The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 32, . 4 iuncer and PP fulfIlI,'. oPIR, .They giningt.•for...tlie _ ...,,p,te Socetyand tho 100041 ' Mined that, , Other enc „ promising rV4,ea•tfiI'�f i , must follow, .... laOreX il:**-, ....,. :,.- . -.— 'major objective has er through the a Hope",he was able to rase , , almost.$23.5 'Mallen for cancer research; Asof SepteMber 30, .10014 total amount of $20,424,284 had. been turned Over to 'thn. National Cancer Institute Of Canada and an 4000041 amount of $3,043,04 Was OIL hand awaiting transfer to the Institute subsequent to September 30, 1981. With the extra resources available to the National Cancer Institute of Canada, the research wing of the Canadian Cancer Society, five new research, programs have been developed to been to ensure. that Am made available through the Terry Fox "Marathon of Ho_ are used to add new Ola4iOns to the cancer research Programs con- AUSted in Canada. This is well illustrated in the Terry Fox Special Initiatives .1„Pra'grain which is designed to Make it possible for outstanding investigators to realize their full potential in 'tamer research. An attempt has also been made to fulfill' the unmet needs within Canadian Faculties of Medicine by makingswards from a Terry Fox Special Cancer • ^1, antai research or hiteileeeilleareh':' 71.stitutions topple, The romaitling tWeawards living force: of , announced recently by the -tremendous pers�nality National Cancer Institute of endures, and will endure Canada are -The ' Terry Fox forever, _; Cancer. Research Scientist _____ Award (to enable a limited pow c.c.,S. FPNA1._. number of . investigators to WERE SPEr4r1'11148.4 devote more time to. their , cancer research activities) The amazing response of and The Terry Fox Cancer Canadians to the Terry Fox Research " Clerkship "Marathon of Hope" caused Program (to stimulate the a Maier increase in, the in - interest of medical C.91„4e of the Canafilan Students). In both cases, the 'calico! Society during mi. objective is to attract Inclusion of thesefunds. in talented personnel since our the general of -1,4; iresented in P., Ye AS...fron atton ctions of :Cancer ' Socie r,-ree4/ ei in rspe 'Marathon of f:-!;,, • P, • year ere 1f0917, 'neon* ffnnt'all. sources7 3 lotallod:07,41gWIW UL 01(441 _ - l 00010 .aecOunt found' specific stn which ti r !search eSoOlotr. speeial' -040,000.' Expenditures totalled -- for prefeaSiOii4 education $35,394,191. These funds were The:remainingof Wed AS fellows: researok, $7,78o,4 willbe 410,240,033; fellowships carry Ont, the ‘*79—.,, professional ' education, the society htthe .an inning • 4. • - . iOI troll request to any Unit ofof hostel, ta • ea and Other $07474; proVincial cancer• poor tethetienk loondations 'Ocovhic. • • .1 Questions ... • from page 15 afterwards so it is not unusual fortrials to take five • to ten years to complete. One basic premise underlying all such clinical trials programs is that no patient shall ' receive less care than is presently considered to be optimal and the protocols are based on a consensus among more than 100 clinical oncologists from all • across Canada. They repre- sent a striking demonstration of the benefits to be achieved from a cooperative approach to a • common problem. • 10. What type of support is available for cancer researdi? Support is available for the • conduct of research _pro- grams and for the training of individuals such as research workers, clinicians seeking specialized training or others who can uniquely con- tribute to meeting the needs of the cancer patient. Research awards may vary from perhaps $2,000 to • enable an investigator to hire a summer student to carry out a limited number of experiments to over half a million dollars a year to ma- jor cancer research centres ' such as the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver, the • Ontario Cancer Institute in Toronto or the Insitut du Cancer de Montreal. These major pro- grams cover such varied fields as epidemiology, pathological diagnosis of tumours, radiobiology, im- munology, virology , - chemotherapy and ) en- vironmental carcinogenesis. Young investigators, who decide to seek 'training to carry out research in the field of cancer may be sup- ported as graduate students (either paid out of a research grant or as the recipient of a prestige Studentship), as a postdoctoral fellow either paid out of a grant or as the recipient of a prestige Fellowship), as a career in- vestigator at the assistant, associate or full professor level or as a Clinical ,Trials Scholar. The Canadian Cancer Society and some of its provincial divisions also make support available to enable clinicians to obtain ' further specialized training to increase their ability to care for the cancer patient. In addition, there is also • growing emphasis being placed •by the Canadian Cancer Society and the Na- tional Cancer Institute of Canada on the need to develop special skills to care for patients with advanced •cancer. • CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY