The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-05-18, Page 13rl 1 t-, GADEI CHAIGNi t WBEVESDAY, MAY 18,1003-.0.40$13 29. Tenders 29. Tenders TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH TENDER TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the supply of a 1/2 -ton Pick -Up Truck. until 4:00 p.m. on TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1983 Tenders must be submitted on Township forums; Specification and tender forms ore available at 'the Municipal Office In the Township Garage or from the Road Superintendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George Humphrey, Road Superintendent. Joan Armstrong. Clerk -Treasurer. R.R. 2, Lucknow. Huron County Board of Education QUOTATIONS FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Quotations for various construction trades are invited for interior and ex- terior maintenance projects at Huron County schools. Quotation forms and job descriptions are available at the Huron County Board of Education Of- fice, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, On- tario. Deadline for Quotation submis- sions is 12:00 noon, May 27, 1983. D. Wallace Chairman D.J. Cochrane Director 31. Service directory, SPRING WINDOW CLEANING AND EXTERIOR PAINTING Professionally Done CALL 524-4250 31 . Service directory 31. Service directory GARDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE 8 AP- PLIANCES - bought 8 sold. We deliver and move. anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 pr 'CUSTOM ijO �Ql•RENOVATIONS ,i01f" •ADDITIONS E( A .,,.,..„ 14,,.,,1, , , Il ,04 ,101101 IiIIIPfnlr'y1. , 11 :.,, •'M , •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS *BULLDOZING • BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete lob call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACtORS LTD. 524-6866 PELLOW CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Renovations *Home Repairs *Free estimates LICENSED CARPENTER Phone: Fred Pellow 524-2406 LAMB'S AUCTIONEERING and APPRAISAL Nothing too big or small - we serve them all. Licensed 8 Certified cAuctioneer Graduate of Reisch College HAROLD LAMB 524-9657 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE QUALITY and SERVICE *FLATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATES HENSArI.L ROOFING COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REGIER EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER ONTARIO NOM ISO CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For o complete lob call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING'ATD. 524-8668 31. Service directory PIANO TUNING •Repairs *Rebuilding *Keys Recovered •Da� ,4hasers BRUCOULSIFER 348-4223 Mitchell TREES Tree removal - complete tree maintenance. Aerial bucket - stump removal - Brush Chip- per Service. Fully insured - Free Estimates SOUTHWESTERN TREE SERVICE '82 25 years experience Phone 482-a822 CHIMNEY SWEEPING Burning wood have it done. HAROLD LEDDY 524-7237 CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Repairs. renovations, Roc rooms, etc. PHONE BUD HARVEY AT 524-7974 CHARLES C. CULBERT BACK HOEING Septic Tanks Weeper Beds Open Ditches Farm Drainage 529-7571 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich NOW IN STOCK FLOWER VEGETABLE SEEDS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL *INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN *ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St., Goderich JIM'S Renovations and Handyman Services no lob too large or too small PHONE: JIM CARRICK 524-4338 DISC JOCKEY ,, STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 SPRING Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL Living Room, Dining Room and Hall regardless of size $39.95 CALL: A 8, H CARPET CLEANING 524-7795 31. Service directory SALTFORD LADIES CATERING SERVICE Catering to: All types of Parties WEDDING RECEPTIONS BANQUETS Full Course Dinners Late Night Lunches Phone Today 524-0366 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years Clinton 482-3320 Seaforth 527-0284 PHONE Or CHROMATROPE UPHOLSTERY a VINYL REPAIR SERVICE 48 EAST ST. GODERICH, ONT. MURRAY F. TAYLOR 482-7928 CARPET St UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 16 Years Experience For Free Estimate Call SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE 524-8892 MID -WESTERN PAVING *Driveways *Form Lanes *Parking Lots *Repairs and Sealing FREE ESTIMATES BAYFIELD 565-2422 FOR YOUR •Aluminum & Vinyl 1r` Siding *Replacement Windows •Insulation Needs -Contact- GODERICH INSULATION 5206844 HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1971 ARE N IN- CLUDED IN THE CHIP PROGRAM. OFFICE SERVICES (Bookkeeping, Typing, etc.) REASONABLE RATES Confidentiality PLEASE REFER ENQUIRIES TO 524-7229 Or 524-7934 (after 6:00 p.m.) '1 1 DAUPNA ROOFING • Ro-roofll Asphalt 'New roofs.ICedar • Roofing Repairs ■ Steel FREE ESTIMATES. PHONE: • 529-7083 J PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS • CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 Aswiwimmosswwwwwwwsomoopwwwwwomvolgimwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwssvow 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF PERCY RILEY, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May, 1983, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY &'MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -19-21 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BERTHA MAY HOLLAND, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- named, BERTHA MAY HOLLAND, who died on or about the 21st day of March, 1983, are required to file the same with full particulars- with the undersigned by the 6th day of June, 1983, as after that date the assets of the estate will be • tributed, with regard only to claims' of which the under - s gned shall hove notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of May, 1983. D. GERALD HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 56 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor -19-21 32. Custom work CUSTOM PLANTING and spray- ing of corn and beans. 482- 3518.. 19,20 36. Announcements, 40. Lost & Found notices. IN THE MATTER OF The Estate of Maxine Elizabeth Cutler, late of the Township„of 'Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on March 11, 1983. Creditors and all others hoving a claim against the Estate are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitors on or before the 30th day of June, 1983. After that date the Ex- ecutors will distribute the assets having regard only to the claims which have been receiv- ed. DATED at Goderich this 6th day of May; 1983. TROYAN & FINCHER Barristers & Solicitors 1 Nelson Street, East, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1R7 -19-21 33. Farm services WANTED - GOOD quality hay, suitable for horses. Any quanti- ty over 260 bales. CaII London 4516482.-20x 34. Personal PREGNANT, DISTRESSED? Mar- ried, single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - Lo,ndon (collect) 432- 7197; 527-0115 or 524-2023 (after 6 p.m.).-2.52x,1,2x ARE YOU tired of being alone? Are you unattached, separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K SP1. Please state age. - 19,20x 38. Auction sole 35. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF The Estate of Gerald Irving Cutler, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on February 14, 1983. Creditors and all others having a claim against the Estate are required to file proof of some with the undersigned solicitors on or before the 30th day of June, 1983. After that date the Ex- • ecators• Will distribute the assets having regard only to the claims which hove been receiv- ed. DATED at Goderich this 6th day of May, 1983. TROYAN & FINCHER Barristers & Solicitors 1 Nelson Street, East, GODERICH, Ontario N7A 1R7 =19.21 3 - WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Com- mittee of the Goderich Odd - fellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Con- tact Amos Osbaldeston, 524- 9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524- 7217.-2eowx 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR MONDAY, MAY 23 AT 10 AM Antiques, furniture, ap- pliances, etc„ Esther Jamieson at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 28 AT 10 AM Antique glassware and furniture, hanging lamps. etc., and SUNDAY, MAY 29 AT 11 AM Antique furniture, glassware and collec- tables, etc. For the estate of Percy and Roberta Woolacott in the Mitchell Arena. CATALOGUES OF THIS 2 DAY ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION ARE AVAILABLE FROM RICHARD LOBB OR AT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OFFICE FOR $ 1.00; OR $2.00 BY MAIL, BOX 342 CLINTON (SEND MONEY ORDER). FRIDAY. JUNE 10 AT 10:30 AM Lobb Brothers Consignment Machinery Auction. Haying equipment, tractors. Phone 482-7898 or 482- 3409 to consign Now. Richard Lobb Auctioneer Clinton 482-7898 &A/noel/ ANTIQUE ESTATE AUCTION WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER BY PUBLIC AUCTION, THE ESTATE OF STANLEY W. KAY OF BLYTH, ONT. PLUS A FINE SELECTION OF ANTIQUES FROM SEAFORTH, on Saturday, May 28th AT THE BLYTH ARENA, FLOOR LEVEL AT 10:30 A.M. PROPERTY CONSISTS OF: Plan'169, Block "D", Lot 2. Dinsley Street. South Side, in the village of Blyth.. Ontario. Two storey brick home. - $1,000 deposit. balance in 30 days subject . to a Low reasonable reserve. For viewine of property please call (519) 523-4524 or 523=4464. ANTIQUES: Early Canadian 8' high walnut dresser with Burk Inlay and mirror; - oak dual mirror dresser with glove box and matching wash stand; oak dresser with towel rack. chests of drawers, smoker stands. hall tables. oak buffet table and chairs; pressback chairs, fern stands, ladies and gents chairs. small dual parlour table. night stands. hooked and braided throw rugs, quilting frames, curtain stretchers. 4 drawer wood file cabinet, end tables, pictures and frames, lamps, trunks, quilts, brass smoke stands, shaving mirror, encyclopedias, beds, trunks, chesterfield and chairs, plus many more miscellaneous household articles. GLASSWARE Quantity of Nortake.Japan, Nipon. Cut Glass, Brass. Silver ware etc. SHORTWAVE RADIO COLLECTION Knight Shortwave Radio. Heathkit HR -10 Receiver: Transmitter: Signal Generator. Tube Tester: Old Battery Radios: Wood Cabinet Radios; Num- erous Transformers. Resistors. Tran. sistors, Tubes, Speakers. APPLIANCES: Gilson fridge. Kenmore stove. Gilson 24" stove, coldspot fridge, G.E. 'stove, Westinghouse freezer. Sanyo spiner washer; Speed Queen seiner washer. Electrohome 20" colour T.V., Electrohome 5.000 B.T.U.: humidi- fier. Smith Corona typewriter. Underwood type- writer. electric fireplace. WOODWORKING TOOLS: 18" wood lathe and tools;; router, bench grinder and buffet, C damps. power hack -saw, tap and die set, micrometer, wood and steel vises; 6' aluminum step ladder, G.E. lawnmower. shovels, rakes, plus many more items too numerous to list. For further Information contact: DICK ROBINSON, SALES MANAGER 1 AT1IWELL & ASSOCIATES Phone (5191527-1458 or 527-1336 Telex 069-55223 ritht2e,,V AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAPORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1W (5191 '327-1458 vwwwwwwwwwwewswpwweev LOST,- One gray cockatiel, lost in the vicinity of Hincks $t, on Satui1day, Will Pifer a reward. for safe return. 524- 7225.-20,21 41. To give away TO GIVE AWAY a black, female spayed cat, very gentle. 524- 8752.-20,21 44. Engagements LITTLE-HIBBERT Harold and Joan Hibbert are pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their daughter Barb to Scot, son of Harry and Doris Little. The wed- ding will take place in North Street United Church, Saturday, May 28th at 6:30 p.m. -20x TROMMESHAUSER-H AGGITT Mr. and Mrs. Roymond Haggitt, R.R.6, Goderich, Ont. are pleas- ed to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sharon to Bernd Trom- meshauser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gunter Trommeshauser of Van- couver, B.C. The wedding will take place May 20th, 1983. at 7 p.m. in Nile United Church, Nile; Ont. Reception to follow in Lucknow. Everyone welcome. -19,20x 46. In memoriam . stivenair 46. In memoriam HARRISON In loving memory of a dear hus- band, father, grandfather and great grandfather, Walter Ross, who passed away May 19, 1979. Ever remetilbered by his wife Muriel (Joy), son Douglas and family of Exeter, daughter Diane and family of Edmonton, Alberta. -20 MrGUIRE In loving memory of a dear father, Donald G. McGuire, who passed away May 16th, 1973. You left without saying good- bye, It left only God knowing why. When I found you were sudden- ly gone, It was hard to realize, life had to carry on. Even though I was young, when you departed, I can still remember you dad, being so good hearted. I love you dad, and miss you so very much, just wish, my reaching hand could once again feel your touch. The memories you left, I think of each and every day, If it was only possible dad, I would bring you home to stay. -Sadly missed and always remembered by Brenda. -20 MaGUIRE In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Donald Gordon McGuire, who passed away May 16, 1973. Please God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish our Dad was here. There are others, yes we know, But he was ours, we loved him so. Dear God, take a message, To our father in heaven above, Tell him how much we miss him, And give him all our love. -Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by son John, wife Wendy and grandson John Donald.-20x- 38. Auction sale McGUIRE In loving memory of a dear dad and grandfather, Donald Gor- don McGuire, who was called home May 16, 1973. Dad loved to be where spruce trees grow, And though he died 10 years ago, Behind the smiles there are many tears, For a dad I lost and loved so dear. Others were taken, yes I know. But he was mine, and 1 loved him so. The tragic way he had to die, I shall always remember and wonder why. -Always remembered by doughter Judy and grand- children Jamie and Juliet. -20x 47. Card of thanks iI THE HURON County Unit of the Multiple Sclerosis Society would like to thank the public for their support of Carnation Day '83 and to express their thanks to the Youth Group of St. Peter's Church and Sandy Sowerby and her many volunteers who made May the .7th extremely successful. -20 CARTWRIGHT We would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts, cards and flowers we received on the oc- casion of our 25th wedding anniversary. -Don and Erma. -20 FARM EQUIPMENT OF OVER 60 TRACTORS & 100 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT AT BRINDLEY SALES YARD Dunaannon, Ontario Saturday, May 21st 9:30 A.M. Brindley Auctions (519)-529-7625 AUCTIONEER: GORDON M. BRINDLEY LARGE ANTIQUE AUCTION. SALE Antique furniture. washer and dryer, antique glassware and misc. etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's bar, Clinton, Ont. for Esther Jamieson of Clinton Monday, May 23 at 10 AM Matching Inglis washer and dryer used very Tittle; sideboard with gallery and inlaid burled walnut; round oak dining table with center pedestal and two leaves; six matching oak dining chain; Antique Kitchen shelf clack; Large antique chest of drawers with porcelain pulls; Antique chest of drawers; 2 antique dressers with mirrors; fancy small table With spooled logs: washstand with towel bar; Jenny Lind bed w/ box springs; Newcombe upright piano, piano stool; cherry round par%ur pedestal fable; small pine blanket box; large pine blanket box; four matching wooden chairs; two wooden dining tables; Jam cupboard; drop leaf table; trunks; wooden % bed w/ mattress; butter bowl and prints; dough board; dough tin bowl little antique table; end table; small table w/ drawer, four caned seat choirs; Oak rocking chair; wooden high chair: six matching dining chairs; buffet; 9x9 rug: hall seat; drop front desk: chesti of drawers; hall tree; love seat or antique settee; large oval walnut parlour table: oak bench: three matching wooden chairs; Quebec heater copper boiler; vacuum cleaner; coal scuttle; old radio; humidifier; feather tick; bedding: upholstered chairs; round card table and four chairs; stop ladder; Orrefors zrystal plate finger oil lamp : copper fire osetingulshers; Sterling silver flatware; set of Royal Doulton dinner dishes: Ansley, Royal Albert and Coalport cups A saucers; coffee grinder plus other antique pieces and misc. items too numerous to mention. Quantity of steel posts. Plan to attend. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb - Auctioneer- CLINTON 4$2.7$N