Exeter Times, 1912-11-7, Page 5OVEMEA. 7 lead THE EXETER TIMES • • WO WOMEN TESTIFY What Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound Did For Their Health -Their own Statements Follow. P.E.L had a doctor ea:amine me and he said 1 had fallindipf the Womb, So I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound and it has dorm me a lot of good. All the ibearing-down pains have vanished. I helve gained ten pounds in weight, the discharge is all gone, and I feel better than I have for a longtime. I think any Woman is foolish to suffer as I did for the sake of a few dollars. , You earl use my letter as a testimo- . dial, It mayencourage otherpoorwomen , who sutler as I did to use your Vegetable • Oropounel." - Mrs. Go. COLLICUTT, ilaliburton, Let 7, P.E.I. Read What This Wornan Says: New Moorefield, Ohio. - "1 takegreat fissure in thanking you for what your VegetableCompound has done for me. • I had .beestring down araird, wee dizzy And Weak, had pains lower back and could not be 'upon my feet long enough toget a meal. As long as I laid on my be& I would feel better, but when I would get up those bearing down pains would come back, and the doctor said I had female trouble. Lydia Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound was the only medicine that helped me and 1 have been growing stronger ever since ceramenced to take it. I hope it will • ----- Ton can use this letter." -Mrs. CASS/E itadelea New Moorefiekl; Clark Co.,Ohio. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • HOME STUDY i+ Thousands of ambitious young , people are instructed in their homes by our home study dep-• d• artment Yea may finish at 4, College if you desire. Pay ea whenever you wish. Thirty $ Years' Experience. Largest .e. trains in Canada. Enter any ele day. - Positions guaranteed, If iyou wish to. save board and . learn d bile you eaan, write ea for particulars. -4 NO VACATION 4. d* Clinton Business College' -I- 4. 4' ORO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD + .1..• President Principal ea a . * + * ,,. 4. * .T. + d T. ÷ + + + + 4. if CENTRAL & t‘V / STRATFORD. ONT. • . • • • WILL YOU : o * * Write for the large free eat 174 0 alogue of this school. and you • a• will learn how youcan succeed. 44 0, It will then rest with you to de 0 le cide if you will succeed. de • We are placing students in ee' • . positions paying $600 and S700 0 t per annum, and we have many ; alieh applications for help 0 le which we cannot supply The • d best time to enter our classes is : ; Dew Write for our free cat . : didgue at onee, • de es• to, • - . D. A. MeLACHLAN, ilp t ' . Principal. :. 1 1 1 .1 1 1 ! i I , ! . ..., . , . . 131USINESS AND . SHORTHAND ., -Sul3.*ts taught by expert; instructors at the .. • --edefAa' , Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT., Students assisted to positions. College in session frem,Sept. 3rd. Catalogue 'five. Enter any time. .W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal. Chartereddecountart I i Vice -Principal ....., 4 1 i 01111dreri Ory FOR FLETCHER'S l ' , FA L L .SKINSOS r n 1 d t a /I a. sc 11 4 ,i, a 0 e; , a, at ht It When troubled with fall rashes,eczema, or anyskin disease 801)4'7410 -Buhl Sultiodelne how quicklf* it easeS OW smarting and stinaltita Also cares cuts • burns* sores and piles. Zant.iltek is medefront pure her. hal essences. No animal tats -et minerel poisons. „Finest neater 4.01,tapfstran4 Morn liPaellnehers. ilis , In Cr editon NOTICE -No nore apples Wanted at the. Exeter E'VaPerator lentil fur- ther notice, , We are glad, to report thet James 'Clark is sloiree. •aicely atter a lor-e Llarreee We tope, he will con - Ilene eo, TArt, azel %Ira Eli'Iin ireet Sea - day with frieeds bEeetere nie,s, Evit flirted. 're turted tome af- ter epereliag tse vera is•ealr. e, with friends in Cepace elide Temperer...co sermone well; be Preach- ed it the charchee next Sunia3,.. Mr Bell ef fl'orotto will preach, in the Eine edam' °Lerch next Sundayev- elr'eillnigo'.1MLred Welertee event Sund.ay• witt frierals in Zerich. Mrs, Mac Edwards of Varaoavete is /spending eeveral weeks the Tecate of Mr and Mea De, aerate Tee Four Ws met at the hottie ef :glee Della Browr. last ,Itionday ev. eiteng wad spent a very rinjoyable time' togett ere • Mrs. Dai. daeiteer, returned to .Algorcrein Park after spendling. &en- exal weeks witk !friends, her*. We. unratan& they intend to 'spend the we ter, there , Arearagements tire beine made to Lave a school eoecerte We hope it will provea success.. Mies Della Eichwartz left for Lon - slot where she /ma a position with allrnan et Ingram. Mese alartir. of Hamilton is visiting, with Mr. ate Mis Albert; Merlook. „I4r ard alas .1V•eter, Masao of Dasewood were the gets of Mr. and Mrs. Dar. Mclettee on Sanda'y Mies. Lillift'Aereor retereed honae after spending a few days, with her friends at -Detroit. • Tee Youtg Parades Alliance of; the Ev, eddied' etereli entertained the Dasewoo-I League or. Friday eveming the weather was very disagreeable bat a large trowil atteeded the, pro- gram in spite of tee, weather, Meg, Flo Walker rearmed Lome af- ter beiag operated on for aapenaiedis in Si, .TosepV.S; Ho.spital. Mid !Wal- ked is oing nicely and we tope he will co/Janet., set Zwiekee wdre te fovea one day last week tbe geeek, ob. :Ma, 'Charles. , P cepit:. fare therie, <Wye ere betty gat/arid; in their Winter eepply, of apples , They ere very pleetif el Mr, darrct Sneitzer returned Loreie after lel...ending several dues in De- troit visiting .frieesest. Red Burn retnene.d Lome efterr at - feeding the ,Reeday 1Sehool conve.ntion, . Ilanail tot, ale , week Ile e ave a report of it or:. Sunday evening. and it was appreeiated by ant who heard it! • edeneeeded, • ' h3LAKE Tea literal of Mr Ahan Dangles teld er.?Tue.sdaydaf Idea Week to Baye field ceineter3rewas 'very livg‘r;IY.,at tiended. Deceesed waa 76' yciars ola ared-tottl- 'been III -fee; domeetime death which (neared oe, Saturday wile tot tale:epee-take .t.vefAa:s et ;native •41? Scotland :and came aoet 'foetal:vela in ids 5the adixer, Forroay, years. he arniect near' reteri ida • about Line .years ago:.is survived, by LTA rftd bhiee" e leabeet* and Edward . of Blairadicl"aasephe a yet'er- Lary near Hyde- The ATVeeas:pct waspf'thrtr feraiare of teeleoPTOwealed 'n'aelielearyeedeneliee are cued, one ediettod old echael of cotchatiteraidalda :',Eltginiit:; he was Peledaytertar, end wee atways? wa- ne' *fe 'lend einedhend to 'ape, i. orthr' 'elided* 1ti Ly`friende his isectiare ederet hisedemise "an.(11 ea - end eyinpatLy to his family. WIN.CRELSEA NOTICE -No moreeapples wanted t the Exetee. Evaporator until ,fur - bee notice , . .• • , The followiree is the report' .of the xa mina tion i Si St No 6 rather. e..derind Ili months.of October. Fo arth 'Class -total . 690; Gordon ur.can 558; leoyd Jahns 550; Dia Cor- ish 547; May .Clarke 492; David decry 460e Tree Heywood 314; Sr. Lird (Claes Total 600 -Wilke. Bolds Viola 1Bell, 529 Myrtle Weshearr. 05 Gordot Detbridge 422; Pere Rey - rood 417; Lewis Cornish- '.391; „Earl alkwill 089 Alden 'Orcery 827; e Jr. hied 1Class Total 550 -George. J.ohts 72., Elva- 1Joree'283; Rhea, Seattle 374 orate Jams 1367; FrancesHeyvioad 46,, Mac Cortish 270'. Jr. fieceed lase Teasel 450- Ciasot Creery 422 race 'Medd 417; Fraelc Routley 407 NeitkIin 'Skinner 403;'.Corad,BelL Wesley Heywood 301; Xinn. Conniat 91 Ray JOI.r.s Abeene, fetal \elide Otal-'35(1. , Reggie ..eibriage 160, doteney Heywood 2e7 J , Handle:se triecagee : • r13 AMES Roe. n • Deley'ell ie. ale, Male • • Mr. es.dtrr, JLJfeafL of Los:idea eaid the' geraitre ,Ay hitiocic or Thailsgiding, Miss nary .Colearat.. and, Mr, Jack- or- of ileasell wer2 tea, geest of Mri, aines Andretv last Sabbatti:. W1,ile sawir.g wood les,t Fuiday 31.4 Lad the nis,fortete to all across tee tercel -fir law wh:ch cut ia,LI: thro•teh the toteof; b;s arm atest reports are thad he is .dairg cry weli„ DON'T 1313,' BALD early ,Atyone may secare a Splen - aid Growth of Hair We Lave a..renuely that bas a eased of, retaddite, baldness Atird Poce Mein; Liar growth. in 93 out of every 00easewtere used accordre to iretaions..tos• a reestaiable' hrga. Or 0114 TItat may seem _like datrote ;11. b and we ixtea`teLn to to r.d no one seoeld doubt., it utile the, ave erst our clei.rns to er. actual tad We' are 50 certain that Beetle. 1.e alidTto.lo will eradicate deteareffe Lt le jmefert Widnes:8p Stialu/pie ttel alp mad Lair recite, errese per nebare, ss oe Lair •ad promote heir grovitth tve leaosonally .g.ive oar desitive saraetee to reinoli-eVerY peeled' psed for it he every? ;healed° wleere it es not gale balite eliteseaetiori te a user. " llexa)i-ks3'., flair Tiinick ere 6.e' plea: et 10 eid As clear .spring 'Watt ti dellettheily perfumed ttad dOets t gteaSe or 4,3in AO/Ititir. TwO es Pic and ' Wit/. our guar. .tee 'back ef it, yoti, eartaialy teem rielt Sold only it our eteee-The atZStorve.4117) 0 COIN t AT [AST, HE ISHFR� -':OF.,111MBA00. • Because He Took GIN FILLS Wienipeg, Jan. 6th. "I 'have been a offerer friers Lumbago fOrsonte y ears past and d mew Christnias tveek had A Avery acute attack which confined me to the house, About the latter part of April, I met your Mr. Hill and inentiooed my complaint to hina advis,etleeedee take GIN PIIILS. eave been aakieg dieni at intervals during the daily part of the present winter arid,up to date have had ng return of tnY old trouble --in fact, I feel better than I have for years and think that my pld enemy has vanished for good anhaadled 1..1. A. yudds. GIN PILLS will protect your Eidneys and. Bladder agauist the ravages of winter. No matter how much you may dread cold weather, because you have beensubi ect to Rheumatism or LurnIzago, you will be free of pain if you take GIN eta. a box, 6 for 82.50. Sample free if you -write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, ',fruited, Toronto. 136 WOODHAM NOTICE -No more apple); .wanted at the Exeter Evaporator until further notice,, Delayed it ale* Meese Tea few' ;sapper was) a '' de•cided suc- cess:it/spite Olathe Isomewl at inelern. end weather a large member., aseenn bled( 'to partake a. tve excellett sap- per aed to enjose the eplendel peo. gramme rendered.. Wale 'addresses were aiver. by Revs/. Roo? and- Bar- ton oft Riekton and Steadman of Eitel TLe Ladies Qaartette of, letaiit Street .eLare-h Exeter renderedex- oellert e,ervice and were' thoroaghlY appreciated Misa Jeer. Walker teace er of .elocutiet London, keeligtted the asediterece flay eLie excelltent rendering of Ler selection's,. - A thorterghIy. en- joyable .evening was ts,pente Servicies tle ausipies of, the orarse,e order will be Lealt in the kali at. Sabbath evening next 7 a, m. Bev. C. We .113aken condect tee service, Mesa will be furreshedhy the Methodist Choir'. ' Mr„ James Howe Is' makieg rapid strides towards recovery, Mae Bell terse Las' 'returned to Landon. Me, le Mills Les deer. with it sore la ado - Tie farmers a.re very tow with Ike gatheriree of apples and larnipts. A WONDERFUL' BARGAIN For a eeat big dollar's worththe offer this iseeson by the Family Her- ald and Weekly Star, of Montreal tarot' he beater. A sample copy of their Lew 'picture Mothers1Treaser. ea las reaehedthis office,. It cer- taitly is beauti.ful and every tome in ,earada would be the better of having a copy la the 'hoese The Family Her- ald ate) Weekly Star, :bigreee, brighter atd more beeetiful thee ever with sect, a beantifel picture all for one donee is a ;bargain ttat eshoele be takereadvantage of. It is. anis 'tie Feeder ,at d Weekly S tar -that can -offer suck a picture -free with a year s•ilaserikition People wonder towde can be Ilene and the people get the betefil', • . o . Now is tte times to. sand .the Ex - ter (Times Times to yen.. Cream% or rela.- doves at a distances We are givine the balaece, of etas year free to new sib- scribere Relatives et a elletarce.will aaprecidte the hometeeva, dee-7 ZURICH.' NOTICE -No more epples wanted at the Exeter Evaporator until further notice. Mr, John Gaseto lois moved into Mrs,, ll, Grails 0 trellii.g. Miss "'della Fisher of. 'Berea, is :spending a few weeks witL her Par- ents Mr, and arra. 0. Feder. Messrs F, Hess prod W, G. Iles E Axtded J. Diretein are away Car a •e•eeks Metal& in the ,ainery, below • Greed. 'Bend. Mr- F, C. Kalbffeisch who has the rettract for tie beading of the new athool is eeshire..the works but it is hardly likely 1.hat it will he reedy betore Dec, 1st. It is ante buildiag atel a credit' to the section. etaited windows Lave beenput in the Lutheran church by the Ladies' .Aid The' event Ives cal • ebeetea, with epecal eeevices or.1. Sen 43.7- ,1142 BIC! Lek wLii hhs been ader- ly tier aiedia weeks eadable to be 'eat agape. • .. Me, W, Varlern and family are audited into Mr, d hose recently'. vaeated by jeLn Gaseho., Miasi fielrea Wesdoet. 'left ot• Teets - 'day morting for Londen where .s,he Las eecured e good position for the winter. The eackeete of Cliedon were in (owe. ree,critly with a view to locating a bearat elothing factory The wres- tler. or power ca.ne up and if this can be :net by the low): it is quite likely that they would come The largo 'tartars diepleyete in the wirelows oe Mr, 'Chas, Fritz some daye ago •Inve beim replaced by a. moeister tereip furnisked by a nearby ,fat - Bier It weigles 25. senate 11 ouncee 11 tasecor lone roots, ands it stands it looks like a small petted PILES CURED at HOME by !slew Absorption Method. If yolk suffer, trent bleeding, itching, blind or protruding PileS, send me your address,. and Will tell you how tO eure yotir- seli at home ty, the absorption treatment '; and will also setut Some of 'this tonic treatment free for trial,with references front yOttr, o.1dcality if re-• quested: , iwn mmediate relief And permanent cure assured: Send o /nottey, but • ten °theft tit this offer., Write t6.day to lliftt4 . Stunruers BOi 0 so 3iiiAdsori t4 4* Notice aP(1 after flxs ofJana.y next we the 'indersigned Meridian% of "the Village of Exeter agrelel to close Oar place of 'businese at jsix o'clock jn tett edaeing exceptine•' lilat'ArdaY eistts weeet we Arne to close of half Past 'tee oleleek. Ames We May A:, State -het W. W•.• Tamar.; W.2', Beaman He Spapkinan J, Sereor J. Griag Ilawgir..,0& Soo, Beavere N, Rime' (Beveelea r Locals edieti Ife lategte left:dant/ Fr...dee to vieit 4r. Merton. Mee, Fred iBawde i vielking for a few days in "London, ler, Percy Gillies left Tue.sKlay for Lore:Ian and dte.tbana on bustnesl. Mr, 11, Berney Las taken a posItion with the daeksoz. Man.afacturieg Cel. Mr, Jotn Gill of Buffalo, nettle flying visit to town on Tuesday and visited Us' father Mr, .1', Gill, NOTICE -No roore apples wanted at the Exeter Evaporator until further notice: Tie ninny friends of Mrs,, aliebt Mimed 01 Tribornet, who han been so tilk„ ,te learn, 'that she ts improving. 'The balatece of ebbe year will be given freeto new .eibecribers who nay .as one Zeller for tie Times for the 'year 4913 A feature of the 'Canadian National r.ext year will be tLedaelebration oe the oee !emitted yelea, of peace and already peace year prepayatior.s Lade toege Woodrow Wilsot was elected Fees - [dent (if the United,States on Tuesday be '432 electoral votes. Tteadore Roasevelt received 76 and Willie n Teat only 23r.. . ir.vited,for ahorth ear.-.TPi, Quar- terly Beare. of Main Street MetI-.odist cherch nee,e.Thursday eveting and ex - an enainirnous invite tion to tbe pastor etey, d. th re,main for 'the fonitb Year. The Board 3p - proved of the Local Oaten% Campaign add 'edvieed tle members of the eherch to suplport the movemer.t. A yoleg isonard Mr, Wm, Wtite, of tear alentralie, recently Lad the nes- fortiree to fracture a couple of bones jest above ate w,rief. Ile' teas rutre itg eloaa• tte steinder of a bridge velar. be mimedbis footing and piteh- • ed forward a diataree of about 12feet O!4 les head and arm with the ebove aeisalti De, elrowairg of Exeter. re- duced eta fracture, • !'Le ararial meeting of the Huron P:oetsbyteriel oft tbe, W. M. S, will be laid je. Willis ;chetah Clinton cone, m.eteing On the afternoon of Teeaday Nov, 19th ar.4 continuing durenie part of ti,6 foliciwing slay'. Tee principal speoleers will eeeafise ideMurchee Mission 1/3and deer/dare., Toronto. arel •Dr incTadeerteetecKellase or.e of tie • most leiatingaideda members) of tee meeical„etliftedecapneetiars Witb he laratibyterier: ekiereld, in CenitraI • eed S. S. Nd. '3 STEPHEN The ifollo.wir.g.is: the Report for the Moine of October, the marksere based or. attendance behavioar and feeteral preparation of lessons. IV Claes, aney Shaptee, 25e; .Corslrta Persor.e 247; Lila • iSeiorlems 125e Percy datders"220, Hazel Paeszcator 131 Marie rdreibter, .191; :Verde. 13ox.1112% Minor. 'Jacob-. 99e 'CLas. Treilecier, 56; 11U,claas-rLouie Beale eeleituba,Par- sor.s '206; Verne EreszeaMr 186 Lloyd Schroeder 1:32,eTeivereace Hill fee; Sr. Gladys Sclaiieder 204. Eddie Sten lake '1511, India Jeadd 1125e Jr Lloyd leareone 297; it ormare Saniers 204; CLarlotte Willis e01.E.1 het Peesz calor 199; Goy Jacob 118. E die Pees- zcator 1e7; lezeiner Jim Willis' '251 Edith Schroeder ..24e; Rerbie. Schroe- der 1971Frar.k 1.3arsoes 155; Basil Pree zeatod 106; Highest mai* Obtair. d by LlOyeleatier.a 279; Daily. Ttarnp- see. et:deter; '• . . ; DA$11 WOOD , NOTICE -No more apples wanted at the Exeter Evaporator until further noeiee. edisseAnnie Gosamene or Part Heron diertieg. 'id her home. ' • 'Mesa liellerman was called to Teretto fee4:3v to .tte, treat of Ler daeghtee alebele Mrs Witzel le visiting foral eoesple of weekswitL her deaaatert in Det- roat Ms Ma iy Koch has aetarnee after speeding a coeple of montka in ask- trteLewara A dog .suplposed to he mad visited. Dasktvocet laat 'Friday.' After engee- irg in .aescaffie witb •anotaer elose it was akot ,at ;but missed The animal made its escape, After thek mad dog • scare at few weeks agot „most of the • ,thYgS in Dastwood were mazzlees Old Time Reader. The Second4teaders of the pest . , 'with touching tales were filled That young Imaginations fired And useful fancies 'thrilled. Tho boy who started out in life Without a single cent Was sure to be a wealthy man And leery honored irent. The tioy who Wes, to riches born , And drove a horse and cart „ Was prone and haughty cute without' The peoper kind •ot heare tutirrthe.end he always got • Els just deserts, oh, yes! •lie lost his money, and be foetid lit pletee Of lt'distrese. ' .The. bey Who *tiro a tagged coat - And 'had to toil and ,sweet To leeep his evidowedehothet from Ih� awful throes ofdebt- it ' Cinch for him to *In (Applause and wealth and fame. Arid hit the end he often had •A title to his name. the ttecend Reader et the vest Wee full or tales Oka that. The poor leriadelvidel Woh the prize; the riellettqinettfell tat. lite fteeetift *leader ot today That's 11404 lento. youth Reis eta out stories or the sort; 14 Wes to tell the truth. , eiteatedeededada adeseadde. NOT WOIIE, AUT. WOOTO4 laid:tot the, Work, bat the lirorry„.0. at WritIdes tbe SMOOth fob' idea, Te.at bleeele erey hair witli the, desky Ave robe the form of ate eratre That dinar' the lestre ead oarldea W tees that were Once co bright Out tow ere teen?' And troubled Witt. u wertry desporelent It Zot tke work b•it the weep', Ttet thLye Jt sle.ep' awed, Aal we tots and tero .iind wonder Aboet the came of the; 'den Do we ttiek of t•he Imo(' e hard labert. Or the steps of the tired ieOtll Ala to I Bet we plan and Ponder How. to make both eade it r.ot fte week led the worry; That makes as sober ;lad dale Teat moles Lateen anordid Wter. we elardel be cheery and feted There's a ehaelow etore the a•aLlight Arod ever a cload in Me lite; The sceet of the roses is talatcla The rotee of the some ere eatrue. not tea work bat the leerree Ttat makes the woral grow. old, That 'limbers the year of ita child- ao Ere Late the story is told; Ttet vveakete their faith in heaven And Etc wisdom of Goda, great plau At, I lie r.ot the, work bat the worry, Tied break e the heart ol. mat 1111.1Y 1IEsreATE7 Anfafer that Involvea No Risk For '.1.1.tihtl•,iffitili1Cce'iq' it We are so positive that our seinedy. wile relievo intetipatioa that, we -sta- ffer tie &meek free of ail cost if it fails • Constipation is dressed by the weak- ness, of the nerves and err seles of the large ietestin OS{ or deetuendine• colons To expect: relief yes must t15,erefore twee ap and strengthen thew or:eerie arid restore there to healthier ectiedY We wasa see to try llexall Order- lies or. our guarantee Tidy aro eat- erlike candy and are particalarly id eat for cheerer. They act directly on LL e nervesand muscles of the bowels Ttey bave a redtral action on the otter argues or glands, They do not purge or cause vey inconvenience tytatever They ,act to overcome ctrotic or eabileral constipation and the myriads of es:iodate or dependent etrenia ailments Try ltexall Order- lies at or risk Two sizes, 10 ate 25e, Sold steed at ocr store-TLe Rexati StreW, S, Cole. - Children EDIT FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Thinking Caps ;Alcohol isaa poiaote mot a food Tee sctloor. slays its hese friends, T01 -caret buy beefeand beer with., the same moiled • Whiskey raver helped a• man to get a job or to keep ore, . Whiskey is the eeeils way to . mar, end, the mares way to the devil. e A seem is a ••placta wbere moderate drietkers are converted into drank- ards.. Judge, ENVO Sett tried this whiskey No eat 1 laeoe. tried the mar. who did Nine goals oet of every ten should he stilt up in 'England but for the cleroiinorki..<14--eTlie late Lord 'Chief Jesdoe Idor.4 'believe that alcohol in any form has Or wW do any gore -Lord Charles there:dorsi, No intoxicants are ..alloe ' to be giver. to the -children of the a.n1 deeen of England. TLe West Vireireia Media _. lauda- tion at its annual meeting last Au - est took action declaring that alcohol is not neceesary in the treatment of disease., A tens despatch states tbat a Break lye judge has tried 2,700 erinainal cas- es ir. the last five. and a half 3,•'ears aLd not one of them, accused was an naive church. member. Whiskey was Gide thought an essential for consemptivae, Now teseseptatives are warned againstit on every side. indeed aleotolie liqe- ors are now (teetered to, be e prolific cease of' consumption. At the openng coevtotion of the Un- iversity of Illinois, September leth laresiderd Edmund J, ;lames, said Maey faileres in tie college work of the first two years car_ be trace -d dir- ectly to alcohol and tobacco., England so 'strode is medical opaeon 'chat alcohol is 'poisonous to the ,yclieg that a law eels been preseed through the iestrunientalita of eke- sieiaas making it 44t criner al offerie for wards to give any alcohol liquor to •a thitd. ;ruder five years of age. li • 11.ilay 1911.Dr, Harvey W, Wiley ttewellerknowp pure food expert, in an address 'before an airport:int; med- ical society poke specifically, of al- cohol asead agent that has fallen into disrepate asea remedy aed he en:e- dict:A el:et eke -area its, medical ese woeld acid be a. memory, I would ra,tEer see womendevoting, themselvesexolesively to the affairs of the world there devoting a tarp part of. their. time playieg brie:ea Better Lave them eetively laterest eel in the i01it4ic lesees of the day that have there give :Ivey to the eamblite iestinet. e-Arctdeaeon H X, Cody. • • The State of 'CQ104..0 (10 paid •for tbe care of its etiouiLal and dependent CIS SSOS Ir. Olt tLe' inatit•ations in 1911 $5e7.500 1,1.e larger port of the, ir • mates Levied been brottA•ht to that cor.d..tion by the drank eviland reeeiv od 11Ona all liqubr liCosyts its twelYe breweries eirh& meetifters tir.cI tlI re,. tail places, ;4 lcuding Saloons, the Sum of orly dideel, -reeding that, every dollar the Mate soiecieed fee 114e eat.: of lietior it required, eta to cia•c, /or the crienital awl dependent dilate:), and dee J nrkney etane front the tate padre. Cheer Wilde of the Titmice deplete recite, Windsor Las embeaked• en an active amnia/dr. aeainst yetase girls v. to make it a practise of Ides:Deng t1;e streets et all beam of the tight it toinpanY With tnen many yeera tater iteniet The palette of, thew; *** The Elral. You. nave Always scalg-lats, and Tthich has 'heen. , in use ler over O ycatts, has borne the stgriature and. has been made unaer his per,. zonal supervision since its infancy. delided no, one to deceive .v",x1 All Counterfeits, imitatiozzs and ".,Tust-as-good 7' are brit Experiments that trifle -with and cealangoe the health of ufants and Ci.;4dren.--42.-p.trzlence adainet Exeter/relent* What h C Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor On, Pare. , goriet Drops and Sootbing Syrups,. It Li pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotie elahstaxece. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Xecv-erisleness. TOO!? more than thiety years it bas been in constant use for the reilief of Constipation, flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and, Diarrhoea. It regulates tliO Stomacle and Dowelee f. assimilates the Food, giving 1..u.,altliy• and natural sleep. The Cleildron's Panacea -Tho 11.1otherde iend. GENNEcJ STjAALWAYS Bea.rs the Signature of The d You ave laws Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TNZ CENTAOCI COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET, NtW YOPK 087. L111_111111=1111111111111111MENENNEMEEZIMEMEMMI 1 ?,•irla will be conunrmicated withand it they lad to take measures to safe- „e•aard their ?iris the offeeders will be broueht before the Juvenile Couet I'te defences of alcohol ad a ac will wile disappear for tte roast selfieb reasons', and become manefeeturers and promoters of its SSO in the Ondue- tries of tte world. The geeat army of hetranitariares who are lookeeg ant ioesly for Ligher attainments', less; sickr.ese, less disease, dimiakled mere tality, greater affider.cy, and a trees endone advance in the race 'march will realize tte freitore ot their Lope e and go fortvard to new realms tt eieveloptneti-T D. Crothers M.D. Jedie--13e11, the New Federal Cona- Missieter at Covington, Eye is the or.ly woman ledge in tte ;United Steeds 'Ste cnade history tv herinn Jar.eare- '25t1. last she heel: her first court for Gr.ele Sam for it was the fired tirne a womac Judge, ever teld Coert ir the United Statee; Judge Belt is married and Las, twe children attletdbg the public school in Cote boated; Ste, has been in the Federal aervice for a timber of years; but onlyrecently was she moo Judge in a :Feder -al .coura • There jea 'smog town called Frei - say Lear Pane France, fund to be the oely civitizeZuommunjty in which the maticipal affairs are entirely in the hat& of women The Mayor, is a womar. and so is the seperintendant of the railway, era the•tow.n berber Maeame Leseboro is the teletgrapb trieser.ger and Madame Druhou-Mar- chardie is the &rammer, tvhose duty is In pror,ounce each proclamation of the mayor. Madame Drabeu-March- areir, is rieseribed as an, oclogonarian who has held her past telroegh wite lied rain for upwards of twenty -years Ore:ef the in,e.o most., in the eye of the world et the preeett moment ie tte toted Dr.. Greeted and. he has thie to say. Derieg, 20 years exper- deece on the sea and on the snow id witter-an .experience coaling efter an -spbrineirie in eoft places -1 Lave ailed that alcohol hoe been entirely tin tecessary toy erestet ef ever I, toere alt opportenity given to me to say a word at any time or at any place which wile help to ithibit the use of alcohol as a beveraae ea. lode as X car. !stand epon my feet I will be proed to get up ar,r1 speak it. A GIFT NVITI1 AaTITOUGHT IN 1 There's, ore very ,sironle way out of 11.e Christmas aboppiter problem.; don't shoe but sit quietly 'it home. end eubseribe for the Youth's :Cont, eation. ,The chances are too. that no present you could bey for your friend or the feraify pia delight to home etield eonfer so mudit pleasure as this gilt of the Teethes Compel:ion for a whole roiled year -fifty two weeks in - sees', odd fifty-serond as keenly aeticipated and enjoyed an the, very first. Thieve will be stories for readers of every ego; soled advice as to atheletics; seggestions for the eire at College or malaria Ler own way in e world; good things for every mera ber of the fanaily-all for $ada, lees that 5 cents a week The one to whom you give the eubseription receive !free all the re.maiming .issireet of 1914 ,as well, as tie 1Compation, Window Transpareney and. Calendar for 19a, in rich, transtacene caters.. I1 is to be tura in the window or over the lamp sbad.a. You, too. as giver of the pre.seef will receive a eime of THE YOCTIPS 'COD1PANION 144 e3erkeley St, Boston. Masa New tubscriptioes received at thie Office?. 11103/ the lighthouse at Lobster Cove'llead, Bonne Bay; New. foundland, Mrs. W. Young senda her experience of Zam-Buk • Shesays: "I suffered with eczema for seven years and to my great delight Zara -Bali has mired me. The disease started on my breast, and spread until it extended over my back. The itching ahti burn. ing-especially when the affected parts were warm -was terrible; sea yet when the eruption wee scratched or rubbed, it turned to bad sores and caused greet pain. I went to a doctor and tried various pre. seriptions,but meemed to getup ben- efit, so tried another doctor. Again .1 got 110 salad, do tdeti a third doctor, and then a fourth. • 44SeVert years is a long time to :suffer, and I had got used to the thought that I never would be cured, vtlion't saw a report in tho Fonda Herald, telling how bonedeial arri.11uk was in cases of skin disease. " ',bought time Zant-Buk, and from the use of the very first box' saw it w*s going to dome good. I persevered with it, and the improvement srorked in my condition was really wonderful. " It eased the irritation, stopped the pain, and the sores began todry up and diaaPpear. thort, I found Zapo-Buk all dud was claimed for it and within • very ;short time it worked a complete turf) in my case. tSilice thst time I have recommended it for several other cases, said in ouch 44 1. proved its wonderful merit •••••rowff*.4.........emoea....* * Whoa* Zaino/Sok otstries talo-ropt thlrek Vend* team, Blood Poison, Pam Cold aOtIIpalippea RandCtilealp Sores, rad Led easynag, Cltlldr.a Empties*, Uinta, Bruises, SesIdkand Burps. &demi stores 410o box or pest IWO for Nice Ce.,Tetorite. BOON(' worthleOS intbettitnea Sod this moon. etimeettblepeporteed stamp (to /HIT re" . turd tonged) tO. KAM" doenstaand saute ee keel ben Ns::: 4.0 lumiv.