The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 341, order to fuffinits con- 6¢ ,...llt,»!_ n and eventually •pesto•re" the F eggel tarn on sway 7 and 8. the Avon, Valley Historical Society of Strat- ford, traatford, is holding a fund rais- ing benefit performance of Toronto TheatreSports on April at the City Hall. The evening will begin with music and mingling, then TheatreSports will begin, then half-time for more music, mingling and ixlwrching Ind after thfle- completionoftlle-seeondtaff- people will be able to meet the visiting, aspiring actors. Tickets for this unique event sell at $2.99 for students, seniors and the unemployed and $4.99 for everyone else, and are available by calling (519)271.4662. What is ThreatreSports? It is an entertaining game of audience - participation - competitive - improvisation which involves two teams of comics ellen g : one- -anOther-in-alf0 provised skits. A referee runsinterference while three judges award points to each team after their short sketches. If the skit is ex- cruciatingly- xcruciatingly- boring, the au- dience will let the judges know and the team will be given a '0' and removed from the stage. However, if the skit is entertaining a mark as high as 5 can be awarded. t o ed ' The wort originated in. Calgary, Alberta when - theatre director inspired ,Keith e hassle_n was the audience participation at nwrestling match and felt that theatre could benefit from such spontaneous in- volvement on the part of the spectators. The evening promises to be entertaining and quite dif- ferent if,ferent from anything else seen in Stratford. The money • raised from the event will be CANADA'S FAVOURITE EASTER EGGS Every Laura Secord Easter Treat has behind R the on-going tradition of Laura Secord freshness and quality. CAMPBELL'S ROYAL BANK BLOCK GODERICH 524-7537 foc4!i Irni directed toward the re- og of the 139-year-o,d Fogel Inn on June 20 of this • atandingya- cantyearf for ourAfter years, the Inn Bridge It was President's Cup Night at the Goderich Bridge Club Tuesday, March 22. The average score was 67/ (50 per cent) in a six -table Howell game. Michele Hansen and Eveleen MpDonagh were will again welcome ti). o ull. oft to rs -who p ff Highway 7 to look at nilse fin exam earlyPerth Co plc c lurlinty archite- c- first with 761/2. John Donatis and Ray Fisher were second with 751/2. Mary Donnelly and Eleanor Erskine were third with 75. Margaret Hall and Dawna Sproule were fourth with 731/2. And Mary Ann Dempsey and Pat Stringer were fifth with 70. Official opening planned for arena SEAFORTH- The official opening of the new Seaforth and District community centres is slated for Saturday, June 4. "The facility has been unofficially open since December 12 when the first hockey game was played on the new ice surface," says Ken Coleman, chairman of the Official Opening Committee. "Previous hall and arena bookings were cause to delay the grand opening." Plats for the official opening are taking shape with final arrangements being made. Mr. Coleman expects a crowd of 2,000 to attend the festivities which include a beef barbecue at 5 p.m. Two bands will be featured for young and old, with dancing in the hall and on the ice surface from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. - Enthusiasm is terrific he said, Tickets for the event will only be on sale for two weeks, beginning, March 30 and ending April 15. The committee expects a sell-out crowd. In case any tickets remain to be sold "it will be first come first serve serve. it mai go away Because it doesn't take long for hidden soil to become visible, and soon serious wear to take place. After that, it's downhill all the way. Let Carpet Care remove soil too restore that deep -down fresh and colorful look that made you select your carpets in the first place. • CARPET CARE DEEP CLEAN WITH STEAM RUO AND FURNITURE CLEANING oia1524-2440 PRESENTS DIFFERENT BEDROOM SUITES TO CHOOSE FROM BRAND NAMES SKLAR-PEPPLER STRATHROY FURN: KROEHLER ANDREW MVIALCOL GERARD COLLIN, ROXTON AND INTRODUCING FID SWIID PINE F'UR'NITURE SALE ENDS SATURDAY, .9:00 APRIL 2 ® � 3: -PIECE SUITE SALE PRICE $135000 39 Front St. E;, Strathroy 2454850 Mon.-Sa,t. 9: 00 to 5e 30. Thnrs.., & Fri. 9: 00 "WE Fifa.NTSg-CONTEND` bir..14*-- Ur.dt.sta1.idin.g fitnes By DOIJOJAFRENIEBE Hat9474440 Rleereaao>il nitletion"s Fitness Service Co - Ordinator One of . -the most common problems within the field of fitness is how to assess the quality of the information and „direc- tion given by fitness personnel How can the consumer determine whether he is dealing with a competent professional or a self proclaimed `fitness expert'? Comrnon - sense can go a long way towards sorting out who is wha Some individuals will give specific, accurate, and informative diem - tion while•others give ambiguous, general, and sometimes totally false information. Be suspect if the individual uses testimonials or subjective viewpoints to justify his claims. Most people think, that exercise, especially when they are young and fit, is. only good fir the body; The fact of the mat- ter is that some forms of exercise are harmful. For instance, exercises which put undue strain on the lower back. Some exercises can cause serious injury im- mediately. Others can, if performed over a period of time, lead to progressive damage. There are also forms of exercise which should never be prescribed to per- sons with certain medical conditions. For example, static exercises cause large in- creases in blood pressure. One of the best ways to evaluate the level of knowledge that a fitness person has is to look for certification by a recognized pro- fessional association. Currently, there are two associations which certify fitness per- sonnel. They are the Canadian Association of Sports Sciences (CASS) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). In both cases individuals must demonstrate both theoretical and prac- tical competence in the areas of fitness ap- praisal and exercise prescription before they are certified. There are also pro- grams which teach proper techniques but do not require a demonstration of com- petence. Persons under these catagories may have little or no formal training in ex- ercise sciences. Here are some of the more common pro- _grAM*.and iflc aation levels. a llilawgile- odoy FO •.� • I,E' t gess Ontario Program. One) Tie letters aim! ► that the individual_ has participated In air workshop program. The purpose of the; program iso help community fitness per. sonnel acquire the basic skills and knowledge necessary to lead a safe exec- rise class This is not a certification pro - gram and therefore does not require the participants to demonstrate competence. 2) RFA (Registered Fitness ) Persons who are interested in fitness ap praisal and counselling can be registered after participation in a two-day workshop. The aim of registration is to establish minimum standards for those. individuals involved with fitness who have little or no formal preparation in the area of Exercise Physiology (the science dealing with the bodies response to exercise). These in- dividuals must also possess a current Heart Saver certificate in CPR (car- diopulmonary resuscitation). 3) CFA (Certified Fitness Appraiser) Persons under this category must have advanced preparation in exercise physiology, fitness testing, and CPR. CFA's are qualified to prescribe exercise for normal healthy individuals. 4) ES (Exercise Specialist) Person's certified under this catagory must meet the criteria for CFA certification. As well, these individuals have advanced training which enables them to assess and prescribe exercise for high-risk groups (this includes persons who have suffered a (myocardial infarction) heart attack. A person who holds a degree with the emphasis on exercise physiology can also provide good information. Titles such as MD or PhD do not necessarily indicate ex pertise in the field of exercise physiology or fitness. Furthermore, the designation "Fitness Expert" or "Fitness Consultant" can be a self -bestowed title. If you have questions regarding fitness or nutrition, please write UNDERSTANDING FITNESS, c -o Doug Lafreniere, P.O. Box 583, Kincardine, On- tario, NOG 2G0. A reader's ode to curling... • from page 1 Though the girls are never on the broom and sometimes he could weep, He is quite content to watch them as they wiggle while they sweep. He's the one who yells and calls the, shots, the one who wears the pants, And if St. Patrick is his patron saint, the team may have a chance. The next two teams to come to mind are the Legion and Super Shells, And what do they have in common ... besides curling very well. Where do you go when you're empty and say "Fill'er up" you ask? To the Legion for a draft beer or the Super Shell for gas. And tonight down at die Legion, They'll be ' serving beer that's green. Well the Supers have turned that colour too, with the price that gas has been. If you had to choose between the two, just how would each team rate? If they're full of beer or Full of gas, the choice is not that great. And then we have the Foresters, the Ladies and the others, Who in real life, are just as close as sisters are to brothers. But it's a different story when they curl ... they all get mean And family ties are broken by their ruthless jeers and screams. On the one side there is Bogie, who is full of vim and vigour, To all who curl at Maitland, he's the "Jolly Green Giant" figure. The ladies team has Vicki, who's a smart fun -loving gal, And Signal -Star would love to have her on their team as well.- The ell:The one• team yet to mention, are the Lady Golferqueens, 1. Who seem to do the jobon ice,•as well as on the greens. They never seem to mix the games, and bring on doom or gloom, Not one of them has placed a rock or teed off with their broom.„ When they get back to•goltmg, do you thing sometimes they'll say, "I hope this drive will get across the old hog line today" . They may not be women's libbers but they sure are hard to beat, And throughout the curling season they've been in the driver's seat. • Now that the roasting's over and the fun's about to start, May every curler feel a bit of "Irish" in his heart. May each stone have a chip of the Blarney and each broom be touched with luck, And remember, when you get on the ice, you're a helpless, sitting duck. Regardless of what the score board says, ,you'll know that you have won, I£ you did your best, liked the game, and fel you had some fun. And for those who think they're losers, and have sad and tear -stained faces, Remember you have a chance to win a game of "Chase the Aces" May it be the best St. Patrick's Day the club has ever seen, But be careful, tomorrow is NOT the day, to be looking or feeling GREEN. By Betty Berlet, V&G BARB -Q SALE From the Propane Professionals model #3221 Come in and see our complete selection of BROILMASTER BAR=B -CA's including the exciting new G5 model. Unbeatable low prices! mum Jacuzzi Brag Ou4 This barbecue season make your out- door entertaining fast, easy and delicious with a family size Jacuzzi Bar -B-0. It has all the features you need to be a Superior Chef". e Cast Aluminum Construction • Infinity Burner e Dual Controls e Front Shelf , • Porcelainized cooking grids UNAssEMILED RlllICE $69.. 00 plus tax (tank not included) Nouns: MONDAY TO PPIDAY a3M.AAA'fO-s:M-aM--. SATURDAY itN AM TO IMO NOON PROPANE LIMITED —nibs wOi[�6 riT:$ 09DMI .13r3r4V-- MON - 5244661