The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-11-16, Page 90There's WIN-- ys a good reason to sh p the Met. • 18.97pr. PAWS GWG, LEE OR WRAI44LER WNW JEANS. Choose from lean straight leg or boot cut styles in sizes 28-44 collectively GWO Scrubbles In boys' sizes 8-12 1 A 0.7 arid students' sizes 14-18. Rie.W.. pr. 1/2 Price! Pr LAMES' PIN-STRWELI PIMA JEANS keep you looking great! And the soft cotton denim is prewashed for extra comfort Navy only in sizes 26-32 Reg. 19.99 Double Twln 16.97.4 ZioVir set Queen 28.97m FAMOUS FIRST QUALITY SHEET SETS BY SAMSON, TEX- MADE AND WABASSO. No-iron'polyester-cotton in assorted colours. Includes 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, 2 pillow cases (1 in twin). 119.97 Sav es. $20 DELUXE COLONIAL SWING ROCKER. Unique rocker requires less room than a conventional rocker because the base doesn't move. Long -wearing polypropylene upholstery compliments the maple frame Reg. 139.99 INVIL SALE, PRICES ARE IN EPFECT UNTIL SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26TH, 1983_ AT STORE CLOSING TIME. rit.q r bier s Met's regular prices . . . 1