The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-08-17, Page 45Descriptions Courses/Programs
intrpduce you to, the labour and money-
saving world„ of computers. The course
has been developed as a guide for the
potential user or purchaser of a small
system. It will answer such questions as:
What can a computer system do for me?
IS it a sound investment? What equip-
ment would I need? Should I buy my own
or use a service bureau? BMS -H
Offered at: Doon.
Computers From The Manager's
This is a management level, introductory
course on computer technology. It offers
the owner/manager a chance to learn
about computers without studying the
fine detail aspects of how computers
work or how to program. It presents
computers as contemporary pieces of
office equipment but emphasizes the
real benefits that can be obtained by
using them effectively. BMS -A
Offered at: Guelph.
Effective Supervision -
Objectives: To improve productivity and
provide tips on managing highly talented
personnel. Topics include: the role of the
supervisor, analyzing the problem, prin-
ciples of effective supervision, setting
objectives, organizing and planning, the
human factor, flow of information,
improvements, selecting criteria and
measuring results, taking corrective
action. BMS -D SS -B
Offered at: Cambridge, Doon, Guelph,
Milverton, Waterloo.
Effective Supervision
Objectives: To improve Management
ability through effective verbal and
written communication. Topics include:
learning to listen, barriers to communi-
cation, communication a two-way street,
problems in relaying information, cor-
rective Techniques in information trans-
mission, communication through role
play, the company meeting. BMS -E
Offered at: Cambridge, Doon, Guelph,
Mount Forest, St. Marys, Waterloo.
Effective Supervision - Human
Objectives: To improve supervision by
learning to deal effectively with problems
in employee relations. To maximize
profits in any business through team-
work. Topics include: understanding
people, selection and induction, training
employees, developing and maintaining
morale, elements of wage and salary
administration. BMS -E SS -A
Offered at: Doon, Guelph, Listowel,
Stratford, Waterloo.
Effective Labour Relations
This course is intended for managers,
industrial relations officers, first-line
supervisors and other business and
industry personnel involved with labour
relations. You will learn through case
studies, role playing and discussion.
Topics include: certification, content of
collective agreement, management
rights, complaints, grievances and arbi-
tration. BMS -E SS -C
Offered at: Guelph, Waterloo.
Effective Supervision In Hospital
Objectives: To improve supervisory ad-
ministration in the hospital. To develop a
more explicit understanding of supervi-
sory responsibilities and functions in a
hospital. To appreciate the concepts
underlying supervision, and their appli-
cation in the medical setting. To appre-
ciate the need for decision-making,
organization and execution of work,
involvement of staff and other re-
Intended Participants: Any hospital ad-
ministrative or supervisory staff; Direc-
tor/ Supervisor/ Manager of Mainte-
nance/ Supply/ Purchasing/
Administration/ Finance/ Special Ser-
vices/ Nurses/ Personnel, etc. BMS -F
SS -8
Offered at: Guelph.
Taxation, Your Business And You
Objectives: To clarify the principles
underlying Canadian taxation. To in-
troduce different tax planning tech-
niques. To simplify the application of the
principal tax forms.
Intended Participants: Anyone interest-
ed in tax planning; in particular owner/
managers of small and medium size
businesses and industries; financial
planning and management staff. BMS -F
Offered at: Guelph.
Effective Supervision -
Objectives: To identify the supervisor's
function, to eliminate waste of human
and financial resources, to improve the
motivational climate in an organization.
Topics include: principles of effective
supervision, motivation of the worker,
setting objectives and goals, planning,
scheduling, measuring results and eva-
luating efficiency. BMS -D SS -B
Offered at: Doon, Guelph, Stratford.
How To Advertise And Promote
You can't sell without advertising. This
course will help you take the first step in
learning how you can profit from
advertising and promotion. It will help
you develop a complete promotional
program by following a step-by-step
procedure including: developing a busi-
ness I.D., setting a promotional budget,
preparing effective ads and mailouts,
evaluating the success of your promo-
tions. BMS -C
Offered at: Waterloo.
How To Start A Small Business
This course is intended primarily for
individuals interested in starting their
own small businesses and those who
may have recently become owners/
Topics include: financial requirements,
the marketing process, management
and staffing, purchasing and inventory
control, financial controls, government
regulations. BM S -H
Offered at: Guelph, Waterloo, Wing_
Inventory Management
Applicants will study the definition and
role of inventory management, the cost
of controls, planning and forecasting
needs, purchasing for inventories, phys-
ical inventory management and methods
of management. BMS -I)
Offered at: Doon.
Management For Results
This course is designed particularly for
senior and middle management person-
nel who have senior responsibility for a
complete unit. The objectives are to
improve managerial skills, to devolve
fundamental and advanced concepts of
the management by objectives. Topics
covered/ include: Getting Organized,
Delegations, Motivation Through Job
Enrichment, The Systems Approach and
Setting Objectives and Performance
Special note: Applicants should be
willing to devote a considerable amount
of time to preparation outside of the
seminar and a desire to share ideas and
experiences regarding the art of man-
agement. BMS -A
Offered at: Guelph.
Management By Objectives And
For owners/managers of small and
medium sized businesses and anyone
with some management experience. The
course discusses M.B.O. as a system of
management, how to form and imple-
ment plans of action, evaluation of
results and performance. Various man-
agement styles and the advantages/
problems of the M.B.O. process are also
covered. BMS -A SS -C
Offered at: Cambridge.
Manufacturing Planning And
Objectives: To give the participant an
insight into the proper methods of
handling a manufacturing problem, to
train participants to use an analytical
approach to decision making, to stress
the management control aspects of
Areas covered: production planning,
inventory control, production control,
quality control, wage administration,
methods and time study. BMS -D SS -C
Offered at: Waterloo.
Management Skills In Personnel
Selection '
This course will be of `nterest to anyone
whose job function is to recruit new
employees or to appraise present em-
ployees for transfer or promotion. Some
of the objectives of the course are: To
develop an awareness of the importance
of correct procedures in selecting
people to perform tasks, to establish
criteria for hiring, to investigate the
conventional application form in relation