The Goderich Signal-Star, 1985-01-30, Page 2f'. ti %f} r. 3 .POI 0 1�1 AM D00 This beaufitut luxury automobile f aturos 6 cylinder economy but has ail. the accessories thtat make motoring a pleasure air ceanditioning, pews windows, power door locks, power Trunk. AM/FM stareo cassette ratite, cruise control, tilt wheel, delay wipers, Indivichial lounge seats, passenger reclining' seat, etc. 18,00 miles (30,000 Km.), Appearance items such as wire wheel covers; Vinyl top, opera lamps, pin stripes, tinted glass, etc. ail are featured on this car. Beautiful light brown with sandstone top and interior. Serial No, 703968 .LUST $11,500. '83 OLDSMOBILE DELTA ROYALE BROUGHAM 4 DOOR Less than 20,000 miles (34,000 KM.). This locally owned beauty is just loaded with equipment such as tamp-mdtic air, power windows, power- door locks, power seat, power trunk, cruise control, tilt wheel, wire wheel covers, tinted glass, molding appearance and protection package, lamp 'package,. etc. Smart Tight brown finish with dark brown top and interior. 'Duni comfort lounge seats, AM/FM stereo radio compliments the interior. 5 1. Vii with overdrive transmission. Luxury you can afford: Serial No. 876843. Mc 37 HAMILTON STREET E ONLY $12,500, >M . r., 600EP.Q" rOM PONTIAC BUICK GMC TRUCKS CADILLAC GODERICH $24.391 ' WHAT A WAY 'TO START... WILSON TENNIS/ SPORT BAG Reg. 529.99 $1485 LOUSIVILLE MAGNUM:5 HOCKEY STICK ILL•K.514.99 ,$985 f.I• 91 i3 1. Brie IturePa ~ ►tuii f bi t1nues SUP aye:V'e l ry' Ktnstrien Clubs mini •Sk( an ..,. -T on.,:• muse of the uncertainty of til'' weather, the .club has planned far both .a ski and walk -a -'hon this year. It all begins :at. Suneoaet 'Mali with registration from .t to8 p.m. Ms Cross countryskienthesi, stsWillfollow a trail through the bushlot behind Suncoast Mall whil .walkers will have a separate route m pedout on town streets. Anyone wishing to enter can pledge sheets at the mall, Zehrs, garb and Gear, Shanahans Foodland, Kirkey's, Becker's and elementary schools. Prizes , will be awarded to the top money raisers and the Kinettes will provide refreshments to all•participants...., • ':;.. The proceeds from the`event will assist the reseafchh.endeavors of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis,, Foundation. More details on the event well appear in next week's paper. • There's no sense complaining about the amount of snow, there's plenty of activtty to take.th drudgery out of winter. Participate. , lloe o, he nsulr Blitz Win • .ti G -DCI students prepare. for Winter Concert to be held Sunday.'. Local delegates support Frank Mille. • from page 1 This sparked a request for a total recount ly thpught to be the only candidate with the from Mr. Timbrell, unprecedented in the support to challenge the firmly entrenched party's history, which was agreed to by both front -r er. Frank ,Miller, was eliminated the Grossman and Miller camps. after` Mi. McMurtry threw his support As the almost 17.00 votes were recounted, behind Larry Grossman. Mr. Timbrell's supporters melted- away to That resulted in the upset. find a new candidate. Mr. Timbrell's official Frank Miller maintained his lead picking response to the news that• the recount had up 659 delegates, but the agricultural not produced different results was to minister dropped from second to third place hesitate for a couple of minutes and then with a showing of 508 delegates only six fulfill the terms of an agreement struck votes behind Mr. Grossman's 514 votes. between his organization and Mr. Grossman's and walk to that man's area in a Show of support. IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY FEB. 2 ONLY OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST!:! BIC SPORT RACK SKI CARRIERS FEATURES ,JA85 KOMBI MEN'S B. LADIES' FIBERFLO SKI MITT Reg. 529.99 Navy Only 1985 KARHU GRAPHITE [Ay AMU $8285 Reg. 596.99 SKI I OM 160 9.99 s,o.1 $698s KAHRLI KODIAK EW R.•, . 5124.99 BOOTS.... ZERMATT mm Reg. +29.99 11111 RI IN(. BANFF ITIM Reg +69.99 MEN', wc)MENl iftLfIREsl S LONG isiDEWEA $EPARATES 'ti'K. s1401. • Fit 11 RI IVT, LADY TOURER ,,, R.•1; 589.9') 1111.1 R1 INC DAVOSNNN Reg. +69.99 SAI( /Mt1N NNS . TOURING • R.y;. $29.99 •HOCKEY GLOVES •SHOULDER PADS •SHIN PADS •ELBOW PADS F(,)8 Ai(N,'WC)MErw€ SKI WEA •T('IPHEIl*I)IvhTS . •l'I:lUCREE+liltRflNI., 1)' r2: COOPERALL GIRDLES SAIF $7985 SAIr $5985 G3... Reg. 49.99 - tiA I E $.39s5 OPERALL PANTS CLP1 .R.•>;. 534.99......... SALE $3985 CG 1 ... R.•I;. "99.99 CG2...R1y;. *74.99 C LP3... Reg. SAL F$2985 HOCKEY ST1('KS & EQUIPMENT - PRICED TO CLEAR 1111NiK S•W•A•T Reg. 524.99 AC$U ETB1L MAXPLY FRAMER $4448 Rel;. 554.99 BRONZE Reg. 5 59.99 Now that Wint(I► is really here, realm• your ultimate skiing potential by getting your skis Nervi“ ed by the experts. In our quest to obtain "The highest standard or safety and Educ atinn in skiing" our technicians have attended the 1984 'SKIING' Met hanks and Managers Workshops. Only the finest ski shop' ate (one erned enough to use the famous AOLISTON 'IMAMOND STONE -GROUND' method of tuning your skis. With your needs in mind" Garh & Gear's Owen Sound store has purchased an AI.LISTON 'DIAMOND STONE -GROUND' SKI TUNER to provide you with the service you deserve,. Please come in and <onsult with our experts on your everyskiing need. • NIY • fllrFLUX S l'ti�i6 BAS �Gl SI.IARP wolAMc No ALL ITEMSSUB/E( T TO PRIOR SALE. QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED. �- HOP EARLY! 1,�\i-^ OPEN Dgj�1LY 0("C. *10:" �� , FRIDAY59AM-9PM � We tumour VISA and MASTE RIC ARD 4 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2822 • • While most of Mr. Timbrell's supporters followed hire to Mr. Grossman„ Frank __.. Miller still received. over 200 Timbrell votes in the third and final ballot to capture the position as leader and premier. Mr. Miller received 869 votes, only 77 . more than Mr. Grossman with 792 which sparked comparisons between William Davis' victory by 44 votes in the 1971 conven- tion. • After his victory Mr. Miller said that all three candidates opposing him had places in the cabinet he would form. .Board will address French question Ieetino- BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE The Huron County Board of Education will!be deciding, theriuture{of the,French 'Immersion question in Huron County at its Feb. 4 meeting. \ At the school board's January meeting, the ad. hoc committee to study French Immersion recommended that the board go nofurther in its French program, but • study criteria folr setting up a late French immersion program for Grades 7 and 8. The school board is currentlyin the process of ex -fending its Core -Wench from 20 minutes a day in Grades 7 and 8 to 40 minutes per day. September of 1984 saw Core French increased to 40 minutes per day in Grade 7 and this September will see French in Grade 8 extended to 40 minutes. Core French starts in Grade 3 at Huron County schools. The ad hoc committee didn't want to see any changes to .those already approved' changes in Core French. Ad hoc committee chairman Tony McQuall said the committee put no time frame on the possibility of setting up' a late French Immersion program, The committee did List 10 items which the board should consider if it does decide to set up late French Immersion. The list includes transportation to be provided only in peaiisting routes, no class will he setup with'Ie§s than 24'pupilsor continued:if' enrolment is less than 20 pupils, no teacher will be fired to make room for a French er 'on teacher and the school board will not pay for any costs over and above regular classroom costs. Also, the late immersion program would be considered in each of the county towns, Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth and Wingham Mr. McQuail said if the school board is willing to go with the recommendations it will mean a voluntary French Immersion program will be a lot more accessible to county students. Provincial grants available for extended. or French Immersion in Grades 7 and 8 is $211 per student. • For Core French 20 minutes. per day the grant is $70 per student and for 40 minutes a day ,the grant is $154 a student. The estimated cost in the first year of a late French Immersion program is $96,000 before grants. That cost includes two teachers, texts and library materials. The school board will discuss the issue at its Feb. 4 meeting. PUC to build sub station on Britannia Road East A rezoning application by the Public ' Utilities Commission to build a substation on a piece of property on Picton Street and sell. the back portion of the lot 'for resjdentiaLpurnnse8 rwas antfl'r zet to_ proceed by council. PUC manager Evert Middel told council in a letter that the utility is accepting tenders for the construction of a substation bungalow on Britannia Road east. The PUC would like the back portion of the lot, facin' Picton S ree ezoned to residential. The lot orr Britannia Road is . already zoned to accomodate the substation which will look morelike a residential bungalow. Town commissioner of works, Ken Hunter explained that the rezoning required an 'official plan change and a 35 day period after notification. To have the rezoning included in the town"s ad in the Before you buy an RRSP or make a contribution to one.you already own. give me a call. Mutual Life of Canada's RRSP may have just the features you're looking for. Competitilre' interest rates. No charges or fees. And ail the income options at retirement. Call about it today. GARY W. SHOL®ICE 178 GodW deddererh St. N7AgL3V4 524.22%1!tClpual a11a11 Mutual' Life at Canada January 23rd edition of the Signal -Star, council had to• approve the application at its January 21 meeting. Rather than act in great haste, some council members ,suggested the application A -081d go through the norma planning channels. "We are presented with' terse a& lications at 11.30 of the 11th hour," councillor Glen Carey said. "It is very bad procedure that is whipped through and it doesn't have to hold up the official plan. -oceed in an ordina L way. There is a framework in place." Clifford argued that several rezonings have been approved as a result of urgent letters to council. A motion to refer the matter to the planning advisory committee was defeated and a motion to proceed with the rezoning application passed with Mayor Eileen Palmer casting the deciding vote. • v ,, NOW OPEN GODERiCH LAMP & FAN CENTRE 56A Stanioy St. Goderich, Ont. 524 -228$ - MON. & TUES. 9 to 5 Closed Wednesday THURS. & FRI 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 1 LN