The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 40Wtar, 1 0. '•i: n ram, f fr! ji c2Yip6 There was it.'78 . dln� ;at tl - meetlng. ' Presby'telan c Wol<nen s Mbaionary Sgclety (wriP Afternoon At in the• church parlor. ,an Tuesday, *get- • •ch 15. `'Thi president,Ms. G. H erson opened the meeting 9 "!!g by welcoming all' and after the opening prayer: everyone joined In singing the hymn, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah" with 'Dr. K:Athryn Baker Royal w , of, :. devotions re for the then presided; oft r ,er .o . a bet `iii meditations which Included the scripture from the Gospel according toSt.:John, Chapter 20, (commencing with verse 11 read by Mrs, Vi Raynard, followed with prayer by Mrs. G. Kennedy. Mrs. • Royal then in- troduced the guest speaker, n, Easte :Faith" with sAecial attention given to Mary Magdalene who was the first to see the risen Christ and also the.first to go forward andtell - good news of the resurrection for "she had seen the Lord." This faith should be part • off -our being ithing thleot l; me sick of :Knob . ion. .All enjoyed 's interesting and message on ands our Aka not Ee or? d Mrs; Fink., At this Seder season may we one and all r,Fnew our faith as we pause to reflect and ponder on the ,Easter story of the close and the resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ, she concluded. Dr. Kathryn Baker, Director of Praise for Knot Church, delighted all with two lovely piano numbers, "How Great Thou Art" and Eavoav®.ao-mu.meay.e.000rouowx.'@acuac®uvo.a.o...ma.�e.m. emeo�avmo Cialvary Baptist Church HAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET REV. R. BRUBACHER Paster 10 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 1'1 A.M. EASTER SERVICE DUET: MRS. N. SWITZER & D. BRUBACHER 7:00 P.M. - AUDIO VISUAL PRESENTATION LONDON & DISTRICT FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCHES WED. 6:30 P.M. - "THE OLYMPIANS WED, 7 P.M. - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY A BLESSED "EASTER" TO ALL JUa1t�i Sfitieet United Chock Good Friday -April 1-- Union TUnion Worship Service AT Victoria St. United Church 10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 3 CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF EASTER 11:00 a.m. Music by the combined Jr. 8 Sr. Choirs Regular Sunday School, Nursery 8 Tot Care Knox Presbyterian Church 7 BER : :��.=��.�..� EA BY THE WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive 524-2235 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes Lenten Vesper Services each Thursday evening at 7:30 / The Reverend Mayo Mellecke (Vacancy Pastor) "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" i ► Acts 10:36 ivA._.._, ,... 4ea�..acts.'®oY0.A0.®av0.•s_40_a.�.f.VOO.V ••0. THE SALVATION ARMY / 1 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524-9341 ! 10:30 GOOD FRIDAY -- "THE CROSS" / 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 1 1 11:00 EASTER SUNDAY "HE IS RISEN" i i 6:30 EVENING SERVICE i WE SERVE A RISEN SAVIOUR I i 1 THE REV. G.L. ROYAL: M.A., M. DIV., MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT r. DR. KATHRYN J. BAKER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 1 "Death and Despairing" EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 3 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship "Risen and Rising" 11:00 a.m, Family Service - no S.S. 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship "He is risen!" Enter to Worship - Depart to Serve 1 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH I I Anglican -Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Roberti. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Lorne H. Dotterer ,1J --A 1 MAUNDY THURSDAY March 31st i 7:00 p.m. Choral Eucharist, commemoration of the Institution of the 7 Sacrament, washing and stripping i of the Altar, GOOD FRIDAY April 1st 11:00 a.m. Sung Litany, Reading of the 1 Passion, Meditation on the Cross. EASTER DAY Sunday, April 3rd 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. / 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion (Modern Liturgy) • and hymns. 11:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist, Address: "Celebrating Life". Special music. • No Sunday School. Nursery available. 7:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study (hall). ' -Come, worship the Risen Christ- 1 l i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cards For All Occasions *Gifts *Books *Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST STREET. GODERICH The Old Fashioned' HARDWARE STORE 1WHOLESALE CABLE f (FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 'Soles 8 Service rlwINDOW GLASS REPAIR EI WATER CONDITIONER SALT nICE SALT 11BULK KEROSENE PHIL MAIN HARDWARE 84 Kingston St,. Goderich Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderlch, Ont. 524-2011 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 (-Quality Work by McKENZIE UPHOLSTERY HWY. 4 S. CLINTON PHONE: 482-9359 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-000.265.790. H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete lines of PARTY FAVOURS - LOW PRICES PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user. H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 185 Park St. GODERICH 524-2855 NEW. NE USI 98d DAY 4— E ti:I.4pvbkp /. AND EANTH UNITED WITH sow( SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT WAVING -NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES ANALYSIS -SHAMPOO -CONDITIONER -MOISTURIZER -AND FACIAL MASK AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 EAST ST. GODERICH 524-8994 Ronald McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal St. Queen St; Goderich Blyth 524-4555 523-9321 MacGillivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE, • GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 MONTRE..L TORONTO BRAMPTON HAMILTON ST. CATHERINES PORT COLBORNE LISTOWEL WINNJ?EG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODERICH LAKE -HURON MOVING - SYSTEMS *UNITED UNITED UNTI WnLmo • Mottng Systems •Local & Long Distance * Packing *Overseas *Fully Insured * Free Estimates 7-EAK (519) 357-3148 111 PHONES BUS. 524-7379 RES. 524-0210 Direct Ports 524-7389 BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLE BANNISTER AIRPORT ROAD MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger, cash receipts ledger. accounts receivable, financial statements, time a charges a specialised reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524.2677 -�. III sincerely who had taken. Ievot � s and tha. voiced the thanks oii'•(le members. The hymn, "'t'hlne Bethe Glory" concluded this part of the -Mrs. Irene, Young presented the "Fellowship of the Least Coin", reading an article in this regard relating to Cuba and followed by. prayer- Mrs. G. 'Henderson then presided for the business of the meeting which included the secretary, Miss; Mildred Marwick giving the minutes of the last meeting. Members were shown the blanket that was'°purchased by -the'. Auxiliary and the Auburn WMS to be sent to to ld`:t td11„t,r with the. World's • Day Prayer, :The' Huron, Presbyterial SRO* Bally will be in Seafortit on March 30 canlnencing at 940 a.m. The Synodical. will be in. Owen SoundApril nand 20. It was agre Tedd that the WMS would make plans for a Missionary Sunday church service in the fall. The.April meeting, will be planned by the executive. Mrs. O. ° Falkiner, corresponding secretary, reported that she had sent.,a thankyou to Mrs. Ann Leitch. for the splendid Valentine gift of a collection of books for the library. She also sent a get well card to Mrs. R. ' Puma Supercourt Legend Hi -Cut reg. 49.99 SALE 49.99 While gluantitles Last White/Blue. Stripa White/White Stripe reg. '72.99 • . • SALE $59.491 - SALE ENDS April 9, 1983 aiida'® s STAN SMITH ROM $4`11." $2999 • B ROOKS Style 1105430 reg. 16.99 SALE '49." **.**************** B ROOKS Dyna Court SALE '39." the root Open Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 to 9:00 Open Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 p.m. SUNCOAST SHOPPING MALL Highway 21 GODERICH Bayfield's original fashion store. . Specializing in feminine attire OPENING OUR -DOORS FRIDAY, APRIL 1st We're Bigger - We're Better No Fooling! HOURS: Friday a Saturday, April 1st A 2nd -111a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays a Monday, April 3rd A 4th -12.5 p.m. Weekends only until May - then 7 day* a moils. Main St, Bayfield 565-2500 �t t1`ke a Preabyterlan Church" and p !mead , I I t for ,..pry ,p . JviG.. f e ittl ry fo. �� '#rig donation. to the restoredon treasurer's re rt .and: tai • up the 'ofie . The :booth regard latl : dedicated byhepresJdent; B. oI the .:rite I Jls-eb *tiler . member.letter, HOtnervjlle, Was the gift o: aster BYTHE REVEREND ROBERT U. BALL, NORTH ST. ' UNITED CHURCH One, two, three. Like majestic gulls they soared high above the earth in their brightly coloured wings. They were hang-gliders. What a magnificent .sight against the azue With a sense of envy,r we watt ed them soar lazily, ef- fortlessly, with a. look of freedom that the human soul longs for. But I was sure there were four. Yes, I know there were I four. We watched them earlier with all their: gear, prepare for flight and step off the summit of Quebec's Mount Orford. Why now only . three? From our vantage point 2000 feet above the surrounding countryside, we scanned the distance before us and sighted our fourth winged friend, now about seven miles downwind, cautiously looking for - a place to land. Somehow he had missed the demands of the winds. He forgot that his freedom to fly was a freedom within the disciplines of the wind. And so he drifted, not in free flight, but as a prisoner of forces no longer in his control. Something of the drifting glider is the story of the human spirit. In our creation, we have been endowed with abilities, gifts, and a free will. In our search for self-expression and freedom, we discover that there is no real freedom, apart from the freedom to choose between two kinds of bondages. One bondage is truth and OY righteousness,: lake capturing the wands.. of the Spirit of God, which, uplift, and give one a victory in fife and its relationships, based on a love. for God and love for the neighbour. It is a song in the heart width sings — "Make me a captive Lord, and then I shall be free". The other bondage is to deny, . even defy the Spirit' Wind. The result is a dif- ferent kind of bondage, which only appears like freedom, but leaves one drifting without purpose, without direction, without hope. Somewhere in all this, is the promise of the Easter Resurrection for each of us. It is God's way of saying to us, "I have redeemed you, I have freed you from the aimless' bondage of your sin. Trust in . the Spirit. Capture the gift of life, eternal and present. Give yourself to the discipline of love; truth and service. Then you shall be. free". Begin by ,celebrating the gift of Easter Worship this God of Love. • Circle will: make poster • • The Arthur Circle v...» Circle of Knox Presbyterian Church held their meeting on Monday, March ' 21st. The meeting was opened with a sing song led by Betty Coulter. Presi- dent Lee McCallum thanked Betty and gave the opening prayer. • Lee then asked Madeline Edwards to speak to us on the Synodical, which is being held in Owen Sound on April 19 and 20. Each Presbyterial is asked to prepare a poster. This year the theme is `Historical'. Our group is assigned to make aposter on the history from 1900 - 1914. Anyone wishing to go to. Owen Sound to the Synodical and would like a ride or more information please call Lee McCallum 4-7346 or Shirley. McCall 4-6595. Glenda Salters, secretary, gave her report ,and treasurer Hazel McCreath also reported. Hazel was . hoping to show us some pic- tures on her recent trip to Hawaii, but had camera pro- blems, but ,she is trying to gather some from friends to show us at a.later.meeting. Dorothy . Reed read the correspondence: and • everyone was glad to see Winnie Walters back after her recent stay in hospital. • Lee welcomed Agnes Cutt back from her Arizona holi- day and read) a lovely verse for the March birthday girls. , Dr. Kathryn Baker played two., beautiful piano solos,; "Melody of Love", and "0 Perfect Day". Shirley McCall gave her report on World Day of Prayer that was held March 4th at Bethel Pentecostal Church. The theme was 'New Persons in Christ' writ- ten by the Christian Women of ' the Caribbean. Ruth Gower, ' -member • of the Pentecostal Church was guest speaker, summing up her message, `that when anyone is joined in Christ,' he. is a new, being'. Lee and Shirley both gave readings at this event. Shirley felt that anyone .who had attended this World Day ; of Prayer would have found it very rewarding. Dr. Kathryn Baker then played 'My Task'. • The offering was received and. Lee led us in prayer. • We had a ' discussion on whether we would take turns in donating flowers for the. Communion table for some Sundays throughout the year and- on ushering. It was agreed that we would help in both of these areas. The May meeting has been changed from May 16th to May 9th, as the Sounds of Goderich will be performing on May16th. We then divided into five groups for Bible Study. The group leaders were: Sandi Davidson, Shirley McCall, Lee McCallum, Ida White and Joyce Garrick. Each leader - took - a favorite passage of the Bible and discussed what it meant to them with their group. The leaders . then reported the meanings they had received. Lee read an Easter poem, followed by Dr. Kathryn Baker playing Bless This House'. The meeting was closed with. the Mizpah and a social time. Huronview holds draw Last Thursday after the St. dent and terrific saleslady, Patrick's Day program atdrew the lucky tickets. The Huronview, tickets were lovely afghan, crocheted and drawn on the afghan and donated by Mrs. Wayne wall hanging. Pearl Lester, was won by Mr. Wes McFarlane, a popular resi- Hamm of Huntsville. The wool wall hanging made by SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISH€D OVER 50 YEARS SPECIAL SPRING PRICES IN EFFECT Goderlch Area Ropresentative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton Area Representative , MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET CLINTON 482-9441 Frank Bissett, was won by Mrs. Walter Spencer of Hen- sall. We thank you all for the success of this draw. Friday afternoon, many of the residents enjoyed the bingo, but a new twist has been added. The winner of a bingo must recite a poem, sing a song or take his or her turn at calling out the numbers in order to get a GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH Huron Centennial •School BRUCEFIELD, ONT. 482-9260,565-5341 and 236-4970 10:00- Fa ily Bible School, 11:00. - Speaker: Randy Mann PREACHING THE DOCTRINES of GRACE MONUMENTS MARKERS -CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR PRYDE MEMORIALS GODERICH . CLINTON - EgETEiI Phone 524-6621 DON DENOMME - ARIA 01001sttaATI4 • prize. This attraction is a lot of fun and creating a new in- terest. Worship service was held ' Sunday morning in the chapel with Reverend Nor- man Pick in charge. An an- them was sung by the choir. The flowers placed on the pulpit, were donated through the kindness of Sarah' Carter. Due to the March break, music appreciation with Bruce Cookson, was cancell- ed for Monday. Tuesday afternoon Special Care people met in the ac- tivity room for an hour of fun and games to music. Wednesday afternoon several ladies from Ground Centre gathered in the lounge and listened to Frank . Bissett play the piano for them. We had a delightful surprise when Ethel Hill and Myrtle Fairservice ` gave some interesting readings. Helen Bradley and Doris MacPherson were busy making cookies which are served with coffee to those who spend the mornings In the activity room. Friends from Special Care met for another session of-..: -fun and games followed by refreshments. It is a good feeling when one sees the smiles on the faces of these special people. ' We extend a warm greeting to Mr. Joseph Benedict - (Joe) White who has come to reside at Huron - view. We extend our sincere thy to the families of rest ents, Mrs. Florence_ Goodwinand Mrs. Jean Miller, who passed away this weak.