The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-04-27, Page 11WPERCOWINAlia"WEDAESPAZAVIW421,0104AGE11
IV, War re •
I ,
of pod
meeting will
at 8 p.m at the C�nmunity -
centre' in Holmesville. It's
an open meeting for any
resident of the township or
Pot ”reSidentS, or interested
persons who have some
ideas for upcoming celebra-
tion 1085.
SOP10111 meet
The Enterprising Seniors
met last Thursday in the
Community Centre In
Holmesville. The opening
exercises were held with
Jean Lobb, at the piano.
Everett MOIlwain chaired
the meeting,
Charlotte Norman read the
minutes. Blanche Deeves
gave her card report sending
one card to Murray
McDougall. Frank Yeo gave
the financial statement.
Everett McIlwain gave a
reading. 'A committee of
Haiel. McCreath, Jean
Perdue :will get a program
ready for the meeting with
guest,club Dungannon. Hilda
Semple, Irene Cudmere and
Effie Yeo will be in charge of
the lunch.,
Hazel McCreath discussed
making a name quilt. Mrs.
Semple made the motion to
do so. This will be .completed
for 1985 celebration othe
Township names to be 25
cents each. Tickets will be
made and sold later.
Blanche Deeves will
" organize 'et bus trip for the
Seniors in June. Mary
Sterling gave a reading.
, John and Hilda Semple
BIavwhe11:10161Villi 48073383
presented their slides Of leeation of toll gates in
their recent trip to England Goderich Township around
arid Everett McIlwain 1871; Ilaechler's bridge - it
thanked them. A parcel was was located at the Falls
passed around for everyone about 1908e what year High -
to guess the contents won by way. 21 became a minty
Violet Stirling and Grace road? Please calVBarb
Walter. Betties 482.9901 or Robin
At the worship service Thompson 482-9225 if you can
Sunday morning at the help.
Holmesville United Church,
four young girls Nancy Lobb,
Heather Lobb, Stacey
Haines and Kristin Crawford
sang. Hugh Lobb was the
director. The minister Rev.
Bechtel told the children
about Fishing and for them
to always tell the truth and
be a Christian. Harold Jantzi
and Chester Sturdy received
the offering.
The Youth Fellowship
group will hold a fish derby.
Pledge sheets are available
at the Church.
The Enterprising Seniors
are invited to a euchre party
at the Clinton Legion
sponsored by the Golden
Radar Club of Clinton, May
4, 8 p.m. Admission is $1.50
and lunch will be served.
Can anyone come up with
the following answers: The
sale of and price paid and
Goofy Gourmets
On April 19 the Goofy
Gourmets Holmesville I 4-41
club held the last official
meeting of the club.
the meeting with the 4-H
pledge. Nina read the
minutes and gave our
treasurer's report. We then
discussed what to do for our
display. We are having
another meeting to set up
this display.
After we finished planning
Linda cooked two pizzas and
everyone enjoyed them very
much. I feel that we should
thank Linda Mustard and
Phyllis Coulter for being our
leaders and our moms for
taking us to our meetings
and just being them-
selves.—by Lana Jones.
Club reviews many dances
The Happy Hearts Round Barclay Caterers tor the
Dance Club dancers have delicious meal.
been reviewing many The new officers for the
dances: "Taste of the coming year were introduc-
Wied," "Louisana Saturday ed to the dancers. The paste
Night," "Spaghetti Rag" president, Ed Christian was
and at the intermediate level presented with a badge anda
"Folson Prison Blues" to corsage of yellow carnations
name only a few. Lois and to Jean Christian.
Edward I Wise. taught a new In the 'absence
da'hce, "The Jacalyn's,
Club members are excited
about the Swosda Round
Dance Gala in the Clinton
High School, May 28. This is
an evening of non-stop danc-
ing for all levels.
;The graduation of 15
couples of round dancers in
• the Belgrave Hall was well
attended by the club. Sybil
•and Peter Chandler
Lucknow are their teachers.
Club dancers were guests
at the Brookside School for a
special dance for round and
square dancers hosted by the
Huron Bruce Swingers.
Lorne Lockrey of Southamp-
ton was the square dance
caller and his wife Cecille
Lockrey cued for the round
dancipg. Several spot prizes
were Presented.
On Saturday, 126 couples
froin all parts of
Southwestern Ontario, en-
joyed dancing at Swosda
hosted by the "Stonetown
Steppers" in St. MarYt. All
ages, from those in their
. twenties to those in their
seventies, square danced in
the afternoon to callers
Lawrence Mitchell, St.
Marys; Ed Giles, Sarnia;
George Raynard, Dor-
chester and Mac McDonald,
Lois and Edward Wise,
Clinton reviewed the round
dance "Country Caramel".
The new snappy dance
"Louisana Saturday'Night"
Was taught by Sybil and
Peter Chandler, Lucknow.
The Swosda President, Ed
Christian, Aylmer, con-
ducted a business period at 5
p.m. The minutes were read
by secretary Doris Adams,
London. Walt Warner,
treasurer, London,
presented ,the financial
report. All other encourag-
ing reports were given at
this time. The president
welcomed the many dancers
and expressed a speedy
recovery for sick members.
The nominating commit-
tee, Sybil and Peter
Chandler, Lucknow
presented the slate of of-
ficers for' 1983-1984 : -
Past president, Ed and
.Jean Christian, Aylmer;
president, Ed and Kitty
Giles, Sarnia; vice-
president, Lois and Ed Wise,
Clinton; vice-president, Bea
and Charlie Bodfish, Lon-
don; secretary, Doris
Adams, London; treasurer,
Walt Warener, London;
directors, George and
Dorothy Grant, St. Marys;
" 7 'EtPiltid-,MetisrAfirbutt,,Lon-
,don; Reg and Marilyn Ross,
Simcoe; and John and
Dorothy Martin, London.
All dancers proceeded to
the school cafeteria for a hot
beef dinner.
The Reverend Gordon
Rice, Thorndale gave the
blessing. On behalf of the
dancer, Egbert Jacobs,
Millbank expressed ap-
preciation and thanks to the
of the
mayor of St. Marys, one of
the town councillors welcom-
ed all the dancers.
Lawrence Mitchell. the
host caller of St. Marys in-
troduced the guest caller of
the evening, Dick Bayer of
Detroit, Michigan. An en-
joyable evening of dancing
was had by all.
The junior members of the Goderich Green Thumbers got
into the spirit of Arbour Day Friday by planting this
Mountain Ash at Cambridge Street Park. The tree was
donated by 'Mathers Landscaping. of Goderich. (photo by
Dave Sykes)
urses' Week activities planned
"Our health care system
would collapse without the
professional care delivered
by the 65,000 registered
nurses now working in
Ontario. Nurses are con-
stantly required to make
independent judgements
based on sound knowledge
'and experience," states
Marcia Lumby, chairperson
of the . Goderich Nurses'
Week Conunittee.
This committee is com-
posed of nurses from Huron
County Health Unit,
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital and
Maitland Manor who are
planning special activities to
mark Nurses' Week, May 1-
"The Ontario health care
Full Lifetime Warranty
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system is possibly one of the
best in the world and nurses
are proud to make a con-
tribution to the maintenance
of these high standards,"
• says Miss Lumby.
The annual Nurses' Week
activities such as shopping
mall displays, blood
pressure attics and school
poster congests are an op-
portunity for the nursing
profession to educate the
public about the contribution
of nurses to the welfare of
their community. "For
example, I am. sure many
people are not aware of the
rigourous educational
preparation of all nursing
students," explains Miss
Lumby. "rn Ontario, there
are two levels of basic
519.99 834.75 514.78
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The illscr cube Our cohersmIths mark of excellence
8 Albert St., ( linton
edneation: a .degree
program involving four
years of study at a univer-
sity, or a two year diploma
program offered by com-
munity , colleges and the
polytechnical institutes.
Graduates of these
programs must pass stan-
dardized examinations in
order to receive a certificate
of competence and the title
of , "registered nurse".
Nurses then regularly up-
date their knowledge and
skills through .continuing
education activities.
• "We want to set aside this
one special week in the year
to talk to the community to
remind everyone that
constant caring of nurses is
Kett webotery ;395432e7
Mrs. Bruce Millar of Palm-
erston was with her mother,
Rhetta MacLennan on the
The Wilkins family was at
the home of Larry Wilkins on -
Sunday to celebrate both
Larry's and Jack's brithdays.
Jack and Marion Smith of
Dungannon visited the other
evening with Wellington and
Kae Webster.
- Bill and Jean Farrish ac-
companied George and Betty
Moncrief to Aylmer to visit
with Dr. Russell and Lesley
Mayme Wilkins has her
backed up by professional
training and skills," says
Miss Lumby.
Here in Goderich, the
schedule for Nurses' Week
activities is as follows:
Thursday, May 5 at 7 p.m. at
Suncoast Mall will be the
awarding *of prizes to win-
ners of, the poster contest
from Grade 4s at St. Marys,
Victoria and Robertson
Schools; Thursday and
Friday, May 5 and 6 from 7 to
9 p.m. at Suncoast Mall will
be the checking of blood
pressures, a poster display
and free, balloons; and
Saturday,. May 7 at 9 a.m. at
Suncoast Mall will be a bake
second greenhouse construe:
ted now and she is well on
the'way to Ming them both
with small plants for the
gardens and flower beds.
Eugene Blue of Detroit -
was up on the weekend at
Finlay MacDoneld's, Margie
MacDonald returned home
with lum, after spending
about a month in the United
States visiting relatives and
friends. Mr. Blue was in
Goderich to visit with his
father, Mr. Jack Blue, a res-
identat the Maitland Manor,
on the occasion of his birth-
rrThl ("9 rr-\19^9^9^9(e'"--V^9^9^9,1
leackes 'it cleafti
32 Newgate St., Goderich
Be a soft Touch....
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