut ' a number. of ;Year Olen: a number oO 2 year olds+, a number of Cows and. 3 young, cows elue'to? calve est time of sale, And a few good, calves: The aboveare all, 'in flood' •!condlitiom, TERMS OP SALE; -O )noriths creaitl will be given' an ti li alishing approved: joint notes. A (useiiiflt of iiipex cent per annum' off for cast'. G, J(. Dow , t Thos, Cameroixt ProprietorAuctioneer :MEETING OF HURON ICOU,NTY. C.OUNCIL; 'The counoil•of the counter of Huron will meat in, the council, olaamlaelr' in' the Town Of Goderica oneTuesdla'y De tine 3rd at 3 'o'clock. All accounts against the county, trequixinb kettle mens, must be placed with ,the, clerk before this .data • r t W. LANE ,Clerk Dated No v., 13 t hl 1912 ata THE REMEDY. -7-- r gossip's idle prattle Annoys you more or less. If old wives' sllly ,chatter Occasions you distress, Get busy. That's the answer • •'"•That always comfort brings, For while they work their facet . You can accomplish things. They pick your, life to pieces. They pry into your past, And over 'It in places They will a shadow cast. But don't let that anhioy you •Or.put you in a stew,' Ifyou are doing something That's more than they can do. Because with every winner There must be some to knock, To pick up idle stories Arid spread them round •thettilock, For those who make a failure' And in the game Gree thrown Can seethe faults 'ill others While rriissing all their own.. So. simply keep a -tugging. And spurring up your nag. While you are pressing forward Just let their old tongues wag, And so unto the •gossip Be deaf and dumb and Mind, Por if yen let them bother. You'll just be of thelr'kind. ere "It's. unny." .:a:4 "What's funtt%1'i` "That you ,cat'i a'tin watch "Oli; that', ly a pr`ecauttop." i r A'precttu#ion7x` "Yes, so that MY) . r o tem to a teiecanal soak it while '14 rans-ont'ot. hinds." + 1 'ifll EMuci "What Is an tgetist anyway?" "Want to know?" • s "Sure!" "A fellow who really seems'to think his mucie of himself as you think cif Yourself." -"Riff, Bang: "A soft answer" - "Yes, I know." "What?" 'ilfaices the other fellow think you're scared of him." L the • ost Point. irrt. "I beard n brand new story today." "What was it Y': i.: , • "I forget" r•v... • "Rut where do •I laugh?"' Perhaps. "Why~ Is it that you never hear of leen suing for, breach o;. proroise.t," _ "They haven't as much faith -tin the fury as women have-" • - The Bill Collector. "I put a good many men out in mp Clime:'!. ea) "Put them out?" i "Yes.' - `- t "H•ow2"" "By calling with my little bills." A Little Thing l.;ilre'•that. "Success tbtiB tinned itis head." "1 did not • knew he had bad any- thing iike'i#uccesfs." "Oh, . yes; Ise worked a plugged Alekel off on a bootblack yesterday." Promising. � "Can you cools Y' "Yes, ma'am." .'And bake good bread?" "Well, it suits me, ma'am." Not His Design. "$e is building a new bousie." "On the square?" "1 am afraid not. He, will beat tile eentraetor if he cant 'Always Costly. "I fail going await. Hrive deo Offered a free trip." "Zd ►'t it a bit of xtr*tsjatlt t0110- 0X4 oale'Sept OA*taItiirr>Ili4fri� Farm for Sale 100acre farm Lot 11• Coni '1 i*Towo; &.iP of 'Hay oaf Landon Road 1. 144 miles from Exeter earl g 1.?.. .rutin; from Ilensalt, Apply ,'to. It: I3. I1otsa Byron Ont, Farm for Sale That 'valuable proper't'y !Merl dot 2R 'cont 1 Usborne, containing 100 ,o- res Oa the property iii a bTiok hdzse . brick beak barn, Lor.se ;,table.' drive, sLaed and cow stable all brick. IAboatl two acres od orchard of good Trait' fear good welled„ well .fenced and un- iierdraLted with tile, ,barge 'piece of bash; !soil well adopted for graie, hay roots or pasture' Situated one curl a half miles north of E xete'.• i3 miles from Hensail For farther in •formati,orl apply to J. W, Welsh, Lot a4 Dor,, 1 'Usbornee Houses for. Sale Messrs' Snell and Marchand are of- fering for sale : two fine new brick residences, on the old Mansion Iio'niste property. They are equipped with furnace, electric light; toilet, bath and closet'? They are papered and grained and will be ready to occupy i;n twoor taree' weeks, Apply To Wes, Snell, Exeter: . .4 , House for Sale or Rent At comfortable brick .cottage, with good sized parlor; .dining room, two. bedrooms, kitchen, woodshed and. cellar.. Stable and some fruit trees. Corner Albert and Huron streets, a choice location. Terms to suit. S. M. SANDER For Sale by Tender !Ai •3esirable dwelling house on Will i'a:n street, large and roomy. ;colntein- ing ft .Dace and electric li,hts. Good hard and soft water, the land. own - prima three lots with a large number loll ,fruit tre.es:. The tannery will be °leered for sale by tender. Tenders will be received up to November '30th far the building the machinery etc, and the. land. in bulk or separate. • The lowest or any tet!der not nec- essary accepted For further par- ifce.ears apply te'T,,H,.l3icCallum, For Sale Ten .Acres on 'the, Mortis !sidle, ot the Lake Road in Exeter„ flood land small Irama house and stable.. Ap- ply at oboe to 6LADMkN '& •STANRURY • Lsetort Farm for Sale Beim composed of Lot 18 concession 6 Tp of Usborne containing- ' 100 acres Or. the premises is a good brick house heated by Elreace, Hard and soft neater„ "L' shaped bank barn 38x&2 and 90x50;• finished for horses, cattle hogs and hens; hood drive house. rein eat silo 122E33 feet;, Large = eopply cemett water tank supplied from never 'failing well leith windmill--et- tached. Cement watortank for tl:rest:leg. 125 trees of choice ap- ples; also good !garden of plums and small fruits; 2 4&ei to of hardwood. bush; its acres plaagheet for winter and .the balancein grass. This pro- perty is well uLderdrainedl, well fen- ced and in (good sl:,tte of cultivations !Convenient 'to ctearchea, school, and market, A beantiiul home it . good tei,ghborhood hnd must: be sold to w1Ld yip an .estate;,. Easy terms of paymettt For Mer;ns and pari:iclaara apply to Mrsi, F. Wilson on the pre- mises or 'to Thos. Cameron Aeictioneer Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at tb a box,.or three for 510. Mailed to any address "''.e Scobell Drag Co., St. Catharines. Ont. DR, Gem. ROUL'STON ?i. . t3,. D VDNTIS'T t Senor, 'Graduate of TorontoVeda laity Office aver Liokaoq & Clay ling's Law office, Closed Wedele day afternoops.. Phone, Office est- Itesidc;noe S b. DR. A. R. KINSMAN 14,DaS, D.D,gl, honor Graduate :of Toronto Valise ersity l L tai l DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain. over t ells, any bad effects, Office over 1at4r 'Man & Stanibury's :Office Main 6 ' Ex ter, • J - W. BROWNING M. D. t M.43* + P, S. Graduate Victoria UnivOrii sity. Office and residence: l)om idiot. Labrafory., Exeter. ej Associate Coroner of Huron el I D ICKSON & CARDING 1 Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Cone veyancers Gommiussioners, Solioitmat for the Molsona Bank etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of inn terest. re (, OFFICE -MAIN STREET ElaETEata e I. R. Carling B. A. L. Eft Bioka04 MONEY TO LOA'N, We have a large amount of ate funds to loan on farm and lage properties at lowest rate o terest, GL'ADit AN'& STANB'CTR' t Barristers, Solicitors, Main Exeter. Miss G. E. M. R'LSsETT A Mus Ws ,'CQ Honor Graduate of the ,London ',CO iservatory of Music, Teaching...Do.F; lege of the Western! ULivere e. Teacher Piano -Theory Harmos.4 counterpcint and Musical Hietory; P spits prepared for musical exam Inatio'rs• Tile Usborne and Ribber; Farmer's Mutual Fire ilsnr ansa Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont President J. E. RUSSELL (at Vice -Pres. RoBT. GARDII'IER f,j DIRECTORS ••4.t• r?j BORT MORRIS ''Staffee. THOS. RYAN WM. )3ROCK WM. ROY Dublieni. ; f 'Winohelsog* ' L Borshoi;n; • AGENTS JOHN ESSER Y Exeter. agent Una borne and Biddulph. ; OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent fore Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. , a' W. A. TURNBULL Secy.Treas. Farquhar MADMAN & STANBURY .Solicitors. Exeter, ,} Electric Restorer for Men: Phosphonol restores every nerve ho the to its proper tension; rest vial and vitality. Premature decay and all sox t1, weakness averted at once Phosphonol make you a new man. Pri,.e 83 a box. or ewe l6. Mailed to any address. The Scobeli ' • - Go., St. Catharines. Oat. Everaomat is interested and should kaort' about the wonderful . Marvel Whirling Sprs)r Douche Ask your druggist for It. If he cannot supply the MARVnL, accept no other, but send stamp for illus- trated book -sealed. It gives fall particulars and directions invaluable to ladies.wransonsureaYCO.,windeer Cat' General Arente for Canada. WHEN CURED TAKE ALL RISK'S Cured by the Ne r Method Treatment VP!" NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT ..C11 NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to A premature grave through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of the fol- lowing symptoms consult us before itis ton late. Are you nervous and weak, despon- dent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, . Weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, se dim ent in urin e . pi� P1es on the face sunken,hollow cheeks, careworn O PreS510n poor memo.y,1elase,'dist stfu1 hack energyand strength, tired mornings restless nights, changeable moods, weak manhood, preature decay, bone painshair loose, sore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Air New Methal Treatment cau'eure you and make a man of you. Under its hien ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcera disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so .that nervousness, bashfulness and deg - pendency vanish, the eye hedonics bright the face full and clear, energy returns to the body and the moral, physical and sexual systenxs are invigorated; alldrains cense-no snore vital waste from the system. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned 'dollars, We will euro you or no pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AI4D CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who bas treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge: Books Free "The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Rs:K D ENNED •K �� E N ED Y Coir. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St„ , .Detroit, Mich. All letters from "l.a'tiada =list be address ' hIOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart meolonsemum went. in ;Windsor, • Ont. If you desire to see us'personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat aro putrenta in our . Windsor offices which are for .Correspondence tied I;abozatory ler: Canadian business Only.; Address all letters as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Windsor, Ont" 'Wzitefoe au'rletleatesuidren