Exeter Times, 1912-11-7, Page 1Rexall Pile Treatment iRenallinternel File Remedy , etexen Pile Ointment .35 'Has cured others, saltily Will money... 'back: if it fa. ils, but as yet, we do not know! ease where it has felled to cure. on sale at (aIB'S, ilflll SCOIO T. s`w""' TAW -Ye -EIGHTH INAn—No 200 Huron & IVIidali,sex. Gazette EXETER, ONT CANADA,- THURSDAY MORNING* N(VEMBEB 7th, 1912. ummemeMININ JONES PHONE 32 eavy • Winter. Goo o do your Winter Shopping. Winter will getting the time nowt et is. nalong stocked with a good line of Winter Wearables u will find- us well sto soon . be here and you Winter Coats A few Real Good Ones just in this week, We are adding something new in the Coat. line every week. Stylish Tweed We are showing a Real Sty Coat with large. Collar and Reveres and Belted Back. �] This week for 0 8.50 Shaker• Blankets A good large White Shaker • /Blanket for only Dress Goods 1.25 Sweater Coats All Kinds, Colors, M1 Sizes For Ladies, Gents, Girls and Boys, High and Low or Reversible Collars. Fur I iced Coat Our Fur Lined Coats this Fall are trade winners, , We can give . them to you at the Lowest Prices. Wool. Blankets Good large Fluffy. Wool Blankets per pair 4.00 to 7, 00 Mi111rierv.. EveNryothing left out in this is De par tm en t. .Have you ordered ered y o ur new Fall or r St 1ish Color andFabric shown .Wiater Hat.Eyery styleand shape eareon Come Here for Your Dress ;Goods , 'op our tables,. Leave your•order Early. • New House rI ishirig s -� u - A Large `Stock of New Gcods to Choose from • L}L`oleums. Oilcloths Bordering Now Rugs New Carpets New Matting Curtain Madras Tapestries New Suits and- - Overcoats for and Boys ,Y swell lot. of Mens and'Bbys New Suits and Overcoats ; .. • just o tined up a . are haveP tuff and come in all the, seasons New Shades_ :Every They the real swagger s thin Real S y'� �; at a bargain. Do not fail to'seetheln if you want something Sort and Overcoa g Nifty. phone 32 Jones & flay, Exeter (Exeter School Report P. B. 7)epertnaent , Boom IV Sr 1VF Ifor;oxs', Florence Wooa fl>,erald l.�i.tton 79; 93erthe horn, 78; Dorothy 'Matte 78; .7eesie• Prlckwood 77; Relator. Xydd''76; Amey, earns 75; Cordo!, Ford, 75; Pass Olive McDon- ald 7'2; Inn Delve 72; FanxiSe bowey 72 waltfrecl`11ltt k (fs, tisk 7YGatr we. 67 onto- Hat Just wheeeveryone bo ght .,t A Bitter Pill to Swallow Two weeks ago both the Timet/ and pert to give practically rsi assante he. port result of the law suit prosecuted by'tkie Canning Company against the Sani- tary Taaspector' and carried to Osgoode Hall, Toronto, by the latter. Both re - Ports showed clearly that the Sanitary, Ineneeter bad been vietorwu tato r- Edi:tt! Davie 67; ICecli9. 'Marie 107; Jr, that the Oan. $ dvoeate crowd men .V: Passe -Margaret Sharp 7 , nr swallowing their medicine like Ortwein 67; Jaek. lLirdon J66, Etirl theythrow themselves into a rage and Plower/ 64; Gordoe `Davis 61 Grace set bout the edifying task of proving Carling 60; Na ail? Toll 81; Aver to the public that everyone, including: tide attetdaneie,'28; iC, creeper oom V themselves, was wrong a week before. Sr 1.11 I:IorJors sGl d e ffIerve . 91 The pill was more than b ttPralt vand so lit Verdi 'liartle•h 77;Basin- —Herold had Doubtless the mem- T3oyle 73; Irexie ,'L�aefle 72; ;Bruce Bee, ere 69; Wray l•Ieddters 66; • !Drew. Kr,ight 65; Willie Davie 64;' , Vera Sweet 63e Clifford Malie'tt ate . 'r T f Heroes +Mildred Marchand 76 'Etienne Doyle, 76; Pass, --Mervyn Gamin 7,3 Mary, 'lltorloe1 73; Verde +IIil1 ,7i1; Cora 'Sanders X68 ; 1Clarence+ ffViorley 66 Willie dhows=, .66; J; St. %Srarray Room VI Sr, If Morons -,itchier/ 'Ela rvey,. ,93 Greta Thtrneses 92; Mniri;oe' Harvey 90 ; Verde Iloweliffe '89;; 'Stellar Sen a ders'8n ' T+kldi,eDavis,'85; Thelma Con- nor :83, Alice Vincent 79; 031anchie• Sen for 178 ; •Teael W ei�denhamm�er 771 Base. Edward `(eJ')owe . tCharii,e Ford 62; Belie Go''aldl.62; M'dale II Havers Fnel Russel i81; Paso Lizzie Hareleflb 74; rnm'bei +enrollee ee; average axtten- dance• 30; H. M,; Kinsman .teacher • Mann VII • Ill class—George Hied 180 . Sable Jok'r-s, '75; 'Howard Diemen 74;` Verna "Walker 72;;`Mergeerite Kuntz 66; Beverley €Acheson- 64; Yr. IT class— q . G rdon Pow it .til civ^`m 72; o e 4 Willie iDx ..0 Grebe l3 ddlr el a e e J 66 ~ SrSx~ t etas ,-= 1? , s Max Weidethamm+er 65; Dorothy 'Mallett 71; No, ot':llolle33 ; 'Average at 'terdance '2S Er -ie Qeackenbuste loom 'VIII J,r Pt :11 -'Cyril Doyle O1; smiles Morley! 189 ; Carrie Davis •65 ; Sr Pe 1 Mersey G ec pec 80 Sc tt 71 ra !Creech o ,' r '70;d • Bertha; Ra•si�ei Ethel Boulder 66; 'Mary Blwortl.y 51; Lort+ett. 93rima. comtbe 50; 113, lelasiell!argaret Weenier. 'Ferrol HartLei•bi Lester Davis:, Harry. Seldo'rj Rraiby 'Davis, Stuart IStanburq. Clarer•ee ' Knott Cl.i.f:for•d Webster'. Helen. Di.i;'nan; {Marf,'xtetrite Follarid (Blossom Powell, Fred Ileaman; Mil- .dred'Rowe..-No•er Roll. e9, Average -at tendance l3'2' F. W, Howard: • L ' :"L er new all l�"rodlaetl (a tkitet naecewei.t; Thereeeption given by the Bubliw to all Cold Orean shove the people .accept Rexall predncre at aA Feee'Value'"-�•end in thts emcee fee the valuta of their faces, 8oftene the rsltin toad protests the, oonaple iota large Are 25e Cole's Drug Store (Ronne of The Itexall Remedies. ) News of the District Char -ten P(resb�'terian ctr rete ww ill told anniversary servings on Senduy Nove:nbier'10t11; t , . ; Greer, layers at Bewail Lave/ had to ref xse /several loads of oats' ewiree 'to/ tteir Misty' cordite:lee Mr;, John, McPalis of near L'.ieala tad fifteen fines trarkeee,etolen recent- ly n .'d no trace has 'been •fa',tnd: of tee' thileveee The marriage look place very quiet- ly in London on'T'hankseivin.e day of Mr, Phillip George, at Aiisa Craig. end Miss 'Alice Torraltee The mortgage of St; Andrew' Free,' •r h •'r to Eerie eL axe a t , by x. x � Y i.ld vas burned or. `ll anksivin;; day inJ conneatio`r but the taste was too i will; a eotgre•;atioial tea; tocomeup. haunCed them.o£ how the chair- Johnstone of Milestioieei ` a - Sttsle who had +severa.I ribs broken are et:herwi:se inj'ared• while working wilt€ a threshirg oatfit•, has returned to List home ie Bayfield; John! Platt, of fxodericfl baa been appai.r ted assistant weighmaster at khat place; The en-owe:.z import�ene of Gaderiel• ns aa. ;graix. ehipping 'pint has necessitated the appointment. Mrs, 'Jolt. O'Neil of Mooresville, while holding a lamp to leziat hre ls,:isband ata he Was splitting •t+food last Friday was/ et:r'ack very suddenly with yaralysee and is in''a ere ice], condi- tion:, Little hope is held for her re- covery: Tie enteral of Mr, Samuel Dusty, of St; Mares, was I,eld et Thursday after> oon of last week. Deceased was 77 years Gide (Led waa ,•J. resident St. Marys for tie. past: 60 years HP;d isa•ls.agarLterviv- ed by Five sots, and ax: man of the Board of Health had Plead- ed lc d eel with them to remove their ill -smell- ing state from the doorsteps of com plaining citizens and so save trouble. But bow his well meant efforts were laugher. to scorn! What did they care for the women made ill by their foul odors? They would go to law to prove that they had the right to act as they d— pleased in Exeter. And go to law they did in spite of the advice of their best friends. Wealthy corporations like the Can. -Advocate Company like to show their money even it xaiost of it is borrowed from the town. They sued the Inspector for $200 damages and for an Injunction forbidding him from ever molesting them again in their hely offices of nuisance manu- facturers. But all this was before the learned Judges at Toronto had pro- nounced their decision. Now the tables are turned. The Injunction has been refused and instead of $200 so modestly asked for, they get a judge- ment for $13. But that was not the for or the'poor r Can.-Ads„ Dist w of it f they have, been permitted to settle all their own Solicitor expenses and have been ordered to pay all their op- ponent's Solicitor expenses as well, The defendant has to pay their Divisi- on Court costs (about $e) and the fees . he ease had of their witnesses as if t ter while they will inEse been tried be left to pay the` expenses of their own witnesses to Goderich and at the same time will donate out of the pro- fits of last year's pea pack sufficient to paythe defendant's witnesses at God- erich. Is it any wonder they come. out in black faced type? A cool: $500 dropped somewhere between the Can- ning Factory and the Advocate office. Its enough to make anyonetry to hide the shame of it. And if lying to the public comes easiest why not say there was a mistake in the first week's report and get some one to write a fresh one. ( n6K11ow1eu9eu THE BEST. THE ART GARLAND still continues to hold. its positiori as the leading Baseburner of its ..class, • Powerfuhheatersandwile :give more heat with less fuel • than any:baseburner made Complete Line of Heaters from • $13.00 to $445.00 55 o, $ from $25 to$55 • Oil Heaters $4.50 Move Pipes 10 cents "Elbows 20 cents. 'Stove Boards 'Stove Mats 50 cents. 'Weatherstrip, Etc. ;Everything for Oold Weather t ore � er Bargain The h�t Sells Goods Cheap. Why ! ! is for cash. makes a quick turnover at a small BuYe for cash,; set , y es i and div/ p ' we do CCall and Met us hove' you i as we advertise. Hats and Suits, H �t� Overcoats, O V Rubbers, Shoes t anda bo s ar eaters Hosier and a host of {. :Shirts 'Underwear, Sweaters, y '',Caps, r .other lines. 0 Store: Bargain Exeter Bar One poor North of Post Office. id theref is with you It Pays to Spray Board of Health Tke Inoue! of P:iblic Health met or the evetine of the;30U. Cct foe erzan- izatiot. • The Beets• consiiscs'+of Dr, Quacker'bustc;. 4aie•diea'1 lee'& tb' Offiacir H.• E, Heston, c1 airman• .and. the Reeve W, ,i, Beaman.,, Some time was taken up in •discussing the imper• ative r ecvicelsity of cleanliness! in thkt back yards ar.d p'rivies'. cleanliness in the dairy stable", eleanlieteas in tee slaughter houses and ,etc, The clerk T, B,Carling was instructed to write the Proviteial Health Departtnent for: copies of( the law as to the Health du- ties arcl powers of the Board. 7t pis as ;good time !row to , clean, iii leek yards Yard etc, To it now' is a: good maxim Nobody watts to be palled up for beir:m dirty or Lavine dirty premises, Get ready and do 'warfare with the semmot housefly r.ext spring.. lectin~nea ch atr r^ adjonnel to meetat the sal o • , tI € th e 73'. IU, HUSTON +CL• air s/ arl -----+ _--.. THE CROSS AND THE CRESCENT Or.ce mere history it repeating itself and as in•'LIe days of the Crusader the'Crosss and the Crescent, are wag- ing a bitten and aw fel war. Tee . ,• revenge all A 4 f , upon feeling of re a ,�. vett .c 1 the dreadful meseacres -cif- Christiats _.a. w t. 0 r t s terrible � F c } ic. b t. ,. elf so that the officers, of the 1113talgar, b to not been able 'nems leave R 11 i an e•8 hold their mer.. in check. It is the oldcry of wan to the kti.fe or in thole' way of..expres&Cg 'No Nes' .Now for the kti.fe throwing down their. heavy accetremett:s they have rushed with their bayotets+end knives, on their en eine ar.d the orislaaght was so terrible the Turks 'turned and fled There is no esti:pat:Jay in this tree land f oars for the es emsH Their - 1 The apple oro' of. 'the, Exeter Dis- trict pp A•, e Js, trict has been gathered .in. Ser the year 1912 and what of lit? ere many instances theticrop was very nearly wortil,ess !rot' bectenee the crop was roteelbendrant, but be• can,se ItJ.e farmer failed` ir. Ms part He neither pruned fertilizie 1 cirltivat- 'ed or sprayed his, ffrait',trees& or the a work wast o to properly ,done A lead- ing P P Y iexid ing shipper made thus, statement that famrbr tt' bhp, a farmer i os, i•rto titin fo - a x+ ship- ment :hent what/ he the farmer called fine •5 .fra`t and. , i , out of 3s, . b t bis !at[ the ship- per eo'ald get was �4 1bbIi that would pars U:tspeiction'. .A loss of over 8S per meet; (It i,s simply ,no eso The farmer 'Mat ignores spraying. • and cultivation, of ;ells orchard might' just es welt tut it dowrt and: buy Lis, Truitt Ile the mar. who does. take .:arc' of his orchard!, It is; rot :uncommon thing fora the wide awaloe, farmer, the 1?osseseor of a• ter. sere orchard to clear„ over and abover k$1000 a :lea tot every alternate year,. brit every year. !Lime Sulphur and arsenate of lead will 'do tLe trick sof far as, spraying eotcerined tS t Oze who sprays • FARMERS LOST, l30 • ON EVERY ANIMAL ' TLe Fcriet Free Press Sayjs�-/Catti,e de;,l rs ate, s;h4.p(pers /here, stat(cf that the cattle: trade is rather rar�satfsfac- tory, owing to the drill market:s, and. , low prices, but a visit to the butcher 1 is 'Beeribrxtion,. shop is,haws that the Price of, moat; is steadily do: ,3 upc- There i�9• a,'bi,, dfilifie;rer.ce b/e;tw,;en, the price of beef or.; toot and o`n the block ;Costly and 'anecessaxy tariff ' walls, .ha'e couch to 'do, with. it', Hero is a striking demonstration, %est Fri day 3, M. Mc1)oncll shtp'ped from For- get cattle , cho•c�e beef rss�t 170 Lead of i , whish the had, sold, to S; '&, i9. Co) Chicago These cattle, were sent by special train ,direct to New' Mork for' reel :a son t• I R Y . l ret R .,Ix an. • O'Donnell; ,d Mr..ri anA consumption, nse ex a .r , � f— i, r , lire e pail' r , Ir. e �. rr (over five •tho�esand dollars, i,nt duty to 1'EN1It1,I,1, —PTIA N Mrs, 'Robert' Cole of Reeele;dale died at k r home or Wednesday of last vn lit, Deceased was 77 Y ers old Realties ler busbatd sheistsurvived by two tots and one daighter; Joh or 'the homestead; W, R, Cole of Mit- ehell and 1Mrsi, Wig more of Toronto. r: Guest dri" er or the .Grantoa. stage and Proprietor of the Tenener- encs hotel at 'Grantee,.xanion,, was recently and et a ram or /none a. relieveds y, gold watch betonlinu to his wife was taken One of Ile borders disappear- ed al/ the SAMS time tend ituis'believed he left for Detroit with the valenbles. Ivriltot Weber who recently return - from : lA1•berta died. at Zarielt on Sun- day meaning lost,He was, 20 years old and ditee offace eeesthrna., The farel•al took place on Mondati ?tete-- roan nfte -roan 'from the residence of his bar- erte Mr; and Mrs., Chao Weber •to trete Latheean eemeteey on the Goshen lxy• •, a c, :�• Tle Sarr.Ja.brtd.4e Co, 3'ayse•comTile7= cd ete steel eepex'struct.nrrt work err. the bridge ovee ' .xx Sau'ble r,or h of• ]Ailsa fCreile, and after' the concrete floorir'rr i9 placed on, 'the bxif9E,e .this week1t1:a read will be, opet. again for trafli•,c. This britle,e was b'iilt "it n- eer tlhe d4rectfor of the M',ddles.ex Co'etty'Council and coat nearly $6,000 The f• ateral of Martyn. Ryan held fron kis late2e]n fF3iddalph to :5t, F >'e cl +arch. h a s (arm sly atee'r led ;ceased had Wm 'for some ti. Il is sarvivea by six sis tern Mrsa, Morkit of Whale.•/ Mrs. J 14Tirrv. Calgary, Mrs, Irwin London; Mrs, Mahen of London, and Miss Jo- har-na and Miss Teresa at home James IA, kfcLarer.pro'pri,etar. of the. Royal. Edward 'hotel St. Marys met with a reaietel misna'p last Thur- sday. r b a n•ls o leading. y • While e sday, i e, rope from the Motel?.sta'bles to the ea sex re nt the 'flats tee animal made a sadder. plunge forward, eauaine Mr - McLaren to fall heavily to the ground fracterin.g Lis left shoulder. Home" Successful • At The Exeterr High School held ti•n, `At Moine' oz. Friday evening, Nee when the High Scheel rooms werai filled tot overflowing by tee .large. expend of st�rd;encs • cxstudentst and friends of - the .scholars The occasion, was .a,'de- cinded success it every particular 'Au excellent program was rendered by the scholars, as follows choiemares addresi', schwa ehourls, pinto .ole by Howard Qaa:cketbushe Recitation. by Willie Manson, trio, :G'antileln'e b1 Lillian Boyle' Mary Aol.eson and; Mad- elire Ca.rlieg;, solo, When the dew iie on 'the Rose by Maurioe, Senior ; read 1 .o Violin solo by , vto i �ds dma ti • line, D , irg by � Melville Steams r.; choirs, 'Da.me Darden Iby ten boy,st Start pithy ad'- drle veev were delivered by Reece W'• Ge Hi, McAlister 5..5'. Sharp. end. D. W, (Collies. The Principal Mri W ([3!, Weider~haminer cote& es)C.hairman, After the•program had beer.comple - ed 'the students and friends wee' !.dies, to re l byt :d 'to a repast trieate which all •did easticrt The prom'etad�- J re t�. VC . ,, ..tie shmen . xe the ir-.r follawin.5 plea- sant 'firiehing to'.iches of a very e t ' the .ia6 r t eve�ni,n.g and Here no enjoyable., 'Miss• Pearl Leavitt sup- plied the mase. Locals ,oto ;per year In advan Everybody IsDoing It The Ladies of +Cave church intend M 1 etre^i eoldixg a tea, down ton ties have been so vast and so br•atal cverin,g Nov '301.h [St, Andretrs -Day) frorn '5 to 10 o ,,ock• Notice The first fall of stow, of the seaisea came lest Friday and s:cveree 'inches. P •the be.aztifnl covered tee. country w - Saturday that all the world except'flame awn ncuple have held 'elp their hands in horror; '1t is s•iccerely to behoped the great 'powers of Europe will tot r ar s l ns, a • a n„ � •t the B. t, Let T Ca into ,n d tl1, b • c. igone bc. 1 was al. y It g udlt Lane ...os, Sc;rv1 iurr 'lylonter.�efir[ns and Greeks as . divide. eri 'rLine ,cors.ured country so day ate/ excellent weather le pi wail that the crxelties perpetrated by the fig', Winter would, not be welcome at fierce •Reerds of their kings,nen the this, time yes tore a is done. Coal, et a lot of lete p Turks. be tot 'repeated again!, . Moan farm %S'o ]i*ever Here than/ ever before • while the civilized world is lookltg plies are lower of the wiuC rt• before et and tresti.ng for the s,upremaey at the beg 5 of.'tte ICross, which frorn ell aocounte plies, Lave bum abort. for clic wets ti off is• ,Pert; to town The Christains, ore std :notwithstandingthe rot 'base the coal, deat. coming in in satisfactorV4 shipment's,. Very 'few people have their bins is shape 'for: a prolonged cold. spele After Jaxrraary first the .merchants of Exeter will close their places of besireas at six o"desk every even i.ng except Satarday it hen they will close a t ten thixt.y elan?.The move is cr-e in the right_ direction.. BORN S1i.LtrN'19it-•-Ii: Iletot•ne ou FridayNov 1s1: 'i.o ere end!Mrs, Melville tike, Ili W. F. Beavers. lea, MILS f)ettrbtr 31st at thet home. of. the brides parents by R'ev. 3, D£ Mis Venetta Marga Beetle dair�hter of Mr, end Mrs,, Teeter of ,a1C ;Sea .Paenh Mr.As, ,J , , Y'r.i re to 9 etepter- VIED eterneJ eetle, 75rich, on November'2nd., Blit+or, Weber trod 20 ,)-ears • , c7ckober •rc.fcld ,s ts. 1)OIJGLAS•�'7r., Tlx a , ?61:}j Alin roes/lee axed 76 veers .. red ruin r. well i Her selections are , g g arid. 1lmoix[I.. , get them aicross the, erect Th lose of +$30 per head, ,ar_l that lose+ WAS isestair.ed 'by the t<arntr.r,s around Forest wl.o fed the ea Mot Whet. t xabiox. b . 1. that. ta, y c 0 le xea tie vl ti. A A tr.t bot'n ro- 'her end. a pro- ducers 1. -rob ''tsl is 9, to t.f r ? <]ucers and consumers eine, the victims Miss N'ash's artistic ability and ex- cellent 5rttpersonatlons _ win for her most favorable convent nig every baud Miss' Nash !Bayle scope to disphev her C©1.E - nf: R: i nsrltTal•e ar. Ocjabex 30th recitative power. She is considered Marl eller-14 wvtfe of iiolbert cote one of the hest processional artists of gee& lei yeater. tl'rie A tty.—London Advertiser P er.naie--O'racne— A ri.'xlet Need - direr, Coale place on '1'harsdayt Ootober 31st al. tee house of, the bridges, par ents' at J.gl.t o`clock in the moraine when )'dies, Verne Inn Margaret Kda'x,li- ter of Met tied, Mrs. Teeter Frayne was ^eYJted in :narriabo' to twirl Asa J,'Pethale son of Mr and Mee `Wm P ar.Jta.le of Stephen The ceremony f)elc r. tl 1) � T •d b lie lr .,. 1i, 48 'fallx.say lisle of I.he grooms in: the presence of •or,ly the t.:ntnediate lelativee The br,dc was d'ressed ir.. a Navy blas Nor- f'o'lt traveling salt with blank beav- er hat with white ostrich bend. Tee u beide was the reeiptort of /naay : etre c beaaliful weddJeg p res,tsd 1r< andd Mrs, P ernale fett on the morning train for Brantford and Toronto.: On (heir 'rote re they will take, UP their resitler:ce of the tr•rootn a fine farm Jr. ctephe°:J jest west of t has. ai r' ;;r.reel Mae, e el a n .have a ` ids in town who. will join witb. f. t.c the 'tames €tt eetendfrtg cont xatxia !ler at. DoingWhat? Ordering t cif Nbw Fall and �..... Winter Mr', :Cecil Ressis:el of Rusf'ieldale, pas- sed away at his, home ar October 2fth tie. of c< 5 �• ears the ti 30 c f , at the a,,e o , , . Lis ¢teeth beitg hetnmor.t3e or the lungs The call was swift/ and only tthe�cag previous he wasin Stret- ford t - ford oorsaltinh a doctor. He leaves to mo:irr, his loss/ a widow and two small children his aged parents one brother and two slaters._ INls. I)ai Stee le, of P,a:xkhill ;emp- leced with Mr, H, Schram -,as• dsairy- mar, 'received very serious, internal jtjeries recently while engaged ir.movie= a piano: Dr, LHotsdn, was called, when:, it was fa ind neees,sarV to move him to the hospital He eras taker. by auto to Vietorie Hospital ar:d attended to, Dr; Hotson accom- panying him. It is expected that he will recover. - • William Stoneman, of Mitchell cap- tured ea • t:rrEd a lad about fotit n years e Y age who had bee- co:nmitin berelnr- Ise tr Lis sbre ..On, .Monday. night Lis store was ertered and $2,00 taken from She rash xegi,ater..' The next night MNlrt, Stoneman +decidiere to keep watch and early Wednesday morning he 'heard someone enter the, eitore fro.n the back std jest as, he rang up the register. Mr, Sione'na.n switch- ed orf the lights wad ,forn,de. boy that tad at or,e time worked amend the store. SUITS AND OVERCOATS Our Stock was never so large and complete with New Woollens for Suits and Overcoats as at the present time See our New Style sweater goats For Men and Boys E -- , nts' rn• O n s We also have a First Class Assortment of SHIRTS, COLLARS TIES, SOCKS, PS 'BAIS&CA , S ....NDE R SUSPE A UNPWF R Alpretty wedl'.r.g 'leek 'place et the 1 l,oine odi Mrs, Sameel Johnston of Stanley Wednesday ' evening Oct ;30th, whe'• her eldest daughter Mamie was G arried 'to 'Mr, Chester. Derkio. at '„ t d the the bride ex.ere c1c ,clo five o t+rrlor Jenx,i,n.x,on the arm of 'her brother David. etre took her place, be - stele t. 1,e groom Ibereath a prettily elle,-: costed anrch. She wove.. a very be- comir.g chess, of white silk with over. - dress, of ,em,brotdt^rcd 'Ilrus-r.Is r,•et a:bridal veil• 01,1 orange blos,sems: L t- t;le,.lwli.ss Evelio Short, or Woodstock( mean. of the 'brute acted ear ri•n,gbeare the, ofh I mother 4 D•anki n er� 11r t groom plsycd the wedd:r.,t march and the. Rev, lee Tohrstort performed the. ceremony in the presence of a nrern- ber of [h•c fxiereds,ands-elntivrsxrf Chu tt bride at�df,irxoorn. A. spTrtsplendidwtel dn ,e dinner wt+a:al Served in the •d' i'.ng recto( The bx,des e o4x, away dress wale a browe tweed with shot silk waist and large kelt to tnatcte, TflMflN THE AIL N t�h YT O