The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-09-07, Page 35,7No.,ZicE-F".*.rvef, 44,1, By Doris Bond of The Village Squire A popular saying among wives and families -of steam enthusiasts is, "The only difference between men and boys, is the size (some say price), of their toys." Ardent steam buffs can be heard to reply with a shrug of their shoulders, "Can't help it, it's in my blood.". The steam era started a comeback on &bright, sunny day in August, 1957, when a handful of enthusiastic buffs gathered at the farm of Stuart Hunter near Cow' fright, Ontario, to share their memories, knowledge and of course, their huge, cum- bersoine, noisy steam machkes. This was the. fiiit Weistern Ontario Steam Threiheei Reunion. Word of the organization spread quietly and steadily, dispersed like a cloud of steam, until now we find steam shows across the province. For those who like to attend them there just Always a good selection of fully -reconditioned *USED CARS AND TRUCKS •GENERAL REPAIRS Class 'A' mechanics on staff SOWN ELECTRONICS HanfiltonSt. Myth 52:14412 Welcomes everyone tothe . TINNIER'S REUNION Invites you to come into our shop and see * Satellite T.V. *Magnavox T.Y.'s *V.C.R.'s *Yorx Storoo's *Clock Radlo's *Sunboam Kerosene Hoators *Tolophonos and Small Appllancos