The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 44• k. ' • ,-, • • - . • • • g." ey• q 6 .-- they were turned back byActon's." solid defense and When they got through. Scott Williaraaahe ton goalie, was there to stop them. Acton started to take a *Ha more control m the second period as theiroffenae Started.to lack up momentum. They,,seerect 43;42. on a Ike paising,00Y when John' Van Damp* a Passtrom the COP? ner right on to Rob MOO* stick and Murrr had no problem scor- ing. As the second period progress- ed the teams started playing at a higher tempo and the action in- creased.• The third poriodwai a very ex- citing period of hockey as Acton added, to their lead and Mount Forest putupagood effort. Mount Forest almost scored in the first two minutes of the last period but Scott Williams was hot nc AVOLop::St., • game• Mount .11mostgotenthe board When Todd Parker skated. e Acton teen', but ,efishiset- get the. puck past Wilitatee., MountForest went all out in the last two minutes .but Acton held out totaPitue the "B" champion- ship. • SCORING SUMMARY FlitsT PERIOD Ndscoring SECOND PERIOD Acton: Murry assisted by /an , 3 ittndliayter - 3:42 PERIOD Acton: Yaroschak assisted by Leitherland and Simmons - 4:25 Acton: Ha3rter assisted by Van Dam and Mutry 9:13 Acton: Van Dam assisted by Cadenhead andShiunons - 9:39 11; • , Mg, tOiraF ltOnserr aeststed ••• hy,'..assisted by.; • :•-•-04!-•• . X - scleft°Cnit th:1' ored inilid .0,1* extensiunpreesniet Wingham advances to "C" eons�iatj�n Wingham adVangeittothe "C" Division .6onsolatiOn 54 victory, oVer, Mitchell- on Saturday morning. The first period was scoreless until the 9:15 mark when Wingham captain Brett Martin slipped the puck past Mitchell goalie Dennis Scherbarth, with a pass from Rick Leachman. Wingham. applied continual pressure in the second period and finally scored as Jason Ducharme scored on a nice play from Paul Brophy and Leachman. Mitchell cut the margin to one goal late in the period with a nice effort by Kevin Workman on an unassisted goal. The third period was filled with great end to end action. Wingham once again opened their lead by two, midway through the period, when Paul Brophy put forth an unassisted effort. But:Mitchell wouldn'tquit and scotedetteirlihute and 42 seconds' :later. Kevin' Wor took a nice, pass from Mark Stacey and flip- ped the puck into the net. Wingham solidified the victory with two late period goals by Brett Martin and Paul Brophy. SCORING SUMMARY FIRST PERIOD Wingham: Martin assisted by Leachman.- 9:15 SECOND PERIOD VVingham: Ducharme assisted by Leachman and Brophy - 3:13 Mitchell: Workman, unassisted 7 8:02 THIRD PERIOD Wingham: Brophy, unassisted - 7:06 Mitchell: Workman assisted by Stacey - 8:48 Wingham: Martin assisted by Edwards- 10:48 Wingham: Brophy, unassisted - 11:54 Liley helps team move to finals Adam Liley's two goals paced from the slot eluded Van Lambeth to a 4-2 win over Elora Oirschot. But Lambeth put the and gave them a berth in the "C" game away when he bounced the division championship final. puck off of both goal posts and in - Lambeth opened the score at to the Elora net. the 14 second mark on a goal by SCORING SUMMARY Andrew Phaneuf. FIRST PERIOD Elora tied the game a short time later at 4:43 when Jay Col- Lambeth: Phaneuf, unassisted - lins backhanded the puck over :14 Elora : Collins Bauman - 4:43 Lambeth: Liley assisted Richards and Papp - 8:33 SECOND PERIOD No scoring THIRD PERIOD Lambeth: Liley assisted by Papp - 8:37 Elora: Curwood Oakes - 9:21 Lambeth: Papp assisted by Win- dover -11:47 fallen Lambeth, goalie Neil Van Oirschot. But Lambeth took the lead in the period on Liley's first 6 of the game. The, second period was scoreless but there were three tz3 A goals in the third period. Liley ca put Lambeth up 3-1 when he took c..T4 a centering pass from Steve Papp and shot the puck over the shoulder of the Elora goalie. cz1 Elora again pulled within one goal when Cam Curwood's shot assisted by by assisted by aP141 a '*•-•'' Herb Murpliy presents the "B" championship trophy to the Acton captain. * The Mount Forest captain accepts the runner-up trophy. Dresden estilOY sion play to advance to the P14.1111k pionship.gante of the .consolation round. The opening minutes of the game saw some fast paced ac- tion, but sloppy passing plays stymied Most scoring efforts. Jeff Jeff Erick.* scOredlite-Aerind'i only goal, glying-...Dtesdep a- 141 ternent•- Thane was also only one goal in the Secontl,PeriOt;Keirin Hotham put Dresden ahead 2-0 when he put a few moves on the Lucknow • began runnmgaway with the game in the third period. Goals by Paul MontStaaettatil: Hotham with, his second, tame before three minutes had elapsed. Steve Park then scored a minute later to give 1:?!•081ep 410.01maridint$Olead._ : . • Lucknoii:',..finalry ;invoke. the' Dresden shutout on a 40E0 :by :1•Brad4li, Dresden then added *jaw 'lo'? insult on goalstorflothani;.coiw plethg `Ihis .haktriek.:. and Jason Hooper., •• • .•-• Diteext TIie Acton team show off their trophy.