The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 37TRE FAMILY «Angus and Helen. MacD�nald and..the nieces and: nephews of Dave andlsab�i ivite you te,celebrate their 35th and 4Oth anniversaries in OluiRW on Saturday, April Z. Dancmg to SitItion Bros. . wish‘s only please.:2 13 ' „ . A BRIDAL SHOWER for Valerie Matthews on Monday, April .11,-1883, 8 , Nile United church, all relatives, friends and neighhour4arel,mtited.-13 THE HURON -BRUCE FEDERAL PC Association will - hold ..a , meeting, Tuesday, April 5th, at the Legion, Hall,' Clinton at 8:00 p.m. to choose delOgates.=13 ST. GEORGE'S A.C.W. will be sponsoring their annual Holly Berry Bazaar and Luncheon, on NoVember 5th, 1981.-13 PANCAKE SUPPER - Knox United Church, Auburn, Wednesday, April 6th, 5 - 7:30 p.m. Adults $4.00; students under 12 - $2.00: pre-schoolers free. Family rate $14.00.-13 ,FIRST PICK-UP of -the season - The Rotary CIO of Goderich PAPER DRAT is Saturday, April 16th. Dates for the rest of the year• are June 4th, July 30th, SW' telpher 17th and November 5th, Please have your papers securely bundled and at the ,curb before 10 a.m. If you will save your papers for the Rotary, your contribution to community projects .will be much greater. Please place books for the Rotary Book Sale in separate boxes,-13,14,15ar MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER IODE presents "Colour by design" with Ethel Harper, colour consultant of London on Thursday, April 28th, 8 p.m. at MacKay Hall. Refreshments. Tickets $4.00 from members or call 524- 9132 evenings. -10,13 EAST CENTRAL ONTARIO Hereford Zone Sale. Registered Herefords, 16 yearling bulls, 30 females, Peterborough Fairgrounds Sat. April 16. Show 10:30 a.m. Sale 1:00 p.m. Catalogues Box 35, Carrying Place, Ontario, KOK 1L0.-,,0- 13 E,,,,,•,111,t10,4....v,/. 0,444, • / '••• (1,40" '• • GODERICH, 'DAFFODIL TEA at At. George's Anglican Church on Satur- day, April 2, 1983 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Collection at the door. Proceeds for Canadian Cancer Society. -12,13 HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit presents an information night on cancer and breast self examination with Dr. B.R. Thomson, Wednesday,. April 13th, 7:30 p,m., at the Assessment Offlee, 49 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich. Film and handout materials included. Free admission and refresh- ments.-11,12,13ar BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00; 15 regular -$15 games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -1-28x FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS - Just a reminder that this year's Arts and Crafts Festival will be held on July 21, 22, & 23, 1983. Interested exhibitors should contact Lu Legg at 524-6283 for more information.-13- 14ar MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER IODE will meet April 5th, 8:15. p.m. in the Ladies Parlour of Knox Presbyterian Church. -13 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 PM/FIRST SHOW AT 0 THURSDAY -FRIDAY -SATURDAY. MARCH 30 -APRIL 1.2 KENNY ROGERS R, MOREY Your choice served -with all the trimmingsfrook4oksid: rolls, coffee or tea and 'a choke of desserts.' Ail for 8.95 OR CHOOSE r00161 OURREGuLAH MENU SUNDAY, APRIL 3 - 3 BIG FEATURES Warning: Not suitable for children. Enjoy our homemade Hot Cross Buns - all weekend long. Open weekends: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays & Easter Manday $arn.8.pm RE -OPENING WEEKEND ADMISSION: Adults 3.00: Children under 12 - FREE • . •40,.m••• • • , ENJOY AN EVENING OF DANCING Everyone Welcome! Saturday, April 16 '83 9:30 pm -1 am —BUFFET SERVED 1 AM— CERAMIC CLASSES STARTING Tuesday, April 5 '83 Wednesday, April 6 '83 SPRING SPECIAL $1 500 please call today 524-2032 "Experience is that which enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again." Please reserve early -for Easter Sunday Brunch 12 noOn - 3 pm and Easter Sunday Dinnee5 pm -9 pm • Main,StrrAfiyfield 565-2611 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM THE SQUARE GODERICH AIRF524-7811 A STEVEN SPIELBERG FILM Wednesday -Thursday LAST TWO DAYS Showing At 7:30 pm 6 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Holmesville Dial 482-9228 After Hours 524.4133 • STARTING FRIDAY 2 GREAT MOVIES ON THE SAME • • SHOW FOR THE PRICE OF ONE AT 7:00 PM IIIISARIAIDY' • • 360irksJEFF ,,, :• • IN opm.....! • • A HAUNTINGLY ROMANTIC COMEDY • i KISS ME GOODBYE Join us at the Bedford for a traditional With a little practice... anyone can be as good as - (Bruce Lee! • It • • Love Your Big Sister One morning, Alex Selky got dressed, waved goodbye to his mother, set off for school and disappeared. America's wackiest new super -hero! 4 AA f)411515 RELEASE,* (WORMED. Gai , - D.0 1!.)' VENTURES .11,e4.1104.1 0,089 .0011 81L80806 (0.04.0N APRIC3rd 2 SITT_!NGS: 4:30 & 7:00 Featuring: A Generous Selection of Fresh Salads and Cold Cuts Roasted tiff tender and simmered in a special sauce. 2ND FEATURE • They're stormier on th; Im4rns • thainderio' over the road— s. • • • and just plain having a good or time ..„..., • A • • • 44 • :,':ft • ...-.„........... ...w..-.:.0$ .. .. , ,,•. wi.? ,%• • • Featuring TOP HITS by 8LONOIE * THE CARS * TIfF COMM000RES OEVO « THE HUMAN tEACUE *OUINCY JONES JOURNEY * THE POLICE REOSPEEDWAIUON Tommy rurowE and ptpere. WHITE CARNATION Holmesville ROAST BEEF AND ROAST TURKEY Bring the whole family and enjoy a meal fit for • king ,These mouth watering treats include rdlyou can oat salad bar, hot bullet. dessert. collo° or tea. DINE OUT WITH US 'you ere Invited to least on the finest foods available with the hind of service and atmosphere you can truly enjoy Shil Easter holiday! A magnificent dining experien• ce awaits you. Join us with blends, if will be a fine limei GOOD FRIDAY. APRIL 1...64:30 BATUMI:1AV. APRIL 2...6430 pm 'Neat ieth Century•Fox Presents A STANLEY JAFFE Production 111 DAVID DUKES_ CIC/'RD CHANNISt 4 PII2EMIEIR THEATRES EASTER SUNDAY April 3 • 1430018 S.710 pm FRIDAY LUNCHEON BUFFET SPECIAL 12.2 • OPEN WEEKENOs FrIdopOidorday .11,6 pm Holmesvilfe M814829228 After Hours 5244113