Exeter Times, 1912-9-19, Page 5; TgliSDAY $t1:3TDMIIElt 10 1913 ER PERIOD flf$MANS' LIE: tEROM 45. it) 50: • - ,. kte.,.;.,...E.,erienceof Two StatOineata '44. • "te`,44k, Ont.- "At Cliatge of Elfe 'tels,eciuld do no more and! was given up by nee friends, Lydia E: Pirtklane's Vegeta- ble Compound Gerrie to the front and 04d wonders fbr me. I bad been be:vingfe- te. ditale trolables for 'years, my head trots,. , bled me severely it 0 times, I hadeleearing tee downpairandbadle- e.ae ache and I was, very . sec frern excessive flowing. I rec- ce. e • . Oompoand highly and, do all iOn:to. vertiee asaegenuine ineditine." SI'LVESTEh fitettaltleie 'White Oak, Ontario. •Thh."Case of Mrs. larlin. Cii,414e; Oho. -"I can truthfully sayethaf 1 never had anything do Me so aniu8a,geed•dirring Change•of Life as Ly- diakTinkham's Vagkable Comaamd. Pig reel hacktakeer one half a bottle °Val*" '.gan to feel better, and I,have • con uted taking it. My health is bett,er thn1t has been fer several year* If ' all ionien,would 'hike it they would es- pandenerytthis tme aflifealf-eafrs. AttaR RiolaN, 358 . Ohio. • *Thetelnh'nge of Life is one of the racist entice eriods of a woman's existeare. Ated 'meewomen may rely *on Lydia E.Pnkham's Vegetable Compound. 1:115- SINESSe AND SHORTHAND ,uets taught by expeit,instructoos at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. dents assiated to positions. College ession from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue e., Enter any Hine. .W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. "Princieal Cliarteredeccountant 16 ViSe-PliniPai_ 4.144:44.44,.+++++47•.:•,+++,44-4.44+++.,.. -tt*. HOME STUDY • • finensands of ambitious young people are instructed in their al homes by our home study dep- - -artment You miiar •111nish at • Colkege if you desire. Pay wintnaver you wish. Thirty VetoesExperienee. Largest , testes in Canada. Enter any * day. Positions guaranteed, If yp wish to save hoard and bile you ain, write pantateul at s. NO VACATION • • Orrinton BusinessCollege • Celt. SPOTTON B. F. WARD sf- President Principal • deleleeleasaateiee+le++++++++-14,444, ' CHITRAL 4.i, $ 411, t itTFO_RD. ONT. e I ' IteraaaWaliieXperien'-' - rat:tore: Onr centeads ' iasiter ' tbae *knee* -and the ,,e, ' tamers, - •• ,otineolete. *: , •,.;• ''''c , More to,seeter ,g1raelna.tpsr• Ai 1 '''%''.. do 7Oiher similar eeekcselt I . ft -e'en applioitilkis '' fiat 4/ . t help were received der- ile I0 ,iese the past week, some of v vide* offering over 4,700.• per ! en atteem -We hasre:titree &Peet= ne ire merits commercial Shorthand, ; * iand Telegraphy. Write for • • our free Cataldgue arra see o' It ow What we are doing. • • 410 • sea. i D. A. MaLACHLAN. * e r•••• • • ' I r ,, . 4 Principal. ,9 4.111P.Mr••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dr. de Van's Female Pills A;reliable French regulator; never fails. These gays are exceedingly powerful in r egulating• the • 3enerative. portion of the female System. Refuse' all cheap =illations. Dr. de Pant's are sold at. We. box .or three for $10. 1VIalled to any address SU* 84bell Drug Co., $t. caskarinele ckst; 4.111111,110. `13.rce; dry .;e•oods !store., of Zoitcriel, was badly fiflinaged Jast Priddy morninge The fire start- • . etd taboet one o'clook in the nightLa Ole epstair !department lind. •Ives -rust Bra under cent:eel mail about: .11 o'- tteek • Four etreapia of water played, upon the fanos with:great difficalty tJ firemen managed in confine, the, fire •to 'the Opel:lire;• Tir• e • 'water welith .f:ooded :the lower , r'oome aod Iiiitte neiit dld great Ida niase, A very fashionable weddittg teak etatee at f31. Pe teals 'Catholic Ohatelii etr• o eseWe dewed ay geptenehlets, 1.171.1r Oren Med O'Neil 'of Godertelf: wee, stetted in tieretage te 'Floes it of Mt, Gertnel, Itev, Patter • offitiativig. The Wedding tereakftret 'StirtFl4 '11014 isv the Senatet litietel and Ca •farge laiotibit, �Eileato *ewe PrOaK.t4e. I :I 2 LtiteciAti 11ENSALI, Me, Mgt! MclicIan le or. 0 'trill to the• wostt. Masc. SI, tOcaok has relearned after sPendir.g ;leveret weeks with, lifer deeenter uGuelpte • Tkve Sew elemeaesietoke ataat or the electric light plant .its Irearly eoine pieta& Je Wel'isiiitiller and ehiltitrelt of Saskatoon Stasi,. are vting Witk ; • Sehtivc ati tiricrata clVtr, and \Mrs, Jes, Dick. of 'Calgare ore visiting for 41 few' weeks. walk; Mrs.. T, Dials( Mrs. Joseph Htedeon 'loos bicuIki ill for eeveirai •weskit. btr, Geo, Joyst pas his ey eoratoi• golinis in /tall swatss. Bunting up and down stairs, sweep hag and heridline ovez "malcitng banf Will Mot make a WOMOrt, healthy or beautifel. She must *get out of doors walk a mile orr two every day` omel ft791ro lahamberlainas •tablets to 'prove Ler ctligeetiora and; reSsuiate her •law - els For safe by all ,cleaterse • c ZURICH 5. „Mies Roxie Eilber eisited• irieeds :lion•don ast wocils Mr. Earl 'Weide) is ,clerk eat), lino- filieb's store. .• • Miele titrar of Buffalo Y, j ?Pas ,iting at the homeof Mr. and Mrs, '.1.1:tte, Johnston • Mr, Garnet Alagel and sis,ter •Gertle. of :Cottrell; are visiting relatives in (lawn ar,d 15enr,y Eekstain of the Broils. son bine is raid up with a severe aSe, tack of plearley,: Rev. and 'Sirs, G.11', Bretivai 0.0140t11. pani.ed by Rev, and Mrs; L, WieLish or Madmay lett for Sebewaing, • 1,1ersday, on a short vaastistl, trip IL. Fred Soutescot t (nee Mae .11.elert Maxine) has returned to iSer parental :home, "'after ependin• e • 'the: Iasi few 'months et the Bend" Mr„ and Mrs. Southcott leave shortly for California. •• Miss lAda Warm left for Dekreit where !she iliterds taking. a Course bn stees,s- college • . 3O.se, Miranda Brow, who taste been holidaying' in Sebringvilia and Stratford ithe last 'few weeks has res t tarried lame'. Mr. Alfred lfelick .tost a ' heavy were irorth *boat 4$30().00 reeently £rennteuatetroke. His hired mar,. Mr„ Wna, ITheil was healing a toad •el eine to hi:Albeit:leek's, mill .and where wieleie a etiartor "of. ,ta mite trona the Mill ;the animal dropped on the. roalii wad wes dead three hours, latert. air lalolick bas ,ustiiiaed soSeral ioseefe •this Iseasors to dila .hoirse stock, hile total lose fleeing estimated at net Sass. tan flse hundred dollars. . article that has rear• naerit ellentd in time becoate popular That' suck is the case nehen Chaniberlainis Cough Remedy has been attee,ted by rnany •de a lers Hers is; 041k. ief them. 11. W. Illensdrickson, CiPio Palle Inds, writes, Chamberlaineouglif Remedy is the best; for coughs cotds' end croup and is mph at sellere FOr saic by all dealers.• DASH -WOOD Aniong those Whe \were. ir., Lelnidosi last: week atteadieg the ;fair were M. end Mrs, 'II, Hoffmae Sesie. Walxvbold, Mes8,rs.- Dan Tiennar, Kraft, Mildred' McWssee and liFel,n Roffmiten. Mr, Ezra -Brenner of Sktrattord. ,s:sited hde parents recentlyt Miss, Clara Wiliert of London ilaitt- ed Ller parents on the 14th ter a few days, M;ste Bertha Brenner of Pterkhill visiting her parents.. Mess Sadie Mcfeatte,Wcts the: -hand" ionet eileer stet ;given by this johnatoa 'Con.eart Co. or the Most reveler lady Mees amid. :Hilda. Betas, tett iast week for 'London whore they Seift remain (for a tisect. liCes Sfakins of Illleatee ita ist oteatrge of Tiernan & Dclighoffer*S. idepartnicu t. ' Mr, Was Klienetiver and Away are Lorne from Yale .SLch. Mrs. Rs Done:hay. of 101aleago 144 1110-: iting Mr. argl Mrs, J. K, Goetze Few if any, medicines, haws 133181 wi th the sunitorin success that has attended the use( of Chamberlaim Colic Cholera and, Diarrhoea Remedy This remarkab*.e cure of 1Colie cliarrI.,oe'a which it 'has' leftesttoel TVerIY neledhork4911 en i•O Ykdo tey, *-91114104eae,:a.444, ejaa-eate:14Aa, • 7 : e looDivarve-qatoo.ovarli An ein'inent ecienteet,„ Ste °Ogee trays gave Ills op:inace, that the moat woo. dereu I <Stec overy at .a:ecent !years„ welt! the dlscoVery of Zem-13ek. Just thenk. As soon as A .6ingle thin lay - of Zana-Buk le applied to the wound or a sore sech injury isir.aured a.gaiasst hood poison.. Not eine spew- ies ofmiarobe has been found that, Zana-Buk does not kill. Then again As eocin as Zeen-Buk is applied to a sore, era cut, or to akin disSas.e, it steps 'the esaartines That he way .ibildren are such .friende se Zameliuk. They care nothing for tle science a the thitge All they know is that, 1Zam-13ok stops their, aj,:., ;Mothers should reiver !forget. Again As ,soori as Zana-Bult is ap- °lied to p wound or 41, diSetlaad part Lee cells beneath tbe ekfs'e surface are so letimulated that ;new heatlyi, tiSene forna below is Zam-TielsTi aec-. rtk or toshoit. Ttio, tissue thus for-: rneelsis worked up ,to She eearface anal trala, casisIf the .disessedtisseee ateVe it. This De why Zara-Mek cur - OS. are permanent: es tinly;Ithe other day Mr. Marsh, est 101 1Seoritnier .Ave,; SVIontreal, upon tle Zam-13uk Co. es.d told thena that for tWebty-tive yettra had' Seen a martyr to eezema. 1tii hard were at ow 'Vine so coOered with sores that Sic bad to eeep :with g'oves on. ,ronr yeers,„ ergo Zetn-Buk was entrOSticed to him ate( in a kvS„ months it eilred him., To-dayeesttl'" three years trate 4rbs dine of a tits-, .taea 1,.!bed for t we n Y714117 IA ha LJ"Jj VV haS iWtrEtt; brittle of. any retort of the ecteraile Alt elreote sell Zara -Cult et fille box, �r we will mend *eb trist box. ,ff you pond thal odeer Mamie:et and 4 I c, s la ni? to y le ear a Poeteestai A:de dregs Zane -1311k Co, !Toreato ; Llatbre derod eietitre piece cfaloeis.WUuQt Alilatte rtOrelb. TRE EXETER TIMES Exeter Fair A Success Centlx.ued from vege 1, . s PEA;OFIES Early !Crawford, IS Brook var; other ;variety, E. ,Ilader; „ * MISICELTJANEOUS aollection of .eannad fruit 3., Maker ere, N . Borden ; Hooey iji jer Wm.' Slegalia;w; Oolleetion of leome-made winea ars, MI:Whereon, 3, Decker sr; 'Collection of bottled pielr,• les, 3. Decker ,er, Mra. Molatexeorel ,11oet 'collection of canned vegetabies. J. 3/eckereer, Mrs ,IlePtereort.; Jadoe-eVein. Dauncey •DRIRY PIRODBleara '" Five :vowels of butter atiffiereotly sitlted Tae„ Mortara, 'Begot, Bydd; Ten upends of 'miter entficiently saltecti ojassrlfirnek,stienii Thebt, lofneti roll rs lbs Bebe, ,Kydd, Frank Pettis; altrecial--most neatly arrenee ed plate Of butter for table ustellobt,, liydd Mi, Dick; eheese, privete mado 10 pounds .7. 'Decker sr; Speoial -- by J. A, Stewart for the best atook of Ibutte. J, 'Moir; Special-- by T. tiluaeell- best. 10 Ihs oft better, :feel. Norton ;-Judge W, G, 'Meade f VEG:STABLES ReaotY et Hebron Potatotet T, Ilrook sr, Pearl of Savoy potattemt.,. Brock jr; 101111'?•• .4 hat potatoes Brock sr;ilied „Elephaut pataCoese T, 1Brotk sr; Stamen No t 3, Rag - [earth, 13reck, jr; .Roral Drew. Yorkers la Brock, tar„.T, Brook, jr any otter variety potatoes, S. 3,14.tel- aerth; jr; 13roet er'; 'Winter Cabbage Rowe, Geo, .Assider.' soa;; ran +Cabbage da Rader lite Sane dere; Blood teats h.. Deavitt R, Sala- fierS ; Globe be1 5111 Sander.s C, Bi- rney; Sugar beat, 3, Itieher, 1 Sian - dere ; Sugar be raan.golds, W. fl Deneng W. it. Passmore; Lone Man-' tro'da,W 11. Deariale Doettitt ; • fotermediates E. Satdere*, Del bridge; Early Horn 'Carrots, Sid San- ders, B ,Sanders; rear.tes 1Corra5., Sid Sanders, R , r.4s; Dun- Orenge or red 'carrots 3. 'Settle; white or yellow ;field. carrots, E Under ; cars sweet eor.n, T, ]rock r. W. IL Dearing; ;carte Indian corn, Wa Detfrimg. T., Brook en,'„ Puripkina Sanders. S. Standerse Swede Turerl#: M, Clarke E. Rader; teat eaulifte- er, tpIlrekok jr eo, Aiadc,r'son; Bet Onions, Birrey, S. Seeders; Waite or yellow onions, O. Eirney, Sese. dere; Spaniel onions .V. ftlrn4ye Sanders; Tomatoes, nbt Sanders, S. Sanders; 'Celery, tele Rieney 3, Sotale; Girona ie. Deeeitt; Parsnip's 3, Got - t.7.0 shapton ; Hubba,rd ;Squash, See Mitehell; Nest ectiletion of vegetab- les, Te,Broek jr. R, Saelders.; largsat; turnips, Robb Sanders; -,Sedge , .44 lelirfele • latOW'FiRS - Begestiess-Teberous, Wm -wesaott, 3 Cottle ; .Begonias Mrs,. A. illelahersoo Foliage; J, !Cottia, SS, (a. Staleb.urs: Geraniums in bloom, .7.,•tGottle; Hang - :Os; basket eSplotte,, Mrs'. A. BloPter son; Collection of flowers n pets Dick, S. 3: sflogrearth; • • CUT FLOWERS *settees, display, J. C.ottlet, E Hufai, ton; Dahliae Ster.dard j. Cottle; Dali ilas Cactus T. Cottle; Dahlias ditplay. S. Cottle; talactloaue, 6 varieties J, G Stan.bury; Gladiolus, (Ballo:it Dr. IfyiecInaar., T. G. iStenbery; Nastur- tiums, display; 3. G. Stanbury, E. Iluston; Petunias Miugle display 3, Cottle;Petunias double dieptey tla Gotble; Phlox BruMmonde display, T., Cottle, a 13irney; Stocks display. 3. Cottle, Ifee'Birney; .ft'eas di - ;Say. G. Biente‘y.G. MaLead ; Verbeteo display. '3 Cottle; Zinnaso dielplaYt, 32 CotIe.8, Birtrey; ;Beet nrre.r.ged bee+ '•ket J G. Sfenbury; Best ;errata' merle ler elirsner„tabie, fir:„.G. Stan- bur,y, 3,Mol.reCiallection of A)r.nraiats 3.‘ottle Dr. IlYeelMar.; Floret tie*Site for !entre'. j. Gs Forest 1 SS* r2!_,_•• es templet, .111 GN ; StanburYi sletieg :n tcet !floaters, Dr,. HyreinteinYdlk t , PINE ARTS • '• r ' Pairtir.er In oil landseapt Mrs s ID. Hole, Mies Lieliagstone; PaiAtins in 011 figure MTS. ;Wickwire Miss Liv- ingstone; Painting in oil truit or flowers Mrs Wickwire, Mists Liyinee- stone ; Water color landseapt, Mrs. White Mrs, Wickwirel' Water color figure, '1Iise Livingstone, Mrb.: HeleS Water color fruit or flower Miele Lite flagstone, Mrs', 1?fele;• Sepia patnbing Garnet Heywood, lirs. aele ; Beat Picture of Huron County scenery, Mrs Wickwire, Mies Lerineetene; Fyro? 'esrapLyeeteres Hele; 3• G 'reeeS,Vc• ortVe, 'art' airaPeelfelle 'MM.. Bele, 'M11 iSg• 4,ketipla, /PA- eetlatriee t ' I stillest 7PlaitiSeepSeS En. ' kiepte .7. fierCer; illotoseraelts. 06- Aiet11:`,, 4 .Graeve. geywood'; et latotographie Seth or; Pen and ink ak-eteh, Sirs Shale G. IThyvrood ; I'a1tntir oaL iFL E. Beate*, Mrs, Wickwire; • • r MXSELL'ANEOUS Hair dressers work Henry Neebt, T, Decker jr,; Collection of coins. Gt. Anderson 1 & 2; 'Collection of atamps Andersoe 1 & .2; Collection of eta- :ositips G. .Airelerson 1 & 2; -Judge ,V..1), Weekes, ; eei*„elsieStel LADIES WORK Sofa pillow kvashabie MiS/4 stone, lf, E. ;ITustor.; Sofa Pildow mounted J. G, (Forest, Miss Liviang- tone; Piano Drape, Olfissi N. Tom; idetoird searf J, G, Forret S. Dck- r er; tWhia.k tolder Mrs. 3, White, Hand or ,fancy beg MreLeyhite Mabel label Brook, Fancy 'ptn castle*, Miss Torn; Mese Liv:tagetone; Latreld- Y .bfig Mrs. tVhitet Mabel Brook; leeek Seco:rheas of darning 'out, IVIles White; Button. boles, Drilee 'Citn• Mises 'White; ter tehaeg, al'si Tom Mee aVail e' .; Pair of Bellow ettame. MI6% Tom, Mrs. (Bele; PROW eases Babroideeed Beaton Miss Toin; kaltad.wilrese Mrs, White, Neeh; ade undereothir.e; Mrs, Ilastize;S; inbSeSslered towela, MiSA, Brown 11, ca ton Drewt work towels Miss 1iier; Plain Hand sewing Wise Tim; l(jIetsufgha is Miss Tota; Tea. Cosy le:matted Jas.- Borten, *ties Teat ; -Tea (fay W este ble Miss 13rown; Fancy 850 or .box ;for handkerch:els ores t Mrs. White; low' flack u has, kiss Prows; Tasting 11103 areeteatatieeeeNetaireets,,Jalites.;1,JeKitae tone; Photo' :frame II, Beaton orOs L.; Fancy epror. II. Heaton) Miais ,Vingstor.e;; Embeeidered beat rot - ':or' dieing table inn; IL Bus' oo ; Itanbroidered ,ner-tre piceoir 5/liee Bill Niels Divinglitetee ZObral 'tiered Tray Olotas Mr,s Specimen of Betustieo!:.itle. ailoh Brawl"; Luttele oloth tit white 11. Hine ton tediss Isivingstolne firmer. cloth in yomfa stas Isivilegeterm Manna, Wick- wire; Lagos 110benburg atre, . Mrs White • Latiee, lion: tool, 'M:riso Wickwire dfilee Livingetoo ; Lae* "l'eperlt•Pe i?oint Mies Mrown; teeree Datheae Miss Livilognthee, afro, Bill) Queen Ann Deening Mese levineselfeerie Slumber , :Rug, Misa Tom; ,CrOaket Shawl or ;tape 'Mies Tout. Mabel, Brook; Oroetet slippue. Mai 1 Brook Idlas Tot*; firocleet nodersleirt litabet &oak, Mies Tom; firochet lasilostor Maieel Brotilt, Mies, To: saroehat • fan ts jaCke Mia6 ,LiVing4410911(4, Maki' el Oro ; Orogthe t infants he/Ia.-NU; Mabel Breok, Beery apeeb; Ktroch.a6 iefants tootees Mabel *Brook, Henry .Orochet eaglet:a. Wise Rill, Janwi Terook; !droetet work in wool Mabel fireak,a/1 ra. Dicke 13roeteet table mete Mattel Brook. Mr*, Dick; 63rochea work And Laney braid oombileed MI ,Teivingetene, G, McLeod; . Croshet • Trish roitt4 . 11,Illituattrol) Mrs, Hine Kai te siipperA Mise.Isivir.getone, 131. Beaton; Reatacti aim1 or cape, ltaieat Tons; ranitted Lace or triatraiieg cot- ton, Mrs. Bill, Miss Tens; knitted Faseinatiii, Mies Tom; Etaieroillee$ Wallaehin Mrs, 'Wickwire l‘lista Tidy- ingsinee; Embroidery pibbota Livingstone. 3. G Foxes,t ; Embroidery • Sesielow IVtiss Brown, 'Nista; Living - one ; Embroidery aey e le t ; Mies Browna,Mlas Dyer;EMbroidery stiaele ed work, Neve Wiekwire, Mee, White.; Embroidery roman or feet work Rat% ' Wiekwire; Enibroidery Herdartgafe af,a,e, 'Whine) Embroidery moent lick, 'aiate Livintatene alas, Wickwire Eadiroidery knekalsaclis, Miss, L1lltig0 sLori, Mr. Hastintase Embroidf,era Shirt waiet x, Decker ler, Embroider' Priln eh toe* eyelet combilaied Ea 11, Ituaten; Etnbroedery Doilies, mot lees thao six Kea. Wiekevias; eight ehirt tfrs. dIastitnets; MraidieSs Mee: 'Wkite ; 1Corenttion 'Braid work ali.ss Tom, 'Brock jr; Qailts pateh- work in cletE Mies Tem,. J, Deaker r. prahaiest in ei/k Ansi To. 5 G Foreest ; :411trenterpane tufted 7. Desk - or sr; Clean terpane torochet 3,, Beek- er. Sr, 3, Beaker. ,jr;; Itieutoterpares knitted Mire Tern; Rag Met aeW4ed, Mies riosa; late, mat hooked, Mrs, 11e - A \tor, *hoe, .1Ced cif ; Table til$m tra eplece Mies Livengstone„ laaiefs. Thomp- sen; lattig. Wool mocks heaw Mr7SP• Me: • Phresen *din Moir; pair ,soeks thee Mrs. Mereherson; Pair; Fancy ofeek- j.ngs it, A'aet•RI, Alarloo. Pair ladirs! wool and silk nails Miss Tore, Na. nin ; itair of wool or milk gloves Watt Tema troels; Pair ;nea's wool slits ?Also Went; Farley tertieles for are/air' • Mrs, alak..itre; 'Wank ldoee on crim or . canvass, Mr. Ilas binge. Mr se White; ead work; kfrs. 11111 Mrs. Wickwire ; Fancy mricferwaist II, Z. 'Huston itfish •Livinzstono; Modern ertss • taliaSh tLis . Whitle Mists !Livingstone; drawls; thead work fine Miss Brown, Mets. Whi te ; Drawn thread work °terse lf, E. lieuelin fJ,, Dibeker jr; FanoV eh•irt waist M'iee grown ; holt doeen hamdleerchiefs with iilt11 Mabel I3rook, Miss 13rawne Stest Novelty in fancy work Miele •Toea. 11, 13, neston 13est and ed*ost 'colic:cajun, tee Lade ies work Mis.s„1".;trie4g;tione, Mrs. Hill; St:entailing '11t nettiat 3.'hompoien;' Metal treft II, E. Nue- to* 3.• G. Fort: Losf Home-made itreed, 17, 11.; 11104111.. F. 1o'&; Qbe dozen Lome mecias.ablins H. E, Hosteee elorkee Speeial- Iilervey Rrote fair the bese loaf of bread baked, ream' Ilarvey Brot.'34odel moor al, Ctfarks OHILDBEN'S DEPAIITMENTi 14re/seed. hall,3 ,itaatierson; Boas ceothea 3, Andexessa Fahey pin eu.i- 7. Daiwa seekg• Sitiititiners, J. Aecless on ; Creche a work an cot tea .7, IAIndeeson ; .10roche t work in wool J. Andereen; Painting etlY obX%et, 0 ilea:wows Pateharr 3tottdle teee„,te, ' Byles on; Bina .tmonk the helmet:bus suetnories1 • ot-I oil with linglielf-jed;ies ht one of list (te, I ly1e3 and his; hors*. This 111: .1 I'M jnrlst WilS 1V•ttii known In his pro- • ession ;for his nev•ii• on "Rills," and tie e ge ve e tine °port unity for alliter: -alter his eiseocitites were accustomed bestow 5110 italaq on the horse, wisieb h4 bur' it sorry steed. /101,1. awl: lni tilacmot,Irrosle: oat Caaeei' t1411:4"tiq1911-"W atillIffiletXtetr1741r4fetafalan,li•*Wheitli4a,,, ia (emote+ client' intpah.ed as ea Me 'telgeee whereebotitag he was told by In-sellyept; ,with s, clear conscience, "master was out oi latesiness." The French ImperiaI Guard. The Imperial 'Gard of Emile° Was rented by Napoleoia, 1. when he'be- etine emperor in 1804. It was formed by a merger of the 'guard.' the "eon- eention,"ethe "directorY" and the "cog.. en la te." ' I , consisted nt, first of 9,775 men. but Was afterward •conside2rahly enlarged. In the year 1809'it, Was .by the emperori,s. order' deviled dats. the old and eyoung guards. "In, Jaatutry, nrinibered 102,700. Itwdti'disz solved by. the ,Bourbon ,Lonla.XVIILdn 1815, revived by Napoleon 111, murals iiered with Metz to the Geranium, arid abotiShed by the governisentso.on atter. • • ' 114, /:77`177:7:77-tr• -Rdhert,Browning. Of Robert Browning toward • tile close of his life Frederie Hak•rlsog if xnernoirs hhs thia to say: "He' wee all tbings te ell men and till woOtee, alway'll et Ms best, always brinOng Ight, bitp1ness, generosity and ecease nto every soelety'she entered. ttlaink iiin the Intraidest soda' spirit, whom' it liee eve? been my fortune'to meet." His Retirement. Friend-rtureen't seen yOu for settle f!me, rnot is 1 robeha a geed deal of fl reehiste,latay. , tweed -I Mood se. ffew emelt do yea ,oered, no that epenks,of thingeetbat de note FLPATIVG A 1501M11 AWAY:. 1 Store of et.b'e lardelin Of Coirmeroial ', 4‘74)Al Pr-folfAitt.,#wp.. ,A, , okiipl.x.ro.,9:44.;,strePt444 -in:V*6000 hed4an :oritila. 'lit tkeelltak with. 16: prei: set InflacsAra,,,I,E #iiic no,eal.°10!..t44;T- agioat•16.14; paha' lawn • oeVeknAltiy ,ettiod Qi1 t the; Ai* Al . Min d -facblit, s4e1'Qv,9 the r'hbr' 11 tit 114410 S '4 iS bor, ,witeF t„ ou ..e.,118, -, , eldelliii ',Yeats agd.„ tile't10,4y.re'ent irinialo; Irciy,I.,n,!.rt,owal.VaOs t,,440.,Y4 to, ogettoArOte*the_,W,bior4V,ysi. tilt threkteninesga:. ,1.144 p4iiiisooto.w2fits ,iti,goi,i i 'lei Olio' 65.2 tty-3)44; , a epali „ ofi'd akikettiewalttNhOeseer4,-g6ink to do ."sffili tlie',11gisA ' ;P• .. - . ; "Old: 'eta doWn, ;et, coerse," eat& the governinA - ' *:sect;'.ersver have 'em II inquired ,the ei hetet° pees. e...ev 't eatir "ka '" "'r.ePtledettelegeYernesent, ,9t yeeuif t 'ireorsiaiwaff.;,!,0 :41*1' 'ackoe'd,f11,RIFtroxingotaNixilans., M4.". itretherA Om . ttiol: l',41,1F.e!.,ohr sendiedee4„NieetiseVie'ear obleme a, Of iii.104,41nollilg- -:73e,V, St111134:14•411r ee iiIngs.afeta. li,ege M'cOile,_'''Vkil'etst • ,,alt;741ettiI'n t-haeataecer,lieeet, eaerce ,e,tdealetle_ esioat Mhz' orilhethe, viellage, taaBleaelaPteaeraftatelte, itp nitifitthae trosligoesse trettselat sae:1641Tel e heal, Ili and,parine, thaWygbtif w,revo,gt-00; 1*.t,f,N,1444,dattedyMiedie Ali' the. rallerik' :kap,ita- tedeiyea4OF as:e;+1.46..nt 'te ceitalies-,.the le:AO:fel, glIt'fatring gelililtitOqi7, ..l1;141441kiliIn Mitgltzlte. ''''• a `''-file . 1 ..' •, r''''' : r ' ir• -:.,',,. .- - ,,-- 4 1 . j'k-41'C T • .‘ it U MA AIL. ••• • +t• e • 4• re - • e •ae,r- a1.-- Tfria013!= ratitere Oals leeies'•VtithontaAite, reisegrtet, .410 terelitotre:,,a" illeatarkerttuaitp'ilit edoireiteril ititlitatili*OlikTgatat eillaft4 Cabs lissente.. "a`a•t6• etiearte'eeineaft Ares'. ledeerlida.irhes.: : •• area. 'said tert,k4ArlstinnitSPilid.&05PcIftls&derath toi'eree ,eopert,'dicl,areateapp t-tecteeten aoon'ahpilgeigreat la94 oPsizgeassiteelife;;191C0-04.1' 'inlentssliesseSktfitrozatiPhavii; pro,Slidpati iiip?r,tiletheiretre* Sge-.09,ditigi'Ssehi beetreeineAqfeine';thee-elise t eterheiVertag ex.fidriel,i orin a amtsv?Ing.atet' d'nue-•-bn,* shellaonatistataiiPrOachr`ottrdety weiteb- Site,Olettheenteaketlye •seradeet,10,4 ;seam yr:ta,c4Ityn tan'd a bslihraelie Allstate, theetar ItaelSeviter: itfateileoruliAri 4.44teet1,401,aa12 .ofetate fear taltineVe riallget,'Maee.e.4eld: eseatiS i'vaterlax113 Wbed In S .`catesiteasiiiesheetiftlef an'ettfee:sn'ape ofti,as41141; tapt.:21:, wat) ,pecOare,',13.41•54be, seen: by aCvsrtdichmdsapfce. r for "theeeicavrieol Reeelitte arxesteetiatiefeiroteemetenen. et&nfo*cer • at 012)e,o kr961. to Alpine .1XWMetteOrylOeY de- teerree#0, ter a hoopr.eisibAct. /6.P5' or4404-$06'14,1•a '102,4 ivreOkri41-644Cs pipa.titsiiinBla gise aMenetfiesi.'eneir dLOWC ,d4opci-high'i! weenot41) 44464t4. (21144447.a 'Witt %Opt* cilistan'4.1101elda k24,64.)` 111.1110).t.st. t.b*:Cerits4rPar ^swap - Weed; edilrOottlie•Stat: se Id lrtkivielsislt, witilasAklitaltadaani breilsedtta. ink& Itt, thetegOteths t1149 113 ace* Jasitaiada welila. the nee,Oieree but net eetareiy betartiful, umbrella '•had • been '. repeoflu*I' ixi beontee4revr Turk Sian - r...v. • - esea Fooledeleoree . erret4,asked to ge$ rem:1Y to staret xtTleareday 'on'a longlietuney- de. you.'tfitick y."1411 cOuld: deso r Nevada. eatployere Whe was a- iild- fe*eir, • , e'en 110111notativenerneettatneve; 9 o o DRoPs MinGIIIIIIIIMI1111111111471111171.11111111M11111111111111 S.L.:.% 14 mrundmuintfirmnrualumwtmzu Pxomo • DiOstippghgerfol, iiet§.41111:',...tquktains neither 46411or-I41Ide cal ov.VAittc.oTxo. R-ke liffogmenprza sta;" ;44 - &stew? 17144,14214,4, ; • Suotr . •Ogw.,1' kyiegzqiesnottrot COnstikir' oiSixr sionathiniarrhoeo; \qrU�flyUtoI;Eeveri811- taosimulei, Sigruiture of " IOW" Aria_ readniths old: 35 D'.9‘.**S'735CEI Skaa EXACT COPY OF VRAPPE151. • Infaits and The Kid You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of fl Use For Over Thirty Years THZOMWMCALOMMUMMINWOnKenV. ::`a0 -47';'.441f -Ver* THE ELEVATOR BOY. • lh Chicago ale ,Rapid Pr:ogress - in Becoming an' Expert." The'lflO'hay he• la oecupied mainly bid' elevator. asiespeoiMd,".day.';he is t so delighted stlfh;PaSiiien that he Makes every effert•to gffo ntIl the' information asked Ifi`f4h)nte`:.,et. • .0. irtie thlreday4he gets his uniform and'•beilias ,aegustegiiing latinself to tallingWiepa,a,Sengers teeesteal • Tife foarth., day -lea* toW to advaseeninVousen'salrers to.loof at 'the bullesiiiii%Serdloe.askettie,stifrter. ' fifth diy-^he „Is io boroughly veea6d in the duti& Of *his' peat:eon tbat Iteseao rim the sae. pattnseeple 4heArteyellitigi"Do-sviqoref4ppr'Sied thi'Ve's • Ilsoen 'them tsi,iaft back' geit4 admonatikeaMeeptench the latton. Aleo,ehe is 'nestreableato patsy the „neeeoa passengers :WO doors too far alid then refuse -to 15,', .bapla; 4414 %tie .simatia5"c1ay ,he is an adept- and del.:vie:a-teat-4as .it 1?y..s111ig" Oar (14.4441.04 the'teiee Apsai.welee atehbonet Itetae. glieteeter steReeive, thsi araleivettiaytee maple of thoos: to:10w o npa wiJzbeie . 4401?ccil!'? la OW ILoveei- (11444._...4pF wntopt:as,rtttba niter- ai ik134,1 4aOlvfc"-"Cetoafk" , Ow:tr, *** C1tVLMDEI$SOHN., Piolseer In eGeode,Bondnetida "artii — the Boy'sletohicre •ei • ; The' aat of• good ooniancting began witit:trlgendelkeelin. The LeiramigeGe- tkradhans exeenile,greitnees of:its or- chestra toshim. He was Erhard 'Leek- • finte.according.,te thee-Wairdi jooehipa' he earned the g'ociaPerill:and tVaPe'eta4radia.)7,443', there4-2., fee 440111301311101...3458f9/04e,•• _ , FiNtRlant- PAWN TICK dornalrhois It • May "Be :iltet Weallchti ;• ' ' '' .• Into 'a Trap. , ' p ...4"19sit0sR1langltlatongli one of MAI remit:rent i3treets the ether day," sat an **kart, looking individual, "I o Pied an important looking piece of le . per•On the sidewaik and, picking it g found it teehe e.,,aeveti :ticket for it mend giartpin Which ,some caret tersoralhd apparently, dropped- :•,.. Neerding to the tieket, the piu littl been Pipdged.several weekti beerV irfOw am I to pad tie Own, thought I. 'Shall Jeteke it to the pa firokerr'Perhaps if 1 &Alio oarner , ine4tee, steeit anyway: The pin 321:1 eui4 ISe• a 'good one and tionbtl' Woithltiree limes the amountetor W141 It was pledged- Why not aPp,ropria fete) My osta use?' '111eitiaeie on the ticket was Bro and: ray aonscience was relieved wit r found sekeral hundred of that na in litite airedtory.,1 I soon" made •-rtfutl end started for the broke a flee. I aiked to seettbe pin before deomang ft, staling that I bad boeag the te 'and -upon the Payment a seats ':st,a.,s; allowed to examine l- "4 31te4 all eight to me, ' althOugh Bra not a qUalifiedejudge of diaMond etel flagtli the prineiriel of $15 41 $1.80 and the Pin if Weft day I showed it to neik who d'eclared it to be Worth lesis. elfin the amoimt 1 had paid fort A-Iir is a trick' of Some people,". 11 allele fte defraud unwary persona:11k yonaself. The schenie consists of inglakeis for spurious piece's of, je airy Itirimotmts Many times in e*Ofa' 0 their valud and drapPing theicrp Vie sidewalk lii_difeerent _parts of to where unensite'Cting-peasons might 6 therilsand redeem them; as yon di, Niue yielding 'a handsonie profit:to", foro:,"-414144014% ...iv ..f.k :,.-:,: .,-.• - -, - , . OW014 WI W4 its.g nuetrirb is*s Mile . * everiOn4ii of tyo' RA* 'Av. ttsy0I •tF.ho4; z'o1:4., gci'.,' 6, oli are betuas stroll?"' Foesibly z..o vitt1E-6tWee mites ithin t.1}0 holy', ba that does not by an means reprOcit tetheresIts.ntaugen its yamoula ftevav. ' eryelteeTeahetle:$4.1Or` bears. For the sakis of Tound,t1infe we will call the, earths circumferO 24,000 miles, and ese yon, mut /:T!, traveled during the borer's stroll 11 Miles la the axial turn of the earthe 13et this lan'ot all. The earth MO- 4,3ourney arognd the sun every ect.r and a leng but rapid trip it is.. Thet distance -of. our trelanet from the an* weevill, put at 90,900,000 nallea,' Till 11. t•tte rads • og the O'Dell -2s orbita -ha the dienenter• Of tho eirele, as we dal It. The whole diameter, ,Ii,thereforet 184,090000 nallee, and the eirepmferi eile, being the dianseter multiplied h 8.1410, Is tibteut M13,000,000. '• A 14 Till's amazing distance the earth trAefii , els In its yeariy journeY, and divldba tel it.bi 365 vre•fliad the daily sp*eed,thott 1, ... The86,000.n. wo get tho di„ a ' on rode athe Slln dirritig/l fit‘ott boure .:Walle., -dtvide again be' twentye; riAli; tiled the- result is abeilt 0300Qi imwest Bat this is not the end of yen hosee tripk The sun, with its etttir4 1 brobd .4 planets, IS moving In spa at the , rate Of 100;006,000 mtlesoik ' Yetz. tilata isatthe rate of ,a littlel more than 4118,009 miles a day., isi 18e, 2.50;ntageg/au 091.1.4 s SO, , adding aretir urni11ej ibt'Ve1,;10 the .hour'is ajdal toorelneit 0 tliCes0h, Ws tO the eripla'e orbits 011t*ect dad ;lama egain to the earth' oueb,,,tti:IreiWit ttt:1140, iitinth,o , 0a.ti,ild0„):: _ 0:1 ;000el65 Meoe,„1 • AMA eglitaltr.a ernigeinv, oaf Stet • jotteraeyr^ • ,••E ;, • “von, bawt•tbrmight- of! tlin.p I don't believe you would. I should expet you 10.'0 4101" • "TAB. 1 &fel believe _I, conld get ready?' she saidetUrning to .her type- writer and maidag foul mistakes" in • the firat,iirie of,thfaletter she had be- gun. -Chicago Record-Heralch Matadi, BeC0421,03 Malady:ea That perseres ,have leery diverse/dem and tastes in Music ,.was exemblifted In an itecidetat, ataa viactil re- cftallately,&y6tsng- wornarine,Pas hay-, ins, quite arstruggle with 'a song and are wonian tn thiandiedee said to her coriapanlore. e "Isn't tbat a, beautiful axeloclyre The ether lookedebored nig. said: "It seunde more like et ,enalady to me" -St. Louie Post-Dispritelx;', • laaryowiretion...4., 'Mai do yitt;:filrechil::: Maitleg 1:fee Comfortable. e ". • Mi Rost's Youngest -Dont .youre Abatis feel very ancomiaartable When y'on walk, Mrs. idewlycher rydlie-Dear etie, what an aktrahrdi. Youngeter-a0h, only pe said' the • of tneeey yott.td got fareloo big tnr youv boots. • . e .• oti,:y..inc,e,:yote:1 '141.:;•,a73.; Is the MOO' 17,Ant• ,,°.i "5 "Ms ilatbersisl tise*balt,Otflitimei' ""trifi, 1, (Vail lather . kiletnewki &MI" " 44 be 10.4beEen, " "itay#ttes rk• -OCM *lett he -wets • ate: ee to 'being outhe bey sioachiena abut twelve or ett,delasiitne'veal- t fourteen years of age," he sail aAt thal time 'Joachim ,played Baeh and Beetlio;ren like a mhster. He tegan to rebearse,the Mendeisselin colibert with the orciaestraewiaen'suddenly with -boy- ish ,16eiatttuosily he turned to the eon; duetor and seas 'Herr Mendelssebn, am sale „there is'a mistake in' Dewar- cheitration here.' "The cheerful and sunny Mendels- solan replied, 'Well, that Is a•good time to;correct ,11, my 'boy,' and the error was foun'd and eo ted." _ ; , Two Curio• uS Kniyee. Whoa Sheffield first' became famons for its cutlery a peel:114.1.1Y shaped designedfor-a variety of uses, natfde„ehtli great care said sent to the age& .nethe Cutler4company bt 'London: On'obeeftte blades was ere , gravld jape, tont:Wing teh all eitge: l,Mdota, foe thy itee; , Sit'ree 1310 saChtanother knife. The Ilnatel cutlers, to sh'ow that they. vi'ke eclual 'to their Sheftield Peahen, ;gide a knife With a. single wellietempered blade, the blade having itacavity containing a rye etrhw 'two end ethalf hieltes:ent kength, *hol' ear: 'tonncled Jar the steel; yet. notwith- stan'ding. the tact„that tbe blade wale Oitempeted, the straw.,, was not birnegf oinked" or .Charred 1tilletleastl It Is behalf -as to add that, tlie Sheffield ettleca,ttekaawledged thenseeliree elite dette • 0!