The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-06-08, Page 25+n7 .•:'"q;•ry2a POI POI POWDERED LAUNDRY Sunlight Detergent 6 LITRE BOX WHITE SWAN ASS'T. COLOURS FaciciI Tissue box of 200 sheets her /N,y/' � ut e/ CUT FROM CANADA'S FINE • j"•\\V- wrth��V���r1s1PM. p� ST GRADE `A' BEEF SAVE . OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED, -ice GOUERICI' M9Nar TAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 , 1983 -PAGE 5A y requirements! A&P reserved the right to 1,#tl�,[t.:quantiti! s to normal Tamil re ui Prices effective thru Sat. June llth,1983. • 6+U SAVE 14 1 -PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, ASST COLOURS White Swan Tissue PKG OF 4 ROLLS OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.03 Limit.3 pkgs per family purchase 2.4211(g 1.10ib Boneless Round Roast OUR REGULAR PRICE 8.131kg-3.69 Ib SAVE 2..65/k ! _1.20 Ib SIRLOIN TIP, INSIDE ROUND OR Boneless Rump Roast 59 Ib PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% Milk 4 LITRE BAG case of 24 < 280 mL tins 79 kg / Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 8.801kg-3.99 Ib AMP FRESH, GREAT ON THE B.B.Q. Lean Ground Beef INSIDE CUT Round Steak TENDERIZED Cube Steak_ PICNIC SHOULDER OR SHOULDER BUTT Pork Chops PICNIC SHOULDER, BONELESS Pork Roast . NEW ZEALAND SPRING, SHORT CUT Lamb Legs jj39 /199 Ikg Ib 637g Ib /289 Ik 725 /329 /kg Ib 3.06 /139 2� /129 Ikg Ib 571/259 /kg Ib GRADE 'A', EVISCERATED, 4 TO 5 LB AVERAGE Frozen Ducks . 218 /:99 Polish Sausage 359 /1 MAPLE LEAF REGULAR, GARLIC & ALL BEEF Sliced Bologna vacpac 1.49 SHANKLESS SHOULDER, PICNIC STYLE Fresh Pork Roast Ikg / Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.951kg-1.79 Ib ALL BEEF "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q. Shopsy Wieners SMOKED, READY TO SERVE, PICNIC STYLE Boneless Pork Shoulders REGULAR, ALL BEEF & B.B.Q., MAPLE LEAF Wieners MAPLE LEAF, SLICED Cooked Ham 1 l 169 vac pac 41g /1 lb 11b 159 vac pac 175g 119 vac pac MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REG, THICK OR HINT OF MAPLE Side Bacon5002 vac pac MAPLE LEAF, GOLDEN FRY OR SKINLESS Sausages MAPLE LEAF . ..PREMIUM QUARTERS Swift's Skinlned Hams PRINTED, WHITE OR YELLOW • Hi-Dri Towels NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED, SWIFT P Shank Half Harris - NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED Butt Half Hams SHOPSY, COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad hr SHOPSY, CORNED BEEF OR Pastrami SHOPSY, ALL BEEF Old Vienna Salami REMIUM ' RA s1t v_ -151'1 - � IkgI lb 4 3 /169 500g 139 pkg yl'rr pkg of 4 269 50 g env 500 g 999 pkg 0 29 CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET 50Pkgg 2 Sausage Italian Style rk5g/1" UTILITY GRADE, FROZEN, EVISCERATED, 4 TOfi LB AVERAGE Roasting Chickens 218./Ib .99 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED Beef Liver 196/.89 A&P, REGULAR & THICK SLICED Side Bacon 500 g vac pac MAPLE LEAF Bologna Chunm 3156 /139 COUNTRY, KITCHEN 239 Maple LeafHa 81T/399 SWIFT'S OLD MILL, BEEF & PORK Breakfast Sausages 3 /1 lb CHOCOLATE RUFFLES, PUFFS, COCONUT CREAM McCormick's cookies 4:117X1.89 BRIGHT'S, FROM CONCENTRATE, ASST FLAVOURS Fruit Juices r .99 MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 12/1 FROZEN, FAMILY DELIGHT WITH BACKS ATTACHED 249 Chicken Thighs or Drumstick IP9kg IN STORES WITH DELI! MAPLE LEAF REGULAR & PEPPERCORN Salami ,givii11002/1lb 99 BUY 1 LB OF SHOPSY'S BLACK FOi ST DELI LEAN HAM AND GET A 350 g N OF COLE SLAW FOR ONLY 1c Deli Lean Ham ,8$11002/399 SILVERWOOD, 1 % PARTLY SKIMMED, REGULAR CRAGU, HOMESTYLE, PLAIN (W/MEAT 2.19) T 49 Spaghetti Sauce 79r2.09 CottageCheese SETSTYLE Silverwood Yogurt BETTY C KER, ASSORTED VARIETIES CHRISTIE Ham urger Helper pk:1 39 Ritz Crackers NO.1 GRADE, CREAMED Billy Bee Honey COFFEE Maxwell House Gold OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.99 KRAFT 37 t e'�' 1.49 cPeanut Butter 369 g TIN MONARCH, ASST VAR. 69 Added Touch Cake Mixes 500 g ctn 21tub e99 Catelli Plus AGHETTINIPROTEIN P117S 9 1 ■59 A&P, RED '41:99 1 s99 Sockeye Salmon '-r21.99 OCEAN SPRAY, CRANBERRY COCKTAIL OR 1. i5 1st 4.99 Cranapple Drink 411"1.1S 18.5 OZ BOX PLAIN VARIETIES PCookeekies Frean OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.39 CEREAL Nabisco Shreddies LIBBY'S, PURE, UNSWEETENED OR PINK Grapefruit Juice ---o-' App )mink ®®.1 WITH THIS COUPON! BUY 3-GET1 FREE 1 Miss Mewood TINS , �� ■ 200 g PKG 1 I ' FEATURE PRICE 31.99 WITHOUT COUPON ' Limit one coupon per family purchase. ' Valid thio June 11th, 1983 0731377r1 ! 1 1 ILmanomumanuessoinumemovannoum IwotIIRIme t soisiiiitell Seniors elect executive The Golden Gate Senior Citizens Club newly elected executive for the year of June 1983 to June 1984 are as follows: president - Percy Blundell, first vice-president - Gertrude Goldthorpe, secretary - Irene Young, assistant secretary - Ella .Bogie, treasurer - Arthur Young, assistant treasurer - Dave Harman, sick and shut-in convener - Marguerite Horton, pianist Esther Gibson, assistant pianist - Adelaide Feagan, door keeper - Erma Ander- son, assistant door keeper - Ethel Smith, social con- veners- - - . Eileen-- ---Curran; Beulah Long and Erma Anderson and auditors - Irene Harnack and Myrtle Stirling. The Golden Gate Club has had a very successful year due to the interest and co- operation of the 106 members. It has been an All Star Club for six years, af- filiated with the United Senior Citizens of Ontario. The club was organized 27. years ago and has had to date 13 presidents. During this time there have been many interesting activities and pleasant gatherings. Harbor report . • BY RON GRAHAM .. The Algoway arrived light for salt from Fairport May 31 and cleared harbor the same day for Milwaukee. The Agawa Canyon arrived light for salt from Port Stanley June 4. and cleared harbor the same day for Wisonsin. The Algosoo arrived light foralt from Chicago June 6. Tidbits... •;from page 4A Jackie Meriam, .daughter of Barbara and Jack Meriam of. - Goderich,.. has graduated from St. Clair Col- lege of Windsor. She receiv- ed a diploma in Travel Counselling and a diploma in Communication Arts. She eventually wishes to begin her career in the Hotel In- dustry. +++ AUDREY VANDEN HEUVEL - Audrey Vanden Heuvel, daughter of Kase and Annie '4'' Vanden Heuvel of R.R. 2 Goderich, graduated with distinction from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Family and Consuiner Studies. At the graduating ceremonies, Audrey was honored with a scholarship for obtaining the top marks her major. During her four years at the university, she also received seven other scholarships Or proficiency in both curricular and ex- tracurricular xtracurricular work. Audrey had attended GDCI and Clinton Christian School. She now plans to begin a career in social research.