The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-08-17, Page 46Descriptions Course/Programs to the overall design of a job, to review the various forms of legislation which permit and prohibit information in appli- cation forms, to develop, an evaluation ability of the conventional letter and the job resume as employment application forms, and the various types of covering and follow-up letters to a resume, to develop an appropriate procedure to determine the best candidate, to deter- mine the correct way of giving and taking an interview. BMS -E SS -C Offered at: Doon. anaging The Marketing unction Objectives: To introduce and explain the marketing process to differentiate be- tween controllable and uncontrollable factors, to assist in developing market- ing objectives, to help establish and control a marketing plan. This course will be valuable to owners/ managers, marketing, sales and adver- tising managers, organizations of any type and size. BMS -C Offered at: Guelph. People Management: Tools And Techniques Objectives: To provide participants with the necessary skills for developing teamwork, in any type and size of opera- tion. Areas covered: organization planning, employee motivation, selection of per- sonnel, induction and training, perfor- mance and appraisal, industrial rela- tions, constructing an effective environment. BMS -E Offered at: Doon. Psychology Of Professional Selling Objectives: To help salespeople improve their roles as problem solvers, territory managers, and customer educators, and to stress the need for a professional approach to selling. Topics covered: the psychological ap- proach to selling, needs, characteristics; and behaviour of prospects and custom- ers and how this knowledge can be used for discipline, planning, leadership, overcoming resistance to change. BMS -C Offered at: Guelph, Waterloo. Purchasing Owners/managers and all staff with purchasing responsibilities in any type or size of manufacturing or distribution business will benefit from this course. Students will study fundamental princi- ples in purchasing which help avoid costly errors and build a more profitable operation. Topics include: Purchasing and Profits, How Much to Purchase, Selecting Suppliers, Purchasing Outside Canada. BMS -D Offered at: Waterloo. Successful Small Business Management A course for owners/managers of small and medium-sized businesses or those entrepreneurs who wish to start a small business_ Focuses on the many facets of management skills needed in day-to-day operations. Topics include: decision- making, organizing and con/foiling fi- nancial and other resources, and operating and marketing policies in successful small business management. BMSA Offered at: Cambridge, Mount Forest. OPTIONAL O.M.D.P. CREDITS Appraisal Interviews And Performance Evaluations A Communicating the appraisal of a per- son's work performance effectively is no easy task. The subtle but specific techniques needed are offered in this complete training program. The program incorporates taped demonstration inter- views, author's commentary, role play- ing, small -group discussion, and self-as- sessment activities. There are numerous worksheets and instruments to help develop self-awareness. Role playing is used to study the objectives, methods and skills of interviewing a subordinate in a typical appraisal situation. Offered at: Guelph. A Systematic Approach To Management For Business And Industry A rimarily intended for those interested in studying management for the first time. The course provides students with some familiarity with various management styles and assists them in improving their own decision-making proficiency. Additional topics covered include: plan- ning, organization, management and motivation, and start-up and problems. Offered at: Guelph. Business Communications A This course provides theory and prac- tice of some of the knowledge and skill necessary for business writing. Empha- sis is given to the priorities of good writing as applied to the design and development of business communica- tion; including how to deliver clear messages, memos and reports. • Offered at: Doon. Effective Speaking A Applicants will develop self-confidence in preparing and effectively presenting their thoughts. This course will benefit homemakers, students, salespersons, shop stewards, teachers, etc. Offered at: Cambridge, Clinton, Guelph, Stratford, Waterloo. Understanding And Managing Stress A This 2 -day seminar for developing specific plans to improve our manage- ment of stress. Participants will discover where stress in their lives comes from, and what it can do. Having identified the sources of their own personal stress and their current responses to stressful situations, they will learn a variety of proven stress -management techniques. Offered at: Guelph, Mount Forest. Time Management A A course for anyone concerned with making the best possible use of dime. Topics include: setting priorities, i titying time wasters, managing time and improving written communications. Offered at: Cambridge, Doon, Guelph, Mitchell, Mount Forest, Waterloo. n - MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Introduction To Local Government (Unit 1) Topics covered include ment: The Myth and Historical Foundations, Local The The Govern - Reality, Present Structure of Local Government, The Municipality in the Federal System, The Financial Basis of Local Government. Offered at: Guelph, Stratford. CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY CONTROL (C.A.P.I.C.) INFORMATION SESSION An Information Session will be held at the Doon, Guelph, Stratford and Water- loo Campuses. A representative of C.A.P.I.C. will be present to answer your questions and provide information on C.A.P.I.C. courses and programs. See the Doon, Guelph, Stratford and Waterloo sections of this catalogue for more details. PRINCIPLES OF PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT This course is not a prerequisite but would form a valuable base for persons who wish to pursue other C.A.P.I.C. or P.M.A.C. courses. The course has been designed jointly by C.A.P.I.C. and the Purchasing Manage- ment Association of Canada to provide a basic understanding of the principles and techniques of Production and Inventory Management. The course will appeal to those wanting an up-to-date exposure to the field. It will assist newcomers to the profession, persons already in the field having no previous technical training, and those involved in areas related to Production and Invento- ry Control. Sessions are comprised of case studies, lectures and group discus- sions. Instructors are usually graduates of C.A.P.I.C. professional development programs or are certified in Production and Inventory Management. The regis- tration fee includes a complete set of student notes. Offered at: Doon, Guelph, Stratford, Waterloo. CERTIFICATION COURSES These courses are designed to aid the Production and Inventory Control practi- tioner in writing the APICS (American Production & Inventory Control Society) certification exams. Certification is de- signed to provide a uniform unbiased measure of a person's knowledge in the 17