The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 331 GODERICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30,19tj ' SECOND SECTION Goderich Gee Gees team loses championship game to Brampton The Goderich Garb and Gear Gee Gees made ,an impressive showing in its Ivitational Basketball Tournament here on the weekend, losing to Brampton in the A championship game. Brampton defeated Goderich 100-72 to win the A division championship in the first Invitational Basketball Tournament hosted by the Goderich Gee Gees. Eight teams, including two from Goderich, Waterford, London, Brampton, Kin- cardine, Port Elgin and Wingham par- ticipated in the two-day double knockout tournament. The Gee Gees opened the tournament with a 99-43 victory over Wingham and they advanced to the A division cham- pionship with a 78-62 win over London. In the final, the loss to Brampton was the second for the Gee Gees, having lost to Brampton in a Toronto tounament game. Brampton reached the final with a 77-59 victory over Port Elgin m the other semi- final match up. A second Goderich team participating in the tournament played well but lost both its games. They dropped a 69-49 decision to Port Elgin in. the first round and were eliminated after a 94-85 loss to Waterford. Garb and Gear Sport shop of Goderich donated team trophies for both the A and B division winners. A team spokesman said the tournament will become an annual event although the Goderich team is not involved in league play. Local Atoms advance to OMHA final series against Amherstburg The Goderich Machinist Atoms have advanced to the Ontario Minor Hockey Association playoff finals against Amherstburg after taking the semi-final series against Mooretown three games to q one. Th At adgated Mearetown6-5 l . ; Mooretown to end that best -of -five series. Tim Harrison opened the scoring for Goderich on an assist from Jeff Hodges. Before the first period was over, Chris O'Neill and Shawn Talbot had also scored for Goderich to give the locals a'34 lead. O'Neill's goal was unassisted and Talbot's was assisted by Brian Lane. Mooretown came back in the second period with three goals in a row to tie the score. Before that period was over however, Harrison broke the tie on an assist from Richard Bowman and O'Neill. The third period was a see saw battle Witch, Goderich ..,acct-_ MQ9retown, each scoring two gdais. Goderich's goals were scored by Talbot unassisted and Harrison assisted by Hodges and O'Neill. At, press time, the schedule for the Goderich-Amherstburg series was not yet known. However, when arranged, it should produce some exciting hockey action. The Atoms are the only Goderich all-star team left in the playoffs. Legion Midgets end season by reaching semi-finals in Wingham tournament BY TD The Goderich Legion Midgets ended their 1982-83 hockey season by reaching the semi-finals of the annual Wingham Midget Tournament. Last Thursday the Legionnaires blasted Listowel M-3. Saturday in semi-final action, Goderich lost to Merriton, 6-2. Merriton was defeated 7-6 in the finals by Unionville. Trevor Erb led the Legionnaires in their impressive victory over Listowel, getting three goals and an assist. John Thompson had two goals and an assist end Brent Williamson scored two goals. Rob Gib- bons, Scott Stokes and Kevin Talbot each t. Junior_ ringette team wins opener of finals The Goderich Lions Junior Ringette team wonthe opening game of the WOAA best -of -five final series against Listowel 9- -7 Q11 home ice Sunday eiening. The game was an exciting, closely contested match which could have gone either way. Opening the scoring for Goderich was Stacey Rean who then went on to score three more goals throughout the game to lead her team offensively. Stacey also had two assists. Vicky Vanderburgh had a hat -trick for Goderich and also had two assists. Angie Chisholm and Mary Michelle Morrissey were the other goal scorers for Goderich. Angie and Mary Michelle also had one assist each. The junior ringette team travelled to Listowel for the second game of the series last night °(Tuesday) and will play again here in Goderlch on Thursday_ night at 8 p.tan. had a goal and an assist. Checking in with an assist each were Grant Garrow and defencemen Daryl Madge, Shawn Rahbek and Todd Jeffrey. The score in the game with Merriton was not really indicative of the play. The Legionnaires played well but were unable to finish off their opportunities. The only Goderich goals were scored by Trevor Erb, assisted- by Darren Creamer and Chris Sideris on a • pass. from Johw Thompson. Coaches Larry Jeffrey and Dick Madge were pleased with the effort put out by their team in its final outing. Wro .0p4sope. good touacney showing staks Warren Watt of the Goderich Gee Gees jumps for the hall to direct it away from two London players, during the first annual Goderich with Brampton beating Goketball derich foent r theeld re on the weekend. Eight' team participated cham- pionship. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) l3Y CR, _. • The: first period belonged to Qakville ae � , a t held --'ioderteh=�scorele� while B►. -. Goderich Elevator Bantams they he they The Wrap up their hockey season at a themselves scored three times, In the tournament in ilarriston this past second period, the reversal occurred his weekend. Their first gine was played on Goderich scored twice and held Oakville Friday morning at 8 .a.m. against Belle scoreless. Darcy McGee tallied River in an unbearably cold arena. unassisted, and Kevin Talbot netted one Despite a loss of 6-2, the local teaitn was not assisted by Chris Sideris • and Darren outclassed and on an even series would win Doak. their fair share. In thethird period, the parents were Belle River scored once in the first jumping out of their seats as Goderich period at the 1:15 mark just before it en- almost tied the game early in the period. ded. They added two snore in, the second Oakville notched their fourth goal and and three in the third. It was not until the Goderich scored again with Chris Sideris third period that Goderich was able to assisted by Darcy McGee. Oakville then score, although they came very dose on scored again and Goderich's captain Chris several occasions as play went end to end. - Sideris retaliated with his second goal of The marksmen' for Goderich were Chris the game. You could see the Goderich Sideris and Kevin Talbot, and each had an players were getting awfully tired and assist on the other's goal. Oakville was able to score again just The second game of the day for the local before the period ended. team did not occur until 6 p.m., at which You might say the local boys "went out time they challenged Flamborough. It was in a blaze of glory" as they played very a long time to sit around with little to do capably against teams that belong to a but the Goderich Bantams were ready and higher classification of competition. managed to defeat Flamborough 3-2 in a As this is the last report of the season tightly fought, fast skating game. In the and as some of the players will be moving first period, Chris Sideris scored assisted on to the Midget age group, I would take by Darren Doak. Flamborough scored the this opportunity in offering my best wishes only goal in the second period. The third and good luck in their hockey years ahead. period saw both teams score one goal. For Members of this season's Bantam team Goderich it was Kevin Talbot assisted by were as follows: Chris Sideris (Captain), Chris Sideris. Kevin . Talbot, Darren Doak, Darcy Goderich's third game of the tour- McGee, Kevin Telford, Dave Telford, Todd 'lament was played on Saturday at 10 a.m. Gilchrist, Todd Wilson, Ray Bedard, Jim against Oakville in a somewhat warmer Beattie, Steve Hutchins and rookies atmosphere. The locals were defeated 64 Richard Boddy, Brian Chambers, Mark in another.closely competitive, fast Burbine,Bruce Parent and Jason O'Neill. ll. skating affair. Coaches: Kevin Meriam and Brian Moody. Seniorg ringette team wins first game of WOAA series The Goderich senior girls ringette team seven goal third period. Goderich struck scored four goals in the second period en first scoring two quick goals by Tracey route to a 6-4 victory over Howick in the Wilson and Graham to jump into a 4-1 lead first game of the WOAA championship after five minutes of play in the second series in Wroxeter Sunday. period. The boosted Goderich into a one -game Howick fought right back with two goals lead in the best -of -five series. in a two -minute span to narrow, the The teams played through a close Goderich lead to 4-3 midway through the checking first period and Goderich period. emerged with a 2-1- lead. Allison Graham Lisa Kisch scored for Goderich with less scored the first goal of the game after than five minutes remaining in the game three minutes of play but Howick tied the to increase the visiting team's lead to 5-3 game late in the period. With less than two but Howick again pulled within one with a minutes remaining in the opening period, goal a minute later. Graham scored her second goal of the Howick tried to tie the game with a final game to boost Goderich into a 2-1 lead flurry but Wilson scored her second goal of heading into the final period. the game with three seconds left to clinch Most of the game's scoring came in the the win for Goderich. Listowel and Goderlch junior ringette players fight for the ring in Goderleh won the gam front of Goderieb net+minder Sheila Donnelly during the opening evoen1ng. (Photo by'Joeui game of the WOAA junior ringette finals played here Sunday night, Id , w 'Yd:.., g .. '�e`y "y: ,M . ^� , moi , tc A readerseo enc and will play here agate ,Thursday Asp) Industrial League Curling Well by golly, it's March the seventeenth in Goderich and the hub, And everybody's wearin' green down at the Country Club. They've travelled here from far and near, all bound for the Maitland Docks, To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, with some, "Irish on the Rocks". Though everynationality is found on every team, Tonight the fighting Irish Spirit looms , upon the scene. They'll .have to curl their best tonight if they want to grab the prize. It's Survival of the fittest and they'll all put up a fight, . You can bet your old. shillelagh that the rocks will fly tonight. Shake hands with your opponents now and truly wish them well, And tell them if you get a chance, you'll really give them hell. When the first stone breaks the silence and the brooms all hit the ice, Just think it's now or never and forget aboutbeingnice. .Don'.t,.only -use your broom to sweep, but use it on your friends, And when they get hack off`the ice, then knock them down again. Don't worry 'bout the bruises or the cuts that may appear, . II The A.M. General Hospital and Health Unit teams are near. They'll band-aid up the broken limbs and scotch tape -up the cuts, But haven't you, ever wondered why we trust these guys so much? They come here from their offices all clean and antiseptic, And then with gall, remove our stones, without an anaesthetic, How can they be so gentle in the operating room, Then act so cruel and heartless when they grab a curling broom. And then there are the teachers, three 'teams of them flood the ice, They just won't leave a stone unturned, and of er their advice. They seem to think that curling is the same as teaching school But the Viking team has proven that this garne has no such rules. On the ice it is the students, who have the teachers yearning, To register in curling school and do a little learning. Well a Champion is a winner, that's a fact we can't deny, But why is Local 1863- getting scores so high? While the office staff, the Silver Brooms, are grading mighty low, Who careS about the score ???? is what we'd like to know. Perhaps the silver brooms will have a lucky winning streak, And turn the tables on their foes and make a whole clean sweep. But if they don't improve tonight and hopes of fame are doused, May we suggest a grader, not a broom, to clear the house! !!! You'd think the teams from Sifto Salt would shake things up a bit, But it seems as if their salted rocks are still down in the pit. • Perhaps She names they've chosen led us to:ex^r..� c ^-- r action,.. And if they'donly play their parts, they'd get more satisfaction.• Evaporators should let off steam, and make the rink air hazy, And Maniacs shotdd yell and scream and drive the players crazy. But they act very normal as they play the curling game, Which proves that you can never really tell " what is in a name. At least we know why Rannie Armstrong left the Sifto Scene And found a greater interest in the V&G girls team. He's the envy here of every man, he's Maitland's Irish Rover, The only man on any team, with three chicks to rule over. At first he hesitated, wondering how his wife would feel, Then.: thought, I'd have to have rocks in my head, to give up such a deal! Term to page 2 A SPORTS SHORTS Minor sports registration for softball, T - hall, hardball and soccer will take place on Tuesday, April 19 and Wednesday, April 20. The registration will be held in the Goderich Recreation Department office from 44 p.m. A reminder that the spring program begins on Monday, April 11 and registration must be completed by Friday, A Pr rafr which are being offered in- clude ballroom dancing, basketball, ad- vance calliography, c , dancefit, guitar, belly dancing, chit en's gymnastics, kinder gym and tennis. For more information contact the Recreation Department. The Art Kids will be displaying their art work and presenting a puppet show on Saturday, April 2 at Suncoast Mall from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The show is being spo gored by the Goderich Recreation Board tind the Ontario Arts Council.