The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 50J0,1 •!,!09it,44.1 "Tx ,student at Holy dame of MartSchgot m St, Marys, spoke on the subject 80re404, • t, Jason Rodney, 12, 44,stu t at St. James School, 'orth, placed second with his speech School and Lisa Fisher, 12, of St. Mary's School, Goderich, was third With her talk on Conunor- gials. • In the junior division 120. year-old Patty Chippa of Listowel was the winner. A _...dent at St. Mary's School, Hesson, she spoke on Marguerite Bouergeoys who was made a saint last year by Pope John. David O'Connor, 10, of 1161014,, senior Niko Zurich; Ifink ell IA Marys;MelanieLooser,'} 2 Milverton; Brennen Mulhern,,,exoderich and Pat.- ty O'Toole, Exeter. ° • In the junior division other speakers were: Jennifer Evans, BR • 2 Goderich; Angie Grey, St, Marys; Dar - ten Eau; RR2 Zurich'; Jef- fery Sanders, Eltql Brussels; and Alvaro Vancierschot, RR 1 Stratford. Leo Tun* of . St. Marys, principal of St. Ambrose School, Stratford, was Chair- man and presented the awards to theWinners. Top winners in the separate school public speaking contest finals In Dublin on March 16 were: (Front row) Junior winners - Patty chippa, 12, of. Listowel and Terry Kelly, 10, of E.E. 5, Seaforth. (Missing secomfPlace winner David O'Connor, 10, of Grand Bend). (Back row) Senior winners: Ingrid Van Klooster, 13, of St. Pauls, Jason Rodney, 12, of Seaforth and Ilse Fisher of Goderich. This little girt seems fascinated with the wolf who ditiguised himself as a pig in `Pig Tales', a musical play by the Two Plus Players performed at the Goderich library last Thursday. About 40 children turned out to enjoy the play which was sponsored by the Huron County pLibrary and funded by Outreach Ontario. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Branch receives money for Shelter The Huronia,Branch of the Ontario Humane Society held its sixth general public meeting on Tuesday, March 8 at the Kincardine town hall. The meeting commenc- ed at 8:15 p.m. Betty Mac- Donald, president, thanked everyone for attending and showing,, their support in- volving the humane treat- ment of animals. Dianne Foster, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and they were ap- proved correct as read. The treasurer, Laurie Jef- frey, then gave her report. She also reported that the Branch had received $1;301 from. Ontario Hydro which will be deposited into the Shelter account, bringing the balance to $1,800. A brief history of the branch was given by the president and she told the public the Society's goals: a) to educate the public in the humane treatment of animals; b) to prevent neglect, cruelty, and abuse of • all animals; c) to appoint an. agent who would investigate com- plaint calls in the different districts; A d) to maintain and operate a shelter for the surrounding areas. • It was stressed that the Shelter was for a large area. and that no specific place had been Oilmen for the loca- tion. It was also added that the Branch needs the public's support and., help in order that this may be possi- ble. marty Bond, vice- president, gave an outline of fund-raising which had been done, and also some future plans. Dianne Foster told everyone about a service that this Branch .was pro- viding to aid the ptiblic in fin- ding homes for unwanted pets and helping those who are looking for a pet. To this date, homes have been found for 'a large numberof pets. Anyone wishing further in- formation or requiring ser- vice, please call 297865 or 29-7851. The agenda 'for the 'even- ing included: a) information and discus- sion about the agent's posi- tion; b) fund raising ideas; c) workshop wind) was held:in London on March 19. The meeting watOjourn- ed, and anYoneAkiialift to give a donatinkvOltinteer or wishing further information can write: HURONIA BRANCH OF THE ON- TARIO HUMANE SOCIE- TY, P.O. Box 282, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 CUSTOM APPLICATION: WE ARE EQUIPPED WITH 10 FLOATER UNITS available to you through MITCHELL, HENSALL, GRANTON, & PORT ALBERT. Each unit is c.apable of doing UP TO 500 ACRES PER DAY. • Now is the time to make arrangements for Nitrogen • Application to your wheat. • Custom Application or use a Rental Spreader • Apply Nitrogen or have it mixed with clover or grass seed. The choice is yours. "We have almost 60 years of experience serving farmers." "Let us serve your 1983 crop needs." Mitchell 348-8433 Heosoll 262-2327 ' Granton 2254360 'Port Albert 529-7901 Liman GFIS A bundant natural gas is a clean and .. economical way to heat your home. In fact, it's more economical than oil. I • Have you been thinking about converting off -oil? Remember: the Federal Govern- • ment, through COSP, will rebate half I your heating system conversion cost, up.to $800. With another busy season over for I rThis set won't set you back a penny I 1 ne*witittes.h -back thermostat ---- •-• us at Union Gas, we can help you start cutting next winter's heating costs now, and without delay. . Or do you have a tired, old, gas I furnace that needs replacement? Either way cliff the money -saving offers which interest you. Place thentheside your telephone. And call us at The Gas Line: 1-800-265-0562. It's free of charge. And we'll have a professional Union Gasrepresentative call you to arrange a Shop -at -Home appointment at your convenience. Not yet off -oil? Already heating • with natural gas? Either way, there has never been a better time for you • and Union Gas to • get together. eXtra• Order a comntional natural gas furnace from Union Gas before June 30 and you'll I I get a $164.95 Enerstat Microcomputer Thermo- stat (manufacturer's suggested retail price) at no dtra cost. Program up to 4 automatic temperature' changes every 24 hours, including set -ahead •- in the morning, set -back at night or when no one's home.What an energy -saver! .L\NN•wV, 1 • enerstat morn imm•• r.. 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 ___osts 11 [CAM Moo mum moo momo ammo maim nom ammo ammo ail Get more than hotwater with agas water heater. 1 Switch to a natural gas rental Aater heater when converting your home heating off- I oil (order before June 30) and Union Gas will rebate our company -Approved instal- ler up to $90 towards the cost of your water heater installation. And We'll give you a free. wallet -sized Sharp calculator, too.This offer is also available to Union Gas home heating customers now using an electric water heater, who decide II Buy now. Pay later. Convert off -oil now with a natural to replace their old gas furnace now. Depending on its size, the monthly Igas furnace or a gas conversion burner. Or replace your old gas rental onyour new gas water heater furnace now. Orclerbetween April 1 and June 30, with installation I Lc): Union Gas could be as little as $3.25. by August 31. And Union Gas will delay billing you for equip- ment and installation until November. J.1 Of course, natural gas must be available on your street, and I• • Our lowest -cost off -oil • enniorammaineammintimiiimisi. • OWN you'll have to meet our credit approval., MINN MM. 111L..j NNW MUM MINN INN* MIIIMIN MUM MINN MIN MOM MEM Now, high -efficiency costs a 1 lot less. High - efficiency natural gas furnkes are 47% to 55% mote effident than our best conventional gas furnaces. Now you can uy high - efficiency for hundreds of dollars less than last , year. We',re offering 3 furnaces starting at under $2,000, plus installation. And by ordering from us before June *you'll get a $100 rebate direct from the manufacturer. mom moo imam mow wow mem minim option now costs 50 1 less. If your old oil furnace to it, keep it and just replace its oil burner with one fuelledlby natural gas. With thF $50 trade-in Union Gas is offering for old oil burners, a $265 gas conversion burner will cost you $215 plus installation, when ordered by June 30. Whatinore, the Federal Government, through COR will rebate half theconversion cost. •So our lowest -cost off -oil option could cost yott about $500 Or less. moo swam moo We're bringing home